Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Couple Of Good Questions

SEE HERE Gee what could be wrong here? ... Hmmm... midnight visits to the water supply of a major U.S. city.  Anyone explore the possibility of introducing biological or chemical agents into the water which would create devastation?  Just what are the backgrounds of these folks and what equipment, if any, were they carrying?  How many groups like this are in the country?  You don't suppose they could be up to no good do you?

Freedom Is Never More Than One Generation Away From Extinction

SEE HERE Time to do something positive.

Kerry's Hypocrisy "Stunning and Revolting"

Sometimes you have to speak truth to stupidity and it's hard to find more stupidity than has been distilled by Obama in his administration's  picks for leadership positions.  John Kerry is awful, nothing short of a total hypocrite.  But Obama probably thinks that's a good quality not unlike the bad judgment of Hillary Clinton who can't tell when it's a good idea to beef up security at a place like Benghazi.  This whole administration is an epic fail.

Can People Really Be This Stupid?

SEE HERE  I am absolutely speechless.  People that know me would find that hard to believe, but really.  Can people really be this stupid?  Apparently so and from stupid people come stupid ideas like "send your kids to public schools where they can become stupid too" — Well they didn't say this outright but that's about what it comes down to.

Welcome to the dumbing down of America.  The real question is can a dumbed down America survive?  We used to talk about the brain drain which was that America was importing the brains from around the world.  That still applies.  Go to any graduate school and count the tiny fraction of Americans that are there.  The predominant presence is of students with Indian, Chinese, and other foreign backgrounds.  Most Americans either can't or can't be bothered to go to graduate school, especially in the harder disciplines, no doubt because any incentive they ever might have had was drained out of them at those public schools.

Fighting Fire With Fire

SEE HERE "... In the real world, Democrat socialists have made the lives of poor Americans worse, much worse. We need to shove this fact in their faces every time we speak…. This is a social atrocity committed by liberals and democrat socialists against African Americans. If we spoke like they do, we would call this racism -- the most appalling racist atrocity committed against African Americans since the passage of the Civil Rights Acts.”

Ooooo ... Scary Magnets ... Let's Crush That Business

SEE HERE  This is an example of government overreach.  Sure magnets can pose some hazards.  So do nails and pins and numerous other small items.  But this is beyond warning labels to hostile intent and government persecution.  Truth in labeling should be what a manufacturer is required to adhere to and nothing more.  People stupid enough to use a product in a dangerous manner that has been properly labeled are the culprits when there is a problem, not the manufacturer.  If it was up to the government we'd all be safely locked in our little insulated padded cages eating gruel three times a day and bowing towards Washington five times a day.

This Doesn't Sound Too Promising

SEE HERE  So bombing chemical weapon sites just spreads the reagents and we get lots of civilian casualties most likely.  How nice.  If we're looking to create reasons for them to hate us this looks like a distinct possibility.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Mysterious Death Involving Journalist Continues to Baffle

SEE HERE  Seems strange.  I'm not one for conspiracy theories and I've seen all the people the Clintons knew that managed to die mysteriously and then all the folks around Obama that have had accidents and so on.  I must live a damn dull life since no one I know seems to get murdered or die under mysterious circumstances.  These guys have ten times at least the people dying around them compared with ordinary people.  It's enough to make you not want to be a politician.  It's too dangerous to your friends and enemies.

Printing Money Is Not A Solution ...

SEE HERE  ... it's a problem and it has all happened before.  Watch out because the folks running the government are not your friends.

Running Out Of Money? Really ... How Surprising!

Of course we're going to run out of money.  That's a given.  The reason is that we spend more than we make at the governmental level.  Soon the economy collapses and then no-one gets to eat ... well I hope it doesn't go that far.  Printing money that was never earned always ends up generating inflation and financial instability.  The train wreck is coming and rapidly.  Jerome Corsi lays it out there for you.  This is not a surprise except to people who are not paying any attention or actually are trying to collapse the economy.  Check Cloward-Piven strategy for that particular liberal concept.

Germany Has Not Changed As Much As You Might Think

SEE HERE  Freedom?  Are you kidding?  Freedom from state indoctrination is not an option in Germany.  This is what is likely to happen here if we let it.  We already score poorly compared to other education systems in the world at the K-12 level as measured by outcomes.   HERE  Homeschooling actually improves results. HERE

100 Articles of Impeachment ... Worst President, Most Un-American In History

SEE HERE  This president is a real record maker.  He's lied more than any other president ever HERE  This appears to be the price you pay when you elect a president based on his teleprompter reading ability and not on the basis of his character.

Pretend Conservatives Ban Heritage Foundation People From Meetings

SEE HERE  How like liberals ... oh wait these are supposed to be Republicans.  I guess the label doesn't matter.  It the actions you have to closely follow and then vote based on how they act not on how they pretend to be in their public statements.  As my mother used to say, "Actions speak louder than words."

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Global Warming Isn't Science It Is A Cult Religion

SEE HERE Like all such things it doesn't really require confirmation just faith and commitment.  But the ultimate test of all things, including religions, is whether or not they are true.  Global warming alarmism is just not true.  The weaknesses are showing and it's falling apart as it becomes more and more committed to crazier and crazier things.  Bogus science is a pathology not a prophecy.

An Open Letter To Barack Obama


How Nazis And Islam Share A Common Strategy

SEE HERE  They are coming for you and you're simply not paying any attention.  Get involved or get owned.

More False Flag Operations On The Way?

SEE HERE  We really don't need this administration ginning up WWIII.  We have no interest in these regional conflicts that Barack Obama has stirred up.  So what's the motivation?  You'll have to ask his Iranian and Muslim Brotherhood backers, but it certainly isn't to make the U.S. out to be a hero.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Betrayal In Benghazi — What Could Have Been Done?

SEE HERE  If the government had been virtuous, had they been willing to defend the men and women they put in harms way, they had the resources.  Instead they cowardly order the relief forces to "stand down" and they invented a cover story.  This government is in the hands of despicable traitors.

Next They Will Be Coming For You

SEE HERE  The Gestapo is out in California taking innocent people's guns.  This is how it begins.  It goes to no good place.  When it ends there are millions dead and lives destroyed because government that is out of control is a menace not a blessing.

