Sunday, February 28, 2010

Would Mr. Gore Please Sit Down: He's Embarrassing!

SEE HERE Al Gore is a distinct embarrassment. He has exactly no credentials to even have an opinion about global warming. His famous documentary is a tissue of lies so that it can't even be shown in the UK without corrections. But he continues to insist that we're in dire danger. On what grounds? None. There hasn't been any unusual climate change. The idea that CO2 is causing global warming is nonsense and increasingly obvious nonsense. Beyond all that the history of climate change shows there have been much bigger changes in the past before man had any leverage at all. Please shut up Mr. Gore, you're just embarrassing yourself and pandering to alarmists who stand to gain from the draconian measures you've all dreamed up.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Let's Rock and Roll: Cuccinelli Style!

SEE HERE Some politicians say things they don't mean just to get elected and some come to kick a little butt. Ken Cuccinelli is going to make Virginia remembered as the state that doesn't take it lying down. "Give'em Hell!"

Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one

The lies told of Israel are countless. The Israelis are certainly not perfect, but they are surrounded by implacable enemies and under siege. They are a living sign of the living God and a rebuke to those who hate them.

The EPA Gestapo Should Back Off CO2

SEE HERE A number of leading scientists send a letter to the EPA suggesting that the climate science is far from settled and that CO2 has not been demonstrated to be a major player in global warming (what warming exists). So the case for regulation is seriously flawed. We should get the government out of politically motivated trendy regulation. The science isn't here to support it. It is an immense wasted of time and money and will do far more damage than good.

The U.S. Is a Lousy Ally

SEE HERE Earth to the Obama Administration! Calling you folks in lala land. Is the problem that you're almost out of allies to insult and degrade? Now we're neutral on who owns the Falkland Islands. Give me a break! Let's see if we can insult every ally we've ever had and then we'll have no friends in the world, only enemies and erstwhile friends.

Some Good Advice from Fr. Corapi (You are the Steward of Your Body)

I'm sure that most of my viewers don't know who Fr. Corapi is, so I'll give a very brief synopsis. He's a powerful teacher and has appeared on the Catholic EWTN network but a year or so ago he had health issues and a lot of folks were afraid he had contracted a serious condition like cancer. It wasn't, but it was a trial because he kept being misdiagnosed and he ended up at the Mayo Clinic and he has gone from 234 to 173 pounds and has a message about taking care of yourself. Now if I can only take his very excellent advice maybe I can go from 245 to 180.

Thomas Sowell: The Vision of the Anointed

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell is one of my favorite thinkers. He's got more common sense in his little finger than most of the pointy heads have in their whole bodies. He points out here that one thing that many intellectuals share is "the vision of the anointed." This is an idea not too far from C.S. Lewis' "inner ring" and is a fundamental temptation for those who imagine they are so smart that they should be in charge. The problem actually is that most of the folks that think they are that smart only think that because they've been successful academically. The reality is that given anything practical to do they often fall on their faces. Hubris is what it comes down to and hubris as the ancient Greeks knew so well leads always to very bad places.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Climate Is'a Changing: And Has Been for Several Billion Years

SEE HERE It's kind of ironic because when I went to this site to read their piece it was a lot history about global warming hysteria but it also had a link to National Geographic (which I thought a little odd since National Geographic has been a major alarmist outlet), so I followed that link and sure enough it was extolling the standard global alarmist nutnik stuff. So what's a person to believe?

I've tried to figure it all out and I've read a lot of books and looked at a lot of websites and a lot of data. I've concluded the following: 1) the earth goes through periodic climate change on a variety of time scales and these include appreciable warming and appreciable cooling, 2) CO2 is a greenhouse gas that partly accounts for the fact that the earth has a reasonable living temperature for life and it is one of the single most important nutrients for plant life on the planet, 3) We've been coming out of a cooling phase for over a hundred years so there has been relatively mild global warming over something like 150 to 200 years, 4) we've entered a cooling phase nominally in 1995 and the earth has been cooling slightly since then, 5) no one really knows how to predict these phases reliably, 6) there is no very good evidence that CO2 is a major climate driver and there is appreciable evidence that warming drives CO2 and not the other way around, 7) ice sheets and glaciers melt and are reconstituted and on balance its probably better that they melt than that they increase in extent, 8) a steady state earth is a pipedream, 9) man's ability to affect global climate change is very limited since natural factors are much much larger than anything man does.

PUNCH LINE: Find some other calamity to compulse over. This one isn't panning out.

Where I Come From Intentional Falsehoods are Called Lies

SEE HERE I'm not exactly sure why the Demon-crats are such liars, but the objective evidence is that they do it either because they can't tell the difference or they don't care, or it's fun, or ... God only knows why.

Kabuki? It's all Theater with the Demon-crats

SEE HERE Michelle Malkin nails it as usual. Somehow we have to start getting some statesmen/women up in Washington before the whole system melts down. This whole healthcare thing shouldn't even be on the agenda. It's so unconstitutional it stinks to high heaven. Where exactly in the constitution does it give the federal government the right to clamp down on a whole industry? Nowhere, that's where. This whole thing is unconstitutional as all get out. What's next? If they get this then what else will they want to take over? This is the insatiable lust for power. If you encourage it, you'll only be eaten by the tiger.

