Thursday, April 29, 2010
Obama Thinks He Can Decide When You've Made Enough Money
It sure is nice to discover that the teleprompter reader in chief has designated himself as the one to tell you when you've made enough money. I have a friend who says Obama is not a socialist. Perhaps not. He actually comes across more as a tyrant wannabe. Tyranny Rising!
What the Hell Is Going On?
SEE HERE Check this out. We have rogue Army officers promulgating scenarios activating the Army against domestic (read Tea Party) terrorists? I think we have a problem Houston. This kind of thing is very troubling. The last time I looked we are guaranteed the rights of free speech and assembly. So when the powers that be start mobilizing force against people doing nothing more than exercising their rights we have something to be concerned about. Tyranny Rising!
Quincey Tea Party and the Enlightened Response
Since when should ordinary citizens, peacefully assembled to express their love for America, be met with riot police and armed gunmen. This is over the top and shows I think the mindset of this administration. Tyranny Rising!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Dangerous Tea Party Ladies ... Pass the Crumpets and Put Down that Riot Gun
SEE HERE We have the paranoid in chief in charge when a bunch of Tea Party ladies causes the riot police to be called out. What is wrong with this picture. This administration is borderline crazy.
Bailout This ... Bail Out That ... The Only Sucker Is the Taxpayer!
SEE HERE Here we go again. The Bailout Boogie is getting pretty lame. It's a good thing the money isn't real. There won't be much more of it left as the Feds blow it faster than we earn it. Too bad we don't have a Maggie Thatcher when we need her. We're running out of money fast and then there's going to be hell to pay.
CHECK THIS OUT Too big to fail! How can I get on that list.
CHECK THIS OUT Too big to fail! How can I get on that list.
Cognition Through Reality Filters
SEE HERE Thomas Sowell nails it again. Recognize that it is a human characteristic to exercise selective cognition. You have to work at being open and fair. Liberals talk about it all the time but see the world through a highly filtered and selective view of reality. That isn't to say that conservatives don't have filters, just different ones. To see the world as it is, you have to be prepared to look at the data — All the data. The other options is to be trapped in your own suppositions.
The New Barbarians: Technology Driven Decadence
Regensburg revisted ... the fundamental flaw in modernism is the reduction of man to molecules.
The Green Flim Flam ... What's Green About Inefficiency?
SEE HERE Get the facts. The facts are that most of the green agenda is a flim flam. Do your research before repeating the nonsense. Almost everything you've been told is simply not true. It's all feel good blather from the uninformed. If it were so good it would not need to be subsidized.
Hot Air Of the Man Made Kind: Meanwhile the AGW Balloon is Deflating Fast
SEE HERE Michael Mann is ticked ... I mean how dare these characters lampoon his fraudulent manipulation ... he's threatening to sue and the response: "Bring it on!" since a lawsuit would provide a venue for full disclosure. I guess it probably won't go that far since I don't think full disclosure would be something Mann wants. Climate nuttiness is declining fast as the air goes out of the global warming hot air balloon.
Such Enlightened People! The Left Really Doesn't Like Tea Parties
SEE HERE What's with the left and Tea Parties? Have you noticed how tolerant this bunch is? They're always giving us lectures on tolerance, but they seem to be the most intolerant people on the planet. I'm not sure what Tea Party they went to, but the average Tea Party is more like a picnic than a riot. One the other hand if you go to one of their friendly protests you tend to find people trashing other people's property and causing serious difficulties. They've even taken to coming to Tea Parties to see if they can make trouble and get on camera pretending to be Nazis and stuff. Tolerance is just a word to liberals, it's not a reality.
The Salt Nazis are Coming ...
SEE HERE The mantra that salt is bad for you is mostly bunk. I was reading a medical site that presented technical information that showed that eating too much salt had the breathtaking effect of increasing your blood pressure, at worst, about 1 mm of mercury. So don't get all compulsed over it. It does help you retain water and few Americans are in any danger from not getting enough, but don't kid yourself ... getting too much isn't much of a danger either. So why are the salt Nazis gearing up to restrict salt? Because they can. Tyranny is something that is addictive.
War In The Ofting
SEE HERE A long hot summer may soon be upon us. With Obama dissing the Israelis it may be only a matter of time before violence erupts in the middle-East again. Egypt is warning of another round in Lebanon/Israeli hostilities. With Iran about to go nuclear and the whole area a tinder-box the president would do well to stop playing fast and loose with our only real ally in the region.
The Price of Sexual Promiscuity
SEE HERE In case you didn't know, this is the age of sexual promiscuity. Recreational sex is about to take a big hit in popularity if you're worried about your health. My mom used to say "Don't sell your soul for five minutes of twitch." It was one of those bits of wisdom moms have a way of passing on in a "tut tut" way and people always obey their moms, right? Well maybe not. But maybe they should. Moms at least have your best interest at heart. Dads too of course, but you didn't used to see them as much because they were out working. Nowadays you don't necessarily see either one and that's probably not so good. So check it out and give it some thought. The STDs are learning about antibiotics and that doesn't bode well for the future.
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Reality of Government Stimulus: Increase of the Public Sector at the Expense of the Private Sector and a Net Increase in Poverty
SEE HERE Not only can you not spend your way to prosperity, if the government takes the money they create dislocations by arbitrarily increasing the size of the non-productive public sector at the expense of the private sector. It amounts to simply fleecing the public to pay off the politically connected. Welcome to corruption! November Is Coming!
