Tuesday, January 31, 2012
The Nation Is Already Lost — Can It Be Recovered?
SEE HERE Think about the implications of what Judge Napolitano says here. The very fact that these things can be done and have been done means that we are currently digging out from a very bad place assuming that we can. This is frankly scary stuff. We either take the country back from the forces of darkness and begin to turn things around or it's downhill from here.
You're Being Gamed In Florida
SEE HERE Thomas Sowell calls it as he sees it and it isn't pretty. The Republican establishment wants Romney because their previous candidates Bob Dole and John McCain did so well. The grassroots has had it, but they are not getting the message. I suppose that means we have to take them out, one RINO at a time. Meanwhile the country goes down the tubes with Thing1 or Thing2, Obama, or Obama-lite. Ask George Soros. He's been reassuring the Europeans that Romney is just like Obama. Wow! Really? I knew that, but apparently the Floridians don't yet, or hopefully they're tired of being gamed and will come out and bury Romney.
Let the Games Begin
Bread and circuses is the way historians often sum up how ancient Rome subdued the citizens. As the citizens of Rome paid more and more attention to their version of reality shows the Empire went downhill. We are on almost exactly the same path and it always goes to the same place.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Romney A Republican? Not Hardly ...
SEE HERE The Los Angeles Times reported that after Romney entered the '94 Senate
race, his wife Ann said: “We didn’t know a single Republican when we
jumped in.” — Read the rest and ask yourself if this sounds like any kind of a real Republican. This guy is as phony as a three dollar bill.
Evil Is Alive and Well In the World and In the Courts
SEE HERE Welcome to the mentality of the left that sees killing as therapeutic. They will be coming for you soon enough. Get rid of the liberal mindset that actually hatches this kind of immoral evil.
The Future of Education? — The Internet Is Changing Everything!
SEE HERE This and much much more is changing the landscape of education. Where it will all end up is anyone's guess, but it looks like educational opportunity may open up to anyone with a will to succeed and get the instruction they need.
Is the System Hopelessly Corrupt? — It Seems to Be a Tossup!
SEE HERE A little more on the Georgia affair. Will Barack Obama qualify to be on the Georgia ballot? We'll find out soon but the thugs are likely out in force.
Is the Republican Establishment Going After Allen West?
SEE HERE I don't know anything about Florida politics but I do know a little about redistricting games since I seen them played by both sides in a number of states where I've lived. This certainly looks like an intentional marginalization of a very popular and very Conservative and outspoken Congressman who has been developing a national audience. The RINOs are always at it. They can't let those uppity Conservatives get too far off the leash or they might actually start exercising some power. Horrors!!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Facebook Group Wants to Protest the Primary Choice
SEE HERE The name of the group is VIRGINIA vs GOP! Vote Paul Today; Vote Newt in NOV! I joined and that's exactly what I hope to do. I'm really really tired of a bunch of RINO Republican hacks dictating to the rank and file grassroots who we can vote for. The always seem to serve up Demoncrat-lite losers and they usually lose too. We need to fix the system because it is clearly broken.
George Soros Counsels Europeans Not to Worry Since There Is Little Difference Between Obama and Romney
SEE HERE Well now this is a hoot! I can't imagine Republican voters being impressed by a George Soros recommendation like this. We should probably make sure everyone gets a gander of it. If there's not much difference between Romney and Obama why bother to get out of bed on election day?
The Agenda to Restore America to Sanity
Our problems are not the people but the special interests system. Newt Gingrich articulates the goals for his administration. Listen and see if it doesn't resonate with every American.
Speaking Truth to Spin
SEE HERE Telling the truth about Newt Gingrich. The amount of outright distortion and lying is discouraging in our national politics. It is a measure of the decline in honor and ethics generally that politicians so often resort to outright lying. The media is full of disinformation and spin and facts are at a premium. You can almost assume without knowing that anything negative is distorted and likely a lie. But then often enough things that sound positive have also been distorted. It seriously complicates the search for honorable men. There are way too few of them. MORE
Cain Offers Nine Positives for Endorsing Gingrich
SEE HERE I'm supporting Gingrich. I was supporting Cain. I want conservative innovative solutions to turn back the socialism tide. If we don't turn it back we will be overwhelmed and the nation will likely not recover. That's just the way I see it. Maybe that's too negative, but I'm personally very optimistic and cheerful as a rule as people who know me can attest. It's troubling to me to see the nation on a track that seems so detrimental and unrecoverable. If you dive off a cliff and splatter on the rocks you don't get to try it again. The cliff seems to me to be very near.
Likely to Get Colder Before It Gets Warmer — A Lot Colder!
SEE HERE We need more CO2 if it really has much impact on global temperatures because the data suggests that it is going to get colder for a few more decades than warmer. All the recent climate alarmism about warming hasn't stood up even for a few years. It's the sun and water vapor not CO2 that are the dominant factors.
Call the Media On Their Lies
"Tell the Truth 2012" it's time we called the Liberal Media on their endless lies. The politics of personal destruction has to end. Talk about issues, real issues and stop just calling names and telling lies. Tell the truth. Be fair, honest, and honorable. Expose the liars and their left progressive biases. We're coming after you!
Vote Ron Paul In the Virginia Primary
SEE HERE The Virginia Primary is an ideal laboratory case to show how deeply disaffected the grassroots are with the GOP establishment. Vote Ron Paul and send them a message that we don't want to be gamed and we are tired of the long list of RINOs that the GOP establishment keeps putting up. It's enough to give credibility to the thought that the whole thing is just a charade.
If We Don't Change the Game Plan We Won't Save the Country
SEE HERE Sarah Palin speaks out plainly against the Republican establishment which is trying to nuck Newt Gingrich so that we can have another Demoncrat-lite as a candidate. We've been Bob Dole'd, John McCain'd, and in the past we've been Gerald Ford'ed and it's always turned out badly. Let's ignore the RINOs and fight like hell for a change of Game Plan.
What the Fed's Been Up To ...