Time To Do Something: Is This It?

SEE HERE I think that it is demonstrable that the two party system has been failing us rather badly. We have innumerable thugs in office who pay no serious attention to their constituents and seem bent on feathering their own nests and aggrandizing themselves with power and treasure at our expense. This is not acceptable. Whether we can do anything is anyone's guess because it takes the concerted effort of many and getting all those people who have better things to do like earning a living is hard to do. But if we don't do it then one of these days we'll wake up slaves to a uncaring aristocracy that no longer needs to be elected and rides us like their serfs.

A British Tea Party: Cool!

SEE HERE Apparently one of America's exports to the motherland (well the British, we have lots of motherlands) is the Tea Party Movement. Free peoples are about full up to their ears with the abuses of government. It's time for less not more and give free people the credit for common sense they deserve. We are not the minions of a enslaving state whether called a nanny state or a tyranny.

The Coming Economic Collapse: Playing Tightrope with the Economy

This is basically an "Aftershock" commercial, but the content is fundamental. We are playing games with the money supply and our debt posture which is extraordinarily dangerous. If the bubbles blow then we could go into free fall. The aftermath of such an event is total chaos. Massive debt burden is an on-going train wreck. Here comes hyperinflation and financial collapse.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Reality of Perversion

SEE HERE One has to wonder why perversion is becoming so popular. I suppose it is due to a loss of moral underpinning and any belief in moral realities. Common sense is one of the least common virtues these days.

Homosexuality is a developmental aberration and a tragedy, not some kind of "identity." The fact that it becomes an obsession is all the more sad. I have no interest in harming any human being, but encouraging dysfunctional and damaging personal behavior is hardly lifegiving. Homosexuals live short, often diseased and frustrating lives. It is certainly not a "gay" lifestyle. We should not be encouraging it, especially among the military.

SO WHERE DID THIS COME FROM Check this out and see how it was orchestrated.

A Moving and Meaningful Roadtrip

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hypocrisy ... Democrats? Guaranteed!

SEE HERE This video is hysterical. We've got the Democrats getting ready to do the nuclear option, well here's their reaction when the Republicans suggested it in 2005. You gotta love this level of hypocrisy. It's really awesome. It shows that they don't have a principle in their bodies, just do what you want and say what you want. "Talking point?" it's all just noise. They don't mean anything they say except to get their way.

Only Corruption and Failure is Worth Saving

SEE HERE The era of manned space flight with the United States leading the world is over. The vision which propelled it is quenched. The small minds that currently run the United States government are like a mass of maggots feeding on a corpse. The corpse is not yet dead but it may well be by the time they have finished with it. There is something ultimately outrageous about the United States hitching a ride into space on Russian boosters. Aerospace? Forget about it. If this is not turned around it is the beginning of the end. Crawl back under the covers while you still have covers. The maggots will be coming for you next.

Tyranny Rising!

SEE HERE Jeb Bush thinks we're on a dangerous course and I think most Americans agree with him.

Paranoid or What?

SEE HERE This strikes me as paranoid, but it is interesting and I always like interesting. It's something of a reach to see the Obama Logo and the Islamic Crescent in this Missile Defense Logo but who knows what was in the mind of the artist.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

German Climate Scientist calls Climategate an obvious fraud on the public

SEE HERE The Climategate affair is not really over since the repercussions continue. Here's a prominent German climate scientist Mojib Latif. One German speaker translated his remarks on German public television as:
"This is a very obvious fraud, on the public and on the colleague in question. One has to categorically reject such a thing and we must now try, should such things really have happened, to make sure they don't happen again next time."

The Sarah Palin Difference: A Real Person! Fancy That!

SEE HERE There seems to be something about Sarah Palin that frightens those inside the beltway folks half to death. It doesn't even seem to matter if they are on the left of the Demon-crat persuasion or on the right of the pseudo-Conservative or pretend to be sophisticated Washingtonians persuasion. Both ends of the spectrum just can't abide Sarah Palin. Well that piques my curiosity. Anyone that can generate that reaction just by being pretty and pretty direct and plain spoken has my attention. I've thought about it a bit and I think the problem is all these plastic coated phonies are just plain uncomfortable when someone who's comfortable in her own skin shows up, especially if she's Conservative and pretty. Ann Coulter drives everyone nuts too, although in Ann's case it's intentional. Sarah drives'em all nuts just being a real person. It makes you realize how few "real people" are in politics. They are all packaged and spin doctored into something artificial. I'm so tired of packaged people I could just spit. "Here's looking at you kid."

That Didn't Take Long: Scott Brown a RINO?

SEE HERE I guess there is something toxic about Washington ... at least out on the hustings the candidates say one thing and then when they go to Washington and behind the beltway curtain of confusion they suddenly start doing things that don't seem to resemble much what they told the voters. Scott Brown was heralded as a conservative ... doesn't that mean he should be siding with the majority of the Republicans most of the time? You would think so. Looks like we may have just another turncoat.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Obama On Track to Beat FDR: In Spending That Is!

SEE HERE Everyone should look at this because it puts the truth to the test. The biggest spender is hushed tones Barack Obama !! Wow!! And the next time a Liberal complains about Ronald Reagan's spending check this out. Reagan's worst year was 6% of GDP and Obama is on track for over 24% of GDP, four times Reagan's worst year. Demon-Crats are such hypocrites.

