Saturday, June 30, 2012

Is This Really What Motivates Black Voters?

SEE HERE One has to wonder what the administration thinks of their black constituents when they feature reductions in possession of crack cocaine as a big achievement that will motivate black voters.  What?!

Texas Fred on Upside Down Land

SEE HERE Reflect on these a while and understand that you live in liberal progressive lala land where the only thing that counts is getting your own way. Principles? We don't need no damn principles! Truth? You can't handle the truth! Well truth is another name for reality and the reality is that our nation, our beloved republic, is in the hands of the marauders, those whose only goal is their own personal gratification and whose desire is to reduce our great republic to their personal fiefdom. You have one last chance to resist and then it is "Game Over!"

A Pattern of Lies — Obama Is A Serial Liar

  Lying is an interesting thing.  The only people who worry about lying are people who are basically truthful.  The Left thinks nothing of lying.  Lying on the left is simply a universal strategy.  The reason is simple: the only thing they use discourse for is to get their way.  It isn't about telling the truth, it's about control.  The Left doesn't have credibility only a universal pattern of lying.

Health Care — When Did the IRS Get Medical Training?

SEE HERE No new doctors but 4000 IRS agents ... sure it's about healthcare!  It's about control and you've all just been scammed.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Democrats Can Really Be Funny

This is pretty funny.  The Democrats generate protesters to protest the Americans for Prosperity bus tour and they have what look like homemade signs but when asked what they are protesting they can't answer the question.  Looks like manufactured outrage on a fee paid basis.  The Demo-bots just swallow the koolaid and go out and protest and don't know what they are protesting.  Awesome!  More signs that the left suffers from neuron deficiency!

TANSTAAFL — But Our Citizens Don't Get It!

SEE HERE "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch" but the current administration is playing this 1%  versus 99% mantra for all it's worth.  It's all those evil rich people (who by the way pay almost all the taxes already) who are someone keeping the 99% from getting what they deserve, for free of course. 

Well I have news for the 99%.  They don't deserve anything but what they produce for themselves that they can exchange with others.  It's called production.  You are not born into the world with any entitlements whatsoever except those that other people, right thinking people, acknowledge as your inalienable rights. 

Equilibrium is achieved when total consumption equals total production.  If production exceeds consumption than prices fall and everyone gets more for less.  If consumption exceeds production then that only works until inventories run out and then everyone goes wanting but usually this raises prices and stimulates production.  That's the way the real world works.  Those like the OWS crowd are trying to live in a dream world because they never were introduced to the real world.  Getting a job and living on the income is always an education.

Playing God Usually Goes to Bad Places

 SEE HERE This seems likely to end up going to bad places. It is bad enough that Monsanto is playing with the genes of plants. Even if these folks really knew what they were doing in the short term, the likelihood that they have any understanding of the long term consequences is doubtful. It's time for those who have not read C.S. Lewis's  The Abolition of Man to get it out and read it.  The Conditioners are among us and they think they are our masters.

Worth a Careful Read — Know Your Enemy

SEE HERE I thought about just posting this and improving the formatting.  I got it from another person on FB and looked at it and thought it worth posting.  I'm not sure you'll see it if you're not on Facebook.  It lists 25 goals of the communist party that were read into the Congressional Record in 1963.  I was in college at the time.  You can make a check list and see how many have been implemented or achieved.  It should be sobering.

It's All Downhill From Here

SEE HERE Crunch! Did you hear that? That was the sound of the last lynchpin being kicked out as the American republic heads over the crest of the hill onto the downhill track to the dustbin of history. The train has breaks but they're unlikely to hold and moving backwards toward the sanity that prevailed in the past is difficult at best, especially with a citizenry that has been robbed of their understanding of the principles of their foundation and inculcated with the opium of victim-hood, entitlements, and universal excellence without demonstrable achievement. The propaganda and disinformation has worked its poison and that will deter the application of the breaks. Hunker down and try to help where you can. It may be possible to recover once the truth becomes obvious.

No Justice In the Justice Department!

SEE HERE This should make you cry!  The idea that there is any integrity in government anymore is simply laughable.  Congress has been marginalized and is being totally ignored by this president and his administration and no-one seems to care.  That means the government of laws and not of men is at an end and we are in the hands of Chicago gang style hoodlums who have no intention of supporting the constitution.

Domination Is the Name of the Political Game

Welcome to an increase in tyranny.  Wild Bill points out that there is no improvement in healthcare brought to you by the Obamacare initiative.  It's all a matter of control not a matter of health care.  You are being gamed and if you imagine the government cares about you, well think again.  We have one chance to turn this around in November and failing that we can write the epitaph of a once great country.  We have reached the cusp and the train wreck is about to commence.

Isn't This Interesting?!

SEE HERE The poor Obama campaign, whining about what people are saying about "Fast and Furious" so that they operate to shut down their free speech.  This is the usual thuggery to be expected from the Obama camp.  Frankly it's hard to think of anything good to say about "Fast and Furious."  The program was incoherent on the face of it and it led to hundreds of fatalities for which the BATF is directly responsible because they provided the gun.  The shocking thing is that they were not prepared to track the guns and they didn't inform the Mexican government.

American Thinker on the Health Care Decision

SEE HERE I think we're going to be hearing a lot of analysis pros and cons about the health care decision.  Not being a lawyer I'm a bit out of my depth on interpreting the result.  I don't like the ObamaCare plan and frankly don't think government should have a role in health care outside of some monitoring of safety concerns.  Getting government involved in the deliver of any good or service is a surefire way to make sure that quality suffers.  Government is at its best when it is serving only as a watchdog and not as a producer.

Social Engineering By Government — Epic Fail!

SEE HERE I'm not sure why we have so much government imposed do-gooderism with people exercising their prejudice and harming others because they think they know better. I'm always seeing this from the left. Environmentalists who couldn't grow anything telling farmers what to do. Phony baloney about global warming concocted to seize power of carbon emissions because that gives you a stranglehold on energy production. People who know no engineering telling others that the solution to power is wind and solar, both marginal and expensive technologies that an engineering analysis would show are non-starters. But perhaps social engineering is the worst of all because it directly affects people. Thomas Sowell points out how inhuman much of this is.

Funny And Telling at the Same Time

Socialized medicine is not a bed of roses.

