Monday, December 31, 2012

The Sheer Sham of the Fiscal Cliff "Solutions"

Kicking the can down the road again.  We are simply totally gamed and totally gulled.  Who is kidding who?  This isn't any kind of a solution.  We are hell bent to ensure that we have a fiscal train wreck probably sooner rather than later.  It's starting to look unavoidable.  Our leaders don't have the courage, the foresight, or the wisdom to doing anything sensible so they keep deferring real solutions to someone else's watch with the guaranteed result that the problem grows ever more ominous and will become entirely insoluble before long.

Is This Believable Or A Fabrication?

SEE HERE I'm putting this out there because it is so strange.  If it's true then it's another indication that you can't trust anything you're being fed by the news media.  But is it true?  The problem with taking stories off the internet is that there is no very good way to validate them.  This is interesting and it all hangs together fairly well at first blush.  Is it reality?  I have no clue.  I would guess we'll hear more one way or the other.  Playing covert footsie with Iran would not surprise me.  The security detail I'd expect to be larger.  If it is true, then another question is by what channels was the story leaked?   HERE'S THE OTHER STORY

It's All About Power and Only About Power

SEE HERE Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.  It's amusing that a piece from Pravda is so much more supportive than anything in the American news media, but I guess the people of Russia have reason to know where all of this goes.  Do not be deceived.  Those who seek to remove your weapons are seeking power because the unarmed are powerless in the face of force.

"Do not be fooled by a belief that progressives, leftists hate guns. Oh, no, they do not. What they hate is guns in the hands of those who are not marching in lock step of their ideology. They hate guns in the hands of those who think for themselves and do not obey without question. They hate guns in those whom they have slated for a barrel to the back of the ear."

Metal Storm — Guaranteed to Run Out of Ammo

16,000 9mm a minute and higher.  Electronic bullets and firings.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Reagan Nails the Heart of the Problem

I didn't always agree with Reagan, but I always enjoyed him.

The Government's Complete Failure Through Waste Hurts Everyone

It's long past time to stop the Federal Government's sustained effort to milk us dry.  They hurt the most vulnerable and fund some of the most ruthless.  It's nothing short of disgraceful.  When are we going to collectively say "Stop"?

Largest Peaceful Protest In British History

It starts in a small way that then grows so that tyranny ultimately is achieved.  Forfeit freedom.  A disarmed citizen is a subject.  An armed person is a citizen.  It doesn't work to limit crime so the motive has to be questioned.  Gun control is law based on a lie.

The Conversation The Government Should Submit To

This is actually a fairly old video.  In the meantime the problem has actually gotten a lot worse.  Just how are we supposed to survive this kind of blatant irresponsibility.  Some of the high rollers on the stock market like Warren Buffet are dumping their stock holdings ... hmmm.... I wonder why.  We'll have to see I suppose.  My grandfather held his stocks through the great depression.  He put the certificates in a safe deposit box because they weren't worth anything after the crash.  Something like sixty years later when he died my dad found them and they were worth about $200,000.  Lots of things come back but that was when the economy was run by free enterprise.  The collectivists are likely to mess things up much worse.

The Reality Behind Barack Obama — Understand Who You Are Dealing With

This is chilling.  It was out fully 4 years ago but as usual the media didn't cover it and the average citizen seems to have been anesthetized.  Do you really think Bill Ayers has changed his mind?  Do you really think that Obama isn't a front for a lot of extreme leftist policies?

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Thomas Sowell on the Self-Anointed

I love Thomas Sowell because he is one of the wisest economic thinkers around.

Conservatives Are Happier Than Liberals — And They're Nicer People Too

This is pretty succinct and nails it.  Liberals are miserable people and it shows in their discourse.  Whenever I talk with a liberal they end up asking me something like, "Why are you so angry?"  That's really funny because the ones with the pushy agenda are the Liberals.  My agenda is simply to keep liberals from messing up the country which they seem bent on doing, which is certainly bent.

Get A Grip Republicans

Elke's Warning — Where It All Goes

Are you ready?

Police Violence

SEE HERE I think shooting a guy 13 times even if he does have a knife is evil.  One of the problems we have is the police apparently are not taught anything resembling respect for life.  This policeman should be in jail and up on charges not still running around.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Maybe You Saw This — See It Again!

SEE HERE This is a video going back to October which lays out the situation at Benghazi.  The president knew and didn't send help.  This is the kind of lack of leadership we have from our president.  He is a disgrace to the office and a despicable human being.  Just the truth, the bald unadulterated truth.  The man should be impeached, removed from office and like some pharaoh of old his pictures and representations should be removed everywhere as too disgraceful to remain.  He makes Bill Clinton look like a saint and that he ain't.

The Triumph of Evil In Our Own Time

The reality fostered by the embrace of liberal and progressive concepts over the past century.  We have sold our souls and reaped the whirlwind.  Shortly we will collapse as so many societies before us who embrace vice and failed to uphold virtue.  Evil triumphs when good men do nothing. 

Things We Should Know About

SEE HERE This is an example of the kinds of things that are being hidden from the American people for no very obvious reason.  Some of it may merely be that the culture of the State Department, the Department of Defense and the various security agencies is a culture of secrecy.  Whatever the reason these are some of the things we ought to know more about.

The Root of Gun Control Is Tyranny

SEE HERE Those who think so little of liberty that they would relinquish their only defense against internal tyranny in the hope of some slight increment of safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. The directions we are currently going in are clearly directions that limit freedom to the freedom allowed by a corrupt few who sit like vultures overlooking the rest of us. SCULPTING VIDEO

Obama Writes Another Executive Order — What!!

SEE HERE Since when does the president have the power to set salaries? Did I miss that or is this just another seizure on the part of the would be dictator who's managed to get reelected with fraudulent vote counts, malfunctioning voting machines, and other shenanigans. Who's in charge of the store up there in Washington? Will no-one reign this out of control president in?

Government Is A Synonym For Thief

SEE HERE I remember I first ran into this particular aspect of government thievery. It was a ploy used by suburban communities to swallow up the farm land around them. It was a long time ago so this particular kind of thievery has been going on for a long time. The trick is to rezone the land from farm to commercial which changes the tax structure and means that the people who own the land are put in the position of a huge tax increase and often they are farmers only just making a go of it. It's criminal of the government to do such things, but it happens all the time. When are we going to realize that government is a synonym for thief. They take your hardearned money and destroy your equity and than act like they've done you a favor.

Sandy Hook Update

SEE HERE Lanza did use the Bushmaster in the Sandy Hook killings. There was a lot of confusion spread by the poor media reporting but as the facts settle in we should not continue the confusion. MORE

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Battling Bastards of Benghazi

We're the Battling Bastards of Benghazi, no fame, no glory, no paparazzi.

Just a fiery death in a blazing hell, defending the country we loved so well.

It wasn't our job, but we answered the call, fought to the consulate, 'n scaled th' wall.

We pulled twenty countrymen from the jaws of fate, led them to safety, 'n stood at th' gate.

Just the two of us, 'n foe by th' score, but we stood fast to bar th' door.

We called for reinforcement, but it was denied, so we fought, 'n we fought, 'n we fought, 'n we died.

We gave our all for our Uncle Sam, 'n Obama didn't give a damn,

just two dead SEALS, who carried the load, no thanks to us, we were bumps in the road.
— by Col. William Bauer, USMC.

The reality of Benghazi is of a commander in chief who is quite willing to abandon his men in the field. Dishonorable, disgraceful, despicable. We need better leadership.

