Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Where there's Smoke around a Black Conservative there are Liberals preparing a Lynching and Laughing around the Fire

SEE HERE Ann Coulter points out once again that the charges against Cain have yet to rise to the status of substance.  Are we supposed to believe that every charge the liberal media contrives to gin up is legitimate.  This whole thing smells to high heavens of the lynching of a Black Conservative who doesn't toe the liberal line and is **gasp** successful, intelligent, accomplished and articulate.  That's called a role model and would start the Black Community in the direction of asking why they don't get more support for success from the liberal crowd?  Success comes from hard work not from hand outs.  Staying on the liberal plantation will not translate to success.

It Seems To Be Working ...

SEE HERE  Is it true?  Was there a relationship between this White person (Ginger) and Cain.  She says so ... but then why should we believe her.  What is her motivation?  I don't know if it is true, but I do know that this sort of thing is almost a trademarked move on the part of the liberals to discredit folks.  They have no morality of their own, but feel free to hold others to theirs, ones that they commonly don't share.  This gets weirder and weirder.  The question whether it is true or not is fundamental for if it is true than Cain is a liar and I'm not yet prepared to buy that.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Whether You Like Him Or Not, Newt is One Smart Dude

Newt Gingrich is very very smart.  He has a mixed track record in a lot of ways, but he is deadly in debate and would be a focused and energetic president.  Sure beats the hell out of Mitt Romney.  Cain/Gingrich or Gingrich/Cain would float my boat.

Focus on Principles, not some Hypothetical "Center"

SEE HERE  I've been listening to the political nonsense of pundits and media talking heads all my life and they are spin meisters but rarely if ever are they really right in the sense of principles.  They are great at Monday morning quarterbacking when their advice turns sour and they crow like well crows when their advice is correct.  All in all however they are simply opportunists.  Thomas Sowell points out here that standing for something it better than just maneuvering yourself to some hypothetical centrist position that will get you the most votes from the least attentive.  Stand for something and you have integrity.  If you just position yourself on the political landscape strategically what you have certainly communicated is that you stand for nothing.

Bimbo Alert! — This Probably Means that the Left Is More Afraid of Cain Than Anyone Else!

SEE HERE Thirteen year affair huh?  With a "lady" who is now poor, known to be a libelous liar (matter of court record) ... Any real evidence or is this just a continuation of what looks very like an orchestrated strategy to take Cain out.  To me that means he is the candidate most feared because he's smart, black, and from outside the system so he brings fresh ideas and a proven record of actual achievement to the table not just a record of being able to lie successfully to woo votes.  The slime throwers operate on the theory that enough slime wins every time.  My view — as so often, is: "Show me the data!"  So far nothing but he said she said with all the shes having shady connections.  Data anyone?

Monday, November 28, 2011

1949 Daily News — An Old Old Story

Abuse Of Power — It's Called Politics As Usual

SEE HERE Let's see if I understand this.  If you a bunch of hooligans that disobey the law you get a pass.  If you're law abiding citizens that try to obey the law you harassed?  That about sums it up. 

Slaying the Tax Monster

The Nature of Reality

A soul and a body in union is a human being conceived and formed in the image of God.

Sometimes there is Good News

SEE HERE I wonder what we could do to induce all the rest to retire as well? 

Tyranny Rising!

SEE HERE This is crazy.  I hope it's nonsense.  Alex Jones is not a source I particularly trust, but the way things are going these days, who knows what craziness is going to be thrust upon us?

Tea Party Contrasted with Occupy Movement

The Tea Party is consistent and coherent with traditional American values as represented by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  The Occupy movement does not appear to share those values, instead seeking an incoherent and self-contradictory set of policies: less interference with individual liberty while more invasive government with transfer of wealth from those that earned it to those who didn't.  Tyranny wears many faces.

Options for the Future

SEE HERE The energy reality in long range terms is not a problem.  Human stupidity is.  On the fossil fuel front we will not run out of coal and oil and gas for centuries.  But sooner or later these sources will become too expensive to use for energy production.  Then we will either have discovered how to do nuclear fusion economically or we will use nuclear fission.  That's reality folks.  The problem is that we have a bunch of lunatics who mythologize nuclear power into some sort of gigantic boogie-man.  These folks should be given their very own jungle where they can live as authentic hunter gatherers and experience the pleasures of being one with nature and living a rugged and short life.  That's what their policies would condemn the rest of us to, perhaps they should lead the way.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Buckley On Obama

SEE HERE  This piece made me miss William F. Buckley.  I enjoyed "Firing Line" for many years.  He had a clear way of penetrating to the heart of issues and many of my favorite people like Thomas Sowell I first discovered on Buckley's program.

