Thursday, May 31, 2012

Some Things You Just Can't Make Up

        The attack on women meme from the left is another example of liberal spin and nonsense.  No charge is too ridiculous, even those they are more guilty of than the right.  You just can't make this stuff up! 

So Who Is A Natural Born Citizen?

SEE HERE In Florida it may actually matter if Barack Obama is a "natural born citizen."  First the court has to establish what a "natural born citizen" is.  The prior law is a case in 1875 which found a natural born citizen to be a citizen both of whose parents are citizens.  On that definition Obama is ineligible to be president.

This Should Be An Impeachable Offense If It Isn't

SEE HERE Did I run this before or was it a different piece on the same subject?  I am seriously upset about the idea that the president of the United States sits down and decides who to assassinate.  Who made him God?  This guy needs to go and go soon and go to jail and serve a little hard time.  He has so lowered the respect and honor of the United States as to make us ashamed.  And yet there are those defending this monster.

The Insanity of the Left on Display: Is This Your Idea of Honest Discourse?

This is the kind of protesting you get.  Mindless zombies chanting slogans and pretending that they are engaging in some kind of meaningful social protest.  What we have here is thugs promoting mindlessness.  This is what the left is about.  This is the death of civilization.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

You Can't Fool Mother Nature

SEE HERE  The phrase "You Can't Fool Mother Nature" was at the core of a popular series of commercials for one of the butter substitutes if I recall correctly.  It was an advertising campaign that was all over the television.  The phrase popped into my mind as I read this scary stuff about the emerging realization that genetically modified crops, especially corn, may be putting us all at serious risk.  The scientists that produce these "miracle" modifications don't really know as much about what they are doing as they pretend and their assurances are being found to not only be false, but dangerously so.  Genetically modifying crops to be sterile or to generate pesticides sounds good on one level but when you consider that the biosphere is genetically active and not under human control, the potential modifications could move in surprising and dangerous directions.  Be aware.  Be informed.  When you eat something "unnatural" you may be opening yourself up to unexpected consequences.  The problem is that it is increasingly impossible not to be eating this stuff.

Blatant, Biased, News Filtering by Topic and Source

SEE HERE In case you wondered if the media was biased (who could doubt it, but some claim to) this story points up the bias rather dramatically.  Some outlets are almost the only ones reporting on some aspects of the political scene and WND is one of those that is giving conservative issues a voice.  But of course you can't cite WND and get your press release distributed ... Welcome to mind control!  It reminds me of "1984" and "Brave New World."

We Need A Real Opposition Party to Take Back the Country from Both the Republicans and the Demoncrats

SEE HERE Stand up and be counted or go down with the republic. It's that simple!

Judge, Jury and Executioner ... It's UnAmerican!

SEE HERE But of course as Charles Krauthammer points out it something that Obama thinks makes him look tough. I personally think it makes him look criminal. The sooner this guy is removed from office the sooner we can all breathe a little more freely while we seek ways to restore the republic.

A Challenge: What Is the Shroud of Turin?

One of the more obvious aspects of the shroud is that it clearly arises from a cloth wrapped body. Below you can see a trailer for "The Night of the Shroud" documentary and a video of John Jackson's demonstration of how the cloth wrapped the body of the man imaged on the shroud. Jackson was the leader of the 1978 Shroud of Turin Research Project which examined the shroud using scientific instruments for an unprecedented 120 hours. (five 24 hour days continuously)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fire or Ice? — The Solar Cycles

SEE HERE 60% of warming is sun related confirmed by predictive models normed in the past and projected forward. Who'd a'thunk it?

Accomplishments? What a Hoot!

Green Energy — Surrogate Graft and Corruption

No one can be this wrong this often.  My dad used to say it is just as hard to be wrong all the time and to be right all the time.  When you see something like this you know it is a set-up.  You're the patsy and Obama is paying off his cronies.  Too bad no-one bothered to vet this guy in the major news media before he waltzed on into the White House.  Now a lot of golf and a lot of vacations later we're a lot poorer and the hope is waning and the change is all for the worse.

The Reality — Painful Lessons of Narcissism

   Doesn't anyone have any sense in this administration? 

Where Is The Insanity Coming From?

SEE HERE Civilization is not something you get in your blood when you are born.  You have to be educated to civilization because underlying the patina of civilization is the naked ape surviving by his cunning in collaboration with his tribe.  Our education system no longer teaches virtue.  I guess that is too much like religion.  It lies to students about how excellent they are and everyone gets a trophy just for showing up.  But the reality is quite different.  Civilization is built on a tradition of values that have largely been forgotten.  When did you last hear about duty?  What does the word "honor" mean to you?  What is a virtue?  I'm reading C.S. Lewis's The Abolition of Man right now for a book club and Lewis is talking about objective values, what he characterizes as The Tao.  Our slick zombified pleasure saturated society no longer honors virtue or duty and it laughs at patriotism.  The death of our civilization will surely follow if it is not already too late.  MORE SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION

Some of the Biggest Fools On Earth are Educated

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell points out that "meaningful work" is largely a figment of the imagination of the over-education.  Some people seem to have lost their common sense as they acquire advanced degrees.  It may be that they have never actually done a hard day's work in their lives.

The Slimeballs of the Left

SEE HERE Yup!  The loonie-lefties are never satisfied and because they can't win on talking points they resort to intimidation.  This is why you can't trust the left.  They have no scruples, no principles, and no honor.  What would you expect from people whose only focus is power and control.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Recollections

Freedom Isn't Free!  Liberals don't get it.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Where's the Beef?

SEE HERE We have a clearly forged birth certificate released by the White House and all that Hawaii can offer to legitimize the president is a letter?  Can this charade be ended?  Let's see the microfilm.  One lie after another doesn't make any of this more reasonable.

And A Little Child Shall Lead Them

My sister put this up on her blog and it is so endearing that you just have to watch it.

Stand By for the Alien Invasion or Global Warming or Some Other Lie

SEE HERE Ok this is absurd.  The problem is you need someone to spend because the government has everyone scared to death of more regulation, higher taxes, and who knows what so Krugman offers the favorite solution of the left which never works, of spending money that they create out of thin air.  This story has been making the rounds since forever and it never has worked.  Cutting back on oppressive regulation and lowering the tax burder, that has always worked.  Go figure!  Stupidity must be in the koolaid Democrats drink.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Allen West Sends a Letter to the President

SEE HERE  Utter betrayal!  Allen West captures the situation succinctly.  This is a Commander In Chief to be remembered with shame.

