Monday, June 30, 2014

Obama Sought To Bring America Down From The Beginning

CHECK IT OUT The folks that predicted this from the beginning were right and not those who have come late to the party like O'Reilly are acknowledging it.

The Border Is Not Secure

No Washington D.C. leadership despite the apparent fact that they seem to have intentionally created the situation.

Let's Build The Dream Team NOW

This business of having a candidate knock-out routine running up to the nomination just weakens all the candidates. If you want to win you have to get united behind a team that can win and that has something for everyone. Build the Dream Team now and run on a coherent, principled message that is well-conceived and thoughtful and inspiring. While you're at it focus on ending this election abuse that Democrats use to win all the time. If we can clear the cemetery voters and the multiple voters from the election counts we have a big advantage. It's time to restore the American Dream and you can't do that with the progressive statists whose only strategy is to have big government control things. It doesn't work. It has never worked except for the few pretending to be for the many.

Who Are The Racists? Democrats Should Look In The Mirror

SEE HERE Racists? The Democrats are the racists. Look at those who constantly play the race card and you will find the racists. Sure racism exists. But it is only pervasive among liberals.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Fraudulent Establishment

Politics by corruption is what we have. What we want is politics with integrity. It's up to you.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

How Much Cooling Will It Take To Sink This Turkey?

The great global warming scam is still being pushed. It's cogency is increasingly being shown to be non-existent. So the shrill cries get ever louder. We'll see. Winters have been noticeably colder and there's no sign in the historical record that CO2 is a driver and quite a lot of evidence that it's just a trace gas with not much impact on the weather. In fact CO2 is an essential plant nutrient. If we managed to substantially reduce CO2 we'd just see poorer crops and a more fragile ecosphere. Truth never bothered a liberal though so it may take another decade of cold weather to disabuse these characters of their tedious drum beating of a worn out lie.

The Manufactured Disaster On Our Borders

Welcome to the failure of the federal government to do what they are bound under law to do.

Friday, June 27, 2014

ISIS and Sharia Are A World Problem

SEE HERE  The reality is that militant Islam has only one goal and that is to dominate the whole world.  It's doubtful that they can do it, but they can certainly cause a lot of death and destruction trying.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Time For A Conservative Vision

We need to dump the Establishment (both sides) Democrats and Republicans because they are destroying us and plan to continue.  Time for a big change.  If we fail to accomplish that we can all sit around telling our children what it used to be like in America when we were free.  "Please pass the gruel."

Establishment Republicans Are Just The Same Liars In A Different Disguise

Disguise?  Pretend Patriots ... just another bunch of "Clown Car Cavelcade of Incompetence, the Stupidity, Power Grubbing, Vote Buying, Pandering, Student Counsel Wienieness of These Losers, Race Hustlers, and Envy Mongers on the Progressive Left" as Bill Whittle termed their supposed opposition. 

Clown Car Cavelcade of Incompetence, the Stupidity, Power Grubbing, Vote Buying, Pandering, Student Counsel Wienieness of These Losers, Race Hustlers, and Envy Mongers on the Progressive Left

Tell Us What You Think Bill!  You Rock!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Oldie But Goodie On Barack's Background

SEE HERE  In the run up to see D'Souza's new movie "America" it might be fun to read this piece from 2008 which should have been enough to expose Barack Obama for everything he's proved to be and no-one paid any attention except those few where we both awake and had enough neuron to think.  Increasingly that is a miniscule proportion of those who vote which should explain why the Founders thought only people with serious skin in the game should be allowed to vote.  Now we have everyone with their hands out eligible to vote and people in government increasing that population all the time.  If we don't reverse things soon we will see the United States sink into the sewer of history from which no nations emerge.  Margaret Thatcher had it exactly right, "Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money."

Allen West on Operation Zero Footprint

SEE HERE  This is a ten page read on "Operation Zero Footprint."  I guess one serious question is 1) should we have ever started something like this?, and 2) why didn't we provide adequate security for such an important operation?