The 2nd Amendment Says You Have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

SEE HERE But apparently the police don't think so and they relish a good SWAT team encounter without a search warrant. Can we have a little law and order from the law? Is it too much to ask that the law enforcers obey the law themselves. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who guards the guards themselves?

Palin Weighs In ... If It's a Tax then It Was Passed Unconstitutionally

SEE HERE TANSTAAFL (There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch) and this amounts to a trillion dollar increase in taxes. Not only is this not a free ride, but as Mark Levin said it's like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. MARK LEVIN The collapse looms not only of Europe but of the United States if we continue on this track. FIFTEEN REASONS WHY OBAMACARE IS A DISASTER

Krauthammer On SCOTUS

SEE HERE Krauthammer gives his analysis of what happened with the Supreme Court Obamacare decision yesterday.  The general lie of the land has one faction convinced that Roberts sold out and another that Roberts did something really insightful.  It's those that make careful political judgments that say he did something insightful and those who are principled and focused on the truth of the matter that say he sold out.  Politically it may have been the right decision.  The Republic is far gone.  I don't know if it can be saved.  Perhaps Roberts has done us a favor by casting the situation is starker light.  We are at the cusp!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Some Perspective on the ObamaCare decision

SEE HERE All is not quite so bleak as it may appear.  The mandate has been knocked down and the thing was approved as a taxing power.  However, as Ken Cuccinelli pointed out tonight in a telephone conference call on a radio program, that means that it can be overturned by a 51% vote and cannot be filibustered, at least the funding can be overturned.  That is a much easier gate to jump through than the 60% supermajority required to shut down a filibuster.  So there are some silver linings in this generally bleak cloud.

Gas Prices and all that ...

SEE HERE for a few ideas about how to handle runaway gas prices.  This link was sent to me by Madoline Hatter from who says they write about gas saving tips.  I wonder why she thinks Political Brambles is interested since mostly I just do rants about things that get my dander up either positively or negatively.  But her post made me think about the see-saw gas prices we've been seeing lately.  

Right around the corner from me the gas prices have been up to around $3.49 and down to something like $2.79 just in the past couple of weeks and the differentials between gas here and gas 40 miles North has been 40 to 50 cents.  So what is that about?  If gas prices continue so erratic we will have to think about ways to control the costs and some of these ideas are at least worth thinking about.

I had seen some expectations of over $4.00 per gallon possibly raising to $5.00 a gallon and if that doesn't send shudders down your back then you don't understand.  Energy is a fundamental factor of the production of just about everything.  That tends to mean it is an early warning indicator of significant inflation.  So if gas prices continue to rise everything else will follow.

Holder In Contempt of Congress 255-67

SEE HERE At least that's good news.  Maybe we can start getting deeper into the coverups the DOJ has been participating in. 

Social Justice? Code for Liberal Activism

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell, ever a clear mind, puts the lie to another piece of political flim-flammery. 

Goodbye Freedom! The Government Can Make You Buy Anything They Want You To

Check out the Mark Levin rant below ... I loved his metaphor: "Obama isn't giving you a damn thing, he's moving around the deck chairs on the Titanic."  Rights On!

SEE HERE I am deeply troubled by this insane decision by SCOTUS.  Totally unacceptable and without judicial warrant or precident.  The Supreme Court is worthless as part of the check and balance on Executive and Legislative power.  I wonder where I was when the United States lost its freedom?  It was a stealth victory I suppose.
MORE  When is a tax not a tax?
REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS RESPONSE Let's not rush in implementing this abomination!
WHERE OBAMACARE GOES Government can't run anything right!

  Rush offers a little on the birth of the Tea Party!

Mark Levin's rant from yesterday!  The logical course of events ... Tyranny Rising!

The Beat Goes On ... Lord Monckton Warns Peers Obama May Fall

SEE HERE It is quite difficult to understand how the continued revelations about President Obama's documentation or lack thereof seems to cast only the faintest ripples.  It speaks to the deep corruption in the American system since no official investigation at the federal level seems to have been undertaken despite overwhelming evidence that something is very wrong.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Birds of a Feather Flock Together — Liars All

SEE HERE My mother used to use this phrase that birds of a feather flock together to warn me against making bad companions.  She was convinced that your associations led to character formation or deterioration as the case may be.  Of course the news media simply ignored the many warning signs that should have made Barack Obama entirely unsuited to the presidency and we can see why when they have joined the administration is facilitating the lies that they are telling.  The news media in the United States has become a disgrace.

When Is Obama Going to be Impeached?

SEE HERE Apparently the rule of law means nothing in the United States anymore.  The president imagines that he is a total dictator and with the stroke of a pen can change U.S. law.  Wow!  Congress isn't needed just the president in his infinite wisdom.  I suppose that means we don't need elections either?  We can use the Department of Justice to persecute our enemies and hide any evidence of wrong doing by our friends.  We can use the various agencies of the U.S. government to promulgate policies based on fabricated pseudo-science and pretend everything is on the up and up.  Where does it all end?

Government Stupidity to the Max

SEE HERE The whole bio-fuel thing should be axed.  It was motivated in the first place by bad science and bad ideas that are simply untrue.  It is expensive and actually destructive.  We should get the government out of the market in goods and services.  They are totally incompetent.

Doesn't Anyone Give a Damn About Corruption In High Places Anymore?

SEE HERE Oh yeah, they're Democrats so the corruption is expected?  Can't get outraged about what you bought and paid for.  This administration and this Justice Department are simply beyond outrage to totally criminal.  "Fast and Furious" isn't just a scandal, it was put together to cause exactly what happened so that the Democrats could clamp down on 2nd amendment rights.  It's time to make it clear that that is unacceptable across the board.  But apparently we have so many traitors in our midst that it is hard to deliver on that result.

Straightening Out the Liberal Lies

It Must Not Happen

A second term for Barack Obama will destroy America as we know it.

Thomas Sowell Decodes the Political Rhetoric

SEE HERE "Words mean just what I say they mean, nothing more and nothing less" said Humpty Dumpty.  Alice said that you can't just make words mean anything you want.  Humpty replied, "The issue is who shall be master."  That little morality play was presented by Lewis Carroll a long time ago and nothing has changed.  Much of politics seems to be obfuscation and distortion of discourse.  Thomas Sowell, who is always a voice of common sense, pokes a few holes in some of the rhetoric.