Barack Obama — Advocate Of Violence Then And Now

SEE HERE  Barack Obama is a man without character.  He is a man who has received nothing but privilege in his life, unearned, unmerited, and accepted with the arrogance of the Narcissist who believes himself the only thing of value in the world.  This is the man who seeks to rule as a tyrant and ignore our institutions.  And because of the spineless and unprincipled people we have sent to Washington, he is succeeding.

Just Another Liberal Propaganda Ploy

SEE HERE Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell are two of my favorite people just because they have so much common sense and common sense is such a rare commodity these days since it is indoctrinated out of the young as they are brainwashed to be just another set of victims of evil society which they are called upon to reform by making it actively evil.

 Equal opportunity is a sham idea fostered by the liberal progressive collectivists to make everyone out to be a victim of those awful people who actually use their minds to make judgments. Judgments involve things like discovering who is better at what. When you have a whole bunch of folks applying for a position that requires good communication skills you don't hire the person who shows up and can't read, write, or speak without showing their ignorance.

The world is not an equal opportunity place. The world is a place that rewards talent, skill, diligence, commitment, and resourcefulness. It would be nice if our schools would start recognizing the fact and encouraging those things instead of making everyone out to be a victim.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How Liberals Think! OK That's A Stretch ... Liberals Don't Really Think

Confrontation with stupidity up close and personal. Liberals are insane! In Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr. book, "The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness," he explains it this way... "What the liberal mind is passionate about is a world filled with pity, sorrow, neediness, misfortune, poverty, suspicion, mistrust, anger, exploitation, discrimination, victimization, alienation and injustice. Those who occupy this world are “workers,” “minorities,” “the little guy,” “women,” and the “unemployed.” They are poor, weak, sick, wronged, cheated, oppressed, disenfranchised, exploited and victimized. They bear no responsibility for their problems. None of their agonies are attributable to faults or failings of their own: not to poor choices, bad habits, faulty judgment, wishful thinking, lack of ambition, low frustration tolerance, mental illness or defects in character. None of the victims’ plight is caused by failure to plan for the future or learn from experience. Instead, the “root causes” of all this pain lie in faulty social conditions: poverty, disease, war, ignorance, unemployment, racial prejudice, ethnic and gender discrimination, modern technology, capitalism, globalization and imperialism. In the radical liberal mind, this suffering is inflicted on the innocent by various predators and persecutors: “Big Business,” “Big Corporations,” “greedy capitalists,” U.S. Imperialists,” “the oppressors,” “the rich,” “the wealthy,” “the powerful” and “the selfish.”

Wake Up Before The Train Wreck

The problem is that people are not paying enough attention to what is really going on. Initiative and personal responsibility are what built the country not a bunch of folks sitting on their cans expecting someone else to carry the load. Wake up!

FDR and Obama ... Remarkable Resemblances

Here we go again!

Take A Moment to Watch This And Reflect

The Finding Joy Movie It's only three minutes long!

Who Made Us The Global Policeman?

SEE HERE  Isn't this intrusion into the affairs of other sovereign states what the liberals didn't like about George W. Bush?  So how come we have a president who is playing global dictator and messing with Libya, Egypt, and Syria and getting ready to deploy U.S. military forces on what looks to be a phony false flag deployment of gas WMDs alleged by Assad's forces but more likely by the rebels.  In any case "What difference does it make?"   We don't have a dog in this fight or maybe a rat since both sides seem ratty enough.  Let's not interfere.  We gain nothing by interfering and risk the instigation of a wider and more dangerous war.

Thomas Sowell Outs A Truly Great Phony

SEE HERE  It really isn't a big surprise that Obama is a phony of epic proportions.  After all he is a man with no credentials that are not paper thin.  His political career is marked by no achievements and his climbs to power have invariably been based on the politics of personal destruction.  He is a man whose entire life philosophy has been based on manipulation and antipathy towards the United States.  His one great skill is reading a teleprompter convincingly.  It is the tragedy of our times that that seems to be enough to be elected to the presidency of the United States.  How far we have declined and how little information gains traction in our political process!  We should be ashamed.

Here We Go Again

SEE HERE  Liberals are the most hypocritical lying scumballs on the face of the earth.  They rail against George Bush for starting wars and then when they get into power they go him one better by destabilizing an entire region and apparently setting up excuses to involved U.S. military power directly.  The one thing I know is that liberals are great at starting wars and then blaming others and doing their best to ensure defeat.  I've watched them do it time and time again.  It's just another reason why I consider them so despicable.

The Prescience Of Petronius

SEE HERE  It is often pointed out that those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.  In our fast paced internet powered world where Professor Google knows everything and you're never more than a TiVo or Netflix away from the instant viewing of the latest worthless oddity it may be helpful to be reminded.  This is not going to a good place.

Monday, August 26, 2013

A Nation Replete With Dead Souls

SEE HERE  How did this happen?  How did we decline so far in only a bit over fifty years?  Our institutions of civilization have failed us.  We need to recover our humanity because we are decaying into savagery. 

If They Work It Right They Can Turn L.A. Into Detroit

SEE HERE  California is well on the way to accomplishing just that.  People are fleeing the big blue states that tax you to death to go to states which don't.  Is that a big surprise.  Texas is a big benefactor.  The bottom line is that liberal collectivist policies destroy.  In may take a few decades but the result is certain.

Apparently Citizen Journalists Are Hobbits And They Think That's An Insult

Hobbits are exactly what I'd like to be because Hobbits have principles.  Liberals and Democrats ... not so much.

33 Shockers Showing How Obama Is Destroying The Economy

SEE HERE  It's amazing how immune the media seems to be to these shocking facts about the Obamanible way that Obama is handling the economy.  You couldn't find a worse president and the really shocking thing is that he seems to be doing it on purpose.

Third Party? Possibility If Republicans Keep Dissing Their Base

SEE HERE  The history of third parties is one of almost universal failure.  Nevertheless one has to do something when your party's elected officials just take the grassroots for granted and pretend that they can put together a meaningful strategy by pretending to be Conservatives in their districts and then going to Washington and being wishy-water traitors to the people that elected them.  I think we need to run lots of strong Conservatives in primary challenges and sack as many of these RINOs as possible.  A Third Party is likely a strategy of desperation and unlikely to succeed, but sometimes you have to go down fighting on

Islam In The Words Of John Quincy Adams

SEE HERE  I had the pleasure of visiting John Quincy Adams' house on a trip to my uncle Dick's 50th wedding anniversary some years ago.  What struck me was the three story stone structure next to the house.  It was Adams' library.  We went in and my reaction was "I want one of these."  I love books and so obviously did John Quincy Adams.  Below are the quotes from Adams that are presented in the link.  They present the views of one of our most educated presidents on the nature and dangers of Islam.