Conservatism 101

SEE HERE  The problem with most people is that they are largely tuned-out and only catch snippets of the liberal media bias and so are misinformed about the reality around them.  Liberals are not your friends.  They are totally disconnected with reality and given their heads they will destroy us all with the things that they know that are not true.  Reality is about what is true.  Liberals are signed up for so much nonsense that isn't true that following them is akin to being driven off a cliff.  Liberals have a view of reality that says they are the smart ones and everyone else is dumb and being gamed by the rich and that life is a zero-sum game so if you clobber the rich you can get your fair share.  There's never any objective assessment of how the rich got rich, or whether in fact wealth is created by hard work and not just lying around on the ground to be scooped up by those with the biggest blade on their dozer.  They never argue the case, they only repeat the lies.  If you stop and inspect reality you'll find that they are just spouting nonsense.  So many people believe it though that we are all at great risk. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Storm Clouds Gather — The Destabilization of the Middle East

SEE HERE The prospect of major war in the Middle East is growing more and more probable. The evisceration of the U.S. military is in the offing and the Islamic world is expecting to reestablish the caliphate. This can only go to very bad places if left unchecked.   STORY

Do These Clowns Have Any Credibility Left?

SEE HERE It's astonishing to me that anyone believes these global warming clowns anymore. This is turning into a never ending circus like the president's birth certificate. The president doesn't seem to have a birth certificate and these characters don't seem to have any scientific integrity. Maybe that's because they are all collectivists and in general the only thing collectivists want is to have their own way. Lying isn't bad, it's just a strategy for winning, dontchaknow!

The Reality of Unions — Business Destroyers!

SEE HERE Unions have a unique ability to kill the golden goose. Whether it is the railroads or the newspaper industry or steel or automobile production, unions have a history of making businesses less and less competitive until they fold putting the people they are supposed to be benefiting out of work. We need something that makes more sense than big labor.

How Much Trouble Are We In?

SEE HERE The system is broken and needs to be fixed. When are the real Americans going to stand up?

The Wonder that is You: It is Magic. It is Mystery. It is Divinity!

Sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses and experience the magic of the world.  “In short, I had always believed that the world involved magic: now I thought that perhaps it involved a magician. And this pointed a profound emotion always present and sub-conscious; that this world of ours has some purpose; and if there is a purpose, there is a person. I had always felt life first as a story: and if there is a story there is a story-teller.” — G.K. Chesterton

Friday, November 25, 2011

So Are You Ready?

SEE HERE People are worried. I've been kicking around now for almost seventy years and I can't remember the time when people were so worried about the economy. They are not just worried about a turn down, or a recession, they are worried about total economic collapse and the failure of basic civilization. Is that over the top? I don't know frankly. I would have thought it was totally crazy just a year or two ago, but panic is fostered by large numbers of people being pessimistic. If enough people are scared the fear itself becomes a causal factor. I'm going to say that I think it unlikely that things will go so far as to cause this level of problem, but who can be sure? I think what is likely to happen is that saner people will put the brakes on. But stupidity seems to be contagious sometimes. So who can really tell? It's prudent to put something aside. I bought some rice and beans figuring that if I can handle a few weeks likely things will at least get a little organized. Food, water, and ammunition is what one fellow I know suggested. It's scary that people are even thinking this way.

Evil Spreads As the Government Seizes the Power of Life and Death

SEE HERE Where does the government get off? I think we should throw all the rascals out that think that they should be deciding what kind of health care we should get. What part of "I have the right to decide what I want to do with my doctor without a lot of stupid bureaucrats from government and insurance companies butting in" is it that they don't understand? Freedom is about individuals' rights to control their lives with the minimum, the bare minimum, the absolute tiny minimum of government or other interference. Don't be surprised as the left liberal progressive mind police invade all your decisions and tell you what to think, what to wear, what to eat, and how to live ... oh yeah, they're already doing it.  Haven't you noticed? Well they can just butt out!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Fed Up With the Left and the Right

When are we going to stand up and demand Constitutional government instead of corrupt crony capitalism and left neo-marxism.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pretending to Be Scientists — Global Warming Alarmists Outed Once Again

SEE HERE Another shoe is dropping on the Global Warming Alarmists who have been pretending to be scientists. If I were not so angry about them pretending to be scientists I'd think it was funny.

Can We Get Off the Merry-Go-Round?

SEE HERE There used to be this song that went something like "... the music went round and round and it comes out here ..."  That song started rattling around in my head as I read Ann Coulter's column.  I guess the bottom line is that the American people are either incredibly stupid or just not paying enough attention.  The Democrats have been playing this game for generations.  Tax increases now for spending cuts that never come.  Promises from Democrats have proved to be entirely without value.  They make the promise and then renege over and over and over again.  It's something they can only get away with because of the connivance of the press.  The press quotes out of context, maintains the mantra that it is those stubborn Republicans who won't raise taxes that cause deficits.  The reality is however that no matter how much we raise taxes the Democrats will spend more than any increased revenue.  But in any cases generally increasing taxes decreases revenue since we on the wrong side of the Laffer curve.  That means an increased tax strategy is a double whammy.  Not only will revenues fall, but because Democrats will anticipate rising revenues they will increase spending more than the anticipated increased revenue that doesn't materialize and we get twice as much deficit kick.  If we don't wise up, and maybe even if we do wise up, we're doomed. We'll just go spinning and spinning around the Merry Go Round until there's no more wealth to tax and the gold ring is gone and the contraption falls apart.

