Thursday, February 28, 2013

John Tory 2013 And The Lessons of History

SEE HERE History doesn't repeat itself exactly, but it does repeat itself sufficiently well as to be recognizable. Thus learning history is a valuable lesson on which to base reflections about current events. We are in far greater trouble than most of us seem willing to acknowledge. The gears of history inexorably are rerunning problematic scenarios from the past, some consciously and some perhaps only accidentally. Whichever it is will not change the outcome if we are not awakened to the dangers.

Government Pseudo-Science: Salute Or Be Fired

I'm not at all surprised. This is what is happening throughout the green movement and the global warming alarmism. The government spins up an agenda and then expects the scientists to just support them regardless of the underlying reality. Notice the Doctor's testimony and the criteria his boss insisted on. Anti-science, agenda driven ... totally anti-science and corrupt.

2.2% A Major Crisis Is Not ...

TRUTH ABOUT THE SEQUESTER The president depends on the fact that he thinks all Americans are stupid and that he can fool them all. It's not true and we should show him that by taking the sequester and shoving where his head is most of the time.

Bob Woodward On The Sequester

CHECK IT OUT The point is that the president doesn't want a "deal," he wants his own way period. He simply never negotiates in good faith.

Palin Wonders Too! What Do They Need All That Ammo For?

SEE HERE I thought it might be fun to do a little top of the head calculation. I googled around and got about 200,000 for the number of people employed by homeland security. Obviously they are not all armed nor do they all require firearms proficiency. But let's just assume they are then how many rounds would each one get to fire if 1.6 billion rounds were purchased? You get 8000 rounds for every employee. Now that's a lot of training especially since it's likely that the number of armed DHS employees is perhaps 20% (sounds high to me) which would take it up to 40,000 rounds each. Hard to figure what they need all that hollow point ammo for?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Warnings Is It? — Poor Little President Doesn't Like What Big Bad Woodward Is Doing? How Sad

SEE HERE "I'd regret what I'm doing" — Sure sounds like a threat to me. So now we have the White House issuing threats against senior reporters that are not doing what they want. Didn't Nixon get in trouble just for keeping lists of the people who didn't like him. Of course Clinton is supposed to have blackmailed folks with FBI and IRS investigations. It's probably just standard Democrat corrupt behavior.

And it's not an isolated incident as it turns out ... SEE HERE FOR MORE So what we have is the beginnings of a pattern of press mediation by intimidation. How presidential!

Intentionally Releasing Criminals Into Our Society

SEE HERE Just exactly what offense is evil enough to call out the president? Intentionally releasing criminals to make political points seems like a provocation and a totally irresponsible action. Are there no people with integrity and standards in this administration? Did anyone point out how immoral and irresponsible this was? Or is this just the Chicago criminal mind set in operation? MORE

The Phony Baloney Of The Sequester

How many years do we have to wait until sanity returns to government? Do we have to go through a catastrophic collapse first? How much government do you really need or want? I remember a joke that used to go around that went something like "Be thankful that you don't get as much government as you pay for." Well the government seems bent on fixing that. Soon we'll have more government than we can survive.

Grabbing Guns And Leaving People Defenseless

SEE HERE It's what the police did in New Orleans ... why do you think it can't happen again, anywhere? Has anyone been punished? Has this precedent been overthrown? Be aware. The police don't always seem to be on your side.

Does Anyone Really Think That Reason Can Penetrate The Skulls Of Brainwashed Liberals?

This is rather an amazing rant! He had me when he said "Everything the president said is absolutely true." Wow! Now that's delusional. It's a rant because it is so disconnected from reality. It's the big lie told over and over and over against with passion because the general public understands passion and assumes that it is accompanied by truth. Unfortunately that isn't the case. Passion is just one more rhetorical technique. There is no civility from the left. Sadly that is taken for truth by the people who have been mesmerized by the left for so long that they can't tell that they've been brainwashed.

W5+H — Just The Facts Maam Just The Facts

SEE HERE That's what Sergeant Joe Friday would always say to the crime witnesses and that's what Red State is saying this morning. We have an incredible failure of all the reporting in the public square to just get it right, get it object, get it on target. Failure to have the facts right doesn't help anyone very much but it there is a beneficiary it is those who peddle spin for a living for they can point at their opponents and say "Nah nah Nanna Na Na ... you too" which while a logical fallacy is nevertheless effective rhetoric. W5+H Who What When Where Why and How. I was taught that when I was the first page editor on my high school newspaper. It's basic journalism 101 and something the media has totally forgotten. UPDATE

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Where Will It Stop? — When The Money Runs Out I Suppose

SEE HERE The government just grows and grows and finds more and more things that we poor citizens have to be "helped" with. Those terrifying words that Ronald Reagan said stirred fear in all Americans: "I'm from the government. I'm here to help you." Well, I don't know about you, but I don't want all this help, especially when the underlying motivation is simply the explosive expansion of government power.

Mark Levin On Bob McDonnell's Betrayal

A grotesque tax bill ... pretending you're cutting taxes while you actually increase them hugely. Democrats endorse the bill ... What does that tell you?

From Bob For Jobs To Bob For Billions

Government cannot continue to bloat itself up at the expense of the people. This insatiable spending ultimately will collapse the economy and we have to stop it. The time is now. The place is here. Stop growing government.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Is The GOP Salvageable? Are There Any Principles Left There?

Salvageable? Betrayal sends its own message. The Republicans have been dissing their base for the past twenty years mostly. Is there anything left that is salvageable? Not unless they get rid of the problem with is the folks that only pretend to have principles and even then they have to get their credibility back which has been so damaged that no-one believes them anymore.

Media Trying To Manipulate The Process

SEE HERE This is of course Media Hype 101. Cuccinelli must be an extremist because those bad evil conservative grassroots Tea Party people like him. When are we going to have a return to principles and not pretend that politics is only about grandstanding and demagoguery. This piece features Bill Bolling as a grey candidate, uninspiring until the golden media frocks him as a possible third party candidate. I think the reality is that Terry McAuliffe is the grey candidate with nothing to offer but the usual liberal tax and spend us to destruction tactics. If Bolling chooses to mount a third party candidacy he will only succeed in proving that he can draw off the RINOs and possibly cause Cuccinelli to lose. He won't win and will only earn the title of traitor. He was already off the reservation with McDonnell when he thought he and the governor could manipulate the process and control the nomination. If proved at the time they made the deal that neither of them was really a conservative. When are people going to figure out that the state and nation will only flourish when men and women of principle are in the elected positions designed to serve the people not enslave them.

Wild Bill Has A Point

I'm one of those who gave Wild Bill a ration because of his "America Bless God Again" change. His defense here certainly makes sense but the phrase still doesn't. He ought to be doing what John the Baptist was doing, calling for repentance. We certainly need national repentance for surely we cannot continue to mock God indefinitely. His justice is certain and enduring and we shall come under judgment.