And You Thought the Federal Government Was On Your Side? — Silly You!

SEE HERE There has been a lot of misinformation passed around by the phony environmental movement which is really a leftist effort to cripple the economy.  If you thought the government was there to protect you then you might want to know more about their view of protection.  It seems like they want to protect you from prosperity and economic growth.  The want to protect you from any kind of innovation of which they do not approve.  They will certainly protect you from receiving expensive medical care in the event you manage to live long enough to need it in your old age.  You don't need government to protect you from all these things, you need something else to protect you from government.  The Constitution certainly isn't working!

I'm Being Out Fundraised Says the Whiner In Charge

SEE HERE  Here's hoping that this keeps up and that the Whiner In Charge gets his head handed to him in the November elections.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Marxism Is Alive and Well Living In America

SEE HERE I don't suppose most of you have ever even thought twice about Marxism or the scourge of Communism.  It is just some old story long out of date about the past before you were born.  That fact that it killed over 100 million people and its ideologues are still with us shouldn't concern us should it.  The problem with self-fulfilling ideologies is that even when they fail their proponents simply say that they didn't go far enough.  100 million dead wasn't enough to secure the revolution.  The chilling fact is that this isn't ancient history.  The same ideology just like a chameleon changes its name and continue to infect people with lies that utopia is just around the corner if we just eliminate those bad guys — the big corporations or the right wing or the Trotskyites or whomever is the enemy of the week.  Wake up!  We're currently losing to the sustained encroachment of Marxism.  It has never worked, but that's only because it wasn't pure enough.  They have to eliminate the opposition, or was that exterminate.

How Does It Feel To Be Lied To All The Time?

Are we lied to all the time?  What is a lie?  A lie is something that is untrue that you're told to manipulate you in some way.  The father of lies, according to the bible, is no less than Lucifer, that angel of light that became Satan and to whom Saul Alinsky dedicated his book "Rules for Radicals."

The most sophisticated lie is one that is entirely true, just not the whole story, especially not the most important part of the story.  Of course to really be a lie the person telling you must know it is a lie.  That's were fellow-travelers come in.  If you lie to someone and they believe it, then when they repeat the tale it is no longer a lie despite being untrue for they believe it.

I'm getting lied to that way all the time.  Disinformation or propaganda it's called or maybe "spin" a rather new and nicer sounding word for the same thing.  The key to not being gulled is to know the truth, but that's hard since it is much easier to believe someone you trust.  That's accepting something on authority.  It doesn't matter that they don't know what they are talking about.  If you trust them then they become an authority for you and you proceed to swallow whatever it is that they have swallowed.

The solution is easy enough.  It was advanced a long time ago by Peter Abelard who said: By doubting we come to inquiry; and through inquiry we perceive truth.  The virtue of doubt is not that it contradicts a particular belief but that it suspends judgment.  Before believing anything we should do more than merely accept the word of a friend.  That is the starting point.  Dig deeper and discover the basis, if it exists, for what you have been told.  Then you can judge not only the truth of the matter but the reliability of your authorities.

Truth is another name for reality.  You can't go wrong with the truth.

Democrats Are Vampires ... Didn't Know that Did You?

Obama Can't Talk Very Long Without the "I" — word. Too Bad There is So Little There

A VP that Conservatives Can Get Behind

Do You Feel Safer Yet?

SEE HERE Homeland Security should be shut down.  I'll take my chances.  These bozos are not helping and frankly their stupidity is deeply embarrassing to the country.

Whining As A Political Strategy

SEE HERE "It's just not fair" and then the two year old falls on the ground and wails and flails and pounds his hands on the ground and turns quite red in the process.  It works a lot of the time since more mature people tend to find it uncomfortable watching a little person in such a state.  But really mature people ignore him or her while still making sure they don't hurt themselves.  Unfortunately politicians have discovered that they can trigger this behavior or its analog at least in otherwise apparently mature individuals by using the loaded word "fairness." 

It's just not fair that some people make more money than others.  Really!  Now that kind of thinking in outrageously stupid.  But it is emotionally appealing.  I can blame those other more successful people for my lack of success.  Somehow it is all unfair so we'll spread the unfairness around by taking what they have earned and giving it to the losers in this economic competition.  Then everything can be unfair and the society actually collapses.  Society is not built on income redistribution, but on rectitude.  When rectitude fails an it does when arbitrary standards of fairness are advanced than the society declines.

Why Welfare Doesn't Work

SEE HERE The cycle of poverty is actually facilitated by welfare. When are people going to learn. Marva Collins taught children that to give a man a fish you eat for a day, but if you teach a man to fish he can feed himself for a lifetime. She was all about personal responsibility and she brought that out often enough with another lesson: "Children, how do you eat an elephant?" "One bite at a time Mz. Collins."

Welfare is a necessary thing but it is a destructive thing. Used wrongly it only creates dependency and a sense of failure. "I can't make it on my own or I would not be on welfare." Welfare should never just be a gift. It should be compensated in some way based on the ability of the recipient to provide effort. Perhaps it should be a fee paid for learning a trade or doing some necessary task that is not too arduous for those who are handicapped. But just giving people things for nothing gives them unreasonable expectations and a false sense of entitlement. Ultimately it is destructive not only of the individuals but of the society around them.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Reality Trumps Stupidity — Blacks Should Look To Their Own House

SEE HERE The problems in the black community are not the result of racism, at least not the kind of racism that is commonly talked about. If there is a problem it is the idea that all failures of every kind can be blamed on someone else, the psychology of the victim and the idea that once you are a victim you can blame everything on someone else and claim that you are entitled to stuff just because you've been victimized. The problem is that it isn't true. Check out these statistics and recognize that the problem isn't caused by the white community but by the failure to take responsibility for overcoming their challenges.

The consequences of this demographic phenomenon can be SEEN HERE  basically wherever the non-white populations become large the crime rate goes through the roof.  This is a social pathology that needs correction but that correction cannot come from outside the community involved.  It's essential as Bill Cosby has said so many times, that these communities take responsibility for what they do.  You can't continue to blame the larger society for the pathologies of your own community.  Start being accountable and support virtue and you will see things improve.