    In the seventh century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab of the lineage of Hagar, the Egyptian, combining the powers of transcendent genius, with the preternatural energy of a fanatic, and the fraudulent spirit of an impostor, proclaimed himself as a messenger from Heaven, and spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth. Adopting from the sublime conception of the Mosaic law, the doctrine of one omnipotent God; he connected indissolubly with it, the audacious falsehood, that he was himself his prophet and apostle. Adopting from the new Revelation of Jesus, the faith and hope of immortal life, and of future retribution, he humbled it to the dust, by adapting all the rewards and sanctions of his religion to the gratification of the sexual passion. He poisoned the sources of human felicity at the fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex, and the allowance of polygamy; and he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind. THE ESSENCE OF HIS DOCTRINE WAS VIOLENCE AND LUST: TO EXALT THE BRUTAL OVER THE SPIRITUAL PART OF HUMAN NATURE.

    Between these two religions, thus contrasted in their characters, a war of twelve hundred years has already raged. That war is yet flagrant; nor can it cease but by the extinction of that imposture, which has been permitted by Providence to prolong the degeneracy of man. While the merciless and dissolute dogmas of the false prophet shall furnish motives to human action, there can never be peace upon earth, and good will towards men. The hand of Ishmael will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. It is, indeed, amongst the mysterious dealings of God, that this delusion should have been suffered for so many ages, and during so many generations of human kind, to prevail over the doctrines of the meek and peaceful and benevolent Jesus (Blunt, 1830, 29:269, capitals in orig.).

[a few pages later]

The precept of the koran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that Mahomet is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet, may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force (Blunt, 29:274).

[Finally comparing Christianity and Islam]

The fundamental doctrine of the Christian religion, is the extirpation of hatred from the human heart.  It forbids the exercise of it, even towards enemies. There is no denomination of Christians, which denies or misunderstands this doctrine. All understand it alike—all acknowledge its obligations; and however imperfectly, in the purposes of Divine Providence, its efficacy has been shown in the practice of Christians, it has not been wholly inoperative upon them. Its effect has been upon the manners of nations. It has mitigated the horrors of war—it has softened the features of slavery—it has humanized the intercourse of social life. The unqualified acknowledgement of a duty does not, indeed, suffice to insure its performance. Hatred is yet a passion, but too powerful upon the hearts of Christians. Yet they cannot indulge it, except by the sacrifice of their principles, and the conscious violation of their duties. No state paper from a Christian hand, could, without trampling the precepts of its Lord and Master, have commenced by an open proclamation of hatred to any portion of the human race. The Ottoman lays it down as the foundation of his discourse (Blunt, 29:300, emp. added).

The Dishonesty Of The Media And The Failure Of Civilization

SEE HERE  How does it happen that three kids think it's a lark to kill someone.  From reports it sounds like they were going to kill someone no matter what to satisfy their boredom.  If this is the kind of morality that our kids are acquiring growing up then we're done.  We just haven't figured it out yet.  The media stripping the race dimension from the story but insisting in the self-defense case of George Zimmerman that it was racist when he was attacked is evidence for the selective immorality of the press seeking to promote an agenda and not the truth.  The truth is that black teenager gangs are going around seeking out victims to pummel and that these victims often end up in the hospital or dead and the media seems to write it off as "boys will be boys."  What has happened to our society that we can't even stand up for basic morality? 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Can We Stop Pretending That The Cops Are Not Out Of Control?

SEE HERE  Exactly why do police have to shot unarmed and unresisting people in bed who are not even the people they are looking for?  Over twenty shots fired, sixteen hitting the victim who surprisingly is alive.  One question is how do competent cops shot someone sixteen times and have him survive.  I guess the only good thing is that the cops can't shoot straight.

It's About Civilization Or More Accurately The Lack Of It

This captures the tremendous gulf between segments of the black community and probably the white community as well and what it means to be civilized and to have values that mean something.  If we can't do something when bored teenagers just go out and shoot someone for the fun of it without pretending it's a race issue when it's really a barbarian versus civilization issue then we're already doomed.  This is what happens when people foster hatred for others and from what I can see it is the left that is causing most of the problems.

Welcome To Education Lunacy

SEE HERE  The embarrassing thing about the collapse of morality is that it takes you down to the level of animals except saying that is an insult to animals.  We have been killing children for no other reason than inconvenience.  We've been pandering to unnatural and deviant sexual behavior and we have an educational system that seems to support destroying the intellectual and moral integrity of the young.  What could go wrong?

Voting With Your Feet

SEE HERE  My liberal friends are always praising the virtues of socialism and the welfare state but the ultimate picture of the welfare state can be seen in Detroit.  Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money or the other people get tired of being raped and leave.  I suppose the next step from the liberals is to complain about how unfair it is and to try to pass totalitarian measures that make it policy to nail the golden geese in place so they can be raped at leisure.  It's what liberals do.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Common Core? Maybe We Should Rethink This Public Education Thing

Indoctrination is not the same as education.

Economically Stupid Or Just Marxist? Come On, Hurry Up. Which Is It?

SEE HERE  Gee, maybe a hint would be in order.  How about Obama's associations and upbringing, solidly Marxist Communist.  How about his friends and those he reveres, solidly Marxist Communist.  I guess this shouldn't be a hard decision.

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Long Conspiracy Led By State Department and CIA Leftists

SEE HERE  We have traitors in our midst.  Senator Joe McCarthy knew it and said as much and got his head handed to him for his efforts.  Years later when the Soviet archives were opened it was revealed that everything McCarthy asserted had been true.  We continued to have traitors in our midst after McCarthy was disgraced and now they had more freedom to do their dirty work.  They facilitated Castro's rise to power.  Later they facilitated the loss of the Vietnam War.  Today they are the final phase, taking down the Constitution and erecting a far left repressive socialist state in its place.  But first they have to precipitate a large enough crisis to allow them to impose force.  The tipping point is coming, make no mistake.  The only thing it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to stand by and do nothing.  What are you doing?

Apparently Freedom of Religion Doesn't Mean You Can Practice What You Believe

SEE HERE  This is an example of government overreach.  Frankly people have the right to say "No" and that includes especially religious people who are saying "No" because of their religious principles.  I suppose it is too much to ask our out of control totalitarian wannabe government to actually honor the Constitution.  This is a decision that needs to be overturned.