Here Come The Gun Grabbers Again

SEE HERE I'm not sure why the target is always the guns. The idea that passive instruments are the cause of violence is a peculiar delusion of the left, or so they say. The reality is that want of virtue and failure to discipline the appetites is the cause, but these things are never to be curbed when it comes to the liberal mentality. So the cause of the violence will remain. It means of course that the violence will also remain, only the instrumentality will change if at all, somewhat. More of the guns will be stolen or smuggled and violence with other instruments will increase. The cause however will remain the same, unbridled vice.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Arab Spring? Democracy? — Are You Kidding?

The can is about kicked as far as it can go. Another kick or two and the nation's kicking foot will come off and we'll have to limp off the field to the boos of the rest of the world.

Fascinating Talk Exploring An Interesting Question

This is really a fascinating talk on an important subject. The author makes a very cogent argument that Mohammad didn't exist and was created, at least Islam was created, to provide a religious basis for the government of the places conquered by Arab forces. The suggesting is that Islam was created somewhere around 690 to provide religious cohesion against the surrounding Byzantine and Persian alternatives. Very effective and interesting talk.

Hating America From the Inside

I hate to say it but I think Bill Whittle is right on. I've been saying this for a long time and it's sobering to see someone I respect like Whittle saying the same thing. I've long ago exhausted any reasonable thought that this might just be due to stupidity. It's clearly a conscious program to destroy the economy. Who knows why? To impose martial law and impose a dictatorship? Is that too wacko? Declare an emergency and totally socialize the economy? Is that really different? How much of this has to go on before even the most dense people get it? Do we really have to collapse before some sort of real reform can begin?

What Hath Liberalism Wrought? — Dispair and Savagery

SEE HERE This is the harvest of bad seed at the level of the political system. The flight from responsibility has been going on for a long time facilitated, enabled, and encouraged by the liberal progressive agenda. It is either the fruit of stupidity or malice. I'm inclined to think malice, but regardless the solution is to stop doing the stupid things we've been encouraged to do and start doing the smart and virtuous ones. Failing that we all get to go down with this boat together.

Is This What Is Coming? — If So We Need A Plan

SEE HERE I'm never quite sure what to make of these kinds of things. Canada Free Press has been spinning this for a while and it's either true or its not. If it's not than who cares? If it is true then a second question comes into play. Does the leaker know what he's talking about? Independently I'm inclined to believe the collapse of the American currency may be imminent, although I'd have put it out a few years. I'm also not inclined to think that the administration can have as much cooperation from law enforcement and others to make some of this work. But whenever you're faced with uncertainty it is a good idea to get all the input possible and then sift it against principles and contrary evidence to try to achieve a balance. The whole country is looking a little imbalanced these days which is part of why this all has any plausibility at all.

The Liars Caught Lying Again ...

SEE HERE Benghazi sacrificial lambs on whom the administration has chosen to lay the blame have not actually been fired. And by the way, just which blame are we talking about? There are a number of things that are blame worthy: 1) the denial of additional security when it was requested, 2) the removal of the security that was actually on site, 3) the failure to deploy assets to defend the "consulate" (it really wasn't a consulate) when they were requested despite assets being ready to go, and 4) the order for assets on site to "stand down" and ... and ... and ... it goes on. This was a chain of either tremendous incompetence or malicious malfeasance.

We are surrounded by either numbskulls or traitors and I'm getting more and more convinced that it is traitors every day. May dad used to say that it is hard to be perfect. You can't be right all the time so you'll always make some mistakes. He pointed out that it is just as hard to be wrong all the time so that even someone dedicated to being wrong will sometimes, inadvertently perhaps, do something that makes sense. You can assess the individuals by the general trend. On this scale the Obama team is either incredibly stupid or in fact set upon doing exactly the things that are happening.

The Media Agenda Conditions What They Tell You

SEE HERE Here's a little about Columbine that you may not remember or never knew. There was armed resistance at Columbine and it likely saved many lives. The point is that isolated resistance, even professionals, doesn't guarantee that everyone is safe, only that they are safer than they would otherwise be. But notice that you never hear the full story or even an accurate story from the news media. They are in such a rush that they spin up their own story and publish it so that you have to delouse the story later to find out what really happened.

It's Not Your Country Anymore ...

I never much listened to Sam Donaldson about much of anything and this little screed shows why. If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem. Sam Donaldson here demonstrates what is wrong. We are polarized as a nation between those who think that being enslaved is a great idea and those who seek to preserve the republic. Donaldson showed which side he's on and endorsed the Republican party just being an extended part of the problem. SEE HERE

Thuggish Unions Set To Strike Again

SEE HERE Poor little babies don't make enough apparently. $50/hr plus $15,000 bonuses ... sure doesn't sound like a problem. In fact it sounds like the result of a lot of serious thuggery in the past. I wonder if there is any feather-bedding too? If the unions were shut out and the jobs advertised I wonder how many people would show up? I'm guessing a whole lot.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Intolerance On the Rise

SEE HERE I'm always extremely amused to listen to the left lecture us all on tolerance when they are the most intolerant and bigoted people on the face of the earth except perhaps the Muslims who trump them. As the Muslim population rises in Europe the intolerance for the Jews is also on the rise. In this Christmas season when Jesus came not only to complete the covenant, but to extend it to all mankind, it is sad to read about man's inhumanity to man. MORE The portrayal of the Jews as an object of hatred. This is a threat to civilization everywhere, not just the Jews but everyone. The descent into savagery ends up targeting everyone. The continued betrayal of ISRAEL continues. Our president is a liar and a supporter of unrest and terrorism in the Middle East.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

May peace suffuse your soul and may you experience the wonder of the Christ child who came to save us all.

The Concealed Carry Defenders You Never Hear About

SEE HERE How come the media only report the worst tragedies? How come they don't report the heroic actions of those who stop these lunatics because they are carrying weapons or have access to them. The only way to defeat an armed man is with another armed man. The bad guys will always have access to arms. It's the nature of the beast. If the good guys are unarmed they become just like every other victim. The liberals are so used to someone else carrying water for them that they would die of thirst in a rain storm.

Liberals Like to Foment Violence Just Because They're Such Nice People

SEE HERE Foment violence? Publishing the names of the people who have gun permits is a clear attempt at intimidation. That's a game liberals like to play. Of course if anyone intimidates them, well that's not fair. "Fairness" is a liberal word which like all liberal words means almost exactly the opposite of what the word usually means. Don't be fooled by liberal speak about tolerance and all that. They are the least tolerant and most bigoted form of life on the planet.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Why John Kerry Is A Horrible Pick For Secretary of State

SEE HERE Might as well have selected Jane Fonda. John Kerry is about as representative of the United States as Bill Ayers. This administration is just full of Marxists and fellow travelers. But then our citizens don't know enough history to recognize the problem. Probably wasn't as important as learning about Muslim customs in the schools while ignoring Christianity. Is it any wonder that we have so much violence?

Police Harassment For Legal Lawful Activity

This guy has been stopped and harassed 6 or so times by police. Apparently the police don't care that they are violating the guy's rights. Open carry in Pennsylvania. Probably one of the better reasons for concealed carry is that it doesn't stimulate police harassment.