By Their Enemies You Shall Know Them ...

SEE HERE Anyone criticized by Van Jones is probably going to end up on my good-guy list. This guy is seriously bad news. The problem is that the institutions he is supporting are seriously corrupt. He personally is a serious nut-job with marxist roots. WASHINGTON COMPOST

Friday, May 25, 2012

Ringer on Babbler Barack ...

SEE HERE What is the president doing when he opens his mouth?  (several answers might be appropriate) 1) preparing to insert his foot, 2) lying, 3) making noise, 4) It's Bush's fault, 5) stuttering if the teleprompter jitters 6) all of the previous.  It would be nice if the Democrat party would at least vet their candidates.

A New Beginning? ...

  SEE HERE  First civilian payload delivered to the International Space Station.  Hopefully this will usher in a new era in space travel.

Is Obama a Socialist? Do Bed-Bugs Bite? What?!

SEE HERE The usual gang of enablers always gets into high dudgeon when anyone says that Obama is a socialist or marxist. The fact that all of his associates growing up were marxists and socialist doesn't seem to get through to the Obama-zombie crowd. Here we find more evidence but as usual it is ignored and minimized and those that point it out are attacked and marginalized: "Move along ... nothing to see here!"

Welcome to Government By Intimidation

SEE HERE This is the kind of thing that is troubling. Government is supposed to be our servant not our master. Here is a citizen that is responding to an inappropriate characterization by a government official by trying to contact the official and talk to them about it. The response? Intimidation! Tyranny Rising!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Figures Don't Lie But Liars Figure

And he is such a liar ... SEE HERE You have to have less than half a brain to believe this guy, but apparently there is no shortage of morons. Ecclesiastes 1:15 in the Vulgate no doubt is the reason. "Perversi difficile corriguntur, et stultorum infinitus est numerus." or for those who require English: "The perverse are hard to be corrected, and the number of fools is infinite."

Economics 101 "The Laffer Curve" Parts I,II, and III

The Democrats have been having so much fun belittling Art Laffer and the Laffer Curve that you owe it to yourself to at least learn what it is all about. It's actually common sense. Check it out!

Crippling Innovation ...

When I grew up almost everything was hands on and you could fool with it and that stimulated innovation. I remember chemistry sets that let you actually do chemistry. I remember erector sets. I remember model airplanes and little engines so you could fly your model airplanes. Then there were the electronic kits. You could get little kits to learn how to make amplifiers and radios and televisions and other gadgets. There were computer kits. We have slowly moved all this kind of innovation development into sterile, safe, uninspiring environments so that everyone is transformed from a hands on person to a manipulated slave called a "user." We need to roll that back and get people back into originating things and not merely consume them.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Are You Ready for Engineering Lifeforms?

SEE HERE I'd be a little more happy about this if I thought they really knew what they were doing. Fooling with biological organisms that can reproduce lays one open to accidentally creating runaway disasters.

Will Smith and 75% Taxes

Zonation sends out a message!

Stand By For All Hell to Break Loose!

SEE HERE Recession?  You don't know the half of it.  If you wondered if this administration was hell-bent to crush the U.S. economy you should wonder no longer. This is the crunch heard round the world!  Tyranny Rising!

Dealing With Liars! Why Are There So Many?

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell explores the addiction to liars when it comes to politics.  Are we so stupid that we actually believe their lies?  Apparently so.

Where We May Be Headed If We Don't Do Something!

This photo was taken at La Bastille Plaza in Paris, during the election celebration for the comrade socialist president Hollande. See any French flags? Anywhere? Actually, there is ONE towards the bottom right. The other flags are in order of appurtenance, Palestinian (2 flags top right+1 center left), Algerian, Turkish (towards center), Syrian (towards left of pic + below Palestinian flag), Moroccan (w. star in center), and European Union flag. The other flags I can’t recognize, there are also Syndicates or Unions’ flags. That's France in a nutshell.
Also please read below the picture from a French citizen.

My source says: This e-mail was sent from a friend in France - Maxime Lépante, through Stuart Kaufman:
Hello to my American friends,
As you know, the Socialist François Hollande won the presidential elections in France, last Sunday. It is a catastrophe for France.

Hollande was elected by the Muslims:

A survey (of 10,000 Muslims) shows that 93% of the Muslims voted for him.

As 2 million Muslims participated in this election, Hollande got 1,720,000 Muslim votes more than Sarkozy did: (0.93-0.07) x 2,000,000 = 1,720,000. But at the end, from the entire population, he got only 1,139,316 votes more than Sarkozy. So, without the Muslims' votes, Sarkozy would have been re-elected.

And, as if this wasn't enough, Hollande wants to give to all the foreigners the right to vote in our elections!!

France will face a very hard situation. We are heading for civil war in a few years.

That's the last news from occupied France.
Tyranny Rising!

The Spin Goes Round and Round and It Comes Out Here!

SEE HERE The Democrats are spinning up all kinds of nonsense to pretend that Obama is not the biggest spender of all time.  If you drink the Koolaid you too can become an Obama Zombie and sign up for hoppie-changie neo-Marxism that is "fundamentally transforming America."  While you're at it you might wonder just how much security apparatus we really need before it starts looking more like the Gestapo than protection.  HERE's A LINK that might disturb you.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Hoot!

Oh Donna Will Never Be the Same

If It's Not True Why Wasn't It Corrected Sooner?

SEE HERE The bottom line is that based on everything we know it is far more plausible that Barack Obama was born in Kenya than that he was born in Hawaii.  Why wasn't the Kenyan reference corrected over the some 17 years that it was promulgated and displayed and only corrected when it was decided to run for president?  Gee I wonder!

Logic? Evidence? What a Concept!

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell points out that these arguments were all made in the past and as usual the current crop of idiots are doomed to repeat history if they don't learn from it.  What a world!

Dr. James David Manning On the Cory Booker Charade

Manning says Obama is nauseating supporting Cory Booker, but Cory Booker was walked back by the Obama forces.  Manning is always interesting and no friend of Barack Obama.  I never know how to take Manning because he's entirely his own voice and isn't tracking anyone's agenda.  He represents a fascinating and independent take from the usual political agenda driven media. 