All Downhill! Police Being Turned Into Thugs And Home Invaders

SEE HERE  Respect for the citizen among the police appears to be declining.  I suppose this means that the idea of the rights of citizens is declining as well.  The nation of my youth where people rarely locked their doors and civility was the rule has declined to where you have to assume that people might be rude and that police may well ignore your rights.  What happened? 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Things Are Really Getting Bad When An Old Leftist Like Ellsberg Starts Warning Us

SEE HERE  I was a mite stunned to see Daniel Ellsberg taking up the cudgel against Obama.  Ellsberg is not exactly a Conservative or even a middle of the road guy.  He was pretty extreme as I remember when he outed the Pentagon Papers.  So I suppose you have to pay attention with a leftist is worried.  Obama's extremism makes for strange bedfellows.

You Do Know That Obama Is And Always Has Been A Communist Right?

SEE HERE  This is really kind of old news but it never hurts to point the pencil and make the point that he has a record of associations and profession of belief that makes him a committed Communist in belief and practice.  This should go a long long way to explain his actions as he executes an extreme version of the Cloward-Piven strategy.  He's an Alinsky trainer and a buddy of Bill Ayers the Weather Underground bomber who still says he didn't bomb enough.  With friends like these how can you claim to be an American?  His wife is on record hating America and Obama himself was a student of the radical professor Derrick Bell who espouses "Critical Race Theory."  All these associations certainly make one question the source of Barack Obama's policies.  There is more of course but this is a good start.

The Nonsense Continues ...

SEE HERE  I think Chicago will have to be once more covered in ice before these pseudoscientists admit not only that they are wrong about global warming but in fact the next ice age is on the way.  Don't hold your breath because it takes a long long time for an ice age to develop just as it took a long long time to warm our way out of the last local minimum, the Little Ice Age.  But the "wise" climate modelers are busy with their models.  You do know that all this gloom and doom comes from computer programs and not reality right?  They are following the first law of computer modeling GIGO — it used to mean Garbage In Garbage Out, but modelers have discovered that they can use it to sway public opinion and in that case it means Garbage In Gospel Out.  Don't be fooled!

Speaking Of Security ... Another Reason Not To Have A Cell Phone ...

SEE HERE  Did someone say "Tracker"?  This is hilarious.

Escape To Texas And Imitate All Those New Yorkers And Californians

Some people just do things better than others.  Another reason to leave California HERE

Can't We Take This Bastard Out And Shoot Him?

SEE HERE  This kind of pretend jurisprudence is a mite crazy.  Hasan has been languishing in a cell for years and there is not a defense.  He clearly did it.  He is a jihadist and the evidence is extensive that he did it out of religious motivations.  He's a terrorist.  Frankly the delay in his trial is itself outrageous.  Justice delayed is justice denied.  Hear the evidence.  Convict him.  And execute him.  I'll volunteer to be part of the firing squad.

Defund It Before It Defunds Us All

SEE HERE  The so-called health care bill is just one more program designed to contribute to the economic collapse of the United States.  The government has no business in healthcare at all.  While we defund ObamaCare maybe we should be reviewing the whole scope of government health care intrusions that "help" us all but in reality simply increase cost and decrease service.  Government can't do anything very well and especially things that require serious expertise and caring about people.  Bureaucracy just doesn't work that way.

Since When Is Motive Not Relevant

SEE HERE This decision like so much in the case of the Fort Hood shooter, makes no sense at all.  This atrocious act of betrayal of one's fellows and their outright murder was motivated by jihadist sympathies but the prosecution can't introduce the evidence of that fact into the record.  This is justice?  This is politically correct nonsense.  We're getting more and more of this kind of thing from the bench these days.  It probably has something to do with who nominated them to the bench or maybe what is passing for education in law schools these days.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mushheads and Marblemouths ... Good Point Mark!

Republicans need to start acting like they have a spine even if it's only made of fear of not being reelected.  What a bunch of numbskulls.  Democrats have no principles and are proud of it.  Republicans have principles but are afraid of their shadows.  Politicians are all scoundrels these days.  We need some Patrick Henrys and Thomas Jeffersons not these mushheads and marblemouths as Mark Levin characterizes them.

Shut Down ObamaCare If You Value Your Medical Care

Do you really think that a bunch of government bureaucrats are going to have your best interests at heart?  Good luck on that!  Medical care should be a matter between you and your doctor, not a matter between government bureaucrats, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies dictating to you and your doctor.  This is all a big power grab.  It has little to nothing to do with healthcare.

Rise To The Challenge! Hard Work And Perseverance Pay Off

SEE HERE  Walter Williams calls it like it is.  He and Thomas Sowell are among the clear minds that inform my own views of reality.  You have to decide for yourself who it is you will trust.  We know things in two ways, by experience and by authority.  We can only experience a small part of the things we need to know so it is important to have figures you trust from which to glean other knowledge.  In economics I'm with Williams and Sowell as well as Adam Smith and I reject the narrow minded ideologies of Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes.  One of the important things you need to do in this world is decide "Who do you trust?"

Let's Stop Reelecting Liars

SEE HERE  It's simple enough really.  We need to start outing the liars and calling them to account.  It's outrageous to tell you constituents one thing and as soon as you get to Washington to do another.  We should be outing Democrats and Republicans alike as liars when they take one position to be elected and another when the votes are cast.  Lying isn't cool and it isn't just politics.  It's lying and it is dishonorable ... you remember honor?  It's what your mom and dad respected in the day.  Well it's time to recover it.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Speaking The Truth Is The Only Way To Make Progress

Democrats and liberal progressives are a disgrace.  They generate poverty and economic collapse and the tipping point is coming.  We can still save ourselves if we turn to the light and accept the responsibility that freedom demands.

I Guess This Wasn't News Since The Victim Was White

SEE HERE Always interesting to see what makes the news generally and what doesn't.  I guess three bored teenagers killing someone just to have something to do isn't new but defending yourself against an attack and shooting in self-defense is.  It seems we have things backwards these days.

Understanding The Reality Of Islam

The reality of Islam is the reality of religious enslavement. Jews and Christians are second class citizens under Islam. It is nothing less that tyranny. You have no real rights because you are subject to arbitrary violence and robbery. Islam was and is a political cult of murder and violence.

Breitbart In His Own Speak

Don't roll over for liberal intimidation.  They are the ones that have the brain damage.

