Monday, March 31, 2014

The Fraud Of The Green Movement

  The Green Movement isn't about the environment.  It's about power and control and Marxism.  The data on this is compelling.  Let's start pushing back against this stupidity.  MORE HERE

Is This Real ... It Seems Surreal!

SEE HERE  The National Science Foundation funds a theatrical production about Climate Change to the tune of $700,000.  That's simply beyond belief.  They're supposed to be about science not propaganda.  Maybe they don't know that?  What?  Insane!

Frankly This Alone Ought To Be Impeachable ...

SEE HERE  So the president doesn't think that the Constitution is above International Law ... so we're hostage to the rest of the thuggish states of the world.  Give me a break!  This guy is so un-American he's a disgrace. 

If It Walks Like A Commie And Talks Like A Commie And Takes Positions Like A Commie Then It's Probably A Progressive

SEE HERE  Progressives, as someone said, are just patient Communists working to achieve Marxist goals one incremental step at a time.  They've been working the problem for over a century and getting pretty close to pushing the United States over the tipping point.

Most of the nation has forgotten what Communism is all about since it's been concealed under an avalanche of propaganda and disinformation.  One confronts the McCarthyism meme which is a straw man that makes out Joe McCarthy to have been some sort of monster when in fact we now know that virtually every charge Joe McCarthy ever made has turned out to be true.  But the crypto-Communists crucified him.  The media was full of these Progressives all the way back to FDR's time and before.  Indeed FDR was a "Progressive" as were many before him.  I think you really need to do your homework and study the history of the 20th century to understand that this has been something coming for a long long time.

Now we're in the end game and no-one remembers what it is all about.  When you wake up in chains you'll get it, but by then it will be too late.  I hate sounding like a pessimist because I'm by nature a very cheerful guy.  My heroes are all doers, creative people who were individualists at heart. I hate looking out at the world and seeing all these phony make-believe victims we've created with our "you're special" and "everyone that shows up gets a ribbon" mentality.  It makes people think they are entitled to recognition and approval when they've done nothing but sit on their cans.  I could go on in this vein but it's pointless.  You either have to wake up or you have to accept what comes.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Bobby Jindal: "Get Out Of The Way"

  The Federal Government is the biggest factor preventing economic growth.  It appears to be intentional and malevolent.  Religious liberty created America and the government is trying to destroy it.

Surrendering America: A Group of Fox News Videos

SEE HERE  Want to see some troubling news coverage and commentary ... this is it.   We have a president whose administration is dedicated to destroying America's influence in the world.  It is reasonable to interpret what is going on as the intentional destruction of American influence.  "Leading from behind" is a total failure.  The continuing economic mismanagement will destroy us and it is being intentionally made worse and worse.  Wake up America!

Glenn Beck At David Horowitz's Conservative Retreat

  Long video ... worth a look.  Starts by mentioning his belief in Divine Providence, something that would immediately turn off all the Liberal leftists. "Progressives are nothing more than patient Communists" — Great line and right on!

Ukraine? Perception of Power ... Judge Jeanine Weighs In

Facts? We Don't Need No Damn Facts ... We're Liberals!

SEE HERE  Liberals don't need facts at all.  The truth is encoded in the "mantras" which were delivered to the maggots nest by the alien forces that created the liberal universe.  Ask Richard Dawkins ... he endorsed the view.  You can't make this sort of thing up.

Girls With Guns ... Awesome!

  Couldn't be more supportive of these ladies!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Things Seem To Be Getting Interesting

SEE HERE  Are we seeing the largest civil disobedience in American history developing?  I rather hope so!

Interesting Historical Background To "Racist"

SEE HERE  It never surprises me to discover that a liberal tactic has Communist roots.  While modern liberals pretend that they are independent thinkers their entire strategic operating plan is simply the Communist Manifesto and various later developments to advance the utopian dream of the worker's paradise which has killed more people in the last century than any other ideology.  Not that big a surprise to discover that "racist" is a Communist move to demonize all opposition.

Funny How Data Doesn't Count With Liberals

SEE HERE  Gun control?  Why?  To make us safer they say.  But in fact gun-control measures seem on the whole to have exactly the opposite effect.  The places with the most gun freedom also have the least crime.  Liberals never actually care what the data says.  The world is expected to conform to their prejudices.  However, that never seems to work out.  Everything they touch turns to ... well ... bad stuff.

Breaking The Code! What Liberals Mean When They Yell "Racist"!

SEE HERE  Yup this is the truth ... liberals don't really think of course they just emote.  But here are the seven things they mean all coded under the convenient word "racism".

1) You disagree with me: How dare you!
2) I need more attention and/or money: I'm whining.  Pay more attention to me.
3) Let’s take a choice away from black Americans: We're just pretending to help.
4) You are disagreeing with a minority: A from of the "I'm offended" card.  How dare you disagree. See (1) above.
5) Your attack is damaging us: You're actually making sense.  We can't have that.
6) You won't do what I want!: More whining!  See (2) above.
7) Stop trying to do outreach to black Americans:  Get off our plantation!  (Democrats own these folks and resent any interference.  Too bad they don't actually help them.)

I think this pretty much sums up the "racist" card.  I've been working on making a list of the "cards" ... they're played instead of making argument when liberals seem unable to comprehend.  Liberals only utter the mantras, i.e. the conclusions ( alleged ) of what they believe, but no-one every gave them the argument from which the conclusion is supposed to derive.  So they just utter the mantras as if they are Divine wisdom sent down from on-high.  I've never actually seen a liberal produce a cogent argument, not even a simulated one.  Strange!

