Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A List Of Lies Brought To You By Barack Obama

SEE HERE This is a list of Obama's lies, many of them really senseless, that Terry Anderson, a Black Los Angeles radio talk show personality ran down. At the very least, Barack Obama is truth challenged.

Rumsfeld On Who Should Have Known What When

SEE HERE It comes down to priorities and competence. The current administration is deformed in both areas.

Disaster Relief Doesn't Necessarily Require Big Government

SEE HERE Any port in a storm is a phrase that could describe the current liberal meme that you have to have big government to handle tragedies like Katrina and Sandy ... only it really isn't true. What you need is effective disaster preparation and deployment and that certainly required staging assets and being able to effectively deliver them to the troubled area. Government certainly has a role, but not necessarily the Federal Government. But as a general excuse of big government it's a non-starter.

A Great Film — "Argo" An Heroic Intervention In A Mad World

Why Did They Do Nothing?

SEE HERE A failure in leadership. A failure of will. A failure of loyalty. A failure ... and an Epic Failure!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Covering For Obama ...

SEE HEREThe despicable reality of the White House reaction to the Benghazi embassy attack. Speaking the truth in the face of disgraceful conduct of this administration.

Are You Ready To Accept Your Shackles — Insanity Coming!

The end of civilization as you know it.

Come Clean! — Not Going To Happen

SEE HERE From everything I've seen I'm pretty sure this fatal decision came from the highest levels. It was intentional, callous, and calculated. I don't know why, but as the admiral points out this is unAmerican in the extreme. I think POTUS did it. I don't know why but I have my suspicions. It was disgraceful. Frankly it looks like an attempt to set up an October surprise that would rebound to his political advantage that went awry because a couple of former Seals decided to defend their countrymen instead of standing down. This president is a disgrace to the office. The sooner he is gone the sooner the rest of us can start cleaning up the mess he has made.

The Most Tasteless Political Ad Ever Made And The Most Dishonest

The Democrats are afraid that the Republicans will steal the election through voter fraud? What? The experts on voter fraud have always been the Democrats. It's a matter of record. This is a vulgar, tasteless, dishonest ad and it's also totally surreal since the people of the greatest generation had standards and decorum and wouldn't talk like this. I wasn't surprised to discover that Michael Moore was involved. He's the father of tasteless lies.

A Little Papal Commentary on Socialism

SEE HERE Socialism fundamentally violates the Natural Rights of man. In short, it is an evil.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Is This The Real Story?

This is frighteningly plausible.

An Amazing Anti-Obama Rant By Camille Paglia

... but ... but ... but she's supporting people who are actually statists while complaining about statists ... All the people she was praising were basically communists, just not Stalinists. The craziness continues.

Special Operations Speaks

People who go in harms way and have honor speak.

Speak Truth To Stupidity — Then Vote No-Bama

Total lying and misrepresentation. Heads should roll, all the heads. This is disgraceful. They should all be removed and charged.

Why Was The Drone Launched?

SEE HERE Now that's a good question.  How did it happen we had a drone to observe the Benghazi embassy?  Obviously there was concern about an attack earlier enough to deploy a drone.  Shouldn't prudential judgment require prepositioning other assets just in case?  The more you reflect on these things the more malfeasance seems to be the only explanation. 

Obama — The Muslim Socialist?

SEE HERE  The behavior of Obama over the last few years is inconsistent with any other view.  At least that's the thesis of Nonie Darwish who wrote a book: The Devil We Don't Know about Obama.  He says "... Obama's behavior over the last four years regarding Islam has convinced me that Obama has a Socialist/Islamic centered worldview -- a combination that is not uncommon in many parts of the Muslim world."  This is not far from and adjunctive to Denish D'Souza's view that Obama embraces an anti-colonialist mindset.   The complement each other and both sets of views make Obama's fundamental vision anti-American.  We have a person in the highest office of the land that seeks to take down America.  If you don't see it, then you're not looking.  Read the article on the conflicts a Muslim has in defending Americans against Muslims and then ask if it is safe to have a person as Commander In Chief who is likely a closet Muslim.

"Modern" = What? Killing babies and being obsessed with perversion ... Wow! I didn't know Jay Thomas was such an idiot white guy!

And these kind of people appear on television and are privileged to blather their banter and blast their betters when they seem to have a distorted and disordered idea of history.  'Medieval' would be a marked step up considering the decline in our culture and 1955 would actually be a sweet spot before the galloping collapse of the poor in a sea of destructive entitlements.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Brainwashing the Children 75+ Homegrown Terrorists

WATCH THIS Are your children ready to die to kill Americans?  Maybe you should find out what is going on at the educational level.  We are being infiltrated.

Media In The Tank For Obama — The Media Coverup In Full Gear

We should be outraged at this coverup.  This is a disgrace.  This is treason.  Abandoning Americans when they are under attack is an outrage.

Obama's View of Women — Epic Fail!

Obama Watched And Did Nothing And Then He Lied His Head Off

SEE HERE Politics is one thing, but out and out failure to resist aggression on U.S. soil (an embassy is U.S. soil) and then knowingly deny that it was aggression for days afterwards is a high crime and the president should be removed from office.  Tyrone Woods ... "His last thoughts were, I thought they'd come."  SEE HERE

Saturday, October 27, 2012

"Hand to hand combat?" — Is This Guy Totally Nuts?

SEE HERE Remember when there were clinical diagnoses that Barack Obama was a certifiable Narcissist?  Is that like a kind of nut job?  So now he thinks that if the majority tosses him out on his ear it is reasonable to threaten violence?  This is sure not the kind of American representative republic that I was taught about when I was growing up.  It sounds more like the ravings of a lunatic.

What?! — Is There Any More Technology We Can Give Our Enemies?

SEE HERE This all gets weirder and weirder.  Maybe you could invent this stuff for a novel but then no-one would believe it.  It would be too ... well too weird.  So now the Iranians have a perfectly functional stealth spy drone and our fearless president decided not to do anything about it.  Wow!  What courage.  Can we have a new president please? This one is either incompetent or a traitor.