Now You See It, Now You Don't ... The Disappearing Money Supply

SEE HERE Inflation is basically the result of devaluing money by making too much of it when it doesn't really have intrinsic worth.  The current administration is hell-bent on destroying the economic system for reasons only they can explain, but seem likely to be intentional.  When smart people do extremely dumb things it is probably for hidden reasons.  In any case the result of the current actions will be the significant devaluation of the money that you hold and not just your cash but in many cases other holdings that are not secured by things of fundamentally real value.  I don't know why they are doing it.  You would have to ask them.  But it's clear enough that the bottom will drop out once the tipping point is reached.  The situation currently is that we are the biggest of the culprits and we will likely stand the longest, but when the crash comes it is likely to be long and deep because we have not been doing much of anything to be able to turn it around.

I realize that I end up sounding like a broken record on all of this.  I'm been singing this song or variations on the theme for probably a year at least if not longer.  But it's hard to see what has been done or is planned to be done that will fix anything.  All I see is dumbness as far as the eye can see.  It can't fly forever with the engine off, the economy that is.

Stand By for More Money Down the Rathole!

SEE HERE What we need to do is throw the rats into the hole with the money.  Then at least we'd have some hope of a future recovery, although judging from some of the financial analysis I've seen, the very idea of a financial recovery is itself a pipedream.  We've built a disaster that is virtually impossible to avoid and we are cruising towards it at warp speed.  People who warn of impending disaster are belittled and ridiculed while the left pours on more steam.  The train wreck becomes unavoidable after a while.  The question stops being if and starts being when?

Why We Are Likely Doomed!

SEE HERE Failures of integrity, failures of courage, failures of virtue and success of vice dooms any solution to our fiscal problems.  The solution will come in the aftermath of economic collapse because our political elites think that the inexorable laws of economics do not apply to them.  Perhaps more accurately they are ignorant of the laws of economics and so truly believe that they can ride the Leviathan.  Their ignorance will end only with the discovery that reality trumps delusion.  We will all pay the price, but we should certainly make sure that those who have brought us to this point are first in line.

The Religion of Peace Wants To Kill All Those Who Leave Islam: How Enlightened!

SEE HERE Frankly, the beliefs of Islam are so violent and offensive that I have trouble sometime even crediting them.  This is a religion?   Whatever it is, it is certainly not a religion of peace.  Out of Egypt comes the data that: "As to reviving the death penalty for people abandoning Islam, 84 percent of Egyptians were in favor, irrespective of sex, age, or level of education. Support for the killing of apostates runs even higher in Jordan, where it reaches 86 percent."  That's almost 7 out of every 8 Egyptians ready to kill someone just because they changed religions.  I think the polite name for that is insanity, not religion.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Reality? In Liberal LaLa Land

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell, penetrating and incisive as always, skewers the liberals on the point of their own delusions.  I just got his book The Thomas Sowell Reader which I'm waiting to dig into.  It's a medley of Sowell essays that will certainly delight the mind and leave one instructed.

Just More Evidence that the Usual Liars are Lying

SEE HERE The left is so full of liars that it is a much safer assumption to assume that they lie all the time than to try to filter out the few times that they are telling the truth.  They practice the politics of political destruction routinely and have no ideas that are not simply veiled attempts to fleece you out of your income to pay off their cronies and bought and paid for supporters.  Vote fraud, lying, voter intimidation, it's all standard procedure.  If We the People ever get back into power we should find out where all the money went that ballooned the deficit beyond all recognition.

Voter Fraud ... Those Nice Democrats ... Really?

SEE HERE Where there's smoke there is fire.  Here's one example, no doubt among many.  The problem, among others, with Democrats is that they think that the fact that they think they are right justifies them in doing all sorts of things that are wrong.  How convenient! 

Anybody But Romney

SEE HERE Laugh of the year: "Romney is a conservative."  I can hear the laughter from the Republican base from one end of the country to the other.  This guy is as plastic as they come.  Red State sums him up this morning, as the Republican that doesn't get a following when other Republicans drop out.  "The best response the Romney fans have is that none of the other guys are getting much more than that either. True, but we have seen time and time again that as any one of them drops out or other implodes, their voters will go elsewhere — just not to Mitt Romney."

If you want four more years of Obama, then by all means nominate Mitt Romney.  I think Republicans have a death wish.  HUCKABEE NONSENSE

Monday, November 21, 2011

One Advantage of Royalty Is That They Can Say What They Really Think

SEE HERE Wind power is nonsense.  It is expensive, sporadic and inefficient.  It's a pipedream brought to you by idiots who know so little science that they simply romanticize things.  Bunk is bunk and it's comforting that at least some folks can see that.