Mandatory Confiscation Is What They Want

SEE HERE Tyranny? Why would anyone ever think that our government would ever do anything tyrannical? Well let's see: 1) betrayal of the American Indians over and over, 2) incarceration of American citizens of Japanese extraction, 3) government manipulation of a man to get him to testify against his associates leading to the FBI murdering his son and his wife (Ruby Ridge), 4) trumped up warrant served on Branch Davidians, a religious sect of the Seventh Day Adventists, by the BATF coming with an army with the clear intent of performing a forced entry leading to the death of many and no particular evidence of any wrong doing on the part of the victims. (Waco) and it continues. It will become much worse when we've all been disarmed.

A World Gone Mad — So Sad

Separation Of Church And State? Selective Application

SEE HERE Apparently the public schools are prepared to teach about any religion except Christianity and teach propaganda at that. I'd get my kids out of the public school as fast as possible if I had any young enough to be in there. They don't learn to write cursive, they don't learn to read very well, they can't do arithmetic without a calculator but they can tell you that Egypt was better when it wasn't a democracy and now the Muslim Brotherhood has saved it. Can we have a little more education and a lot less indoctrination. Please!

McDonnell Fails The Smell Test

SEE HERE Too bad really! It's been my instinct to distrust Bob McDonnell and now with this tax raise he reveals himself to be just another phony in a political arena that is filled with phonies. Too bad, but then it isn't as if he's kept it all that secret. When the left is applauding you for leadership you know you've been betrayed. ROANOKE TEA PARTY

Sunday, February 24, 2013

NRA's Proud Legacy: Defending Equal Rights!

These folks get it. Now all we need to do is get the message out to the rest who are so comfortable drinking the koolaid that they don't notice the shackles clanking shut.

Rand Paul Levels: Balderdash! (That Sums It Up)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Try A Return To Sanity

SEE HERE Free market economics is how we became the most productive society on the planet. It might be a good idea to try it again before we sink into this sludge of bureaucratic collectivist excrement which has been steadily destroying our society. It worked before. It will certainly work again. But for anything to work it has to actually be tried. LISTEN HERE

A Graceful Interlude Celebrating A Great Mustard

Conservatives Unite — Or Most Certainly Go Down In Flames

Wild Bill continues to want America to "bless God." I guess he doesn't realize how silly this is. We can't bless God because we have nothing to offer but our obedience and that seems to be in very short supply. We really should be praying that God doesn't give us the punishment we deserve.

Rights? You're Making The Liberals Laugh

SEE HERE Rights? You think you got rights? Maybe you should do an audit of how many of those rights you think you have are still around. You'll be surprised at how many have just sort of drained away without anyone really raising a fuss. Now with just a little added effort they can get the few that still remain. Good luck with that.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Civil Unrest In Earlier Years

This all appears to be labor unrest based on the impression given by the narrative. It would not be difficult to duplicate these things from the anti-war protests in the 1970s as well as some of the riots surrounding the Martin Luther King assassination. This doesn't begin to justify DHS's ammunition purchases.

Why Rove's Plan Is A Terrible Plan

For starters Karl Rove has a lousy record picking candidates and saying he's a conservative is laughable.  The usual liberal mantra is to talk about the Koch brothers but they are not picking candidate but supporting conservatives.  Rove by contrast is a fundamentally destructive force.  He needs to get out of the game.

Lt. Governor Candidate Pete Snyder Takes A Stand On Red State

SEE HERE "No new taxes!" of course that alone isn't enough we need to grow the economy of the Commonwealth.  It's interesting how the career politician can never seem to think of any other solution.  What!  Cut spending?  How draconian of you.  Well the bottom line is that government produces very little but obstruction and trouble.  We'd be better off if they all just went away because while some government supplied functions are important, the vast majority could be dispensed with and almost the only thing people would notice is how much better everything got.

Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie Lie ... Oh Yeah Lie Lie Lie Lie

This is dereliction of duty.  It's irresponsible.  It's clearly a problem not because it is the first time people have died, but this was on drone with communications in real time with enough time for "stand down" orders to be sent.  List to the cover on the piece.  Lie lie lie lie lie ... never take responsibility ... lie lie lie lie ... Never seen anything like it.  There is a conspiracy.  If not after the fact but even before the fact.  Lie lie lie lie lie ... most unengaged president in the history of the republic.

So Who Started This Little Game? Tyranny Rising!

SEE HERE It's time to recognize that what Obama and his administration does is not limited by any perception of their right to do the things they do.  They just do whatever they want because they don't respect any limits whatsoever, not the Constitution, not the Declaration of Independence, not the law, nothing limits their sense of their ability to impose whatever they desire.  You have to stand up because is tyranny.  Once a part of it is accepted there is no limiting it.  Tyranny Rising!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Common Sense About Economics: Something Liberals Don't Understand

Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense — Right Again!

SEE HERE Gay marriage is a double negation. It is neither "gay" nor "marriage." It is simply sin dressed up to mock the virtuous.

This Is How It Works In A Republic That Used To Be Free

SEE HERE Due process? This is thuggery pure and simple. What recourse do you have? After they invade your home, ransack it, seize your property, destroy your reputation in the neighborhood, and all because they want to intimidate you, what are you left with but the clear perception that the America you live in now, is not the America that you grew up in.

Armageddon 101: The Apocalypse Nears

SEE HERE Iran preparing to engage. I guess people who think Iran will play nice have to reassess that evaluation. Armageddon? Apocalypse? Hard to say. The signs are not so good frankly. We have a witches brew of Islamic extremism fueled by hatred for the Jewish people which is informed by the Nazis (I'm not making this stuff up ... do your own research) and a president who is handled by a native born Iranian who is himself likely a Muslim and has been facilitating the reactivation of the Caliphate ... what could go wrong?

They Appear To Be Coming For Your Rights, All Of Them

SEE HERE It's not like a really hard jigsaw puzzle. It's an easy one. The pieces fall into place one after another. The Narcissist In Charge (NIC) hasn't been all that secretive about his mission. After all, what can "the fundamental transformation of America" mean besides moving away from our Constitutional liberties to a model of a more oppressive and totalitarian nature. The man who idolizes and hangs out with Communists and tyrants can hardly be expected to have your best interests at heart. You should be prepared to resist. This tyrant is moving steadily and inexorably towards the moment when he can seize more permanent power. If you value liberty then you need to be watchful and prepared.

Freedom of Speech? — Oh I See: Freedom of Speech The Administration Approves

SEE HERE This is troubling in the extreme. This administration sees any opposition as un-American and as an excuse to restrict the rights of Americans. There has never been a more un-American administration in the history of the republic. This kind of behavior that seeks to stifle dissent is tyranny in the making.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theory Debunk

SEE HERE The smoke and confusion surrounding the tragic events at Sandy Hook needs to be blown away. It's an object lesson is how events can be spun up when people don't wait for all the facts. The reality is that the early and crazy speculation made things far worse for the parents of these poor children and the adults that lost their lives. The Blaze puts the distortions in perspective. If you've wondered about the supposed inconsistencies, wonder no more.