The Koolaid: Transforming America from Freedom to Bondage
This guy seems to really believe that what he's doing is good for us ... or he reads well. SEE HERE Marketing a lie to the uninformed. When 50% of Americans pay no income tax and are all receiving some kind of benefits we can't be far from the confiscatory welfare state that ends the party. As Maggie said: "Socialism works just fine until you run out of other people's money." Well the reckoning is hard upon us.
It's Those Bad 'Ole Insurance Companies ... Yup, What Did I tell'ya?
SEE HERERemember the two step? Here we go. Figures don't lie but liars figure. The mandated government health care is going to cost more but we're going to make the insurance companies which already don't make all that much money (SEE HERE) unless you think 5% is some sort of outrage. They're just another target to bully in the infamous two step. SEE HERE FOR MORE
November! The New N-Word
SEE HERE The traditional N-word from the left is "Nazi" and they claim that everyone but them, anyone who is against them is a racist and an extremist. They've never learned to think so they just stick to their talking points which are: "Yes we can! {do anything we want}" and "If you don't like it you're a racist, homophobic, pig ..." (whatever that is). Notice the nice crisp logic there. Red State put up a video again, you should watch it! It shows how much your elected representatives appreciate and listen to you.
We Will Remember from Republican Governors Association on Vimeo.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
The Rational Americans ... as opposed to the Platitudinous Progressives
SEE HERE One has to wonder what is going on in Washington these days. The progressives have created a myriad of phony baloney concepts and issues that might reasonably be called "politically correct" but they are not correct and if they are political, then politics has descended to new and deeper depths than ever before, perhaps so deep that it will not soon recover.
I don't know if Sarah Palin would be a good candidate for president, but I'm confident that she is a good person and sees straight through the crud which is passing for thought these days. When a good man like the Rev. Graham can't speak at a Pentagon Prayer Breakfast because he correctly characterizes Islam as evil (read the Koran folks ... it's readily available, self-contradictory, violent and ... yup, lots of evil in there). Now the politically correct folks will go out and find a few things in the bible that can be construed that way. There is a fundamental difference and all you have to do is look at the way the two groups act. By their fruits shall you know them. The tragic collapse of the Twin Towers in New York is forever etched in my mind as are the people who had no way to survive choosing to jump.
Diversity seems a very nice general goal, but in practice what it means is giving up judgment and we were given our minds to make judgments, not harsh ones, but realistic ones. The man or woman who refuses to use their minds are destined to be slaves. The things that pass for thought in Washington these days and in the news media are evidence of a tragic lack of judgment and a rush to dissolution.
I don't know if Sarah Palin would be a good candidate for president, but I'm confident that she is a good person and sees straight through the crud which is passing for thought these days. When a good man like the Rev. Graham can't speak at a Pentagon Prayer Breakfast because he correctly characterizes Islam as evil (read the Koran folks ... it's readily available, self-contradictory, violent and ... yup, lots of evil in there). Now the politically correct folks will go out and find a few things in the bible that can be construed that way. There is a fundamental difference and all you have to do is look at the way the two groups act. By their fruits shall you know them. The tragic collapse of the Twin Towers in New York is forever etched in my mind as are the people who had no way to survive choosing to jump.
Diversity seems a very nice general goal, but in practice what it means is giving up judgment and we were given our minds to make judgments, not harsh ones, but realistic ones. The man or woman who refuses to use their minds are destined to be slaves. The things that pass for thought in Washington these days and in the news media are evidence of a tragic lack of judgment and a rush to dissolution.
Big Brother Is Watching You
What the government can do they will do. In military analysis, capability is more important than expressed intentions. Intentions can change in a flash, capabilities take a long time to evolve. Collecting data on Americans without due process seems at least troubling. Tyranny Rising!
Insanity Is Looking at Reality and Refusing to See It for What It is!
SEE HERE As a nation we are on a path which can only lead to the end of a great country. The only question is do we end in fire or famine. We continue to imagine that the reason Islamic countries hate us is some extrinsic cause like how we're treated them or Israel or the Crusades. The plain reality is different: 1) Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of perpetual war against those who have not embraced Islam and it counsels violence against them when possible, strategic peace as they gather their strength when they are in the minority. 2) Israel is surrounded by Islamic nations that refuse to recognize her right to exist period. See (1) for the strategies in part, but also implacable demands for things that move them closer to destroying Israel. 3) The Crusades were far from how they are generally characterized by progressives. The Crusades were launched not only to keep the pilgrimage routes open to Jerusalem, but to relieve the on-going attacks on the Eastern Roman Empire based in Constantinople. This was a just cause. The idea that Islam somehow was the victim in a Western aggression is to ignore hundreds of years of violence Islam had visited on Christian countries as they laid siege and conquered them.
The West needs to be very wary of how they treat Islam and Muslims. This imaginary claim that they are a religion of peace with a few radical bad apples is simple ostrich behavior. This is the perpetual claim of Islam when it is not strong enough to conquer. It should be illuminating to watch Western Europe as the Islamic minority goes to parity and then to a majority. Don't expect it to be pretty.
The West needs to be very wary of how they treat Islam and Muslims. This imaginary claim that they are a religion of peace with a few radical bad apples is simple ostrich behavior. This is the perpetual claim of Islam when it is not strong enough to conquer. It should be illuminating to watch Western Europe as the Islamic minority goes to parity and then to a majority. Don't expect it to be pretty.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Amazing Grace: It's On the Black Notes — Awesome!
This is a great video about "Amazing Grace." It was put up on a C.S. Lewis web site that I moderate. No particular C.S. Lewis connection except for Christianity in the first place.
