Sunday, October 31, 2010
Freedom? Not Allowed By Liberals
SEE HERE This is pretty funny except for the attitude it betrays. Apparently folks running a public event on public property open to the public think they can restrict the right of people to actually film the event. I suppose you could write it off to chutzpah but it's really worse than that. It's all in the notion that the anointed have rights that the rest of us don't have.
Barney Frank? I Don't Think So ...
This is a anti-Barney Frank ad set to run in Massachusetts. If you've followed the whole housing mortgage bubble you probably know that Barney Frank was right in the middle of it and in fact resisted attempts by the Bush administration to put some sanity on the table. Now he makes out that it was all someone else's fault. Time to retire him!
Fairness In the Media? HaHaHaHaHa ... ROTFLMAO
SEE HERE Here's an example of media "fairness" in the Alaska race featuring the RINO write-in Lisa Murkowski. Punch line, media bias and conspiracy to favor one candidate over an other while other forces force an openly pro-Miller radio personality off the air. Welcome to corrupt politics in America. Once the Demon-crats get rolling, no one is safe.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
This Is Why We May Be Doomed ...
Socialism is the best way every discovered to destroy initiative and bring everyone down to a mediocre nadir. This response in Charlottesville when Obama came out is chilling I think. The fact is that not only is socialism not cool, socialism is fundamentally destructive of human freedom. I really don't think this is too surprising however since we've been destroying people's ability to think independently for about a generation. So we're about ready to go down the tubes. Hopefully that won't happen, but I wouldn't want to risk much on the bet that it won't.
Friday, October 29, 2010
November 2nd Start A Whole New Initiative — Less Government, Less Taxes, More Freedom
SEE HERE Check this out. "Boot the entire Congress" — well that seems a mite extreme, although it probably wouldn't do anything but improve things. Still some Congress-critters seem to sincerely want to get things under control, shrink the size of government and make it less intrusive. I'd give them a pass. It's just too bad there are so few of them. Vote out the left leaning Congress-critters (Senators and Representatives) and maybe we can get onto a good track from this current train wreck trying to happen that we're on.
If You Wonder Why Things Are Screwed Up Just Check Out All The Government Interference
Shallow thinkers keep telling me how necessary government regulation is. The reality is that most government regulation is nothing more than mandated inefficiency which is expensive, invasive and causes everything to be significantly more expensive. And by the way, that expense doesn't show up directly on your tax bill, but it's still a tax you're paying every time you purchase from a "regulated" business. We need a lot less regulation and watch the economy take off.
Vote As If Your Life Depends On It — It Just Might!
SEE HERE Thomas Sowell gets it! He always has. He is one of my favorite people since I saw him on Firing Line with William F. Buckley so many times when I was a young scientist just starting out. I love the guy! He's got a head on his shoulders. Here's what he thinks:
We have a strange man in the White House. This election is a crossroads, because either his power will be curbed by depriving him of his huge Congressional majorities or he will continue on a road that jeopardizes both our freedom and our survival.
We have a strange man in the White House. This election is a crossroads, because either his power will be curbed by depriving him of his huge Congressional majorities or he will continue on a road that jeopardizes both our freedom and our survival.
Global Warming? Let's Put This to Bed Once and For All
SEE HERE PDF OF SLIDES Here's some interesting material for those who are still addicted to the global warming meme and have not yet bought into the bio-diversity decline meme. The short answer is "Nonsense in nonsense" and a manufactured crisis is a great way to feather your nest if you're one of these interest groups. Stop hyperventilating about all the crap the meme machine is dishing out. McDonald's food is nutritious, for example, just don't eat so damn much of it. Ice cream is the sixth proof for the existence of God, although chocolate is in the running too. But too much is too much so obey Aristotle's maxim: "All things in moderation." Or was that one of the motto's written on the temple at Delphi. Regardless ... it's good advice. Don't forget to Vote out the idiots on Tuesday!
Politics Union Thug Style: Nevada Complaint!
SEE HERE Here we go! Harry Reid's cronies have started. The scandal about all this is that it shows just how dishonest the Democrats really are. Win at any price is their mantra! — then claim that they have a mandate. The Achilles heel of the free democratic republic is the integrity of the voting booth. These folks don't care! It's all about power.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Vision Of Your Future If You Don't Do Something
A friend sent me this link. Worth a look and a lot of thought. We are far down the slippery slope.
Listen to Someone Who Knows
SEE HERE Here's a guy who knows the score. The script has played out in other places at other times. Here's a sober assessment of the program that is underway. It is a conscious program or are the sequence and events and their focus merely accidental? Read about the background of these people and what their goals are. We are on a slippery slope and we should resist because when the U.S. is gone, the world is gone. We are the model for freedom. We we fail the free world fails. Make no mistake about it, that is what is at stake.
Let Me Make One Thing Perfectly Clear ... The Democrats Have Embraced A Secular Atheistic Philosophy
SEE HERE Is it any wonder that a political party virtually all of whose major administration figures are worldlings would attack the Catholic Church? Make no mistake about it, their attack is not limited to the Catholic Church but to the entire class of people they derisively refer to as "believers" or "bible thumpers" or "fundamentalists" or just plain "Christians." Like any organization composed of fallen man, the Catholic Church has its share of sinners and some of those sinners are pedophiles (Actually a more accurate description is that some of these sinners are homosexuals — the pedophile label was PC speech to avoid the reality which is that some gay men decided to be priests.)