C.A.I.R. And The Mission Of Militant Islam

  Islam is a political triumphal cult focused on world domination striving to reestablish the Caliphate and recover their losses back to the crusades.  It is not a religion of peace and it is not really a religion at all.  It is a violence oriented parody of the God of the Bible.  Its history should tell you the reality.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Straight Talk ... They Are Coming For You

The beginning of the reverse crusade?  Bring it on.  Only this time end it!  Turn them to glass.

The Most Offensive People On The Planet Are Liberals

I love all the offended cards that liberals play, poor whiny babies that they are.  They are offended by any mention of morality, any encouragement to self-discipline, any statement about truth, especially eternal truth, and frankly anything that contradicts them.  This is the behavior of two year olds.  That's what a liberal is, a two year old in an adult body.  Sad how their development has been arrested.  Offend them enough and they might wake up, but I rather doubt it you racist, homophobe, bigoted, right-wing nut, did I mention racist followed by filthy language I would not repeat.  But of course I'm not supposed to be offended.  That's a luxury reserved to the two year olds on the left.  They are pretty funny most of the time but should not be allowed near the operating controls of government.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Police Outrages Continue All Over

SEE HERE  It's not clear what the hell is going on.  More and more I'm seeing these kind of pseud-legal raids that exercise breaking and entering with SWAT teams armed to the teeth and treating citizens like dirt without explanation.  This story has an associated video which I could have just loaded but it's worth taking a look.  Apparently this couple was not told why they were targeted and the story on the warrant made no sense because the team raiding them didn't actually look at the computers so it was an excuse to make the raid not the real reason.

Schools Lock Down Conservative Websites

SEE HERE  What a bunch of politically biased censorship!  We have schools locking down websites on the basis of left wing bias.  And you wonder if students are being brainwashed?

Government Overreaction — Typical!

SEE HERE This is the kind of government overreach, believing unreliable witnesses, that spun up the massacre at Waco of the Branch Davidians. This kind of thing should get someone disciplined. It could easily have blown up into a tragedy.

After Obama The Flood

Operation Zero Footprint (Part III)

SEE HERE  Scroll down to where the story continues with UPDATE PART IIIOperation Zero Footprint Becomes Political and Legal Risk

Moderate Islam? Don't Make Me Laugh

  This is the first part of a one hour program that Sean Hannity put on and it includes a shouting match between a liberal and Brigitte Gabriel.  The bottom line is that liberals continue to suggest that moderate Islam is a factor.  Strange then how voiceless it is and how the left strives to silence any criticism of the Muslim extremists that does crop up among those supposed moderates.  Bottom line?  Moderate Islam is largely a fiction.  It is not moderate it is silent Islam and when the extremists make progress the so-called moderates dance in the streets.

Get Out From Under The Basket

Christians are called to be the light of the world.  It's hard to be much of a light if you spend all your time hiding from the darkness.  The liberals are disassembling America as we cower in the darkness.  Some light, huh?

Sunday, June 22, 2014

You Really Want Congenital Liars Running The Country?

SEE HERE  Congenital liars?  It's what they do and with a straight face and in all sincerity.  These people have neither virtue nor honor nor principle.  They are power and privilege seekers and stoop at nothing to achieve their ends.  If you don't understand that about them, then you understand nothing about them.

Benghazi By The Numbers (Part II)

SEE HERE ... just how did we get to this place?  BTW if you've read Part I just scroll down until you hit UPDATE ... and then continue reading.  I'm not sure if this will continue to include previous parts as it develops.

Benghazi By The Numbers: Part I

SEE HERE  "Operation Zero Footprint" how the right hand knowest not what the left hand is doing.  Tell me again why we had any business overthrowing Libya?

Pushing Back A Lawless Administration

SEE HERE  It's time to push back and push back hard.  George Will summarizes the case and some ideas for establishing judicial standing to rein in this out of control wannabe tyrant we have in the White House and his cronies who shield him and perpetuate his tyranny.