Looks More and More Like Treason

SEE HERE  "Stand down"  ... Don't you understand a direct order to abandon your fellow Americans to the terrorists attacking them.  Obama is a traitor.  How can you justify an order to let your fellow Americans be killed when you have the ability to help?  What the hell is going on?

Voter Fraud? Are There Democrats Involved?

SEE HERE This is one of the ways it works.  Gotta give Democrats an A for initiative and an F for integrity.  Of course there is voter fraud as long as there are Democrats.  They invented it!

So Who Are The Idiots That Blew This? — What Did POTUS Know and When Did He Know It?

SEE HERE Forces were in place that could have engaged this enemy and they were told to stand down. Some heads need to roll and we should find out what the president knew and when he knew it. What has been coming out is disgraceful.  The whole incident smells like a put-up job.  Security forces withdrawn just a couple weeks before 9/11, claims for a long time that it was a video (BTW if you saw the video it's a joke), reports that CIA former Seals were told to stand down, despite laser designation of the mortars they were not fired upon, drones were in the area and the entire attack was on video.  This goes way beyond screw up.  This is an epic failure of leadership and smells to high heavens of a staged incident.

Wild Bill — An Entitlement Program I Can Get Behind

Marco Rubio Chimes In on Benghazi

The Disgrace That Is Our President

SEE HERE Painting the target with a targeting laser and the response does not come. The traitors in the administration need to be brought to justice. This whole incident smells to high heaves of having been set up and made to culminate in a tragedy. Our current administration is disgraceful.

So Far Beyond Lying — The Beginning of the Truth

Friday, October 26, 2012

Awesome Invocation That Nails It!

President Is The Man Who Denied Assistance

"It's a bald faced lie." The president denied assistance to the embassy under attack. They just stood by and watched the video from the drones. This looks more and more like a set up.

Breaking: Petraeus says CIA didn't order "stand down" So Who Did?

SEE HERE This keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Let's Roll — Momentum!

Zonation on the Debates

Mark Levin on The Current Disgraceful Cover-Up

Denying military assets to Americans under attack is a disgrace. The president had to know and didn't care. The people observing didn't do anything except watch. This is an example of how disconnected from reality this whole administration is. Mark Levin has been there. He knows. He calls them out!

The Very Model of Incompetence

Traitors In Our Midst — "Stand Down" WTF?

SEE HERE The CIA and the administration abandoned the ambassador and his staff while they had resources to respond. This isn't incompetence, it is treason! I am disgusted with this administration. With help like this in a firefight we might as well just roll over and play dead.

The Imperial Presidency

SEE HERE The current administration shows very little respect for the law. A new report points out that "the breadth of the breakdown in the rule of law in recent years has reached new levels. ..." Among the examples offered include:
  • Tell a private business in what state it can locate;
  • Tell a religious institution which employees are “religious” under certain federal laws;
  • Regulate the internet;
  • Rewrite Federal education law;
  • Created new “Super” regulatory agencies; and
  • Significantly restrict America's energy resources.
It is long past time for a change!

The Difference Between Honorable and Dishonorable

The current administration is composed of fundamentally dishonorable people. When you have the chance to stand up for the right and you refuse to do it then you are not only dishonorable but despicable. "You know who you are ..." I have three candidates: Obama, Biden, and Clinton. There are likely more. Despicable! READ THIS They were actually targeting the attackers weaponry and refused to fire and refused to send military aid. Heads should roll, lots of heads.

CIA Requests For Help As Attack Took Place Were Denied

SEE HERE This whole thing is taking on the appearance of a contrived incident. Security was reduced at the embassy just a few weeks before the attack. Drones were in the air feeding back real time surveillance at the time of the attack. Real time requests for help by the operators on the ground were denied despite the fact that help was only an hour away and the attack continued for some seven hours. This is not only disgraceful but it smells to high heavens.

Freedom Isn't Free

Statement by Ty Woods' Father: “I want to honor my son, Ty Woods, who responded to the cries for help and voluntarily sacrificed his life to protect the lives of other Americans. In the last few days it has become public knowledge that within minutes of the first bullet being fired the White House knew these heroes would be slaughtered if immediate air support was denied. Apparently, C-130s were ready to respond immediately. In less than an hour, the perimeters could have been secured and American lives could have been saved. After seven hours fighting numerically superior forces, my son’s life was sacrificed because of the White House’s decision. This has nothing to do with politics, this has to do with integrity and honor. My son was a true American hero. We need more heroes today. My son showed moral courage. This is an opportunity for the person or persons who made the decision to sacrifice my son’s life to stand up.”
"Rid the world of those savages" said his wife. SEE HERE

Riddle Me Why?

SEE HERE Washington Post endorses Obama.  I'm not surprised of course.  The liberal media has been in the sack with Obama since the beginning.  But the endorsement apparently included a long list of criticisms.  When you read the criticisms you have to wonder what kind of endorsement this is?  Why would anyone endorse a person who has so epically failed to lead, especially when they have failed to deliver on almost all their commitments?  One really has to wonder if it is something in the water in Washington that causes dementia?

The Sins of the Fathers Are Visited Upon the Children

SEE HERE We are reaping the harvest of our planting. People talk about God visiting judgment on His people, but not only is virtue its own reward, but vice is its own punishment. We reap what we sow. The grim reaper is coming for all of us and we would seem to deserve it.

One Voter Gets Real And Lays It On The Line

This lady focuses on the reality of Obama.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Is Anybody Actually Paying Attention?

Outing The President — Total Liar. You Can't Believe Anything He Says

Seek The Truth Always!

Mormons Trump Communists Anyday!

"Bindergate!?" — My Favorite Distraction

SEE HERE What is this "bindergate" nonsense? Governor Romney actively recruiting women to high positions in his administration in Massachusetts is an issue? This coming from people who always support affirmative action? Can we have some sort of balance in the media? I think it was a good thing that Romney wanted women represented in his administration. I would think women would too. Why is this an issue? And how come we have not heard of binders full of Muslims?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Step Up. America Needs You!

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.Ronald Reagan

Ryan On The Failure Of The War On Poverty

WATCH HERE I've watched the Democrats claim to be helping the poor by trapping them into dependency for most of my life. It doesn't work. It creates a permanent class of people who have given up on the American dream. I've seen some of these people up close and personal, young women who got pregnant just to become eligible for assistance. We need better ideas and Paul Ryan offers them.