Marva Collins always impressed me.   A long time ago in the  1970s, don't remember exactly when likely 1975 or 1976, I saw a 60 minutes show which featured Marva Collins and I was extremely impressed.  She is a take charge impressive woman.  She brought culture and virtue and commitment to the children in her charge.   She started a small school, the Westside Preparatory School, and gave children that the larger public school system had given up on a classical education.  The 60 minute sequence showed what an impressive job she did.  The general public education system has failed all of us.  It has gone downhill since its inception.  It's time to go back to the educational systems of the past that produce quality.

Sums Up the Reality of It All — Good Luck America!

Do you think freedom can survive another Obama administration? Consider this:

1.. Justice Scalia just turned 78

2.. Justice Kennedy will turn 78 later this year

3.. Justice Breyer will be 76 in August

4.. Justice Ginsburg turned 81 about a week ago.

The Supreme Court that contained a majority appointed by Obama would be a Supreme Court which had no respect for the Constitution and would see it only as an excuse for legislation from the bench. It would be a sustained disaster!

Freedom of Speech Is Under Attack

SEE HERE Freedom of speech should be just that. Freedom of speech isn't about deciding what speech is free. Indeed it is exactly that obnoxious speech is protected just as speech that is "politically correct." Now it is precisely that which the liberal progressives see as a problem. There idea of freedom of speech is freedom to agree with their opinion and any other speech is "hate speech." Well in that direction lies tyranny both of the mind and physical tyranny. If you want that kind of future for your children and your grandchildren just grant this administration another four years. If you do, then it may be the last real election in your life and it will almost certainly be the end of the republic. This has been coming on for a long time. If you are unwilling to make a stand than you will get the government you deserve. Tyranny Rising!

Fracking Isn't the Boogieman It's Been Made Out To Be

SEE HERE The whole fracking process is an amazing way to harvest natural gas.  But there are always those who pretending to be concerned for the environment invent all kinds of phony scares.  This presentation puts some parameters on the scary stuff and shows that it's bunk. 

Hostility Towards Christianity On the Rise

SEE HERE You have to wonder if the country has gone mad.  We have schools that produce barbarians and indoctrinated liberal-bots and prayer is excluded from the school and teaching morality is associated with religion so that is excluded as well.  Is it any wonder that our children are so uncivilized.  Parents have to redouble their efforts to instill virtue because they certainly are not getting much help from the schools.  Meanwhile there are groups that seek to undermine religious efforts to do simple things like distribute bibles.  We are a nation which appears increasingly to have a terminal sickness.

Democrats Never Change and Republicans Never Learn

SEE HERE "Read my lips, no new taxes" was a promise Bush the elder made.  Then the Democrats offered him the deal he could not refuse, higher taxes now for reduced spending in the future.  Sound familiar.  It's scam #1 in the Democrat play book.  For something now promise something in the future and then the future never comes and the Republicans are not only left holding an empty promise but they get hammered by their constituency and the Democrats blame whatever bad that happens on them and take credit for any good things that happen.  You'd think the Republicans would get the hang of this.  Joseph Sobran called the Republicans "The stupid party" for a reason.  They are constantly gamed by the Democrats because they treat them like men of their word and the Democrats continue to demonstrate that they are liars and bottom feeders.  Of course it's not politic to say so!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Racism Is Alive and Well In America, But It's Not What You Think!

SEE HERE The racism in America is the double standard that liberals have promulgated that Walter Williams nails in this insightful commentary.  Why are we not more outraged at the violence in the black communities?  If this were the case in the white communities we'd be talking about the collapse of civilization.  What about black flash mobs hitting stores ... ho hum?  The murder rate?  Black on white violence gets a pass, but if a black man suffers violence at the hands of a white man, well that's racism right?  The scandal is the double standard.  The real racism in America is the idea that there are two standards, a higher one for whites and a lower one for blacks.  Guess who promulgates this double standard? 

Facts and Figures ... Who Owns the Deficit?

I Guess This Would Be Funny If It Were Not So Pathetic!

SEE HERE Apparently in Tennessee the Democrat party attorneys took the position that it doesn't matter if their candidate for president is constitutionally eligible for the office.  That's incredible and incredibly sad.  The integrity of the United States is collapsing.  I suppose it has been happening for a long time, but now it seems to be entering the tipping point range and from that there may be no recovery.

Fast and Furious — Follow the Ideology

These are people who are intent on enslaving us.  Their intent is clearly to destroy the Constitution and "fundamentally transform America" into a vast socialist state.  Your freedom is at risk.

And the news media ... just a bunch of Obama flacks!  One has to wonder what they are all drinking?  Have they lost their minds as well as their integrity?

And What Is This About?

SEE HERE The United States military is not supposed to be deployed in the United States against civilians except under extreme emergencies.  When I googled around a little looking for precedents I found THIS LITTLE GEM  Welcome to the Civil War.  The folks that are into spinning conspiracies are convinced that Obama is going to trigger a crisis to motivate martial law.  This kind of exercise fuels their speculation.  Frankly I think that the Department of Homeland Security should be disbanded.  It was a bad idea and seems to be turning into an American Gestapo.

Insider Trading?

SEE HERE Trading in stocks in anticipation of the effects of legislation that is before congress is not insider trading apparently. I'm not sure what is or even if "insider trading" is such a bad thing, especially if it is public then it's an early warning indicator of stock moves. But it certainly appears like a conflict of interest. There are not very many statesmen in Congress it appears.

The Only One?

I think Wild Bill nails the messiah syndrome problem. Politics as usual produces Romney, but Romney is so much better than Obama that there is no question about who I'm going to support if he is nominated, indeed no matter who is nominated. Barack Obama has taken us to the brink of the dissolution of the republic and if he continues he may well succeed and that would likely be irretrievable.

Religion of Peace is At It Again — The Quick Road to Islamic Heaven? Kill Yourself and a Lot of Christians Besides

SEE HERE I don't know what to say. I keep running into liberals who blame the crusades on the Christians as if Islam has ever been anything but a violent, expansionary, murderous "religion."

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Why There Are So Many Widows

SEE HERE Now come on guys ... admit it. You've done some of these stupid things too right? I've survived all of mine so far but if you don't develop some common sense some time or the other your number is likely to come up!

Thuggish Government — Whatever Happened to Presumed Innocent?

SEE HERE This is simply an outrageous story of mistreating a law abiding business owner and destroying their lives based, as usual, on the phony plea bargaining of criminals. This is how Waco happened and how Ruby Ridge happened. This same kind of lying. What reason do you have to trust government?