Getting In Your Face With Reality

Here It Is!  It Comes Down To Facing Reality.  We are so gamed, gulled, and screwed.  But we can play nicey nice with those who intend to bury us.  Maybe we need to get mad instead of playing patty-cake.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sure There Are Peaceful Muslims But They Are Irrelevant

15-25% are vicious radical terrorists ... the rest don't count because they don't do anything about the rest.  Below the video includes more from the panelists.

Friday, June 20, 2014

It's Time To Stop This Out Of Control Government Rampage Of Tyranny

SEE HERE  We have on chance and it may well be our last chance and that is the elections of 2014.  If we do not stop this illegal tyrannical administration in its tracks this year we may never get another chance.  They are going to try to steal the elections.  They are going to manipulate the vote with every last ounce of their being.  They will be suppressing Republicans, Tea Party people, Libertarians, and Constitutionalists while trying to get every illegal and every dead voter to vote multiple times.  Frankly, it's what they do.  It's what they've done all my life only they've gotten better at it.  We either turn out the vote and detect and eliminate the illegal voting or we just roll over and accept our chains.  That's what it is coming down to folks.

Perhaps There Is Hope For The World

BTW if you google this kid's name you'll find dozens more examples of his talent.  He's a real treat and his name in case you missed it is Adrian Romoff.  Check him out!  He's awesome!

The World of Make-Believe Outrage and Insincere Apologies

  Or to frame it a bit more tightly, the world of left liberal hypocrisy writ large upon the public stage to pretend that they actually have values.  What an outrage!  I'm make-believe offended by these make-believe virtuous people.  Actually I'm just really disgusted that they have any credibility at all.  When are we going to grow up and see these people for the shameless, immoral, posturing hypocrites that they are.  They don't belong in government.  They belong in a nice padded cell for narcissists where they have lots of mirrors to admire themselves.

Turn The Bus Around! There's Not Much Time

Wild Bill points out the obvious.  We are on the wrong road and have been for a long time now.  The progressives started this adventure of one-size fits all big government the solution to all our problems back in 1913 and have had a century to slowly, step by step, make government ever larger and more invasive.  Now they are ready to finish the job and take the last visage of freedom away and make government the master of all our lives.  We're supposed to be like good little chickens in the chicken coop run by the leftist foxes.  They feed the chickens until they're ready for a meal, yum-yum!  And they're dumbing down the chickens so that they'll hardly notice. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

So Is Alex Jones A Nut Job Or Is There Substance To This?

  Frankly the scary thing to me is that lots of this stuff is sounding more and more plausible.  What are we flying alien kids who crossed our borders into distant states for?  Why are they not just turned around and sent back?  What is the administration doing hiding their lies and devious connivances.  Lois Lerner's emails just go missing and they destroy the hard drive?  Cover-up can hardly be more obvious.  It just gets worse and worse.

We Are Led By Traitors ... It's That Simple!

  I am so disgusted by this administration.  They commit treason on a daily basis and then lie and lie and lie.  It is an outrage.

It's Called Invasion Not Immigration

SEE HERE  Let's just stop pretending that millions of people in this country illegally are just some sort of immigration snafu.  They are here illegally.  Their illegality is intentional.  They have been lured here by the ineptitude of our government which refuses to enforce our laws.  They are increasingly a danger to our national security and the folks running the government know it and intend it. 

Thoughts On The Run-Up To World War III


Look at what's taking place and ask yourself for whom is Obama really working. It's certainly not the people of United States of America

The stage is being set for World War III

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Stupid Is As Stupid Does ... U.S. Trained ISIS Terrorists

SEE HERE  How stupid is this?  Can we get it through our heads that Muslims are all terrorists and enemies of the West.  It's a historical thing.  It's been true since this thing started back in the 7th century.  Nothing has changed.  They lie when the must and murder and pillage when they can.  They pretend to be civilized but aren't.  Their religion is a tissue of relative nonsense to justify a political philosophy of total domination.  Their goal is to destroy everything non-Islamic and they they destroy each other as they battle out the Sunni versus Shiite disagreement.  The West controlled their expansion once.  It is time to do it again! 

