Friday, September 30, 2011

The Legalization of Immorality — The Collapse of Society Will Surely Follow Just Give It Time

And so it begins.  It will end with persecution and the collapse of society.  It may take a while but that is where it has always gone.

Chrony Capitalism Is Great Until You Run Out of Other People's Money

SEE HERE This isn't even as honest as a Ponzi scheme.  Does the government have anyone working for them that actually checks on the integrity of anything before they pour the tax payers' money on it?  It sure doesn't look like it.  The media is supposed to be some kind of watchdog but so far with Obama it's more a lapdog.  It's actually becoming embarrassing.  It will really be funny if after all the posturing and all the chicanery and all the pandering and all the slanting of the news if it actually turns out that Obama was actually born in Kenya or is an alien from outer space or a Manchurian candidate from someplace ... any of the zany theories that the wackos spin up and no-one bothers to check because they all just know better.  The one thing we do know is that the press is not and has not for some time been doing their job.  Good thing we have the internet and the lunatic bloggers.  At least we can take a long term average and get a sense of the climate.

Stand By Grasshopper: Cain Is On the March

SEE HERE  Ringer here points out that Cain may well be an antidote for the "racist" charge that is commonly hurled at anyone who criticizes "the first black president."  Never mind that Obama has demonstrated a decided preference for policies that are Chicago style corrupt and has ballooned the national debt by amounts George Bush could never have dreamed and seems bent on bringing the economy down.  Never mind all that, he's the"One" he's bringing hope and change and will pay all your debts from his stash as one Obama voter breathlessly claimed.  I like Cain and I think he's everything that Obama is not.  He's a successful businessman.  He's a mathematician and computer scientist.  He's amiable and a proven problem solver.

What if the Government ... Did what it is doing?

Freedom under attack!  Don't kid yourself.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing ...

The Untold Story of 9/11 Evacuate Manhattan

Wild Bill Opines on Education

The reality is that each person educates themselves.  "Horrors" what a thought.  But it's true.  What schools do is centralize resources to make it easier and provide mentors that are only more advanced scholars who have themselves educated themselves.  The secret of getting an education is to learn how to learn.  It's not a secret.  It's not even all that hard.  But it does take some discipline and work.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Allen West In His Own Speak

Obama intentionally trying to sink the economy.  Sure looks that way!

And Besides Everything Else Cain Has a Head On His Shoulders

SEE HERE The sheer blissful ignorance of the average politician is enough to make you wonder why we let these folks have any power whatsoever.  The typical lawyer is mostly trained how to talk and think about legal matters which are highly artificial and have next to nothing to do with reality.  By contrast Cain is a mathematician and computer scientist which proves he has a head on his shoulders.   It would be a welcome change to have someone who knows how to think analytically on the ticket.

Rick Perry Is Falling Off the Radar

SEE HERE Ann Coulter points out the obvious here.  Rick Perry is pretty much sunk among conservatives.  Maybe the RINOs still like him but he looked like a foil for Romney frankly so that when Romney shone by comparison all the RINOs could say something like "See we considered everyone serious."  Well I'm still inclined to think Herman Cain is a good candidate and I'd like to zero out Romney, Perry, and Christie.  Oh yeah, Christie isn't running yet.

Flash Mobs and Violence Up in Philly

SEE HERE This is very very troubling.  When are we going to start teaching good behavior in the schools again?  The racism, as far as I can tell, generally starts black on white and then the black folks shriek "racism."  Well when a black and Puerto Rican mob attacks white kids, the last time I looked that isn't white on black racism.  Bigotry cuts both ways.

Religion of Peace? The Peace of the Grave You Mean ...

SEE HERE This kind of thing points up how ludicrous it is to say that Islam is a religion of peace.  Islam is a barbarian belief system which practices violence in many forms on many innocent people.  It is no more a religion of peace than a bunch of cannibals are vegetarians.

What Did They Think They Were Doing?

SEE HERE There is something deeply troubling about the "Fast and Furious" gun running operation.  The thing that is troubling is that the whole story doesn't hang together very well.  Why were we selling thousands of guns to Mexican criminals?  The "sting operation" cover story doesn't hold much water so what's the real story?  This needs some serious investigation.

Running FOR Something — Yeah That's the Ticket!

SEE HERE Herman Cain is different because he's running for something and not running away from someone.  "Without vision the people die" says the prophet and vision is coming up a little short in America these days.  We need to restore not only the American Dream, but the American innovation and optimism and can-do initiative instead of standing around expecting to rob Peter to pay Paul and complain that Obama isn't helping you from this stash.  Americans are famous for rugged independence and a can-do attitude.  It took us to the moon.  It can take us back from the brink and into the future.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Reality Is Coming Soon! This is No Drill!

Is Anyone In Charge In Washington?

SEE HERE This is a bizarre piece that has Timothy Geithner being quoted as saying Obama is not in charge.  I'm not sure a) whether he really said it, and b) exactly what he might have meant if he did say it.  But the sentiment is certainly one that resonates with me.  From what I can see there is no-one with a clue in charge and the ship of state is beginning to look a lot like the Titanic with the iceberg in sight but with no-one doing anything much worth mentioning.

The Implosion of Socialism

SEE HERE The only trouble with Socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money. I'm not sure Maggie said it exactly that way, but Greece may be leading the pack of nations melting down in the face of overwhelming debt brought on by never being able to say "No" to people wanting more and more for less and less. This is where we are all headed if we don't get it through our heads that wealth is created by hard work and the people who create wealth have a right to keep it. Aesop's fable about the grasshopper and the ants comes to mind.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Crusades: A Period that Is Widely Misunderstood

Michael Voris discusses a bit about the crusades which were a response, finally, against Islamic conquerors who had spread their faith by the sword.

