Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Revelations about Torture: American Style

Now revealed the horrors of the American torture chambers. You saw it here first. CLICK HERE

More on those awful American Torturers CLICK HERE
Yup those nasty Americans are scary all right ... For real torture check out THIS

Suicide of the West: It's All Downhill

More Details From Another Point of View

What's Wrong with the Gubment

Ok so Arlen Spector is a Democrat now. Is anyone surprised? I mean if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck calling it a goose doesn't make it a goose. Spector has acted like a Democrat for a long time. But more disturbing is that this is obviously a ploy to keep in power. Power is what it is about and not principle. That unfortunately is what is wrong with the gubment in general. It's all about power, and power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Unfortunately it appears that we are in for Democrat absolute power for a while. One hopes that the republic can withstand the onslaught.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Allegation That Won't Go Away

During the election cycle the charge emerged that Barack Obama was not actually a citizen of the United States. At the time I looked into it a little on the internet and it appeared to have little merit. The one nagging issue however, was the inept way that Obama was responding to the charge. That strange behavior has continued. Any ordinary person would expect that the production of a valid birth certificate would be no great problem. Instead the President has stone-walled, been evasive, presented legal resistance to reasonable demands that he prove he is a citizen. Since it is a constitutional requirement to hold the office to which he was elected, it is also rather strange that no definitive response has come from the other branches of the government. Why won't this go away? My mom taught me when I was growing up that if you keep seeing smoke there was probably a fire.

So which is it?

ACLU Looneyness ... File under Go Figure!

Let's see now ... most everyone thinks that child-pornography is wrong. It isn't defended anywhere except by a few nuts. But now the ACLU is trying to open a loophole wide enough to drive a whole industry through. Apparently it is OK if the children did it voluntarily ... What other actions are going to be approved because they are voluntary? ... Check it out "The ACLU contends that what the children were doing is protected by the U.S. Constitution, but that has yet to be decided."

Obamamania ... What a Hoot!

Now you can wear your dedication to Barack Obama around your neck with a tasteful pendant. J.C. Penny has it all! Our salvation is at hand, that'll be $99.99 please, plus tax. And OH what a TAX!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

They're Probably Clinicallly Insane

A friend sent me this and I thought it was a pretty clear critique of the current right/left polarization. (Click Image for a Better View) The problem is that the Left drinks their own koolaid and actually think that their frothing at the mouth (you can tell from the foam and spittle that is produced) is legitimate. All you have to do to see the effect is say: "But that's not logical." It's sort of a trigger phrase since they really don't know what logic is, but you'll shortly be called a Nazi, a Fascist, a homophobe (whatever that is), a bigot ... there's a never ending stream of names they've got to label people and if you call them "Liberals" they'll say: "There you go labeling people." Go figure!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Why did it take U.S. Navy Warships 4 days to take down 3 pirates?

The Commander in Chief made it so! Check out the story. You have to wonder. I know I did. My dad was career Navy and it was hard to imagine a stand-off between a life-boat, even if there was a hostage and three or four pirates. It didn't make sense. Well if the story here is correct (and who knows folks, everyone seems to spin these days, but it does explain the long standoff) it was a failure of leadership. So what isn't.

The conclusion ...
Despite the Obama administration’s (and its sycophants’) attempt to spin yesterday’s success as a result of bold, decisive leadership by the inexperienced president, the reality is nothing of the sort. What should have been a standoff lasting only hours — as long as it took the USS Bainbridge and its team of NSWC operators to steam to the location — became an embarrassing four day and counting standoff between a ragtag handful of criminals with rifles and a U.S. Navy warship.

The Report Card

The koolade drinkers on the left think President Obama is doing just fine thank you, but the rest of us, who are mostly drinking something stronger and caffeinated give him marginally passing or failing grades. SEE RESULTS HERE

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Gestapo in California

Time to start investigating the illegal search and seizure procedures of the police.
Thoughts offered by a friend of mine:

The American people have failed to take responsibility for who they elect, and consequently, for who they promote within the public who are responsible for protecting the people who put them there...we are clearly heading for big problems....not unlike what was occuring prior to the American Revolution....

Baptists who refused to pay the tax that was supporting a state-run church were often beaten and jailed...That's the essence of why the Danbury Baptists Association wrote to Thomas Jefferson, asking if and how they would be protected from a state-run church, and why Jefferson wrote his letter, that of course has been taken out of context, but which discusses the "separation of church and state" issue.