In Case You Wonder What American Jihadists Are Up To ...

SEE HERE  Check out what those peaceful Muslims are doing here in the United States.  Be prepared! (The film featured in this post is apparently from 2009 so it's quite old.  The question then is how much more have they accomplished in the intervening half decade?)

Monday, June 16, 2014

Wild Bill Takes On Liberal Stupidity: He Needs A Lot Of Help

  It's pushback time! 

Judge Jeanine Summarizes Why We Must Be Afraid

The country of Iraq is a burning cauldron in the Middle East as the savages spread to reestablish the Caliphate.  If you don't know what the Caliphate is then you are part of the problem.  These savages have promised to come to get us and by every measure it seems clear that Barack Obama is intentionally advancing their cause.  What more do you need to know?  We have a traitor leading us.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Barack Obama: Arming Our Enemies Since 2008

SEE HERE  The tragedy of our times is that our citizenry are so stupid as to buy the media and leftist propaganda that is being used to lull us while they empower our enemies.  What about "traitors" is it that we don't get.  What does it take to get the citizenry to recognize that all these "mishaps" are intentional.  As my father used to say: "It's just as hard to be wrong all the time as to be right all the time."  The Obama administration is so consistently wrong that it has to be intentional.

Friday, June 13, 2014

InfoWars: A Point of View You Have To Weigh

Get focused on the reality of this situation.  We have a corrupt and dishonest government that is trying to collapse the nation.  It's crazy and it's scary and it appears to be true.  Listen up and get involved.  We have to stop the crony politicians regardless of whether their cronies are big government, big unions, or big corporations.  They are all, all corrupt.  It's time to end it and return to principled government not bought and paid for government.

Wild Bill Points Out What Should Be Obvious

We are being run by godless people who seek to destroy us.  Their vision is of power and control and they know not love or limits on their appetites.  We need to unite as a religious people and acknowledge the wisdom, love, and power of God and stop listening to those whose inspiration comes from darker sources.

Too Much Government Is A Disease

Now twirling a pencil is a big deal in the insanity of the modern public schools.  Can we have some sanity back or is it irreparably lost in the modern snarl of stupidity that exists in the schools and in government?  The kid twirls his pencil.  The school gets their panties in a wedge and the father backs them down so the state steps in to cause a problem by threatening to take the kid away.  This is what is called too much government and tyranny to boot.  I wouldn't recommend anyone live in New Jersey.  Give it to the liberals and all the conservatives should move out.

Stand By! It Just Keeps Getting Worse

SEE HERE  I have to say that if someone had told me beforehand how rapidly the United States would be compromised and set on a road to total destruction I would have been inclined to think they were nutjobs, flat earthers, or worse.  But that was back in the good old days before Obama's exercise in fundamentally transforming America.  You'd think someone with such disastrous policies would be checked by all those checks and balances we heard about in school, but they don't seem to be working any more.  The three branches of government have been infiltrated by traitors from what I can see and they are all cooperating in the project to bring us low.  It is likely to only get worse before it gets better.  "It's always darkest before the dawn" was a phrase from my childhood.  Well it's getting pretty dark.  I hope the dawn comes soon!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Decoding Obama-speak ... Revealing!

  Just listen in because Rush shows how to interpret what Obama says ... Mostly it is just noise that he makes before he cuts and runs.  This president is despicable.

Here We Go! The Emerging Caliphate

I'm sick of this president.  He empowers Muslim extremism and it's intentional.  He is not a patriot.  He is betraying us daily.