How Long Can We Float The Dollar?

SEE HERE  The only thing keeping the dollar afloat is the fact that the rest of the nations of the world are in the tank too.  Don't expect that to save us however.  We keep weakening the dollar and at some point it grows too weak to continue as the reserve currency.  You can't just keep printing money and expecting the rest of the world to honor it.  It won't happen and our own financial people seem to be in denial so the tipping point when it comes is likely to be precipitous. 

Allen West: Obama A Dangerous Threat To The Existence Of America

  Sorry but you don't have a right to take from others to give you a good or service.  The ideology that Obama is pushing is nothing more than tyranny.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Militarization Of The Police Is Not A Good Thing

  Crazy overreach of the police needs to stop.

Sure Islam Is A Religion of Peace — Read The Koran And Read About The Interpretation of The Koran

  If you do that you'll discover that Islam is not a religion of peace but a political cult of total domination that once in charge suppresses the freedom of all non-Muslims.  Read what is going on around the world, the martyrs whose offense was being Christian or Jewish so they are beheaded, their churches burned, and Muslims dance in the streets.  Sheer liars.

Death of Common Sense, Indeed Any Sense At All

SEE HERE  Worth thinking about if you can spare a few neurons.  The unbelievable lack of common sense in the United States these days suggests that no-one is getting anything resembling a good education.  How can we be so afraid of our navels as to punish young children because someone's feverish imagination is that a bitten pop-tart looks like a gun?  What's to be so afraid of guns?  Where does that come from?  As my father, a Navy ordnance officer, used to say, the gun is the simplest of all machines.  When he was a kid he made his own gunpowder and blew nails into telephone poles from jury rigged pipes with fuses.  So what is the big deal?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Of Course The Liberals Did It Just Like They Did Detroit

SEE HERE  It is amazing how much liberals lie and wiggle to get out of the plain fact that their policies are destructive in almost every dimension, economic, moral, militarily, governmentally ... everything they touch goes straight to the dump.  But in case you're spiraling into the liberal orbit but still have some functioning neurons left, check out the actual data.  Yup, they did it!  It's really hard to imagine how stupid you have to be to be a liberal.  It requires significant neuron loss and then it just seems like the obvious thing to do because you no longer have to think and without neurons that may be your only option.

A Conflict Of Visions And A Failure Of Virtue

SEE HERE  This is the focus of reality, that work is the core reality of achievement.  1) Opportunity looks a lot like work.  2) The sexiest thing in the entire world is being smart, thoughtful, and generous.  Everything else is crap!  3) When you grow up you're told the world is the way it is and you should just go along.  But one simple thing should stop you, the realization that everything around you was built by people no smarter than you.  Build one!  Good advice especially in a world where so many don't get it.

Judge Jeanine Is One Feisty Lady: Love Her!

  Obama is such a liar.  Judge Jeanine clearly nails Obama's totally nonsensical foreign policy that supports evil terrorists over peaceful secular regimes.  

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Police State Anyone?

SEE HERE  I guess freedom of speech doesn't extend to being critical of the NIC (Narcissist In Charge) who seems to think he's a demigod or maybe even higher on the totem pole of mythical gods.  This guy is only the worst president we've ever had and he doesn't believe anything should stand in the way of his agenda, not the Congress, not the Supreme Court, not the Constitution and certainly not the peons (ur people). 

And You Wondered If President Obama Was A Liar? Silly You!

SEE HERE Here's a nice long list of all the things that President Obama has been less than truthful about. See if your favorites are on it.

So What The Hell Is Going On?

There is no rationale for this document except two 1) it's not real, or 2) there is a plan to inter American citizens.  It seems like a pretty convincing example of a bureaucratic document not to be real, so there seems no other explanation than Tyranny Rising!

YOUR COPY I looked at this and it's not clear that it is aimed at camps for the CONUS (Continental United States). The military is notorious for generating documents for all contingencies so it may be that a sinister construction of this is unwarranted. Caution is always suggested.

Indoctrination 101: Propaganda In The Schools

SEE HERE  If you lie often enough, loud enough, persistently enough people will begin to believe the lies.  If the lies are told in a trusted atmosphere by the schools then all the better.  We live in an age where propaganda and disinformation has replaced sound teaching and the schools are little better than slave camps for the soon to be enslaved.  The children are regimented and conditioned but they are not seriously taught to think for themselves.  They are told what to think but not taught how to think.  The result is rank on rank of little automatons who have been told how brilliant they are compared to their predecessors but cannot write cursive, cannot multiply or divide without a calculator, cannot reason, and know nothing of rational argument.  The pour into the colleges where the indoctrination tends to continue until they are all conditioned to believe that collectivism and the state are the great creators of wealth and goodness.  As the twilight of our republic descends we ought to ask how we have come to this place?  It is because we have allowed others to be the instructors of our children without asking first what they should be instructed in.  Virtue and honor and responsibility ought to come before all else.  We have failed in our responsibility and it is time to try to recover what we have lost.

Gestapo 101: The Failure To Respect Citizens

SEE HERE  There ought to be some extreme penalties for this kind of arbitrary police tyranny.  Showing up in force because some idiot thought that from aircraft they could identify marihuana plants is outrageous.  This smells to high heavens of a trumped up excuse to trash these people's small farm.  There should be some serious legal deterrents put in place.   Since when has it been that police can't come out and be polite and careful not to trample on people's rights?  This is all part of the increased incidence of police behavior that is disrespectful of citizens and tramples on their constitutional rights.  Tyranny Rising!

You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

SEE HERE  Liberal can be counted on to say the stupidest things.  It's probably a sign of their neuron depletion which limits their cognition to short lists of assertions which I call mantras, and a list of names to hurl at people when repeating the assertions doesn't work.  It's always delightful to see how closely this model of liberal cognition matches real world experience.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Some Examples Of Why The Left Is Scum

SEE HERE  There was a time when I might have been willing to vote for a Democrat.  I couldn't vote though because I was too young.  By the time that John Kennedy was assassinated the last person that looked even plausible as a candidate was out of the picture.  Then I watched the hateful behavior of the left during the Vietnam War.  They supported the Communists wholeheartedly.  They started the war.  They escalated the war.  Then they tried to blame Nixon for it because he "had a plan" to end it honorably.  Nixon succeeded in negotiating a peace and ending the war, but that was only temporary because the Communists didn't honor the treaty but invaded South Vietnam and then the left showed their true colors and passed the Church amendment which abandoned an ally in the field.  That was a disgraceful, despicable, action.  It was betrayal of everything the United States stands for.  I knew then and know now that I will never, ever vote for a Democrat.  Never, never, never.  They are dishonorable and unprincipled and they would sell you out as soon as look at you.  Are Republicans any better?  Unfortunately not enough better.  We need a whole new breed of principled people in government.  Failing that we're probably doomed.