The Rand Paul Protester Controversy
SEE HERE Red State weighs in on the incident at the Rand Paul demonstration. As usual it's not quite what the left wing media would like to make it. But it is always inappropriate to step on a person's head. So let's clear the air a little and divide the provocation and the blame equitably.
"Separation of Church and State"? Nope, It's Not In The Constitution
SEE HERE Christine O'Donnell was right, but the laughing numbskulls in the press and our legal minds can't read or understand the actual sense of the original words of the Constitution. The long reign of activist courts have interpreted in much that was never the intent nor ever in the language of the Constitution itself. Thomas Sowell offers his commentary on this important issue that has led to the institutionalization of an operational atheistic nihilism in our schools.
Disturbing Politically Based Retribution
SEE HERE Love God and country and run afoul of those who think they are better than the rest of us. Freedom of speech and assembly and association seem to have been forgotten in this case. This is a giant step towards tyranny if this kind of discrimination is permitted.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Ancient History ... Democrats Never Change Though
James O'Keefe is an impressive young man. I heard him speak at the 2010 G.K. Chesterton Conference sponsored by the American Chesterton Society. He's a dedicated young conservative bent on doing guerrilla journalism to expose corruption and fraud in government.
This Guy's a Riot!
SEE HERE If you're looking for a few laughs you can hardly do better than this guy. He does a masterful job of impersonating a very wide range of public figures, especially presidents. He's so good at it, he's uncanny.
Look Who's Calling Who Crazy? If You're Looking For Nuts Look To Your Own House First Democrats
SEE HERE Ann Coulter demonstrates that the Democrats have quite a collection of nuts themselves. So when they claim that the candidates of the other party or the Tea Party are nuts you have to question their sanity. Their candidates are really way out. "My boy lollipop" Barney Frank, and "Please call me Senator" Boxer just for starters, but the list goes on and on. The difference on the other side is that those "nuts" tend to actually resemble the actual interests of the electorate.
Is the President a Racist? Does What He Says Matter?
SEE HERE President Obama was called a racist by Glenn Beck some months ago and there was a huge hullabaloo. The problem is that Beck's remark was motivated by Obama's actions which certainly looked to an objective observer as if they were racist. Now here we have yet another instance where he makes racist remarks. I suppose we all ought to just go back to picking cotton.
Maybe It's Paranoia, But Stand-By for Vote Fraud
SEE HERE I sure want to see Harry Reid retired. But Demon-crats, being Demon-crats there is no accounting for just how far their willingness to engage in vote fraud may take them. This may be paranoia. We certainly have plenty of reason to have some given the amazing disastrous policies the current administration has already been following, so we certainly need to be watchful. Reagan had it right: "Trust, but verify!" We need to know for certain that the elections are not rigged.
Here's something about
Here's something about
Fear Mongers and Demonizers Are Out In Force
SEE HERE Well we have to be afraid of something or other or the government won't be able to gin up the next big crisis to motivate the next big power grab. Plastic is pretty benign. The Green crowd don't like it because they say it is not "biodegradable" which is another way of saying it's pretty tough stuff and pretty permanent, like rocks. So what? There are lost of thing like that. Plastic actually can be burned so it's not nearly as non-biodegradable as rocks.
One of the problems with all the scares is that they are often motivated by the fact that there are poisons in our drinking water. That's true. Just about every chemical known to man is present almost everywhere at some concentration. The problem is that it makes headlines to say that there is ... oh arsenic ... in the water supply. The fact that it's actually at a lower level than occurs naturally for example isn't nearly as interesting. John Stossel points out how over the top most of this scare-mongering is. We're living longer. Cancer rates are flat. And the chicken littles of the world are running out of plausible things to scream about. Maybe they should get other jobs, something actually productive.
One of the problems with all the scares is that they are often motivated by the fact that there are poisons in our drinking water. That's true. Just about every chemical known to man is present almost everywhere at some concentration. The problem is that it makes headlines to say that there is ... oh arsenic ... in the water supply. The fact that it's actually at a lower level than occurs naturally for example isn't nearly as interesting. John Stossel points out how over the top most of this scare-mongering is. We're living longer. Cancer rates are flat. And the chicken littles of the world are running out of plausible things to scream about. Maybe they should get other jobs, something actually productive.
Government Create Jobs? Not If You Mean Something Productive
SEE HERE Politicians never learn. They are seduced by the sweet sound of their own voices. They propose to "create jobs" by spending the public treasure. The problem is, as has been repeatedly pointed out, that this is like taking a bucket of water out of one end of a swimming pool and then dumping it into the other end. The treasure stolen from the people is simply spent by another body, indeed a body less responsible because they are spending other people's money. Thomas Sowell points out that the Great Depression was actually caused by and extended by government despite the many myths told about the New Deal. It was all smoke and mirrors then and it is all smoke and mirrors now. We need to get government out of the business of "creating jobs." The only jobs it creates are more bureaucrats. We don't need that since we have way too many already.
The MO Of Hegemony
SEE HERE Well if you can't beat'em, join'em as the old saying goes. So if a bunch of mavericks come to town the first order of business is to ensure that they have old-hands for staff, folks that can be trusted not to rock the boat. Isn't that just so cynical! Probably the first thing on the agends should be to clean house of the traditional wisdom. Maybe keep one around to provide some perspective but not enough to co-opt the agenda. If you're sent to Washington to clean house, the first thing you don't want to do is develop a staff composed of those who go-along to get along.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Have You Seen This?