Gingrich at CPAC

Principled Bipartisanship! President Obama has created at least three jobs: Bob McDonnell, Chris Christy, and Scott Brown. (ovation!) Without Barack Obama Scott Brown could not have won in Massachusetts. Without Jimmy Carter we would not have gotten Ronald Reagan, so in a strange kind of way we can credit the fall of the Soviet Union to Jimmy Carter ... (paraphrase).

We Are In a Struggle to Save America!

We must slow the debate down.

There are more of us than there are of them!

2 + 2 = 4

Can It Really Be Over? Warren Buffet's Partner Thinks So

SEE HERE I'd like to think that Charlie Munger is wrong, but you have to sit up and pay attention when someone who's a partner with Warren Buffet makes a column with a headline like "Basically it's over" ... What?! Clearly the economy has been seriously mismanaged and the current administration seems hell bent on finishing the destruction that decades of mismanagement has put in place. I hate to think it, but maybe we need an economic collapse to put rationality back into the system. That is a very painful way to get "religion" when it comes to sound economic policy. Let's hope he's wrong but act as if he's right and start reforming the system.

This Is What You Get In the Name of Security

SEE HERE Give up your freedom for security and you get neither freedom nor security. Here's an example of the kind of "security" you get on an airline these days. This litany of outrage is pretty personal to me because the last time I flew these jerks took away a money clip that belonged to my dead father. The took it because it had a 1 1/2 in knife folded into the money clip with a blade that was maybe 3 16ths of an inch wide, useful, if for anything, for opening envelopes. I asked if they could mail it to my home. "No" The only thing I could do is go back to the gate past all the security and do something from there. The plane was leaving in five minutes. I have not flown since and I'm still angry as hell that these idiots are harassing passengers in unreasonable ways with impunity. We need some serious reform and it should include profiling. Common sense is not out of date.

Ann Coulter at CPAC: Political Stand-up!

Ann Takes Questions Next!

Link to NewsBusters

Worried About the Economy? You Should Be.

SEE HERE Here's the Money and Markets Weiss Newsletter ... they titled this piece Armageddon which ought to give you a bit of pause ... Here's a quote:

In the entire world, the United States government and its agencies have, by far, the largest pile-up of interest-bearing debts ($15.6 trillion), the largest accumulation of unsecured obligations (over $60 trillion), the largest yearly deficit ($1.6 trillion), and the greatest indebtedness to the rest of the world ($4.8 trillion).

Read more by going to the newsletter. Most disturbing of all is how little concern our leaders are showing. If we go down, there's no-one bigger to bail us out and we likely take the world with us.

Sometimes it's Right to be the Party of "No": "Hell No!"

George Will nails it sometimes and this is one of those times. Well worth a watch for less than two minutes of your time.

Jobs: Don't Hold Your Breath

SEE HERE Expect Toyota to take a lot of rhetorical hits here, but the fact of the matter is that they are just one example of a general trend of cautiousness produced by this administration that shows no love for free enterprise. So far the stimulus seems best at driving jobs out of the country and making government bigger. Neither of those is particularly good for the economy. So the stimulus isn't much of a stimulus despite its outrageous price tag and just like the nutty programs of the New Deal is likely to extend the recession not cure it.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Punch Line

Glenn Beck's punch line is the real story of the Statue of Liberty. We are the city on the hill and it was to America the downtrodden masses could come and succeed. He read the full poem.

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Glenn Beck Does Keynote at CPAC

Glenn Beck gives the keynote at CPAC. Progressivism is the disease in America is Glenn Beck's message, and that's exactly true. Progressivism is seeking to destroy the Founder's Vision and create instead a towering federal government. The disease is far advanced in both Democrat and Republican parties, worse among the Democrats but well advanced in both. The result if this continues will be the end of the United States and the arrival of the American Empire. Glenn Beck calls it the "cancer eating at America."

"It's not enough to just not suck as much as the other side." says Beck.
"I'm the Republican Party and I have a problem, I'm addicted to spending and big government." That's the problem all right.

The Republican Party needs to repent. Catch it, it's 58 minutes though.

On Line Tax Revolt to Storm Washington

SEE HERE If nothing else this is a hoot. Pick your avatar and tell Washington you've had enough. It's time to remind our politicians who they work for and that the government is too big, too unwieldy, too wasteful, and too much in our lives. America is about freedom, not big government. So check it out and you can make a virtual march to Washington.

Figures Don't Lie, But Liars Figure!

Perhaps the most annoying dimension of all this is that the stimulus package which was passed in great haste has only served to swell the ranks of government and fund what appear to be pork projects for the friends of the left. That's basically called corruption,not stimulus. The handling of the stimulus package should be investigated so we know better how we've been gulled and lied to.
The attached photo is of a billboard recently established on I-75 just south of Lake City, Florida . A group gathered there to celebrate its unveiling. The cost of 10 months rental of the billboard and doing the artwork was $6500. We feel that is a reasonable cost to reach out to 1,000,000 vehicles per month and perhaps motivate their participation in the electoral process to get our country on a sound footing.