Sure There's No Vote Fraud — If You Believe That You Don't Really Know The Democrats

SEE HERE And Moran's son resigned claiming he was only humoring the undercover reporter. SEE HERE

Join Clint Eastwood In Voting For Romney — The Future of Our Country Is At Stake

So Is This Donald's Big Announcement?

It will be interesting to see if Obama will do this. If he doesn't then you have to really wonder what he is hiding. This is a deal that an honest person could not refuse.

It's October Surprise Time ... Now What?

SEE HERE Yes Romney is a Mormon ... but isn't the left about tolerance? Only when it suits them of course. They're really not about anything but power. With the Trump Wednesday revelation (whatever that will be) and the last two weeks of the election before us, we can expect both sides to potentially try to out the opposition with some heretofore unknown negative thing in the hopes that it will sway the electorate at the last minute and there won't be time for the other side to rebuttal. Thus far has American election politics fallen. Where are the men of integrity that should make up our government? We have nothing but climbers and slanderers and power hungry rats in power these days. It's actually refreshing to have Romney running.

Only Investigating Republican Areas? What?

SEE HERE The idea that the U.N. should be intruding on our elections is a sign no doubt of the desperation of the left. It is particularly troubling that they seem to be concentrating on Republican areas. So now the U.N. is an arm of the Democrat party?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

So What Did He Do The Last Four Years?

Is this message more credible than it was in 2008? Just what has he done the past four years that has worked? Nothing I can think of. He doesn't deserve a second chance. He's just repeating the same old mantra ... the only change he has brought has been disaster.

Blow By Blow Exposure Of Incompetence

A step by step exposure of the horrific attack in Libya.

A Reflection On the Romney Candidacy By A Tea Party Supporter

SEE HERE Romney is certainly no Tea Partier's favorite candidate but the Obama alternative can't be seen as acceptable. So how do you resolve the problem? Here is one man's reflection on the conundrum.

Protect and Preserve the American Dream

It's unique in all the world and we're flushing it with the collectivist delusions of the left. Stop the slide into statism.

The Tyranny of Government Healthcare

WATCH THIS Watch this and see what this physician thinks the effects of Obamacare will be. This is tyranny plain and simple and it degrades healthcare, it doesn't enhance it.

The Ultimate Debate Summary

Facts trump talking points.

The Apology Tour Romney Ad

Romney already has an ad out with a segment from last night's debate. How can Obama defend this record? At the debate last night he recited memorized talking points and accused Romney of lying. I know who the liar is. It's the person who claims to support Israel and visits all their enemies but never visits them.

Monday, October 22, 2012

What Is This About? Is It Even True?

SEE HERE Government building a ton of boxcars with shackles in them? Whatever for? Is it true? Does this coordinate with all the ammunition buys? What is going on? There sure seem to be a lot of paranoids in the world. Who could be coordinating such a conspiracy if it exists? LINK TO SPECS

Don't Give That Democrat A Cookie — It Never Ends!

The Devil Is Alive And Well Seeking To Destroy Man: "He Was A Murderer From The Beginning."

SEE HERE Apparently the twin secular progressive sacraments of abortion and gay marriage are reason enough to act like barbarians and savages.

But Of Course There's No Voter Fraud

SEE HERE How soon they forget. When I was living in Philadelphia they closed the bars on election day and I was told it was because politicians used to trade beers for votes or something like that. Of course it was the Democrat machine politicians I'd wager. Of course there's no voter fraud. If you're caught it isn't as effective.

So What Does Donald Know? — I Hate Suspense!

Just Tell Us The Truth

One Man's Opinion — Obama Should Resign

SEE HERE Who with a mind can disagree. He should never have been nominated much less elected. It is a sign of the great weakness of our system that such a total Narcissist without experience or particular ability beyond reading and rhetoric can be elected. I personally think it is even more scary that he can still register in the polls at all. I guess the American electorate no longer has a collective brain. It has been too damaged by the television vapidity that passes for entertainment and the media mush that passes for discourse. Hope we wake up to the dangers because I don't think he's going to resign.

Time To Get Those Halloween Costumes Ready

Green Energy as In Burning Up the Greenbacks

SEE HERE Click to see the growing list of money the government has burned up in supporting so-called "green" energy. Note particularly how many have gone bankrupt. Now the question I have is why, if this stuff is such a good deal and going to be the energy of the future, then why does the government have to put up a dime. You'd think those evil nasty greedy capitalists that the left is always moaning about would be lining up and pouring money into these promising ideas. Instead they are government subsidized all the way to the market. There is no market without the government subsidy. When are these idiots going to figure out that that is the sure sign of a bad deal.

U.N. to Monitor Our Elections — Oh Goodie!

SEE HERE I'm sure we need U.N. poll watchers so they can learn how elections are done and take them back to their own totalitarian regimes. I'm being a mite sarcastic since the polls are often more full of watchers than voters when I go to vote. I see the U.N. as the cause of far more problems than offering any solutions. I don't mind too much being a member so long as the institution has no teeth. When people start suggesting that the U.N. should be a world organization that can overrule the several sovereign countries that make it up, including the U.S. then it's time to quit and let them find somewhere else to meet instead of New York. I think someplace on an island far away would be good.

How Very Disturbing — I'm Sure There Is A Reasonable Explanation

SEE HERE Perhaps a warp in the time-space continuum led to an accidental nexus of electromagnetic signals from the future declaring Obama the winner with such amazing added details as the vote count and the percentage of states reporting. "I find your lack of faith disturbing."

The Flailing Chicken — Desperation Mode

SEE HERE I love the image of the flailing chicken that RedState offers this morning. The Obama campaign is starting to stare into the eyes of defeat and they will, like all rats up against a wall, begin to attack with the only weapon they have which is the lie. So expect the pace of lying to increase and become more extreme. It is unfortunate that the liars have the media in their tank lying with them in more ways than one. Perhaps we are seeing, as Rush Limbaugh pointed out a day or so ago, the collapse of two great institutions. I hope we can survive the rush towards economic collapse and begin to repair the damage that the "community organizer" has accomplished in his four short years.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Outting The President's Sustained and Outrageous Lying

WATCH BECK ON THE LYING Glenn Beck nails the president on his continuous and sustained lying. There has never been a president that lied as a matter of policy like this man. He lies and when his lies are revealed he doubles down on the lies. This man should be in jail not at the helm of the largest and most powerful democratic republic in the history of the world.