How could we come to this? apathy. laziness. too much comfortable gold and ammo...I think its the only thing we got left that will survive this crisis, assuming we can survive this crisis. God will ultimately decide that question. God have mercy on this country.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Who's running the President? ...

Long on talk and form but short on substance the obvious question is who is behind Barack Obama? Let's see, a junior senator, a former ACORN organizer, a do-nothing state senator whose principle talent is reading a teleprompter flawlessly and looking smooth ... presidential timber? Not where I come from. So this looks for all the world like traditional Chicago machine politics writ large ... perhaps he's George Soros's man ... Seems Reasonable

Suckers ...

Financial experts continue to predict gloom and doom about the economy despite the recent run up. Nouriel Roubini, a respected expert and a professor at New York University's business school and former adviser at the U.S Treasury Department said "It's not a true recovery. It's just a bear-market rally, it's a suckers rally."in Hong Kong. So who's right? Who knows? Watch and wait.

The big question is probably what to do about it if the gloom and doomers are on the right page? A financial meltdown is not going to be pretty.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

What!?.. update on "... the smoke of Satan ..."

Can you believe this? A Christian (Does that mean anything?) college planning to provide homosexual dorms ... LINK Maybe they'll provide on-campus brothels next. Full service colleges should provide for all sorts of kinky people. They were even planning to provide other themes "... including "patriotism" and "Christian perspectives and service." Maybe we could have the cross dresser's dorm and the funky chicken dance dorm. Maybe they are really all members of the Church of What's Happening Now as a friend of mine used to term trendy fads in religious services.

Giving Aid And Comfort to the Enemy

What could President Obama have been thinking? An IBD editorial yesterday detailed the damage that the president's release of classified information about interrogation procedures does to national security.

The president has clearly damaged our national security throught this intentional revelation of classified information about the "CIA's tough interrogation of high-value terrorist detainees such as 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad."

Now the terrorists can read the details of the likely interrogation procedures they will be subjected to if caught and discover that because we are a humane and civilized nation, even our "torture" (give me a break) is a form of patty cake. As Aron Nimzowitsch, the great chess master, was quoted as saying: "The threat is more powerful than its execution." Well the threat is all tied up in the uncertainty. Now the terrorists, the people who cut other people's heads off on television to terrorize us, know for sure that we are paper tigers. I wonder what other brilliant ideas the president has?

Follow Up 4-20-2009: Transparency ... give me a break!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

DHS Labels People of Conscience and Veterans Terrorists

The Department of Homeland Security is in the hotseat, at least I sure hope they are, for this poor excuse for a threat analysis. See Response. Check out the report HERE

This kind of fear mongering reminds me of Hitler and his brownshirts labeling people. Apparently the government doesn't want to deal with a free people. Freedom means being able to express your dissatisfaction.

What angered me even more than the characterization of pro-lifers and people on the conservative right as terrorists, was the characterization of returning veterans as potential terrorists. The poster child they presented was Timothy McVeigh who if I recall correctly was radicalized not by his veteran status but by the government massacre of women and children at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. Perhaps before looking among the veterans for terrorists the government should clean up its own act.

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center stated, “This is not an intelligence report but a diatribe against those who oppose the policies of the Obama administration. It is a declaration of war against the American people and our constitution. It is a prelude to extreme gun control legislation and hate speech laws targeting Christian churches and others who oppose abortion and same sex marriage. The federal government should be focusing its attention on the 35 radical Muslim compounds in the U.S. training its followers on how to kidnap and kill Americans.”

The Department of Homeland Security is doing us a disservice ... They should focus their attention on real terrorists, you know, the kinds on record as killing people with IEDs or airplanes or just chopping their heads off on TV while yelling "Allah is great!" DHS is obviously not doing its real job. It's much easier to take off after peaceable Americans who don't like creeping socialism and feeding the abortion industry. Here's another LINK.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

T.E.A. Party Day

Well I have to say that I was surprised. Only yesterday did the T.E.A. Party thing gel here in Harrisonburg, Virginia, at least that's when I finally saw an announcement that there was going to be a gathering down at Court Square all day from about 10 a.m. or thereabouts to 6 p.m.

I had to work so I didn't get a chance to go and check until after my last class which ended at around 2 p.m. and then I had to do some marking. But along about 3:30 p.m. in the rain I drove downtown to see what I could see. I was not expecting too much since generally the rain drives folks off the streets. I was surprised. There were 75 or so hard core folks with signs and umbrellas and all the cars coming by were tooting their horns and waving encouragement. I have to say I was encouraged.