The Plot Thickens ...

SEE HERE It's going to be an interesting run up to the 2012 election cycle.  Perry and Romney seem set to mutually self-destruct.  Christie is a pseudo-Conservative so where does that leave us?

A Sober Reminder of a Sobering Past

SEE HERE If the Fed keeps printing money we may discover what hyperinflation is like.  Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to relive them.  Now frankly we're not on that burdensome a course but it is nevertheless the same vector and will indeed produce significant inflation.  The best thing to own in inflationary time is a debt since you can pay it back in currency that is worth less and presumably easier to get.  I remember the Carter inflation because it helped me pay for my house. 

If You Play the Race Card then Be Honest!

SEE HERE There is something quite amazing about how the Democrat party manages to gull the black population into believing they are the good guys and those nasty mean Republicans are the racists. Someone should actually explain the history which shows that the racists are and have always been the Democrats. Even now they are the racists because they manipulate the black population into positions of dependency. It's time that the real truth gets out.
How much stink will be put up with from the White House before we finally recognize that it's called corruption.

Redistribute What? When you've crushed the economy there will be no wealth to redistribute!

SEE HERE The left either doesn't get it, or they get it and are intentionally doing things to make the economy fail because it will generate what they want, an uprising which they expect to leave them in change. It's been tried and all it does is create misery. We need to get rid of all the leftists and put the nation back on the path to prosperity. But they have the electorate so propagandized that it may not be possible so we will go through decades of decay and misery until it becomes possible to reverse things.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Cain Wins Florida Straw Poll Convincingly

SEE HERE Ok ... here's the deal!  Both the Demoncrats and the Republicans are dominated by professional bottom feeders called politicians.  We have to clean house before the whole concept of a representative republic collapses around us.  We badly need a smart savvy outsider and given the current set of prospects on deck it looks like Herman Cain to me.  He's a business man who has bailed out troubled corporations and if there is ever a troubled corporation, in the wide sense, it is brand USA.  I'd like to have a maverick like Sarah Palin, but she's been so seriously attacked by all the usual suspects that the brain dead electorate probably believes that her negatives are real.  Cain is another matter altogether.  Frankly I'd love to see Cain/West!  That would be awesome!  It would be fun to see the Tea Party lined up behind that ticket and the lunatic fringe Demoncrats trying to call them racists for it!  Sometimes politics is fun!  I wish it was more often.  MORE WSJ

Censorship by Credit: Pay Pal Politicized!

SEE HERE This kind of thing just tics me off. And THIS is funny.  Seems like they've ticked off others before.

Bunker Busting — Mining for Nukes

SEE HERE Interesting!  I wonder how effective bunker busters will be in suppressing Iran's nuclear club aspirations?  We may find out.

Speak Truth to Terrorists

SEE HERE Robert Ringer celebrates Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s truth-filled speech at the United Nations Friday afternoon.  The followers of the religion of peace are always railing about Israel but the fact of the matter is that they have worked to destroy Israel with a single mindedness only exceeded by their ineptitude.  Whatever Israel's faults, and it certainly has them, they are as nothing compared with the venom of her enemies.

Revolution or Mistake? Cosmology on Trial!

SEE HERE So you thought that nothing could travel faster than the speed of light.  Then explain this?  That's what seems to be happening at CERN so we have to see.  If it works out then we have a lot of physics to redo and that's exciting.

The Deceitfulness of Government

SEE HERE Walter Williams lays it on the line about Social Security. The government lied about it when it started and has been lying every since. Ponzi-scheme? You bet! Perry, whatever his presidential virtues, nailed that one.

September 24th International Eat Like a Hobbit Day

Hobbits definitely know how to enjoy themselves.  As a Tea Party supporter I've been declared a Hobbit, a title I gladly assume with great humility.  Time for Second Breakfast!  SEE HERE — the link is to Facebook so you have to sign in. If you don't have a Facebook account it's no big deal.

Dr. Copper Doesn't bode well!

SEE HERE  Interesting points here.   Copper is a key commodity in many industrial settings so watching copper prices gives you a "heads up" on where things may be going.  The article here is also talking about the strange Chinese behavior of building empty cities and points out that the Chinese demand for copper is highly artificial so that the behavior of copper may well be worse than the charts appear to indicate.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Contradictions of Liberals

Asking for liberal consistency is simply fruitless.  Liberals are simply agenda driven so don't see any need for consistency.  That alone should make you dismiss liberals. 

The Conflicted Character of Liberal Progressive Thought

SEE HERE "Tax the rich" as if it is not already being done.  The rich pay most of the taxes and the lowest 47% of wage earners pay no income tax at all.  "Tax wealthy corporations" is another mantra which is frankly stupid.  A corporation is just a business and you can't tax a business, only the people who run or are supplied by the business.  Corporate taxes make the business less competitive by forcing the corporation to raise prices which then passes the taxes on to the consumers of the product.  This probably more than anything else is driving more and more business overseas.  That's stupid.  I have to conclude that the liberal progressive's rant about taxes is all a smoke screen to disguise their immense stupidity in a cloud of apparent concern for the poor.  We'd all be helped by having government give us less help.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Oh the Poor Murderers ...

SEE HERE Ann Coulter, insightful and incisive as always.  The mystery to me is why the liberal progressives are always so concerned about criminals and rarely if ever concerned about victims?  Maybe it is because they are the ones with a criminal mindset and so they identify?  Otherwise it's a mystery.

A friend of mine would be alive today if his murderer had been given capital punishment instead of a life prison sentence from which he escaped and killed three or four people before my friend picked him up hitchhiking and got murdered for his trouble.  This is not a particularly rare occurrence.  It's actually fairly common that a murderer who gets released murders again.  I'm sorry liberals.  I just don't have all that much sympathy with the murderers of this world.