When You're Going In the Wrong Direction — Turn Around! If We Don't We're Done For

I think we're actually done for because the current society has simply never discovered virtue. We are a nation dominated by the degenerate. Too bad! We had about the standard run for a democratic republic, a bit over two centuries. Looks like we've had it though unless we show the common sense to turn around.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Same Old Two Step

SEE HERE I'm seventy now and I've been watching government for a long time. The liberals in particular operate on the basis of something I call the "two step." Step one is to declare something a crisis that government has to step in and fix. Invariably the fix turns out to screw something else up. You have to wonder if it is intentional since it is so rare that anything actually goes well. Then the government blames someone else and declares that they need a new fix. This process continues until the government is effectively running the whole thing at which time it has sunk to a functionality well below where it was at the beginning. Virtually all government agencies started this way and are now destroying the nation. We keep swallowing the koolaid so how dumb are we?

You might be an extremist .... Check Below

SEE HERE This is a great list of those "extremist" positions that drive liberal nutjobs nuts. To be fair they were nuts already but these just push their buttons and cause them to foam at the mouth thus revealing the disease they have.

Friday, December 21, 2012

NRA Offers A Real Program To Combat School Violence


Who Destroyed the Economy? — Really! You Don't Know?

SEE HERE It's nice to have the definitive answer. It was the Democrats not George Bush. Why is this not a surprise? Well because the Democrats have always, always, always been the fiscally irresponsible party. The Republicans certainly are not perfect but it takes Democrats to screw things up royally. All the "Bush did it" rhetoric was just blame shifting which is also something the Democrats are marvelous at. They started the Vietnam war and then shifted the blame to Nixon who actually ended it but then they betrayed the South Vietnamese with the Church amendment which in effect abandoned an ally in the field. Democrats have been and are now despicable. Individual Democrats may be all right but then they are incredibly stupid because they don't see that you can't really be moral and a Democrat. Sorry, but it's just true.

Reasons to Own an Assault Rifle — Again!

Given The Confusion Over The Guns, Was There More Than One Gunman?

SEE HERE The rush to narrow the narrative may be precipitous. What is the real story. How many individuals were involved? How can one autistic kid be the oh so proficient gunman in the tragedy? There are a lot of questions. Some may only have arisen due to the fog of confusion that surrounds such events, but we need clarity and understanding before we rush to judgment.

Jon Hammar To Be Released

SEE HERE And about time.

Sources of Violence? — How About Movies and Video Games

Wild Bill has a very effective point here. Hollywood films and video games promote gun violence. Have you been to any of these or see the video games, especially the ones that slop blood all over the graphics? What you see is what you get!

Small Texas Town Gets It

SEE HERE Responsible adults with concealed carry are the best deterrent to crime because when a criminal starts shooting the nearest police officer is minutes away and can do nothing but bring the body bags.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lying About Benghazi — Surprised?

SEE HERE Why should anyone be surprised that the current administration lies and lies and lies again. The test of the integrity of this administration is the Benghazi coverup. They are despicable liars. They intentionally abandoned the Americans in harms way. Now they are busy blaming the innocent and covering up. This cannot be left to go away.

The Science Before Science — Whatever Happened to Truth?

Apparently the AR-15 Style Rifle Wasn't Used In the Killings

So much for what we know about the shootings. The early reporting was mixed. The medical examiner appears to be wrong or there were multiple shooters and the one with another rifle got away. Doesn't seem to make much sense. Update: I'm inclined to discount this. Right now from what I've seen it seems likely that there is just too much confusion in the news media, likely due to ignorance about firearms. The long gun found in the trunk of the car appears to be a shotgun (I'm not sure of this) so this video simply may be full of hot air.

Stand and Fight — Our Children Deserve Our Best

Shakespeare's dramatization of the speech of Henry V before the battle of Agincourt when an outnumbered British forced decimated the French. AGINCOURT

Who's the Really Stupid One? Your Answer Will Tell Us All Whether Your Neurons Are Working

The Fantasy Economics of the Left

SEE HERE The left is always ranting about the need for tax increases and ignore the destructive result, the cost in jobs and lost opportunities.  The problem is that the government has an insatiable appetite for your money.  They think you're greedy for wanting to keep what you have earned, "You didn't do that ..." as president Obama said.  The reality is that no amount of money is enough for government.  They will spend it all and more.  You're feeding an insatiable addiction to spending by people who themselves in many cases have never had a productive job in their lives.  They don't really know where money comes from.  It's magic and because they think that they are smarter than the rest of us, they should make the decisions on how the money is spent.  They take it.  They waste it.  They blame others and they demand more.  We need to cut them off cold turkey.

We Need A New Party

SEE HERE This is just stupidity to the max.  What do the Republicans think they will gain by falling in with the president's plans?  I'm joining Bill Whittle whose seems to think that the Republicans have shown themselves to be hopeless.  When all the posturing has been put to rest what you find is a party with no particular principles they are really willing to defend expediting the stupidity of the other party.  We have in effect a one party system pretending to be a two party system.  It's time to get a new and principled party with spine.  But that is very hard to do.  The obvious way to accomplish it is to gut the Republicans and install principled people in place of the unprincipled.

Sarah Palin, Right Again!

SEE HERE Barack Obama hasn't done anything positive for the country as far as I can see.  I've watched this presidency for four years and it's been a tissue of lies and prevarications and efforts which cumulatively are bringing on financial collapse and huge division in the country.  I suppose you could argue that such monumental fraud is a kind of achievement in itself.  Of course I don't take my hero list from Time magazine's editors.  On the whole I rarely read the productions of the liberal intelligentsia, mostly because I find so little intelligence there.  The supreme achievements of Barack Obama have been to bloat government, make it less responsive, explode entitlements and expenditures bringing on a fiscal cliff which he has no intention of relieving only deepening.  Long term growth in the federal debt goes totally unsustainable especially when the artificial support of the Fed finally collapses.  Then what will we do?  I'm inclined to believe that it is intentional, that it is geared to creating the super crisis that it so obviously will create, and that the goal is to seize dictatorial control of the country in the name of quelling unrest.  Of course it is possible that it is just the total incompetence of his administration of Marxist communists and fellow travelers.  But given the composition and the history of all these people I'm going with it being intentional.

The Fundamentally Unserious President?

SEE HERE Or is he in fact very serious and intent on causing the economic collapse of our once great nation.  His actions all seem to be aimed at generating unsustainable and abrupt financial crisis.  He balloons expenditures at every possibility.  He multiplies and extends entitlements to people who are ablebodied but don't work, and he facilitates the huge expansion of the money supply unbacked by anything but the emperor's new clothes.  It is difficult to conclude that the agenda is anything other than facilitating a financial crisis so as to seize more power.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gotta Listen To The Second Video

SEE HERE  If you want to see real bigotry watch the second video.   Whoever that gal is she's a total nincompoop.  It's funny but it's pathetic.  This is the kind of propaganda the Tea Party has to deal with.  This would be funny if it were not such a dishonest narrative.  Listen to the bigotry coming from the liberals.  Who watches these liars?

It Is Broke and It Needs To Be Fixed

SEE HERE  The citizens have a right to know whether Allen West was truly defeated or whether he was actually cheated.  The signs suggest all sorts of irregularities.  This whole election cycle has been so outrageous with vote machine malfunctions. numerous precincts with absurd vote counts (not just in Allen West's district but in all the key states) that it is hard to imagine that there was not widespread vote fraud.  The citizens need to know the answer and something needs to be done to true the vote for the future.

Heads Up!

This is how the president rewards service, with betrayal and dishonor. He needs to be impeached.