The Reality of Government Control of Healthcare

"Comfort Care?" — Can you understand that that means the refusal of health care practically speaking. The zero sum game thinking of government kills the weak and disadvantaged. The path we are on treats human beings as mere investments and not as intrinsically valuable. This destroys the value of infants and the retired, just the people most likely to need medical care. Welcome to evil!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Disintegration Before Our Eyes

Blatant uncompromised incompetence—Incredible!

Free Man or Slave — Pick One!

Is Sanity Ever Going To Return?

SEE HERE So a Muslim soldier consults with a top al-Qaida leader and then shoots up his fellow soldiers and it's classified as workplace violence and not an act of terrorism? This is insanity but it is par for the Obama administration.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Is This Stupidity or Malice?

SEE HERE I'm betting malice! The smart people that make up this administration are not just making dumb mistakes. They are contriving to arm our enemies and weaken our friends and make the United States less effective on the world scene. It is treason, but it is clever. When are others in authority going to react against it?

Hell 101 "Thy will be done" You Choose! His or Yours?

The Transcript of Obama's Dreams

SEE HERE I put an audio of this up the other day, but here's the transcript if you missed it. The bottom line is that these influences taken collectively are horrendously damning. People need to dust off their neurons and understand that this background does not create a loyal American. THE EARLIER POST

Minnesota Making Fools Of Themselves

SEE HERE How is this legal for Minnesota to do regardless of how old the law is? Let's see, for starters it sounds like an unconstitutional restriction on speech. Even funnier is that this is apparently a free service so who is hurt by it. It's delivered by internet, so the state is telling people they can't take advantage of free education over a service they pay for. What?

Romney At The Al Smith Dinner In New York

Lunatic Bomber Thwarted

SEE HERE Why isn't this a bigger deal? What kind of thing motivates these idiots? We need to celebrate American achievements and the good we do and stop listening to the traitors in our midst. We have been the brightest bulb in the freedom box for over two hundred years. Without the United States freedom would soon be in eclipse.

Only In America —Can There Be This Kind Of Idiocy

Wild Bill nails it! Only in America can all this stupidity pass for sense, but then only in America can Democrats be thought to be sensible.

Myths About Social Security

SEE HERE The Motley Fool takes a short at demythologizing the myths about Social Security. Social Security is the favorite boogieman of the politicians when they are out to scare the voters. It's been converted into the "third rail" of politics. The reality is that it is a lousy program in many regards, but it isn't going away anytime soon so you best know more about it.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Obama #NotOptimal

SEE HERE  The problem with this guy is that he has no real feelings.  He makes Romney look like a bleeding heart by comparison and anyone who's been around this blog for long knows that I've been calling Romney "plastic man" because he tends to be so deadpan.  The difference is that Romney is shy and doesn't tend to show his feelings but has them and Obama actually doesn't really believe that there is anyone but him in his universe and doesn't have any feelings except for his own sorry butt. MORE

Romney On The Libyan Cover-Up And The Vice-Presidential Debate

A Liar From The Beginning ...

Another take ... how long can you float a lie ... we have two weeks for sure.

More Cargo-Cult Economics — Obama Hasn't A Clue

SEE HERE I frankly didn't believe my ears when Obama said that low gas prices were do to the economic collapse and so, presumably, the high gas prices were a good sign.  If you were looking for a signature moment of total cluelessness it's hard to imagine a more dramatic one.  Obama of course has never really had what I'd call an honest job.  I mean a job that actually creates something.  He's had a lot of jobs that frankly tended to destroy things.  His whole life is dedicated to destruction of the American dream as far as I can see.  He comes out of a family situation that was destructive.  He comes from a thoroughly communist background with all his associations radicals or Marxists or just plain communists and you expect what?  He certainly has no idea where jobs come from.  He also doesn't understand productivity "You didn't build that ..."  A good question might be: What does he understand?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Disconnect Between Reality And What Obama Says

SEE HERE I suppose "disconnect" is more polite than saying lying.  When one says something that is counter to reality with the intention to deceive that is the definition of reality.  Notice there have to be two elements: 1) one counter factual, and 2) one intentional counter factual.  So just being wrong isn't a lie.  Bush didn't lie about WMDs.  In fact it isn't even clear it was counter factual given the long chain of trucks transporting something into Syria in the weeks of run up.  They probably were not out for a nice truck excursion.  But Obama has quite a long list of things that he says that are not only counter factual but which he ought to know are counter factual.  Now to be fair, "ought to know" and "know" are two different things.  But either he's stupid or he's lying and neither are much of a recommendation for someone running for president.  Ann Coulter has a biting way of making the point.  GINGRICH ON THE DEBATE DISHONESTY

A Reflection On The Devil

We live in the aftermath of the worst generation in history for the killing of innocent human beings.  We are continuing it in the quieter and silenter way through the holocaust of abortion which has far surpassed the carnage of the Nazis and Communists of the 20th century.  It does not take much imagination to see the "murderer from the beginning" behind it all.  The sulfurous smoke of Satan is the incense of our modern world.

For those who don't believe in devils or I suppose angels, here is a video that illuminates the topic.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Voter Fraud

SEE HERE The liberals are always taking the position that voter fraud almost doesn't exist.  My inclination is to see that as a lie since liberals almost always lie.  What they really mean is that it isn't voter fraud unless you're caught and we're so good at it we hardly ever get caught.  Well here we have a few that didn't make that cut.  If we really got serious about voter fraud I suspect we'd find literally thousands and thousands of fraudulent voters both dead or ineligible cheerfully voting.  Why not conduct serious investigations.  What are you afraid of liberals?