As Usual the Liberal Spin Is a Lie Motivated by the Desire to Instill Envy and Greed

SEE HERE I'm in favor of eliminating taxes on business.  They are phony baloney intended to conceal from you how much you are actually paying in taxes.  Businesses don't pay taxes, people do.  When a business is assessed a tax it is paid by the higher cost of products that the business produces.  It is paid by making the business less competitive in the market place that included foreign entities that don't pay taxes or pay lower taxes.  The government creates tax avoidance strategies for what they claim are good reasons and then people are punished when they use these perfectly legal procedures by the claim that they are exploiting "loop holes" with the implication that they are tax cheats.  The system is sick, bizarre, over the top in complexity and just plain brain dead.  It was created by people who don't want you to know the truth which is that government is taking a huge percentage of your hard earned income and wasting it on pointless programs that enrich their hangers on.  The system is broken and well on the way to collapse.  Good luck.  I expect I'll be dead when the worst of it hits the fan, but my children and grandchildren will pay the price of our unwillingness to face up to our responsibilities and end the nightmare.

The Issue That Will Not Go Away

SEE HERE I suppose we may know the truth sometime in the future.  In the meantime it seems particularly strange to me that this issue which goes on and on and festers doesn't raise more concern than it has.  What is it that we really don't know that explains the stonewalling on the part of essentially everyone?  Why did Obama spends millions to hide quite ordinary records?  Why does he then release a faked birth certificate that literally scores of scanning professionals say is a forgery?  Why do all sorts of groups that have responsibilities in the area give him a pass?  The whole thing smells so bad that it gives me the unshakeable conviction that we are already operating in a tyranny, a tyranny of stupidity, ignorance, and culpable negligence.  TERRY LAKIN MP3 This is a radio interview with Terry Lakin after he was released from the military.  "It's what we don't know that is the issue."  We know more about almost anyone than we do about the president of the United States.  Who is this guy?  Where did he come from? 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Family Forum ... Close to 3 hours for the whole thing

Thanksgiving Family Forum – Complete Video
If you want to skip the front material the candidates come on at about minute 36.  Well worth watching especially after all those standup stupid debates that the news media has been promoting that ask soundbite questions which are inane and pointless and without offering the candidates time to make anything like a reasonable response.  That's not debating it's "gotcha-soundbiting" designed to marginalize the Republicans by a hostile and doctrinaire liberal media.  I liked the Gingrich-Cain "debate" and this one looks pretty good (have not looked at all of it yet myself).

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Liberty University Allows Concealed Carry

SEE HERE A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Put Up or Shut Up

"Just think what America would be like if all the liberals moved out of the country."  Wow, can you imagine.

The Arrogance of Power in Washington

Coming to Washington to talk to your senator gets the Demoncrats nervous apparently.  We need to replace the Democrats with a new second party that actually respects Americans and the Constitution.  What a concept!  Download Tea Party budget pdf HERE

Figures Don't Lie, But Liars Figure

SEE HERE We've never had such a density of liars in Washington as we do today.  Honesty has become a scarce commodity.  In the past, when integrity was actually something admired, this kind of activity would get you fired and disgraced.  Now it appears that it is par for the course.  What has become of virtue?  C.S. Lewis predicted it all in "The Abolition of Man."  We have created moral geldings and bid them multiply and they have in the only way possible.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Criminals Are In Control Make No Mistake About It

SEE HERE This is disturbing and calls into question whether it is possible to invest in the United States without risking all that you have.  When criminals operate above the law then anything is possible.  The moral compass is disrupted and all men grow more cautious.  It is time to recognize that we have only a little time to correct this or we will simply be in the hands of immoral and lawless tyrants who will rob us all with impunity.  Where has all the stimulus money gone?  Who is John Galt? DRILLING DOWN

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Politichicks on the Birth Certificate

This is fun!  What is going on anyway?  The whole thing is so crazy that it's like a vaudeville skit.  You couldn't believe it except that it's actually playing out.

Dutch Rejecting Wind Power

SEE HERE The land of the windmills is finding wind power too expensive.  Now that's funny!  MORE

Reaping the Whirlwind .. You Harvest What You Sow!

SEE HERE Growing up the television of my youth was full of rugged individualists succeeding because they worked at it and were good. Then it seemed as if the counter hero came to the forefront. The anti-hero who was successful almost by accident because he was so deserving or self-sacrificing or something. Then we got the self-esteem movement where everyone was a winner no matter how little they tried. Now we have the Occupy Wall Street movement which complains that they don't get enough sitting around doing nothing. The dissolution of a once great society is well underway. Collapse may be necessary to remind everyone once more that victory is to the swift and failure is an act of will.

National Concealed Carry Passes House

SEE HERE Now we should get to see how the Senate handles this. The reality is that the last defense of liberty is the armed citizen.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What Did You Know and When Did You Know It?

SEE HERE Of course the Army is responsible for the Fort Hood massacre. They were warned many times. They knew the guy was a nut job and a likely terrorist and they did nothing. That is political correctness gone wild. There needs to be a high price paid so that people are held accountable. There needs to be heads rolled and money paid out. There has to be no tolerance of Muslim extremists in the future. None, Nada!