The One Thing That Works Is What The Liberals Don't Want

SEE HERE  It is quite beyond understanding why when the research is so evident and the evidence so strong that the liberals ignore it, cherry pick around it, claim it is faked or irrelevant, go to evidence outside the country which isn't really comparable and find reason after reason to deny reality.  They live in their own little bubble of delusion.  A man with a gun among the unarmed is supreme.  A mad man with a gun among the unarmed will do immense violence.  It is clear that the only real deterrent is a responsible armed man on the scene at the time.  If we disarm all the good men then we will clearly be at the mercy of the bad men.  How plain and evident and obvious is that?  But liberals can't seem to get it.  Why is that?

How Can They Be So Stupid For So Long?

SEE HERE  Thomas Sowell, ever on target, points out how many refutations there are of the liberal mantra that gun control will somehow work.  It doesn't.  It never has.  What it does do is set up the conditions for imposing total control on a populate by disarming them.  Could they really be as stupid as they seem to be or is something else in play?  Yes I posted this a few posts back.  If you didn't read it then you should read it now.

It Didn't Work In Australia. Our Politicians Are Fools!

It's a form of tyranny to force you to give up your possessions because they just want to.  They make you a criminal for wanting to keep what you bought and paid for and which is yours. 

Interesting For What It Says and For What It Doesn't Say

SEE HERE Gun confiscation?  Really?  The politics of division is alive and well in Washington.  I should point out that noone has yet raised confiscation except the clamoring fools who have drunk the koolade.  That being said it is always a subtext when gun-control rears its ugly and unconstitutional head.

Newt Gingrich on the Tim Scott Appointment

SEE HERE "The smartest thing the Republicans have done since the election" said one Democrat.  That was probably the only Democrat with brains.  There are still a few of them left although the number is dwindling given the effectiveness of the koolaid.

Finding Meaning In the Meaningless Is Futile

SEE HERE The nihilists find satisfaction in meaningless violence because their lives are meaningless and so they spread the pain to others.  When you have emptied your life of meaning you find everyone who finds meaning in life a rebuke.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

UAW Never Was Useful For Anything

SEE HERE Herman Cain said when he put this up that he got an organized "denial of service" attack on the site.  The reality is that the union is on net unhelpful to workers and creates higher relative unemployment and depresses the middle class.  Unions are counterproductive.  They are something whose time has passed.

This Is How The U.S. Protects Its Citizens Now

SEE HERE It strikes me that the Mexican government should get a dose of reality from the United States and get this marine veteran freed.  It seems to me that this shows how much respect the Mexican government has for the United States.  An antique shotgun's length which is probably the original length is claimed to be the point at issue, but it was declared.  Why didn't they just turn them back?  This is simply disgraceful.

Gun Control: The Reality versus The Propaganda

SEE HERE Reality doesn't care what you want it to be. It is what it is. Gun control fanatics continue to beat the drum for gun control in the face of overwhelming evidence that it doesn't work. They call name and posture and cite defective studies while ignoring sound one and in particular ignoring why the founders wrote the second amendment in the first place. HERE

The Tyranny of Power Used Irresponsibly In Violation of the Constitution

SEE HERE This may be coming to a town near you. This is what tyranny looks like cloaked in the claim of necessity. From one thing to the next it finally will have you in chains for your own good.

Guns Protect Far More People Than They Kill

SEE HERE The deterrence effect of guns is easily demonstrated by the many incidents in which guns are used to deter violence just by showing that you are prepared. The thugs are ever with us and they are the cowards who will threaten violence and carry it out if you are unprepared.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Soul of the Nation is Dying

Seek the problem in the loss of virtue and the abandonment of God. Soulless people do soulless things.

What Does The Election Say About America?

A Little Commentary from Laura Hollis

November 8, 2012

Laura Hollis is:

Current: Associate Professional Specialist and Concurrent Associate Professor of Law at University of Notre Dame.

Past: Director at Gigot Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, Associate Director and Clinical Professor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Education: University of Notre Dame Law School, University of Notre Dame.

Summary: She has 20+ years' experience in curriculum and other program development and delivery.

I am already reading so many pundits and other talking heads analyzing the disaster that was this year’s elections. I am adding my own ten cents. Here goes:

1. We are outnumbered

We accurately foresaw the enthusiasm, the passion, the commitment, the determination, and the turnout. Married women, men, independents, Catholics, evangelicals – they all went for Romney in percentages as high or higher than the groups which voted for McCain in 2008. It wasn’t enough. What we saw in the election on Tuesday was a tipping point: we are now at a place where there are legitimately fewer Americans who desire a free republic with a free people than there are those who think the government should give them stuff. There are fewer of us who believe in the value of free exchange and free enterprise. There are fewer of us who do not wish to demonize successful people in order to justify taking from them. We are outnumbered. For the moment. It’s just that simple.

2. It wasn’t the candidate(s)

Some are already saying, “Romney was the wrong guy”; “He should have picked Marco Rubio to get Florida/Rob Portman to get Ohio/Chris Christie to get [someplace else].” With all due respect, these assessments are incorrect. Romney ran a strategic and well-organized campaign. Yes, he could have hit harder on Benghazi. But for those who would have loved that, there are those who would have found it distasteful. No matter what tactic you could point to that Romney could have done better, it would have been spun in a way that was detrimental to his chances. Romney would have been an excellent president, and Ryan was an inspired choice. No matter who we ran this year, they would have lost. See #1, above.

3. It’s the culture, stupid!

We have been trying to fight this battle every four years at the voting booth. It is long past time we admit that is not where the battle really is. We abdicated control of the culture – starting back in the 1960s. And now our largest primary social institutions – education, the media, Hollywood (entertainment) have become really nothing more than an assembly line for cranking out reliable little Leftists. Furthermore, we have allowed the government to undermine the institutions that instill good character – marriage, the family, communities, schools, our churches. So, here we are, at least two full generations later – we are reaping what we have sown. It took nearly fifty years to get here; it will take another fifty years to get back. But it starts with the determination to reclaim education, the media, and the entertainment business. If we fail to do that, we can kiss every election goodbye from here on out. And much more.

4. America has become a nation of adolescents

The real loser in this election was adulthood: Maturity. Responsibility. The understanding that liberty must be accompanied by self-restraint. Obama is a spoiled child, and the behavior and language of his followers and their advertisements throughout the campaign makes it clear how many of them are, as well. Romney is a grown-up. Romney should have won. Those of us who expected him to win assumed that voters would act like grownups. Because if we were a nation of grownups, he would have won.

But what did win? Sex. Drugs. Bad language. Bad manners. Vulgarity. Lies. Cheating. Name-calling. Finger-pointing. Blaming. And irresponsible spending. This does not bode well. People grow up one of two ways: either they choose to, or circumstances force them to. The warnings are all there, whether it is the looming economic disaster, or the inability of the government to respond to crises like Hurricane Sandy, or the growing strength and brazenness of our enemies. American voters stick their fingers in their ears and say, “Lalalalalala, I can’t hear you.” It is unpleasant to think about the circumstances it will take to force Americans to grow up. It is even more unpleasant to think about Obama at the helm when those circumstances arrive.

5. Yes, there is apparently a Vagina Vote

It’s the subject matter of another column in its entirety to point out, one by one, all of the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of the Democrats this year. Suffice it to say that the only “war on women” was the one waged by the Obama campaign, which sexualized and objectified women, featuring them dressed up like vulvas at the Democrat National Convention, appealing to their “lady parts,” comparing voting to losing your virginity with Obama, trumpeting the thrills of destroying our children in the womb (and using our daughters in commercials to do so), and making Catholics pay for their birth control. For a significant number of women, this was appealing. It might call into question the wisdom of the Nineteenth Amendment, but for the fact that large numbers of women (largely married) used their “lady smarts” instead. Either way, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton are rolling over in their graves.