The Fort Hood Betrayal — Workplace Violence?

This terrorist attack was classified as workplace violence in abject irresponsible denial of what actually took place. President Obama and the Army and any courts involved should all be ashamed. It is just another outrage that this administration has perpetrated.

Reality of Clean Coal

SEE HERE The demonization of carbon based fuels keeps going on by the mindless global warming alarmists spun up just to make a case so that government can move in and regulate everything and crush conventional fossil fuel sources. Aside from the fact that it is all phoney science it's also true that if you don't want CO2 but you do want to take advantage of the energy bottled up in coal then new technology is on the horizon to satisfy you. It will be costly but it will work which what the government wants to do will be more costly and won't work (I mean it won't substantially reduce CO2 emissions). Neither will work in the sense of doing anything about global warming because global warming really isn't caused by CO2.

Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration? You Bet!

Three hours worth ... that might be more than you want to listen to, but here it is if you are doing something else and want reality on your horizon. This is a 2 hour 49 minute video. For the talk about Brennan being a Muslim watch it between the 11 and 52 minute marks. John Guandola is a graduate of the Naval Academy, a marine corp officer, a former FBI agent. MORE

Understand What Is At Stake

Don't be fooled by the rhetoric. We are being fundamentally transformed by a thoroughgoing and committed statist. He was indoctrinated from his youth in Communism and is a totalitarian at heart. Don't be surprised by what happens next. SOURCE

The Benghazi Cover-up Continues ...

SEE HERE I think it's fairly clear that a massive cover up on the Benghazi affair is underway. They are using the fact that the operatives on site were likely all intelligence people to mandate the cover-up. When you're an irresponsible fail as commander and chief it's nice to know that you have such a hold on people. They won't be saying much unless they receive cover. Hopefully Congress can get to the bottom of it, but don't be surprised if they don't.

Hypocrite? or something worse? ...

SEE HERE I have to disagree that these are nine things that prove Obama is a hypocrite. What they are is nine things that prove he is a liar. He is a conscious, methodical, entirely intentional liar who says things he knows not to be true to fool his base who are kept from finding out easily how much he has lied by a compliant and corrupt media. The whole thing is disgusting. Just how stupid are the American people? It sure seems as it the answer is stupid beyond belief.

Obama "A Deranged Mind" ... If You Can Find It!

Face up to the facts. Obama is a liar, total liar, misrepresents what he's done and lies and lies and lies.

Save Yourself ... The Police Will Not Arrive In Time

SEE HERE Just in case you're among the Americans deluded into thinking that the police are there to protect you let this be a lesson. The police are there to apprehend the criminals after you have been violated. There are not enough police and not enough time to expect them to get between you and the criminals. They will take a report if you're still alive and file it as they go about their business. If you're lucky enough to survive they might catch the perpetrators, but not always.

One Act Of Tyranny At A Time

SEE HERE So apparently the DHS has the right to shrink out borders and declare the Constitution irrelevant between the old border and the new border that they have cavalierly defined. Just one more act of outrage from an organization that seems to specialize in anti-American outrage. We can save a lot of money by defunding and eliminating the Department of Homeland Security, the American Gestapo.

It's Called Accountability

SEE HERE The president is trying to spin up reasons not to have his idea of sequestration take effect.  The problem is that it's not the horribly evil thing he's making it out to be.  What is far more evil is the path we are on which will if continued collapse the economy.  It's time for him to take responsibility for the impact of his own idea.  It's also time for the Senate to get serious about a budget that is part of a sustainable strategy long term to save the financial integrity of the republic.  Read the comment too ... the first couple at least are really great.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Challenge To The Judiciary Committee

SEE HERE When is someone going to get to the bottom of president Obama's identity problem.  He's flaunted forged birth certificates, forged certificates of live birth, improper social security numbers, and forged selective service registration while hiding all sorts of records which are likely incriminating.  When is someone going to seriously investigate and either clear him or convict him?   The time has come.  Now is the time.

The Great Pretender

WATCH Great fraud ... great liar ... lots of firsts but all of them negative. 

Mark Levin: Obama In Full Propaganda Mode

SEE HERE We're being so badly led with such cover provided by the media that one has to wonder at the agenda.  Does no-one have any common sense any more?  Mark Levin challenges the president's misrepresentations and lies.

More From Melanie Phillips: Cultural Lobotomy

... and she quotes Chesterton. She must be on the right track.

First The Ammunition, Now The Targets!

SEE HERE I think there are far too many red flags on the field to think that DHS is harmless and doing their job. What we have here is a desensitization campaign in preparation for directing military style force against the American people. If you're not ready when it come then you'll likely be one of the early victims.

The Lights Are About To Go Out On Western Civilization?

How much government can you tolerate before it becomes intolerable? She defines as someone who has "been mugged by reality". If you listen you should hear the mantra of the left wing progressive brainwashers. Listen up! "Reason itself is being repudiated." That's the position. Frankly I agree entirely. The video is from 2010 but continues to be relevant perhaps more relevant that when it was originally given. PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIKE HER and for those who like her plain spoken commitment to truth HER BLOG and HER BOOK

Why Are We Playing Footsie With The Muslim Brotherhood?

More about the "peaceful" character of Islam. Really? This is outrageous. It's apparently OK to purge Christian symbols from our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan but we have to pretend that Muslims are a better form of life? We should get rid of the phony president who is orchestrating this travesty.

A Little Perspective On The Budget Discourse

Learn To Think — Really, Not Like The New Atheists Who Are Sophists

Worst Case Scenario? Be Aware Of What Happens And Be Prepared

SEE HERE The possibility of a crisis that throws American cities into gridlock and sparks riots and violence is not all that improbable. It has happened before and will doubtless happen again. It's one reason I'm grateful I don't live near a really large city, at least not too close. On the other hand if the flag goes up then there will be a stream of refugees from the cities that will have to be accommodated and lots of them will be potential dangers.

Feel Good Legislation

SEE HERE There is already a background check system in place for people who buy guns. It's not as effective as it might be but then it's trying to slam closed a door that isn't really the problem. Most of the gun ownership that is a problem is the guns in the hands of criminals and the vast majority of those folks, almost 80% get their guns illegally in the first place. This five page pdf file from the NRA details the facts. It's too bad that so much of our legislation isn't about facts but about perceptions and trying to manipulate the public. "Assault weapons bans" when what is being banned is ordinary semi-automatic rifles as an example. The whole gun control discourse is really about imposing tyranny and overturning the 2nd amendment. If you are a student of history you'll find that this has never really worked out well in the past. It isn't even working out all that well for the British and the Australians who have seen their crime rates skyrocket after imposing strict gun laws. Criminals are always empowered when they have reason to believe their victims will be defenseless.