The Libyan Timeline — Incompetence At The Highest Levels

SEE HERE Given the sequence of event, the failure to provide adequate security to the Libyan embassy and its ambassador is failure of an epic order.  The outcome was predictable and it is astonishing and highly suspect that no-one seems to have anticipated it except the victims until it had come to pass.  This administration is down-right criminal.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Economics Lessons Obama Never Got

Catholic Social Teaching — What Joe Biden Thinks He Knows Something About

I'm a member of the Northern Virginia G.K. Chesterton Society and Dale Ahlquist is the president of the American Chesterton Society and a pretty good person to be talking about both Chesterton and Catholic Social Teaching, so if you wonder about it, here's a long video you can watch.

Cargo Cult Economics

SEE HERE For those who are too young to remember what "Cargo Cults" are, the reference is to natives on the South Sea islands where we built airfields during WWII. The natives saw these "big iron birds" land and dispense vast amounts of food, and other materials and they treated them like a race of gods and built imitation aircraft as part of a religious cult. Of course it didn't work. "Cargo Cult Economics" is an economic edifice that pretends to be economics but also doesn't work. ALSO HERE

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Coincidence Chain — Probability? The Product of The Individual Probabilies If They Were Independent

Bottom line ... Obama is an anti-American plant. Probability of being wrong? Negligible.

Alan Keyes On The Electoral Process

Alan Keyes may not be all that popular but he is a straight talker and he nails the problems with our electoral system. We need reform, but we won't get it if Obama is reelected. With Romney and perhaps with a Republican Congress we have some chance of changing things.

What You Need To Know? Perhaps What We Need To Explore

Trevor Loudon, political activist from New Zealand and author of the book “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within,” provides factual information, connections and insight into Obama’s deliberate plan to weaken our military beyond repair. This video is a must see… This is a long video but it names names and describes the MO of the modern communists. We are no less at risk today than we were in the past when the extent of Communist influence in the state department was revealed. The left has demonized those who sounded the alarm, but they are co-conspirators or "useful idiots" as Communist doctrine characterizes them.

Jumping From the Threshold of Space

A new record!

Is Obama A Traitor? — He's Certainly Not A Good Commander In Chief

SEE HERE "We have a problem America."  We have a president who really doesn't have American interests at heart.  He's a globalist at best and a communist mole at worst.  What we can be certain of is that he is a lousy president with policies that are destroying the United States.  He has to go!

Obama's War Against Coal — Dishonest, Destructive, and Pointless

Obama is intentionally imposing a war on coal which is the cheapest fuel for energy generation.  It has no scientific basis.  It's just the global alarmism allegations that carbon dioxide increases the earth's temperature dangerously and those are highly questionable.  To push this the Obama administration is putting all the miners out of work and skyrocketing the price of energy.  It's stupid and frankly dishonest, destructive, and if it has a point, it is a fallacious point.

Sixteen Years Without Global Warming Seems To Invalidate The Models

SEE HERE  The whole global warming alarmism was spun up on the basis of inadequate science to begin with.  If CO2 is such a climate driver then we'd expect to have seen additional warming, but we don't.  Just another case of crisis manufacturing for the purpose of imposing government controls.

"Freedom" Islamic Style — With Friends Like These Who Needs Enemies?

SEE HERE The reality of playing patty-cake with Muslims is that you ultimately get your head handed to you and not metaphorically.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire — And The Winner Is ... Obama!

The Obama Administration Is A Disgrace

SEE HERE With a Commander In Chief like this who needs enemies?

The Catholic and the Fraud — A Study In Lying

SEE HERE I believe abortion is murder but I defend the right of other people to do it ... What? That's what the vice-president's answer amounts to. Phony baloney is Biden's stock in trade. He can always bloviate about peace and justice which is a pseudo-relgious, communist inspired spin doctored strategy to get Christians to support revolution. It's been condemned by the church, but you'd never guess that listening to the usual suspects on the left. The Catholics in name only like Pelosi and Biden are total phonies.

The Vice-Presidential Debate

SEE HERE I was at a C.S. Lewis Society meeting and then driving home I missed the Vice-Presidential debate in real time.  But I TiVo'd it and settled in to listen when I got home.  What I got for my trouble was an awful lot of Joe Biden interrupting Paul Ryan, smirking at the camera, loudly claiming that everything Ryan said was a lie and demonstrating that the only reality he believed in, if then, was one he seemed at times to be making up at the moment.  It was a big yawn.  Ryan for his part didn't quite live up to the pre-debate hype.  But at least he was not rude, crude, or uninformed.  He came across to me as the one vastly more informed and more thoughtful.  Biden liked to seed his remarks with reminders that he's the vice-president and has sat in on meetings etc.  That's fine of course, but it didn't really convey what he intended at least to me.  It didn't make him seem more informed.  If anything it made the point that this administration is largely rudderless.  I'm glad there is not going to be another VP debate.  I don't think I could stand that much Joe Biden face time. PATRIOT POST CHIMES IN

The Media's Vast Disconnect With "Fly Over Country"

SEE HERE Frankly the problem with the media is that they have themselves confused with gurus.  They imagine that their take on things is accurate and everyone else is simply a bozo.  But their perspective is typically urban and they look down their noses on those who are not as "cosmopolitan" as themselves.  The reality is that that involves a vast disconnect from those who don't think cities are the only reality or that liberal progressive ideas the only wisdom.  The dismissive way that the media treat the concerns and ideas of the people in "fly-over country" is symptomatic of their biases and failure to engage the everyday reality that most of us endure.  The idea that wisdom only resides in the urban centers of the two coasts, New York and Los Angeles for example, shows a failure to engage the lives of the vast majority of Americans.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Watch What Obama Does — Energy Is Just One Example

The Obama administration's energy policies contribute to his overall focus on crashing our economy.  He has demonized coal and is driving up the cost of energy from the pumps, from the generators, and seeking to make it permanent by failing to provide drilling permits and blocking the pipeline from Canada which would have provided both jobs and energy.  How many things does the president have to do that clearly are not in America's interests before we figure out that he's anti-American.

The Taliban In On The Inside

We need to look very carefully at what is going on.  This attack in Libya has all the earmarks of a set up, no so much of a particular incident, although that can't be ruled out, but of a vulnerability which will be exploited whenever convenient.  Our state department personnel in faraway and dangerous places deserve better than they are getting.  Instead we have large security details for folks who are not in much danger and small and ineffective ones for those actually in harms way.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

One Ring To Rule Them All — And Obama's Not A Muslim?

''Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie."

Economy In The Tank Until 2018?

SEE HERE Well we sure can't tolerate that outcome, but it would be no surprise given Obama's miserable economic policies.  What do you expect from a man who has never had an honest job in his life and never had to meet a payroll.  Community Organizer is another name for rabble-rouser.

When A Democrat Has Nothing Substantive To Say They Play The Race Card Even If It Doesn't Make Sense

SEE HERE Of course relatively little that liberals have to say makes sense except on the liberal reservation where they all nod their heads in lock-step and drone the mantras and they drink the koolaid.  It is really pretty amazing that people think that liberals think at all.  I suppose it's the tyranny of the idea that if a lot of idiots agree it must be true.  The problem with that is that when a lot of idiots agree it is usually not true.  That's what it means to be an idiot.  To assess if something is true you need reasons and principles and since liberals don't have either it makes it hard to tell if anything they say is true.  Usually if it is, it's only by accident.  Wait and minute and it won't be any longer.

The Road Not Taken — We Need To Change Course

SEE HERE We're clearly not on the right road with Obama. He's all about destroying the America that has brought prosperity to so many and hope of freedom to the world. Instead Obama wants to take us down a notch, a peg, maybe to ruin itself. If you saw the movie 2016 Obama's America than you have some idea of why he does what he does. I suspect it is far worse, but it is at least as bad as the movie suggested. It's time to change the path we are on or we're headed for destruction.

Heritage Debunks Medicare Lies From The Left

SEE HERE Of course the left can do no wrong. Just ask them. They are the wise ones. They are the anointed. They are the only ones who really have your best interests at heart. They think you should let them run your life and pay a healthy premium for the privilege of basking in the sunshine of their great wisdom. Well the dirty little secret is that they are a bunch of con artists and frauds. They want power and are addicted to spending other people's money. So take a breath of fresh air and find out what the truth is. You'll never find it out from the media.

Media Incest and the Corrosion of Trust

SEE HERE Sure the media is unbiased! Wait a second while I finish my coffee or I'll breath it in as I laugh. The media is so totally in the bag for the left that it's a total absurdity to expect anything like measured judgment from the talking heads and writing pens that control the words we hear and read. They are all simply leftist progressive spin-bots. It's almost impossible to get an honest assessment of anything these days since the biased media controls so many of the outlets.

Technically it reminds me of a characteristic of Kalman filters. A Kalman filter corrects signals based on a model and it weights the data coming in against the model. One problem is that they can get to the point that they so attenuate the amount they trust the data and so exaggerate the model that they effectively stop working and you have to reset them.

Well the media is like that. They're lock up on their left progressive bias and no longer report the news, just create leftist spin. They need to be reset. The resetting is going to happen semi-automatically because they're losing credibility and so reader and listenership. Then a shift towards more objective reporting will set in.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Liars Exposed — How Could They?

This whole failure to provide adequate security under conditions that any fool could predict would be volatile is not only a degrace, it's stupid and incompetent negligence. Everyone involved should be disciplined from the president on down with particular attention to the incompetents in the state department.

Romney Is A Real Person While Obama Is An Empty Suit Who Thinks Failing To Defend Our Diplomatic Missions Is Just A "Bump In The Road"

Contrast Governor Romney's moving tribute to a fallen Seal compared with the egomaniac we have in the White House who could have the total lack of compassion to call the loss of our ambassador and other fine Americans a "bump in the road." Frankly I find Barack Obama to be huge disappointment, quite beyond imagining. VIDEO

Fiscal Responsibility? What's That?

SEE HERE Obama administration scores another year of over a trillion dollar deficit.  A trillion here and a trillion there and  pretty soon you're bankrupt and history.  The sad thing is that no one seems to have been educated about economics enough to understand how destructive this is going to be when the crunch comes and it is coming soon. 

Thoughts On Obama's Debate Performance In Perspective

SEE HERE Obama's debate performance at the first presidential debate against Romney was not an anomaly.  It was the true Obama, not the Obama of mythology that his supporters throw up, well they ought to throw up now that I think about it.  Obama is definitely a phony as Thomas Sowell pointed out, but it goes beyond that to a totally orchestrated identity that is not authentic.

Thomas Sowell Nails The Phony In Chief — Liar In Chief For That Matter

SEE HERE Community organizers are not about truth, they are about agitation.  Thomas Sowell homes in on Barack Obama with a clear illustration of his fast and loose way with the truth.  We are dealing with one totally unscrupulous hombre here.  But I suppose it shouldn't be a surprise.  One of the tenants of liberal progressives is that the only thing that is important is the outcome, so say anything, do anything, truth, honor, integrity, etc.  none of that matters, only the outcome.  Power is the name of the game and if lying works all the better.
Hannity on the same issue.

Campaign Contribution Laws? Compliance Measures? — Hey We're Chicago Hoodlums, What Do You Expect?

SEE HERE I guess we don't expect much, but just to be sure Red State checked'em out.  They didn't pass.  I guess they're Chicago hoodlums all right.

Monday, October 8, 2012

It's Time To Get Out of the U.N.

SEE HERE The tyranny by U.N. programs whether Agenda-21 or these global taxes they are trying to pass would violate our sovereignty and move us to global governance.  This is nothing but tyranny in process.

There Is No Such Thing As Moderate Taliban

SEE HERE The reality of militant Islam is that it needs to be countered and half-measures won't do it.  The answer to savages is to make it very clear that we will totally clean their clocks if they so much as begin something.  This modern nonsense of thinking you can reason with these kind of people is just madness.  It leads to all the problems we've had militarily in the times since WWII.  When we commit our military is should always be with a commitment to total victory.  Anything less is shameful.

Every Vote Counts

Wild Bill, on the money!

Cooking the Books — Just a Total Coincidence?

SEE HERE Suddenly just before the election we have a favorable jobs report?  Sure it must be because the economy has suddenly turned around right?  Or it must be because the same old same old liars are still spinning the news and the numbers in this administration, probably the most corrupt in history.