6. It’s not about giving up on “social issues”

No Republican candidate should participate in a debate or go out on the stump without thorough debate prep and a complete set of talking points that they stick to. This should start with a good grounding in biology and a reluctance to purport to know the will of God. (Thank you, Todd and Richard.)

That said, we do not hold the values we do because they garner votes. We hold the values we do because we believe that they are time-tested principles without which a civilized, free and prosperous society is not possible.

We defend the unborn because we understand that a society which views some lives as expendable is capable of viewing all lives as expendable.

We defend family – mothers, fathers, marriage, children – because history makes it quite clear that societies without intact families quickly descend into anarchy and barbarism, and we have plenty of proof of that in our inner cities where marriage is infrequent and unwed motherhood approaches 80 percent.

When Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, many thought that the abortion cause was lost. Forty years later, ultrasound technology has demonstrated the inevitable connection between science and morality. More Americans than ever define themselves as “pro-life.” What is tragic is that tens of millions of children have lost their lives while Americans figure out what should have been obvious before. There is no “giving up” on social issues. There is only the realization that we have to fight the battle on other fronts. The truth will win out in the end.

7. Obama does not have a mandate. And he does not need one.

I have to laugh – bitterly – when I read conservative pundits trying to assure us that Obama “has to know” that he does not have a mandate, and so he will have to govern from the middle. I don’t know what they’re smoking. Obama does not care that he does not have a mandate. He does not view himself as being elected (much less re-elected) to represent individuals. He views himself as having been re-elected to complete the “fundamental transformation” of America, the basic structure of which he despises. Expect much more of the same – largely the complete disregard of the will of half the American public, his willingness to rule by executive order, and the utter inability of another divided Congress to rein him in. Stanley Kurtz has it all laid out here.

8. The Corrupt Media is the enemy

Too strong? I don’t think so. I have been watching the media try to throw elections since at least the early 1990s. In 2008 and again this year, we saw the media cravenly cover up for the incompetence and deceit of this President, while demonizing a good, honorable and decent man with lies and smears. This is on top of the daily barrage of insults that conservatives (and by that I mean the electorate, not the politicians) must endure at the hands of this arrogant bunch of elitist snobs. Bias is one thing. What we observed with Benghazi was professional malpractice and fraud. They need to go. Republicans, Libertarians and other conservatives need to be prepared to play hardball with the Pravda press from here on out. And while we are at it, to defend those journalists of whatever political stripe (Jake Tapper, Sharyl Atkisson, Eli Lake) who actually do their jobs. As well as Fox News and talk radio. Because you can fully expect a re-elected Obama to try to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine in term 2.

9. Small business and entrepreneurs will be hurt the worst

For all the blather about “Wall Street versus Main Street,” Obama’s statist agenda will unquestionably benefit the biggest corporations which – as with the public sector unions – are in the best position to make campaign donations, hire lobbyists, and get special exemptions carved out from Obama’s health care laws, his environmental regulations, his labor laws. It will be the small business, the entrepreneur, and the first-time innovators who will be crushed by their inability to compete on a level playing field.

10. America is more polarized than ever; and this time it’s personal

I’ve been following politics for a long time, and it feels different this time. Not just for me. I’ve received messages from other conservatives who are saying the same thing: there is little to no tolerance left out there for those who are bringing this country to its knees – even when they have been our friends. It isn’t just about “my guy” versus “your guy.” It is my view of America versus your view of America – a crippled, hemorrhaging, debt-laden, weakened and dependent America that I want no part of and resent being foisted on me. I no longer have any patience for stupidity, blindness, or vulgarity, so with each dumb “tweet” or FB post by one of my happily lefty comrades, another one bites the dust, for me. Delete. What does this portend for a divided Congress? I expect that Republicans will be demoralized and chastened for a short time. But I see them in a bad position. Americans in general want Congress to work together. But many do not want Obama’s policies, and so Republicans who support them will be toast. Good luck, guys.

11. It’s possible that America just has to hit rock bottom

I truly believe that most Americans who voted for Obama have no idea what they are in for. Most simply believe him when he says that all he really wants is for the rich to pay “a little bit more.” So reasonable! Who could argue with that except a greedy racist?

America is on a horrific bender. Has been for some time now. The warning signs of our fiscal profligacy and culture of lack of personal responsibility are everywhere – too many to mention. We need only look at other countries which have gone the route we are walking now to see what is in store.

For the past four years – but certainly within the past campaign season – we have tried to warn Americans. Too many refuse to listen, even when all of the events that have transpired during Obama’s presidency – unemployment, economic stagnation, skyrocketing prices, the depression of the dollar, the collapse of foreign policy, Benghazi, hopelessly inept responses to natural disasters – can be tied directly to Obama’s statist philosophies, and his decisions.

Tim Scott to take Jim DeMint's Seat

SEE HERE A solid conservative will fill Mr. Conservative, Jim DeMint's seat in the U.S. Senate until the election in 2014. Great call! Tim Scott has an inspiring life story.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The American Gestapo Enabler

SEE HERE The government may be storing dossiers on Americans just for the helluvit. This should be illegal but the government is on the fast track to tyranny so of course they are creating dossiers on Americans. How else would you know who to arrest when the time comes?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Narcissism of It's All About Me

SEE HERE It's all about him ... All events on earth and in the sky revolve about him. His empathy is greater than all others. It's not optimal or it's a 'bump in the road' when he's directly involved, but it's a tragedy that only he fully understands when it's someone else. It's all about him, or so he imagines in his deluded mind.

The Alinsky script:
  • Step one is to appear all sympathetic and emotionally challenged. Tears are needed. “oh look how much he cares”…
  • Step two is to get reflective and appear deep, solemn and thoughtful….
  • Step three is to propose your ends…
  • Step four is to get angry using the emotional bank account to leverage guilt and opinion….
  • Step five is to label the opposition as uncaring….

Gold Standard In Christmas Light Displays

SEE HERE I like the houses decorated with lights at Christmas time, but can't quite see myself on a ladder stringing lights all over the place. Besides I'm more in line with a simple Christmas creche than all this luminescence. Still is it very cool and when it gets to this order of design and complexity it is quite inspiring.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Benghazi Coverup Seems In Full Gear

The Power of Christmas Enrages the Left

Say Merry Christmas every chance you get! It's that season of the year and don't let the sourpusses of the left take it away from you.

Is There Any End To Federal Intrusion?

SEE HERE This game the EPA has started to play is more and more offensive to liberty. Frankly the constitutionality of the EPA is itself questionable I'd think. All these nice sounding idealistic agencies that run roughshod over people have to be rethought. They are rather indiscriminately attacking people's private property and interfering in matters that are clearly state matters and of no business to the federal government. This is another of those nice sounding agencies that ends up being little more than tyranny.

Failure to Teach Virtue Is Failure

SEE HERE We are losing the society and it is because we are standing by and letting our children be corrupted by the increasingly degraded culture. Virtue, honor, integrity, duty are all concepts little spoken of or totally ignored in the education of the young. Is it any wonder then that we find so little of it among them. We should be teaching it, exemplifying it, and standing up for the things that are important. Oh wait, is "Dancing with the Stars on?" ... Let's stop being entrapped by the unimportant things and return ourselves to the contemplation of the permanent things.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hope Against the Lies of Man

SEE HERE The Hobbit opens tomorrow so it seems fitting to link to the Imaginative Conservative's page on the lies of man. Tolkien's poem ends thus:
I will not walk with your progressive apes, erect and sapient. Before them gapes the dark abyss to which their progress tends– if by God’s mercy progress ever ends, and does not ceaselessly revolve the same unfruitful course with changing of a name. I will not treat your dusty path and flat, denoting this and that by this and that, your world immutable wherein no part the little maker has with maker’s art. I bow not yet before the Iron Crown, nor cast my own small golden sceptre down.