The Totally Absurd and Degraded Agenda of the Left

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Liberals Are Not Funny ... the Left is Hateful

Why are liberals not funny? Maybe it's because people who can rationalize the murder of millions of unborn children can't possibly have a real sense of humor. We are in a battle with evil, objective evil. Maybe they should all examine their consciences and repent of their prideful sinfulness. I agree with Wild Bill. Well said!

The Real World Keeps Score

When you're lied to and told how wonderful you are and don't have enough critical thinking to know it's a crock then you end up here. So much for the idea that telling people they are wonderful without evidence that it is true! The real world, as Bill Whittle says, keeps score.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Even Democrats Don't Like Agenda 21 ... Fancy that!

An hour and ten minutes on the dangers of UN Agenda 21 from the leftward side of the house. How the left extremists have hijacked the environmental movement and mores us towards totalitarianism.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Let's Fix What's Broken ... Stop Railing Against the Wealthy

Washington is the worst agent to spend money ever.  They waste it and then grab for more.  The evil people are not the wealthy but those who in government think they have the right to seize the wealth of others in order to waste it.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Impeach Obama


The Lunatics In Charge of Our Homeland Security

Thomas Sowell on Uncommon Knowledge

I simply love Thomas Sowell and have since he first started appearing on William F. Buckley's "Firing Line." This video starts with a piece of video from "Firing Line" and then goes on with a wonderful interview that closes in segment five with a number of personal notes. Fantastic guy! I have almost all his books.

How to make a Khan Academy Video

Friday, November 11, 2011

Self-Paced Learning Khan Academy Style

This may be the wave of the future and lets students, parents, and teachers all play a more effective role in education.

Thanks to Our Veterans! 11-11-11

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Who Is Lying? Are You Surprised?

Cain's accuser is lying!  Are you surprised?  I sure wasn't.  SEE HERE

The Foundation of the Universe is Being, the Eternal "I Am"

Economic Armageddon? How soon ...

SEE HERE It is sobering that the U.S. debt now exceeds the size of the U.S. economy.  This is starting to put us in the range of Italy and Greece except we are much larger and the bigger they are, as my mother used to say, the harder they fall.  Yesterdays 389 point plunge in the DOW points to the shaky territory we are on.  It's hard to know what counsel if any to offer.  What do you do when the world is falling apart?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ann Points Out a Troubling Pattern In the Cain Accusations

SEE HERE Surprise, surprise ... Ann Coulter, ever attentive to detail and sharp analyst notes a strange congruence in the charges against Herman Cain.  We don't have the statistical calculation but what's the chance that so many allegations would emerge from **gasp** Chicago?  The whole thing begins to have the smell of Democratic manufactured bimbo eruptions.  The difference is that bimbo eruptions follow Democrats around more than Republicans so I suppose that provided a good supply for other uses.  FOLLOW UP

Ten Unfulfilled Presidential Promises

SEE HERE When is a promise not a promise and to what extent do we empower presidents to exercise their own judgment as to when a promise should be kept and when it should be broken?  Here are ten promises that were broken.  Think about it!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Associations Tend to be Revealing ...

SEE HERE "Birds of a feather, flock together" was a saying of my mothers, especially when she was counseling me to avoid bad companions. The latest Cain accuser has quite a few bad companions which suggests that she's just slander for hire.  CHECK OUT THIS PERSPECTIVE

You Can't Prove A Negative ... Mark Levin points out the problem!

The parade of liars ought to be seen for what it is, a typical Democrat "demonization" move against a candidate that they know they can't beat so they have to destroy. The liberal media is lining up to stretch this thing out as long as possible to sow as much doubt as possible. It has become the standard Liberal political strategy. I've seen it played out over and over again in past elections and in the personal destruction campaigns against Supreme Court candidates that didn't sign up for their sulfurous campaign to destroy Judge Bork and Clarence Thomas. There is no lie a Democrat will not tell to get their way. Why we keep electing thees low lives is quite beyond me.

Cain In the Middle of a Liars Contest with Lots of Liars Lining Up for the Publicity

SEE HERE How do you defend yourself against an endless line of liars? I think that's the real issue in the Cain against the chain of nebulous unsubstantiated charges brought for money or publicity or both. One ought to remember that the Father of Lies is a Democrat (well I made that up but Lucifer certainly sounds like one). I've never seen so many liars in my life as the news media trots them out for all sorts of liberal progressive issues. You can't trust any of the media anymore. They are in the entertainment and ratings business not the discovery and distribution of the truth.

Romney? The Pseudo-Conservative Flip-Flopping Nebbish

SEE HERE I'm not sure what Mitt Romney is. He reminds me of the Ken doll that is always partnered with Barbie and is about as pointless as ... well as Mitt Romney. I think it you want to sink the Republican chances in 2012 just nominate Mitt Romney and watch all the grassroots, which is really Conservative, just fold up their tents and sit out the election. It's just ridiculous. He's a total loser as a candidate. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum running to be President. There has to be some reason why the lame stream media seem to like him so much. Oh yeah, because he won't beat their candidate the NIC (Narcissist In Charge) just in case the usual suspects want to accuse me of racism despite the fact that three of my favorite people ware Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and Herman Cain. I just people based on quality not accidens.