Romney On Foreign Policy — Someone Who Would Care as Commander In Chief

Campaign Fraud? Obama? What Did You Expect?

SEE HERE  This would be funny if it were not so typical of the Obama administration.  If anything is as it seems that's unusual.

"Hi Oh Silver, Away!" The Lone Ranger Rides Again

Everyone needs a humor break especially the way the country is going these days.  I always love Clayton Moore as the Lone Ranger.

"Eastwooding" Muhammad

Sunday, October 7, 2012

WTF — And Obama's NOT a Muslim?

SEE HERE What is this all about?  The Obama administration seems to have a fascination with funding those that hate us and dissing those that have been our allies.  It's just outrageous.  The money being spent on this should be going either back into the pockets of the citizens of being spent on something legitimate.  Funding the construction of places of worship for an alien religion is simply outrageous.  Do the Christian churches get a proportionate subsidy?  Of course not.  This has to be illegal.

Mitt Romney In His Own Speak

WATCH HERE Catch this.  It's a great opportunity to see Romney and hear him at a campaign rally in Florida.  No teleprompters either.  Big difference between him and the empty chair.

Drone Shot Down Over Israel

SEE HERE As the level of technology available to the jihadists rises so does the danger of precision attacks.  Technology is available today to made munitions that can be directed into a building through the window of choice, meaning of course that no-one is safe if their location is known.

The Cult of the Machine

SEE HERE I'm not sure it is entirely fair to blame our blighted culture on the rise of technology. It's a tempting premise, but I think more to the point is the secularization and denial of spiritual realities. Man is not just the most evolved mammal, he is more than that. Man is made in the image and likeness of God and when he rises to the challenge of his nature he is a manifestation of the divine, and when he falls to the basest pit of his appetites he is more like a demon and serves only himself and his lower urges. In between man is confused. Our technology can be in service of both our highest and our lowest natures for technology is indifferent. It is all what you make of it.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Did I Put This Up Before? Well If I Did It's Worth Looking At Again

Has this president kept any of the promises he made or has he just been phony from the beginning?

AlfonZo Rachel Nails "The View" and Whoopi's Rant

The Religion of Peace and Human Trafficking

SEE HERE Trafficking in young girls who are abducted and forced to become Muslims is an outrage that is supported and sanctioned by the Muslims.  Meanwhile Muslim groups are killing Christian students in Nigeria. SEE HERE It is essential to understand that Islam is not a true religion. It is a political system designed to enslave the world to an inhuman and tyrannical faith. If you study the history of Christianity I think you will find that Islam is a Christian heresy, an outgrowth of the Arian heresy. SEE Hilaire Belloc's TAKE

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Infamous "Uh" Which Signals The Absence of The Teleprompter

The debate the other night tested Obama's ability to handle himself on his feet without a teleprompter.  Except for the fact that he couldn't do much but repeat his prepared remarks he did fairly well, except, well 'uh' you have to learn not to do that 'uh' thing.  Silent extended pauses make you look like you're thinking.  Lot's of uh's make it sound like you don't know what to think.

Sometimes The Right Strategy Is To Turn Back From The Brink

I think Obama did simply horribly in the debate.  Romney was better by contrast because Romney actually focused on strategies that would work.  The left continues to be bought into a whole range of strategies that have failed every time they have been tried.  My favorite part of the debate was when Romney had to explain why his plan would work and Obama just stuck to zero-sum-game views and the idea that you could grow government revenue by hammering the people who make the economy work.  It was an "Epic Fail!" for Obama, but people have to be listening and I'm not sure about that.

First Amendment Rights? Really? In The Face of Jihadists? Don't Be Silly.

SEE HERE Well here we see another fundamental right, a right conveyed not be the Constitution but by the Natural Law and enshrined in the Constitution being cast under the bus because the jihadists might be offended.  I'm sorry (not really) but this isn't the kind of jurisprudence I expect in America, cowering before the threat of a bunch of folks whose idea of a religion is one that causes them to bomb others for imagined or even real verbal affronts.  I suppose they are fellow travelers with liberals who use word bombs on people who don't agree with them since they really can't argue.

George Will on the Presidential Debate

SEE HERE There are some memorable lines in this summary of the first presidential debate.  I liked this one: "Barack Obama, knight of the peevish countenance, illustrated William F. Buckley’s axiom that liberals who celebrate tolerance of other views always seem amazed that there are other views."  There are others.  A fun read.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Donor Scandal Developing?

SEE HERE The fact is that this also happened in 2008 and nothing was done about it.  I guess the law doesn't mean anything if it isn't going to be enforced.  What's that about?  Probably the same thing that letting a guy run for president who hasn't been fully vetted.  It will probably be a puff of smoke and disappear.

Check Out the Roots of Obamas Deceptions

PDF of PATRIOT POST of OCTOBER 4th The universal mantra of the left is that all the bad things were inherited from president Bush the younger, but that narrative is as phony as a $3 bill.  The problem is that the Obama "blame Bush" narrative doesn't stand up to the most trivial inspection.  Patriot Post did a nice job of nailing it this morning, so take a look at the graphs that show that it was the arrival of a Democrat congress that gave us all the "help" we needed to get into a huge fiscal problem.  It the Democrats that do this stuff.  They love to point at the Clinton years as years of fiscal responsibility and wasn't Clinton just great ... well, look again more closely and you'll find Newt Gingrich and a Republican Congress keeping the fiscal house of the United States in order.  The Democrats could not be fiscally responsible if they tried and they don't.

Obama Is Winning The Liars Contest — He Lies More Than Anyone

SEE HERE Eight big lies in an hour and a half at the debate.  That's a pretty good pace.  I'm sure with only a little effort he can exceed even this record since he is the prototypical example of the old joke: "How do you tell when a politician is lying?  His lips are moving."

Instant Polling Says Romney Big Winner In The First Debate

SEE HERE Well I watched the debate and I thought Romney won as well so I join perhaps as many as two thirds who gave it to Romney.  The difference was that Romney had a variety of facts which pointed up the administration's failures and commitment to ideas that are not true and don't work.  But beyond that there was the matter of style.  Affable doesn't trump a bewildering commitment to tired rhetoric that distorts your opponent's positions. 