Did I Miss It When They Repealed The Constitution

SEE HERE  Unannounced SWAT Team raids are becoming more the rule than the exception.  And of course the bureaucrats never do get much right and besides they quietly repealed the rights of the citizen to be safe in their homes sometime when we were not looking.  Over 40,000 of these raids per year ... and apparently if it didn't happen to you you're silent about it.  It needs to stop happening and police need to take a course in citizen's rights and start abiding by the law.  The movement to militarize the police is pure tyranny on steroids.

Another Case Of Insanity Brought To You By Liberal Democrats

SEE HERE  I like calling them DemonRATS because they are both demonic and motivated by lies and distortions of the truth.  Here a man who gets put on a list that makes him out to be a gun offender when he never had a gun in the District of Columbia and the object of interest was a bullet and not even a contemporary bullet.  We have met the enemy, as Pogo used to say, and he is us.  We're too lazy to get off our fat duffs and pin government's ears back.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Obama Picks And Chooses What He Thinks Is Important About His Papal Visit

SEE HERE  This is all typical Obama ... he only hears what he wants to hear and nothing else.  In effect he calls the pope a liar when the says they didn't discuss socially divisive issues.  What he means of course is that he'd turned his ears off when those topics came up.  Obama is the least sensitive man on earth since only he exists in his world. 

Know Your Enemy ... They Are Among You

Cover Up And Collusion ... It's What They Do In Washington

  Benghazi needs to be fully investigated.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Democrat Bigotry Gaming The Low Information Electorate

Democrats and Liberals are simply liars.  It comes down to that.  Alphonso Rachel and Zonation nails it.  It's incredible that they can get away with it, but you have to remember their audience is people who don't use their brains for anything resembling critical thinking, other Democrats and Liberals.

Allen West On The Savage Nation

  Obama is trying to destroy us.  It's that simple!  He's disarming us unilaterally, drawing down our military at a time when the world is becoming a much more dangerous place.  He's a traitor plain and simple.  And he has many cronies that are supporting him.

The Antipathy Of The United States Towards God

We have people that are not only faithless but hostile towards the faithful and given the composition of the country this is pretty outrageous.  These "leaders" posture about being tolerant but in fact they are only tolerant towards anti-Christian groups.  Freedom of religion to them is freedom from Christianity.  Apparently they are not prepared to be good only hostile.

Face To Face With Reality — Who Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

Red Tape Rising ... Prosperity Sinking ... It's All In The Plan

SEE HERE  The bigger government becomes the more it destroys the prosperity of all Americans.  The reason is simple.  Regulation is a hidden tax that requires bureaucrats, paperwork, immense regulatory structures, enforcement and ultimately it's one-size-fits-all thinking is pointless because it doesn't really accomplish what it so piously says it is trying to accomplish, often nonsensical things that didn't need accomplishing in the first place.  Think carbon tax as an example but there are zillions more.  Slowly the economy stops expanding and then comes the tipping point and a sudden catastrophic collapse.  Do something now or most certainly you will find yourself digging out from under the worst economic collapse in human history.

Burn More Fossil Fuels And Improve The Environment

SEE HERE  Yeah you read that right and it's true.  All the empty headed bozos who think CO2 is bad are simply stupid.  CO2 is an essential plant nutrient and warmth promotes plant growth and animals eat plants and people eat animals.  You want to enjoy bountiful existence then burn more fossil fuels.  The amount of warming that induces is small but the lush plant growth will be quite real.  In the last warming interval Greenland was actually green at least on the literal.  Besides it might hold off the ice age that we're entering just a little.

Incredibly Dumb Or Incredibly Evil

SEE HERE  I'd like to believe the first but frankly as my father used to say it's as hard to be wrong all the time as to be right all the time and that weighs in to suggest that the second alternative is the real one.  We are in the grips of an ideology that is at direct odds with the American dream of liberty and freedom and free enterprise.  It is an ideology of submission to the state, central planning, and one-size-fits-all (except for the anointed) government.  It results in poverty and slavery for all but a very few who manage the reins of power.  It's been tried many times in a variety of form and every time it has failed to produce the promised utopia and produced instead misery and poverty and hopelessness.  It's time to stop this madness.

Destroying America: One Step At A Time

It's intentional!  The destruction of America is on-track and it is intentional and working well.  This isn't an accusation.  It's a Democrat admission.  And you wondered?  "I developed a mantra" ... Wow!  Here's the admission, the smoking gun.  Do you think the media will take note and report?  They're in on it.  Play it again and tick off the points. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Yup! A Wild Bill Bullet Of Truth

Economic Reality 101: Wealth Does Not Come From Government Policies

Wealth is created by work and innovation not by government regulation and theft. 

Energy and The Soviet Situation: Remarks By Ben Carson

SEE HERE  The annexation of Crimea by Russia should not have been a surprise for anyone who suspects that President Vladimir Putin is trying to re-establish a powerful Soviet-style empire. When he aggressively attacked Georgia in 2008 after both Georgia and Ukraine failed to obtain NATO admission at the Bucharest Summit, we should have realized that his goals were not limited to one territory. I suspect he is now calculating an excuse to occupy the easiest regions of Ukraine first and then the whole country over time.