The Butter Knife and the Salad Fork are Out to Get Obama

SEE HERE You can't make this stuff up. I've never heard of this being done in the case of any other president. Why is the Obama White House so paranoid? After all everyone is supposed to grovel at his feet and admire the wondrous one, the bringer of hope and change, the one who is going to fundamentally transform America into a world laughingstock.

Differences ...

SEE HERE The differences between the gun interdiction efforts of the two administrations. One was directed at stopping crime and the other at stopping Americans from owning guns. Guess which was which? MORE

Friday, June 22, 2012

Is the Republic Doomed?

SEE HERE It's hard to underestimate the ignorance of the American electorate apparently. If they can't see the difference between Mitt Romney (granted that he is not my favorite candidate) and the absolutely awful current occupant of the White House than we will get what we deserve. It may well spell the end of the Republic as we know it. It is already battered and a shabby shell of what it once was, but it is still standing. After four more years of Obama that seems much more unlikely.

Too True!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

There Is Something Fundamentally Sick About This

RACISM Frankly I don't doubt that there is a lot of racism. I'm bewildered that so much of it is black against white racism. This is a manifestation of that. There is far more violence by blacks against whites than in the other direction. Somehow this fact doesn't get much publicity. This link has something called "White privilege" and the last time I looked whatever that is likely arises from working hard and getting an education and applying oneself. I'm not sure where the privilege is in that. I'm sick of all the race baiting that goes on and all the people who are called out by the liberal left as racists when in fact they are just patriots. If you want to see the face of racism just look where it has always been -- the left progressive liberals who have used it to create dependency. Check out the reality of who has led the way on ending segregation and delivering on the promise of equality and you'll find that it has been the Republicans. That's just the facts. This stuff is propaganda pure and simple.

In the Context of "Fast and Furious" What Is This About?

SEE HERE I'm not sure what this is about. It sounds like persecution of a gun dealer for essentially reporting someone trying to buy a gun illegally. But maybe I misread it. The government seems hell-bent to demonize weapons ownership and they should not be allowed to get away with that.

Zimmerman and His Personal Account of the Encounter with Trayvon Martin

SEE HERE Frankly I think George Zimmerman is innocent. He was attacked and since he was armed he was not only in fear of his life because he was being beaten but because he didn't know if his attacker would seize his firearm and use it against him. The video here is worth a look.

Advancing a Dialog About a Lie

Item: The Tolerance of Liberals ... HaHaHaHa ... a Contradiction In Terms

SEE HERE  I practice a subspecialty of arguing with liberals.  It's stupid I know.  Why argue with people whose neurons are only randomly connected and who can't follow an argument.  But you have to grant me some recreation.  My experience with liberals is that when they talk they are making noise.  There idea of an argument is to assert a conclusion and then call you names if you disagree with them.  It's pretty amusing because it is so predictable.  To have a real argument you actually have to have some facts and principles.  In the case of liberals they manufacture their facts and conclusions and don't really have any principles.  It simply drives them nuts if you make logical arguments.  I think they have some special form of "Nazi" to characterize people who actually make arguments.  The funniest thing is that they say they are tolerant while all the time calling you names and using invective.  You have to get used to it.  After than it is really funny!

Truthful? The Obama Administration ... Good Luck!

Transparency? — Don't Make Me Laugh

SEE HERE  The lack of transparency at Rio, locking out all non-government folks tells you all you need to know.  It's not about science, it's not about sustainability, it's not about biodiversity.  It's about power and manipulation.  Welcome to environmental propaganda in the making.

When You Have As Many Soon To Be Worthless Dollars As China Has What Would You Expect

SEE HERE As the NIC continues his destruction of the economic stability of the United States, fragile at best, China sees its tremendous investment in U.S. Treasuries and reserve currency going up in smoke. What to do? Well you can divest. You can agree with Japan that you'd use each others currencies for trading zeroing out the dollar as the middle man, and you can start buying whatever dollars will buy that has permanent value. Land ... yeah that's the ticket. Let's buy Toledo!

The Rogue President

SEE HERE The nation is in the grips of a presidency that sees no real limits on its power. If it doesn't like what the congress does it merely signs an Executive Order. The Constitution? You mean that old scrap of paper? No-one thinks of that as anything more than a guideline these days. We have transitioned from a government of laws to a government by presidential edict. That is tyranny and the author of tyranny is a tyrant. The president needs to be impeached and removed. Tyranny Rising!

When Squishy Isn't Warranted

SEE HERE Data debunks the common excuse that squishy Republicans are from swing districts and vote that way to stay elected. Well that idea turns out not to wash. So let's at least make sure that conservative districts get conservative Republicans and turn those wolves in sheep's clothing out. Nothing like coherence to clear the air.

How Do Tax Cuts Differ From Subsidies?

SEE HERE The government has long been involved in all sorts of activities which distort the market in goods and services in ways that simply are crafted to enrich those the government chooses to enrich while punishing indirectly those that are not so favored. The government, frankly, should get out of the picking winners and losers game and let the market decide who the winners and losers ought to be. What we have now is a kind of corruption which has been going on for a long time but is still just one more example of robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Executive Privilege Is Not Blanket Privilege

SEE HERE This whole Executive Privilege thing stinks to high heavens. Was Obama directly involved in "Fast and Furious"?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Facing Down the Environmental Wackos

The science isn't there but that doesn't stop the U.N. crowd that wants to hold up the West to pay for useless things that will harm everyone.

The Hobbits Are Coming!

Holder Held In Contempt

SEE HERE Always interesting that this sort of thing turns on a party line vote.  Apparently our elected "servants" are not much given to actually voting on the evidence.  Everything is turned into a political game.  Well "Fast and Furious" cost one border agent his life and likely cost thousands of Mexicans theirs and it was blatantly illegal to boot.  Where does the government get off directing people to disobey the law?  The whole Obama administration treats the laws as something that they don't have to pay attention to.  The Department of Justice just drops cases for favoritism and spins up programs that are lethal to generate a crisis so they can attack the 2nd amendment.  This is a government of criminals and thugs.  When are we going to wake up?  And what's this party line vote thing?  I've lost all respect for Democrats and most of my respect for Republicans.  They are all bums.  We need to retool and reboot the whole system.  LIMBAUGH SPEAKS UP

Raise For Me But No-Raise For You

SEE HERE This snopes post is worth a read.  While the Obama administration was freezing COLA's for Social Security folks he was bumping up the salaries of his White House Staff very generously.  You're just a citizen, you don't count!