"Ah The Webs We Weave, When First We Practice To Deceive"

SEE HERE This piece on the attempt on the part of Republican establishment figures to marginalize Ted Cruz tells you all you have to know about how phony most Republican establishment figures are. It's all about the power and the privilege and the sooner we get rid of these folks and replace them with men and women of principle, the sooner we can get America moving in the right direction.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Ted Cruz Explores the Chuck Hagel Secretary of Defense Appointment

It's kind of amusing reading the comments on the YouTube thread since they complain about how mean Ted Cruz is ... ooooo meanie! I guess Democrats expect Republicans to play softball while they get to play hardball when the shoe is on the other foot. Remembering the confirmation hearing of Clarence Thomas and Robert Bork I simply have no sympathy. Ted Cruz is far more civil than any of the Democrats were to those two candidates. I am disgusted with the hypocrisy of the left, ever present, consistent, and basically dishonest as all hypocrisy is. "If it weren't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all," to quote Sarah Palin.

Store Closings On The Horizon

SEE HERE When the government steps in everyone's a loser.  Check out the anticipated store closings in 2013 and ask yourself if this is the kind of economy that is likely to recover.  We need the government to stop crushing the economy.
Best Buy
Forecast store closings: 200 to 250
Sears Holding Corp.
Forecast store closings: Kmart 175 to 225, Sears 100 to 125
J.C. Penney
Forecast store closings: 300 to 350
Office Depot
Forecast store closings: 125 to 150
Barnes & Noble
Forecast store closings: 190 to 240, per company comments
Forecast store closings: 500 to 600
Forecast store closings: 150 to 175
Forecast store closings: 450 to 550

The Troubling Reality

SEE HERE When a leaders rhetoric doesn't really match his actions you have to wonder what is going on.  In the case of Obama he's wrecking the economy, demoralizing the military, attacking people of faith, and exercising leadership from behind, way behind.  So what is going on?  I'm more and more convinced that he's some sort of traitor setting the U.S. up for collapse.  If you research his background and his loyalties and his associates it's hard to come to any other conclusion.

Concensus of Scientists Is Against Global Warming Alarmism

SEE HERE  This is an interesting study especially since it is both peer reviewed and conducted by people biased in favor of global warming alarmism.  Gotta give'em credit for conducting the study although it is hard to know the degree that their own bias may have influenced the results.  Still only 36% supported the alarmist position.

Don't Kid Yourself — They Want To Disarm The Citizenry

SEE HERE Tyranny Rising!  Gun registration invariably leads to gun confiscation.  Resist because you right to bear arms does not come from the government but from your natural rights as free men.

Van Jones Spinning Against Republicans

I actually enjoyed this little video segment.  Van Jones made a couple of statements that I disagree with and they are that Democrats understand the economy and Republicans don't.  The other one was about climate change (the new term for global warming since it hasn't actually been warming since about 1998).

The issues are fairly straightforward either the economy is endangered by printing unbacked money willynilly or not.  History says you can't spend your way out of debt.  So good luck on that one.

The climate warming thing keeps going around and around the leftists trying to spin it up into some sort of emergency when actually they can't even show that it's caused by human beings or even if it is anything but the latest trend in the weather.  The reality of the idea that CO2 is a driver is just not very well supported, not theoretically, not empirically, and not based on long term ice core records which show CO2 lagging temperature rises.  He briefly invoked the precautionary principle which says well if it might happen we should do something to prevent it because the alternative would be awful.

It's strange how they don't invoke the precautionary principle in the case of abortion.  Well if it might be a child we shouldn't kill it because if it is we're committing murder.  I really can't stand hypocrites.  The precautionary principle should preclude abortion.  In the case of climate change, aside from loud rhetoric, they can't show any reason to be alarmed.  They actually have to exaggerate the results from their climate models even to get anything to talk about.  So they inject false to fact positive feedback forcings and ignore probable negative feedback to get extra oomph in their models.  In other words they fudge the data to get what they want.  That's agenda driven science and it isn't science at all.

So Van Jone, articulate as he is, is a double fail.  He doesn't understand economics and his view on climate change is what you'd expect from someone who is pushing the agenda to give the government more power.

Mark Levin Sums Up The Dishonesty of the Left

SEE HERE Why aren't we facing the reality of the government's disastrous explosion of the national debt.  We have over 100 trillion dollars of unfunded and unsustainable debt going forward.  Listen to Mark Levin to understand how deep the pit is that has been dug already.  GAO simulations show the government on an unsustainable path.  Unsustainable means a total train wreck, the collapse of the economy.  Either our politicians are in on it and intend it or they're simply ignoring their responsibilities and "fiddling while Rome burns." (Nero seems an appropriate person to cite in this regard.)

Putting Things In Perspective

WATCH I saw this video some time ago.  All they did was scale the national income and debt situation into terms that an average person could understand.  It makes the point that the current thing is unsustainable.  The bit at the end is a bit over the top.  Long before we have our kids paying for our profligacy the system will collapse.  The way it will be paid for is in the pain and suffering inflicted on those same children and perhaps the failure to ever recovery the American republic that once was.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Those Who Know The History of The USSR Should Already Know About This Ploy

... have to say that "America bless God again" is stupid.  God needs no blessing and we can offer him nothing but our obedience.  Wild Bill would do better to go back to "God Bless America" which is what we really need.  Right now, given Obama and the left we look rather like we're likely to be on the receiving end of a chastisement.  If we fail to resist the evil in our society it's hard to imagine that we won't be punished, not be God directly perhaps, but by those evildoers we foolishly let have power over us.

Understand the Dynamic — Confiscation Follows Registration

Tyranny is on the way if we let it happen. Law that deprives you of fundamental rights is not legitimate law. Stop the tyrants now. This is a warning: Tyranny Rising!

Government Is The Problem Not The Solution

The least little study of history will clearly show anyone that looks that government growth is always accompanied by loss of freedom and reduced productivity. That's what government does.

Another Case Of Crime Prevention Using A Handgun

SEE HERE Poor little criminals. They were interrupted while they burglarized a man's duplex. He was armed and that was bad news for them. It appears that he was also careful not to kill them since he shot them in the feet and legs according to the story. Now the liberals will want them to sue the man they were robbing no doubt. I frankly have no use whatsoever for liberals. Note that I consider myself an old-school liberal, one of those who believes in reason but not this politically correct stupidity that has captured the term. A young man I ran into in Minnesota politics many years ago in the Reagan era called himself a Classical Liberal and we talked a lot about that. You might want to check that out and compare it to what goes by the name liberal today.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Allen West and Larry Elder Characterize the Problems

WATCH Allen West interviews author and radio host Larry Elder about the failed war on poverty. Frankly I watched this happen myself. The liberals caused the destruction of the lower class and claimed that they were helping. The facts say otherwise.

Gun Control And The Stupidity Of The Left

Bad language alert ... but pretty up front.