Competition! What a Concept ...

SEE HERE You have to wonder why anyone thinks that government indoctrination centers controlled by union members whose main interest is to feather their nests and shift the blame for things that are not working to parent can be a good idea.  It's a terrible idea.   We've got the history to prove it.  Education in the United States is one long slide into mediocrity ever since the government got into the business.  It's time to get the government out of the education business.  The alternative is to take you students out of the schools and home school them.  I can testify to the fact that that works better than the government indoctrination centers.

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

SEE HERE  There seems to be no shortage of stupid things that this administration manages to get involved in.  It might not be so bad if it was occasional and thrust upon them by circumstance, but they actually go out of their way to create stupidity.  It points to an absolute genius for it, a propensity to dig every hole deeper, make every crisis worse.  The Gun Walker "Fast and Furious" program is one of the most exceptionally stupid.  A lot of heads should roll over that one maybe starting with Holder.  This all comes of a deep cluelessness that seems not to understand even in the most rudimentary fashion how the world really works.  We can expect things to only get worse since there is no sign that they learn from their mistakes.  The recipe for failure is to keep doing the things that have always failed for you in the past.  We're on that track.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"Class Warfare?" Yes and stupid too!

SEE HERE I liked all the answers especially Herman Cain's but perhaps the answer Bill O'Reilly gave last night on his show when he pointed out that the money invested to get a capital gain which is then taxed at a reduced rate was originally taxed at a higher rate before it was invested. So the person being taxed isn't paying the capital gains rate alone but the capital gains rate on top of the larger rate when he earned it in the first place. So the whole thing is just another episode of the politics of envy and paying no attention to the fact that it isn't going to work and will actually hurt the economy. The policies that work help the economy and produce substantial increases in revenue because wealth creation is not a zero sum game. The whole Obama administration flunks Economics 101.

Welcome to Reality!

Natural Born Citizen for Dummies

Some thoughts on what it means to be a "natural born citizen" = "One born in this country of citizen parents."

Was Money Really First?

SEE HERE Delancey Place provides a provocative thought on this rainy dreary Monday morning. The thought is about something we've all been taught that is probably not true: that money emerged from some aboriginal barter economy. The received wisdom sounds plausible but fails totally when you look for evidence. Follow the data ... it leads to the truth.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Birth Certificate Saga Continues Never Seemingly Resolved

SEE HERE This is interesting.  A legally credentialed posse to pursue the birth certificate issue.  Frankly given that the birth certificate appears to be a forgery, it is quite bizarre that no-one has taken a stance like this already.  If it is a forgery than someone has committed a crime and given the significance of the document as demonstrating the eligibility of the president it ought to be a rather significant crime.  The issue needs resolution not obfuscation.

George Will Captures the Irrelevance of the President

Sometimes the Faces of Reality Contradict the Stupidity of the Left

"Surrendering to evil is not the American way!"  Thanks Wild Bill.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The New Normal and the Lunacy of the Left

SEE HERE  Ringer offers a cogent analysis of the never ending expansion of the nanny state and labels Ralph Nader as the left's Ron Paul in the process.  A romp for a Sunday morning!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Gore Is Seriously Unbalanced — He Sticks to His Narrative Despite the Facts

SEE HERE When you're pushing an agenda the facts don't really matter. So all that matters is spin. Every event, however bizarre, confirms your agenda. Of course after a while you start sounding like a nut ... Wait a second ... You are a nut! That's how you can tell a nut in the nut-house. Every event confirms their delusion. Gore has gone over to the lunatic side. I'm sure the millions he's made pushing his agenda will keep him in medication.

Life On the Reservation

SEE HERE As the government insinuates itself into every aspect of our lives we are being eviscerated, reduced finally to mere serfs, slave dependents on the state.  That is not the America which was founding in the blood of patriots.  It is a regression to tyranny and slavery.  We need to appreciate that that is what is in store for us and do everything we can to stop it.

Social Security: What You Probably Don't Know

Is social security even constitutional? Interestingly the folks that framed the bill originally apparently didn't think so. SEE HERE

Friday, September 16, 2011

Hold Their Feet To The Fire!

SEE HERE It's always amusing to see the RINOs squirming and wriggling as they try to spin up to dismiss conservative push back. It tells me as it does Red State that we're gaining on the problem. I think it is time to not only hold their feet to the fire, but if they flinch replace them with someone with a spine and principles. It's obvious that most of this tribe is composed of self-interested functionaries. It's time to get men and women of solid principles and integrity in office while there is still time and the republic still exists. Otherwise, it's going to be a long hard time recovering from the end of the American experiment.  We're running out of time.

Social Security — A Ponzi Scheme?

The characteristic of any Ponzi scheme is that the people being paid out are paid out with the money put in by later payers. By any realistic definition, social security is a Ponzi scheme. The money paid in by the people who got in early has not been saved or invested. It has been "borrowed" into the general fund with the issuance of IOUs called bonds and then the money is spent. The problem is that then the government encourages abortion which eliminates a lot of potential payers, and they decide to expand the program to do things it was never intended to do which means it costs more and slowly the number of people paying in relative to those being paid out has declined and is rapidly, like all Ponzi schemes, approaching unsustainability. EIGHT YEARS AGO it was unsustainable. What has changed? Nothing of substance.

Men Without Chests or Spines

SEE HERE C.S. Lewis in a famous quote from "The Abolition of Man" says: "We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful." Our Congress seems to fit that picture often enough.

Thought for the Day: Diligence Pays Off! Develop Self-Discipline!

SEE HERE Here's a little gem disseminated by Delancey Place ... if you don't get the daily feed from them then check it out HERE

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Suborning to Perjury? High Crime and Misdemeanor?