Tyranny Just Plain And Simple

SEE HERE  People pretending they know better than you and insisting the state protect you from yourself.  That's tyranny.  It's none of the state's business and frankly they don't do a very good job of even the things they are supposed to do.  I would not suggest they widen the venue and screw up anything else. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

It's Time To Contest The Black Vote

SEE HERE  Thomas Sowell points out that the Republicans should not just cede the black vote to the Democrats.  And the way to contest it is not to play Democrat lite ... if you want Democrat you'll vote Democrat and not pretend Democrat.  What Republicans bring to the table is personal responsibility and achievement and everyone wants that for their kids.  The Democrats are not only not delivering they are destroyers of the black community.  We need to make the promise of America available to every American and that means reforming the way education is delivered to all Americans and not trapping black children in inferior schools.  The time is now.  There is no better time to restore the American dream to all Americans.

Civilization Declining ...

WDRB 41 Louisville News

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Another Case Of Murder By Police

SEE HERE  Frankly the idea that police are threatened by a man with knives who is between twenty and forty feet away so that they have to shoot him with rifles is ludicrous.  This is happening altogether too often.  Police is essentially low threat situations claiming they were threatened to justify murdering individuals that really didn't pose a significant or imminent threat.  Sure this guy was engaged in breaking the law (illegal camping)  ... but shooting him?  How about illegal aliens ... how many of them have been shot out of hand?  I'm sick of this crap.  The police are out of control especially in California apparently.  It must be the density of liberals.  It makes the police go mad.

Beyond Crazy ... Mom Known To School Principle And Teacher Arrested

SEE HERE  She was called by the school to come over and then arrested on a technicality while trying to take care of her child.  This is the kind of madness that is going on in our schools today.  The total lack of common sense and the bizarre application of madness calls the schools themselves into question.  I'd have any child of mine out of there in an instant.  With the kind of people that do this teaching your children is it any question that they are not learning the right things?

Who Guards The Guards Themselves?

SEE HERE  Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  It looks rather as if there is a bit of corruption in the SEC ... Fancy That!

The Rule of Law Is Not Safe When Democrats Are In Power

SEE HERE  Law ... we don't need no damn law ... we're DemonRATS and what we say goes because we are the law.  That's how it looks like Democrats are seeing themselves these day.  They are totally out of control and dedicated to destroy the rule of law and erect in its place a rule of bigotry and hatred they project on others.  Work?  What ... why not just rape the people who do and harvest what they produce?  They don't deserve it.  The only question is how long such a philosophy can work before the inevitable collapse.  We are supposed to be a government of laws and not men, but for that to work the people in power have to respect the law and apparently that's a capability above a Democrat's pay grade.

Lying! It's What Liberals Do ... The Great Abortion Lie

SEE HERE The reality is that there were very few deaths caused by illegal abortions prior to Roe vs. Wade. The myth of the "coat hanger" abortions killing young women desperate to end their pregnancies was an intentional myth created to give increased rationale for making abortion legal. It was a lie then and it is a lie now. The reality is that abortion was murder then and is murder now. The biggest difference is that many more people are murdered now than were murdered then. Perhaps we should congratulate the killers. Satan was a murderer from the beginning.

There Is This Thing "The Monroe Doctrine" Which We Should Reconsider

SEE HERE This is a blatant act of provocation and not doubt our POTUS POS with do nothing. Welcome to the foreign policy of "Speak loudly and carry no stick at all." Could we go back to politicians that at least are loyal to America?

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Update On Missing Airliner

WATCH HERE Some people believe it is in Pakistan.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Karl Rove Is An Idiot ... He Looks More Like A Mole Than A Republican

SEE HERE  Karl Rove has been giving bad advice to Republicans for quite a few years now and the proof that Establishment Republicans at least are idiots too is that they listen to him and actually pay him perfectly good money for his lousy advice.  Frankly my view of Rove is that he's too much like a Democrat.  He'll say anything and he's out for himself ... sound familiar?

"No Opinion" ... But Significant?

SEE HERE  Talk about ducking and running ... This failure to engage on the key point which is the interpretation of the term "natural born citizen" is a cop-out.  But the interesting thing is that they said the issue is significant which is certainly not a dismissal.  The future of this issue should still be interesting. 

The Internal Terrorist Network Is Alive And Well

We have not responded to the internal threats represented by groups of Muslim Brotherhood and other Muslim terrorists that are training people for terrorist attacks.

Truth Hurts But Liberals Pay No Attention To Truth

  The saddest thing is that liberals go on claiming that their policies are the way to go but wherever their policies have been tried things go to hell.  How could that possibly be?  Well the answer to that is simple.  Their policies are based on wishful thinking and not on anything that is true so put liberals in charge and watch the world collapse around you.  These liberal dominated cities are just a few examples.  With a president like Barack Obama we might see the whole world in flames shortly.  It's called liberal leadership and goes straight off the cliff into oblivion.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

When You Have A Delusional President You Get A Delusional Foreign Policy

  This Trifecta says it all about the totally ineffectual nonsense that is passing for foreign policy these days.  I really like the Bill Whittle rant that I think pointed out just how historically ill-informed and stupid the policies are.  The U.S. is becoming more of a liability than an asset as an ally.  Too bad.  It didn't have to be this way, but when you bring up young voters to have no sense whatsoever about history or really anything else then what do you expect when they go to the polls?