Romney called Obama on his claim that Romney would increase the deficit by five trillion dollars.  One wonders why that number.  That's the number Obama has increased the deficit.  Romney corrected him each time.  Obama didn't seem to get the concept that more jobs requires the job creators to have more money and more jobs translates to more productivity and more revenue in taxes and a growing economy.  You have to wonder what they teach Democrats about economics.  So for the moment Romney is on a roll.  Ryan is expected to eat Joe Biden for lunch and if the president doesn't take it up a notch he will be lunch too for a fired up Romney come the next presidential debate.



Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Nothing Trumps Politics In Obama's World

It's time to try some real leadership.

Who Says We Can't Cut Wasteful Spending?

SEE HERE Here's 2.5 Trillion Dollars to get started and it doesn't touch critical spending on social security, medicare and medicaid, and our military.  We can do better and we must or we'll all go down together.

Lawbreaking? — The Administration Subsidizes It!

SEE HERE Won't it be a big surprise to all the hard working defense contractors when the layoffs are announced come the new year if the government's mandated cutbacks take place.  Meanwhile, just to make sure his butt is covered the liar in chief is enlisting contractors to disobey the law so that it will be a surprise to their employees when the layoff are announced despite the clear law that requires them to inform their employees.  Isn't this malfeasance in office?  Obama and his cronies should be arrested and put on trial for all their escapades.  Instead they are coddled by a compliant press which covers for them.

Fraud In Science? — No Really!

SEE HERE The sentence that caught my eye was the one that said it had increased ten fold since 1975.  That's troubling indeed.  Integrity, honor, truthfulness, and the many other virtues have all been on the slide since about the 1960's when a great awakening occurred that basically was anti-intellectual and anti-virtue in tone and content.  The cry of the anti-war protestors at Berkley that "... Western Civ has got to go" was a cry that undermined the heritage of the West.  We are paying the price in the form of a fall from virtue, a failure of vision, a decline is ability and merit brought on by an abandonment of integrity.  Little wonder that we find the vices on the rise.  C.S. Lewis saw it all coming when he gave the lectures that became the volume, "The Abolition of Man."  We deny objective morality at our own risk and the price is very high.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It Didn't Take A Genius To Tell Our Diplomats Needed More Security

SEE HERE It is simply one more in a string of incompetent or treasonous decisions (I'm convinced that is the split).  We have a president that lives in a dream world.  He imagines that playing patty cake with our enemies will make them our friends and that treating our allies badly will help.  This strikes me as the product of a deranged or a deceptive mind.  He is deranged if he actually believes this and deceptive if he is doing this for other than his stated motives.  His foreign policy has been a total unmitigated disaster.  He has made the world less safe for Americans and instead of acknowledging his failures and working to correct them he engages in deception and lies.

The Reason Education Has Failed — It Became Indoctrination

SEE HERE Have you ever wondered why the education that built the Western World was not good enough for people like John Dewey in the 20th century so that we had to change it?  I was lucky enough to go to a private school that was largely true to the model of a classical education.  It had experienced some erosion at the time but was still outstanding.  Unfortunately my children have not been so blessed and I think they've been cheated and the whole country is showing the effects.  The leftists created just the indoctrination they wanted and now that they've dumbed down education we have a system that is collapsing for want of virtue and integrity.  The solution is to go back to what worked, but that's a lot of work.

The Face of Civilization In Collapse

... and the police responded nine hours later ... What?  If you don't have a concealed carry permit and you don't have some firearms training perhaps you should rethink that?

The Outrageous "Fast and Furious" Program — Engineered To Motivate Restrictive American Gun Laws

This administration is run by despicable corrupt statists who want to transform America into something more resembling a socialist police state than the traditional bastion of freedom it has been to so many for so long.

Coverup 101 — The Law Means Nothing To Obama

SEE HERE  So Obama is strong arming defense contractors to keep them from warning their employees that he's going to screw them after the election is over.  This is more malfeasance in office.  Strange that he is never called on it.

The Obama Mission of President Flexible

And You Thought You Were Safe ...

SEE HERE Get ready for another job killing crippling tax by the ever ready to tax everyone Democrats.  They always say that when Republicans want to cut taxes it is to help the rich.  Well the definition of rich these days is people who actually pay income tax as opposed to paying nothing or actually getting government payments.  Well after the turn of the year you better plan to take another serious hit if you expect to sell a house.  Oh you make less than $250K a year so you're safe?  Think again!  You have been gamed, played, lied to, and now you're on the butcher's table so we'll begin the dissection.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Liars In Charge Cook The Books To Try To Look Good

SEE HERE ... but a little look under the hood finds the worst administration in history: " deficit from January 2008 through August 2012 of 10.837 million."  Catch the comments for a little perspective.  I've simply never seen an administration that makes such a point of lying about things and trying to time the lies for political advantage.  And this guy wants to be reelected?  He probably should be put on trial for treason.

When They Kill Us It's Our Fault Says Our Oh So Sensitive Military Leadership

SEE HERE It's time to let these savages kill each other to their hearts content.  Pull our troops out and kick the Musims in the United States out.  They can go and swell the numbers in Iraq and Afghanistan that we're supposed to have killed.  Fine.  Let's get out.  But let's also remove all our support in whatever form and restrict their freedom to move in the circles of civilized men and women.

Noone Is Safe From These Savages

SEE HERE If you have not figured it out yet you should reflect on the fact that militant Islam (and there really isn't any other kind) is totally intolerant.  It is not the religion of a civilized secular people.  It is a totalitarian theocracy whose Sharia law is barbaric.  If you let them grow within your nation then when they grow sufficiently numerous they will rise up and enslave you.  That is what it is all about.  They are parasites that are peaceful only until they can seize power.  It's time to throw them out and quarantine them in enclaves where they can kill each other and enslave each other and not free men.

Time To Kick The Muslims Out Of The United States

Apparently if you are a Muslim then you are the only one who has free speech.  You can demand that the free speech of others be curtailed.  Sorry but if you believe that then you can't be a citizen of the United States.  The oath of citizenship follows:

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.