SEE HERE Money is supposed to be a store of value and not a plaything for the anointed of the financial industry. Now that we know that we're being gamed maybe we'll do something about it.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Sober Science About Avoiding Heart Attacks
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn has been researching the causes of coronary heart disease. His findings are striking.
Speaking of Truth to Spin ... Newt's the Most Conservative Candidate In the Current Republican Field
SEE HERE I am outraged frankly by the lying and deceit of the Republican establishment who owe a lot to Newt Gingrich just for their existence. Newt Gingrich is the most Conservative candidate in the current Republican field, period. His long march to create a Republican majority, his support for Jack Kemp and later president Ronald Reagan was outstanding. Where were the rest of this crowd then? No-where to be found frankly. I join the grassroots Republicans who really have memories in supporting Newt Gingrich who is the only person that would actually do something significant if he were elected president. Can he beat Obama? Why do you think all the guns are directed his way from both the left and the Republican RINO establishment? They're afraid he can and I think he will!
Speaking Truth to Spin
SEE HERE In case you want to confront the global warming alarmist (isn't it amazing that they persist when all the real facts are against them) here's another arrow in your quiver. I've personally never seen something called "science" that is so dependent on computer models which are fudged to get the results they want. The global warming alarmists are on a political mission not a scientific one.
Rubio On Point ... Obama Wants to Divide Us Against Each Other
Straight talk. Obama is an Epic Fail!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Mark Levin Points Out the RINOs Are Lying About Gingrich
SEE HERE Should anyone be surprised that the RINOs Christie and Romney are lying about Gingrich? Hello, that's what RINOs do and the establishment in the Republican party are mostly RINOs because their only interest, just like the Demoncrats is power. Their strategy is and continues to be offer Democrat-lite and force the true Conservative grass roots to vote for a slower mounting of exactly the same big government nanny state strategy. Might as well not bother. We need real conservatives not this stupid nonsense that goes to the same place that Obama is driving us.
Obama Eligibility Case: Georgia
SEE HERE We shall see if the court has any guts. The evidence seems overwhelming and compelling that Obama is not eligible and that there is also sufficient doubt about his birth in Hawaii to open a full investigation. We'll see, however, if anyone has the guts to do it. Whichever way it goes will be interesting.
The question will all come down to whether anyone has the guts to say the emperor has no clothes. UPDATE ... No Guts! (too bad, I was hoping we'd see some fireworks)
The question will all come down to whether anyone has the guts to say the emperor has no clothes. UPDATE ... No Guts! (too bad, I was hoping we'd see some fireworks)
Reality 101
SEE HERE When 300,000 to 400,000 people converge on Washington to protest the outright murder of millions of citizens and the news media pays no attention then you know that the society is doomed. How long do we have? It's hard to tell but I'd guess that our judgment will be upon us within the present generation. The signs are there to be read. Let he who has eyes see and he who has ears hear the judgment that approaches.
Romney? No Way!
SEE HERE Romney is a disaster. He will strike out entirely with the grass roots who will see little difference between him and Obama and that will ensure that Obama wins. Romney cannot be allowed to win the Republican nomination because he's essentially a man without principles just like Obama. If he had principles he couldn't take the positions that he has.
Beyond Amused ... Hilariously Funny!
SEE HERE The idea that the in your face, snotty, vitriolic, abusive, snide, and vulgar news media thinks that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer was rude to their buddy Obama. Apparently they haven't been reading much of their own news about how the administration has been treating Arizona. Give me a break. And there's more ... Civility is in decline they moan. Perhaps before criticizing others they should put their own house in order. If they ever read scripture they'd possibly know the story about taking the beam out of your own eye before remonstrating your brother about the splinter in his eye. HERE IS THE LETTER
It goes on and on ... so the examples are endless. If you want more civility it's time to get rid of the liberals whose only talking point is how stupid you are and how wise they are. Don't ask for examples, that would be rude. MORE ON PRESIDENTIAL SNIT FITS
It goes on and on ... so the examples are endless. If you want more civility it's time to get rid of the liberals whose only talking point is how stupid you are and how wise they are. Don't ask for examples, that would be rude. MORE ON PRESIDENTIAL SNIT FITS
Notice the Pattern! — Is It Corruption or Stupidity?
SEE HERE This administration has a pattern of behavior that smells to high heavens of corruption. Maybe it's just incredibly poor judgment, but given the amounts of money involved generally and the cozy correlation with political contributions, I'm leaning towards corruption.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Children as Pawns in the Hands of Teachers
SEE HERE Actually this is very old news. The teacher's unions have been playing these kind of games for generations. The classroom has become a propaganda indoctrination center for left of center progressive brainwashing. Nothing new here, but the parents seem to ignore it so most students only recover when they are in their forties and the hard lessons of life are finally sinking in. By then it is largely too late.
Tea Party Druthers ...
SEE HERE Since I think the Tea Party represents those who seek to return the country to the vision of the founders this is a set of information that gives a lot of insight into how the candidates are viewed. Newt Gingrich is decidedly the most strongly supported by a wide margin. Since it was the Tea Party that gave the Republicans their current majority in the House of Representatives they can be ignored only at the peril of the party. The Tea Party is the grass roots and without the grass roots the Republicans will lose in November.
Every Child Left Behind — A National Disgrace
The solution to poor schooling is to get the government out of the way and give the responsibility back to the parents where it belongs in the first place. The public schools are an abysmal failure. Empowerment begins in the home!
Creating Non-Persons with the Stroke of a Pen
SEE HERE The United States is a divided nation. It is divided along many lines, but among the most fundamental is the line that enshrines the temple of pleasure and self-interest above the true and the good. It was not always so, and it is to be hoped that it will come to not be so again. But for now the long shadow of shame darkens the land and we stand under judgment for having failed our children.
Getting Serious ... or NOT!
SEE HERE The current staggering sequence of circular firing squads called the Republican debates are a surefire way to ensure that whatever candidate is finally nominated they are so laden with vitriol and manufactured slime that they will barely be standing and the NIC will roll them over since he has the complicit media fawning all over him all the time. Thomas Sowell points out the obvious here, but when is our politics going to get serious about real issues of freedom. Oddly enough Ron Paul ends up looking like a statesman compared to everyone else because he has largely avoided the politics of personal destruction, since after all he's likely been on the receiving end of more of it than most of the candidates. It's time to get serious and start talking about principles and issues and the abysmal record of the president.