Lunacy In Motion

Monday, November 7, 2011

Even the Parasites Have Parasites

Funnier and funnier! We should definitely spray them down with disinfectant before allowing them to interact with real people.

Oath Keepers Unite!

This Ought To Be Interesting ...

Is There Any Limit to Obama's Incompetence? Probably Not ...

SEE HERE This Administration has demonstrated an inability to do anything right but foster corruption and graft.

"This Won't Do ..." I guess these guys want to start at the top!

These folks are lunatics. They don't want to work, they want to have the world handed to them on a platter. Gee! Someone needs to tell them it doesn't work that way. I guess they'll have to go back to their parent's basements.

Education On the Net

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Arthur Laffer on 9-9-9

SEE HERE I don't know what the right answer is, but I do know what the wrong answer is.  The current tax code is a nightmare which keeps getting worse and a tax code that you can't really understand and which seems designed to confuse and confound is simply unacceptable.  We need simplification.  I like a flat tax myself but 9-9-9 is interesting and worth serious consideration.  So we shouldn't just kick it off the table in favor of the current mess we have.

Global Warming Alarmists are Crazy!

SEE HERE Well since they can't use real science to demonstrate global warming they have to resort to ridicule ... standard liberal practice actually. Facts are such inconvenient things, so let's just call names and make threats.

Let's Make Voter Fraud More Widespread ... Yeah! That's the Ticket! Then the liars and cheaters will be able to run everything forever.

SEE HERE Are there any sane people left in Washington? Voting needs reform because we are awash in fraud. So this nonsense is advanced as a solution? More like making the problem permanent. I was reading an interesting technical study, a 2007 Special Report by the Tax Foundation which shows that something like 60% of Americans are already getting more from the government than they pay in taxes. GET IT HERE That's actually a scary figure. The purpose of the government is not to redistribute wealth (there is no money tree and giving other people's money to your favorites is stealing to purchase influence or simply to feather your nest). Now that a majority is fleecing the minority for their own benefit the system is going to go unstable. It's a positive feedback mechanism which in plain English leads to catastrophic collapse. There is still time to draw back, but not if everyone is in denial. We need people in charge with brains that are not saturated with the desire to fleece us all. While we're at it maybe we should investigate where all the money the Obama Administration has wasted has gone? I'm betting we'd find a staggering amount of political payoffs and sheer fraud and corruption. To find out we need people willing to pursue the issues. Without that I hope you have a plan on how to survive the coming economic catastrophe.

Cain, Gingrich Debate Lincoln-Douglas Style | C-SPAN

Cain, Gingrich Debate Lincoln-Douglas Style | C-SPAN This is a landmark in the wasteland of Presidential Election Television Politics ... a straight up discussion of issues without the stupidity imposed by the media.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Death By Innuendo — Up With Hypocrisy!

SEE HEREInnuendo is giving an impression, an implying of things, a furtive wink, a knowing glance, all is not as it seems. Currently the allegations of impropriety against Herman Cain amount to casual conversation which is alleged to have made women unnamed uncomfortable (wow that is over the top ... I'm made uncomfortable by conversation all the time, although not usually of a sexual nature but rather of a stupid nature) and the allegation that he invited a woman up to his apartment once and some notion that she came. I kind of wonder if we don't have more serious things to talk about. What is apparent is that these allegations are all about a mission to destroy Herman Cain's bid to become the Republican challenger. Is it any wonder that people don't want to run for public office if any indiscretion in their past lives (and who of us have not committed some indiscretion?) can be brought forth to destroy them. It is enough to make you wonder if the whole system isn't just too corrupt to stand? This is salacious sensationalism pretending to be concern for morality. One ought to immediately wonder when the same folks that support gay marriage, abortion, the OWS demonstrators copulating in the park and other upright moral things suddenly express high dudgeon when a black Conservative is accused of making women uncomfortable by comparing them to his wife or saying they are pretty. I don't know if Herman Cain had a one-night stand with some lady. If he did, he likely regrets it, but it is strange that the media which gives a pass to far worse behavior gets into such hit mode when a black Conservative running for president is involved ... Hypocrisy is the word that comes to mind.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cold Fusion? Again ...

SEE HERE I was close to the Cold Fusion phenomenon when it was first hot stuff.  The problem has been that it's been extraordinarily difficult to replicate which is usually the sign of an error or mistake in observation.  There have been a lot of such false alarms.  Here it comes again!  Cold Fusion has exhibited a lot of staying power for a controversial set of observations.  A lot of honest scientists have observed strange things when researching cold fusion, so there remains the sense that there might be more to it than meets the eye.