The Militarization Of Our Police

SEE HERE  The increased militarization of the police is a very bad sign.  This ends up leading to a Nazi-like state.  We don't need that, in fact doing it is an immediate danger to our freedoms because it can be used for almost nothing but abuse of the citizens.  Watch and listen and be aware.  Also notice the increased military exercises in urban areas.  Something is going on and it doesn't look promising.

Freedom To Be Moral

SEE HERE  I'm sorry to offend any disordered sexually promiscuous homosexuals out there, but truth doesn't succumb to passionate peculiarities.  Homosexuality is a psychological disorder which interferes with normal sexuality.  It is wrong on any number of levels and is gravely immoral.  Saying this of course is no longer permitted.  Apparently the first amendment has been rescinded when it comes to speaking about immorality.  I must have missed the memo.  The sexualization of the armed forces to enforce this perverse perversion is tragic and frankly totally immoral.  But since the people in charge these days are totally immoral it is no surprise.  Keep your eyes open because your enslavement is hard upon you.  It started with political correctness.  It continued with calling anything they didn't like "hate speech."  It will end with the gulag for failing to be as immoral as they are.  Tyranny Rising!

Bigger Than Benghazi More Heroes Betrayed

SEE HERE  The president and the vice president of the United State should be in jail awaiting trial for the betrayal of their trust and their traitorous behavior.  These smiling sycophants need to discover there is justice in the world despite their attempts to ignore it.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

I Love Bill Whittle

Whittle always tells it like it is.  The worst president in the history of the United States doesn't impress Bill and frankly the rest of us should be eager to imprison him.  He's done nothing but lie and violate the Constitution.

The Destructive Character Of The Welfare State

SEE HERE  It always sounds good.  We're going to help people who need help.  Somehow the reality always seems to destroy more people than it helps.  When are we going to figure that out and do something before we are all destroyed?

"What Difference Does It Make?"

SEE HERE  Hilary Clinton knew from the beginning that it was a terrorist attach and she screamed at a Congressman that said so.  She is a no good lying despicable excuse for a human being.  She and the president and his minions got a man imprisoned for a year as part of their cover story that it was about a video.  When are we going to go after the real culprits, the criminals we have running the country?

Time To Fix The Constitution

SEE HERE  Mark Levin's new book "The Liberty Amendments" is an important first look at some ideas to make the Constitution more robust.  Can we mount a campaign to make that happen?  If we don't then perhaps we won't be a representative republic much longer.

Surface To Air Missiles In The Hands Of Terrorists

SEE HERE  Thanks Mr. President, you total bumbling, dishonest, traitorous idiot.  How long before American planes are being shot down like Flight 800  Welcome to the Twilight Zone where the president of the United States collaborates with our enemies against us.

What Do You Mean You Encrypted Your Email?

SEE HERE  I guess privacy is unpatriotic these days in the Obama Fascist State that thinks the ability to read everyone's email is a government right.  Pretty funny in one sense.  The idea that email has to be encrypted to be covert shows an ignorance of the history of covert communication.  The flower code the Japanese used before Pearl Harbor to communicate the configuration of ships in the harbor is just one simple example.  Perfectly innocuous language can conceal powerful messages using skip codes and other concepts.  Read about bible codes to figure that one out.  Those are just two simple examples.  There are as many as the fertile mind of man can imagine.  But the government isn't very imaginative.  So they'll just shut down anyone they like.  I guess they never heard of the first amendment or if they did they don't care. 

Mark Levin On Chris Christie

The Face Of The Brainwashed

This is the kind of thinking that represents the left, lockstep stupidity.  Global warming ... phony!  No warming in fifteen years despite large rises in CO2 sort of kills the narrative.  Then of course the pro-lifers are evil, they are just against killing the fifty plus million children these folks have supported killing.  Also this guy has heinous views about what to do with people that disagree with him.  People with as few neurons as this guy might not be the best people to make any public decisions.  He's totally brainwashed.

Did We Mention Hypocrisy?

SEE HERE  There is something totally mindless about the discourse that makes the media these days.  The imbalance between the acts of the left and the acts of the right is overwhelming with the left always being far the most intemperant and hateful.  Why is that?  Obviously a double standard which always calls to mind Sarah Palin's quip, "If it weren't for double standards liberals would have no standards at all."  This kind of mental blindness is hard to understand until you realize that it isn't blindness at all.  They really don't have standards.  Their posturing isn't about standards at all, it's about sliming people with whatever mud is at hand.  Don't take what liberals say literally.  It is always biased.  It is always hateful.  It is generally inconsistent.   What's more, they don't care.  It's all about effect.  They'll say one thing today and the opposite tomorrow if the effect is what they want.

Mining The Black Plantation For Votes

SEE HERE  It's what liberals do.  Racism is getting to be a very very tired argument from the left.  It starts by being a logical fallacy called 'ad hominem' — which means attacking the person and not his argument.  If you don't like something a person says you call them a name, "You racist!" or some other.  "Nazi" is always a good one coming from the left which didn't like "Nazis" because they were the wrong kind of socialists, not "Communists" which is what most of the left was.  You can only push an ad hominem argument for so long when it is clearly untrue before it gets a little weak.

Racism As A Rhetorical Strategy

SEE HERE  Apparently everyone doesn't roll over and play dead when a multi-billionaire cries "Racism."   SWISS CLERK calls Oprah a liar.  She runs for cover lying some more.  Strange world we live in where billionaires try to play the race card on the weak.  She didn't make all that money because she was black but because she was effective. 

Building A Domestic Military

The nation that fears its citizens is no longer free.  The police ought not to be a military unit.  The missions are entirely different.  This Marine Colonel tells it like it is.  You should be concerned.  This is a domestic army being built to control the American citizen.  That's not police it's tyranny on the rise.  Tyranny Rising!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Impeach Him Anyway!

SEE HERE  And then throw the Democrats out of the government.  They are obviously all traitors since they just sit back and applaud as Obama shreds the Constitution.  Doesn't anyone have any guts anymore?