SEE HERE Hello! Is the White House starting to self-destruct? Fast and Furious, half a billion to a failed concept when the concept was known to be a failure, and now asking a four star to lie to please a Democratic donor ... What else? This is getting interesting ...

The Higher They Fly the Further They Fall

Hard to See Anything Here but Corruption

This thing smells to high heavens. The people at the company knew it wasn't a viable deal from the get-go, so did they lie about it or is it just a sophisticated money laundering scheme. The numbers didn't work from the get-go. Hello!? That's a red flag and it leads right to the White House.

Crony Capitalism Obama Style

The outrage of Obama's crony capitalism corruption, all the way down. 500 million dollars down the tubes. They knew the plant wouldn't work ... hello!! What were they thinking? Does anyone every check with the technical people? Everyone knew yet no-one stopped it. Unbelievable? Fraud plain and simple. Why is this guy still president?

How Long Does the Buffoon In Charge Get Before We Decide He's Corrupt and Should Be Impeached?

SEE HERE Cut the president some slack. He's just in over his head? Just another spin narrative. This is a concerted attack on the United States of America with the purposeful design of causing the economy to implode so that the country can be turned into a socialist utopia like all the other dystopias that have gone before.

You Can't Get Out of a Ditch by Digging It Deeper

The stimulus is a sedative which anesthetizes the economy. Government is the disease. Common sense is something that is a scarce commodity in Washington, D.C.

Can the Stupid Party Blow It?

SEE HERE Joseph Sobran used to call the Republican party the "stupid party" because they were always compromising with the Democrats and even when they were in the majority they tended to let the Democrats define the agenda.  Maybe it was a hangover, a long hangover from the New Deal and the Great Society, but it doesn't give you a whole lot of confidence.  Now with Obama demonstrating daily that he is clueless the stupid party has an historic opportunity to define a new direction and a new agenda.  I'm hoping they get it, but as "knowing how way leads on to way ..." and knowing also the historic record, I'm not holding my breath.  There's always the possibility as Chesterton said, of seeing everything finally after 999 times, on the thousandth time, seeing it all for the first time.  Get your act together Republicans, this historic opportunity may not pass your way again.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Message to Washington

SEE HERE Turner's win in New York sends a message to Washington.  It's time to make government smaller not larger.  It is time to spend less and not more.  It is time to honor the Constitution not continue to trash it.  It's time to return politicians to the role of servants and not master.  It is time for real change, change backwards to the times of American greatness and not plunging forward to disaster.

The Hypocrisy of the Left

SEE HERE There is something about the whining hypocrisy of the left that grows old and cynical with time. They are always whining about saving victims of this or that while in fact advocating policies that kill people, millions of unborn children and those like Terri Schiavo who are helpless. Ann Coulter nails the hypocrites but they have to be called out again and again on their unadulterated hypocrisy. People seem to have short memories and need to be reminded or they might start to believe these soulless creatures.

The Magic of Words

SEE HERE Language separates man from the animals. Words are indeed magic. They allow us to communicate powerfully with one another. We live in an age where words have been devalued and euphemisms used to replace hard words, so that as they acquire meaning the euphemisms themselves have to be replaced. Read C.S. Lewis's "Studies In Words" to get a sense of this. Tolkien was a friend of Lewis's and the two spent many hours together in discourse and without Lewis's encouragement there never would have been a "Lord of the Rings" published. Truly words are magical.

Romney versus Perry

SEE HERE Robert Ringer weighs in on the recent debate and suggests strongly that Perry is a far better candidate than Romney. I frankly think that Romney is a weasel so I don't take too much convincing. I'm not entirely happy with Perry, but I do think Perry/Cain would be a terrific ticket or Bachmann/Cain or Cain/Bachmann. What we really have to do is make Obama's failings clear to everyone. There are still way too many Obama-zombies out there.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Truth Trumps Stupidity! The Option Is the Collapse of the Nation

SEE HERE Are Americans ever going to grow up? We need to start speaking truth as a regular condition of politics because the fact is we're near the precipice and if we don't start getting real then it isn't grandma going over the cliff, it's the whole damn system. Let's start looking at things without the rose colored glasses. We might be in danger then of seeing them for the first time.

Palin On the Tea Party Debate

Agenda 21: A Recipe for Collapsing A Nation

SEE HERE The notion of "sustainability" is a trendy one supported by environmentalists with a rather different agenda than the one they publicly avow. The elements of Agenda 21 with reduce or eliminated time honored freedoms that are God given, not man given, and imposed regulations and control whose end effect will be economic collapse and squalor. Agenda 21 is a totalitarian project which will, if adopted, destroy our historic freedoms and bring nothing but sorrow. A better and proven alternative is the free enterprise system which is being legislated out of existence by our government. Freedom and liberty trump regulation and tyranny any day.

"It's Wrong. It Needs to Go!"

The Obama administration needs to be replaced hook, line, and sinker. Morgan Brittany reflects on her Hollywood journey as a child actress. There are Conservatives in Hollywood, mostly underground. But they're coming out more and more as the shape of things to come becomes more and more ominous.

Things Are Getting Cheaper Not More Expensive

Inflation, as outrageous as it is, hides the reality that things have never been cheaper.

Three Myths About Capitalism

Educating people about economics is an important mission in a free society. Capitalism, what I prefer to call "free enterprise" since the term "Capitalism" has been so abused, is simple the engine of economic growth in the world. If you want to live in a prosperous country that will be achieved with free enterprise and rarely if at all in socialist or large government crony capitalism, which isn't capitalism at all.