We Are Not Amused
SEE HERE One has to wonder at the arrogance of power on display in Washington these days. It began when Obama won the election and made it clear that all his promises of bipartisanship and a new age of openness in government were just election rhetoric. Now we see him dismissing the Tea Party as merely "amusing." The Tea Parties across the several states are in fact not a movement of racist marginalized populists as the current liberal mantra insists, but in fact middle American citizens who see their country intentionally being transformed into a tyranny. It may be a soft tyranny now, but it is on the fast track to the more authoritarian kind. When the government controls your health care they control you.
The Two Step Con
SEE HERE You may not have thought about it. The goal of government as C.S. Lewis says in his famous inaugural address at Cambridge in 1954 de descriptione temporum:
In all previous ages that I can think of the principal aim of rulers, except at rare and short intervals, was to keep their subjects quiet, to forestall or extinguish widespread excitement and persuade people to attend quietly to their several occupations. And on the whole their subjects agreed with them. They even prayed (in words that sound curiously old-fashioned) to be able to live "a peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" and "pass their time in rest and quietness".
See what the traditional goal of a good society is. "... to live "a peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" and "pass their time in rest and quietness". ...
Lewis goes on to say:"But now the organisation of mass excitement seems to be almost the normal organ of political power. We live in an age of "appeal if drives", and "campaigns". Our rulers have become like schoolmasters and are always demanding "keenness". And you notice that I am guilty of a slight archaism in calling them "rulers". "Leaders" is the modem word. I have suggested elsewhere that this is a deeply significant change of vocabulary. Our demand upon them has changed no less than theirs on us. For of a ruler one asks justice, incorruption, diligence, perhaps clemency; of a leader, dash, initiative, and (I suppose) what people call "magnetism" or "personality"."
Notice in particular the phrase: "... But now the organisation of mass excitement seems to be almost the normal organ of political power. ..." After all, a crisis is a terrible thing to waste. But I forgot the two step: 1) Create or exploit a crisis (now when you create it you must obfuscate the fact that it was you who created it in the first place, so make it very complicated and blame it on an appropriate victim class. i.e. big business, greedy insurance companies, tobacco companies, evil oil corporations, terrorists, ... whatever works. Then 2) use it as a pretext to generate a "solution" which doesn't have to solve the problem just say it does, and then if it get worse just say, they were greedier or more evil than we thought. Well we have just such an institution. It has grown ever more corrupt with time and now it takes several million dollars to get admitted to the club.
In all previous ages that I can think of the principal aim of rulers, except at rare and short intervals, was to keep their subjects quiet, to forestall or extinguish widespread excitement and persuade people to attend quietly to their several occupations. And on the whole their subjects agreed with them. They even prayed (in words that sound curiously old-fashioned) to be able to live "a peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" and "pass their time in rest and quietness".
See what the traditional goal of a good society is. "... to live "a peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" and "pass their time in rest and quietness". ...
Lewis goes on to say:"But now the organisation of mass excitement seems to be almost the normal organ of political power. We live in an age of "appeal if drives", and "campaigns". Our rulers have become like schoolmasters and are always demanding "keenness". And you notice that I am guilty of a slight archaism in calling them "rulers". "Leaders" is the modem word. I have suggested elsewhere that this is a deeply significant change of vocabulary. Our demand upon them has changed no less than theirs on us. For of a ruler one asks justice, incorruption, diligence, perhaps clemency; of a leader, dash, initiative, and (I suppose) what people call "magnetism" or "personality"."
Notice in particular the phrase: "... But now the organisation of mass excitement seems to be almost the normal organ of political power. ..." After all, a crisis is a terrible thing to waste. But I forgot the two step: 1) Create or exploit a crisis (now when you create it you must obfuscate the fact that it was you who created it in the first place, so make it very complicated and blame it on an appropriate victim class. i.e. big business, greedy insurance companies, tobacco companies, evil oil corporations, terrorists, ... whatever works. Then 2) use it as a pretext to generate a "solution" which doesn't have to solve the problem just say it does, and then if it get worse just say, they were greedier or more evil than we thought. Well we have just such an institution. It has grown ever more corrupt with time and now it takes several million dollars to get admitted to the club.
I Have a Dream
Susan Boyle, a song bird to contemplate by. Here she sings at a benefit concert for Haitian Relief in Copenhagen.
I Think Michael Voris's Verdict on the Church is Also an Indictment of Our Society
Today we are surrounded by a culture of smug selfsatisfaction and the desire to advance yourself at the expense of your neighbor. Instead of building up we tear down. We attack the successful and reward the indolent. We bureaucratize every nook and cranny and bid the pinned and persecuted victims to arise and be productive not for the rest of us,but for the professional leeches in power. Until we recognize that a return to something like integrity and virtue is essential we will sink into the morass and perhaps only when we are drowning with mud in our mouth in the last few moments of gurgling will we realize how far we have sunk into the slime.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Good Luck On Getting Good Medical Care In The Future
SEE HERE It's interesting how government seems to think that passing a law makes something happen. That's a bit like a phrase I use to point out unrealistic requirements: "Wishing doesn't make it so!" Government passes all sorts of laws as if the ink on the paper is an effective way to make things happen. They seem rarely to pay attention to the real world. The latest healthcare aberration is triggering flight from the medical profession. Medical care is quite unlikely to get better as more and more doctors decided that it just isn't worth the hassle. Government is going to preside over a healthcare debacle. You can't mandate prices or healthcare quality from the bureaucratic shores of the Potomac. It's really a shame there are so many lawyers in politics because if there is a bunch that is more totally unrealistic than lawyers it is hard to imagine. We need a few more scientists, engineers, and maybe some production foreman in politics to give it some balance.