Asking for Prayers: How Awful!
SEE HERE I came home to grade papers since I only had a single class this morning and my wife was watching The View, well actually she's knitting and The View was on. They were gassing about how awful it was that Christine O'Donnell has asked for prayers from her supporters. My how evil! Do you mean God might play favorites? Well if you looked at the previous piece by Michael Voris the likely answer is "Yes, of course." The current left is so far off track that they are not exactly likely to be on God's good guy list. On the whole that is pretty funny. The left wants to exclude God from the public square. He's a pretty big guy to be pushed around and they'd be awfully unhappy if God decided to exclude them from the public square "poof! you're toast." I only hope people will pray for me. I can use any prayers that are left over after you've prayed for Christine O'Donnell who is a very nice young lady and would make a great senator, someone who actually knows what it's like to be a real person.
An Interesting Test For Voting Provided by Michael Voris
A good way of making decisions is to align the pros and cons and see how the math comes out. Michael Voris makes an interesting point using the Ten Commandments as the criteria. I enjoyed it, but then I almost always enjoy Michael Voris. He's a straight talker and there aren't many of them left. Consider what he says and remember November Is Coming!
Promiscuous Heathen Female Roommate Sought!
SEE HERE This is a hoot! It is also a serious satire on the general stupidity of our anti-discrimination laws. Since when has freedom of association been rescinded? Read to the end, since the cautionary note is amusing too. (picture selected by googling title and picking first ridiculous image)
VOTE! Don't Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch
SEE HERE We are one week away from November 2nd. You have one week to energize your neighbors and yourself to get out and vote. This may be your last chance, so do it and do it big!
More Persuadable?
SEE HERE Red State points out the inherent racism in presuming that black voters will be more easily persuaded to go to the polls and support President Obama. The Unions are targeting them because they are "... more persuadable." Hmmm... Why is that supposed to be true? All the more reason to go to the polls and vote on November 2nd.
The Real Economic Benefits of Tax Cuts
SEE HERE Thomas Sowell provides a little background to the tax cut argument and why tax cuts generally increase tax revenue and even the rich end up paying more taxes. Think about it after you read it. Much of what passes for conventional economic wisdom is based on zero sum game thinking and that's just wrong.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Fire the Judges Too If They Insist On Making Law Themselves
SEE HERE Good riddance to this bunch. I hope they do get fired! The hubris that makes judges think they are above the law and can make law from the bench has to be stifled.
ACORN Is At It Again ...
Get out the vote. The cemeteries will be out in force. It's an epidemic and it's the MO of the left. Less ballot security in early voting is being targeted by the Demon-crats. Count on it! Fraud is going to be monumental. We need every able bodied voter we can get to the polls just to counterbalance the fraud.
Huckabee Knocks the Elitists in the Republican Party
SEE HERE I totally agree with Huckabee here. I've been involved in Republican politics for over thirty years and there is an elitist fringe we always call the "Country Club Republicans." They are generally the RINOs, often contributing money in exchange for influence. It's an ugly arrangement to my way of thinking because it undermines and betrays the grassroots Conservatives that do virtually all the party work. You can take Rove and shove him for all I care. He sure doesn't speak for me. I heard Christine O'Donnell speak and we need young voices who speak from an authentic heart instead of all these creeps who are in it for power and influence. I'm personally fed up with all the betrayal I've seen over all the years. I want to see authentic Conservatives win and fix the Republic before it sinks into the mire. Rove is part of the problem.
Global Climate Alarmism Being Overwhelmed by Critical Thinking
SEE HERE Bunk is bunk. Global climate alarmism is totally unmotivated by serious science. That's why all the alarmists are climate modelers. It takes relatively little critical thought to realize that there are fundamental foundational problems with the whole story line. My mantra is always "Show me the data" and what I get for my trouble is fundamentally flawed, unvalidated climate models that in many cases are shown to be agenda driven and driven by data that was cherry picked from the beginning. That's called propaganda not science. The world is waking up and about time.
Internet Freedom ...
SEE HERE Freedom of speech along the information highway. Censorship of ideas is a form of tyranny. Perhaps we should remember that when people suggest the government should manage the internet.
The Change You Hear Will Be the Last of Your Money Going Down the Drain
SEE HERE Let's see how this goes. You just can't keep printing money and expect it to be worth anything. So the sucking sound you hear may be the sound of your nestegg going down the drain. I hope not, but I'd be concerned if I were you.
Those Most Affected Are Those Most Silent
SEE HERE The deafening silence of the young speaks to their poor education in American history and in critical thinking. They will be far more affected by the changes that the Obama administration seeks to make permanent then will their parent who will soon enough be gone. Yet they are hardly a blip on the radar screen. I heard Kate Obenshain say a few days ago that they have been brainwashed by the educational system. They imagine that all the lies of the liberals are true and that it is their parents who are off base. That plays well into the typical feeling of alienation that young people go through in their late teens. They are not exposed to enough history nor to enough economics to evaluate the claims that swirl around them. Instead they are gulled by the rhetoric. They will discover soon enough if this move to socialize America is not turned back that socialism is a recipe for universal poverty. If so then, so long America, it's been nice to have known you. Thankfully, November Is Coming!