A Failure Of Leadership

SEE HERE It is a travesty to use the U.S. military to no good effect.  We need to either stop getting involved in these little military actions around the globe or start acting like a mature nation and make solid commitments and carry through.  The commitment of blood and treasure is to attain ends which meet the national interest and no such commitment should be made without a clear understanding and full commitment to the goals.  The many men and women who have died in uniform in the service of the United States deserve nothing less.  This administration has been a travesty as have some other administrations, but none worse than Democrat administrations.  The Democrats are much better at starting wars than at ending them.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Destroying the Seed Corn

SEE HERE Have you wondered why our nation is going down the tubes.  Perhaps you should look no further than the schools.  Children are being lied to and under-challenged and undereducated to an unprecedented degree.  They received grades in the lower forms that are unrepresentative of their true abilities.  Then they are anesthetized by being told how wonderful they are.  By the time they are rudely awakened to the true state of affairs they have been transformed into slavish unteachables who only know how to take orders and no longer can function as they should.  We have to change this and it starts by demanding that reality be restored to the schools.

Government Is The Source of Most Problems

SEE HERE I enjoyed reading this because I think it meets the test of being true.  Government is rarely a good solution to a problem.  On the other hand if you want something totally screwed up, expensive and largely ineffective, very non-responsive and often arbitrary and unfair why get the government involved.  They won't disappoint you.

Government Is Crippling To The Economy

SEE HERE In case you wondered what it was costing the nation to submit to ever increasing regulatory burden to meet the demands of our "masters" (don't think for a minute that you are free) this ought to give you some pause.  The cost of government is not measured merely in the burdensome taxes but in the burden of bureaucracy that forces you to engage in useless paperwork and compliance actions for regulations that are often little more than the whim of some functionary.  The republic managed without these and could easily manage without them again.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Government Can't Really Do Anything Right

SEE HERE If you want something done right, then don't wait for the public sector.  All they can do is generate obfuscation and inefficiency.  It's what they do best.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Odds Are Good that Obama Was Born In Kenya

SEE HERE Given all the hoopla and the weaving and ducking ... it's pretty obvious that all the odds are in favor of Obama really having been born in Kenya.  This also explains the comment of his grandmother that has been debunked and the celebrations in Kenya about a Kenyan president of the United States and the mysterious fact that no hospital in Hawaii has any record of Obama being born there but there are papers missing in Kenya.  The story that makes the most sense is that Obama has been lying all along.  We know he's lying because he either lied back in 1991 or he is lying now.  He had no particular reason to lie back in 1991 and every reason to lie now.  So this just pounds another nail in the ineligible president narrative.  It's time to impeach this guy and get rid of him.

Perhaps You Are Not As Free As You Believe

SEE HERE Consider this and ponder the question whether you are truly free or merely have not yet been noticed by the thugs.

Alex Jones (Mar 9, 2012) — One End of the Spectrum

Where is the truth?  Alex Jones sources a lot of conspiracy theorists, many of which I have no sympathy but some of this is entirely too accurate.  Watch carefully.  The level of truth in these assertions is high enough to motivate concern.

Is This What You Expect from a President?

This guy takes arrogance to a whole new level. 

The Hypocrisy of Obama's Compassion

While Obama postures his targets are focused on bringing down the economy not helping anyone but his own fevered ambitions.

Friday, May 18, 2012

When You're Holding A Hammer Everything Looks Like A Nail

Perhaps common sense will finally prevail!  Otherwise we can expect an Epic Fail!  GET THE BACK STORY which shows how freedom of speech is under attack in the United States.  Apparently criticizing this president is not to be tolerated in the public schools, the indoctrination centers of the left.

You May Have Seen the Original But Perhaps Not the Update

Lou Pritchett is a former vice president of Procter & Gamble whose career at that company spanned 36 years before his retirement in 1989, and he is the author of the 1995 business book, Stop Paddling & Start Rocking the Boat.

Mr. Pritchett was  the author of the much-circulated 'you scare me' letter.

In April 2012, he added the following update to the original:

In April 2009, I sent President Obama and the New York Times a letter titled "You Scare Me" because, as a candidate, he promised to "fundamentally transform America." Now, after observing his performance for over three years, he no longer scares me — he terrifies me for the following reasons:

FIRST-- He has done more to damage America's standing in the world, to lower the standard of living in America, to impoverish future generations and to shake our faith in the country's future than any other American president in history.

SECOND-- With a compliant Democrat congress, a lapdog media and a weak, almost nonexistent Republican opposition, he has shattered the American dream of job security, home ownership and rugged individualism for millions of Americans and has poisoned and divided our civil society with his politics of envy, class warfare, race warfare, and religious warfare which he is using as fundamental building blocks for his 'socialist' agenda.

THIRD-- culturally, he remains totally out of touch with traditional American values. This has absolutely nothing to do with race or where he was born, rather it has everything to do with where, how and with whom he was raised, schooled, educated, trained and associates with still today.

FOURTH-- he has surrounded himself with naive academicians, lawyers, politicians, bureaucrats and socialist leaning czars who arrogantly think and behave exactly as he does. People who offer no balanced suggestions or devils advocate positions and think in lock step with him that big government is the answer to all our problems.

FIFTH-- he not only encourages but aids and abets the unionization of all American industry, the albatross around the neck of the free market. In turn, they provide the money and muscle to intimidate his opponents.

SIXTH-- he has increased the national debt by over 30% in just three years. If re-elected and this rate of increase continues, America will be burdened with an unsustainable 20 trillion dollar debt which will result in the Country's financial death. Recovery will be impossible ---- America will be the Greece of 2016.

SEVENTH-- given his fanatical beholding to the 'environmental' and 'man-caused global warming' fringe, he has deliberately discouraged U.S. fossil fuel exploration and production while wasting millions of tax payer dollars on solar, wind and algae experiments. He refuses to accept that oil, gas and coal are not America's enemies, they are America's assets which, properly managed, could make us energy independent within a generation.

EIGHTH-- He views the U.S. as a power in retreat which abused its World dominance. Therefore he systematically apologizes round the world. Last March he whispered to Russian President Medvedev "--this is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility". Just what is the secret that Obama and Putin are concealing from the American people until after the election? With what other leaders has he made similar secret agreements?

NINTH---and finally, after all his mis-steps, bad decision making, poor management, and zero leadership, the fact that he has the audacity to seek re-election should terrify every American. I predict that if re-elected, future historians and political interpreters will look back at the eight year period 2008-2016, and conclude "the 44th President of the U.S. allowed the takers to overpower the payers which resulted in the greatest economy in history vanishing from the face of the Earth".

Lou Pritchett
April 15, 2012
Farewell America, the World will really miss you!