Tennessee College Republicans Tell It Like It Is!
Listen up younger generation. You've been gamed and had. Tell the president "Game Over!"
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Five Nails In the Coffin of the Republic — The Flushing Sound You Hear Is the Dissolution of America
Michael Voris provides some insight into the moral collapse of the nation. The night is well advanced, the end is in sight. Good luck Christians. You had a chance but you seem to have blown it! SEE HERE for more from Les Femmes.
Meanwhile CO2 Elevation Would Be Great for Crops
SEE HERE What would happen with increased CO2? Well one thing is that crops would grow a lot better.
Let's Stop the Lying: Newt Gingrich Was Not Fined and There Was No Ethics Violation
SEE HERE I actually have a copy of the course that Newt Gingrich did. It was a great course and it wasn't political at all. It was about things like free enterprise and economics and history. It was very informative and helpful. Newt was attacked by the usual cast of liars the Demoncrats who managed to make a scene but never managed to make a case. Set the record straight. Mitt Romney in accusing Newt is playing like the usual Demoncrat (is that a surprise ... his policies in Massachusetts were pretty much Demoncrat). There was a good article on Godfather Politics that challenged the candidates to take a stand on real issue instead of engaging in a circular firing squad. What a concept! SEE HERE
The Insanity In The Schools Is Simply Beyond Belief
Are there any neurons actually firing in the minds of these incredibly stupid people that are in our public schools? The real solution is to shut down the public schools entirely. Any school system created and funded by parents directly would be far far better and the students might actually start learning something besides the propaganda they are exposed to by the public indoctrination centers.
This kind of thing is not only an outrage it is horrendously, over the top, stupid. Who are the people that put these policies in place? I think we should go back to having rifle teams in all the schools. My girlfriend and my sister were on rifle teams in public highschool. Instead of demonizing firearms we should be teaching firearm safety and familiarization. Responsible citizens are not unarmed citizens. Do you want to support tyranny, then just keep demonizing firearms so that when the tyrants rise up there will be no one to defend you.
This kind of thing is not only an outrage it is horrendously, over the top, stupid. Who are the people that put these policies in place? I think we should go back to having rifle teams in all the schools. My girlfriend and my sister were on rifle teams in public highschool. Instead of demonizing firearms we should be teaching firearm safety and familiarization. Responsible citizens are not unarmed citizens. Do you want to support tyranny, then just keep demonizing firearms so that when the tyrants rise up there will be no one to defend you.
Stossel on the SOTUA
SEE HERE How long does it take before people get the message that it is the government crushing the economy not the alleged greedy rich that actually earned what they have. Government is in the business of crushing innovation through regulation and manipulation, high taxes and subsidies to pet projects to fund their cronies. It's time for a change.
Tea Party Citizens Response to the SOTUA with Herman Cain
We the people are coming! We're up against Goliath but we will be David. The Tea Party will continue to redefine the landscape. The people are coming!
Common Sense from Thomas Sowell
SEE HERE A little good advice on ignoring the ignorant. We are surrounded by people who have not idea at all how economics works. We are always being overwhelmend with people who operate on "zero-sum-game" theory which has nothing to do with reality, as if somehow wealth is piled up somewhere and when the wealthy have theirs there is less for the rest of us. That's not true. Wealth is produced in quantities proportional to the efforts of people who produce it in all its myriad forms. If the zero-sum-game thinking were true we'd all have become destitute long ago probably around the time of the cave men. It's just nonsense, but it sounds plausible to those know-nothings that have never bothered to think about it. "Ignore the Wookie!" is what we say at our house when someone says something too stupid to react to.
The BS About the Pipeline Thing ... In Case You Wondered?
SEE HERE This is too good a point not to mention. The whole pipeline thing that Obama is squelching is such total BS the question is why aren't people making more of a stink about it? Talk about pandering to the green airheads.
State of the Union: Lame Excuses
SEE HERE The Democrats are not leading. The idea that the problem is that the rich are too rich doesn't get to the core of the problem. The core of the problem is lack of real leadership and the crazy idea that all solutions originate in Washington and require your money take a round trip there until some small fraction returns to rest in your pocket while the rest enriches a growing army of bureaucrats. Lame and epic fail!
"President Obama's class warfare, his commitment to raising taxes, increasing regulation and his failed ideology make his vision for America one of the most radical in our history. The vision he describes is for fundamentally changing our country." — Newt Gingrich
"President Obama's class warfare, his commitment to raising taxes, increasing regulation and his failed ideology make his vision for America one of the most radical in our history. The vision he describes is for fundamentally changing our country." — Newt Gingrich
“Actions speak louder than words and unfortunately the President’s rhetoric is not matched by the actions of his Administration over the past three years in dramatically increasing government spending, government regulations and the size of the federal bureaucracy. Quite simply we cannot tax and spend our way out of this crisis and yet it is more of these same failed policies that President Obama laid out tonight. In stark contrast to President Obama’s agenda, House Republicans remain committed to pro-growth policies such as reining in our skyrocketing deficit spending which discourages investment, limiting the size of government by reducing costly and burdensome regulations which are hurting our small businesses, removing unnecessary barriers to domestic energy production which would provide us with significant access to new energy supplies with the twin goals of energy independence and the creation of millions of American jobs, and enacting meaningful tax reform which would help to generate economic expansion.” — Bob Goodlatte R-Congressman 6th district of Virginia
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The Murder of Unborn Children Is Evil
Those that support abortion are in league with evil. There is no legitimate reason to kill innocent human beings born or unborn. The news media is part of the problem because they conspire to keep the evil alive.
Of Course It's the Sun Stupid!