Freedom Isn't Free, Especially If Obama Is Involved

SEE HERE  So now ObamaCare is the stealth invader of people's homes forcing inspections if they think that you might be a risk of some sort.  This is just a crate-blanche universal invasive violation of the Constitution.  We're supposed to be secure in our homes and not subject to every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Barack's idea of whether or not we're a risk.  Can we stop this stuff before we're all slaves of the nanny state on its way to the totalitarian slave state?  Tyranny Rising!

Liberals Have No Sense Of Humor

SEE HERE  ... and worse they are all intolerant proto-totalitarians ready at the slightest hint of resistance to punish all that disagree with them.  I thought the clown bit was pretty funny given that the amount of bull that Obama emits clearly shows that he's already be run down by the bull.  MORE
and HERE TOO apology to Obama for the insensitivity ... poor guy, might have ruined his multimillion dollar vacation.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

In Case You Wondered How We Got Here ...

SEE HERE  It's been a long arduous journey, this on-going progressive effort to destroy what the Founder's built.  The end is now in sight and the destruction close to final.  The possibility of restoration once the collapse comes will be small and the world may well go into a kind of darkness like that which descended when Rome fell.  We already see the moral decay but the economic decay has been somewhat slower and the religious decay while progressing has not been uniform.  But when the tipping point is reached then things will become much more catastrophic.  You might well think about how you will survive the transformation.

"At the same time, the old system was to be opened up and made more democratic; hence, the direct elections of Senators, the open primary, the initiative and referendum. It also had to be made to provide for more revenue; hence, the Sixteenth Amendment and the progressive income tax."

One small step at a time moving us away from the Founder's vision.  If you want to be informed this is a good essay to read.

When Did This Stop Being A Free Country?

SEE HERE  You'd think if one can lampoon Bush that one could lampoon Obama.  Of course that's a conclusion drawn before he was recognized as the second coming of Beelzebub, Father of Lies.  Now that we know he's the spawn of Satan and as Mark Twain pointed out that Satan is "... A person who has for untold centuries maintained the imposing position of spiritual head of four-fifths of the human race, and political head of the whole of it, must be granted the possession of executive abilites of the loftiest order."  Perhaps that changes things.

Showing Up The Public School System Is A Mortal Sin

SEE HERE  Well that's not exactly what Thomas Sowell says in this piece.  Afterall the typical liberal doesn't believe in sin or God either so the concept of a mortal (deadly) sin simply doesn't make their radar.  They are all about appearances but not at all about reality.  Sowell, as he so often does, gives them a common sense send up.  It's too bad that so few people are listening.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Liberalism 101: Or How To Rot Your Mind

SEE HERE ... in one easy lesson.  Liberalism was redefined by the New Deal, the Fair Deal, the Great Society and what has obviously become the Raw Deal as liberalism increasingly shows signs of destroying the economy and with it the republic.  It has taken some time to get here but the progress of the progressive, liberal, sociopathic socialists has been inexorable and now we are approaching the tipping point. 

Just Ran Into This: A Bit Old But Always Fun

SEE HERE  Well someone was born in Kenya identified as a son to Obama Sr.  It couldn't be Barack ... could it?  Well since we don't have any real records of who he really is and what he's really done I suppose we may never know.  I tend to think everything we know about him is manufactured.  This is a bit old so it must be mistaken right?  I thought you might be interested anyway.  I always find this stuff fascinating.  He swirls around and around which is probably a sign that no-one believes anything he says.  That seems like a prudent policy.

Benghazi Up Close And Personal

SEE HERE  With friends like these who needs enemies.  We have traitors running the country and we wonder why our brave men and women are abandoned when under attack?  When are we going to get in this administration's face and say "Enough" —
Tyranny Rising!

Class War At Its Best

The folks who are getting the free stuff don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because
the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.

And the folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop.

And the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!

Now... the people who are forcing the people who pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.

So... the people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff and giving them the free stuff in the first place.

We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.

Now understand this.  All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded.

The reason?  The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.

The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 236 years ago.  The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff.

Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.


A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!


Speak Truth To Stupidity

SEE HERE  Sounds like a plan.  The world has been listening to the liberal numbskulls too long.  It's time to start our own forums and get the truth out there and then we can watch the liberals dangling in the wind as they spin up new propaganda which will be taken down by truth.  Truth = Reality while Liberals are clearly quite insane.

Money And Inflation

SEE HERE  The reason for inflation is almost always government irresponsibility and this continues.  Since the Federal Reserve was started the value of money has done nothing but tank.  And it continues and the Chairman of the Fed doesn't understand gold prices.  That's an outright lie.  What's to understand.  Gold is a commodity and as such it's value is relatively fixed.  What shifts around it is the number of dollars you can get for it and it is almost always more tomorrow than today.  Does that mean gold is a good investment?  No it means that money is a terrible investment.  Holding money is rarely a good strategy unless you're seriously on top of the situation and ready to shift your money into things of real value at the drop of a pin.

What Part Of Illegal Is It That People Don't Understand?

This ad hominem attack by Ann Navarro was unmotivated by what the congressman said.  Her support lowered mine for those she mentioned.  If she's a Republican strategist then it's not hard to see why the Republican party is in trouble.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Run Our Own Debates!

The game the liberal media plays is to sabotage Republicans at the debates.  If you want to get straight talk out to the public then get rid of the liberals in the debates and let them do the liberal debates.  We should have principled conservatives as the questioners in Republican debates.  The point is to get the Conservative message out there not give the liberals a forum for taking pot shots.

Thomas Sowell Speaking Truth

Nerve Gas Scare

SEE HERE  Ok ... this could be something pointing to a more serious and more widespread initiative.  There has been some spin up of the possibility of a general large scale terrorist attack on the U.S. ... WMD agents like nerve gas would be perfect for such an attack.  There's not much you can do in the case of a serious nerve gas attack.  If I remember my military training which is likely quite out of date you basically hit yourself with atropine and waited to be collected by medics in the hope that they could save you.  Very dangerous stuff.

Think About It — What Are They Hiding?

SEE HERE  Frankly the sheer hubris of the Benghazi cover up is amazing.  A lot of people survived the attack and they are all being forced to relocated and disguise their identity.  I think that alone shrieks to high heaven of a major cover up.  Are we supposed to just swallow the administration assurances that nothing was going on when this kind of activity is being used to make it next to impossible to discover what was going on?  I think that's pretty simplistic don't you?  They are covering up something major and it cost four American's their lives.