The above was sent to me to day and I thought it was inspiring what a small group that is motivated can do.

Hispanics Don't Commit More Crime than Others

SEE HERE It's good to see some thoughtful analysis every once in a while and this article puts some severe statistical tests to work to see if the allegation that Hispanics commit more crimes is true or not. Well it doesn't hold up too well. Apparently it is an artifact of the demographic. Young people commit more crimes and the Hispanics are disproportionately young. Perhaps we should be teaching our young people better.
Nevertheless that doesn't make being illegal any more legal.

Some People Get It!

This was sent to me by one of my loyal correspondents. She said:"After all the bad press over a few teachers who stepped out of line teaching songs to our children, this one is one you will be so proud to hear! At the end of the song you can even order the sheet music!!

Awesome! I hope this sweeps our Country and gets sung in all our schools! The music teacher wrote the song and had all the third graders sing.
(Third graders from Tussing Elementary in Colonial Heights , Virginia on You Tube)"

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Catholics Upset With Obama Healthcare ... Hmmmm

SEE HERE Are you ready for this? It sure sounds ominous to me. We're talking after all about the government here. These are the same folks that can't do much of anything else right and we want them running healthcare? We want them mandating what kind of healthcare you get, providing abortion and euthanasia services ... regardless of your moral convictions? Maybe it's time to say "Enough is enough. This is not what the founders had in mind when they set up the Federal government. ... It is supposed to be a government of limited and enumerated powers not your Frankenstein monster. Go back in the blog for that cartoon. I thought it captured something fundamental. I figured you might not have seen it so here it is ...

Mea Culpa?

SEE HERE This piece from Newsweek is the kind of irrational reporting that annoys me to hell. Why? Well they're trying to have their cake and eat it too. In the face of the revelations about cooked science the climate alarmist crowd are being fried. But this piece in Newsweek has as a subtext the idea that they're really right it's all a public relations problem. One phrase that annoyed me to death was: " Climate science, they say, needs to open its books and be more tolerant of scrutiny from the outside."

Hello!! Calling earth!! Science isn't science if the books aren't open. It is bad science to just publish the results without making the data available. Science is about confirmation of results and entirely too many scientists play close to their chest with the data. That's what has to change. It isn't science if the data isn't make available so that those who doubt the results can confirm them.

President Obama Is a Liar

Smooth talker all right but a liar none the less. This video shows the president lying through his teeth and it's coupled with a video of the very same man assuring his ACORN associates that he's with them. So how do you trust a man who lies as smoothly and effortlessly as this. He's even better than Bill Clinton.

The Reality of Torture From Someone That's Been There

I got shot down over N Vietnam in 1967, a Squadron. Commander. After I returned in 1973...I published 2 books that dealt a lot with "real torture" in Hanoi . Our make- believe president is branding our country as a bunch of torturers when he has no idea what torture is.
As for me, I put thru a mock execution because I would not respond... pistol whipped on the head....same event.. Couple of days later... hung by my feet all day. I escaped and a couple of weeks later, I got shot and recaptured. Shot was OK...what happened afterwards was not.

They marched me to Vinh...put me in the rope trick, trick...almost pulled my arms out of the sockets. Beat me on the head with a little wooden rod until my eyes were swelled shut, and my unshot, unbroken hand a pulp.

Next day hung me by the arms...rebroke my right wrist...wiped out the nerves in my arms that control the hands....rolled my fingers up into a ball. Only left the slightest movement of my L forefinger. So I started answering with some incredible lies.

Sent me to Hanoi strapped to a barrel of gas in the back of a truck.

Hanoi..on my knees....rope trick again. Beaten by a big fool.

Into leg irons on a bed in Heartbreak Hotel.

Much kneeling--hands up at Zoo.

Really bad beating for refusing to condemn Lyndon Johnson.

Several more kneeling events. I could see my knee bone thru kneeling holes.

There was an escape from the annex to the Zoo. I was the Senior Officer of a large building because of escape...they started a mass torture of all commanders.

I think it was July 7, 1969...they started beating me with a car fanbelt. In first 2 days I took over 300 strokes...then stopped counting because I never thought I would live thru it.

They continued day-night torture to get me to confess to a non-existent part in the escape. This went on for at least 3 days. On my knees... fan belting..cut open my scrotum with fan belt stroke. opened up both knee holes again. My fanny looked like hamburger...I could not lie on my back.

They tortured me into admitting that I was in on the escape...and that my 2 room-mates knew about it.

The next day I denied the lie.

They commenced torturing me again with 3- 6- or 9 strokes of the fan belt every day from about July 11 or 14 October 1969. I continued to refuse to lie about my roommates again.

Now, the point of this is that our make-believe president has declared to the world that we (U.S..) are a bunch of torturers...Thus it will be OK to torture us next time when they catch us...because that is what the U.S. does.

Our make-believe president is a know nothing fool who thinks that pouring a little water on some one's face, or hanging a pair of women's pants over an Arabs head is TORTURE.. He is a meathead.

I just talked to MOH holder Leo Thorsness, who was also in my squadron, in was John McCain...and we agree that McCain does not speak for the POW group when he claims that Al Gharib was torture...or that "water boarding" is torture.