When Everyone Is Hiding Something It Must Mean They Have Something To Hide

SEE HERE It continues to be fascinating that a legitimate investigation by law enforcement in the state of Arizona cannot get cooperation from the Federal Government or the state of Hawaii on the simplest things, like confirmation that allegedly normal documents even exist. Why? Why hide documents that every citizen is commonly required to produce for all manner of things. I had to produce a birth certificate to file for Social Security for example. One of the documents that constitutes proof of identity for filing for a driving license renewal in the state of Virginia is a birth certificate. What's the problem? The fact that there seems to be a problem is a problem itself.

The Appalling Double Standard — Or Why The Media Can't Be Trusted!

SEE HERE Krauthammer points out just how egregious the double standard of the media truly is. Outrageous doesn't begin to characterize it. It is fundamentally biased and dishonest.

Shroud of Turin Update — Italian Documentary Questions Validity of the C14 Result

I'm not sure this is really news.  There are quite a few questions about the C14 dating of the Shroud of Turin.  But since I'm a sindonologist (a fancy word for someone who studies the Shroud of Turin) I thought it was interesting and would be worth posting to the blog.  Now that I'm retiring from teaching I'll have a lot more time to work on my various research interests and among them is the image processing of the Shroud of Turin.  SEE HERE 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Surprise! Surprise! ... Who Would've Thunk It?

SEE HERE Of course the environmental movement is a wing of the Democratic Party.  It's part of the gloom and doom crisis generating apparatchiks that give fuel behind the scenes to motivate the eternal nonsense generated by the EPA and the various energy scams that the Demoncrats are always spinning up.  The "Saving the Planet" crowd are all out driving Prius's despite the fact that they are pretty expensive and don't save anything, even energy.  People that study these things have shown that it's all phony, but that never stopped an ideologue.

The Topic That Never Grows Old ...

SEE HERE This just keeps going on and on like a perpetual motion machine.  Here's Obama's bio in a pamphlet that was published back in 1991.  Are we supposed to believe that he didn't approve this?  So when was he lying?  Was it then or is it now? MORE and apparently he didn't bother to correct the Kenyan birth story even as late as 2007. SEE HERE Only after he decided to run for president did he suddenly get born in Hawaii. Isn't this awfully fishy?

The War On Women — The Truth Revealed

Here's a little plain truth from the Kitchen Cabinet.  Check it out for some insightful posts and some great images.  Rosie the riveter has nothing on the Norman Rockwell picture "Home Front."

Ronald Reagan's Warning — Freedom Is Not Free

We either stand for the principles that made this nation great or we capitulate to the Zeitgeist that surrounds us and go down to Sheol into the darkness of decadence and death.  Your choice!  I have made mine.

Allen West — A Man Who Does His Research and Stands His Ground

Allen West is right and he's a man of principle.

Government? — Check Your Conscience At the Door

SEE HERE The assault on Christian values and moral principles continues unabated.  This is more than outrageous.  The government is saying in effect that they have the right to overrule your conscience and force you to perform acts that you deem immoral.  It is time to call them out on this revolting behavior.  Where are the men of principle in the government?  Are there any left?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's Time to Seriously Push Back At The Growing Tyranny

SEE HERE The government has grown too large and too intrusive and frankly too callous in ignoring fundamental and constitutional human rights.  It's time to seriously protest and push back against growing signs of Tyranny Rising!.

Christie! — Frankly I Don't Think He's Conservative Enough for VP

Politics by YouTube ... yup, we've come a long way all down hill from the days of the Lincoln Douglas debates when people actually talked about ideas and used reason and argumentation.  Now everything is a photo op and a sound bite.  Ideas?  What are those?

Ben Carson At Emory 2012

Another commencement address ... what makes you successful, especially when you are climbing up from poverty.

Working for the Government Sure Beats Working for a Living

SEE HERE Ann Coulter has fallen off my automatically post list because she's not a reliable Conservative but she is very sharp, both as a crisp satirical writer and as in quick on the uptake.  Ann pins the tail on the donkey here both figuratively and literally in showing where the real polarization lies.  Getting a government job is a ticket to high salaries and not much work.  It's hard to beat that.

"Be Prepared" — There Seems To Be a Trust Issue!

SEE HERE This is an example of the Hitler mime ... or this sequence of events is similar to how Hitler rose to power.  Is that true?  Well you have to realize that analogies are often in the eye of the beholder.  Hitler was a better orator than Obama.  He also had something much worse than Bush to follow, i.e. the disaster of the first World War and the economic penalties that the victors visited upon the losers.  I suppose he's also a socialist, although more a communist than Hitler whose National Socialism was more about crony capitalism I suppose.  Oh wait ... isn't that what the current administration is engaged in?  Who knows?  Don't panic but keep your power dry.

I'm From the Government, I'm Here to Help You — hahahahaha

SEE HERE Another example of how much help we get from the government ... I think we can mostly do without it.  We managed long before it was common to be so intrusive and we could easily manage again without all the help.  Government "help" should be optional.

Zonation Nails It — Some Tea Party Common Sense

There is something which in the end is quite amusing about the liberal argument tactic, almost universally adopted, of knowing nothing about what they are attacking and simply calling names.  I tend to think they do that because anything else resembles work and one thing I've noticed is that people who really work and earn their living doing something substantive and productive are rarely liberals.  Liberals tend to be those who talk for a living.  "Talk is cheap" as my mother used to say. 

A Little More Teeter-Tottering ...

SEE HERE Quibbling about how long the lever arm is on the teeter totter.

Savage on Plasticman — Mitt Romney Needs to Show Some Spine and Move Right

Balance and the Teeter-Totter

SEE HERE  Who knows what to believe these days?  The media is full of Obamaphilia with no notion of real truth and no motivation to explore the details of things that might rock their establishment views that praise the Obama administration for just breathing.  Meanwhile on the other side of the spectrum are those who see nothing but malevolence in the actions of an administration that seems bent on crushing conventional carbon based energy on the strength of horrendously bad pseudo-science, who pursue scientifically specious so-called "green" technologies, are focused on increasing the debt to such an extent that we're now on track to total societal bankruptcy and economic collapse if something really drastic isn't done and done soon.  I live somewhere between these extremes.

Today on Facebook I posted the following:

"Sometimes it is said that man can not be trusted with government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the forms of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question." --Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, 1801

History shows that men are not to be trusted with governance either singly or collectively. They fall prey to the notion that because they have been given power they somehow deserve and are hence a cut above the rest of men.