SEE HERE The IPCC discounting of the sun as a major climate driver is just stupid, and it is obviously stupid. You have to wonder how ordinary people with any common sense sign up for this stuff. I supposed it's a sign that scientists have some credibility, although if they keep saying and proposing stupid things they won't for long. The sun has to be the single most important contribution to climate because it is the primary driver. We'd all be dead in short order were the sun to decide to go out. The interaction of the sun with the earth operates on quite a few levels ranging from the specific energy output to the effects of the solar wind on the earth's magnetosphere and hence interactions with incoming high energy charged particles. There are always those who imagine they fully understand the systems involved. It's doubtful. There is still much to be discovered.
Writing Off Ann Coulter
SEE HERE Not sure why, but Ann Coulter is no longer a reliable conservative voice. She seems to have gone over to the dark side. Perhaps she's just revealing her true colors. One doesn't know, but she's sold out to the Romney forces and apparently is for sale. I'll probably still put up the occasional Coulter piece if she makes valid points, but I no longer consider her reliable as a voice for Conservative principles. Too bad. We need all the spokespersons we can get.
This Is An Oldie ... But So What? It's Still Incredible
Here we have the reality of the phony baloney we've been fed continually by the administration. Infrastructure? This is just blowing money and pretending you're doing something good with it that will help American workers. What hypocrisy!
Fascinating Break from Politics
Biblical roots in Chinese writing ... I read a book about this once and it was fascinating.
Fred Thompson Endorses Newt Gingrich
SEE HERE Newt's the only one with any fire in his belly and with the ideas and support to push them through. We need to mount a Conservative grassroots campaign to support a move back to more limited government.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Gingrich Was Exonerated of the Democrat's Ethics Charges
Typical phony charges by the Democrats. I have a video tape collection of this class and it was outstanding and had nothing to do with politics. I was stunned when this charge was made. It is typical of how the Democrats behave. They are scum! Things like this are why I don't even consider voting for a Democrat. We need a new party to replace these bottom feeders.
Why Romney's A Loser ... It's Not Even Close
SEE HERE Plastic and hollow about says it all. Kate Obenshain had this link on her Facebook status so I'm posting it here. Oh, did I say that Romney was plastic and hollow ... that probably exaggerates his appeal. Can we get back to someone with fire in his belly and a real message. I'll go with Ron Paul before I go with Romney and I don't much care for Ron Paul.
Judge Informs Barack Obama That His Eligibility to Be On the Georgia Ballot Is the Business of the State
This gets more and more interesting! Why is the president so resistant if he has nothing to hide?
Conscience ... What Conscience? The Obama Administration is Unconscionable
SEE HERE In case you wondered if slavery had gone out of style, the news is that it hasn't it's just now Federally mandated submission to immorality and evil. The government has not official cross the line from being a collaborator with evil to being directly evil. Men and women of conscience cannot obey this law. The government has crossed the line!
The Emerging Police State — Do You Feel Safer? I Don't!
SEE HERE Senator Rand Paul apparently refused a pat down after a full body scan was performed. That sounds like harassment to me. TSA and Homeland Security are out of control like the rest of the Federal establishment under the Obama administration. It's time, long past time, for a change back towards limited government. Who the hell do these people think they are? The government is supposed to protect us and not harass us. It isn't as if Rand Paul is anonymous. These clowns probably knew exactly what they were doing and having fun pushing a U.S. senator around.
The U.S. Constitution actually protects federal lawmakers from detention while they’re on the way to the capital.
“The Senators and Representatives…shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same….” according to Article I, Section 6.
The U.S. Constitution actually protects federal lawmakers from detention while they’re on the way to the capital.
“The Senators and Representatives…shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same….” according to Article I, Section 6.
Some Things Are Too Much Fun Not To Pass On
SEE HERE Awesomely weird houses are fun and here are a ton of them. This one, the Steel House drew me in and then the rest of the cool houses kept me browsing about.
It's Called Total Irresponsibility — Democrat for Short
SEE HERE A thousand days without a budget ... Is this the fiscal responsibility that the Democrats offer? This is why we're in trouble. The people running the show are irresponsible and hell-bent on bringing the system down. Trillions for stupidity but not one cent for sanity. There is no-one at the wheel and the waterfall looms.
Proof of Stupidity Is Voting for Obama in 2012 After You Know What You Got the First Time
"People with Obama 2012 on their bumpers are a threat to the gene pool." — Allen West. Fight for all Americans and stop liberal racism in America.
Dumb and Dumber ...
SEE HERE I've often taken the position that the biggest problem we have is caused by the fact that people are so economically ignorant. They quite literally believe that money grows on trees ... the government just prints it and magic occurs and everyone can be employed or not as they like. The food will magically appear in the grocery stores, the fuel will magically appear at the pumps, cars will magically roll off the assembly lines, and everyone will live the good life and no-one really has to work. Wow! What a delusion! But that's what it comes down to. That isn't just a misunderstanding about economics, it's a sheer commitment to stupidity. Do they teach people anything in the schools? Apparently not if they can believe that a government job is ever productive of anything but trouble. The bigger the government becomes the more your freedom shrinks until finally everyone is both poor and enslaved. That's the reality, but do we actually have to go there or isn't reading about it as it has happened before in the history books enough? Oh, I guess that means you have to have read the history books. Epic Fail!
An Awesome List of Presidential Firsts
Who said Obama hasn't done anything? Below is an impressive list of accomplishments! AND, a lot of "Firsts!"
First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
First President to violate the War Powers Act.
First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
First President to defy a Federal Judges court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law.
First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.
First President to spend a trillion dollars on shovel-ready jobs when there was no such thing as shovel-ready jobs.
First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those with criminal convictions.
First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
First President to terminate Americas ability to put a man in space-defunded NASA.
First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
First President to tell a major manufacturing company (Boeing) in which State they are allowed to locate a factory.
First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.
First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 90 to date & counting.
First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.
First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.
First President to not know how to properly pronounce Navy 'corpsman'.
First President to go on multiple global apology tours-including bowing to foreign rulers.
First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends; paid for by the taxpayer.
First President to say that America was not a Christian nation.
First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) just for his wife.
First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
So how is this hope and change working out for ya? Don't you feel better now?
First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
First President to violate the War Powers Act.
First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
First President to defy a Federal Judges court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law.
First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.
First President to spend a trillion dollars on shovel-ready jobs when there was no such thing as shovel-ready jobs.