The President That Is Too Smart To Show Up

  Frankly this is how he presents himself.  The degree of arrogance in a man without any significant achievements is quite bizarre.  Is it any wonder that he's been diagnosed as an extreme Narcissist.  What could go wrong?  How about World War III?  Would that count?

Naive, Delusional, Or Just Plain Corrupt?

SEE HERE  "There's no voter fraud, it's insignificant" ... I hear those words all  the time from my liberal associates who apparently can't be bothered to live in reality land.  Well the truth is very different.  There is quite a lot of organized voter fraud (you can't get these kind of numbers with out organization) and it's pretty obvious from who's resisting voter ID who the party of fraudsters is.  This is a Democrat staple.  They've been committing voter fraud as long as I've been alive.  Heck when I was a kid in the 1950s people were talking about it and it has only gotten worse.  We need to true elections or the very basis of our process of selecting representatives is corrupt.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I Guess The Stupidity Of The Left Is Hard To Exaggerate

SEE HERE  This is funny except that some idiot could end up causing cops to overreact as they have been doing of late.  Can we have the liberal idiots tone down their irrational fear of guns?  Probably not.  They are just way too delusional.

The Gestapo Coming To A Store Near You

SEE HERE  Shut down the ATF ... this is the same bunch that indiscriminately killed numerous women and children at a religious compound in Waco Texas on the grounds of false testimony that they were converting rifles to fully automatic weapons ... as if anyone cares.  A fully automatic weapon just wastes valuable ammunition but it's no threat in the hands of good people.  Of course there's no evidence that the ATF is composed of good people.  They seem to be people willing to ignore court orders and the Constitution.  That doesn't put them on my list of good guys.

It Wasn't Hard To See This Coming

SEE HERE  Unfortunately the U.S. is dominated by low-information voters that only care about sport and handouts.  Mack Reynolds, a science fiction writer I really liked, called this 'trank and tellie' where his view of the future was of the greater mass of the population sitting around doing tranquilizers and watching mindless television.  Well we're about there.  The problem is that isn't freedom it's vegetating in a mindless stupor (the word 'couchpotato' comes to mind).  How prescient but only those paying any attention notice.  The rest breath in the mindlessness and vote for nice speeches read movingly from teleprompters.  Noticing that the speech reader has never accomplished anything and doesn't hold views consistent with America doesn't rise to the attention of the mindless.  So here we are, totally gamed and watching the coming train wreck like some reality show on the tellie.

If You Don't See The Light Yet Just Wait ...

The collapse is coming if we don't change course and get rid of all the liberals, statists, RINOs, and others who seek only to control us and advance their personal agendas.  We are a free people and it's time we started acting like it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Social Mobility And The Secret Of Success

SEE HERE  Probably the most important secret to success is to stop paying attention to liberals who keep wanting to say that everyone's a victim and you can't rise in America and achieve the American Dream anymore, that is unless you're an immigrant and work hard and don't let them trap you into their "I'm just a poor little victim of evil .... fill in the black ... people" that is the favorite mantra of the liberal hive mentality.  The reality is very different especially for people who are immigrants and refuse to buy into victimhood.  Victims are quitters and quitters never win.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Missing Plane Believed To Be In Pakistan

SEE HERE  OK ... seems as if there are those who believe the missing plane is in Pakistan in Taliban territory.  I'd suggest we do some serious push back to recover passengers and plane.  This can't be tolerated especially if they plan to weaponize the plane and use it in an attack.

That's Not Progress, It's Progressivism

If we keep doing what these dodos want us to do we'll be destroyed as a civilized country and become merely the American Gulliver.  Bill Whittle nails it.

Listen Up And Note The Correlation

  When people do the same things that the Nazis did only with a different excuse you'll have to point out that more is revealed by what people do than by what people say.  My mother used to say "Birds of a feather flock together" whenever she thought I'd acquired some bad companions.  Wild Bill points out that if it acts like a Nazi and talks like a Nazi then it's probably a Nazi even if it insists it's just a liberal progressive collectivist Democrat.

I Guess The People's Republic Of Maryland Hasn't Read The Constitution

SEE HERE  Oooo a bank robbery ... let's go violate all the citizens rights.  Can we develop a little sanity in this country before the balloon goes up?  This is straight up tyranny.  Maybe they should get better technology than trying to lock down a freeway and do unconstitutional searches.

Does This Make Sense? Why Don't We Just Surrender?

SEE HERE    I guess that's probably the next step in the "fundamental transformation of America" envisioned by the dictator in chief whose primary pastimes are golf, vacations, fund raising, looking in the mirror to admire himself, and fascism.  How have we come to this place?  It's time to get rid of all these traitorous bums and start rebuilding the America that once was free.

Ed Gillespie In The Hot Seat

SEE HERE  Here's an interesting interview with Ed Gillespie, one of four Republicans seeking the nomination to run against Mark Warner.  We'll try to put up information on all the candidates as it becomes available.  Meanwhile you can check out Gillespie's website HERE

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Gestapo Arrives ... America Under Seige

  Remember WACO! 
Ares Armor Raid National City, Ca  SEE HERE

It's Time For A Change

And They Let These People Vote ... No Wonder Things Are Screwed Up

  I'm always a bit fascinated by the things that people will sign in the middle of one of these mindless rallies.  "Lower the temperature of the sun" ... now that's a suicide mission if I ever heard one.  Even if you could do it which you can't in your wildest dreams, it would imply that you actually know what you're doing and if you made a mistake the consequence might be global death for all.  What about the precautionary principle these idiots love so much?  We really ought to have an intelligence test for voting because the one thing you can be sure of is that idiots will support idiotic policies.