In that direction lies tyranny. "That Government is best which governs least" is a quote often attributed to Jefferson, but appears to be due to Thoreau, but regardless it is an enduring truth. It is also true that "Politicians are like diapers; they need to be changed often and for the same reason." — Mark Twain. I don't know if the attribution to Twain is correct. However if we combine the observations that 1) the least government is best, and 2) those that govern should be changed often. Then I think we arrive at a formula for good governance.

The notion that government is the solution to everything is simply crazy and a recipe for tyranny. The notion that government is good for nothing is simply crazy and a recipe for anarchy and the law of the jungle. The solution is to find the proper mean, the middle way, as Aristotle so correctly observed so long ago.

Who Are They Hiring As Police These Days?

SEE HERE We're supposed to just take the officer's word?  An eyewitness says the officer's story is not true.  It sounds like a case of police harassment (that is the police doing the harassing) that when rejected turned ugly.   It sounds like a pretty clear cut case of homicide.  The policeman needs to do time.

What a Riot! — It's All About Him

SEE HERE  Humility is probably not a long suite in presidential history, but Barack Obama takes the lack-of-humility cake, if there is one.  This is actually quite funny.  You'd think they'd have better things to do at the White House besides intrusively amend the accounts of former presidents to insinuate references to Obama.  He will become the least respected president in American history I would opine.  Never has someone with so few accomplishments claimed so many.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Zonation On the Record

Time To Rein In the Would-Be Tyrants

Race War 101 — Thomas Sowell Nails It ... Again!

SEE HERE This is all a game.  If it were not for the race baiters and agitators as well as the social programs that have destroyed the black family and promoted genocide in the form of abortion against the black population we'd recognize the tremendous strides that have been made against racism.  But instead the race baiters among the black population, the Al Sharpton's and Jessie Jackson's have fomented trouble and created black on white racism.  The reality is that the black population has been gamed and they need to start standing up and fighting their so-called leaders and restoring their communities to virtue and hard work.

Explain To Me Why We Should Tolerate This?

Our freedom is leaking away drop by drop, splash by splash as those who seek to control us grow ever more bold.  The idea of sanctioning drones as a general rule to observe Americans is an outrage.  Only people who have not real desire to support our freedom and liberty can be for this.  Get them out of government and soon, while we still can.  SEE HERE

Surrounded by the Worst of the Worst

How to explain what is going on?

Funny On A Number of Levels

Why funny? Well Henry Kissenger is pretty recognizable to anyone who is older than say 40. Anyone who is at all politically aware should have seen his image. In any case the name should be recognizable. He's in a wheelchair so here we go with the bullies. I can just picture what was going through Kissenger's mind. He wasn't exactly coy about stating what he thinks. So once more this bunch of baboons that they call a security force is just using its power. Do you feel safer? I sure don't and I've decided that if I have an option I'm not going to fly anywhere. The whole Homeland Security bunch seems more like a threat to Homeland Security than a service.

Learning With Your Friends

SEE HERE Education is about learning things and Delancey Place points out that there's some research out there that shows that at least in the important domain of computer and internet literacy the learning is piggybacked on collaboration and curiosity and self-motivation. We can do a lot of that and everyone will benefit.

Let's Focus On The Most Corrupt Administration In History

Monday, May 14, 2012

Wimping Out — How to Castrate the Culture

Isn't this the problem we have. It's been getting worse. Do yourself a favor and become a Conservative today.

Messing With Nature Is Not Without Risks

A disturbing dimension of this topic is the monopolization of the research so that only those that "salute" get funded. This is the kind of thing that leads to bad science. All points of view need to be studied not just those that the industry subscribes to. The danger is that economic considerations and marketing considerations will trump the serious search for the truth. When dangerous side effects seem indicated (ex. high reproductive failure in animals) it needs to be studied so that it is understood. Just the variation in uptake of essential nutrients should be extremely troubling. If you are concerned about the integrity of the food supply then you need to understand what the issues are.

The Logical Failings of the Climate Alarmists

SEE HERE It is particularly strange that the world has become so catastrophe-oriented.  Everything has to have some sort of looming disaster associated with it.  Perhaps it is the crisis mentality that justifies government stepping in that has so increased the number of disasters and the doomsday rhetoric that surrounds them. 

There was a famous hamburger television commercial which asked "Where's the beef?" a question asked by a stern looking little old lady who seemed skeptical that it even was beef.  In my lifetime I've been exposed to many a specious catastrophe looming and none of them have amounted to a hill of beans whether it was mercury in fish, alar on apples, running out of oil in the 1970s, the ice age that was quickly coming about the same time, acid rain, and a myriad of others all aimed at generating panic so that the government would pass regulations and laws. 

I've concluded that almost none of these were well founded in fact.  Indeed I have several books that review the facts and show that more often than not the result has been bad laws that cost us a lot in treasure and in the case of the DDT stupidity many lives worldwide.  Before you let some publicity campaign panic you into demanding legislation insist on getting real facts.  We're currently being panicked into making laws against fracking based on propaganda and not on good research.  There are more authentic things to worry about.  Follow the data and follow the money.  Jointly you'll likely get close to the truth.

Geese and Ganders

SEE HERE  So is Obama out of the closet now?  What do you make of this chameleon?  He's as phony as a three dollar bill.  If the media would ever do their vetting job for the American people this guy would not survive a day.  He's probably unqualified for the office he holds.  His history is mysterious and filled with lacunae which says that he isn't what he purports to be.  His history on the record and the documents that are out there are inconsistent.  I suppose we may find out what it is all about some day.  I hope we are still a free people when that day comes.

Some MORE on why Barack Obama is a total loser, especially as Commander In Chief.

Freedom? — Not If Bullies With A Badge Rule the Day

SEE HERE This is outrageous.  Freedom is under attack from the left and the encroachment is creeping tyranny.

Sure Vote Fraud Isn't a Serious Issue?

SEE HERE How many illegal aliens registered to vote becomes a serious issue?  This is likely only the tip of the iceberg.  We have to restore integrity to the election process or we have no hope of preserving the republic.  MORE the plot to suborn the system has been going on for a while.

Check out the Audio at Freedom Talk

SEE HERE "The Obama Error" is a book by Stephen Pidgeon and the interview is fascinating.  Spend 1:16 minutes listening to a fascinating analysis of the mysterious Barack Obama.  You'll be impressed because all the dots are connected.