The Black Community Needs To Clean Up Their Act

  I'm sick of hearing about racism when the majority of racial violence is black on white.  Either we get it out in the open and address it or it will fester and grow worse.

Where Is The Administration? Releasing A Traitor And Leaving All The Patriots Behind

Traitors get special treatment, but a soldier who just made a mistake languishes in a Mexican prison.  Where is Obama?  Nowhere right! 

What Economic Recovery?

SEE HERE  I'm getting tired of hearing about this economic recovery that doesn't seem to actually exist.  Just a bunch of bureaucrats and Wall Street types spinning up phony figures to pretend that things are getting better while the administration keeps doing things to make it worse.

Liars Outted ...

SEE HERE  U.S. Intelligence intercepted phone calls made by the terrorists during the attack.  Just how is it possible that they could not have known it was a coordinated terrorist attack and not motivated by some video.  We are surrounded by lying schemers in our government who call themselves liberals and progressives but are actually statists determined to destroy the United States and the liberties that we enjoy.

Trey Gowdey In Action

  Sounds like at least this judge is a pushover reversing his underlings over 90% of the time.  No wonder the system is broke and broken.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Benghazi: Whittle Nails It

This is a direct account of what happened at Benghazi.  It is clearly a situation that was "set up" and the denial of aid to those under attack, not even an attempt to help, is despicable.  It is the smoking gun of the evil of this administration.  Intentional deception over and over by administration officials that knew what they were saying was untrue.

Alfonzo Rachel Points Out Obama's Treachery

Treachery?  Rather obvious since the idea that this swap makes sense is liberal lunacy.  It's clear that Obama is just empowering his Muslim brothers to help them continue their jihad.  Watch for more treachery to come.  Everything this guy does seems to come out badly.  As my father used to say, "It's just as hard to be always wrong as to be always right."  It's intentional and it's treason.

Islam Is A Disease Not A Religion

SEE HERE   There should be a worldwide quarantine of Islam because it is a disease crippling the human spirit and stimulating a descent into savagery.  One need look no further than the existence of suicide bombers and violent jihadists to know that any religion that motivates such things is not of God.  Assemble a database of nations and look at the correlation between violence and the percentage of Muslims and you'll see where Islam leads.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Focus On Critical Thinking ... YES!!

This is a great video made in late 2012.   While the whole thing is tongue in cheek, it makes the outstanding point that if one is going to believe crazy things it might be a good idea to employ some critical thinking to see if they are at all plausible.  Faking the moon landing fails that test.  I'm not sure the idea that Obama is trying to destroy the United States fails however.

Traitorous Actions On Obama's Part

Betrayal.  It's what Obama is about.  Closing Gitmo is the agenda and returning terrorists to the battlefield is just betrayal of all our men and women in uniform.  Rush Limbaugh has it exactly right.  This is slight of hand to try to close Gitmo and simultaneously get praised for it.  Shortage of loyalty and neurons is blatant.

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Lord of the Bees

SEE HERE  Normally I would pass on a story about bees, but my sister has recently become a bee-keeper and it is fascinating to see her commitment to the little industrious critters making honey and beeswax for her.  This story is about violating the rights of a bee keeper as an American citizen who should not be subject to unannounced searches and the seizure of his property without due process.  Interestingly he had a strain of bees that were resistant to Monsanto's Roundup.  That seems to play into the story.  I think it's outrageous that this man's hives were stolen by the state.  I hope he has the means to stick them with a major lawsuit.  Meanwhile, why would anyone be surprised that insects are beginning to become resistant to chemicals.  It's what animals do.  It's called natural selection.

The President Is A Traitor Arming Our Enemies: He Needs To Be Gone!

SEE HERE  When our helicopters are shot down by our own Stinger missiles of recent vintage bought and distributed by the CIA it's time for some serious investigation and some heads need to roll.  This is what you get when the president is a traitor to the United States.