Review of the Hobbit

SEE HERE Tomorrow a new journey begins ... "There and Back Again" with Bilbo Baggins.

We Need A Nullification Amendment To Make This Explicit

SEE HERE The states collectively are the supreme law of the land in compliance with the Constitution not the Federal government which has been usurping state's rights for over a century. We need to stop the growing tyranny by making this explicit.

Neo-Coms? Did You Wonder?

SEE HERE This is a nice piece that summarized what is going on in a pretty clear way. We're on that train wreck track because of these folks. You need to become sensitized to the lies so you can react accordingly. The mission the Neo-Coms are one will destroy what the United States has stood for over the last two plus centuries and lead us to an economic train wreck just a certainly as it has led other nations that have embraced this philosophy.

So What Are They Hiding?

SEE HERE Benghazi is important. It's important because it is a window into the secret world of American actions in the Middle East which are bizarre to say the least. Who's really running the show and what is the show that is being run? The American people have a right to know what their government is up to in the region of the world they seem bent on destabilizing and now that president Obama has "more flexibility" just what the hell is he planning on doing with the Russians? I don't have the sense that this president is on our side, not by a long shot.

Politicians: EPIC FAIL!

SEE HERE The reality is that the political system has failed the nation by concentrating on power for politicians and too bad for the rest of us. Freedom is the first thing on the chopping block. Freedom is measured reasonably in the right to use the fruits of your own labor any way you want within reason. The government increasingly thinks that is very selfish of you because they want to use your resources any way they want. But they are an incredibly wasteful lot, seemingly unable to do anything very well and blaming others at the first opportunity. We've been failed miserably in the last fifty or sixty years and we're on track for the train wreck of the millennium. I'd like to say we can stop this trainwreck but Bill Whittle the other day seems to have said nearly the last word on the subject. We're going to have a train wreck regardless and the only variable will be the speed of the train going into the wreck. On the other hand the speed control seems lock at 85% or 90% of full speed. So stand by ... you're going to have a train wreck.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Obama Delusion — Messiah In The Public Square

An incoherent vision ... and a babbling woman who won't stop to have any kind of actual conversation. "What a wicked woman ... back in a minute." — is how the piece concludes. Funny! and Pathetic!

The Death of Language In the Flight from Truth

SEE HERE Lying has become so pervasive in the public square that it has destroyed discourse. We see this everyday as the media spins the news to suit their own agenda and if they can't spin it enough they lie or spew Bulverisms to challenge the authenticity and honesty of their opposition. We live in a time when virtue is in decline and that will finally kill our society left unchecked.

Unions and the Death of Civility — The Reality of the Thugs

It is a tragedy that those in the unions think that they should use violence to get their way. That is uncivilized so if you wondered if unions are the result of a rational policy perhaps you should ask how that squares with their thuggish behavior. I would say that they demonstrate by their action that they are savages. They endangered peoples' well being, damaged property, attacked people physically and these scum didn't care. It is fortunate that no-one was seriously injured.

The Universal Strategy — Ask Democrats To Think ... What? Without a Brain?

Stand Against Tyranny

But if it be a sin to covet honour, I am the most offending soul alive. SEE HERE

News Busted

Chris Matthews Showing What An Idiot He Is

SEE HERE While it is true that the Koch brothers are donors to Americans For Prosperity it is also true that the organization is a 501(c)(4)s corporation like many others. It's strange that the focus is on the donors when it is a conservative organization while the many initiatives that people like George Soros funds don't get the same kind of attacks from the media. It just confirms what Sarah Palin has said, "If it weren't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all."
Frankly I like Americans For Prosperity a lot and have supported all their initiatives. It's because I believe in what they stand for. Wow! To hear Chris Matthews spew hatred you'd think that was un-American. What's un-American is being anti-freedom and Union Shops are about as anti-freedom as it gets short of total slavery.

New C.S. Lewis Biography Coming

The Issue That Never Gets Old — What Fun!

The country must return to the rule of law and the Constitution upheld. So is Obama eligible to hold office or not?

Oath Keepers Man Up

Is WWIII In The Works?

SEE HERE This is the third installment of a purported informer on the Benghazi incident. Hopefully the congressional investigation called for by Congressman Wolf will give us substantial information if it goes forward. The whole Arab Spring destabilization of the Middle East that seems to have been orchestrated by the United States is nothing short of bizarre.

Seriously Investigate Benghazi — Seriously

SEE HERE Who knows if this will lead anywhere. I'm so sick of all the posturing and dishonesty that comes out of Washington that I've become suspicious of everything. It all seems as if it's just for show. Something really lousy went down at Benghazi. Telling Americans to "stand down" when other Americans are in mortal danger is despicable. As a minimum we need to know what that was all about.

Liberal Racism? — Anything they Do. It's Time To Get Real

We need to fix it not let the liberals keep wrecking it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Conservative Reading

SEE HERE I'm currently reading "The Complete Thinker" but all of these are great. The best way to learn how to think is to read good thinkers. If you only need on you can try G.K. Chesterton or C.S. Lewis, two of my favorites.

All States Should Be Right To Work States

SEE HERE The reality of unions is that they are essentially like a mini-Mafia, in fact often enough they've worked with the Mafia. They're just a bunch of thugs holding up corporations without any concern for the companies they end up destroying. "Twinkies" are just the latest fatality.

Now That Barack Has More Flexibility We'll See Won't We

I had heard this story before, but in printed form. This interview is intriguing. It makes you wonder. I've been amazed at the ease with which Obama gained nomination and election. With all the questionable material out there this is just one more odd fact that adds to the overwhelming number of bizarre things about Obama.

Aldous Huxley in 1962 Discusses Psychological Control

I listened to this expecting that he might be warning of the rise of new means of controlling populations. It was less clear as I listened that he was warning of abuse as suggesting caution and thinking that they might be of use. The ultimate revolution? Perhaps the ultimate tyranny? As I listened to this address I thought of C.S. Lewis's The Abolition of Man which talks of those Huxley is talking about as the conditioners. The danger is always that there are those who imagine themselves superior to the rest of men, superior and hence destined to rule. These men are those Lewis warns of but which Huxley seems to think more equivocally about. Worth a listen.

Bill Whittle After The Election: Reflecting On The Culture

WATCH THIS AND JOIN THE COMMON SENSE RESISTANCE MORE Insulation from reality is not lifegiving and American in this generation have never really had to face reality.  It's going to come as a shock.  Don't fight city hall, IGNORE THEM.  Build parallel structures and ignore these stupid bastards and win the culture war by doing better.  Bill Whittle nails it! Ignore them and start doing what needs to be done on our own.  If you can't beat'em then ignore'em and do what needs to be done.

The reality is that the government is not the country.  Invest your freedom in doing what you think is rewarding and fruitful.  Stop playing their game.  "Don't waste another second of your time with these people."  The parallel structure will out perform the sinking ship of state. — Definitely!