Solyndra Crimes Seemingly Ignored

SEE HERE We're never told the whole story are we?  The more you look at the Solyndra situation the more it stinks.  The fundamental question is "Why is everyone asleep at the switch?"  The amount of just frank criminality involved in this fiasco should have led to investigations and indictments.  Can you imagine if it was a Republican administration?  The people involved need to be investigated and charged.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Exploring the Reality Zone ...

It is hard to imagine how any president could actually be worse than this one.  He and his cronies in the Congress have put us on a convincing path to disaster.  There are going to be some tough times ahead.

Only In America Can the Left Maintain Such a Large Unreality Zone

SEE HERE These are a hoot.  They ought to be posted on every bulletin board in the nation.  The left is deluded and the sad thing is that so many people take them seriously anyway.

Freedom of Speech Includes Religious Speech

SEE HERE If you think you are free and protected by the Constitution you better get a lot more vigilant.  The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.  Do not be misled.  There are many forces which seek to limit your speech to only those things that the anointed have declared politically correct.  But freedom of speech is there to protect not the popular speech of the self-appointed elect, but the unpopular speech of those who wish to stand up for their rights and dissent from the positions of the anointed.

You're Being Gamed and Victimized by Government

Corporations can mess things up but to really screw things up you need Government.

This Is Pretty Outrageous!

SEE HERE Welcome to nonsense or how to game the system Islam style.  These guys should receive a brief, fair, military trial and be executed if the evidence sustains the charges.  Letting them game the system and create a travesty of American justice is simply outrageous.

Government Insanity — It Needs to End

SEE HERE The insanity of the Federal Government is quite beyond comprehension.  Apparently people don't count as long as there is some environmental excuse to discount them.  One wonders who the environmentalists think the environment is for finally.  They seem to be a coalition of people haters.

Why Is This Controversial? What's the Problem?

SEE HERE You have to wonder if there is something in the Hudson river water that makes New Yorkers crazy.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

If This Isn't Illegal It Ought to Be

SEE HERE This behavior reminds me of protection rackets that criminals in organized crime run.  You pay the organized crime organization or your business is attacked.  It's a protection racket.  This behavior on the part of the president's supporters is a protection racket.  It should not be tolerated.  It should not be legal if it even is.  Someone should pursue this and make a big big issue of it.  The current administration is a case of organized thuggery.

A Little Commentary ...

America First ... Of Course! Someone Tell Obama

Friday, May 11, 2012

Irresponsible Spending Cuts On Defense As The World Gets More Dangerous

We are unilaterally disarming as our enemies increase their military spending.  This does not go to good places.  My own view is that we meddle too much in other countries' affairs, but it is dangerous to be weak in a dangerous world.

The Integrity of the Media — ROTFLMAO

SEE HERE So now we discover that the whole Romney pieces seems to be fabricated and possibly even timed to riff off the president's announcement that he's finally made up his mind to support same sex marriage.  And we're supposed to believe the stuff these people make up?  It's really time to end this forever charade that the liberal progressives are running that is part of a long term plot to degrade society as part of their desire to control people.  The lying and the spinning and the phony made up issues all promoting this kind of immorality or that. 

I was just at the movies with my wife on Wednesday.  We went to see "The Five Year Engagement" because someone said it was funny.  It had a few funny moments but on the whole it was a pathetic indictment of modern immorality.  It was one "F" word after another coming out of the mouths of almost all the characters.  It was infidelity and stupidity to the max.  What was worse is that it was preceded by a string of trailers for other "chick flicks" that paraded similar immorality and profanity.  Do they make good movies anymore?

Welcome to Social Degradation Courtesy of the Government

Examine what liberal social programs produce and ask yourself if this can go on?  The train wreck is on the way.

Did I mention lying?

SEE HERE This would be hilarious if anyone cared about the truth anymore and not just the spin.  Nothing is as it appears to be except that if you bet that they are lying you almost always win.

When You Need A Candidate With Convictions

42% against Obama in West Virigina ... Maybe they should trade places ...

The High School Vetting Question?

SEE HERE Who wins the high-school stupidity contest?  I think Obama has it hands down.  Does that disqualify him from being president?  I mean besides not being a natural born citizen?  Of course!  But the media doesn't care ... This gets crazier and crazier.

Glenn Beck Points Out All the Lying ...

You have to answer ultimately for what you say.  I've always been a truthteller because it is far too much work to be a liar.  Liars have to have incredible memories because they have to remember all the lies they have told to remain consistent.  Obama's memory doesn't seem to be good enough.

Does the Lying Ever Stop?

SEE HERE The CIA operation that recovered the underwear bomb? ... Reset ... it was a Saudi operation from start to finish and the administration was using it to pump up their image.  So who is telling the truth?  I think in the conflicted world we live in the only safe position is to distrust everything on the assumption that you are being gamed: gamed by the media, gamed by the administration, gamed by whoever might benefit from the impact of the information.  Ronald Reagan said "Trust, but verify."  We've moved beyond that to "Distrust, suspect and confirm."  We need serious reform of government and the dissemination of information.  I remember when everyone was horrified to discover that Eisenhower had not told the truth about the U2 shoot down and now the surprised when someone tells the truth.  How far we have come!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A SEAL Speaks Out ...

SEE HERE The president should give credit where credit is due.  He didn't take out Bin Laden and frankly the way he orchestrated it was to cover his a** if it went wrong ... gutsy call that ... I'm tired of his posturing.  He's a loser and he'll never be anything but a loser.  His vision for our country is to turn it into a socialist nation and its citizens into wards of the state.  The sooner he's gone the happier I will be.  A MOMENT OF NARCISSISM

Some Thoughts About College ...

SEE HERE I'm retiring this year, in just a few weeks, from full time teaching at the college level and it seems like a good time to reflect a little on college.  College costs too much.  College doesn't deliver enough of what it should and is too oriented towards short term goals, especially pleasing students in the near term.  College is clearly not serious enough from the point of view of most of the students.  Perhaps that is because students don't "get" college very well.  They think of it as just more high school after high school.  Whatever the many issues are the internet age is going to change everything.  I'll likely come back to this point time and time again as I encounter appropriate material. 

The Rape of the Tax Payers Through Tax Return Fraud

SEE HERE This is just outrageous and no-one seems to be doing anything about it.  It's happening.  They know it is happening.  They do nothing.  That is malfeasance in office at least.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The European Union — A Failed Experiment?