Something To Think About — Fighting The Monster Without Becoming The Monster

"When the country is in danger, the military’s mission is to wreak destruction upon the enemy. It’s a harsh and bloody business, but that’s what the military’s for. As George Orwell pointed out, people sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." — April 1993 columnist Richard Grenier

The Selective Outrage of Liberals

Open Carry Is Legal In Lots Of Places

WATCH How you lose your rights by degrees.  The supposition that obeying the law is grounds to be stopped is already a violation of the rights of the public.  This is the result of fear of guns being instilled in the public.  A holstered handgun is not something to be afraid of.  I'd much rather be with the guy with the gun than with those who are afraid of guns.  They're the ones being irrational.  That being said these police were more polite than some I've seen.  I think more people should do stuff like this to point out that if you don't exercise your rights you increase the chance that you'll lose them.

Benghazi Fast and Furious

SEE HERE So the administration is gun running not only to Mexican drug cartels but to international terrorists of Islamic persuasion.  Just exactly how does that enhance the national security of the United States?  We have a government with an agenda that is hidden that is providing weapons to all kinds of low life and we're not supposed to know about it.  Perhaps my mother's aphorism is worth remembering: "Birds of a feather flock together."  If we're supporting low life then that implies we have low life in charge.  It's time for a change, a big change.

Guns You Might Want To Consider and Safes Too

WATCH A free man is an armed man.  This is a great little video introducing a range of firearms that you might want to consider if you're just arming up.  I should point out that gun ownership is a serious responsibility and not a casual acquisition.  You should learn about your firearms and get involved at a gun range learning to be proficient in their use.  You should also make sure that you store them out of the range of children and give children a reasonable respect, but not an irrational fear of firearms.  We have society that is being propagandized to think that firearms are the problem.  The problem is a society that demonizes inanimate objects by instilling irrational fears for the purpose of controlling the population.  That's softening you up for tyranny.

I will always appreciate my father introducing me to firearms.  He lettered in pistol and rifle at the Naval Academy and was an ordnance officer on the cruiser Detroit at Pearl Harbor when the attack took place.  As a citizen of a free republic you have an obligation and duty to take on the responsibilities that citizenship involves.  Those responsibilities include recognizing that you may well be the last defense against tyranny as a member of the general armed militia, the duty of every able-bodied man and woman is to defend the Constitution and the rule of law.

If you end up making a substantial investment in firearms you'll probably want to consider storage.  A friend of mine who has many firearms of substantial value invested in a safe.  The safe is helpful if you have firearms that are expensive and then you put them altogether in one place you want that place protected.  WATCH HERE for information on safes.

The Bill of Rights For Dummies

WATCH Worth a watch.  If you've not thought about it perhaps you should.  We are free men because we are armed.  Free men are armed men.  An unarmed man is a subject and not a free man.

Thinking The Unthinkable — National Economic Meltdown Would Have Consequences

SEE HERE It's time to think about plan B.  When I was a research and development manager we always had to assume that our research projects could succeed or fail and since they were invariably part of larger plans we called the success possibility, Plan A and the fail possibility Plan B.  Invariably the Plan A option led to better outcomes but the objective of the Plan B plan was to achieve acceptable back up.  It looks like Texas has gotten concerned enough to enter the Plan A/Plan B planning process.  The rest of the states should likely follow suit.  There can be no doubt that current Federal policies, perpetuated, will lead to a general meltdown of the national economy.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Mark Levin On Obama's Ammo Buys

SEE HERE So just how many bullets does the civilian side of the government require.  Billions of rounds?  Why?  For what?  Do they know something we done?

The Obama No-One Could Be Bothered To Tell You About

SEE HERE Here's a series of mythbusters about the president.  Maybe the media should have done its job vetting the candidate before we gave the store away.

Propaganda Paid For With Your Tax Money

SEE HERE This seems calculated to create more division in the country.  Pilgrims were "illegal aliens" ... I wonder what that make the Spanish?  Can we have some sanity in this country once again or is that a hopeless wish?

"Underlying the whole program is the theory that white males especially are inherently racist, sexist, or homophobic. It’s a huge waste of taxpayer dollars."

Hypocrisy of the NAACP

SEE HERE Well well well ... it would be nice if the NAACP really was on the side of black families.  Too bad that the reality falls so far short of the ideal.  If the NAACP were really on the side of black families they would be combating the incredible 72.3% out of wedlock birthrate and 360,000 black children aborted each year.  Hypocrisy is rampant on the left and on the liberal plantation which has been gaming the black community for generations.

Media Vacuity — No Substance From The Left

If Freedom Dies Here It Dies Everywhere

SEE HERE Make no mistake about it. Americans are freer than any country in the world because they have a government which derives its power from the people. The forces at work now are seeking to change that. They want the government to rule the people and to ensure that result they want to ensure that the people do not have the power to enforce the fundamental law of this republic, the Constitution. If you have sworn to uphold the Constitution then you have a duty to resist this government overreach. Failing that, you can spend you declining years as Ronald Reagan said telling your children and your children's children what it was like to live in America when men were free.

Phony Tolerance — A Liberal Mantra

SEE HERE What Red State's Ericson reports here happens over and over at campuses across the land. The professors who propagate division and political correctness are always hiding behind a mantra of so-called "tolerance" which, decoded, means they will only tolerate people who agree with them.

Thursday, February 14, 2013



No Such Thing As Gun Control — Only People Control

More from Dr. Ben Carson

"I Am One Of You" Obama Said To The Muslim Brotherhood

Listen and wonder how such behavior can be tolerated on the part of a United States president. People are so uninformed and so complaisant. MORE FROM STEPHEN PIDGEON author of "The Obama Error" and "Behold! A White Horse." The radio segment is very long but also very informative. (bunch of anti-Catholic stuff at the end, just noting) A lot of scripture chopping and it fails to take note of the fulfillment of the covenant.

Happy Valentine's Day — Try Not To Mind The Disastrous State Of The Union

SEE HERE ... but plan to do something about it. Stand up and be counted or you will see your liberties continue to drain away to the point at which they will become irretrievable without a revolution and that would be tragic. The Founders put their lives and fortunes and sacred honor on the line. We don't even stop watching our favorite television shows. That's likely a bad sign. If you wait until the nation tanks before you get involved than you've been a large part of the problem. Get involved. Join your favorite political party and get active. Join the Tea Party if you don't want to join a political party and get active. Every citizen of a free society has a duty and obligation to participate. If you want to continue to be free then you need to be involved.

If Van Jones Is Concerned Rubio Is Doing Something Right

SEE HERE I confess that I didn't watch the State of the Union address nor the responses. I'll have to check out the YouTube of Rubio's response. I've already seen the water bottle segment ... soooooo? I see people drinking a little water all the time. What's the big deal?

Words of Wisdom Delivered With Grace

"Be respectful of those we disagree with" is a good principle, but it is very hard to actually practice when those you disagree with act so disrespectfully themselves and show such total ignorance of history and principle. This is a man who's grown up in poverty and learned from a dedicated mother that you have to endure difficulty and rise to the challenge.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What Is A Conservative?