Heroes Are Men and Women of Honor and Principle: Remember the Grunt Padre

SEE HERE Serving your fellow man without regard for yourself is to be remembered and honored. I don't know how many chaplains have received the Medal of Honor but here is one for your reflection.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remember! The Face of the Religion of Peace

An Extraordinary Movie About More Intolerant Times

My wife and I went to "The Help" and thought it was one of the best movies we've seen in a while about the white black intolerance that characterized the past, nominally in the time of the civil rights movement of the early 1960's. Having lived through that period myself, although in the North where it was a little different, I think the movie is a valid depiction of a time that we are growing past. I think the criticism of the Lyndon Johnson "Great Society" and its impact on the black community is also valid.

Buchanan Reflects on the Follies of War

SEE HERE It is always easier to operate with 20:20 hindsight and Patrick Buchanan makes full use of that advantage in his reflection on the folly of a decade of war that has accomplished so little. Bush the younger takes the hit, but it is always easier in hindsight. It is a deep failure to make war without clear objectives and it seems clear enough that we did not have and still do not have clear objectives for the conflicts that have now endured for so long that they have become among the longest conflicts in American history. Those who have likened this conflict to the quagmire of Vietnam are looking more correct all the time. This conflict, like that conflict, was plagued by a lack of unity and a failure to clearly define objectives and to appreciate the character of war. Frankly it is time to put our own house in order. The out of control growth in the Federal government is part of the problem. We have mired the nation in a morass of regulations and trendy goals that only sap the energy and steal from the people the liberty so many have died to preserve. It is time to reassess ourselves. We are not the saviors of the world, but we ought to be a model of liberty that others can aspire to, instead we are sinking rapidly to the same socialistic stasis that entraps so many nations and while leads nowhere but downward. We are better than that and it is time we start showing it again.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Some Presidents Have Better Personalities Than Others

President Reagan was always entertaining. Some presidents come across as real people and some don't. Reagan was a straight from the shoulder guy. I stumbled upon this video when I was looking around at some far more somber ones with that guy Barack Hussein Obama who always seems to be a downer.

The Heroes of Flight 93

Who Are the Haters?

SEE HERE Something is bizarre and twisted in America. The people who are generating all the belittling statements and generating all the threats are not the Tea Party folks. Indeed, I've gone to a few Tea Party events and I've watched a few others on various media and the cross section of a Tea Party event is educated middle American. These are the people who build small businesses and who are paying a large proportion of the taxes. The media crowd and the left progressive liberal politicians want to make them out to be racist rubes. But that is what we scientists call a "counterfactual" — It's a lie. The purpose of lies is to mislead and deceive. The ones generating all the threats are the liberals and the unions. So what are the haters? It's pretty easy to tell. It's the ones who are threatening violence and indeed they've acted on it more than once. I suppose the problem is that their free ticket to spending everyone's tax money on various boondoggles is threatened and that has them worried. My concern is that they are big on election fraud and ACORN will likely be out again, maybe with a different name, but with the same objective.

Worse than a Ponzi Scheme?

SEE HERE You have to wonder what aspect of reality the lame stream media is tuned to when they take on Rick Perry for saying that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. The reality is actually worse because when government does anything it is a train wreck. The only question to ask is how big a train wreck?

Truth Metaphor Style

Q: What's the real problem with Barack Obama jokes?

A: His followers don't think they're funny and the rest of us don’t think they're jokes.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Just Another Blank Check

Interesting that the market dropped 330 points after the jobs speech. Folks are expecting Greece to go into default. Some of the contradictions in the president's speech are breathless like paying more people not to work longer while trying to pay incentives to get small business to hire and all without any longevity. None of it is going to work. It almost seems designed not to work.

Liberals Should Drive More Trucks — Don't Hold Your Breath

The one point that really floats my boat is to point out that while oil companies make about 7 cents per gallon at the pump, the government takes about 48 cents per gallon. So who's the rip off artist? I wish people would wake up to the scam.

The Lunacy of Imagining that Government Creates Jobs

SEE HERE There is something totally unstable in the political mind and it's seeping into the water or some other vector that is infecting the citizenry. How can we listen to this fairy tale about the government stimulating the economy or creating jobs or any of the other manifold nonsense. Just ask yourself the question: How does this work?

Government is a restraint mechanism. I consumes resources, but it doesn't create any. It is designed to restrain foreign aggressors, maintain order, punish legal offenders, and maintain a support system for a few large scale services like courts, jails, the post office, and national standards. Beyond that it is a drag on the economy and when it interferes it can be a big drag.

So if you want to stimulate the economy you should reduce the size of government. In fact what government has been doing is robbing Peter to pay Paul and pretending that this will stimulate anything. There was a popular internet analogy for this process which was going around for several years. What the government is doing is like going to the deep end of the swimming pool and scooping out water and carrying it to the shallow end to pour back into the pool claiming it will make the pool deeper. Instead we're getting bigger and bigger debt with nothing to show for it but a few poorly conceived temporary jobs of government make-work.

When are people going to wake up to the fact that this doesn't work and has never worked?


Rape, Government Style — Welcome to Abuse of Power

SEE HERE The government can take the Department of Homeland Security and shove it. I certainly don't feel more secure to have the gestapo watching the airports with invasive methods. I'm doubtful that all the expense is worth it. Other methods that actually don't target the general public would be more effective. But I suppose then we wouldn't be slowly lulled into a sense that this is the new normal. Slowly and inexorably the new normal becomes the old tyranny.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Booking Up On Why Climate Change Is Bunk

SEE HERE If you're going to take the position that there isn't anything to climate change the least you can do is get booked on the subject so you can say why. The problem is that politicians are mostly lawyers and lawyers, on the whole, don't know much about anything real, just arguing, rhetoric and law, which are just words and not a shred of science in the mix, or economics for that matter. So when you listen to them talking about frankly technical subjects it's not uncommon for them to sound as if they are clueless. Guess what! They are clueless. The remedy is to get booked which you think they would do.