Common Sense Is Rather Uncommon
SEE HERE Red State is claiming a wave of Common Sense is about to inundate Washington. Would that it were true. I'd like to believe it, but the liberals have not spend the past almost a hundred years brainwashing the country with the public school system for nothing. They actually have people believing that "the separation of church and state" is in the Constitution. It simply is not there. The phrase is a paraphrase of a section of a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists. SEE HERE Many Americans imagine that it is in the Constitution, but in fact what is in the Constitution is language which would appear instead to forbid laws that require a rigorous separation of church and state. Instead, there is just the language that the Federal Government shall not make laws establishing religion. That is a very different matter.
What's New About the 'New Elite'? A Washington Post Vacuous Piece
SEE HERE Vacuous, as in a whole lot of words about not much. Why is it a surprise that people raised to privilege, isolated from the average person by education, economic status, and neighborhood don't have a clue about how the average person thinks? The Washington Post column just goes on and on without really addressing any issue worth talking about. The problem, to the extent that there is one, is a group of people who imagine they are mainstream and in fact are so far out of the mainstream except in their coterie that they are barely recognizable. The American dream is still a dream for a majority of Americans. The comfortable set live in a world that is different and think that they can decide how the rest of us should live. That's a bad idea and they're getting called on it.
So What Does Texas Know That The Feds Don't?
SEE HERE If you sum it up in a nutshell, what they know is that government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem. If the rest of the country would get the message employment would have risen at least five times faster then it has.
Liberal Left Hypocrisy and Systemic Blindness
SEE HERE Corporate money is evil and Union money is good! Corporate contributions need to be limited by law, but Union contributions are good ... Give me a break! The hypocrisy of the left is limitless. They don't even count the vast contributions forced upon Union members to causes that they may not approve but they impose chilling restrictions on corporations and publicly denounce them. Let's face it. This is just bald-faced hypocrisy, the usual left posturing that they are for the little man and somehow the corporations that give everyone jobs from small to large are the source of our difficulties. It's not true. It's not even close to true. Virtually all the problems we experience are due to our fallen nature. Those on the left are just as fallen as those on the right. Indeed the whole political spectrum thing is an exaggeration and itself a tad phony. But hypocrisy and double dealing is wrong no matter who is doing it. Red State deserves a round of applause for this one.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Demon-crats Supporting Fake Tea Party Candidates
SEE HERE This isn't surprising is it? Democrats are natural born liars so pretending to be something they are not shouldn't surprise anyone at all. It does suggest that you need to be watchful and careful before being gulled into thinking you're supporting someone who really believes in smaller government and fiscal responsibility. Validate your Tea Party candidates and don't vote for a Democrat pig in a poke. If this doesn't take all! Did you notice that to do this you have to be a liar. Odd how naturally that comes to Democrats. A LITTLE MORE LYING
Awakening A Sleeping Giant
About 70% of the people are reasonably described as conservative Americans who support the ideas of limited government and free enterprise and not some sort of socialist government controlling all our lives. The Tea Party is an echo of the original Tea Party which in 1773 sent a message to the English, a message they ignored. Now we have another Tea Party sending a message to those who ignore the people. The time to correct this is now. The date is November 2nd. Get your friends and neighbors to the polls and vote out the big government, pork barrel spenders who are sinking the country in debt. November Is Coming!
This Clearly Shows Why Senators Should Be Elected By State Legislatures (At Least Why The Founders Thought So)
This one goes back a bit to August but makes some good points about the reasons why the Federal government has exploded in the years since 1913. Maybe it's time to turn back the clock.
Concurrent or Exclusive Jurisdiction? ... That Makes Sense
This is a pretty clear exposition of the ideas associated with jurisdiction and touches on the Arizona Immigration Law. Chad Kent is fun! Check out his WEBSITE He's not a lawyer, but he's worth a listen and has a point or two to communicate.
Life Is Worth Living
Everyone however small has the right to life or nothing at all. The disordered values that have made convenience a right that extends to the point of killing children are values we should all reject for they are inhuman and not even worthy of animals much less those created in the image and likeness of God.
Ghoulish! November Is Coming!
Obama's Record
Ghoulish! November Is Coming!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
What Is The Price of Truth?
Michael Voris speaks of the concern about a coming persecution. Truth is always under attack by the merchants of evil. I don't think any coming persecution will be limited to Catholics. Christians are already targets. In the United States you must not criticize anyone except Christians. They are the universal permissible target whether it is blasphemous depictions of Jesus or His mother Mary or ridicule and dismissiveness in the press. Christians deserve the same respect in the public square as anyone else.
It's Long Past Time To Bring Terrorists To Justice
SEE HERE If the case can be made it should be pursued.
The View Must Have Been A Riot That Day! :)
SEE HERE I think it must have been fun to see Whoopi and the Italian gal in a snit over that "awful" Bill O'Reilly saying things they just didn't want to hear. Reminds me of little kids covering their eyes and ears when you make faces at them or tell them scary stories. Sorry kids, there is a real world out there and ignoring it won't fix it.
The Reality ...
SEE HERE When you hear the reality perhaps you'll think twice about believing that there is anything OK about it.
Friday, October 22, 2010
A Transaction Tax ... Really! Can You Own Nothing?
SEE HERE Here we go ... probably won't go anywhere, God help us if it does. We work to earn our money and then the government inflates it away, taxes it away, and now what to transaction fee it away. Obviously the end of the line is with us all as serfs receiving two bowls of gruel and a bug infested cot each day until we cost too much to maintain. I think I can get along with a lot less government. HERE'S MORE
The Arrogance Fairly Drips Off Moran: What An Idiot!