SEE HERE Check out this essay pinning back the ears of the news media for liberal-speak. Conservatives are not against change. They are against change for change's sake. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

The Close of the Dorner Files

The volume of fire suggests that they're not really shooting at anything specific just spraying the cabin with rounds. No doubt they could care less about capturing the occupant or even confirming that the occupant was who they thought it was. Strange story about Dorner's wallet being found in two places, once a few days ago and now in the cabin. How does that work? SEE HERE Trapped in cabin burned to ground surrounded by cops. I guess that will reduce LAPD shootings for a while.

The Minimum Wage Is A Feel Good Stupid Idea

SEE HERE All the minimum wage does is cause unemployment among the people entering the job market looking for a first job. People with skills can generally have no problem getting paid more than the minimum wage because they can go to another job if their first job isn't paying them what they are worth. The whole employment thing is an exchange, a free exchange, of valuable work for pay proportional to the value of the work. If the work isn't worth the pay then there is not job. It goes away. If the work is more valuable than the pay the worker goes to an employer who recognizes the value. The minimum wage is just government paperwork in the middle of a free market exchange which prevents some exchanges at the low end of the scale from happening.

That's What We Do, We're Americans

Ollie North on the American fighting men and women. Semper Fi!

Betrayal ... the President ... Really? What Did You Expect?

SEE HERE When are we going to stop pretending that anything coming out of this president's mouth is worth listening to. He lies. Then he lies again. Then he triples down on his lies. No one calls him to account. Frankly it feels like I'm living in some sort of bizarro fantasy land where nothing is as it seems. The Ft. Hood shooter should have been tried and shot long ago. His victims have been shabbily treated ... how dare they live through it. Last night in the SOTU address the president did the victims on display thing again as he trumped up emotion to try to ban perfectly reasonable firearms. Liberty is on the line and if we don't do something about it this president seems focused on ending the American dream and putting a police state in its place. He's well underway.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Killers Among Us Don't Want To Be Outted

SEE HERE The idea that we should ballyhoo indecency and perversion and stigmatize those who would defend the smallest and weakest human beings is why this nation is going straight into the sewer. You should make a difference like these folks who are standing up for what is true and what is good. It is never wrong to stand up for the truth.

Tyranny Is Never More Than One Tyrant Away

SEE HERE Stop pretending. The reality is that we have a lot of barbarians in this world and the primary defense a citizen has against a barbarian is a gun.

Stand By For The Attack Of The Trolls

The idea that "they're very good at it" is a bit amusing. They're liberals right? Liberals are not good at anything but name calling. So don't be surprised if you see a big ramp up of name calling. When you get it, ask them where their data is. "Show me the data!" In fact these people don't have a shred of data to support their strategies. They just call names. If you take them seriously then you're showing your own lack of sense. The only thing worth looking at is real information. The attack dogs of the media and hired cyber-thugs isn't going to change their credibility.

More From Jim Garrow

The United States Military should never turn on the people. They are the servants of the people and not its masters.

As Lousy As The LAPD May Be Christopher Dorner Is Worse

SEE HERE The behavior of the LAPD over the past few days has demonstrated the lack of concern they apparently have for the law and for ordinary citizen. They freely pumped round, forty at least, into the truck of a couple of ladies delivering newspapers and put both of them in the hospital. Then they rammed the vehicle of another fellow and pumped a few rounds into his vehicle. He was luckier than the ladies since he wasn't wounded and they are lucky to be alive. Meanwhile Christopher Dorner is on the loose and his beef is that he thinks he was unfairly treated by the LAPD and so he killed innocent people MORE. His behavior suggests that he is guilty of lacking judgment and morality. The sooner he himself is brought to justice the better. Meanwhile the LAPD needs to be more professional, a lot more professional. STILL MORE The lack of moral balance in this affair is stunning. Dorner's complaint is that he heard people use racist language and that he was discriminated against when he reported another officer's wrongful actions. To remedy this he chose to murder innocent people and another police officer. There is no moral equity here.

Reality 101: The Incestuous Bias Of The Media

SEE HERE If one wonders if the media is biased then one need look no farther than the many cases where similar events on right and left get monumentally different treatment. Red State points out this hypocrisy in today's piece. And the media seems to be totally blind to their own biases. Perhaps what we need is an independent assessment of media coverage on the basis of a strict applied standard similar to the media standards of the days before the media decided they were agenda makers. Todays media would be an epic fail by such a standard.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The ObamaCare Lies Coming Home To Roost

And everyone was warned and our elected officials paid no attention whatsoever. This was also part of the plan. You've been gamed, gulled, lied to, and cheated. Surprise, surprise! Government intrusion is bad for nearly everything.

CIA Pick A Muslim? Talk About Infiltration ...

SEE HERE Is this really a surprise or did you folks really believe Barack was a Christian? Look more carefully at his record and what he says and what he does and try to get over how often he lies. I'm not sure if people have all just lost their minds or what? It is bewildering to watch and see the zillions of pointers and see that no-one seems to care or want to know the truth. Where was he as Benghazi unfolded? Panetta says he couldn't be reached. Who gave the "Stand down" order then? Are we going to find out the truth some day? I'd sure like it to be sooner and not later.

The Right to Assembly

I could do without the "America bless God" which makes no sense. We as creatures can offer God nothing for He is already as perfect as He can be.

666 or Just Another Bizarre Idea?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Interested In Virginia's Lt. Governor Race?

SEE HERE Click on the link and listen to the candidates present themselves at the Middletown Lt. Governor's Forum.

Obama Fails E-Verify

I guess nobody cares about the long thread of Obama's lying. Why doesn't anyone care? All this evidence that something is wrong should be investigated but noone does. Whenever they do the stories don't add up. But no matter what happens the media provides cover and none of the rest of the system seems to care. Why not? That failure means that by the E-Verify system he's not qualified to work in the United States. How come the social security number failed that test? LINDA'S WEB SITE

I Wonder What He Feels Guilty About?

SEE HERE Has this ever happened before? The Marines in the inaugural parade marched with the bolts removed from their rifles? What? Some commander in chief. I guess he's scared of his own troops. Why would that be?

Bill Whittle And The Virtual Inauguration

Politics has invaded everything and politics sucks! That sums it up.