Nigel Farange (MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the 'Europe of Freedom and Democracy' (EFD) Group in the European Parliament)'s passionate monologue this morning in the European Parliament, in his typical, hard-hitting style:  SEE HERE

Upside Down Land — We're There!

SEE HERE There is something immensely bizarre about the way things are going these days. People seem actually to have lost their minds. The schools have produced mindless robots who react viscerally to unreason in response to almost Pavlovian stimulus from manufactured hype. Green, gay, choice, 1% sloganized sustainable insanity instilled by ideologues intensely indoctrinating until the whole edifice collapses. Welcome to upside down land where logic isn't found.

Zonation on "Fairness" or the Lack Thereof "Zero Is The Only Fair Number"

Let's make the government a whole lot smaller and get them out of the business of stealing property from some and giving it to others. The nutjobs running the government are drinking their own swill.

It Doesn't Get Funnier Than This!

SEE HERE I guess West Virginia Democrats have a sense of humor after all. Wow! You have to check this out. It isn't every day that a guy in jail does so well against the president of the United States.

A Little Perspective Please ...

A friend forwarded this to me and I suppose it has been rattling around the internet for some time, but it's still a sobering reflection on how the executive is always blamed for things that often enough are caused by the legislature. I think this makes a lot of good points that need to be remembered. Soo...

The Mess and how Obama inherited it

Most of us know all of the "inherited" bit is Hype and Blame.....This is what this administration is best follows certain socialist doctrines and processes....

Everything was going great, some tough decisions were being made and then the democrats took over in 2007…... this states it pretty well....

This tells the whole story, why Bush was perceived so badly at the end of his term.

Don't just skim over this, it's not long, but read it slowly and let it sink in. If in doubt, check it out!

The day the democrats took over was not January 22nd 2009, it was actually January 3rd 2007, the day democrats took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, at the very start of the 110th Congress.

The Democrat Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995. For those who are listening to the liberals propagating the fallacy that everything is "Bush's Fault", think about this:

January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress. At the time:

  • The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
  • The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
  • The Unemployment rate was 4.6%
George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB GROWTH Remember the day...

January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee.

The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy? BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES!

Unemployment... to this CRISIS by (among MANY other things) dumping 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOES!

Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001 because it was financially risky for the US economy.

And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac? OBAMA And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie? OBAMA and the Democrat Congress So when someone tries to blame Bush..


Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrat Party.

Furthermore, the Democrats controlled the budget process for 2008 & 2009 as well as 2010 & 2011.

In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases.

For 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the 2009 budgets.

And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete 2009.

If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets.

If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself. In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th.

Is It Reality or Photoshop? — One Can Never Tell With This President

SEE HERE This odd situation room photograph has stirred a good bit of comment from the beginning. Here it receives a bit more scrutiny. Is it photoshopped? And what are they looking at really?

A Sorry Excuse for a Commander In Chief

SEE HERE This is simply a disgrace, but it's what I've come to expect from this administration. Their hold on reality seems to be through a lens that none of the rest of us would recognize. How about an exchange deal for some juicy Gitmo pampered terrorists in exchange for our guy? Doesn't seem like rocket science. I suppose it violates the precept that you should not negotiate with terrorists ... but if you're letting them go anyway then what the hell?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Collective Economic Suicide ... That About Sums It Up!

SEE HERE Government is terrible at improving the economy and that is because virtually everything they believe is wrong. If they just took their damn hands off things would get better a lot faster. Every regulation they pass makes it that much harder to recover. Between printing money and spending it they are just digging the hole deeper and faster.

Sobering Thoughts On the Growing Debt

Crunch Time Approaches or You Can't Spend Money You Don't Have Forever ...

SEE HERE The wishful-thinking of the ignorant knows no bounds and given the political enablers we can only expect that the train will be run off the cliff before any brakes are put on.  Too bad!  Maybe it will form an object lesson for our own dummies who seem bent on running down the same track to the same destination.

Economic Stupidity Liberal Style

SEE HERE The biggest problem with liberals is that they believe so many things that just are not true.  It leads them to do stupid things which is the general result when you believe stupid things that are not true.  Acting on false information leads to not only bad results, but often catastrophically bad results.  We are on our way to an economic train wreck due to government run by idiots.

But Voter Fraud Isn't a Problem ... Right? Keep Drinking the Koolaid!

SEE HERE Check out James Simpson's article for American Thinker and start supporting measures to ensure an honest vote.  If we can't trust the elections then the game is over.


Sinking Slowly Into the Slime

SEE HERE That's where we're headed ... the slime!  Keynes said "In the long run we are all dead" but some people, especially on the left, appear to be morally dead already.  They are walking examples of what happens when common sense, morality, and responsibility for one's actions are drained out of people.  The problem is that when you no longer have responsibility, morality or common sense, you also have no basis for forming any sort of a society.  You have abandoned order and instead have the rule not of law, but of the jungle where you can only struggle not to be among the first eaten.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Allen West Gets It ... We Need More People Who Get It!

The Economic Ignorance of the People Is Inexcusable

The ignoramusi which make up the general population have no clue whatsoever how the world works.  That means that they commonly support stupidity.  The current administration is clear proof.

Who Is Obama's Father? How Do We Know?

IRS Just Looks the Other Way

Illegal immigration fraud just doesn't seem to matter to the IRS while they hammer the rest of us.  What's that all about?  Nice to have a free ride.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

File Under: "Know Your Enemy"

SEE HERE The West has engaged militant Islam before.  It appears that we may well have to engage them again.  The alternative may be to abandon Western Civilization and capitulate to a religion that is in reality a political ideology more than a religion.  The religious dimension of Islam is almost trivial.  It is the political element that is quite hostile to freedom and intolerable.  Become educated about Islam.  It is not a peaceful religion.  It is actually hard to call it a religion at all.

Does This Make Sense? Only on the Basis of Troubling Assumptions

SEE HERE Here's an ominous note indicating that DHS (The Department of Homeland Security) is preparing for civil strife on a grand scale in the United States based on expectation of economic collapse and hyperinflation.  Now I'm not at all sure that we don't have to worry about economic collapse and hyperinflation but if so why don't we actually do something about it?  Instead it seems as if the administration is driving it and at the same time preparing to cope with it using force.  That is clearly Tyranny Rising!

Tell Us How You Really Feel Wild Bill

We need more Boy Scouts because they build men!  The liberal agenda breeds wimps.  Notice that the liberals attack the Boy Scouts ... Fancy that!?  Does that indicate anything?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Leadership? Not So As To Notice!