Our president and those fools around him who keep bad mouthing our great country are a disgrace to the United States . Please pass this info on to Sean Hannity. He is free to use it to point out the stupidity of the claims that water boarding...which has no after torture. If it got the Arab to cough up the story about how he planned the attack on the twin towers in NYC .... hurrah for the guy who poured the water.

"Bud" Day, Medal Of Honor Recipient

George Everett "Bud" Day(born February 24, 1925) is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel and Command Pilot who served during the Vietnam War. He is often cited as being the most decorated U.S. service member since General Douglas MacArthur, having received some seventy decorations, a majority for actions in combat. Day is a recipient of the Medal of Honor.
AN INTERESTING PIECE Why the left loves to hate heroes? Because they tell the truth, like about idiots like John Kerry.

I Am 'Sparticus'

SEE HERE The Tea Party really doesn't have any single leader. In fact it is mostly characterized by a lively internal debate about what the Founders' meant and what and how the "Tea Party Movement" should do. It's like herding cats of course, but these are at least wildcats. Here's the response to the recent Carville and Clinton initiative to find and slime the Tea Party leaders. Remember "Joe the Plumber"?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Encapsulation as Analysis

SEE HERE I'm not so sure that people like Michael Gerson here have anything at all right. One problem with politics that I see all the time is the convenience of Bulverism. Bulverism, in case you don't know, is a rhetorical tactic named by C.S. Lewis, it's basically a form of ad hominem except that it sounds analytical. You associate a view with your opponent. It doesn't matter if the opponent actually holds the view, although it helps if he or she does, or at least can be plausibly associated with the view. The more negative the view the better. Even better if you can associate a sort of slang name to the view: "birther", "tea-bagger", "Randian", "Bircher", ... whatever works. Then you dismiss the person so labeled as if your act of labeling them is the highest form of analysis.

I think Michael Gerson is performing an analysis that is sort of a sly form of this. You might call it the almost-Bulverism, i.e. dismissal of those that are not, but might easily be associated with the target negative group. This is a form of the Demon-Crat dismissal practiced on the Left only it also gets practiced on the Right. The Right is just not as good at it. But that's because as Joseph Sobran suggests, the Republicans are the "stupid party." They're not even good at demonizing.

It would be nice if we could get back to the place where arguments were actually about substance and not merely dressed up name-calling.

Demon-Crats Blame It on the Tea Party Folks

SEE HERE Somehow nothing is ever a Demon-Crat's fault, their wild spending, big government power seizures never are anything but well intended charity on the backs of those evil rich people who actually work for a living, you know, your neighbors. There's nothing that can't be improved by a government bureaucrat taking a 60% cut of money seized by the government and making a round trip through Washington. Even better, why take the money through taxes when you can just print the stuff and spend even more through deficit spending (that's printing money by issuing Treasury bills to banks, sort of magic IOUs written on no assets and with no prospect of being able to pay once enough are floated. But it's the Tea Party people who are at fault. These are the folks saying "Enough is enough. You already have all of our grandchildren in hock and you can't even expect to be able to pay your bills twenty years out." Blame, blame, blame ... and more blame just point those fingers. It's never a Demon-Crat's fault.

Big Brother Is Watching You ... Or Could Be

This is pretty outrageous. But it isn't a surprise and shouldn't be to anyone who understands how computers and networks work. Every time you let Microsoft or anyone else download a program to your computer you could in principle be downloading remotely activateable malware of various kinds. It could be anything from searching your computer for sensitive personal data to taking pictures of you without your permission. If you have a microphone connected or a built in microphone then sound recordings could be made as well. That's just the way it is. Welcome to the world of networked computers. The bottom line is if you think you have privacy, don't be so sure.

Demon-Crats Up To Their Usual Tricks!

Here come the Slime Balls. You can count on Demon-Crats as in "Can you say 'Sarah Palin'" — Never leave a stone unturned. If you can't fight'em with reason, something Demon-Crats are very short up, then fight'em by out-sliming them, something that Demon-Crats have lots of, slime that is. Sounds like negative compaigning is going to start even before there are any campaigns. When are the American people going to wake up the these losers, "Oh they are, that's what they're worried about."

George Will at CPAC


I'm not a big George Will fan, but his address at CPAC was definitely entertaining.

Move On ... The Global Warming Hype Has Been Totally Discredited

As far as I'm concerned the brouhaha about global warming is over. The answer is that it was all a scam pretty much from the get-go with the outcome cooked by contrived data sets driving relatively incomplete and likely seriously flawed climate models. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be trying to understand how natural effect interact to cause weather, but it should be a cautionary tale about completeness and modeling.

Completeness is when you have all the factors in the model. Global climate models are so far short of complete they are laughable. Just because you have all the factors in the model doesn't mean that you model is accurate. It might not even be any good since the factors interact to cause secondary and tertiary effects and so forth. Indeed, if the system is chaotic the least little bit of minor numerical rounding error can cause the model to go off in a bad direction. Weather is considered a chaotic system, so that means you should not trust any climate model except perhaps in some very broad general sense. They are intrinsically imprecise.

I think that the global warming alarmists are likely to keep beating the drum, but it seems also likely that fewer and fewer people are going to listen to them, especially if the current cooling trend which set in back in the 1995-1998 region continues.