Nominate Romney ... Elect Obama

SEE HERE Romney, despite the notion in RINO circles that he's a conservative is a total non-starter among real conservatives.  Romney is not a conservative, period.  Moreover his nomination would be worse that John McCain whose only smart move was to get Sarah Palin on the ticket.  If that had not happened he'd have had no grassroots support at all.  The ugly little secret of American politics is that at the top there is only one party and that's the unholy alliance of Hudge and Gudge but at the grass roots there is a different party, the party of the conservative Americans that believe in the Constitution.  If you want Obama for four more years, just nominate Romney.  I know I won't work for him and I doubt there are many conservatives that would.  I can't think of a better way to drive the Tea Party into a 3rd party situation or perhaps only a sit it out situation.
LISTEN HERE  to the debate mentioned in the SEE HERE text.

Ben Crystal Nails the Cain Thing!

SEE HERE  Quote #1:When the liberal elites dislike something, they ignore it. If it gains in stature, they deplore it. And if it begins to threaten their death grip on their beloved governmental power, they break out the big guns (except for the Brady Campaign guys; theirs are make-believe). Hence, the escalation of the already appalling blitzkrieg on Cain from mundane racist remarks by low-forehead types like Lawrence O’Donnell to the pure-hit piece that appeared on POLITICO and has since become the key talking point across the corporate media. Entitled “Herman Cain accused by two women of inappropriate behavior,” the story was a vague mashup of nonspecific allegations, unconfirmed documents and faceless sources.

Now that's both a hoot and right on!
Continuing the Quote: “Not overtly sexual but that… made [them] uncomfortable…” Really? What’s the matter, ladies? Did mean old Mr. Cain suggest those vertical stripes don’t suit you? What a cad.
Granted, the National Restaurant Association did settle complaints against Cain, reportedly for five figures. But such small settlements in the age of vermin like John Banzhaf and John Edwards are more indicative of the fact that it’s cheaper to pay vermin to leave than it is to try to exterminate them in the courtroom.

Emphasis added! All I can say is "Right on Ben ... Right on!"

Remembering Reagan — Truly Prescient!

The liberals are always talking about how stupid Ronald Reagan was.  This is their standard response to people who see through them.  The perspective of time shows that Reagan was absolutely right.   Listen and be illuminated.  Ronald Reagan had their number.

Government Reform the Collectivist Way

SEE HERE As Mao said "Power comes out of the barrel of a gun" or words to that effect. The reality of most of the world can be summed up by the notion that power is simply force applied by will to achieve the ends of those in power. Only in a few nations has the notion of the "will of the people" taken on any tangible reality and even there the will is often stymied by the concentration of power in the hands of a few. Government is not the solution to our problems. As Ronald Reagan said, "Government is the problem!" The solution to the problems of a free people is virtue not merely defined as moral excellence but as a universal striving for excellence. Aristotle had it right and mostly today we have it wrong. We tell our children they are excellent when they are mediocre. We tell the excellent that they are the problem. We give medals to the losers and cheapen the rewards for the winners. We strive not to hurt feelings by making no achievement very rewarding. There is no sense in this but we have long forgotten what sense is in the first place so that common sense has become uncommon. We are in danger of sinking as we stop teaching our children to swim, metaphorically in the sea of life and not to expect to be rewarded for failing to strive. We are eating our seed corn and wondering how a harvest can follow. It is time to change course.

Worth a Look on Two Levels

This is fun on two levels. The ideas and the presentation. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Corruption 101 Obama Style

When are we going to impeach this criminal?

The Stench of Liberal Progressive Racism

SEE HERE What does racism mean?  It appears that it is racist for any black man to consider doing anything but kowtowing to the Democrat Liberal Progressive elite ... "Yes Massar ... I'll vote for you ... just keep the welfare checks coming."  What is this all about?  Black people have every bit as much right to pursue the American dream and escape from the liberal plantation as any other ethnic group and they routinely do.  But when they do, watch out!  They will be pilloried as traitors to their race.  Why?  I think it is time that the black population takes a clear look at what they are supporting and start pursuing a work ethic and a political philosophy that rewards hard work and doesn't pretend that in order for black people to succeed they need to have special treatment.  Ann Coulter slices and dices the usual suspects but as long as the media repeats the insane accusations and the name calling rants it will be hard to be heard.  So has it always been with collectivists.  MORE STILL MORE No shortage of sharks when there is blood in the water.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My ...

SEE HERE Does global warming cause hurricanes?  Well you might think so if you bought the lies you're routinely being told about climate and weather.  Maybe checking out what an expert on hurricanes says would be worth a look.  Expertise counts for something as long as the experts aren't liars.  So check it out.

Rush Pegs It — Just More Liberal Racial Stereotyping

SEE HERE  RUSH:  You know, I guess I shouldn't be surprised, folks.  After all of these years, none of us should be surprised, but I still am.  Look at how quickly what is known as the mainstream media goes for the ugliest racial stereotypes they can to attack a black conservative.   ... The racial stereotypes that these people are using to go after Herman Cain, what is the one thing that it tells us?  It tells us who the real racists are, yeah, but it tells us that Herman Cain is somebody.  Something's going on out there. Herman Cain obviously is making some people nervous for this kind of thing to happen.