A Little Revolution In The Air?

SEE HERE  Well there needs to be a serious push back or you won't have a "little" revolution you'll more likely have a full scale shooting revolution and no-one wants that so maybe our 'masters' who think they know better than the rest of us should be replaced by people that think that government, any government, is a response not to superior wisdom of our masters but of the evil in man so that it can be managed and limited.  Government here in the United States is supposed by be of, by, and for the people not a private power and control club exercised by a bunch of statists.

Step Up And Defend Liberty

  We don't need any more of this "fundamental transformation of America" into a collectivist slave state which destroys initiative and liberty.  We need to push back and take back the government and then we need to fix it.

Welcome To Rogue Governement Above The Law

SEE HERE  Apparently the Federal Government Agencies don't feel obligated to honor court restraining orders.  If that's the way it's going to come down then we are no longer a government of laws but of tyrants and thugs.  Be aware that your rights may no longer be honored by government agents at any level.  When rogue government becomes the rule then there is no liberty and the Republic is crumbling.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Dysfunctional About Catches The Sense Of It

SEE HERE  And you want these people running health care?  What are you nuts?

Perhaps The Future Is Brighter?

SEE HERE   One has to wonder how long the Democrats can pretend to be the party of opportunity when their policies are so economically and politically destructive.  In Prince Georges County one young Republican points the question.

Time To Face Down The Muslims — There Was A Reason For The Crusades

  Diversity?  No, barbarism more like.  When are people going to point out that this isn't tolerance, it's looking the other way as barbarians strive to control us.

Sheer Insanity Arrives In New Jersey

SEE HERE  Bill would ban almost all .22 rifles ... sheer insanity.  There is something terribly wrong in America and it has to do with collectivists who want to personally manage our lives.  I guess they think we're too stupid to do it for ourselves.  It's time to collectively give them the boot and never open the door for them again.  Unless you delight in the idea of cradle to grave nanny care and the rather quick dissolution of the United States as a great power you should stop this insanity.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Can We Get Government Interference Out Of Our Lives?

SEE HERE  Why can't I build a pond on my own property and stock it?  What is wrong with the government these days?  There seems to be some delusion in government circles that they and they alone know what they are doing when in fact there isn't a shred of evidence that government knows its left hand from its right or its head from its butt.  Government bullying is getting to be the standard move and we should have the government just butt out.  All these agencies like EPA and DHS and FDA and on and on HHS and DOE are all pretty much unconstitutional to begin with.  They invade the sovereignty of the states and they execute powers not delineated in the Constitution and since the powers of the Federal Government are explicitly said to be enumerated you have to find them in the Constitution.  All the hand waving aside, they're just not there.  Can we have our country back?

Molon Labe "Come And Take Them"

SEE HERE  I think it's time for the citizens to start standing up and making it very clear to these liberal Marxists that want to enslave us that we're not going to tolerate it.  The sooner we stand up the sooner they back down.  What we don't want is a shooting revolution.  That means that we have to have a very serious push back at the polls, in the form of passive resistance, and in every form short of violence that will sent the signal that if they keep pushing that's where they'll be pushing us all.  As the 300 Spartans stood before the power of the Persian army so we the free citizens of the United States need to stand before those who would seize our liberty.  Tyranny is never far away when power is concentrated.

An Interesting Statistic: Illegal Alien Population Exceeds The Unemployed

SEE HERE  Exactly how does that work?  So we can support a zillion illegals but they're doing the work that might otherwise be done by our unemployed?  How does that make sense?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Gotta Wonder What The Drivers Were That Have Destroyed What Was Once America?

When I was a kid the world was not so paranoid and I think I have the liberals to thank for this victim filled world they have produced by blaming everyone but themselves for anything that goes wrong.  I think they are to blame for making everything that could go wrong illegal and demonizing it to the point of things like "zero tolerance" that makes a plastic keychain gun or a pop tart eaten out to look like a gun or a cap pistol or a water gun such scary things that they suspend kids for having them in school.  You guys are nuts and you're trying to make everyone else nuts too and that's just ... well NUTS!  I can't make you stop by myself, but I don't want anyone influenced by you folks.  You're entirely too crazy!

SEE HERE for a crazy example of something that wasn't an issue at all when I was a kid.  Every kid I knew from about second grade on had a scout knife in his pocket almost all the time.  What the hell is wrong with the world?  The schools have gone crazy.

SEE HERE to see how you get punished for wearing a tee-shirt proclaiming one of the bill of rights that the school-Nazis don't like.  Then of course there was the American flag tee-shirts a few days ago that were offensive.  Where can I go to get my country back?

Disarming Citizens May Not Be Such A Great Strategy

SEE HERE  At least I hope not.  Connecticut's DemonRATS seemed to think Sandy Hook was their ticket to disarm law abiding citizens.  Notice that it won't affect gun ownership among the criminal class or the totally nuts class, just the law abiding class and it's just turned hundreds of thousands of citizens into felons for not registering their guns that were perfectly legal just a while ago.  Frankly we need to get rid of these maggots that think that guns are the problem.  The problem is people like them who punish virtue and reward victimization.  The sooner we get rid of all the liberals from government the sooner we start to return to sanity.