The Rough and Tumble Game of Politics as RedState Sees It

SEE HERE The only thing it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to stand by and do nothing. That (slightly different) is a sentiment commonly attributed to Edmund Burke also thought to be a conservative thinker. I've not read much Burke but the sentiment is certainly true. My conservatism springs from other roots than 18th century thinkers.

RedState is talking about the harsh reality of the political arena. It's hell out there. It is a dog eat dog spit in your face bare knuckles brawl with no quarter. It probably shouldn't be that way. Because it is that way and expensive to boot, many a good man won't touch it with a ten foot pole. Anything disreputable in your past? Count on it, it'll be out there. If there isn't, count on it, something bogus will be out there. Just look at the treatment Sarah Palin has received.

But if only those who like a good brawl in the mud are in the fight then you're going to be led by mud-brawlers ... I'm sorry ... that's just the reality. So you have to get down in the mud, however distasteful that is and try to create a better system. Just reality! Too bad really.

CPAC Bloggers

RedState is supporting a Blogger's Lounge at CPAC SEE HERE you can also check things out from CPAC Some of the ideas being talked about are listed below:
  • Reform the tax code, reduce tax rates across the board
  • Eliminate double taxation – abolish capital gains, dividends, interest, death taxes
  • Lower the corporate tax rate so it is competitive with the rest of the world
  • Stop big govt energy madates such as Cap & Trade
  • Put the consumer in charge of healthcare spending in America
  • Pass lawsuit abuse reform
  • Undertake serious measures to get control of national debt
  • Terrorists attack to impose their view of the world on as many as they can; America is standing in the way
    • We will do whatever it takes, as long as it takes, to defeat radical Islamic terrorism
    • We will stand with our allies like Israel
    • We will capture them (terrorists_, get useful info from them, bring them to justice in front of military tribunal at Gitmo, not a civilian courtroom in Manhattan (BIG APPLAUSE)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Meteorologist Gets an Apology

SEE HERE Well the whole global warming nonsense is collapsing and here is a little sign. Good that they finally recognize that they were unjust. The IPCC is a clique, it isn' science, it's politics. It's a struggle for power and dominance and money snatching.

More Interesting Claims ...

This gets weirder and weirder. Obama's history continues to be the most bizarre on record. Where does the truth lie? Stranger and stranger ...

The Question Is ... Why? Why the Secrecy Mr. President?

This is a little video put together to set up the big question which is "Who is Barack Obama?" Much of his background is a mystery which itself is of concern. Why does he hide so much of his record if he is proud of it? How much of it is contrived and fraudulent? We don't know and we should.


The Re-Establishment of America ...

SEE HERE I doubt that this is going to work as smoothly as this piece from the American Thinker makes out. Demon-crats are a little like rattlesnakes ... they're sneaky and just because they rattle sometimes doesn't mean they're not going to bite you, and when you get bitten it's going to make you sick and maybe kill you. Just par for the course. I've been very impressed by the Tea Party people that I've met. I just wish more of the politically active people in America were more like the Tea Party people. America First! The vision of the Founders is worth protecting and preserving from the nonsense now going on. Transforming America — as the NIC talks about is just a synonym for destroying the last great hope of the world for freedom and prosperity. So they have to be stopped. I hope American Thinker is right, but they sure make it sound kind of easy and I don't think it's going to be that way.

The Mount Vernon Statement

A Constitutional conservatism unites all conservatives through the natural fusion provided by American principles. It reminds economic conservatives that morality is essential to limited government, social conservatives that unlimited government is a threat to moral self-government, and national security conservatives that energetic but responsible government is the key to America’s safety and leadership role in the world.

A Constitutional conservatism based on first principles provides the framework for a consistent and meaningful policy agenda.

  • It applies the principle of limited government based on the rule of law to every proposal.
  • It honors the central place of individual liberty in American politics and life.
  • It encourages free enterprise, the individual entrepreneur, and economic reforms grounded in market solutions.
  • It supports America’s national interest in advancing freedom and opposing tyranny in the world and prudently considers what we can and should do to that end.
  • It informs conservatism’s firm defense of family, neighborhood, community, and faith.

Crashing the Nation: If the Debt Bubble Bursts

... the United States printed more money between January 2008 and June 2009 than was printed in the entire history of the country (just under $1 trillion).
SEE HEREWhat does the future hold? Crystal ball gazing is a fine pastime, but generally the crystal ball is pretty cloudy. Right now it's full of the swirl of money just given away as promises to failed enterprises "too big to fail" and money coming off the printing press. This is putting the whole nation at risk to save the irresponsible on the backs of the responsible which is, well, irresponsible. Is sanity going to return to Washington? Apparently not any time soon. Stay tuned ... the disaster if it come will be a doozy.

Bush Did It! Or Did He?

This YouTube puts the whole financial crisis thing is some perspective. The Obama spin doesn't hold up very well though.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Demon-crats are Firing Up the NY Slimes

SEE HERE Those evil Tea Party folks just don't know their place. But the Demon-crats are ready for them and have fired up the big guns, those insightful hypocrites at the New York Slimes (ur Times) who are dreaming up ways to make ordinary Americans seem like some sort of extremists. How dare those folks ask for a voice in government when the Demon-crats know what is good for them. Shame, shame. Well it's time to turn this nonsense around while we actually can. If it continues too much longer we probably won't be able to stop the collapse. There is only so much money you can print before people won't take it any more. The Germans found that out in the 1920's and it ushered in the Third Reich. Bad precedent. Let's not go there.