The arrogance of the anointed is a stench that needs to leave Washington. These guys stay up there a few years and think they are in power because of the Divine Right of Senators and Congressmen. It's time for a major housecleaning. November Is Coming! LYNN MITCHELL CHIMES IN
Barbara Boxer Send Up ... Fun!
SEE HERE This is worth a look just because Barbara Boxer was such a twit. If you don't get the context then you will, the first part of the video recreates the encounter Boxer had with an officer that had the audacity to call here Ma'am. What a dastardly thing to have done!
Federalism 101 ... Subsidiarity Is The Name Of The Game
Fun little video about what the founders had in mind when they set up the government. Leaves a lot out, but it's fun!
Any Stick Is Good Enough ... It Certainly Doesn't Have To Be True
SEE HERE The media is supposed to do things like fact checking, but any, even cursory, review will reveal how seldom they get it right. Even if the basic facts are right the spin is usually agenda driven and focused on any interpretation, however strained, that allows them to make the point they decide to make. The whole point is that truth doesn't matter to these people. If you call them on it they'll give you a long spiel about how there isn't any such thing as truth, just constructed reality and their construction is just as valid as yours. This is nonsense of course, but that's what the media specializes in these days.
More Frankness on Frank
SEE HERE Somehow extortion doesn't seem to count when it is Congress doing the extorting! Here's a snippet from Thomas Sowell, Part II on Congressman Barney Frank.
The dirty little secret that few in the media seem to want to discuss is that community activists, including Jesse Jackson, have over the years extracted literally billions of dollars from financial institutions, as the price of peace and of not challenging these institutions in hearings before federal regulators, as these groups are empowered to do under the Community Reinvestment Act.
The dirty little secret that few in the media seem to want to discuss is that community activists, including Jesse Jackson, have over the years extracted literally billions of dollars from financial institutions, as the price of peace and of not challenging these institutions in hearings before federal regulators, as these groups are empowered to do under the Community Reinvestment Act.
Much of this money has been extracted in the form of risky mortgage loans of the sort that have been at the center of the housing boom and bust, and its repercussions in financial markets and in the economy as a whole.
Understand that the World Will Hate You
SEE HERE Christians are pilgrims on the earth. We are just passing through and our home is in a mansion far far away beyond the end of time. In the mean time we are not here to get along, but to spread a radical but insightful view of the world, the good news, that the Lord of the Universe wishes to make us adopted sons. The seems to annoy the denizens and worldlings so that we are often ridiculed. So be it!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The Media: It Isn't Bias, It's Outright Lying. You Can't Believe Anything The Major Media Say. They are Liars.
In case you wondered why I don't trust the media, here's a very good example. In this case, as in so many others, the media is pushing their agenda rather than report the truth. In the past I've marched in many a Pro-Life March and this has ever been the case. Hundreds of thousands turn out to protest the holocaust of the small and defenseless human beings and ten or twenty hard-core Pro-Choice activists come out and the media bends over backwards to suggest that they deserve equal coverage. They haven't deserved it in the past and don't deserve it now. But each year the media bends over backwards to distort the truth. It's called lying, but we mustn't be adversarial. After all, we're only on the side of the defenseless, the weak, the small, and heaven cries out for justice. Pray for their conversion to the truth. If they are as informed as they ought to be given the clarity of the issue then things will go poorly for them when they stand before God, and Screwtape will rejoice even if these modern souls are rather insipid.
Barney Frank, a Liar In Action ...
SEE HERE I am continually amazed that Barney Frank is an elected official. The guy is a travesty. His constituents must see something in him, but it's hard to see what. He's one of the principle architects of the mortgage meltdown having promoted these irresponsible mortgages to people with no visible sign that they can pay them back. Encouraging this kind of lending is inviting collapse. Then he denies he did it. Most of us would call that bald faced lying. Barney must have a very bad memory. You can't lie if you can never remember what you did. But then maybe should shouldn't be an elected official. November Is Coming! Maybe we'll be lucky and they'll vote him out with his buddies Pelosie and Reid.
NPR Fires Juan Williams ... Over Expressing His Personal Fear
SEE HERE Is there any sense in this? I've seen Juan Williams scores of times on television and he's always seemed to me to be one of the saner of the talking heads. He's always been thoughtful and clear. Now NPR fires him over saying that seeing people in Islamic dress on airplanes has occasioned fear. Maybe the NPR is not as sane as Juan Williams. In any case, when a person expresses his personal feelings that isn't an intellectual judgment, but a movement of the passions. NPR has acted disgracefully and it reveals their own biases and bigotry.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Walter Williams On The Characteristics of Leftist Loons
SEE HERE They are a sort of narrow spectrum of lunatics that have the illusion that a collective tyranny is somehow a virtue. The reality has been a catastrophe every time it is tried and various forms of "socialism" have killed more people than all the rest of the evils in human history combined.
Christine O'Donnell Is Courageous And Has Demonstrated She Can Stand Up To These Lunatics
SEE HERE Here's Ann Coulter with her usual incisive and penetrating commentary. If you want to keep on the present course which is one headed to total disaster, just vote for a Demon-crat. Get all your friends to the polls and vote out the Democrats and the RINOs. It's time for a real, deep, fundamental change and then maybe we'll have some hope. November Is Coming!