Monday, December 10, 2012

GOP Classic? — The Recipe Is Truth And Principles

SEE HERE The problem with politics is frankly, all the lying, dissembling, dishonesty, and phoniness.  Holden Caulfield was right, there are just too many phonies.  Politics comes down to two things: the party of big government, lying, and total phonies, and the other side which can never seem to get it's 'brand' straight, which Joseph Sobran always called 'the stupid party.'

The secret of the Republican brand isn't all that secret.  It's small government, personal responsibility, honor and  integrity, except that when you let these Washington pundits in to help you they substitute the magic elixir of the other side and pretty soon you can't tell which is which.  When they're all liars you might as go with the professionals.  I really think that's what it comes down to.

What we need is a dose of true integrity.  We need people who strive to tell the truth, who strive to be honorable and honest and forthright and stop shillyshallying with the truth called 'spin' and 'talking points' and 'messages.'  Bull!  It just isn't that complicated.  If you can't win by telling the truth then you're doomed anyway.  The nation that lives on a pile of lies will soon enough collapse.  We're well on our way with the best liars in the world in charge.  (well best in the sense of telling the most but not the best in the sense of telling the most convincing ... even lying is an art and let's face it, this bunch are not artists)

The Reality of Our Current Politics

December 14th "The Hobbit" opens.  "There and Back Again" is I think how Bilbo Baggins termed it.

We Have Been Duped Into Using The Word "Myth" As Synonymous To A Lie

A conversation between J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.  The conversation, at least a reconstruction of it, that made C.S. Lewis finally realize that his chronological snobbery was wrong.  This same argument was also given in mythological form in "The Silver Chair."  We make by the law in which we ourselves are made. 

Need Firepower? Or Just Want to Enjoy Destroying Targets?

Awesome video.  Tremendous firepower with little to no recoil.  You might go broke firing it though.

Reality Is About What Works Not Utopian Dreams That Turn Into Nightmares

SEE HERE What is it that brought about a generation of great men as exemplified in the Founders of the United States?  Was it just some genetic accident that so many brilliant men came together at this time and place?  Or was it because they were brought up in the right way?  Was it because they honored the past and learned from it what to avoid and what to support?  In our own day we seem to have lost our way.  It might be useful to study what worked in the past.  It's called learning from experience and the best experience is the one you personally don't have to relive.  Revolutions are a nasty business.  Perhaps we should learn from those who brought us our freedom.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's Virtually Certain That The Election Was Stolen

SEE HERE The wide spread vote fraud should be of the deepest concern to every American but it is getting almost no attention at all.  If that doesn't mean we've been gamed and defrauded I'm not sure what will convince you.  That statistics of these kinds of vote counts are simply so implausible and so statistically impossible that they can have arisen from no other source than fraud.  And nobody cares ... This has characterized every challenge to the reign of Barack Obama.  You have to wonder.  This will probably go down in history as the most bizarre conquest on the part of socialism of all time.

Hockey Stick Fraud — And You Thought Global Warming Was Real

SEE HERE I was googling around the internet today doing some research for an Earth Sciences textbook that I'm transferring to an on-line representation and I was searching on the term "global wind cycle" and apparently that was enough to get me an image from this site about the infamous Michael Mann "hockey stick" fraud.  I'll just go ahead and call it a fraud.  It might be just rank incompetence but it sure looks like a fraud.  When you go to a lot of trouble to suppress real science and then cherry pick your data to create the appearance of science and get your bogus hypothesis "validated" then you're a fraud.  This has been known for a long time as you can see from the date, but the global warming folks hold onto their baloney harder than the squirrel in Ice Age holds onto his acorn. 

Since Ed Wegman was one of my professors in graduate school I know he's an honest no-nonsense statistician scientist so when he says the statistics are junk you can take it to the bank.  It's interesting that the response to the committee instead of looking at the data was to get embroiled in an attribution contest about whether parts of the report were properly attributed.  That is an example itself of failure of perspective.  Plagarism is passing off work as your own when it is really the work of another.  From what I can see this was more like: "since you couldn't deal with the data you attack the messenger by trying to smear him."  This is what is always going on in the nonsense being passed around as climate science by the alarmists.

Why Israel Exists Today and Why We Should Not Forget

SEE HERE Palestine?  There is no Palestine only those Arab extremists who seek to destroy Israel.  I would not claim that Israel is without any taint, but people cannot be blamed for seeking to defend themselves against the extremists that surround them.  There are no Palestinians.  It is an invented category that has nothing but a political reality invented for the sake of attacking Israel.  I am not inclined to support the savages who are motivated only by hatred fanned by false religion.  God chose Israel and however intransigent and stubborn they have been as a people, it is partly that stubbornness that caused God to choose them in the first place.  We'd probably all be worshiping Baal or Moloch today were it not for the Jews. SATIRE: THE ISRAELI HOUSE

The Textbooks Are Full of Lies

SEE HERE The one thing that has to be understood about the left more than any other is that they lie as a matter of policy to get their way. They lie about history. They lie about motives. They like about economics. They lie all the time. The reason that they lie is that through lies they deceive and get their way and because most people assume that you're telling the truth at least as you know it when you speak, they tend to get a pass even when they are caught lying.

That the Benghazi incident.  That was a tissue of lies from beginning to end.  We have not gotten to the bottom of that lie.  It appears that it was focused on preserving the president's credibility going into the election as well as concealing from the American people the true nature of the Benghazi incident.

But we don't have to go to Benghazi or any extreme incidents.  The lies are everywhere.  The remarkable thing, frankly, is when they actually tell the truth.  You simply can't go far wrong when listening to liberals to just assume they are lying.  Often their fellow travelers who repeat the lies think they are telling the truth.  They're in the know, a privileged form of life compared to we gullible peons who don't know the real truth.  But they're the ones repeating the lies.  That's why I call them 'mantras' because if you call them on them, say by asking, "How do you know that?"  They can't answer.  Instead they say something like "Everyone knows that."  Of course that's a dead giveaway that they don't know it but are merely repeating the lie.

Now they've moved into the schools to indoctrinate the young with a wide range of lies.  The universal question is always: "How do you know that?"  If they can't answer the questioning should continue with "Well if you don't know how you know it then you really don't know it do you?" and "Come back and tell me what the answer is.  See if the person who told you can explain how they know it."  The chain of lies needs to be carefully followed and validated.  When you find the root of the lie then you can begin to unravel the motives for the lies.  You will likely be deeply disturbed by the answers you discover.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Global Warming Propaganda — The Sky Is Falling!

I enjoyed this but unfortunately Nye the science guy is pretty uninformed. The Medieval Warm period has been established as a world wide phenomenon and Nye is still peddling the idea that it was only in Europe. Morano has all the data on his side. The moderator was spouting all the propaganda. The one that annoys me the most is the precautionary principle which is always trotted out in the form "suppose you're wrong?" the implication being that if you're wrong the oppositions latest scary story will be right. Before the precautionary principle is invoked there should be some real evidence. Listen to Morano who tries to get in the evidence. The answer is that nothing particularly out of the ordinary is happening. CO2 is increasing but it isn't clear if that matters. The real CO2 data I might add is all quite recent. All the rest is an inference by proxies which may not even be calibrated correctly. I've been listening to various chicken little stuff since I was a kid and it's pretty much all been trash. We should probably spend more time worrying about real possibilities that would be catastrophic like nuclear war.

Personal Responsibility — A Concept That Seems To Be Forgotten

Wild Bill On Confronting Liberals

Learn to debate on the basis of principles. Jacob is an example of how the school system is indoctrinating our children.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Muslims Don't Believe In Freedom of Speech

SEE HERE ... or much else that is American. This is outrageous.