Bob McDonnell A Big Disappointment for His Pro Life Constituents
SEE HERE I guess you can't trust anyone. Bob McDonnell promised to defund Planned Parenthood. Frankly it's a bit of a stretch to understand why government should be funding such an organization at all. Where is the sense in that? But Pro Lifers bought it and supported him. Well no good deed goes unpunished. Bob will have a whole lot of trouble getting Pro-Life support in the future. I guess his promises don't mean anything. Thanks Bob ... nice to know you're not a man of your word.
Bring Your Guns to Church This Sunday
SEE HERE This is an interesting perspective showing how much times have changed, not necessarily for the better. The demonization of firearms has proceeded to the point where the head line seems bizarre and incongruous, but as the article shows it was not always that way. Perhaps we should rethink our presumptions. What a refreshing thought!
The Truth Will Set You Free
SEE HERE The son of Billy Graham was disinvited from a military prayer breakfast/service because he has in the past described Islam as evil. The Army terms his past remarks "inappropriate" but a more fundamental question is whether or not they are true. The history of Islam is disturbing. It is a religion that grew by the sword, spread by the sword and has not renounced the use of the sword. It is intolerant of religions other than itself (don't start the song and dance about how it accepts the other 'peoples of the book' because it only accepts them as subjects and discriminates against them). I suppose it is no more evil than man himself, fallen and misshapen by original sin and subjection to the appetites. But we are called to be more. As we look around it seems as if much of the violence in the world emerges from the Islamic world. That at least can be reliably called "evil."
Thursday, April 22, 2010
American Heroes
SEE HERE Free the Seals! All the charges should be dropped and these guys should be given medals. What is wrong with an administration more concerned with succoring terrorists than stopping them. We are being led by betrayers of trust and corrupt power mongers. November Is Coming!
Figures Don't Lie, but Liars Figure!
SEE HERE Changing the game by moving the goal posts isn't exactly fair or honest. But then what were you expecting when you voted for hope and change? This is a guy who is "transforming America" one slimy critter at a time until the whole place is covered with slime. Now we have the case that if the figures won't support your claims, then change the figures by moving the baseline. This is the most dishonest administration in my lifetime. It makes the next worst case (what would that be? Jimmy Carter maybe ...) look like a saint in comparison or at least a whole lot more candid. These guys are seriously corrupt.
The Liars Are Out In Force: They Want to Put Us All In a VAT
SEE HERE ... and likely that will be what it's like to have our treasure boiled away invisibly as it is stolen by the many layers of hidden tax that constitutes the Value Added Tax (VAT). This is such a bad idea that the liars are out in force spinning rosy tales of how it solves all our problems. The one thing it won't do of course is solve problems. In fact it will make huge problems, stagnate the economy that is already reeling from government excess and sink any prospect of true economic growth. Only government will grow. Only inefficiency will grow. We will all sink slowed into the VAT covered with the scum of vast layers of government excess: excess regulation, excess tax, excess intrusion and control. It will all be at the expense of our freedom and our economy which like the economies of Europe, already burdened themselves, will sink into mediocrity and sloth.
Gangster Government: A Long Running Series or Terminated After One Season
SEE HERE The rule of law is supposed to be the underlying basis of government with the law put in place through the will of the people and their representatives. Instead we see something different developing and "Gangster Government" is as good a name for it as any. The only question is whether the people have enough power left to end the series or whether they will succumb. Tune in November Is Coming!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Left Likes to Call Names and Invoke Extremists
SEE HERE Apparently the left sees some malignant connection between patriots and Timothy McVeigh. Let's see, they both have human DNA, that must be it. Give it a rest you leftist hate speech purveyors ... Oh yeah, I forgot, only enemies of the left engage in hate speech, everything that trips from the lips of the loony leftists is just the unvarnished truth. Gosh, how could I have been so blind.
A Slippery Slope to the Dissolution of the Republic
SEE HERE Walter Williams makes the essential connection between having a say and having a stake and paying for the whole shebang. If we continue on the present track we are headed for the dissolution of the republic. You cannot have a majority that is not contributing financially telling those who are how much money they're going to pay, at least not if you expect to have the country last long. It just won't work. Either those who pay will leave, or quit and the whole thing sort of sink into a kind of oblivion. November Is Coming!
Don't Worry! The Fix Is In.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Limits of Power: Even Over Slaves
SEE HERE Thomas Sowell rocks! He's one of the most insightful commentators around and I've been following him since I was a newly minted physicist and he was appearing on William Buckley's "Firing Line." The thing I like about Sowell is that he is deeply thoughtful. So many commentators just fire from the hip for effect. I could name names, but it's always best to say only the good things you can say about folks if there are any. Obama reads well. Thomas Sowell however, thinks well. Even the greatest power has its limits. This may be something the president will have to learn. Thomas Sowell already knows it.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Geraldo Dissing the Tea Party
PLAYING THE RACE CARD Let's face it, the media is stirring the pot and the left is trying to make out that all the Tea Party people are extremists. The reality is that it's disinformation. The Demon-crats are getting a little worried. After all: November Is Coming!
The Reality of the Tea Party
Number One: "Save Our Country!" This is a group of the most articulate Americans I've heard in a long time. The Tea Party is full of people who are truth seekers.