My My My ... How Enlightened We Are ... Mustn't Upset Muslims
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
A Few Words from Rand Paul
"Have you no decency? Have you no shame?" The politics of personal destruction need to be confronted. The Demon-crats are never far from demonizing their opponents because they have no ideas. Their one idea is to create the politics of division and belittle their opponents and exploit envy instead of personal responsibility and integrity. That's just the way it is. I've watched it develop for decades getting worse and worse. It needs to stop. That will only happen when we collectively return to a respect for virtue and integrity and demand excellence from our leaders. Until then the swamp gets deeper and slimier.
Thomas Sowell Applauds Merkel for Revealing that the Emperor of Multi-Culturalizm Has No Clothes
SEE HERE "We kidded ourselves for a while," Chancellor Merkel said, but now it was clear that the attempt to build a society where people of very different languages and cultures could "live side-by-side" and "enjoy each other" has "failed, utterly failed."
Which Side Are You On?
The choice is yours. You can vote to be a slave of a tiny elite in Washington, D.C. or you can vote for responsibility and freedom. One vote leads to a slippery slope to universal poverty and the other to that precarious commitment to freedom and the aspirations of personal liberty which alone lead to prosperity.
Multi-Culturalism? You Mean the Death of the West
SEE HERE Give it a little thought. The civilization that emerged from Athens and Rome and flowered after a brief lassitude with the sacking of Rome to flower in the Middle Ages has embraced a ill-conceived romance that it can place all other cultures on a pedestal and submerge its own and emerge unscathed. It won't happen. It's time to recognize this idea as a recipe for the death of the West and the long heritage of Western Culture. I think we should reverse field and at least go down fighting.
Another Article Points Out the NIC's Self-Absorption
SEE HERE President Obama in the only thinking member of his administration because as an accomplished solipsist he is really the only member of his administration. All the rest of us are merely figments of his brilliant imagination. At least that's pretty much how he acts.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Can You Trust Politicians — What a Stupid Question! Of Course Not!
Let's get rid of every one of the Democrats and RINOs. Conservatives can't possibly do worse than all these losers we're had in office forever. I'd prefer a dartboard and the phonebook right now. All you get from politicians is lipservice and lying. Rush knows that ... Health Care is the poster child for the on-going disaster. Cap and Trade, a misnamed horrendous energy tax, is just another example. The government is out of control and if they continue with their programs we will become a third world nation in record time. We're already on the track for that result. Do you think "made in China" is a signal of American quality? It's more economic warfare. China artificially keeps its currency exchange rate low so that they can undersell all domestic manufacturers. It only takes a few years of this and then you've put everyone out of business. I've not heard any of our politicians talk about what we should do about that. They're too busy themselves getting their share of the taxpayers' money. November Is Coming! I hope we do the right thing.
Thinking Is Defined As Thinking Like Liberals! No Conservatives Need Apply.
SEE HERE Red State points out what is increasingly obvious. The obvious thing, in case you've missed it, is that Obama thinks that he's the only one with a brain and that anyone who disagrees with him must be defective. He also doesn't reserve this just for people in the other party. It pretty much applies to everyone. I suppose the real reason for this is that Obama occupies a universe of one, him and all the noise coming from those he only imagines exist because of their entertainment value. He's a clinically diagnosable "narcissist" — Remember that the next time you're actually paying attention when he talks. I know it's hard. His voice has me triggered into unconscious phase out ... What was that noise? Oh yeah, Obama again reading his teleprompter. Where's the clicker?
I Hope Bob Livingston Is Over the Top — If He's Not We're All In Big Trouble
SEE HERE I remember two events that made me think we'd gone too far. The first was Ruby Ridge where an FBI sting operation originally for the sole purpose of getting an informant into a White Supremacist group went very bad indeed. A team of agents sent on the grounds that a man had not showed up in court on an appointed date (he never received the information apparently) led to a fire team dispatched to his house which ended up killing the family dog, the man's son and the man's wife. I suppose you could construct that as an overreaction. I certainly did. Indeed, the whole operation smelled from top to bottom. RUBY RIDGE
The second was the disaster at the branch Davidian compound some years later. In some ways this was far more inexcusable since the original charges were all hearsay and largely fabricated. It ended up with the government to all practical purposes executing a whole bunch of religious extremists who had retired from the world largely to await the second coming. WACO I don't know about you, but the government story that they were just executing a search warrant is patently ridiculous. They could have knocked and not shown up instead with an army of armed men.
So just in case you think that Livingston is completely off the reservation, just contemplate what the government was willing to do not so long ago. What might they be willing to do today?
The second was the disaster at the branch Davidian compound some years later. In some ways this was far more inexcusable since the original charges were all hearsay and largely fabricated. It ended up with the government to all practical purposes executing a whole bunch of religious extremists who had retired from the world largely to await the second coming. WACO I don't know about you, but the government story that they were just executing a search warrant is patently ridiculous. They could have knocked and not shown up instead with an army of armed men.
So just in case you think that Livingston is completely off the reservation, just contemplate what the government was willing to do not so long ago. What might they be willing to do today?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
"I Want Your Money" in case you wondered!
Here's the trailer for an informative feature length film you should see. If you want to understand what's at stake this will show you. Money is just a surrogate for your life work. If government takes and spends it irresponsibly they are taking away some of your life without giving you anything comparable in return.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Dumb and Dumber
SEE HERE Whining Achieves A New Peak!