Of Course It's a Ponzi Scheme

SEE HERE I'm bewildered why any media types are offended by the idea that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. Of course it's a Ponzi scheme. It works like Ponzi schemes and it's going to self-destruct like Ponzi schemes. What is really odd is how the liberals demonize the conservatives when they try to actually make it a real investment oriented program. They want it to be a Ponzi scheme. It's the only conclusion that fits the facts. That means that either they are stupid or malicious. I'm beginning to believe they're malicious since if you're told the truth often enough and you still ignore it then you're beyond stupid.

How Much of This Before Someone Goes to Jail?

SEE HERE $500 million dollars is a lot of money for phony baloney green technology. After a while it all just smells like a money laundering operation. Did any of this money go for legitimate things or is it all some kind of a pass through to Obama-zombie cronies?

It's Called Corruption ... There's Really No Other Name For It!

SEE HERE Michelle Malkin nails it as usual. The Teamsters have bought and paid for all the corrupt Democrats they can find. It fits with the mafia-like MO that describes their behavior. Too bad really. The government is looking more and more like a dictator run banana republic all the time.

The Advance of Tyranny — Government by Force

SEE HERE Force you to buy insurance, force you to buy whatever they want, any time and any place. Force! That's what it is all about. It is time to recognize that the collapse of our society and loss of our liberty is imminent. As I heard Cuccinelli say, "We will find ourselves telling our grandchildren what it was like to be free in America." Freedom isn't free.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Texting Lingo?

SEE HERE I don't have a cell phone and don't text. The last thing I need is another techie gadget to swallow large amounts of valuable time. If you're a parent you need to understand that this technology is not necessarily being used in benign ways. Lots of drug and sexual abuse are being coded in text messages. If you want to protect your kids you need to be aware.

The Devil's Delusion

SEE HERE An Uncommon Knowledge review of "The Devil's Delusion" SEE PART 2 Darwinism makes little sense with little evidence.
SEE PART 3 The Big Bang?

Green Job Stupidity (Payoffs More Likely)

Stupidity never pays off. Listen to the government flack. As Morano says, "This is immoral." SEE HERE "The more the plans fail, the more the planners plan." The future of Green Energy is a future of deprivation. Get some real scientists and real economists to analyze this stuff and you'll see. I saw all this the last time it was trendy back in the 1980s and it didn't work then and it isn't going to work now.

I Don't Like Karl Rove

SEE HERE Would someone tell Karl Rove to butt out of Republican politics. He's toxic. When Perry called Social Security a Ponzi scheme he was doing something we need to hear more of from politicians, telling the truth. Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. That Rove objects is a symptom of the spin syndrome built into political hangers on who seem to think that what you have to do is prevaricate and lie. No-one is saying that the men and women who have paid in their good money all their lives should be cheated, but neither should we continue to promote a Ponzi scheme that is fundamentally unstable and a lie. So just butt out Karl. You're a jerk anyway!

The War of Liberalism Against the Citizens

Wild Bill calls out the unions: intimidation and violence. Stand by for the thugs and loonies on the left egged on by their leaders. If you ever wondered who the terrorists were in American politics this makes it quite clear. It is the left and their cronies.
The Solution? Focus on the solutions which have already worked. Go back to the Founder's principles. Don't get into "Chicken Little" syndrome. Play it cool and make the left panic. "God and Country!" It's time to confront the left where it counts.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Leadership When You Need It

Smoke ... Fire ... and Common Sense

SEE HERE Ringer is about where I am on the whole Obama birther issue. The reason it is an issue is that Obama made it an issue. Why would he make it an issue if there wasn't a problem? Meanwhile some good Republicans are likely ineligible on the same grounds that Obama is.

Recent Earthquake Revealed the Epicenter of all Faults

Brain Washing University Style

SEE HERE What is supposed to happen at a university? That's a question worthy of some serious thought. Is it to get your ticket punched in the form of a diploma so you can get a job? A lot of people think so and that's probably why, in part, that education is in such sad shape these days. The very word "education" comes from Latin and means literally to be led out. What are you led out of? Well a few answers are ignorance, darkness, slavery. Perhaps the single most important aspect is to learn how to be liberated from the slavery of other men's thoughts. In other words learning to think for yourself and to learn on your own. You're not educated if you're merely indoctrinated. Indeed indoctrination is the opposite of education. The Liberal Arts tend to be much maligned in our current society and that is partly due to the fact that in the popular mind freedom has replace liberty and the two ideas are very different. Freedom had an earlier name, "license" which mean someone who did just what they wanted with no constraints. That is a perverse idea of freedom, for it is merely a person who is a slave to his passions. That is not freedom but a form of slavery. Liberty is the freedom and ability to do as you ought. It is the source of virtue and the necessary means of achieving a just and peaceful society. We have largely lost it and are sinking everywhere into license and slavery.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Thugs Pretending to Be the Working People

Jimmy Hoffa is a name I'm very familiar with. He's likely in a cement block somewhere so I suppose this Jimmy Hoffa is his son. Like father, like son. The Teamsters were thugs under his father and it's obvious that they have not changed much. If the workers of America think that thuggish tactics are a recommendation then they're fundamentally criminals. Workers earn what they make. They don't have to get it by intimidation and thuggery.

Is Sarah Running? Who Knows. Here's John Fund's Opinion

SEE HERE I enjoyed Sarah Palin's speech to the Tea Party on Saturday. I don't presume to know if she is running or going to run for the presidency, but I do enjoy her refreshing, outside the beltway point of view. The last thing we need is more professional politicians with the "Washington perspective" which has gotten us into no end of trouble. Right now what we need is government scale back and limitation. The government simply is a lousy way to do almost anything, so maybe we should try the alternatives. Free men and women can solve their own problems without the incessant drumbeat of the nanny state.