Downton Abbey

SEE HERE Well I guess I have to admit it. I'm a Downton Abbey addict and I'm quite happy to hear that there will be a fourth season. On the other hand I gather Matthew won't be with us for the whole fourth season and that's disturbing. How will they handle his departure? The marvelous thing about Downton Abbey is how is evokes such a sense of period and style. The acting is beyond good. It's suburb with all sorts those small things that make film more subtle than stage acting. I love the scenes where the valets, unseen by those they are dressing, are reacting to what is going on. I like the way the ladies use little quirky, momentary facial expressions to communicate subtle reactions that have to be interpreted by the audience. And Maggie Smith is just terrific. If you are not hooked by Downton Abbey you need to go back and fix that. We watched season one on Netflix, got hooked, and then watched season two on Amazon Prime, and now we've been tracking season three and know we will struggle to cover the gap until season four arrives at our shores.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Let's Not Play Obama's Game

SEE HERE I'm frankly sick of this crap. This game playing by liberals has been done so often it's just not a surprise anymore. They set out to punish those who will scream the loudest so as to pursue their agenda which is destructive in the first place. Then the Republicans cave because they don't want to be blamed and the Democrats go right ahead and keep destroying everything. Well that can continue until everything is trashed or we can stand up and say stop this crazy crap and get your act together because you're intentionally destroying the country. Sorry to be a bit vulgar but sometimes you just get so angry that if you weren't a little vulgar you'd be tempted to get a lot vulgar. I did serve in the military and we can smoke up the room with vulgarity when we get angry.

Krugman — What's Wrong With Economics

SEE HERE I'm always fascinated by the fact that liberal economists like Paul Krugman are so wedded to failed policies that they will double down indefinitely until things fall apart rather than admit that Keynesian economics is a failed idea.

Friday, February 8, 2013

It's All A Game Of Who Do You Trust?

SEE HERE ... and you can't trust anyone in this administration.  They'll sell you out in a minute and cover it all up as if nothing had happened.  And they'll do it again and again and again.

Karl Rove Is A Phony

and now Rove is lying about involvement in the Reagan administration. Put up or shut up Karl. Odds are pretty good that you're a phony.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Police Incompetence — Shooting Innocent People With Almost No Reason

SEE HERE Cops are not particularly smart but this kind of thing is inexcusable. Shoot first and ask questions after you discover that all blue trucks are not created equal. These guys belong in jail with the guy they are hunting. MORE The shooting victims were just delivering newspapers. I guess it's easier to shoot innocent people without checking than to actually find the guilty party who is dangerous. COVERAGE

Prayer Breakfast Speech

Interesting talk with Obama on the platform. It was a little too vague for my taste, but while he was challenging political correctness in general, he was also trying to be politically correct and not offend anyone. How's that for a contradiction in terms?

Below is the whole talk:

So When Is The Question, Not If?

SEE HERE Monetary collapse is the issue. With lots of quantitative easing (printing money without backing) going on worldwide it's hard to see how run away inflation will be avoided. Of course if everyone is printing money than exchange rates might not change much but you'll still have all that monopoly money chasing too few goods and prices could simply explode. It's hard to tell what to do about it, especially if you're a little guy like most of us. Buy things of intrinsic value is a strategy. China is buying gold like crazy. Meanwhile you ought to be thinking about what to do. Tough question. You can thank the government for not pursuing a real solution but instead exacerbating the problem. Then when things go South those 1.6 million rounds of ammo DHS has been buying might be aimed at you just to keep you under control while they finish robbing whatever little you have left.

Syria and all that ...

This is a rather vanilla discussion of what is going on in Syria and I'm largely putting it up to spotlight Prezi which is a neat way to make presentations.

The Absentee President

SEE HERE So are we supposed to give the president a pass on Benghazi because Panetta says he was absent? When is he ever present? Who gave the "stand down" orders then? Just more cover-up. MORE COVER UP

Karl Rove? What A Jerk

SEE HERE I had never heard of Karl Rove before Bush the younger came on the scene. Frankly I've never seen him make much sense. He's a loser and as far as I can tell he's always been a loser. MORE from Donald Trump. The BEAT goes on! Karl Rove, biggest loser!

Department of Homeland Suppression More Like

SEE HERE Let's face it. The Department of Homeland Security is a disaster. It is a Gestapo in the making and has demonstrated over and over that it is totalitarian in outlook and manner from the TSA groping of children to the memo saying that veterans, pro-lifers, and Tea Party people are likely terrorists — profiling anyone. I thought these clowns were supposed to protect us from terrorists when instead they increasingly look like terrorists themselves.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

He Who Has Eyes Let Him See

It's here and it's working.

Ted Nugent and Piers Morgan Go At It

Stupid debate. Ted Nugent was the only one who brought a brain with him.

Snatching Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory — A Karl Rove Special

SEE HERE Yup if there's something Karl Rove and the Republican establishment is good at it is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Articulating a sincere principled conservative message that energizes the grassroots and communicates to others the sincere commitment of the Republican party to first principles is all that it would take for success. But Karl Rove thinks that if you just cave on your principles and pretend to be liberal-lite that you'll draw votes from the opposition is about the stupidest idea you can think of. It doesn't work. It hasn't worked. And now that we know Rove's number, it will never work.

Conditioning the Children: Creating A Society of Slaves

SEE HERE Check out this video by Glenn Beck. He summarizes the problem produced by conditioning in the schools. You are being gamed and gulled.

Ron Paul Is An Idiot

SEE HERE There I said it and all the Libertarians in the world that worship at the feet of Ron Paul can just go find someone else to whine about.  The remark was worse than insensitive.  It was also stupid and uninformed.  I would not want Ron Paul anywhere close to a leadership position.  For every sensible thing he says he manages to find several stupid things to say.  I don't think he has an adequate worldview to deal with reality.  So far I think his son is a good deal better. MORE ON SHOOTER

Communicating Better Means You Have To Actually Stand For Something

We have to communicate better says these idiotic Republicans.  First you have to have something to communicate about and not simply be weathervanes.  Before Republicans can be trusted they have to clearly show people that they actually stand for something.  The problem is that right now the Republican leadership doesn't think of anyone but themselves and the current Karl Rove initiatives show this all too clearly.  Mark Levin sums it up.  Start telling the truth!  Eric Cantor is a loser and so are most of those around him.

Propagating Stupidity — It's A Liberal Progressive Strategy

SEE HERE  You have to wonder if there is anyone with any common sense left in the world?  Do people really think that squirt guns and toy guns and drawings of guns create violence?  It seems to me that this is more likely a strategy on the part of the left to destroy the neurons that the rest of us have so that they can then compete on a level playing field.  You can't have that assault squirt gun ... oooo ... it's black and terrifying ... oooo ... lions and tigers and bears ... We need to get the liberals on a neuron nutritive diet so that they actually start to think instead of just emote.  MORE STUPIDITY
  The lunatics are in charge of the schools.  Why would you expect the schools not to create more lunatics just like themselves.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Arbitrary Assassination Of American Citizens Not Justifiable Under The Constitution

SEE HERE Let's get something straight.  Just because some bunch of characters think that you're a threat or a leader of some dissident terrorist group doesn't give them the right to target you for assassination.  This administration has gone far beyond the bounds of permissible action.  They are themselves rogue terrorists and their goal seems to be to destroy the nation and retire the Constitution in favor of a socialist tyranny.  If you don't believe that then you're really not paying very much attention.