One of the most boring one minute of video on record. This is by a bunch of characters who have never paid for anything with their own money in their lives. Hands out moochers! Get a life! What's this idea of "my coverage" as if they own it or paid for it. Sorry kids, you'll have to pay for it when you grow up.
One of the most boring one minute of video on record. This is by a bunch of characters who have never paid for anything with their own money in their lives. Hands out moochers! Get a life! What's this idea of "my coverage" as if they own it or paid for it. Sorry kids, you'll have to pay for it when you grow up.
We Need to Restore Virtue
SEE HERE I'm working on a presentation on C.S. Lewis and googled "Men Without Chests" a phrase Lewis uses in "The Abolition of Man" and stumbled upon the blog here. I think we should reflect on the dissolution of virtue in our day. The very idea has largely left the public square. It no longer is a viable topic unless a Democrat is criticizing a Republican, a particularly strange kind of inversion. Democrats can run all sorts of immoral creatures for office but if a Republican does something like scores of Democrats are doing every day, a baying pack of hound dogs from the Democrat side leaps upon them tearing out their throats. It's quite a bizarre sight for the immoral side to get a privileged pass while being punctilious about criticizing the other side. How does that make sense at all?
I'm not say, mind you, that Republicans are straight arrows — that would be obviously untrue. But Democrats are no better, indeed quite generally much worse. The problem we have in the country is that virtue simply doesn't have any traction. I suppose that means either that no-one any longer knows what it is, or no-one any longer expects anyone to practice it. Either finding is bad news for the nation. For a nation that has forgotten virtue is a nation that will not long stand. It's a fast track to the bottom of the sewer and we seem to be sliding down it at an increasingly fast pace.
I'm not say, mind you, that Republicans are straight arrows — that would be obviously untrue. But Democrats are no better, indeed quite generally much worse. The problem we have in the country is that virtue simply doesn't have any traction. I suppose that means either that no-one any longer knows what it is, or no-one any longer expects anyone to practice it. Either finding is bad news for the nation. For a nation that has forgotten virtue is a nation that will not long stand. It's a fast track to the bottom of the sewer and we seem to be sliding down it at an increasingly fast pace.
The Last Great Depression — Harbinger of the One They're Currently Generating
Milton Friedman laying it on the line. He's always charming and ruthlessly honest. The notion that government does anything but mess up the economy is unsustainable.
To Condemn Freemarkets You Have to Actually Try Them First
Regulation has grown continuously through the entire period from Carter through the Bushes ... so when people say free markets have failed, it would be nice if they had ever been tried. Walter Williams here points out that the amount of federal regulation hasn't done anything but grow ... The propaganda claiming that the free market has failed is all a lie. Regulation has done nothing but increase. Governing isn't the solution. Government is the problem!
There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch! Robert Heinlein, my favorite science fiction writer, especially his juveniles, popularized that acronym. If you don't get it then you're part of the problem.
Friday, October 15, 2010
The Reality That Pro-Choice People Don't Want You To Know
SEE HERE When exactly did human life become so cheap that mere convenience was enough excuse to kill a person? What role does a society in moral free fall play in encouraging anti-life attitudes? Is it to make promiscuity more acceptable? Is it to make all forms of sexual immorality just a form of pursuing ones own desires, none of your business what I do with my body? The disintegration of society attends such notions. The night is far advanced and the darkness deepens. Perhaps we should draw back from the abyss. Do not pretend you do not know for that is the worst hypocrisy. If you support this carnage then you should look in the mirror and recognize that you are an accessory to murder.
Sometimes the Math Doesn't Work Out Because You Blunder
SEE HERE In case you were inclined to believe that CO2 seriously effects the climate, then it's time you looked at this, because the British Royal Society made a major blunder. Oh well, I guess the climate alarmists will have to come up with another drum to beat.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Kennedy Endorsing a Repubican ... SURE!!
Here we have a super liberal endorsing a RINO ... slamming ordinary people who are concerned that their government is being stolen, not by Wall Street but by progressive liberal socialists who are all in favor of bigger and bigger government.
George Will Thinks An Historic Shift Is Coming. I Hope He's Right
SEE HERE The Founders are no doubt spinning in their graves at the shenanigans that pass for politics these days. The sheer level of disinformation and finger-pointing and the lack of virtually any discourse that could be called reasoned or logical or even clear is a symptom of the decline in the public arena. I'm not sure who ought to shoulder the blame. Certainly television has elevated good looks, smooth talk, and sound bites to a level that trumps thoughtful reasoned discourse. Richard Nixon was more logical, more informed, and more convincing to radio listeners, but television highlighted his lack of makeup and five o'clock shadow which oddly was enough to make television watchers say he lost a debate that radio listeners thought he'd won handily. This trend has continued until nothing of substance can be said unless it can be expressed in a short slogan.
The republic has been paying a high price for this loss of sense and sensibility, the decline in principles and reasoned discourse, the substitution of spin for analysis and conclusions. We need a restoration, but it's hard to see how this can be more than a temporary phenomenon unless we start reforming the way we see and understand our elected representatives.
The republic has been paying a high price for this loss of sense and sensibility, the decline in principles and reasoned discourse, the substitution of spin for analysis and conclusions. We need a restoration, but it's hard to see how this can be more than a temporary phenomenon unless we start reforming the way we see and understand our elected representatives.