Government By Rules

SEE HERE  Government is not a fundamental good.  It is a necessary evil due to the flawed character of man.  Walter Williams uses his mother's imposition of rules to illustrate intrinsic fairness, which is when things are fair from both parties points of view, he who gives and he who receives, or in this case he who divides and he who distributes.  A government of laws is only just if the laws themselves are just.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How Far A Great Nation Has Fallen

SEE HERE  I guess you can only say, "This is breathtakingly stupid."  Now we create mindnumbingly stupid comedy bits with presidents, presidential candidates, and governors participating.  I guess expecting the electorate to be able to think is a thing of the past.

CRUNCH! The Sound You Hear When The Economy Calves

SEE HERE  I don't suppose most of us will really "get it" until the event actually happens.  Meanwhile everyone is whistling by the graveyard as if "Nothing to see here ... move along!" is an adequate response.  The bottom line is that we've been following irresponsible fiscal policy so long that we're in denial that it can ever go wrong.  But the reality is that it already has but the ice hasn't calved yet.  It's coming though and the result will likely be devastating.  I'm not sure what the best escape plan is.  But I am concerned and have been for the past couple of years.  We'll see!  All my delusional friends just figure "business as usual" and the graveyard whistling is getting very loud.

It's Hard To Imagined A Bigger Jerk Than Mitch McConnell

SEE HERE  So let's see, you take aim at your grassroots and then call them every name in the book and you think they will reward you for that.  I guess only the delusional politicians that work inside the most delusional place on earth, the inside the Washington Beltway fever zone where everyone is a ward of the state.  It must be nice to live in lala land but so painful to have to come out every once and a while and discover that there are real people out there and they're not impressed with you like those lobbyists are that keep paying your bills.  We'd have better government from people randomly selected from the nation's phone books.

Thomas Sowell Outs Liberal Hypocrisy

SEE HERE There is something deeply troubling about the liberal mind set.  They would rather hurt something that is working than admit their worldview is not only wrong but deeply flawed in that it damages the people they claim to be helping.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Star Parker Gives An Assessment

SEE HERE  The Tea Party is right but the system is broke.  Establishment Republicans are a useless bunch who don't listen to their constituents but what to kill the Tea Party so they don't have to listen to their constituents.  It's about that simple.  The Tea Party is largely made up of the Conservative grassroots of the Republican party as well as independents and libertarians who are fed up with both parties.  But the Republican Establishment doesn't want to listen they just want to continue their fat cat existence as hangers on on the national scene.  Does this sound like a way to solve our problems?  Yeah, I don't think so either.

The System Is Broken And The Politicians Don't Care

WATCH THIS  This short video clip from Rand Paul points out how seriously broken the system is.  We desperately need serious reform but we are unlikely to get it from the power mongers and sycophants in Washington.  The Republic is already disastrously out of order.  If you don't care then you don't count.  I watch something like this as weep for my country, my children, and my grandchildren.

With Friends Like These Who Needs Enemies?

SEE HERE  The Establishment Republicans don't believe in supporting their grassroots.  They are too dedicated to going along with Democrats to get alone in Washington when in fact they should be a loud, abrasive, articulate alternative to the fast track to the collapse of the Republic.  Instead they advocate the slow track to the same destination.  Well that's no answer to the challenges of our time.  What we need is to get the train going in the opposite direction so we can restore prosperity and a truly exceptional future for America.  We need patriots with spine and not the spineless toadies we have currently.  2014 may well be the last opportunity to save a great nation.  We need all hands on deck and all ordnance aimmed at anyone who is not a Lover of Liberty!  Rand Paul, not always my favorite person, had it exactly right at CPAC.  We don't need Republicans or Democrats.  What we need is Lovers of Liberty.  We need people who understand and love their country and have a passion to restore it.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

How Many Lies Does It Take To Make A Presidential Election Invalid?

  Given our current standards in politicians I'm not sure you can make this case Judge.  They're all liars.  Maybe we need to restore virtue before we accomplish anything really substantive again.

Democrats Are Liars ... Well Documented Liars

It's odd how Democrats just lie without a second thought despite the fact that they end up having to pretend that videos of them saying things are just out there.  This is an example, a rather extreme one since they've demonized George Bush, but almost everything about the demonization is a  liberal lie.  Lie Like A Liberal!  It's what they do.

Reality 101: The New Deal Was A Failure And Democrats Are In Denial

  The New Deal was not the success it is claimed to be.  It was a complete failure and interestingly it is a failure that seems to be being mirrored by the current White House occupant.  Democrats simply don't learn from history. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sarah Palin Rocks CPAC 2014

She is the real deal! 

Rand Paul Lays It Out There ...

Government unrestrained by law becomes nothing short of tyranny.  We're there!

Dr. Ben Carson Nails It As Usual — Clear And Incisive

Dr. Ben Carson is one of my favorite people.  He calls it as he sees it.  Listen up!  He makes all the sense in the world.  "We can not be free if we are not brave."

The Lineage of Liberty From An English Point of View

Rick Santorum On Message: Stand For Principles

  Stop adopting the language of the bigots on the left.  We believe work is a good thing so stop adopting the class rhetoric of the left.  The left divides.  The right needs to stand for unity of initiative and effort and stop pretending that there is a caste system in America.  The reality is that anyone can rise in America and anyone can fail.  There are no guarantees.  Effort is rewarded, while failure to strive is punished.  If we subsidize failure we will get a whole lot more of it.  That's not what we want.  Santorum communicates a vision that needs to be embraced.