The Price of Freedom Is Eternal Vigilance

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell, one of my favorite people tells it like it is. Our leaders are increasingly nothing but orchestrators of eternal emergencies, the crises they need to gain our indulgence as they enslave us. Actually C.S. Lewis talked about this all the way back in 1954 in his inaugural lecture at Cambridge called "de descriptione temporum" loosely, "A description of the times."

Lewis said:"The change is this. In all previous ages that I can think of the principal aim of rulers, except at rare and short intervals, was to keep their subjects quiet, to forestall or extinguish widespread excitement and persuade people to attend quietly to their several occupations. And on the whole their subjects agreed with them. They even prayed (in words that sound curiously old-fashioned) to be able to live "a peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" and "pass their time in rest and quietness". But now the organisation of mass excitement seems to be almost the normal organ of political power. We live in an age of "appeal if drives", and "campaigns". Our rulers have become like schoolmasters and are always demanding "keenness". And you notice that I am guilty of a slight archaism in calling them "rulers". "Leaders" is the modem word. I have suggested elsewhere that this is a deeply significant change of vocabulary. Our demand upon them has changed no less than theirs on us. For of a ruler one asks justice, incorruption, diligence, perhaps clemency; of a leader, dash, initiative, and (I suppose) what people call "magnetism" or "personality"."

We have come somewhat further now. Beyond personality now to crisis mongering. We must turn back the tide or we are quite lost.

Government Of, By, and For the People: Remember

SEE HERE It's time for some bottom up action where the peoples' voice is heard in the hallways of power in Washington. Too long the standard drill has been to promise and fail to deliver on the promises. There is always some reason why responsible government is impossible. It doesn't really matter which side of the political aisle you're on because one side is hell-bent for disaster and the other side just saunters towards disaster and neither side gives a damn about the people the ordinary citizens who sent them to Washington to represent them and not to be their Lords and Ladies. Stand up and be counted. Contract FROM America! Yeah, that's the ticket!

The Erosion of Common Sense

I got this from a friend who has worked his whole life in law enforcement. I'm also old enough to validate most of these things myself, personally. I graduated from high school in 1960. Our society has degenerated into a bunch of foolish ninnies afraid of their shadows. I don't know why, I don't know how. Despite being here the whole time, I have no idea why we've become so afraid of our own shadows. I could add quite a few elements to this list myself. Here it is.

HIGH SCHOOL --1959 vs. 2009

Scenario 1:
Jack goes quail hunting before school and then pulls into the school parking lot with his shotgun in his truck's gun rack.
1959 - Vice Principal comes over, looks at Jack's shotgun, goes to his car and gets his shotgun to show Jack.
2009 - School goes into lock down, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers.

Scenario 2:
Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school.
1959 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up buddies.
2009 - Police called and SWAT team arrives -- they arrest both
Johnny and Mark. They are both charged with assault and both expelled even though Johnny started it.

Scenario 3:
Jeffrey will not be still in class, he disrupts other students.
1959 - Jeffrey sent to the Principal's office and given a good paddling by the Principal. He then returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.
2009 - Jeffrey is given huge doses of Ritalin He becomes a zombie. He is then tested for ADD.. The school gets extra money from the state because Jeffrey has a disability.

Scenario 4:
Billy breaks a window in his neighbor's car and his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.
1959 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college and becomes a successful businessman.
2009 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy is removed to foster care and joins a gang. The state psychologist is told by Billy's sister that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison. Billy's mom has an affair with the psychologist.

Scenario 5:
Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.
1959 - Mark shares his aspirin with the Principal out on the smoking dock.
2009 - The police are called and Mark is expelled from school for drug violations. His car is then searched for drugs and weapons.

Scenario 6:
Pedro fails high school English.
1959 - Pedro goes to summer school, passes English and goes to college.
2009 - Pedro's cause is taken up by state. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against the state school system and Pedro's English teacher. English is then banned from core curriculum. Pedro is given his diploma anyway, but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he cannot speak English.

Scenario 7:
Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from the Fourth of July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle and blows up a red ant bed.
1959 - Ants die.
2009 -ATF, Homeland Security and the FBI are all called. Johnny is charged with domestic terrorism. The FBI investigates his parents --and all siblings are removed from their home and all computers are confiscated. Johnny's dad is placed on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.

Scenario 8:
Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. Mary hugs him to comfort him.
1959 - In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing.
2009 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in State Prison. Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy.