And So It Was ... Another False Messiah

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Republicans Need To Find A Spine

SEE HERE  OOOOOoooooo... the Democrats might not like impeachment ... Oh we can't take the chance that they'll think we're mean and they'll have their media friends say bad things about us.  Oooo Oooo Oooo ... we just don't have the moxie for that because we're a bunch of wusses.  Yup that's the sounds coming from the stupid party.  I am soooo fed up with this kind of bait and switch game... impeaching is starting to be more plausible ... no it isn't we've decided the Democrats won't like it — The Republicans either have to grow a spine or we'll just watch while the country collapses.  This is total crap!

The Truth Trumps Stupidity, Even Liberal Stupidity

SEE HERE  Here are ten truths we all need to learn so that they are on the forefront of our minds when we are making important decisions.
1. Government cannot create wealth, jobs, or income. 
2. Income inequality does not affect the economy.
3. Low wages are not corporate exploitation.
4. Environmental over-regulation is a regressive tax that falls hardest on the poor
5. Education is not a public good
6. High CEO pay is no worse than high pay to athletes or movie stars. 
7. Consumer spending is not what drives the economy. 
8. When government provides things for free, they will end up being low quality, cost more than they should, and may disappear when most needed
9. Government cannot correct cosmic injustice
10. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

For expanded treatments of these ten points click the link and read the article.  Liberals are long on rhetoric and short on reality and common sense.  Ultimately they posture and pose as the good guys when in fact they are mostly in it for themselves and for no-one else.  Now that isn't true of all, just of most and there are no shortage of selfish and self-centered people on the conservative side.  The difference is that the conservatives have a larger and wider perspective and realize that ultimately if you destroy the society you destroy yourselves as well.  The liberals either don't pay attention to that or don't care.       

This President Is Evil ... It's That Simple

"You've keyed us up for death and destruction," says Judge Jeanine and that about sums it up.  We are led by a traitor dedicated to taking down the United States.

More on the traitor with Michael Savage talking with Judge Jeanine.  We have a problem, a very big problem.

There Ought To Be An Investigation

SEE HERE  There is a lot to be answered for in the treatment of our men and women in uniform.  I don't know the particulars of these cases but my sense is that we have lost our minds and perhaps there should be an investigation of the appropriateness of these cases.  I have zero confidence in the justice meted out by this administration.

Make No Mistake About It

The Jihad will not be over from the Muslim point of view until all are in submission to Islam.  Either we get it and man up, or we don't and bow our heads so they can be efficiently removed.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Police Treating Citizens Like Enemy Combatants

SEE HERE  Enemy Combatants ... you heard that right.  Our police are being trained to treat innocent citizens like enemy combatants to be gunned down.  This probably explains the rash of outright police murders of late of people that didn't have to be killed and didn't even have to be much more than talked at for an extended period.  Instead the rogue cops precipitated incidents that gave them an excuse for murder.  Excessive use of lethal force is becoming more the norm than the exception.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Bowe Bergdahl: Reality 101

SEE HERE OK here's the story from a participant.  The spin stops here as they say on some of the plastic news purveyors.  Where lies the truth?  I'm betting on this fellow being a deserter and collaborator based on his actions and those of his father.  Your mileage may vary.

Freedom Isn't Free And Neither Is A Police State

SEE HERE  Once the infrastructure is in place the building goes up rapidly.  Today's technology makes creating a "Big Brother" society pretty simple if you have competent people.  Since there is nothing about tyranny that suggest incompetence one has to project that we're on track for the lock down.  The ObamaCare web site is not an example of incompetence at making web sites, it's an example of competence at stealing government money while pretending to be doing something constructive.  This administration is absolutely a master of that ploy.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Who Are The Traitors ... How About The Politicians In Washington?

  The government seems intent on destroying us and you have to wonder what that is all about.  It's not even just a matter of Democrat versus Republican politics.  It looks more like a collaboration of scumballs protecting their power and privilege.  We shouldn't be talking about "White privilege" but about "Politician privilege" and attack that.  It would make more sense.