Government Doesn't Create Jobs — They Destroy Jobs

SEE HERE Robert Ringer rings the alarm. Jobs isn't a problem that government fixes by creating jobs. Government isn't a job creator. Government is a jobs destroyer. The private sector creates everything, government just gets in the way generally and often through the imposition of regulations that may be well meaning but are often simply interfering. No one wants unsafe products, but government in the name of safety often imposes wrong headed solutions. Multiply this by all the areas government interferes and you start to get the picture. Generally the helpful government solution is to make it possible to punish those who are negligent. In practice what often happens is the blanket imposition of one size fits all regulation that can miss the target entirely. I'd really like the air bags taken out of my car. I really think I can decide what kind of fat I use in cooking. Truth in labeling may be helpful but if you want Big Brother in all you knickers then move to China thank you. Centralized planned societies have failed every place they've been tried. Maybe we should learn that lesson without repeating it.

Foreign Aid Perspective

Maybe this is an area where we could save some money.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sarah Palin Takes On the Obama Cronies

Speak truth to strength and stop the outrage! Empowerment of the American citizen and straight talk about limiting the Federal Government. Let's enforce the 10th amendment. Repeal Obamacare! Reduce burdensome trendy regulation. Entitlement reform will come regardless ... We have to cut the fat from government. We have to free American business from the highest taxes in the industrial world and kill crony capitalism by stopping bailouts and pay offs to large business. The private sector is the engine of the American economy not the government. The government is not the solution to our problems, the government is the problem. Reagan had that exactly right. The current administration is adrift in error and cluelessness. We have to confront the problem to achieve lasting reform. Truth wins! The spin doctors and crony capitalists in Washington have to be stopped. Freedom isn't free. Speak truth and do not be afraid! We are the greatest nation in human history, we must continue to be exceptional by demonstrating that liberty can continue to make us the best hope on earth. American exceptionalism is not like Greek exceptionalism. One nation under God, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Good speech Sarah!

Who Were the Racists? If This Is A Surprise You Should Reexamine Your Assumptions

This is an older video, but everyone needs to understand how odd it is that the Democrats seem to command the loyalty of the black community. Why? How have they earned it? Historical blindness I think at least in part.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Here's How "Science" Works Now — Pathetic

SEE HERE Based on this resignation of the editor of "Remote Sensing" because he published a paper that the global warming crowd found didn't correspond to their bias, we now have a science review system that is agenda driven. I'm sorry but that isn't science at all. Why bother doing research if the answer is already dictated by the bureaucracy? Here is Spencer's response to this outrage: RESPONSE Here's what he says at the end: "Apparently, peer review is now carried out by reporters calling scientists on the phone and asking their opinion on something most of them do not even do research on. A sad day for science."

Indeed it is a sad day for science. BTW, if you're interested be sure to read the comments on Spenser's response which I think are quite a tissue of name calling devoid of scientific merit. Has science devolved to the point where scientists just sit around throwing invectives at each other? I frankly wouldn't consider answering most of these kind of comments. They are not substantive. When you do something scientific it is about data and principles. The disagreements are about applicability and limits. When invective comes into play it is an indication that the agenda, some intended goal, some interest outside the realm of the science, has come to the forefront. That's bad science. Science is always about data and principles. If different principles are advanced then the correspondence with the data is used to decide which is doing a better job. That's it! Indeed, a sad day for science.

Walls the Administration Wants

The administration can't seem to get behind a fence at the border and measures to limit illegal immigration but they're certainly stonewalling on "Fast and Furious."

The Spreading Sickness In Our Society

SEE HERE Here's the deal folks: A society is undermined when its morals and principles are destroyed. Whether it is contraception, abortion, same-sex marriage, pedophilia, pornography, cohabitation, fornication ... you name it. The decline in morals leads to a decline in much more. You end up with a broken society. We need to push back against moral decline. Societies are build on principles that are moral in character, not on business or economics or politics.

Gals! — How To Tell Your Boyfriend Is A Loser!

SEE HERE Right on! Girls, there are lots of boys out there trying to sell you a bill of goods. Don't fall for the modernist agenda that pretends that sexual exploitation is freedom. Find a principled man to hook up with for a life that is really meaningful! I kid you not, the good guys are out there, but they're not as in your face as the predators.

Wild Bill on Guns and the Mental Illness: Liberalism

Always a good view. Thanks Bill!

Uncommon Knowledge: On the Iron Lady

Let's Get Rid of the Conformicrats

SEE HERE Ringer comes up with a nice quote from Mark Steyn's new book which I have but have not yet read. The word that popped out at me was "Conformicrats" which is a nice replacement for RINOs, and is actually more descriptive. Letting the Left always define the agenda is one of the big failings of the Republicans and I think the main reason that Joseph Sobran was always calling them the "stupid party." It isn't that Republicans are actually stupid, it's that they let the Democrats have the initiative all the time and that's stupid. Democrats never have had a good idea, so letting them set the agenda is a recipe for a never ending series of stupid ideas and stupid policies.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Sonny and Cher ... with Chastity about as dysfunctional as you can get, but still a walk down that nostalgic memory lane.

Having Your Cake and Eating It Too!

SEE HERE Frankly it's almost always a fairly bad idea to do business with the government. They want to control your profits and they want to work you over if they are disappointed in the results. The government basically created the subprime mortgage market and forced banks to make shaky loans. Packaging the loans into groups was a strategy to lower overall risk (it's a statistical thing) but if things are toxic enough it doesn't work well enough. Blaming the lenders for bad loans seems totally obtuse. If I lend money and it isn't paid back then I blame the borrower. He's the one who failed to repay. If I loan money with collateral like a house, then my loan is secured by the value of the house. Part of the idea here was that the loans were safe because they were collateralized but the bottom fell out of the housing market again to a large degree because the government had created a highly leveraged situation in an arbitrary manner. Now they want to blame the lenders? I hope they lose this one big!