It's Long Past Time To Impeach King Obama Tyrant

SEE HERE We have a president who rather clearly is not living up to his oath of office.  He doesn't believe in the rule of law unless it is convenient.  He doesn't respect the Constitution.  He's a clear and present danger to the republic.  He needs to be impeached.  The only problem is that he owns the Senate.

Here Today Gone Tomorrow!

SEE HERE The problem with Executive Orders is that they are not permanent.  One of the first things that Obama did when he took office was void a number of president Bush's Executive Orders.  So if you're an immigrant you might want to be a little concerned about a policy based on Executive Orders.

A New Watergate?

SEE HERE Isn't this similar to what Richard Nixon did over the Watergate tapes?  Maybe we can get the same result.  Of course Joe Biden is not Gerald Ford ... but at least he's not Barack Obama.

Propaganda By Musical

Well done but not very accurate.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Mystery Life of Barack Obama

SEE HERE The life of Barack Obama is more myth than truth.  Who is the real Barack Obama?  No-one seems to really know.

Tell Me Again How This Advances Homeland Security?

SEE HERE "WTF over"   "We have a problem Houston."  "Open the pod doors Hal."  Government by decree and Executive Order is tyranny pure and simple.  The President needs to be impeached.  This is a run up to a phony emergency.  Homeland Security my foot.

Random Thoughts from a Penetrating Mind

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell speaks wisdom whenever he speaks.  This is a collection of random thoughts that point out how totally blind most of our expectations are.  If you don't inform yourself with facts and if you don't consider the meaning of those facts in the context of how the world works then you have no one to blame but yourself when things don't work out the way you expected them to.  Incorrect expectations are built on blind faith and ignorance.

Community versus the Collectivists

SEE HERE The "collective" and the "community" are two very different concepts.  The first is a distortion of the second which is a human need.  The notion that the two are the same is fostered by tyrants to obtain power.  Community organizers are not interested in the community.  They are interested in power which is obtained by objectifying the community as the collective and then ruling.

Wow! Now It's Singapore

SEE HERE  It's had to know what to believe about Obama.  Aside from being very dedicated to keeping all his records secret he's apparently told people all sorts of stories over the years so noone knows what to believe now.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Our Border Patrol Agents Deserve Better

SEE HERE Get rid of Holder and clean up the Justice Department.  It's currently just a cover up agency for Obama.

Answers and Accountability? From This Administration? What Are You Smoking?

This is the most corrupt administration ever.  They have been dishing out government support money to their supporters in cozy deals that are covered as pretend Green jobs programs or bail outs or shovel ready projects ... billions have just disappeared and they supported a program that sold guns to drug cartels that violate U.S. borders and put both U.S. citizens and their own people at risk.  They are despicable and this whole administration needs to be investigation and put in jail.

When Are We Going to Impeach This Fraud?

SEE HERE I guess I've never seen a more incompetent and arrogant president either in my lifetime or in my reading of history.  Barack Obama is without precedent the worst president in American history with a messiah complex that has him claiming to be one of the best.  He did manage a Nobel Prize for doing nothing, which lowered the prestige of the Nobel prize immeasurably in my eyes.  How does that work?  Is a time machine involved?  But then he managed to be elected president of the United States with no particular achievements ... so why not?  On the other hand his agenda seems to be to take down the country and the lack of uproar as he achieves his objective makes one wonder how widespread the conspiracy actually is?  Are our elected officials really such wusses?  Unbelievable!

A Government of Laws? — The Resurrection of an Imperial Presidency

Allen West nails it!

The Festering Eligibility Issue — A Game of Kick the Can

SEE HERE Just get through this hearing and kick the can down the road and sooner or later it will go away and the Constitution will be ignored again.  That seems to be the strategy and it seems to be working.

Remember the Hockey Stick? — Well You Can Forget It!

SEE HERE Bogus science from the get go!  It's too bad that it was taken as gospel and used to spin up the global warming hysteria.

Psy-Ops and World War III ... Stand by!

SEE HERE Interesting recent event which put me in mind of a similar event which took place when the Shah of Iran was still in power.  The Russians were sending spy aircraft across Iran.  The Shah bought a U.S. hypersonic drone and flew it on much the same trajectory that the Russians were flying and shot it down with an F-14 and a Phoenix missile.  The Russians took the hint.  So what are we going to do?

Liddy: Obama Presidency Most Corrupt Ever

SEE HERE Gordon Liddy is an really interesting guy.  He was part of the famous Watergate scandal and is one of the few who didn't plea bargain by testifying against his associates.  He knows corruption up close and personal.  Given his background he can likely make a valid comparison.

In Case You Wondered

SEE HERE Getting things straight is sometimes difficult.  I got tagged the other day for falling for one of the alternate picture of Trayvon Martin and took the post down when my commenter noted that it was not of Martin at all.  You have to be careful since so much that is rattling around the internet is just disinformation.  Today a trusted email friend of mine sent me that editorial that this snopes blog post references and I checked (not that snopes is all that reliable but it is a starting point).  Anne Wortham's comments are worth considering again.  The decision to vote for someone because of the color of his skin is pure racism whether in favor or against.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Anti-Christian Bias of the News Media

SEE HERE The news media is anti-Christian and biased and this is just another example of the kind of slanted reporting you get automatically from these folks.  It could hardly be more blatant censorship to edit out the prayers as this dangerous high-wire walk was performed.

Communism Then and Now — It's Still Dangerous

SEE HERE I personally remember the so-called McCarthy era. The usual suspects, the liberal progressives lefists spun it up as some awful persecution when in fact the people being investigated were intent on destroying the United States. We now know that McCarthy was right. The people he thought were Communists and working for the overthrow of America were just that. In fact it was worse. And the sad thing is that they are still at it but now we've lost our collective will to resist. It's really insidious. It's hard to know who to tag with the responsibility for this. I'm inclined to think it is due to the failure to take the threat seriously and that's partly at least due to the effectiveness of the propaganda of the left. When they finally come for you and put you in the Gulag, just remember that you had a chance to be free and you blew it.

On the Formation of Clear Minds ...