Who Has Bought the News Media?

Warming Myths Debunked

Lord Christopher Monckton, former science advisor to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, brought the conference to a close with a standing ovation as he identified many of the deliberately misleading myths about climate change propagated by warming alarmists:

  • “Global warming is happening now”—it’s actually cooling.

  • “Global warming is getting worse”—it’s actually getting better.

  • “Arctic sea ice is disappearing”—in fact there is no discernible trend in winter sea ice area over the past 30 years.

  • “Antarctic sea ice is disappearing”—in fact the area of sea ice around Antarctica reached a 30-year record high in 2007.

  • “The Great Barrier Reef is being damaged by global warming”—actually there is no trend in the sea surface temperature of the reef over the past 40 years.
  • “Hurricanes are being made worse by global warming”—on the contrary, the accumulated cyclone energy index in October 2008 was at its lowest recorded value in the past 30 years

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How Far Is Down ... ??

Are we in for a replay of the Great Depression. Martin Weiss thinks so! Some of the early indicators suggest that we're in for a rough ride all the way down to as low as a DOW of 1500 on a scenario that this will duplicate the Great Depression. One of the interesting strategies he suggests is buying Inverse ETFs.

Now I'm quite clueless about this. What bothers me is the sheer magnitude of the debt that the government is ladling out as if there is no tomorrow. So far we're looking at 14 Trillion or so of new debt which is greater than the GDP. Maybe it would make sense (although I doubt it) if it were going into some sort of investment strategy that would show growth, fairly rapid growth in the months ahead. But that's not the case. It looks like a pork-barrel spending spree with all the stops removed. Every hairbrained idea that ever crossed a politician's mind seems to up for funding with no particular fiscal discipline in place. That is clearly a recipe for catastrophe. I don't like playing the role of Chicken Little, but when a lot of sane heads all start predicting catastrophe you have to at least consider the possibility.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pirates ...

Pirates! In 2009, pirates are making the news. Where is Teddy Roosevelt when you need him? The U.S. Navy and a whole lot of other nations' navies should get together and clean out the pirates in Somalia. This is especially true now that they are claiming that after the rescue of Captain Richard Phillips from the pirates they'll kill the next American hostages.

Don't pay ransoms to pirates. Instead make the price of being a pirate too high to contemplate.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pastor for Sale ...

Rick Warren disavowed his support for Proposition 8, see Now homosexual marriage is not a marriage in the objective sense of the word. Indeed homosexuality is not even an ontological category but a chosen behavior and an immoral one at that. Since Warren is on record as supporting Proposition 8, what is this about unless it is about hypocrisy and political correctness. We should be praying for our homosexual neighbors, not enabling them. Homosexual behavior is a sinful sexual behavior just as is adultery or fornication. The fact that we live in a sex saturated society doesn't change the fact.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Hole We've Dug

If you think that the problem was the Bush administration and that somehow Obama is going to fix things (I do actually hear that ... astounding really!) then you seriously need a reality check. For that reality check invest 30 minutes and discover reality. Don't be an Ostrich. The future is too important to leave it to the politicians that created the problem we're in. I don't care which side of the aisle they are on. They have been selling us down the river for a long time and the river is about to dry up. See the reality at

Nine Principles and Twelve Values

Glenn Beck seems to be onto something so I thought I'd point at it. I'd like to see some conversation about whether anyone disagrees with these. If they don't then what the hell is going on in Washington?

9 Principles

  1. America Is Good.

  2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.

  3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.

  4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.

  5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.

  6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.

  7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.

  8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.

  9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.

12 Values

  • Honesty

  • Reverence

  • Hope

  • Thrift

  • Humility

  • Charity

  • Sincerity

  • Moderation

  • Hard Work

  • Courage

  • Personal Responsibility

  • Gratitude

Check it Out!

The Real Deal

I've been pretty sold on Sarah Palin as the real deal. She came up the hard way through local politics and she's got a head on her shoulders and is not beholding to the Washington pundits or the establishment. It's time for fresh faces, fresh ideas, and people who are not already bought and paid for. I just plain like Sarah Palin.

The Point of It All

Originally Spitzenpopper was supposed to be about just cool ideas that popped into my head but it rapidly became a bit more political than I'd really intended. So I need a place for political stuff so I thought either keep sticking it in Spitzenpopper or put Spitzenpopper back to its original idea and make a new place. So this is the new place. It a Briar Patch for Political Brambles ... so come by and see what I've put up.