The Reality of Plantation Politics (2009 Critique)

I started looking at Kevin Jackson clips and this one was an all around winner. I think it is time that the black population understood that they are not being helped by give aways. They are being hurt. Their families are being destroyed. Their sense of individual empowerment and value is being diminished. They are being treated by the liberal progressives as people unable to take care of themselves so they have to be given handouts. The conservative position is a hand up not a hand out. Where are the hand up programs from the liberals? Right!

Kevin Jackson Unpacks the Union Rhetoric

Illegal immigration is "illegal" ... "Hello!" We keep getting these phony excuses which excuse the illegals who in essence invading the country and getting a lot of benefits in the process.

The Religion of Peace Update

SEE HERE At least 9% of American Muslims tell the truth. They're willing to admit that they approve of the suicide bombing of civilians. The other 91% either don't or are lying. Notice how few protest you get from the Muslim community when there is a big suicide bombing in Israel or somewhere else however. What, you didn't notice any? Instead you noticed dancing in the streets. It must be that the same 9% that approve of suicide bombing also like to dance.

Federal Family? Oh! You Mean Socialism ...

SEE HERE George Orwell's "1984" said it all. The Newspeak that liberals concoct to try to hide what they are doing needs to be outed so we can all understand that we're being gulled. Plain language would go a long way towards heading off all the government scams that are pushed on us every year. "Economic stimulus" means increased out of control and inefficient spending on programs that are mostly make work or worse. "Tax credit" once means an amount of money you didn't have to pay taxes on and no is used to refer to redistribution of monies to people who don't pay taxes in the first place. It goes on and on ... I've become fond of "challenged" to refer to people who are handicapped, which was itself a euphemism for crippled. The odd thing is how the euphemisms tend to themselves become terms that have to be replace once people figure out what they mean. "Government" is rapidly becoming a dirty word.

Government Gone Wild

SEE HERE If you don't think we have too much government then perhaps a dose of reality is in order. The purpose of the government is to protect us from enemies within and without and not to prefer grizzly bears to people, control what we eat, punish acts of humane treatment of animals, punish companies that want to set up plants in right to work states because labor unions are killing them ... and on and on and on and on. Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem.

Obama Is Clueless about American Energy Reserves

It's annoying when you are lied to all the time by the president. As usual this is nonsense concocted by the environmentalists who seem to have no problem lying when it serves their purposes. This video goes back a couple of months, but you likely missed it.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Not By Fire But By Ice

SEE HERE This is rather disquieting. If we are entering a magnetic reversal, we may be seeing the beginning of another ice age. Despite all the blather about global warming and climate, the reality is that we know relatively little about all the factors that influence weather. Correlation is not causation, but it certainly gives hints and we can't rule out either variations in the sun and possibly the solar wind, nor can we rule out the cosmic rays and other radiation sources that may stimulate cloud production. We may need a little more global warming sooner than you think.

The Religion of Peace .... hahahahahahahaha ...

SEE HERE The religion of peace is at it again. One has to wonder how this charade can continue. Muslims may not all say they believe in religious jihad, but then where is the protest movement that corrects the misapprehensions? The only peace Islam believes in is the peace that exists when they have crushed all resistance. At least that's certainly the way it looks and the way they act.

Ringer On the King of Cons

SEE HERE Is that like King Kong? Well, not funny I suppose. I did like the line about Obamessiah. Let's face it, I don't think anyone thought this guy was going to be as clueless as he seems to be. A lot of Americans probably thought it was pretty cool voting for the first black president and overlooked little things like inexperience, a history of really unfortunate associations, and statements of out and out blatant racism in his own alledged writings. We have no-one to blame but ourselves when the guy who told us exactly what he was going to do actually started trying to do it. It's hard for me to believe still that this guy was even nominated. What has happened to common sense and judgment? But now the far left is scared that the great patriotic middle class, the folks that actually believe in the Constitution will take the country back. Horrors ... what awfulness must ensue. Gee, we might go back to a country of laws and limited government and even stable money. How horrible! Give me a break. How did we ever get so senseless?

Danger Will Robinson: The Liberal Phonies Who Blacklist Conservatives

The fact that in order for conservatives to survive they must hide their political beliefs is an on-going outrage. So much for tolerance. The most intolerant people in America are the liberal progressives.

Ponzi Scheme? Of Course! If the Shoe Fits, Wear It!

SEE HERE Everyone in their right mind knows that the Social Security System is a Ponzi scheme. The problem is that it is supposed to be and presented as an investment, a sort of retirement program. You and your employer pay into the system and you get benefits that you paid for out of the system later. It could actually work that way. In fact with a real monetary system that preserved wealth and a growing economy you could easily benefit more from the current system run as an investment program than you do today. The trouble is that it isn't run that way. You are basically lied to and told that the investment is secure because it is backed by the full faith of the federal government which then simply drops it into the general fund and issues pieces of paper saying that it owes the money back. Then it spends it, often on things that bear little relationship to the original program's intent. At the beginning of the program there were something like 23 people paying in to each being paid out. Now it's more like three or four, and soon it will be two. Then the baby boom bubble is hitting and it's anyone's guess if the system will hold up. Likely not without some reform.

If you could count on government being honest maybe something sensible could happen. But if you are someone who looks at the past to tell you what is likely to happen in the future, then the whole idea of honest government seems like an oxymoron. So we may be in for the time of our lives.