Lord Monckton Points Out There's Been No Global Warming In 16 Years

SEE HERE Some things are a hoot and Lord Monckton taking a minute at the mike at the U.N. climate conference in Doha is one such. In the link Monckton also shows how you can estimate the global warming yourself using an Excel spreadsheet. Data rules! By the way here's a link to a page that points out how nonsensical the CO2 warming hypothesis is when you look at the ice core data. HERE The logic is compelling in my opinion. Whatever CO2 is, it's not the primary driver of global warming. So that suggests that all the hoopla and desire to spend trillions of dollars heading off an imaginary effect will be wasted, oh but these are politicians after all. No problem. Wasting trillions of dollars is what they are good at. It's too bad they don't have to earn them before they waste them.

Pearl Harbor Remembered

Today, seventy-one years ago I was a tiny infant in my mother's womb at Oahu when the Japanese suddenly attacked. It was a Sunday morning. My dad was the ordnance officer on U.S.S. Detroit and on board Detroit at the time of the attack. He fired some of the first shots fired against the attacking Japanese aircraft using a .30-06 rifle standing in his skives on the deck of Detroit. His men got the anti-aircraft batteries firing and he stepped on some hot shell casings and decided he better go put on some clothes and shoes. He lost many friends on the Raleigh, sister ship to the Detroit and tied up next to her. She was sunk.  DETROIT

My mom watched the aircraft coming in from Honolulu. They had a little apartment in town. Later we, my mom and I, were evacuated to the mainland on passenger liners escorted by the Detroit and her flotilla of destroyers. I was born later on June 4, 1942 on the day of the battle of Midway. On that day several of the Japanese aircraft carriers that participated in the Pearl Harbor attack were sunk by American dive bombers in one five minute interval. That'll teach'em to try to kill me at Pearl.  PEARL HARBOR

Spoons Make You Fat

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Privacy? — ROTFLMAO

SEE HERE You probably should do a camera count as you drive along and visit your local Walmart or check out the abilities of cell towers to locate all the phones that they are monitoring all the time. Don't forget that google knows all. That technology is no less available to the government. Don't be surprised if everything you do isn't cached somewhere waiting for you to become a person of interest. There's a significant downside to technology.

This Is Fun — I Especially Liked the Shot at Dawkins

Confirmation Of Stupidity

SEE HERE One has to wonder what these characters thought they were doing. What business have we with destabilizing states in the Middle East? Do you really think that exchanging tyrants will improve things or is there another agenda?

DeMint Moving On To Heritage

SEE HERE I guess the handwriting is on the wall.  The Republicans have showed their true colors by marginalizing the Conservatives so Jim DeMint is moving on to replace Ed Fuelner at the Heritage Foundation.  It's time to send the Republicans a clear message.  It should be: "You can't survive as Democrat-lite!"  Probably should add: "You weak-kneed wimps."  The Republicans need a little Conservative spine and hopefully the grassroots can give them a good lesson in what happens to turncoats when they stop acting on Conservative principles and start acting like the low life bounders that they really are.  RED STATE WEIGHS IN


How To Break My Heart? — Just Kidding!

SEE HERE This couldn't happen to two more deserving people.  Both Karl Rove and Dick Morris are unreliable professional (which usually means 'for sale') pundits that I don't trust for a second.  We need people dedicated to the truth and following principles of liberty not these Washington rodents that live off the politicians and their media supporters.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Create the Shadow Party and Hold Republicans Accountable

SEE HERE This nails it.  If we can't do something like this then we can't restore the republic.  That's what it comes down to.

Hating Breitbart — Telling the Truth Makes You The Enemy of the Left

I want to see this for sure. Andrew Breitbart carried the fight to the left and they hated him for it. But in so doing he exposed them for the lying slimeballs they are. It was epic. I'm totally bummed out that he's gone. I loved the riff on Spartacus that followed his death: "I am Andrew Breitbart!" We have a duty to stand up for the truth. Make no mistake about it. You future and that of your children depends on it.

Humanity Wins

The Problem Is That The Jerks Outnumber The Real People

SEE HERE Is it something in the water? Maybe it's in the food. Freedom of speech includes freedom to talk about God and just because there are some idiots (altogether too many ... see Ecclesiastes 1:15 in the Vulgate) doesn't mean you have to listen to them. **Ecclesiastes 1:15 in the Vulgate: 1:15 perversi difficile corriguntur et stultorum infinitus est numerus — The perverse are hard to be corrected, and the number of fools is infinite.

Get A Grip and Stick To Your Principles

SEE HERE The Republican House is there to stop the president not enable him. "Get a grip!" If you sell out you are toast either way, because they can get Democrats to replace you if they think selling out was the right decision and you will be replaced if it's the wrong decision, as it certainly is, by people who won't sell out. Principles trump those prepared to sell their birthright for a pot of pottage anytime.

Merry Christmas! Jesus Invites You To His Birthday

WATCH The "Home for the Holidays" was Bethlehem, the City of David which Joseph and Mary, both of the line of David, traveled so as to be counted by the Caesars of this world but carrying the Lord of All Worlds to be born in a humble cave, a stable set aside for animals.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Chemical Attacks In Syria? — Is This A False Flag Operation?

SEE HERE After the Benghazi damage control operation will we see a sudden inexplicable gas attack. The whole Arab Spring thing seems at least suspect.

A Vote That Was Too Close By Far

SEE HERE Ceding U.S. Sovereignty to the United Nations ... Has the Congress Gone Mad! 61 votes in favor and only 67 needed to ratify. We have traitors amongst us and that isn't an exaggeration. We should be getting out of the United Nations not encouraging that pack of tyrants.

This Guy Is Known To Be Guilty. Why Are They Farting Around?

STUPIDITY 101 Poor little Muslim killer wants his beard despite it being against Army regulations. Why hasn't this guy been tried, found guilty, and shot? This is what's wrong with the country frankly. We can't deliver justice when it is called for. Instead we make up reasons to roll over and play dead. This guy was an Islamic extremist jihadist killer. The military should have disciplined him and removed him long before he killed thirteen people and wounded over two dozen others. Justice delayed is justice denied. I'd be happy to be on this guy's firing squad — That's if they ever do get around to doing something sensible like convicting him.

Democrats Aren't Racists .... One Lie Among Many That They Tell

SEE HERE Who are the real racists? Maybe the founders of the KKK or the nice Democrats that used to lynch blacks routinely for looking cross-eyed at a white woman. The truly amazing thing is that they have fooled so many black people into believing that the very people who freed them in the first place and opened up the universities to them are the real racists while those who marginalize them are really their benefactors. That's why they were scared silly of Herman Cain as a Republican candidate. He had done it all. He was a self made man, articulate and smarter than Obama will ever be. How come a multiple rapist like Clinton gets a pass and Herman Cain gets bimboed as if the Democrats care about such things. They just spin that sort of thing up to manipulate the media and the Republicans. Shame really.

John Boehner Is Part Of The Problem Not Part Of The Solution

SEE HERE Open season on Conservatives which explains the spin run up on the election loss. Blame it on the innocent while we play nicey nicey with those intent on destroying the nation economically. The person we should replace is John Boehner. What a loser! MORE STILL MORE PALIN WEIGHS IN

Link Enhancement ... What?

Have you noticed links suddenly appearing in your blogs? It is damn annoying. I don't put these stupid links in but they will magically appear unbidden interrupting the flow of idea with arbitrary ads. I'm not sure what I did to deserve this, but it is very annoying.