The Race Card Is Just Too Tempting Not To Play It, Right?

This is the way discourse proceeds in the United States these days.  A case of self-defense is compared to an evil racist hate crime which can hardly be other than race baiting.  Oprah stirred the pot with distorted perceptions and because of her media status she gets a pass.  Nuanced?  Not on your life.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Truth Seeking In A Propaganda Soaked World

I have been conducting operations against Facebook trolls and liberals for a long time now and I thought it would be fun to sum up.  Theodore Sturgeon, a science fiction writer I started reading when I was about twelve years old, coined a law which applies now more than ever: "90% of everything is crap."

He was referring to creative writing and defending science fiction in particular of being trash and his adage which has come to be known and Sturgeon's Law was originally applied to fiction in all its forms.  It seems to me that Sturgeon's Law now applies to everything in the media and on the internet.  You can't really trust anything that you see published out there.  Is this a change?  I don't really know because in the past the access to publication was so much narrower that you only saw a few outlets and you assumed they were telling the truth.  In retrospect there's no reason to really believe that they were and lots of reasons to believe that even then you were being fed managed news intended to influence you in the "right" way so that the archons would be pleased.

So how do you deal with a world in which you can't trust any information source very much?  My suggestion is that you scan the spectrum and apply plausibility observations.  If a particular news interpretation is being conveyed in almost exactly the same terms from sources that tend to a particular political bias, either right or left, you can be pretty certain that it is a spin-doctored story that is aimed at defining the narrative.   Be suspicious of it.

If on the other hand a story is told that doesn't fit the usual bias of the source then question why it is being reported and see what other sources with different biases are saying.  The fact of a story being reported that is counter to the usual bias suggests a story that is too hot to cover up and look for signs of damage control.

Build a collection of trusted sources but as president Reagan used to say: "Trust but verify."  I always remember a little discussion I had with a fellow student trainee at the Naval Air Development Center back in the early 1960s.  We were walking across a large hanger which had a P3 with the experimental ANEW avionics in it and we were talking about the complexity of modern weapons systems that were computer controlled and centralized integrating a sophisticated array of sensors.  We agreed that no individual actually understood the whole system and were wondering how you could ensure its reliability.  Generally we thought that you could only validate the subsystems and the communication protocols.  As we separated to go to different offices my friend whose father was an engineer said "My dad says it's all a game of who do you trust?"  Later I asked my father about that in the context of commanding a large complex Navy facility.  He reiterated the idea and talking about finding a trusted associate that already knew the ropes when you're taking command of a new and previously unfamiliar station.  Trust is fundamental.  Keep score.

The Romans had an aphorism Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? or Who guards the guard themselves?  In a free society the people must be eternally vigilant for they must guard the guards.

Cost In Blood And Treasure Of Illegal Immigration?

SEE HERE  The reality of illegal immigration is that we have quite a few criminals in the country committing quite a lot of crime and had we apprehended and tossed them out there would be fewer criminals and less crime.  Common sense is not so common any more.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Still More Abuse Of Police Power

SEE HERE  It's time for significant push back against this kind of tyranny.  Entering a person's house and ending up tazing and applying deadly force because he wanted you to leave is far beyond reasonable and Constitutional behavior.  Come back with a warrant if you want entry.  But this story suggested that the police only wanted to ask questions.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

More Abuse of Police Power

SEE HERE  Innocent couple's home is invaded without a warrant and their two dogs shot.  We need to have some spectacular punishment of police to make it clear that this is intolerable.

Recovery? Do Any Of You Have Memories

Obama is systematically destroying the economy.  You've noticed haven't you?  The pretend new jobs are a joke and Obama's strategies continue to cripple the administration.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Is It Time For A Third Party?

Wild Bill endorses Sarah Palin calling for formation of a third party.  I'm not at all convinced.  I think it would be wiser to take over the Republican party and toss out all those who are RINOs and self-centered takers.  Lousy and slightly less lousy is no way to run the country.  But shooting ourselves in the foot isn't probably a great strategy either.  Push really hard to take over the Republican party and keep pushing and I think we'll get a better result than having to build a national party from scratch.

Detroit Was Just First! — Likely More To Come

SEE HERE  Nothing ever seems to deter a liberal from spending other people's money even if it isn't there.  Debt ... free money!  So if you let Democrats run things very long they run them straight into the ground. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Freedom of Speech? Freedom of Religion? Not So As To Notice

SEE HERE  When did violation of people's Constitutional rights become standard procedure in California?  It just gets worse and worse.  "The land of the free and the home of the brave"?  Really?  That went out when the leftists decided to reinterpret the Constitution so it didn't mean anything anymore.  Get ready for more because it is coming.  Tyranny Rising!

Why I've Become A Republican

... because freedom counts and Democrats don't promote freedom but dependency.  That's what it comes down to.

Who's Running The Show — Not Obama I Guess

SEE HERE  This piece points the finger at Valerie Jarrett who often seems to be the power behind the Obama figurehead.  Jarrett denied support to the embattled Benghazi compound.  Frankly my own suspicion is that Jarrett runs Obama and a combination of folks are running Jarrett.  What is not very likely is that Obama is in charge.  He's just not smart enough.

The Toxic Solution: Stupidity Mainstreamed

SEE HERE  Thomas Sowell is gifted with an immense amount of common sense.  It must have been siphoned off from the liberals else how do we explain how little they have.  His column here documents some instances of what I tend to call the liberal two step.  Step 1: Claim there is a problem that government must intervene to solve and impose a "solution." Step 2: Since liberal solutions rarely solve anything but merely make an already bad situation worse only in some other dimension usually, accuse the evil [fill in the blank with a common liberal boogieman] bastards have undermined their brilliant solution or they didn't do enough the first time.  So they double down.  GOTO Step 1 and repeat.  This creates a spiral of degeneration and the whole time the liberals are claiming someone else did it.  Look at Detroit for an abject example.  There hasn't been a Republican administration there since 1957 but the liberals want you to believe it's not their fault.  One of the factors that ought to make someone unfit for office is an inability to take responsibility.  Of course if that were practiced we'd have no Democrats and we'd lose twenty percent or so, maybe more, of the Republicans.  Americans have been brainwashed for a long time to blame everything on someone else.  When everyone is a victim there's really no-one left to blame but the insane stupidity of it all.