Here Comes the Astroturf! Administration Sponsored ...
SEE HERE You guessed it. The Demon-crats primarily accuse people of doing things that they do all the time. In this case it is promoting anti-Tea Party rallies and protests as if they are authentic grassroots' activities. Astroturf is a term they invented to demonize the grassroots protests against the government takeovers, but the real Astroturf is their activity which includes attacks and beatings. Welcome to politics Chicago style! November Is Coming!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The Very Rich Can Vote With Their Feet: So Long and Thanks for All the Fish
SEE HERE Socialism works until you run out of other peoples' money. And so it begins! The decline of a once great country. It's time to take the country back. November Is Coming!
Tort Reform or Immunizing the Guilty?
SEE HERE There is an on-going issue about whether the tort system is being gamed by the lawyers who tell heartrending stories to exact exorbitant awards from sympathetic juries? There is another side to the issue as well however, and this piece makes it. I think there is a need for tort-reform, but it's a small step from reform to abuse in the other direction, that of shutting down the fair redress of grievances suffered by the victims of incompetence and intentional neglect and malfeasance. How to draw the line? The stock answer is "very carefully." A line needs to be drawn, but it should not protect the guilty from the adverse impact of their actions.
SEE HERE There is a terrible injustice being done to these brave men who go in harms way for us. One has to wonder if the military leadership is losing their minds that they can prosecute Navy seals for doing their job. Poor little terrorist who was involved in the murder of our people was roughed up by the seals allegedly who had captured him. "Lions and tigers and bears oh my." Much ado about nothing, but the seals are up on charges. When did the United States start pressing charges against military people for doing their job. Support Our Seals! FACEBOOK PAGE
"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - Winston Churchill
"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - Winston Churchill
VAT Tax? You Think Things Are Expensive NOW! You Just Wait. Then Check Out Ari Waldron One Impressive 15 Year Old
Stay tuned for Ari Waldron an impressive young 15 and get this, a 4th degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Doug Giles put me onto Ari HERE
Here are a few things GEORGE WILL has to say about the VAT tax. Before even considering a VAT tax which would just hugely expand the government raid on our money we should require that the 16th amendment that allows the government to levy income taxes be repealed. Otherwise the notion that the government's view of their entitlement to our treasure is universal, just send it in, will become ever more the reality.
Here are a few things GEORGE WILL has to say about the VAT tax. Before even considering a VAT tax which would just hugely expand the government raid on our money we should require that the 16th amendment that allows the government to levy income taxes be repealed. Otherwise the notion that the government's view of their entitlement to our treasure is universal, just send it in, will become ever more the reality.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
This is the Left In Action: Who Are the Nazis? You Decide!
The Left, a bunch with no ideas except tyranny, come to a Tea Party and demonstrate their mindlessness. Now I have to suggest that doing this should be counter productive. I mean the sheer contrast between the Tea Party people who are decent main stream people who are concerned for their country's direction as it takes on massive debt and takes control of large sectors of the economy which the government has no special competence nor right to invade, these people are contrasted with vulgar nutniks who come out and call obscene names and do obscene things. The the media largely ignores these kinds of provocations which conjuring phony ones against the Tea Party. I saw some of this kind of thing, although not as bad, at the local Tea Party I went to in Harrisonburg Virginia. There it was just a couple of nuts with provocative signs, but the spirit was largely the same. Get the picture? HERE'S MORE
When Demonization Doesn't Work Go to the Next Step
SEE HERE This is how Democratic left Progressives handle opposition. They yell things like "Nazi" while they kick you and break your bones. Don't expect the media to report it or make much of it. They think you got what you deserved for resisting the forces of "hope and change." Welcome to Bizarro World.
SEE HERE for a bit more.
They Never Give Up: The Global Warming Propaganda Continues
SEE HERE The whole idea that science has anything to do with consensus is one of the most dangerous ideas that has been promulgated by the AGW apparatchiks in this whole global warming fiasco that continues to unravel. Science is about data and critical experiments. Almost everything about AGW stinks to high heavens from the standpoint of science. The agenda driven data fudging, the demonization of their opposition, these are true believer strategies drawn from some political handbook, not valid scientific truth seeking strategies. Science would look for a critical experiment to make the decision and some of the data that has been revealed shows pretty convincingly that these folks have been cooking the books and doing agenda driven science, i.e. not science at all, but pseudo-science aimed at justifying political actions. They should all be removed from scientific positions. Science is a data driven discipline not an agenda driven discipline. There is no place is real science for agenda driven practices.
Inside the Machinations of the 26th District
I stumbled upon this and think it is worth putting up. I'm officially neutral as the Secretary of the Harrisonburg City Committee but for the record there are three candidates: Ted Byrd, John Elledge, and Tony Wilt. The election is certainly rushed since it will be on Tuesday with hardly much time for the candidates to get the word out to their constituencies. It's fascinating how the availability of instant video makes things like this available.
A Sobering View of the Iranian Nuclear Issue
The most dangerous situation in the world right now is the proliferation of nuclear weapons to Islamic powers who believe in an apocalyptic application of these weapons to bring on the end of the world. The problem is that so long as this view is in ascendancy in the Iranian world the acquisition of nuclear weapons seems likely to precipitate their use and once that happens it is hard to predict whether it will lead to nuclear escalation. If it does there will indeed be apocalyptic consequences.