First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those with criminal convictions.
First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
First President to terminate Americas ability to put a man in space-defunded NASA.
First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
First President to tell a major manufacturing company (Boeing) in which State they are allowed to locate a factory.
First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.
First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 90 to date & counting.
First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.
First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.
First President to not know how to properly pronounce Navy 'corpsman'.
First President to go on multiple global apology tours-including bowing to foreign rulers.
First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends; paid for by the taxpayer.
First President to say that America was not a Christian nation.
First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) just for his wife.
First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
So how is this hope and change working out for ya? Don't you feel better now?
A Base In Revolt — What the Republicans Need!
SEE HERE Red State's Erickson nails this. It sure fits my perspective. I see the Republican Establishment as the problem and the grassroots Conservatives as the solution. To advance we need to remove the Establishment, the whole bunch, Democrats and Democrat-lite Republicans. If we cannot restore the republic then we have to at least bring the issue to a head. Failing that is an epic Fail.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
If You Wonder Why Your Children Don't Know Anything This Might Help
The world as presented by propagandists for Islam. But of course they don't know American history.
If the Republicans Won't Support Conservatives Then They Won't Survive
The Republicans are currently a failed party. They are ignoring the grassroots and shortly the grassroots will start ignoring them. The grassroots are the Republican party activists and support system. Without them there will be no Republican establishment so the Republican establishment needs to start listening and stop pretending that the Tea Party is a fringe movement. The Tea Party is the voice of the Founders and without honoring that voice there will be no republic to be a Republican in.
Ron Paul? — Unelectable? Wishful Thinking from the Establishment!
This is a pretty funny and insightful piece that shows up quite a few of the talking heads for the bozos they are. It also shows how biased and unobjective they are. It's sad that this is how those who claim to bring us the news routinely behave. I'm not a big fan of Ron Paul, but give the man his due. The part where they just left him out because he was second was totally outrageous.
Civilization In Decline — Steep, Perhaps Irretrievable
SEE HERE Is Western Civilization a sinking ship or has it already sunk?
Astonishing Obama Campaign Ad
Wow ... I just saw an Obama presidential campaign ad which was a string of lies from beginning to end. Very polished but totally untruthful. Looks like the era of the big lie has not ended. The Nazis did it. The Stalinists did it. It looks like the Democrats are going to do it. Is that a surprise? Well not a big one, but this early and this totally deceitful ... well that's a surprise! When I can find a video of it, I'll put it up. ... Here it is ... if you believe this I have a bridge in Brooklyn I can let you have cheap ...
Risky Research — When Is The Danger Too Great?
SEE HERE Pandemics can result from biological research if it is not conducted very very carefully. Worse is the fact that publication of the methods and results could still be used by people who seek to destroy others. It is a difficult problem because ignorance isn't a solution.
Pay Attention Or We're Coming For You!
SEE HERE The roar is passion! Conservatives are aching for candidates that will fight back. We are not going to continue to be marginalized by the left that is destroying the country and smugly acting like it is their way or the highway. We are not going to be marginalized by having the country-club Republicans tell us who can win and why their way is better and less contentious. It is time to fight back or lose the nation entirely. Ken Cuccinelli has it exactly right when he quotes Ronald Reagan:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." — Ronald Reagan
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." — Ronald Reagan
Hard Money — What a Concept!
SEE HERE Shouldn't money be as "good as gold"? Well it likely can be if we return to a standard pegged to hard commodities. The question is how to do it and how to do it in a way that is stable and sustainable. It's likely not easy since the American economy has become addicted to inflation. Real growth requires real productivity advances not phony inflation driven perceptions. Making more money that is worth less is a royal road to delusion.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
It's Time To Take The Fight To Obama
SEE HERE Newt wins in South Carolina and let's start taking the fight to Obama. The issue is the lousy job he has done and the failure of Democrat vision and performance. He lied when he was elected and has done nothing to meet the promises he made during his campaign. It's time to make him accountable for the worst presidency ever!
This is Fun! — If you don't show up is that contempt of court?
SEE HERE We need to settle this natural born citizen thing. In the meantime it's pretty funny. I hope there's a finding that keeps Obama off the ballot in one or more states. That should get everyone's attention. Maybe then we'd get a real legal opinion and we'll be able to tell how the Supreme Court wiggles their way out of it.
Reagan versus Carter ... Next Should be Gingrich versus Obama
Listen! Has anything changed? It's time to go back to Ronald Reagan's common sense.
The contrast is stunning. Do you want to be a slave of government, just keep voting for Democrats.
Mia Love Running for Congress in Utah
We need more people who understand freedom means not getting handouts and instead working to achieve your dreams. You don't remain free if you develop a habit of dependency. So don't, just don't.
Michael Reagan Endorses Gingrich
SEE HERE I guess I should say why I support Newt Gingrich. It isn't very complicated. Newt Gingrich is the only one in the race that has ever fought the good fight as a conservative and won, period! I originally supported Herman Cain, a successful black business man without Washington ties, because I really wanted someone independent. Well the Demoncrats worked their selective bimbo magic that only apparently sticks to Republicans since Democrats are generally immune despite far more egregious bimbo outbreaks. Gingrich has his own problems with the ladies but it's a good sign that his daughters support him. He has both Todd and Sarah Palin endorsing him, a prominent evangelical,Tim LaHaye, author of the Left Behind series and now Michael Reagan. That's a better list of conservative folks than any other I've heard.
Newt has solid credentials and he's the real reason that Bill Clinton's budget balanced something the Democrats never cease crowing about. Newt's biggest problem is that his fellow Republicans were in many cases just Democrats in disguise, so he couldn't pull off as much as he otherwise might have. If we can give Newt a congress, a senate, and the presidency then we have a chance, a slim one maybe, to roll back this train wreck that Barack Obama has set in motion. Good luck America! else R.I.P.