Maybe The Republicans Should Start Living By Their Principles

It would be nice if the Republicans would actually live up to the Republican Party of Virginia CREED

That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice,
That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society,
That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints musts be exercised at all levels of government,
That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing Constitutional limitations,
That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense,
That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation.

It's time for all our elected representatives to start living up the the principles of our core beliefs, the Constitution, the rule of law, and the principles of Natural Law and Rights as enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and written on the hearts and minds of men by Almighty God.

It's About The Future Of Our Nation — We Can't Keep Doing What We've Been Doing

  You can't spend your way to prosperity.  You can only spend money you've earned in the final analysis.  There is a price to be paid for bankrupting the nation.  It may not be too late but the time is growing short and the night is falling.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Nuclear Saber Rattling? What Does Russian Need To Load 30 Nuclear Weapons On Bombers For?

SEE HERE  This is a good question ... perhaps the data is being misinterpreted ... perhaps Russia is just trying to shake a few folks up ... but it's definitely a significant act of saber rattling.

There is only one hitch with Progressivism: It doesn’t work!

SEE HERE  It's taken something like a hundred and thirty years of experimentation to determine that the great dream of Progressivism just doesn't work.  It has been slowly destroying our Constitutional Republic and now we are faced with the decision of whether to throw in the towel and watch the Republic collapse, or to do the difficult but necessary thing and reverse our path and restore the Republic.  It's hard to admit you've been wrong but if we don't we will witness the collapse of a great nation in the years immediately ahead.  It's that serious!  Don't believe me?  Do nothing.

Liberal Send Up — How Vapid Can You Get?

SEE HERE  For those that favor pictures over text and direct contrasts over analytical development here is a great send up of the liberal mind (although liberal mind is an oxymoron). 

Evan Sayet In His Own Speak

Check out his book "The Kindergarden of Eden" and get a straightforward and direct analysis of modern liberalism.  For the long from full address at Heritage Foundation CLICK HERE

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tyranny 101: If This Is True We Need To Hang Someone!

SEE HERE  So now the government thinks they have the right to tell you how to spend your money and how much you can spend and penalize you or prevent you from spending more.  That's tyranny straight up!  I am so fed up with liberals I could just scream.

Ted Criz Launches CPAC

  "The most hated man in Washington" ?? Apparently exactly what we need.  We are all tired of "business as usual" in Washington!

Boycott "Non-Stop" And Send The Hollywood Creeps A Message

SEE HERE   I'm tempted to boycott the people who are in this movie as well.  How do you make a movie with such an insulting plot?  Get a life Hollywood and stop being such a bunch of lunatics.

Raising Cain — We Have A Government That Is Stupid And Gullible

... and frankly evil and malicious bent on destroying America as we know it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Standing Up To Tyranny

  The politicians love to pretend they're doing things when in fact they are just stealing our liberty one step at a time.  The citizens just roll over and reach out their wrists for the chains and when the shackles snap shut the last bit of freedom is gone.

Democrats Make Disastrous Presidents ... Actually They're Not Much Good At Anything Else Either

SEE HERE  Ann Coulter points out the total disaster that Democrats are in foreign policy.  If you want the U.S. to be the wimpy kid on the block just keep electing Democrats and before you know it there won't be a nation in the world that respects us.

Those Who Fail To Learn The Lessons Of History Are Doomed To Repeat Them

SEE HERE  Charlie Daniels does a nice job of describing what is going on in the Ukraine situation.  It's a case of inexperienced amateurism versus hard boiled experienced realism.  It's also chillingly reminiscent of a guy named Chamberlain and a guy named Hitler and a place called the Sudetenland.  Good luck ... this kind of thing rarely ends well. 

HERE is some back story too.  No doubt the Ukraine could use this stuff right now.

How Long Can This Scam Go On?

SEE HERE  Walter Williams points out the truth that the plight of black American families has been the result of the predation of the welfare state destroying black families and replacing fathers with a welfare check.  The results show it doesn't work, but no one seems to watch to face up to the consequences and the solutions.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

This Is A Very Bad Sign: I Guess Indoctrination Works!

SEE HERE  The idea of a national gun registry is a fast track to slavery and tyranny.  When the government knows where all the guns are then it is a simple step to pick them all up.  I'm not sure why the poll responders answered this way or if the poll was legitimate, but I do know that the result bodes poorly for sustained freedom in the United States.  The Second Amendment is there for a reason and the reason is to deter tyranny.  A National Gun Registry will not only undermine that reason it will destroy it.

The Tea Party As The Continental Army

SEE HERE  ... and of course the Republican Party Establishment as the British.  Jen Kuznicki points the stick.  We have to make people realize that big government is the problem and it doesn't really matter very much whether it is Democrat or Republican ... it's the tyranny that's the problem.

Virtue Is Standing Up And Speaking Truth When Everyone Is Hiding

Wild Bill points the stick and jabs it in tyranny's face!

Police Don't Like To Be Filmed So You Should Film Them Whenever Possible

SEE HERE  Bottom line — Why would they object to being filmed unless they have something to hide?  Taking pictures limits their freedom to be Gestapo.  The law should be that they are required to be filmed at all times.  That would improve things no doubt.

Obama's Not A Weak Leader ... He's Not A Leader At All!

This segment from Hannity with Sarah Palin focuses in on the failures of the administration, especially in foreign policy, and she compares the Obama executive order strategy with Putin-type tyranny.