The Erosion of Freedom ... the Road to Serfdom

SEE HERE A lot of things have changed since I was a boy and I have to look hard to find ones that are really improvements. I carried a 3 inch Boy Scout knife in my pocket most of the time I was in grade school and high school and no-one thought anything of it. Today I'd be suspended. How dare I in a free nation carry a pocket knife? It wasn't anything too surprising to see a kid carrying a .22 rifle around when I was a kid. Today you'd be in trouble. Since the 1950's when I was a boy things have gone straight to hell. The money isn't worth anything any more and it gets worth less every day. The government which used to not be much on your back is looking to get into ever crease in you knickers. It's not a free country any more, at least not the way it was in the 1950's and the change is the every increasing government presence in every nook and cranny of your life. We turn it around and soon, or we go the way of Athens, Rome, the British Empire and these rest.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Great Letter on the Climate Scam

SEE HERE You have to wonder if anyone has a sense of perspective about this climate change, global warming nonsense and then a letter like this pops into my mailbox and I think "at least a sane voice." We have been listening to people to exaggerate everything into a global catastrophe scenario as if human beings are some sort of Olympians. If it were not so tragic it would be funny. We have real problems like poverty and disease which money could be spent on, but our fearless leaders instead make up phony baloney to give them an excuse to raid our treasuries and line the pockets of their friends. I'm so fed up with all the phonies. Are there any honest people left?

The Climate Scam

SEE HERE Apparently the meteorologists are at least coming out of the woodwork to show that there is no consensus on global warming among them. Now if the rest of these alarmists would just get on the wagon we could do some real climate science.

British Teachers Can't Do Basic Math ... Hmmm...

SEE HERE I'm curious if ours are this bad? This is truly a terrible result. I teach math in the form of statistics and the one thing I'm quite certain of is that students today do not know basic mathematics as well as students from the era before calculators. Take the calculator away and students don't do math very well. So I wonder if this same phenomenon isn't the reason for the poor British result. I also wonder how our teachers would fare.

China Concerned About Weakness of the Dollar

SEE HERE China and no doubt a whole bunch of other countries are concerned about the weakness of the dollar. But they are also pegged to the dollar so that it's hard to escape. With the Euro in just as bad shape there doesn't really look like there is anywhere for them to go. The danger of inflation in the U.S. currency may trigger moves to strengthen the Chinese currency against the dollar and that would be interesting. Right now I think that inflation is inevitable, the only questions are how soon and how much.

Evidence that the Left is Insane

SEE HERE Don't blame me. I didn't think these crazy things up. The left is quite mindless. First they drum up an imaginary crisis and then they dream up imaginary solutions. I think we should give them a ticket to an imaginary paradise and then lock them in and throw away the key. Instead they want us to come to their lala land.

Monday, February 15, 2010

20 Global Time Bombs: Good Luck Folks!

Twenty bullets we have to dodge. Good luck!

1. Federal Budget Deficit Bomb:
Toxic Debt 90% triggerpoint in range.
2. U.S. Foreign Trade Bomb: total debt climbing at 400 billion per year currently at $2.5 trillion with China holding more than $1.3 trillion.
3. Weakening U.S. Dollar as Foreign Reserve Currency Bomb: possible change to replace dollar as main foreign reserve currency.
4. Cheap Money Bomb: Credit Ratings Down, Rates Up: run away as debt goes up and interest rates soar.
5. Global Real Estate Bomb: current housing bubble is $1.7 trillion
6. Peak Oil and the Population Bomb: peaking demand as population expands drives prices up.
7. Social Security Bomb: by 2035 eats entire federal budget other than defense.
8. Medicare: A Nuclear Bomb: Medicare beats Social Security to the bankrupsy point.
9. Health-care Insurance Bomb: costs rising faster than inflation
10. State and Local Government Budget Bombs: continuing to rise
11. Underfunded Corporate Pensions Bomb: $409 billion deficit in 2009 defaults guaranteed
12. Consumer Debt Bomb: consumer debt rising currently $2.5 trillion
13. Personal Savings Bomb: savings rate dropped to below zero in early 1980s, slowly rising
14. War and Military Defense Deficits: nominally $200+ billion annually
15. Homeland Insecurity Bomb: all increasing budgets
16. Fed/Treasury Bailout Bombs: toxic assets estimated at $23.7 trillion
17. Insatiable Washington Lobbyists Bombs: new corporate socialism controlling government spending
18. Shadow Banking: The Derivatives Bomb: $650 trillion high risk casino relative to total GDPof all nations at $50 trillion
19. Dysfunctional Two-Party Political Bomb: Increased partisanship
20. The Coming Populous Rebellion Bombs: nobody trusts anyone in authority

Taking the Risk Out of Banking: Fancy That!

SEE HERE This sounds like something well worth considering. Since runs on banks have been the source of much economic concern in the past, any concept that would limit the risk should be well worth further analysis. The whole banking community might benefit. What a concept! I'd like to hear what a wide range of economists think of the idea before getting too excited, but it sure sounds work exploring.

Concensus: Globe Likely Not Warming

SEE HERE “The story is the same for each one,” he said. “The popular data sets show a lot of warming but the apparent temperature rise was actually caused by local factors affecting the weather stations, such as land development.”

So much for global warming. Some scientists see the whole deal as due to bad data collection practices. Why anyone anywhere would think that simply looking at thermometers from a lot of places given the exigencies of placement, local effect especially due to human development, would be adequate to estimate planetary effects without bias is bewildering. It is a giant leap of faith to collect data in such an uncontrolled and haphazard way. Satellite data is likely to be much more reliable and has contradicted the terrestrial data for a long time. We just don't know enough to sustain all the hoopla by those who would dearly like to pass laws and tax us into the ground.