Newt has solid credentials and he's the real reason that Bill Clinton's budget balanced something the Democrats never cease crowing about. Newt's biggest problem is that his fellow Republicans were in many cases just Democrats in disguise, so he couldn't pull off as much as he otherwise might have. If we can give Newt a congress, a senate, and the presidency then we have a chance, a slim one maybe, to roll back this train wreck that Barack Obama has set in motion. Good luck America! else R.I.P.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Krauthammer on the 1% Candidate
SEE HERE If Krauthammer has it right then nominating Mitt Romney would be to play directly into the Democrat narrative, a recipe for defeat. I tend to agree. Romney is a plastic figure on the political scene. He is a man, who if he has values, finds them all too easy to negotiate away as proven by his track record. Politics is the art of the possible, so we should expect successful candidates to be flexible, but not so flexible as to bargain away core principles. Mitt Romney just doesn't make that gate.
Do We Actually Have A Race Now?
SEE HERE With Rick Santorum now recognized as the winner in Iowa and Rick Perry dropping out of the race and endorsing Newt Gingrich and the prospect of a close or a winning race for Gingrich in South Carolina we may well have a real race developing. I am soooooo.... not for Romney. I personally think a Romney nomination would guarantee four more years of the Narcissist In Charge (NIC) and he would likely destroy the country or at least leave it in a shambles
Politics of Personal Destruction May Backfire!
Well I certainly hope that Sarah Palin is right on this. Newt Gingrich's divorce is very old news and whatever the merits or demerits of it as an issue it is interesting that the media only plays it on Republicans. When it's a Democrat whose behavior is less than entirely wholesome the excuse is trotted out that it is a personal matter. John Kennedy for example or Bill Clinton more recently are examples of philanderers who got a pass from the media but Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich, their alleged transgressions are another story. It would be a breath of fresh air to see the media actually concentrate in a responsible way on real issues. Unfortunately to concentrate on real issues you have to actually understand them which might be asking a lot from a tabloid media.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Limbaugh Speculates About ABC Gaming the Primaries
SEE HERE Many years ago I was the first page editor of my high school newspaper. We were taught that good journalism tried to be objective and that our job was to report the news not influence it. Sometime in the 1960s all that changed and the journalists got infected with the idea that they should interpret the news for we poor benighted ignorant imbeciles that they wrote newspapers for. Shortly after that it was no longer interpretation but spin and advocacy and "news making" somehow not only couldn't we interpret the news, we didn't even need to know what really happened only what we were supposed to think. Newspapers are hardly even useful to wrap fish in anymore and the broadcast media are worse. The best you can do these days is try to integrate the spin in the hopes that the average will be something approximating the truth.
How Much Is Your Freedom Worth?
SEE HERE George Will isn't my favorite columnist but he hits often enough that he's a must read. The usual liberal gnats I've written off long ago. They can usually be told by the vapidity of their headlines which usually trigger an advance shudder since you know it's just more liberal spin. Here though Will focuses in on a real threat to freedom, the criminalization of ordinary activity. Taking pictures could indeed be terrorist “pre-operational surveillance”. But it is actually more likely that it is just a citizen taking pictures. The increase in numbers of relatively inexpensive cameras that take high quality pictures it causing an explosion of picture taking activity. Just check out the Facebook pictures statistics if you doubt me. The road to serfdom is paved with good intentions. Actually my mom said "hell" but serfdom is probably on the same road.
Thomas Sowell — A Continuing Dialogue
SEE HERE Moral melodrama created and constructed as the myth of discrimination or the myth of genetic inferiority, when in fact a far simpler reason, rather obvious, is all along in front of the anointed — the fact of circumstances such as isolation, environmental austerity and connection with other cultures. What is a surprise really is that the anointed so rarely look at what is right in front of them.
Political Chess — Strategic Considerations
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The Double Standard In the Media — Very Old News!
SEE HERE Funny how the media never seems to do this with Democrats.
Arrogance and Stupidity Win Again!
SEE HERE I'm not sure who this president is working for but it sure isn't the American people. Every move he makes seems calculated to bring about the worst possible result. How long is it going to take the American people to wake up and take this guy's job away?
You Get What You Work For
SEE HERE Thomas Sowell points out the obvious which is that all college degrees are not created equal. Is that a big surprise? It shouldn't be, but maybe to those who have never bothered to think about it, perhaps it is. I have always told my children to learn how to do something that is hard and in demand and you'll never want for a job. If it's in demand but easy then the pay will not be good although at least you'll be employed. If it is hard but not in demand, then you probably won't have a job but if you do it will likely pay fairly well. When both conditions are present you are never unemployed and you're always paid well. The other rule is that it should be something you enjoy. Nothing beats all three.
There Is Something Truly Sick About Liberals
SEE HERE I think Newt Gingrich's point was crystal clear and not at all racist. Dependency kills! It kills initiative, it kills self-confidence, it kills integrity, it is a sickness when it is widespread and ultimately it diminishes and withers away a people. That's Gingrich's point and it's an obvious and true one. But not to a liberal, not to a progressive. With them only they are anointed with the power to read the souls of men and in anyone that is not of their stripe, and a statement which doesn't follow their roadmap must have dark motives and be sick to the core. But the sickness is in their minds. They see evil and hate in everyone who does not agree with them. They freely condemn and chastise any that don't approve of their particular subordination of others. They want to spread their sickness throughout society until only they are the masters and that's sick. The only historical precedents are totalitarian in nature. They reject the notion that work frees people to be whatever they seek to be and dependence enslaves. They are either malicious or stupid and I'm inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt and accept stupid as the answer but you can't rule out the alternative.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Newt On Work — Stupid Racist Accusations
Work is not a dirty word. We need to change the perception that work is somehow degrading. How did that ever get started? Work is something only man can do. It is among the gifts men have to work in creative ways to create things and accomplish things. When I was in school the good Jesuits taught us that there was a difference between labor and work and that what we were enjoined was not to labor on Sunday because labor was doing brute work at the level of an animal, simply exerting muscle power while work was exercising your humanity. That lesson stuck with me because I think the distinction is a good one. We need to restore the work ethic that says that we are empowered not by leisure but by work, not by loafing but by creating. Newt gets it which is one of the reasons that I like Newt.