The Tea Party Continues
SEE HERE for an account of the Tea Party in Washington on April 15th. This guy says 30,000 to 40,000 on a weekday in Washington. That's pretty unusual. President Obama was out of town (that's not unusual) and the only question is will we be able to vote some sanity back into Washington in November?
The mantra has to be: November Is Coming!
READ HERE the outrageous record of the media with regards to their Tea Party coverage. I'm getting to be an old guy and in all my years I've never seen a more authentically grassroots political reaction motivated only by love of country than the Tea Party. The response of the media has been disgraceful, but then the response of the media to the Obama administration is nothing short of abject puppetry. Where are the investigative reports on the corruption that seem rife in administration ranks or the in depth reporting of the left wing extremists who have come out of the woodwork to work in the Obama administration like so many cockroaches come to feed on a dying corpse of America, which brings to mind the president's reading ability when he read Marine Corps as "Marine corpse." This is a disgrace and we have to remember and respond: November Is Coming!
The mantra has to be: November Is Coming!
READ HERE the outrageous record of the media with regards to their Tea Party coverage. I'm getting to be an old guy and in all my years I've never seen a more authentically grassroots political reaction motivated only by love of country than the Tea Party. The response of the media has been disgraceful, but then the response of the media to the Obama administration is nothing short of abject puppetry. Where are the investigative reports on the corruption that seem rife in administration ranks or the in depth reporting of the left wing extremists who have come out of the woodwork to work in the Obama administration like so many cockroaches come to feed on a dying corpse of America, which brings to mind the president's reading ability when he read Marine Corps as "Marine corpse." This is a disgrace and we have to remember and respond: November Is Coming!
The Path to Mediocrity: Obama Nation
SEE HERE For the nation that pioneered in space and took man to the moon in 1969 to abrogate its commitment and back off to 2nd or perhaps even third rate status is a harbinger of the "vision" president Obama brings to the nation. It is a vision of mediocrity and retreat from greatness. This is just one more decision motivated by a small mind and a limited vision transforming America from a great nation to a latter day banana republic. We can give billions away for no satisfactory return, but we can't spend appropriately for our national defense or our future in space technology.
Friday, April 16, 2010
The Burden Of Proof Is In the President's Court
How is it reasonable that the president should not be required to prove he is a United States citizen? It is time for this charade to end. I had to produce a birth certificate to prove I was eligible for social security. They would not have granted me that benefit despite all the years I'd paid into it if I had not complied. How is it that the president, the highest office of the land, can defiantly refuse to prove what every citizen must prove to receive government benefits? It is preposterous. This brave and dedicated officer is putting his career on the line for principle, something the president seems rather short of.
Sometimes You Have to Remember
I remember Kate Smith when I was a boy. She was always inspirational.
Helen Thomas Answered by Col. West
Fighting against Islam is a long tradition with the West because Islam is a violent and expansionist religion from the beginning. They are doing exactly what the Koran says they should do. This is a fight to secure Western civilization.
If you liked the first video, here's a longer dip into Col. West's marine corp military focus.
If you liked the first video, here's a longer dip into Col. West's marine corp military focus.
The Fix Is In: Benefits for Votes
SEE HERE The underlying strategy of making people entitled to benefits we all have pay for, at least the 57% who pay taxes, is to develop a guaranteed voting plurality among those who cash in on entitlements. The fact that it leads to the dissolution of the republic doesn't give congressional Democrats any lost sleep. They don't believe in the republic anyway or they'd show some respect for the Constitution. The rest of us should be very very concerned. Tyranny Rising!
A Little T.E.A.
Video shows Kate Obenshain, sister of our State Senator, Mark Obenshain and former Chairman of the Virginia Republican Party briefly. She gave a whale of a speech yesterday. But then the video goes on to interviews with T.E.A. Party folks. One is Scott Batten who founded the Shenandoah Tea Party and talked about the goals of the Tea Party and the impact of high corporate taxes. The others I don't know.
STAUNTONThis is news coverage for the T.E.A. Party in Staunton, VA.
HARRISONBURG Daily News Record coverage of the Harrisonburg T.E.A. Party
STAUNTONThis is news coverage for the T.E.A. Party in Staunton, VA.
HARRISONBURG Daily News Record coverage of the Harrisonburg T.E.A. Party
Welcome to YouTube Nonsense In Your Face
CHECK OUT AN AIRHEAD A friend sent me this link today and I walked right into it and don't know what to think but it's hysterical. A send up of a sort I suppose. I can't believe it is intended seriously, but who knows?
Of course the sentiment that as taxpayers we owe everyone who wants a free-ride the satisfaction of their every desire will sink the country if left unchallenged.
Where is the line between legitimate help and simply entitlement harvesting and freeloading? Seems this gal is doing fairly well, certainly computer proficient and the background doesn't look too impoverished.
Of course the sentiment that as taxpayers we owe everyone who wants a free-ride the satisfaction of their every desire will sink the country if left unchallenged.
Where is the line between legitimate help and simply entitlement harvesting and freeloading? Seems this gal is doing fairly well, certainly computer proficient and the background doesn't look too impoverished.
NY Times On the T.E.A. Party Demographics
SEE HERE Given the fact that 43% are paying no taxes at all this year, one might imagine the T.E.A. Party to be the revolt of those funding the entitlements that grow every year crushing the will of the productive sector of society. One has to ask the question whether those who don't contribute to paying for government should have a say in what government they have?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Those Who Refuse to Learn From History Are Doomed to Repeat It!
SEE HERE This is worth some thoughtful reflection. If you're not in the game you can't win and the Progressives have clearly been winning in a lot of places. Think outside the box. Conservatives have to get in the game or we'll all surely be enslaved before this is all over.