Be Stupid Long Enough And You Have To Pay The Piper

SEE HERE  Well kiddies the balloon is going up and our feckless administration is still playing patty cake with the president and vice president jogging around the white house (did you see that?) and the rest of the government is playing crony capitalism to a rising tide of disapproval.  Meanwhile Russia and Iran are both rattling sabers and China is getting ready to take islands away from Japan.  What could go wrong?  We're talking about hugely downsizing the military and disassembling our nuclear arsenal.  We are being ruled by traitors and nincompoops.  The wheels are soon to come off the cart and we will be wondering where the nation went that we grew up in.  Well boys and girls, you blew it!

Freedom Isn't Free!

SEE HERE  And when you have thugs in charge of government the price is going up!  It's no surprise that the left is composed of people with thuggish temperaments and propensities.  After all the very paradigm of the left is the gulag and the banishing of all dissenters to mental institutions.  Only the left can wear the mantle of the anointed ones.  They do not brook any contradiction.  To disagree with them is to be insensitive and a 'hater.'  And these are the people we've put in charge of the land.  These are the people seeking to bring down the nation to teach America a lesson of diversity, multiculturalism and what it feels like to be poor.  Thus they demonize prosperity and seize the wealth of producers to pay an increasingly large army of non-producers who then vote for them.  What could go wrong?  Your freedom is draining away and you're sitting around doing nothing.  That sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Police Misbehavior Gratuitously Strip Searching A Female Arrested For DUI

SEE HERE  This is just another example of police overreach.  It's hard to imagine a legitimate reason for three male officers and one female officer to do this to someone who has been arrested for DUI.  I've been seeing altogether too many of these kinds of things and worse.  Police need to be more respectful of citizens and need to received better training.  Meanwhile they need to have the book thrown at them so that others start behaving.

The War On The Poor

SEE HERE  They called it the "War on Poverty" but the title above is more descriptive because what the war on poverty actually did is trap people in poverty.  The odd thing is that when liberals are given their head this is what always seems to happen.  It's call the law of unforeseen consequences but as my father used to say "It's just as hard to be wrong all the time as to be right all the time."  So when liberals are wrong and wrong and wrong over and over again you have to give them credit for a fundamentally flawed world view.  All we have to do to succeed is see what liberals want to do and do the opposite.

The Fort Benning Strategy

SEE HERE  It's easy to see why Joseph Sobran always called the Republicans the "stupid party" ... it's simple really ... They do stupid things like attack their friends and make up to their enemies and then they wonder why things don't work out all that well.  They need to take a little fundamental training in how to win conflicts and what they're doing isn't it.

Liberal Whining Always Rewrites History

SEE HERE  There is something amazing about the typical liberal rant.  The amazing thing is the selective perception and blindness.  Everything that keeps them from getting their way is obstructionist by those evil Republicans or Conservatives or whoever the enemy of the moment is.  While their obstruction is well intentioned and constructive, always involving compassion and enlightened efforts to make the world a better place, at least from their point of view.  This selective perception means you can never get a fair and balanced view of anything from a liberal.  They have so cookie-cuttered the universe that it is all good guys (liberals) and evil haters (anyone else).  Then they whine like two year olds when they don't get their own way.

Iranian Saber Rattling And Threats

SEE HERE  Iran's whole posture seems to be confrontational which is not comforting since they are certainly nearing nuclear weapon production capability and have missile systems that could deliver nuclear weapons at least throughout the Middle East and possibly with imported technology to the whole world.  So when they take such hostile postures you have to be concerned.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Drag Queens Perform At Military Base

  Is this how you want the United States to be seen?  Disgraceful.  We are simply showing the world how decadent we have become.

Know Your Enemy — The Mask of Terrorism

SEE HERE  Make no mistake about it.  The fact is that all of Islam is against the West.  There are no true moderate Muslims because to be moderate is not to be Muslim.  There are only those active in the engagement of the West and those who amount to sleeper cells waiting and massing for the final victory.  Is it reasonable for them to imagine they can succeed?  I would have said no not so very many years ago.  But now I say look to Europe.  As Europe goes, so goes the West.

How Modern Liberals Think? Really? They Think?

  Actually this is a fun send up of liberals and quite revelational.  It shows in stark contrast how little liberals actually do think.

Harry Reid A Consumate Liar

How can Republicans be blamed for the results of a bill that none of them ever voted for?  Harry Reid is an ultimate low life, as usual, lying like a liberal.  Judge Jeanine calls him out.

Liberal Sublimity Or How Dumb Can You Get?

SEE HERE George Will points out the obvious, at least obvious to everyone except liberals, the fact that much of what they say and do make essentially no sense except in terms of promoting their own self-interest. Why should that be a surprise? I guess it's not except that liberals have their feelings hurt, poor babies, when you point it out to them. Then they're "offended" which is sort of code for being caught in the usual lies they tell. I think we should get in the habit of offending more liberals since it might actually be an act of charity and bring them to their senses if they have any.

Judge Jeanine Pins Obama's Ears Back

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Climate Reality From A Green Peace Founder

SEE HERE  Those who believe the environmental movement should read this piece.  It's up close and personal when it comes to what motivates the "greens" who are forever blathering about their concern for the environment.  It they were giving out points and gold stars for senseless then the environmentalists that are currently in charge of Green Peace should get a whole bunch.