SEE HERE This is not leadership.  This is the kind of thing Obama always does.  He pretends to lead but prepares plausible deniability and scapegoats if things go wrong.  He's no leader. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Hubris 101 — How Not to Lead!

SEE HERE I've always found the Greeks quite fascinating.  That a small group of city-state in Asia Minor could become the intellectual center of the West and resist the massive attacks of the Persian Empire and succeed in inspiring generations is little short of a miracle.  Our civilization has its roots in the Greco-Roman empires.  Alexander the Great, a Macedonian prince, conquered the known world of his time and legend has it that Rome was founded by folks that escaped from the Greek sack of Troy.  Whatever the reality of these legends and ancient stories there is the theme of tragedy that arises when a leader overreaches.  It's called "hubris" and is a form of overweening pride and the belief that you can do no wrong and are most favored of the gods.  It always leads to failure!  The train wreck is coming!

When You Understand Barack Obama You Won't Like It!

In Case You Wondered What Has Been Accomplished? — Nothing! We've Gone Backwards!

The Spreading Blight of Government "Help"

With Friends Like This, Who Needs Enemies?

SEE HERE Plastic-man gets a sort-of endorsement from Mouth-man Ted Turner. And you believed Ann Coulter when she said Romney was conservative? Silly you!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Phony Baloney Job Numbers from the Government

Fixing the numbers to make things look better than they really are. Sure sounds like we're being gamed and lied to.

Free Speech? — Not If the Jihadists Complain

SEE HERE Apparently the capacity of Islam to be displeased is now sufficient reason to shut down free speech in the United States. That is not the right response. In that direction lies the loss of liberty and the death of the republic. Freedom is not free and shutting down free speech because some might be offended and start trouble is the wrong response.

It's Time to End TSA's Phony "Security"

SEE HERE We managed to get along without government intrusion in airports and other transportation core functions, and frankly TSA is more of an embarrassment than an effective organization. Let's privatize security the way it was and get the Gestapo out of the airports.

The Anti-Job Strategies of the Obama Administration

SEE HERE The politics of demonizing success and trying to increase the income taxes on those who are already paying all the taxes anyway crushes small businesses and forces large ones to export jobs. All that does is expand the dependency class (Oh yeah, and they are the ones that vote for the entitlement politicians ... now it all makes sense) and the result will be to see poor job creation as far as the eye can see.

SEAL Team Six Talking Point — What Did Obama Have to do with It? Answer: Not too damn much!

SEE HERE Barack Obama had about as much to do with the death of Osama as shouting has to do with an avalanche.  There were a whole lot of more important things that not only did he have nothing to do with, but which he commenced shutting down when he took office.  He is a bounder and a hypocrite and not to be trusted.  That's what it comes down to.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Free Speech Liberal Style

SEE HERE Liberals believe in free speech as long as they are the ones speaking.  Free speech for others?  What are you, a Nazi?

Know Your Enemy


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Obama Is Despicable and that's an Understatement

Despicable is probably a complement. A Commander In Chief that behaves like Obama is simply a total disgrace. He didn't put anything at risk when he ordered in these brave men except his politics and he set it up to have a fall guy if things went wrong. What a loser!

CLICK ON THE IMAGE This is an interview that Piers Morgan does with Jonah Goldberg which is an acute embarrassment. I particularly liked it when he didn't know what a category error was and then later ignored Goldberg's points as he pressed home an inane point that wasn't even coherent. This is liberal discourse at its best. Stay on your talking point no matter how dumb it is and overwhelm the other person with persistence rather than common sense. Priceless, but also incredibly stupid. It did make me want to buy Goldberg's book though.

Wild Bill Pegs the Stupid Party ... Shades of Joseph Sobran

Wild Bill asks a lot of significant questions about how stupid the Republicans are. 

Apparently the Nutrition Scam Professionals Don't Like Competition

SEE HERE I take this one a little personally.  My wife has been exploring the Paleo diet for reasons other than diabetic and she's very impressed with her results.  I don't know if this guy was charging anything, but it seems to me that personal testimony regarding one's personal experience and how it might generalize to others is entirely within free speech guidelines.  If I found a diet that I thought was effective in controlling diabetes why should these pseudo scientists that call themselves nutritionists have the right to keep me from telling others?  There may be some other issues.  I'm generally against all these certifications and in favor of complete openness. 

Robert Heinlein advocated somewhere the idea that anyone who wanted to should be able to practice medicine as long as they put up their credentials in a prominent place.  If they had no credentials they would be required to post "Licensed Quack" signs.  I'm in favor of that.  My experience suggests that the whole scientific profession is addicted to making claims that exceed the support they have in the form of experiment and understanding.  Moreover certification requirements limit the free exploration that leads to new knowledge.  There are obviously safety concerns especially where dangerous materials are involved so this isn't an appeal to complete freedom of exploration.  But we should have a lot more freedom than we actually have.

It Isn't Enough that the Media Are In Obama's Pocket, They Are Actively Denying Access to Journalists that Are Not

SEE HERE This is interesting because it is so antithetical to the American commitment to open debate and freedom of speech.  It is important to appreciate that the Obama administration is entirely committed to its own agenda regardless of the support or lack of support of the American people.  That is not freedom, it is Tyranny Rising!

Understand the Nature of the Debate

There is a reason for supporting traditional marriage.  It is the core institution of civilization.  Here we see the nature of the opposition which seeks to not only destroy traditional marriage but propagate a degenerate and degrading obsessive lifestyle that actually harms the people who adopt it.  That's just the truth, but they can't handle the truth. 

Welcome to the Orwellian Future Where News Is Whatever the Media Says It Is and Anything They Don't Like Is Extremism ... Ooooo ... Ahhhhhh!

SEE HERE "Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh my!" Forget about the media. They are marginalizing themselves out of existence. The truth is what you observe directly and all else seems increasingly to be only spin. Will Rogers used to say, "All I know is what I read in the newspapers." Today I think he'd probably not salute that anymore. To find the truth nowadays you have to go out and dig it up yourself.

Election Corruption Is a Way of Life on the Left

SEE HERE The Left has been voting the cemeteries at least since Richard Nixon and probably well before. It is no surprise that this is happening. What is disturbing is that no-one seems nearly as put out by it as they should. Fair elections are at the heart of the process and if you want corruption there is no better place for it to start than rigging elections. So here we are America. We either clean things up or tyranny encroaches more deeply. We are certainly near the tipping point. Tyranny Rising!