And You Thought E-Mail Was Private? Silly You!
SEE HERE Privacy ... you know the reason women can kill their babies through abortion and all that ... well there are limits you know. Your email seems to be fair game for the federal nosies to go look at. Privacy is mostly imaginary on the internet. You should read up on how packet switching works before imagining that anything you send on the internet is private. But even so, it is pretty egregious for the feds to go after email. Is nothing sacred? Oh yeah, I forgot, we can't talk about sacred either. Shesh!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
John Stossel on Taxes ... You Know, Tomorrow!
SEE HERE The bottom line is that taxes are too complicated, way too complicated. I have a tax accountant because, frankly Ph.D. or not, I don't have the time or the predilection to figure out all the maze of complexities that make up my tax picture and it seems to get more complicated every year. Just to give you an idea the pdf of my taxes this year ran to over 50 pages and I don't make very much money and am certainly not a fat cat. I'm a sort of middle of the road college professor at a small liberal arts college. I'm not poor but I'm sure not rich. I'd make is middle middle class but I think that might even be an exaggeration. My wife doesn't work so how does that grow into a 50 page and more tax return. I'm clueless ... I don't understand most of the accounting involved. If my tax return is complex what must it be for someone who actually makes a lot of money?
Catholic of Not, You Have to Respect Michael Voris's Stand
Michael Voris cuts to the core. It's all about trying to discredit Christianity and in particular the Catholic Church. It's not about any care for those who are abused, not from people who support abortion and gay rights. Let's cut to the core and call it what it is: Bigotry!
Manufacturing Demons — A Progressive MO
SEE HERE Michelle Malkin is my number two girl since Ann Coulter is my number one (I mean after my wife who runs my life in a very efficient and competent manner). Michelle has the demon-crats figured out pretty well, which is, as usual why they love her so much and put up various silly pictures of her in bikinis and stuff like that, all photoshopped of course. It seems that liberals are all in love with photoshop, I supposed because it lets them twist reality any way they want to. Anymore you can't believe anything you see. Right now they're gearing up to put their apparatchiks in at Tea Parties to create the bigotry that the real Tea Party folks have failed to supply. You can always count on the party of the assumed inferiority of everyone but themselves (the Progressives) to provide lots of bigots from among their own ranks to rag on people. CHECK THIS OUT
Bias In the Media: Who Us?
There used to be some question about whether the media was biased or not. I think the time is long since passed after Obama adoration, global-warming koolaid, and now the total dissing of the Tea Party movement as well as the water carrying for the obama-care health wreakification that there is no wiggle room left. The media is not only biased, it is unbelievable how biased. They are totally worthless, or as my wife says, she'd believe Pravda before she'd believe the U.S. media these days.
There used to be some question about whether the media was biased or not. I think the time is long since passed after Obama adoration, global-warming koolaid, and now the total dissing of the Tea Party movement as well as the water carrying for the obama-care health wreakification that there is no wiggle room left. The media is not only biased, it is unbelievable how biased. They are totally worthless, or as my wife says, she'd believe Pravda before she'd believe the U.S. media these days.
The Bully Boys of the Left: Civilized? NOT SO YOU'D NOTICE
SEE HERE Not rushing to judgment, but the MO is plain. This is the usual thugification of the left. They stir up trouble and violence and then blame the victims. We'll see what emerges. I'm betting it was a left-motivated intentional beating by political thugs ... the odd thing is that despite all the left media hoopla, it almost always turns out to be the left generating the violence while they scream at the right and claim that the right does it.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Was There Ever Any Doubt?
This liberal, Maxine Waters, spills the beans. Gee, golly willikers, jumping jehosophat, leaping lizards Batman! Now we know — Was there every really any doubt?
Can Anybody Say: "Death Panel"?
SEE HERE I get so irritated by these mealy mouthed liberal stooges who do things like ridicule Sarah Palin for calling the Health Review Boards "death panels" — Check this out to see the death panel in action. Don't for a minute imagine that a bureaucrat is on your side. Never! They are cardboard cutout apparatchiks following a set of rules and having no more feelings than an automaton. If the government decides it costs too much or it's inconvenient or any of a zillion other things you are simply toast.
Sometimes Legal Murder Doesn't Work Out
SEE HERE Intentionally killing an innocent human being is murder. Giving it a fancy name and labeling the victim with a dehumanizing name, fetus, doesn't change the objective character of the act. In our modern world there is the enshrinement of existentialism which says that the essence of a thing develops. No-one in antiquity would have agreed, not Aristotle, nor any succeeding philosopher. This bizarre and quite modern corruption of thought has led to the kind of events that are reported here. Until the human race returns to sanity we are likely to see more and more distortions of right thinking as we sink back into a kind of decadence that even our distant intellectual fathers in the past would see as barbarism. Barbarians with iPods imagining that they are civilized. It would be funny if it were not so sad.