The most successful strategy for living is to live in accordance with the truth. The truth is simply another name for reality. What is so is the truth and what is not so is false and if intentionally promulgated knowing it is false, a lie.

It is not always easy to know the truth because often the truth is obscured by ideas that are either not true at all or are partially true and partially false. As human beings are limited creatures it is rather likely that almost none of our ideas are wholly true. Insofar as they are true they are helpful but they will often fall short of the full truth. This is one of the reasons we can be misled so easily on occasion.

In order to form a clear mind we must find both true information and true principles that allow us to process the information, to clarify it and hone it to wear away those limitations where it falls short so that they are visible and we know them.

The most straightforward way to form a clear mind is to sit at the feet of other clear minds that have gone before us and learn. We should recognize that there is no perfectly clear mind so that even our role models, those whose minds and thought we respect no doubt made mistakes. Peter Abelard counseled universal skepticism in the sense I think of being able to doubt everything. That is fundamental to a clear mind I think. If you cannot doubt then you can become mired in an illusion of truth that is appealing but untrue. You must always be prepared to discover that you are wrong about everything.

For this reason I collect clear minds. I am under no illusion that any of my clear minds are perfect, but I respect them and learn from their thought how to think myself. Each person will likely find clear minds that appeal to them. On my short list are people like Aristotle, John Henry Newman, Thomas Aquinas, Mortimer Adler, C. S. Lewis, Theresa Avila, Dorothy Sayers, Richard Feynman and others. They don't agree on everything but they are models that I can go to and see serious men and women thoughtfully seeking the truth.

Obama (faux) Responds to His Critics

Typical Politobabble ... funny!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Immunity? For Telling the Truth? ... What?!

SEE HERE OK this is just crazy and frankly suggests that they need the immunity.  Why would a scientist need immunity if they have been telling the truth?  That at least is the question that popped into my mind when I read this.  Scientists are supposed to be a data-driven breed and that means publishing the data and the analysis and the interpretation.  So long as the data is accurate and the analysis is not flawed then what comes out is the truth, or at least an approximation of the truth that is as close to it as our understanding of the data and the analysis principles applied can achieve.  So what's with requests for immunity?  Peculiar and suspicious.

Hawaiian Birth Certificates for Sale

Hawaiian birth certificates were routinely for sale during the exact timeframe that Obama is supposed to have been born there. This is a very interesting interview that points out all the problems that the "birther" issue reveals, not only about Barack Obama but about the eligibility of some of the Republican vice-presidential candidates who are also not Natural Born Citizens.

The whole point of the Natural Born Citizen clause is to ensure that the president has no other allegiances. Barack Obama fails the test and it's quite clear that he has mixed allegiances. The same issue faces Bobby Jindal and Marco Rubio and perhaps others. If you want to walk the walk you have to do it on both sides of the aisle.

Friday, June 15, 2012

GOP Delegates Unhappy With Romney

SEE HERE It still may not be a slam dunk that Mitt Romney is the Republican nominee. Frankly I hope he isn't. I want a Conservative, any Conservative ... not a Massachusetts governor who is about as liberal as they get in the GOP and is a flip-flopper and every issue under the sun. I grant you he's better than "The Chosen One", the Narcissist In Charge, but not enough to make me happy. We need a real Conservative. I hope one emerges. In the meantime this will make the process entertaining.

Bill Whittle Laying It On The Line: This Administration Is Disgraceful

Big Trouble! Big, Big Trouble1

Freedom Isn't Free

CLICK HERE or on the image

Bobby Jindal on the Liberal Left

SEE HERE There won't be much left of America if the Liberal Left gets their way. They are chipping away, sometimes in giant chunks, the liberties we have all enjoyed as Americans. They think the people that vote for them are entitled to your wealth that you earned.

It's because they think of themselves as the enlightened and anointed that they justify running over everyone else. Oddly they are dominated by people who have not earned their own wealth but either inherited it or acquired it from the practices of large scale coercion by government or unions or foundations of left leaning people.

If you're a small businessman or you're someone who believes in free enterprise, indeed in true freedom, then you are the enemy to this group of people. They have indoctrinated the young and are on the way to fundamentally transforming a once great nation that once led the world.

We have been transformed from a productive nation that supplied to world with good and services, to a debtor nation that only knows how to consume. Soon we will not be able to sustain the overwhelming debt that this has produced and then we will see the truth, that we have been undermined and destroyed by those who claim to only have our best interests at heart as they drain the nation of wealth.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Guns Don't Commit Crimes and Criminals Don't Register Their Guns

Typical camel's nose in the tent legislation. Ultimately costly and useless idea. This is how the anti-gun folks work ... nibble, nibble, nibble ... at the periphery or at the core wherever they can. The focus is reducing the rights of gun owners in small ways or big ways but always in one direction which is for more control and less freedom. It all goes to only one place.

Rush Nails Obama ... Again!

Malkin and Williams Go At It

Hannity: "Accept reality Holder is gone before election day." Juan Williams gets an earful from Michelle Malkin. Whew!!

Wild Bill: "It's Overtime!"

High Risk of Cyber Attack

SEE HERE The capability is likely there now. This is sobering and companies should take it seriously and prepare contingency plans.

The Manufactured President — No-one Knows Where the Lies Begin and End

SEE HERE The story of Barack Obama is intriguing except that it seems to be largely manufactured. Who is the real Barack Obama and what is his story? Perhaps we'll never know.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Corruption in the DOJ? Really? Surprised?

SEE HERE The whole Obama administration is one big layer cake of corruption. Why should this surprise anyone. I've never seen an administration that spent money like water with almost no effect except apparently to enrich or pay off their supporters. Some people have suggested that this is just Chicago style corruption written big on the national scene. If so it will be really nice when this bunch is removed from office and then there should be a thorough investigation.

Zo Supports the National Anthem ... "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave"

It took a lot of courage to come to this continent in the early days. Zo lays the liberals out with a liberal parody of the Star Spangled Banner. Frankly I'm ashamed of liberals. They should probably all move to Cuba where they would be happier ... Really? There does seem to be a neuron deficiency on the left.

Bringing Up the Young Voter Is Something We May Be Failing At

SEE HERE One of the biggest problems with young voters is maturity. We need to do a better job of bringing up young citizens to understand the principles on which our great nation is based. Only the education citizen is a responsible citizen and increasingly the young are being propagandized that government is the solution to all our problems when the fact of the matter is that the role of government should be strictly limited so that citizens can exercise their freedom.