On the Ground: A Report from the Counter Rally
SEE HERE Bought and paid for by the unions and leftist organizations, this account describes the differences between the two rallies, the one which was attended by choice by concerned Americans and the one organized by leftist organization attended by people who had been directed to go and carried signs like:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."
- "Wages that are rightfully ours."
- "We demand $$$ for jobs and education."
- "The American Dream promises a free education."
- "Black Is Back."
- "Capitalism is failing. Socialism is the answer.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Greed Doesn't Stop At the Government's Door
SEE HERE Thomas Sowell points the question ... how come greed is only a predicate assigned to citizens and not the government? Well that's a good question and it has a good answer. The answer is that Government sponsored greed is as ubiquitous as any other. What's worse is that there is less recourse. We need a lot smaller government with a lot smaller appetite for our money.
Obama Doesn't Spread Fear As Effectively As Hope
In case you wondered if Obama is credible, just keep watching. The NIC (Narcissist In Charge) is starting to totally lose it. I guess he really believes in his own infallibility. The problem is that his credibility is getting more and more tenuous as his facts get more and more manufactured. It's one thing when you're spreading vague promises of hope and change and quite another when you're trying to manufacture fear when the person most people fear is you and your irresponsibility. Sorry Barack, you just don't have it anymore! November Is Coming!
I Don't Think Ann Likes Richard Blumenthal! She Has Such A Way With Words
SEE HERE You definitely don't want Ann Coulter shooting at you. She has a way with words and is wicked when wielding withering criticism. Oddly enough in the matter of Blumenthal she appears to be on the same side as the New York Times. How often does that happen? Go get'em Ann!
Hal Lewis's Resignation Seems to Have Touched A Nerve
SEE HERE Well, well, well! Appears that the APS doesn't like what Hal Lewis said ... so they published a rebuttal and he added some commentary. This may not be the APS's best strategy. When you're both wrong and stupid it tends to come out.
Phony Baloney On the Left
SEE HERE Red State points out here how little the left gets it. They keep imagining that this uprising against them is some phony astroturf Kabuki because that's what it would be if they were doing it. They wouldn't recognize real grassroots activity if it slapped them in the face, which hopefully is exactly what it is going to be doing on November second. November Is Coming!
Credit Where Credit Is Due!
SEE HERE As the Chilean miners emerge from their long ordeal beneath the earth it's important to congratulate the men who made it happen. Long arduous days of round the clock labor has culminated in success. It's wonderful when that happens because so often after the effort is expended there is still tragedy.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Does That Old Time Democratic Party Really Have Life In It Or Is It Just Old Dry Bones?
SEE HERE The Demon-crats didn't get as big a crowd out as the Glenn Beck rally and I think that was a surprise to them. Maybe they don't have as much support as they'd like to think they have. Maybe they are more about the past than the future. Maybe the American people have had enough of liars and profligates that tax and spend them into poverty. Maybe they're waking up and November Is Coming!
Social Profligacy not Social Security
SEE HERE The usual liars our out in force pretending that Social Security is sacrosanct when their profligacy has torpedoed the system so that it will almost necessarily self-destruct in not too many more years as the baby boom generation retires. The program could have been put on a sound financial footing but it has always been more tempting to the politicians to just spend the money and write IOUs that are backed by nothing but the bankrupting of future generations. Well the game is just about up.
Left Wing Disinformation: Hilarious and Stupid
You have to wonder if anyone really believes this stuff. I think the right name for this is "propaganda" and not even very plausible propaganda. The Left really believes this stuff, scary! They definitely need a few new neurons. The ones they have have worn out.
The Eternal War of Islam with the West
SEE HERE Make no mistake about it. Islam is at war with the West. It is at war with Christendom and with Western values. It will only end when one side or the other is crushed because it is a war based on the foundational principles of the two sides. There is no compromise. The West will not knuckle under to a primitive religion that holds to religious hegemony and sharia law and Islam will tolerate nothing less. The last time it came to this was another October long ago in 1571 at Lepanto when Islam was defeated and driven back. You don't hear much about it. You should hear more. G.K. Chesterton, one of my favorite authors, memorialized it in a poem.
The Hypocrisy Goes On Ever More Ridiculous
I thought this was really ridiculous in view of the tens of millions of illegal donations Obama got for his presidential run. What a hypocrite! The money that I heard about was some donations to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce from foreign businesses that did business in the United States. This is the usual liberal nonsense. They do something ridiculously egregious and then suggest that some minor thing someone else does is over the top. How is it that anyone takes these people seriously?
Don't Count Christine O'Donnell Out Just Yet
SEE HERE There is a myth out there among the establishment pundits that only the "anointed" like themselves are "worthy" to decide the outcome of elections and pass on the credentials of the candidates. The problem increasingly is that there is a total disconnect between real people and this mythology that only the anointed are worthy enough to serve. Christine O'Donnell is a poster child of this mindset. Why shouldn't she serve? If an empty suit like Barack Obama can be made a president surely this perky sparky wisp of a young woman can be a representative of the people. Unlike most of these worthy anointed she really is one of the people. Most of our "servants" are plastic people who define themselves each morning by the spin in the news and their ranking in the polls. Those aren't people, they're manipulators and spin-doctors which is a nice way of say control freeks and liars. So it's nice for a change to see a real person in the lists. Red State thinks she's a hopeless case I guess in the war between the midgets and the Tigers but I'd like to think that the people are waking up and seeing through all the spin to the core rot within. We'll know soon enough.
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