Betrayal! — The Legacy of the Left
There is no cause the left will not betray. They are in C.S. Lewis's phrase "Men without Chests" and almost no event so epitomizes this than the Bay of Pigs. The left has a long history of betrayal. It did not start with Bush's war. It started long before. It may have started with Truman withheld ammunition from the troops on the front lines in Korea as they faced the invading Chinese. It certainly started with the betrayal of the South Vietnamese. It continues down to the present time. The left has never met a war it couldn't run from or a military it could not malign. The latest examples have been the hollywood slanders of our Marines at Guadalcanal. I have no sympathy for those who betray their comrades. They are currently bent on betraying Israel. There is no lower level of hell than the one reserved for those who betray their friends and those they have been committed to support. SEE HERE
There is no cause the left will not betray. They are in C.S. Lewis's phrase "Men without Chests" and almost no event so epitomizes this than the Bay of Pigs. The left has a long history of betrayal. It did not start with Bush's war. It started long before. It may have started with Truman withheld ammunition from the troops on the front lines in Korea as they faced the invading Chinese. It certainly started with the betrayal of the South Vietnamese. It continues down to the present time. The left has never met a war it couldn't run from or a military it could not malign. The latest examples have been the hollywood slanders of our Marines at Guadalcanal. I have no sympathy for those who betray their comrades. They are currently bent on betraying Israel. There is no lower level of hell than the one reserved for those who betray their friends and those they have been committed to support. SEE HERE
Tea Party On the Rise
SEE HERE I'm really fond of the Tea Party folks. I know a number of them and they all impress me as concerned citizens that are trying to make a significant difference for the better. If they have accomplished nothing else they have pulled the curtain back to reveal that our leaders don't really want to represent us. "The man behind the curtain ..." is a con-man who puts on an act to make you vote for him or her and when they get to Washington they join the pork barrel party that is in session. I knew a marketeer once in an aerospace company who used to manage a lot of contract proposals. He always said things like: "Are we in bagging mode or skinning mode?" Bagging mode was when you were working to win the contract. Skinning mode was when you'd won the contract and were spending the customer's money. I think those two modes pretty much represent our politicians. In "bagging mode" they say whatever is needed to win, and in "skinning mode" they reap the benefits. The two modes don't necessarily connect too well. The Tea Party has put a lot of this in the sunshine and it isn't a pretty sight. The question is what to do about it. We need some serious reform that ensures a smaller and more representative government before we all go down for the count.
Diversity as a Mantra is Bunk
SEE HERE Thomas Sowell, one of my favorite people, concludes this short essay with:"Multiculturalism enshrines the sins and grievances approach-- and paints the poor into a corner, where they can nurse their resentments, instead of advancing their skills and their prospects. The beneficiaries are politicians and race hustlers." It's hard to find a more succinct summary of the standard liberal approach to problems: Find someone to blame and claim victimhood, then get government to pass some sort of legislation punishing the innocent and awarding benefits to the undeserving. Yup, that sounds like the perfect solution advanced by the politicians and race hustlers that dominate the left. The real solution is of course to find out what works and pursue excellence. Cultures are not created equal. Some encourage industry and advancement and others don't. The advance of the West was not at the expense of the East. The two spheres were hardly aware of each other. Today with our instant communications we know far more than anyone ever did before about what is happening in the world. Respect for individual differences is a good thing, but ignoring the differences as if they don't matter at all is simply a blind thing. Every difference, whatever it is, has consequences large or small. The proper thing to do is to learn through discernment which differences are important and contribute to grown and excellence and adopt those preferentially to those that don't. Learning is always a smart thing to do.
The Liberal Bizarro World
SEE HERE and then the HUFFINGTON COMPOST What is going on, as usual, is the standard liberal strategy of yelling "victim" and if there's not particular reason to do so, then manufacture one. There has been essentially no, nada, zip, zero corroboration of any of the accusations. It's liberal left Kabuki Zen Sith mind manipulation. You need to get sensitized to the standard demon-crat mantras. It's a bit like Orwellian newspeak. Freud might have called it projection. When they say we're racists it is because they are crypto-racists who believe that no person of color can make it in this world without their affirmative action and nursemaiding. When they shout about violence, look to see what violence they are pointing to. Often it's violence caused by their operatives or simply an accusation without corroborative facts. They are particularly selective in their criticism. The double standard is always in vogue. It reminds me of bizarro world in the Superman comics.
Monday, April 12, 2010
The War Against Prayer Continues: Abolish the ACLU
The continued war of the few against the many. Prayer is a personal right and it is an outrage that we continue to have this as an issue. The Bill of Rights clearly says that the “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” Now it seems to me (yeah I'm not a Constitutional Lawyer but I am a pretty good writer of English) that the courts have taken an activist posture on this which amounts to establishing atheism, an active denial of religious rights. Now it is pretty obvious that the intent of this clause was to deny the federal government the right of establishing a required religion. Requiring active irreligion seems to be in direct contravention of the clause. If I want to pray out loud I have a constitutional right to do so. It's called free speech. Prayer is no less speech than any other kind of speech.
Defending the American Dream
Stay connected and avoid the politics of division. Avoid the Liberal Koolaid! The crazies are currently in charge. Nancy Pelosi believes we're all stupid. "Take advantage of the uninformed ..." that's the liberal strategy. So we have to stay informed. People with the right information will make the right decisions. That's Thomas Jefferson, someone who knew what he was talking about.
Bumble-bee power! They're not supposed to fly, but they do. You gotta BELIEVE! America is not going down, not now, not never! We believe! We will fly!
The Everlasting Issue: Obama Born in Kenya?
SEE HERE Here's another claim that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and of course that would make him ineligible to be president. I hate bringing this up since it keeps getting you called nasty names that the left invents to embarrass people who bring up issues they'd just as soon not be brought up. But after all, what gives here? You'd think this would go away, but it doesn't and it looks more and more like there is something being hidden. No president has ever been so secretive about his life as this one who was going to be the most transparent president ever ... well he botched that one. We have a right to know, what's the answer?
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