This validates Cain! The liberals are afraid enough of him to start racial slurs and making the kind of unsubstantiated accusations that they made against Clarence Thomas. How dare a black man be Conservative and not respect the Democrat plantations owners that have been buying their votes with welfare programs and pretending they're their friends all these years. Have they no shame that they dare to go out and succeed on their own? That's what this reeks of. Well sorry Democrats but Conservatives believe in hard work and fair play and Herman Caine is a successful person because he believes in hard work too. Fancy that?!

The Wisdom of Lewis and Chesterton on the Editorial Page

Some days the local newspaper, The Daily News Record, gets it totally right.  Today they published two quotes on the Editorial page by two of my favorite people.

C. S. Lewis

Of course God knew what would happen if they used their freedom the wrong way: apparently He thought it worth the risk. Perhaps we are inclined to disagree with Him. But there is a difficulty about disagreeing with God. He is the source from which all your reasoning power comes: you could not be right and He wrong any more than a stream can rise higher than its own source. When you are arguing against Him you are arguing against the very power that makes you able to argue at all: it is like cutting off the branch you are sitting on.

G. K. Chesterton

Of all modern phenomena, the most monstrous and ominous, the most manifestly rotting with disease, the most grimly prophetic of destruction, the most clearly and unmistakable inspired by evil spirits, the most instantly and awfully overshadowed by the wrath of heaven, the most near to madness and moral chaos, the most vivid with devilry and despair, is the practice of having to listen to loud music while eating a meal in a restaurant.

In his best selling book of demonic letters: The Screwtape Letters, Lewis has Screwtape say that the two things the devils like least are music and quiet because both encourage contemplation.  What the devils like is constant noise which drives out thought, prayer, doubt and makes the human vermin more easily tempted.  That's the gist of it anyway, and perhaps the Chesterton quote actually contributed to Lewis's visualization of the usual devilry.

Cain Reads the Source Documents

SEE HERE Planned Parenthood has racist roots.  Most Americans seem not to know that, but Herman Cain does and I hope a lot of other people find out.  Margaret Sanger was a monster and her work inspired the Nazi's Eugenic program in part.  The black community and 3rd world nations are disproportionately targeted by Planned Parenthood.  It's all about improving the gene pool liberal-progressive style since after all it is the liberal-progressives who have the most exulted genes, naturally born to rule the world, at least in their own neuron depraved (or is that deprived) minds.  And it works because too many of us are too busy earning a living to notice what is happening.  Well wake up and smell the sulfurous stench of hellfire that motivates these self-styled masters of us all.  Stop funding Planned Parenthood and cut the size of government before you discover what it's like to be enslaved.

Refer to the Countdown on the Right: Scroll Down If You Have To

We still have more than a year of this president's term to go.  I hope we survive the experience.  The next time you're tempted to vote for someone just because he looks good, or sounds good, at least check to see if he's ever done anything good.  We'd all have been spared an unpleasant experience.

Ken Cuccinelli In His Own Speak — He's the Real Deal!

Good News, Bad News: It's Your Fault!

The Difference Between Medicare and Social Security

SEE HERE It's simple really.  Social Security is a Ponzi scheme and Medicare is an income redistribution scheme.  The problem is that both are currently economically untenable without modification.

Being the Best You You Can Be! — A Call to Arete!

SEE HERE I never cared much for Steve Jobs.  I think I should admit that up front, sort of telling you where I'm coming from.  I don't like Bill Gates either.  But very few of us can be admired for all of our traits.  If we could I suppose we'd all be saints.  So facing up to the fact that we are all flawed in one way or another, it seems appropriate to remember that everyone is faceted with good facets and not so good facets.  Steve Jobs was a jerk in many ways but he had a gift for drawing excellence out of others.  Bill Gates is a jerk too in many ways but has a gift for seeing the long range impact of things.  He managed to see the impact of the operating system on the personal computer revolution and the impact of bundling word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software so that they interoperated easily.  There are a lot of people that are smart and never accomplish much.  There are fewer that are smart and have a gift for seeing a little into the future.  Charity includes acknowledging the good in someone while not forgetting the bad.  As Marc Anthony says in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar "The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones."  We should remember not just the evil but the good.

And You Thought the Republicans Were Conservative? — Silly You!

SEE HERE Erickson points out the obvious, that most of the so-called Conservatives in the Republican party are thinly disguised RINOs.  Wow!  Finally figured out that one!  Now for the hard part.  We have a double problem.  Part one is getting rid of the socialist collectivist progressive whatever you want to call him Narcissist in the White House bent on sinking the nation in a sea of unsustainable entitlements and debt that is already compressing our options, and part two, holding the so-called Conservatives feet to the fire to get them to man-up and actually start walking the walk and not just talking the talk.  Tough job!  Your nation and the future of your grandchildren depend on you being successful.