Stop! — Just Stop Being Gamed to Death
SEE HERE Joseph Sobran's epithet that the Republicans are the "stupid party" never ceases to amaze me as to its accuracy. The Republicans are always being gamed by the Democrats and the game is stupid from the get-go! Not only that but the game rarely changes, so that you can imagine Democrats laughing in back rooms as they get ready to play it again. It's time to change the rules and insist at least that the game be played in accordance with the existing rule book, the Constitution. The never ending chain of continuing resolutions has to stop and the Republicans have to learn that no Democrat can ever be trusted to keep a promise. FOLLOW UP It's not like the Republicans have the excuse that they don't know what is going on!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Why Does Anyone Believe a Democrat?
SEE HERE Remember how we were told that it's all Bush's fault, the deficit, the war, anything that the Democrats didn't like? When after almost four years in office can anyone hear the wails from the Democrats about how their man is spending too much money? Instead they wail about those meany Republicans who keep resisting raising the budget ceiling while the Congress has not passed a budget since Obama took office but he's still managed to bloat the deficit by more than Bush did in his entire term in office.
I guess other people's money doesn't mean much to Democrats. Just spend and spend! But the difficulty comes when the borrowing which that spending depends on drys up because no-one wants to lend money to an entity that can be counted on not to pay it back. We are bankrupt and just keep sailing along towards the precipice as if nothing is happening. The Democrats will play their tried and true solution and blame it on Bush, the Republicans, Congress ... anyone but those that did it. The tragic thing is that their blind followers will repeat the mantra with righteous indignation because that's all they know how to do having been lobotomized by the progressive left in schools that do not teach only indoctrinate. Wake up, step up, speak out while there still may be time!
I guess other people's money doesn't mean much to Democrats. Just spend and spend! But the difficulty comes when the borrowing which that spending depends on drys up because no-one wants to lend money to an entity that can be counted on not to pay it back. We are bankrupt and just keep sailing along towards the precipice as if nothing is happening. The Democrats will play their tried and true solution and blame it on Bush, the Republicans, Congress ... anyone but those that did it. The tragic thing is that their blind followers will repeat the mantra with righteous indignation because that's all they know how to do having been lobotomized by the progressive left in schools that do not teach only indoctrinate. Wake up, step up, speak out while there still may be time!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Newt Summarizes Why Romney Is Not A Conservative — He's A Closet Democrat (Obama-lite)
SEE HERE We can't have Romney and when the smoke clears that leaves Newt Gingrich someone who is conservative and has a track record to prove it. Ron Paul is probably perceived as too radical to win and Santorum just doesn't have the gravitas.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
The Monkey Parable
If you start with a cage containing five monkeys and inside the cage, hang
a banana on a string from the top and then you place a set of stairs
under the banana, before long a monkey will go to the stairs and climb
toward the banana.
As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray all the other monkeys with cold water. After a while another monkey makes an attempt with same result ...
all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.
Now, put the cold water away.
Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs. To his shock, all of the other monkeys beat the crap out of him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original five monkeys, replacing it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment...with enthusiasm.
Then, replace a third original monkey with a new one, followed by a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs. Neither do they know why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.
Finally, having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, none of the monkeys will try to climb the stairway for the banana.
Why, you ask? Because in their minds...that is the way it has always been!
This, my friends, is how Congress operates... and is why, from time to time,
all of the monkeys need to be REPLACED AT THE SAME TIME!
As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray all the other monkeys with cold water. After a while another monkey makes an attempt with same result ...
all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.
Now, put the cold water away.
Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs. To his shock, all of the other monkeys beat the crap out of him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original five monkeys, replacing it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment...with enthusiasm.
Then, replace a third original monkey with a new one, followed by a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs. Neither do they know why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.
Finally, having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, none of the monkeys will try to climb the stairway for the banana.
Why, you ask? Because in their minds...that is the way it has always been!
This, my friends, is how Congress operates... and is why, from time to time,
all of the monkeys need to be REPLACED AT THE SAME TIME!
Ron Paul — An Analysis!
Ron Paul is gathering momentum as people see that he's the only Republican alternative that has real fire in his belly and a solid base. Without another candidate emerging it's increasingly looking like Ron Paul or Mitt Romney and Romney has no real base. May you live in interesting times!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Follow the Data — Easterbrook Unpacks It For You
SEE HERE Global warming, global cooling, global warming, global cooling ... it's called a cycle and it's happened 27 times in the past 400 years as we climb out of the Little Ice Age. It has nothing to do with CO2. Those who visit this blog often have heard me rail before about data. If you want to present a scientific position there is only one method and that is show the data. The global warmists can't do that. They don't have any data. What they have is climate models they hoked up to make the case that the agenda demands. That's not science, it's fraud. If you write models the proper procedure is to validate them with real data and show they work by successfully projecting future results. Our climate modelers have instead cherry picked their proxies and created phony feedbacks in their models to get the result they wanted. Their models don't validate. Bunk is bunk! HERE's a link to some discussion on the possible cause of the Little Ice Age. There are also a lot of links that I found attacking Easterbrook. I'll let Easterbrook stand on his own two feet at HIS WEB SITE which contains links to lots of his papers. PAPER WITH DATA
Stop Romney!
SEE HERE Well that's the ticket ... If Mitt Romney isn't stopped then we'll be facing another boring, who cares, Tweedledee-Tweedledum liberal versus liberal-lite election and the republic will continue going down the drain.
We Must Win The Congress
SEE HERE The Congress is where money is allocated and where bills begin. It is essential that we capture both houses of congress. The Executive needs to be firmly bound by the people's houses, both houses. We must begin to roll back the dangerous and ultimately disastrous growth of the Federal government. It must begin and every effort must be made until either we win or go down fighting because our children and their children's freedom depends on it.
E-Cat And The World Changes Under Your Feet
SEE HERE Is this real? I think we're going to find out soon. If it is then the world has just changed. This is monumental whether it is true or false. If true it is like the discovery of the steam engine or even the discovery of fire. If it is not true then it is one of the biggest scams in the history of scams. The E-Cat emerges from the much maligned cold-fusion discoveries of Fleischmann and Pons. Andrea Rossi, an Italian inventor and entrepreneur, claims to have invented a reliable device to deliver power using the cold fusion process. SEE HERE for some comments by Rossi in the responses to this JONR article.