A Return to Reaganism Is What's Needed

Reagan was a movement Conservative. An ideology is a coherent set of principles and policies. The term needs to be resurrected. It means you have principles whereas the liberals have none.

O'Reilly and Beck Head to Head

O'Reilly and Beck go at it ... Is Obama a Marxist, a Statist, or just a Liberal. I'm inclined to say all three myself.

Slaying the Fearful Sky Dragon

SEE HERE Sometimes you have to engage reality and CO2 is not the climate driver it has been claimed to be. Quite the opposite. It rises after the warming so it is climate that drives CO2 not the other way around. What makes the climate grow warmer and cooler? The sun ... Duh! That being said, reading the reviews of this book should make you cautious about swallowing it hook-line-and-sinker. There is a lot of criticism of the science in the reviews posted on Amazon. I'm always interested in books with "U"-shaped review curves ... lots of fives and lots of ones with nothing much between. These usually indicated an ideological issue that has huge disagreements of a fundamental nature. When the book is about science it usually means politicized science. So it's a good idea if you read the book to be careful to confirm what is being said. I never trust the rock-throwers overly much but any controversy requires confirmation of the data and principles under discussion.

Newt On Buying Off the Black Community with Food Stamps

When Is Someone Going to Tell These People They Are Insane?

SEE HERE What?  Popcorn?  It's a major food group.  What am I going to do if they outlaw popcorn at the movies?  Oh yeah ... I don't live in New York and never will.  I can't stand the hive mentality up there.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Books, books ... books!

I read a lot of books and since I'll be moving soon I'm moving a lot of books too.  We've been boxing books into those Banker-Boxes which you can get at Staples or Walmart for something like $13 for ten or thereabouts.  So far we've packed something like 190 boxes and we still have about another 190 to go.  But I really want to talk about what I'm reading, not what I'm packing.  I view books as the memory of things you've forgotten that you know.  A good library has a wealth of things that you'd like to remember when you get the time.

I'm a political animal too.  I think Aristotle says that of all of us.  If you live in a polis, the state, then you have to be political or you're not a responsible citizen.  Being involved is one of the responsibilities of a citizen.  That responsibility includes the leadership and the economics and all the other dimensions of citizenship.

I just finished reading "The Amateur" by Edward Klein.  Klein's clearly a liberal which makes his book all that more of an indictment of the incompetence of the Obama administration.

Another book I'm reading is "The Obama Error" by Stephen Pidgeon which is a much more problematically book by a much more controversial author.  CHECK THIS OUT for the flavor.

My philosophy is to sample the spectrum since everyone has an agenda.  You can only form good opinions by sampling the spectrum and seeing how well things hold up.

Somewhere around the house I have Jerome Corsi's book "Where's the Birth Certificate"

I'm also reading Jonah Goldberg's book "The Tyranny of Cliches" which is subtitled "How Liberals Cheat in the War of Ideas."  I have no doubt that liberals cheat, but I'm less convinced that they really have ideas.  They tend to operate by labeling and ridicule.   I suppose though that that's what Goldberg's book really comes down to: a sort of catalog of liberal labeling.

Last but not least is a book on the coming financial disaster by Peter D. Schiff called "The Real Crash" which is a sobering warning that if we don't change our ways and soon we're in for the mother of all financial crashes.

If that isn't enough books I'm also reading "Starship Troopers" by Robert Heinlein for a Science Fiction book club, "The Abolition of Man" by C.S. Lewis for the C.S. Lewis Society that I moderate, and a book by St. Catherine of Siena for the Spiritual Book Club I'm in.  All that reading keeps one busy.

Biggest Scam In History Continues

SEE HERE The problem with the "birther" thread is that it has produced hard evidence that there is a lot of document forgery involved and that no-one seems to care.  It is dismissed as of no account.  Now frankly I don't have a clue whether the definition of Native Born Citizen and Natural Born Citizen are of significance not being either a historian or a lawyer. 

One wag I read pointed out that given the hidden college records that suggest that Obama received support as a foreign student either the president is guilty of a felony or he's ineligible.  Interesting thought.  We have tons of evidence that something is very wrong and no-one in authority seems willing to press the issue.  To me that is far and away the larger story. 

What has everyone so bamboozled?  Is there no-one with the guts to demand an answer to this conundrum?  It just keeps going on and the one conclusion you can draw is that the corruption in Washington is much deeper than you ever imagined.

One of the most interesting aspects of this continues to be the fact that the response is simply to ridicule the people who are concerned by labeling them "birthers."  For the left that's the end of the matter.  They hurl epithets and pretend that that settles the matter.  But a forged selective service document and a forged birth certificate don't go away quite so easily.  It seems no-one wants to confront the issue, but that's not the same as the idea that there is no issue.  How come Obama was presented as a Kenyan for thirteen years by his publisher?  

Free Market Solutions Work! Ask Estonia!

SEE HERE It's fun sometimes to just step back and compare the outcomes from various countries that try different economic policies.  The results can be very illuminating.  Estonia is doing the kind of things that most free market economists suggest and it's working well for them compared with the results of the other countries in Europe.

Allen West Stepping Up: It's Time to Fix Washington

I love this guy!  Some people are in it for the principle of the thing.  Go Allen!

In Case You Want to See What an Idiot Obama Is Just CLICK

SEE HERE There is something incredibly naive and simplistic and a bit stupid about this kind of behavior on the part of the president.  It's a clue about how he approaches his job: surface only, shallow, sophomoric and ultimately ignorant of how insulting he is actually being.  But he doesn't care.  Best job in the world.  You send the first lady on great trips, play a lot of golf and blame Bush for anything that goes wrong.  What could be better?  Well we badly need something better before the bottom drops out.

Socialist or Fascist?

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell, ever a reliable commentator, nails the reality of Obama's "socialism." The reality is that the left is fascist while pretending they are just innocent do-gooders. Thomas Sowell knows better.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Speaking Truth to the Stupid: Amazing How Brain Dead the Senate Is

Solutions? Solutions are not new government programs. The government is the problem not the solution. FULL TESTIMONY Watch Peter's last testimony here:
Part 1 - HERE
Part 2 - HERE
The overwhelmingly obvious thing listening to the testimony is that there is simply tremendous ignorance of basic economics.