Hanoi Jane Speaks At UCLA

SEE HERE  Why not just run up the red flag and let California drift into the sea?  They're already Communists anyway and while they may start starving soon since Communism doesn't work, it would be an object lesson for the rest of the country. 

One More Federal Law Broken ...

SEE HERE  The Law Breaker In Charge continues to thumb his nose at the law and the Constitution.  He does it in service to Islamic Jihad and international terrorism trading five terrorist commanders for one American deserter who likely betrayed his comrades.  Can we get a real American for president next time and root out all these traitors from our government?  It is just amazing that we're still sitting still for this travesty of an administration.

Suck It Up America — It's Not About You!

SEE HERE  Of course not, it's about the arch-Narcissist In Charge (the NIC) who is always best when he's down and being counted out for not knowing anything about the scandals of his administration until he sees them on the news and he usually doesn't see them on the news because the main stream news media (MSNM) is covering for him.  We certainly live in Bazarro World these days.  Nothing it Obama's fault because he didn't know anything but he's the smartest man on the planet, right?  We deserve him because we have the dumbest voters on the planet or maybe just the most voter fraud on the planet.  I was astounded that he won reelection with the total travesty of a record that he's put in for the first term.  There is simply no way that election was honest.  Either that or we have now certainly graduated to the status of a country run by imbeciles. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Painting A Target On The Back Of Our Military

  Trading five terrorists higher ups for one deserter simply doesn't sound like a sane trade unless of course making America safer isn't your agenda.  Gee what could go wrong?

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Time To Get Real Conservatives Into The System

I don't really know if there is time left.  You look at what is happening and you have to be disheartened.  How can we have gotten to this point?  Aren't there any people with good old common sense left anymore.  As a scientist I constantly have to deal with reality.  Things like Conservation of Energy and Momentum limit what you can do.  You can't get something for nothing which is a rather loose statement of the second law of thermodynamics.  Another version is TANSTAAFL!  (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch) but the liberals want to think that we live in a zero sum game so that people are only rich because other people are poor.  Never mind that the poor people have not lifted a finger to change their situation.  If you follow that train of thought you'll end up on the same track as the old Soviet Union, and the current on-going collapse of Europe.  Good luck!  It's time to wake up and change course unless you like living in a nation on the brink of collapse.

Obama's America Is A Vast Graveyard Coming

It's time to get it straight.  Barack Obama is a disgrace.  His administration is a disgrace.  The voters that put him in power are a disgrace.  We are living in a dysfunctional America created by the left liberal progressive communist traitors who have every intention of continuing the disgrace until they have complete power and the nation has been destroyed.

France: An Example Of Where We're Heading

SEE HERE  Face up to reality.  You can't build the success of a society by robbing those who create and work in order to support those too lazy to do so.  People have to get it through their heads that wealth is created by hard work and robbing those who create simply makes them move or quick working.  Dinesh D'Souza compares it to those pulling the wagon versus those riding in the wagon.  After a while when everyone gets in the wagon, the wagon ceases to move.  We are on that same track until people get the message.  Unfortunately getting the message often means sinking first into squalor.

Never Forget What Democrats Do — Traitors Always!


We're the
battling boys of Benghazi
fame, no glory, no paparazzi.
Just a fiery death in a blazing
Defending our country
we loved so well. 
It wasn't our
job, but we answered the call,
fought to the Consulate and scaled the
We pulled twenty
Countrymen from the jaws of fate
Led them to safety, and stood at
the gate. 
Just the two of
us, and foes by the score,
But we stood fast to bar the
Three calls for
reinforcement, but all were denied,
So we fought, and we fought, and
we fought 'til we died. 
We gave our all 
for our Uncle Sam, 
Barack Obama didn't give a damn. 
Just two dead seals who carried 
the load 
No thanks to 
us.........we were just "Bumps In The Road".