Ron Paul The Big Story Out Of New Hampshire
SEE HERE Charles Krauthammer tells it like it is. Ron Paul may never see the promised land, but he is gaining more and more legitimacy for his Libertarian views within the Republican party and may well influence the nomination. Someone has to resist the Leviathan state and Paul is fighting the good fight. You have to respect that and recognize that it is a battle that needs to be fought and won.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Economic Reality And Hybrid Cars
SEE HERE As long as they cost so much more there is no economic advantage to buying a hybrid. The whole thing is a green delusion. The all electric cars are even worse. Where do they think electricity comes from?
Capitalism? Romney? Give Me a Break!
SEE HERE The claim that criticizing Romney's actions at Bain is a no-no because it is attacking a Republican from the Left is nonsense. Romney's been attacking his Republican opponents from the Left. But more to the point, something that hasn't really been focused on and should be is how "free market" any of Bain's moves really were and how many were secured by the government. If you want a free market you have to get government meddling out of the equation in large measure. Romney is just another big government RINO and a rather unprincipled one at that.
This Is Insanity Brought To You By the EPA
SEE HERE Dumb and dumber ... It's time to shut down the EPA, an organization that exercises a non-constitutional mandate anyway. The various states are perfectly capable of handing the environment and the EPA is demonstrating that it isn't and worse it doesn't even meet the most basic "smell" test as it's mandates increasingly are irrational and without sound logic or science. Close them down. All they do is cost us jobs and make things more expensive and generally less effective.
Dr. James David Manning Expects A Second Civil War
I have listened to Dr. Manning off and on trying to decide if he is just a nut or whether he is a serious and insightful commentator on the underlying dynamics of the nation especially along the racial fault line that continues to be sore through the insistence that racism is alive and well in America. Manning has often sounded extraordinarily radical and at other times he has been prescient, so I'm decidedly on the fence. He's always worth listening to if just to experience his confident predictions and colorful way of expressing them.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Republicans Damaging Each Other With Friendly Fire
SEE HERE Ronald Reagan had a rule he called the eleventh commandment which was to say nothing bad about other Republicans. The current crop can't seem to keep from committing hari-kari on each other which is clearly damaging the brand. That's of course what the Democrats and the media pseudo-objective freaks want, a circular firing squad to soften up the opposition for Obama. It's too bad really. I think it would be much more interesting to have debates about principles and ideas instead of these tedious media circuses. Why do the Republicans let this happen? Can't they organize their own debates and pick more objective folks that won't ask inane and frankly insane questions?
Oliver North On Our Iranian Strategy — Planning to Destroy Israel
"Never Again" is the motto that Israel emblazons everywhere. They will not stand by as Iran develops and fields nuclear weapons to exterminate them. Meanwhile the Iranians have seized an American former marine and accused him of spying for the CIA although he was in the country to visit his relatives. Now they have condemned him to death. President Obama has no rational Middle East policy.
The Real Bigots Are The Ones That Suspended Buchanan
SEE HERE Don't speak your mind in the presence of the abortion loving, liberal progressives if you want to keep your job in the media. These bigots don't tolerate disagreement with their ideas. They know they're right because ... well because ... hmmm... well just because they said so, that's why. I'm not sure it matters though. Does anyone still watch MSNBC?
Putting the Lie to the "Glaciers Are Shrinking" Mantra
SEE HERE We're still warming up a little from the little ice age but we're likely going to start cooling again. We've been in a cooling trend at least since around 2000 so it is really ironic that we are even having this global warming nonsense. It's all a scam to tax and spend and run the cost of energy up. There is scarcely a whit of real science behind it. This little article shows how the spin works.
The Inauthenticity of Mitt Romney
SEE HERE I'm sorry ... Mitt Romney is not a real person. He's created by a matter replicator each morning with the views resulting from polls taken the night before. He doesn't sleep. Instead he is disassembled by a transporter and stored overnight in the transporter's pattern buffer which slight modifications are made to allow for any changes in the electorate that occur overnight. He isn't really a liar, because to be a liar you have to a) know the truth, and b) be seeking to mislead. The Romney-bot doesn't really know anything and hence is incapable of misleading. Like the Clinton-bot before him, he only seeks to be liked so that you will pull the lever or check the box come November and his masters can continue to control the system and they march it towards the precipice. Mitt Romney has an authentic inauthenticity problem, at least with me.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Birds of a Feather Flock Together
This should concern you at least a little. The whole political process is way too dominated by money and as a result it's all about cronyism and insider dealings. We need to break the cycle or we're doomed.
Developments in Virginia Primary
SEE HERE There seems to be a good chance that candidates other than just Romney and Paul may gain access to the Virginia primary ballot due to the fact that there is some expectation that the requirement that petition circulators be residents of the state may be found unconstitutional. In that case additional candidates will likely be added to the primary ballot.
The Perverted Political Agenda of the Left
Michael Voris lays it on the line. Freedom of speech includes freedom of religious speech. It's time that the liberals get over the idea that they can control the dialogue with their "condescending bluster" and bigotry. The United States doesn't have an established religion, not even liberal progressivism. I know that's a surprise to the liberals since they really don't talk to anyone but their own nodding and agreeing sycophants. Well guess what! There are Christians in the nation and they have freedom of speech too. Just think of that!
It's Nuts What The Government Has Been Doing Financially
The INSANITY of the liberal progressive spending. Congratulations idiots ... it isn't going to work, unless of course if your intention was that it not work but it crushes the United States, that wicked force in the world that you all hate. It sounds like it might work if you can keep everyone asleep but when the collapse starts they might notice.
President Obama Lives In A Delusion — The Idea That Anything He Has Done Has Worked
SEE HERE At a critical time in history, when the Middle East is fraught with danger and there is economic unrest in Europe and China is emerging as a naval power, our president thinks it's time to crush the military budget to mine it for his personal pet projects. This man needs to be removed before he destroys the country. MORE HERE
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