If The Sheriffs Won't Do What We Want We'll Just Eliminate Them

SEE HERE  You don't really think these tyrants are going to go down easy do you?  The reality is that they've been working towards this for a long time and it's so near that they're ready to wet their pants.  What's a few sheriffs one way or the other?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Summary Execution By Arbitrary Judgment

SEE HERE This is simply an outrage.  The president needs to be removed from office and tried for high crimes and misdemeanors.  The list of crimes is long and damning.  If he serves his second term we are likely going to see the nation destroyed. (I think we have more to worry about than skeet shooting.)  MORE

A Prophetic Voice: Solzhenitsyn and the West

SEE HERE An interview with Solzhenitsyn's biographer Joseph Pearce who speaks of the decay not only of Communism but of atheistic Capitalism.  When we embrace materialism to the exclusion of the spiritual realities that surround us and define us then we unavoidably slide into decline for without a vision the people die.

On Chris Kyle from His Family

SEE HERE It's tragic that a troubled veteran killed two others who were trying to help him. I guess we'll hear more about this.

Mark Levin Takes On the Republican Establishment

LISTEN HERE You got to get real about what is going on.  Karl Rove is slime and he's going to strive to keep the Republican establishment on-top and they're not only not conservative, they might as well be Democrats for all the contrast you'd see if their candidates were elected.  Karl Rove has been a disaster from the beginning.  They are losers across the board.

Missing the Point! — Liberals Have No Virtue So They Don't Understand The Problem

SEE HERE The failure is not one of gun control, it is a failure of vision, a failure of integrity, a failure or morals, and a failure of virtue.  We live in a nation where every kid used to carry a knife, shoot a rifle, and it was only rarely that anyone was injured.  But in those days we taught our children love, honor, respect, and virtue.  Now we give them a cell phone and tell them to get lost and so they do and are.

Gun Control? ... It's not about guns. It's about control.

Gun control isn't the issue.  The issue is disarming citizens so they can't resist whatever government wants to do.  That's called tyranny.  The general result of gun control is tyranny and leads to enslavement.  The media is a collaborator with the tyrants.  The idea that any of this would have any impact on the violence is foolish.  If guns were not available the nuts that want to kill people will simply use other means and there are many.  Chris Wallace is just another media flack.

A Special Kind Of Stupid ... Yup, Karl Rove For Example

When Do We Get Fair Elections?

SEE HERE The amount of election fraud in the country is incredible.  And all the while the bots are saying "Nothing to see here ..." but to anyone with anything resembling common sense there is an amazing amount of fraud and systemic fraud, fraud at the highest levels, systematically implemented and then denied and any effort to put measures in place to create real confidence in the vote are loudly objected to.  You can't have a democratic republic when you can't have a fair election.

Malkin on Rove the Idiot Mastermind

SEE HERE I'm not sure what Karl Rove bases his inflated view of his expertise on. It's not obvious to me that he's anything but another blowhard along the lines of the gun for hire James Carville and with about as much sense.  RED STATE WEIGHS IN

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Telling The Truth About Islam Isn't Acceptable?

SEE HERE Yup ... that's what it comes down to.  The government refuses to face the reality about Islam.  It is not a religion of peace.  It is a barbarous cult of savagery which if you address it honestly should not be allowed in the country.  It isn't a religion, it's a mental disease.

Obama Thinks His Ideas Are The Only Right Ones

But of course the reality is that his ideas are bad ideas.  He's fundamentally locked into what is at core a Communist agenda.  He was raised by Communists.  He got all his ideas from Communists.  He is applauded and endorsed by Communists.  His agenda is focused on destroying the fundamental core ideas of America and replacing them with statist, collectivist, and fundamentally Communist ideas.  That's just the way it is.

By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them

SEE HERE Get rid of Karl Rove.  He and his kind are the problem, not the solution. MORE I basically have no use for Rove.  He's just another candidate packager without serious commitments besides winning.  If you have to sell out to win then the nation is already lost.  It's time to sell principles and stop selling propaganda.

Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied

SEE HERE You can't trust government testimony, not now that they are permitted to lie and this is an example of trumped up junk where it is likely that the government lied to get a conviction and the injured parties had their home invaded, their inventory confiscated, and their good name destroyed.  In the meantime the government ran a Waco style invasion of their home just for show.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Green Berets Push Back

SEE HERE This is the text of the letter which a thousand green berets sent to Washington on the 2nd amendment. 

Did You Think You Could Trust The Government? Silly You!

In 1948 a law was passed that the government could not use propaganda on the American people.  That means that the government couldn't lie to you without breaking the law.  In 1960 President Eisenhower got a lot of criticism for lying about the downing of Gary Power's U2 over the Soviet Union.  But now the government has modified that law so that they can use propaganda against the people.  So now it's legal to lie to us.  Why would they need to do this unless they intended to lie to us?  This is no longer an honest government.  That doesn't surprise me but it certainly disappoints me.

Stewardship? Government? Don't Make Me Laugh

SEE HERE The reality of government stewardship is a record of total waste and generally without return of any kind, but often return that is the opposite of the stated intent.  Only a fool would voluntarily give the government money to spend because they can be counted on to throw it away on misguided programs and poorly monitored giveaways.  It's hard not to think that a good deal of it is conscious corruption.  After all no one can actually be that stupid, right?

Start By Making Them Accustomed To Military In Our Cities

SEE HERE The idea that the United States military should be engaging in military exercises on U.S. soil begins by being dubious.  On a wide spread scale it is more like an acclimation and softening up tactic.  Since when does the U.S. military engage in coordinated police activities within the borders of the United States.  I thought that was something forbidden by the Posse Comitatus Act except in the case of Insurrection ... so what are we to make of these "preparations" except to conclude that the current administration is preparing to suppress and "insurrection" likely of their own making.  Tyranny Rising!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Judge Napolitano On Reality

Shouting Louder Doesn't Make You More Convincing

SEE HERE The real point here is that there is a lot of evidence that the administration was lying from start to finish about Benghazi.  To start with that's an outrage.  This administration lies as a matter of policy, all the time, on every occasion.  The media supports them.  It is nothing short of disgraceful.  In this case however there is more than just lying.  Four Americans died and were denied assistance from high levels and the other people on the scene who knew what was going on have been hidden out of sight.  It's time to get serious about demanding answers and punishing the guilty.

In A Nutshell

SEE HERE Here's a good summary of the concerns going around given all the peculiar things this administration seems to be doing. I'll be quite frank in giving my opinion. I think that the data about President Obama overwhelmingly points to only one conclusion and that is that he's bent, as he says himself, on the fundamental transformation of America. What does that mean? Well among other things he's said is that he wants to have a domestic police force as powerful as the American military. That is hugely troubling because the Federal government does not have police powers because they're only supposed to have limited powers. The only time they have jurisdiction is when a crime crosses state lines. But now we have an American Gestapo, the DHS, which is doing many troubling things.

The scenarios:
1) the Soft Scenario would be that he is engineering crises designed to give the Federal government more and more power which will cumulatively bring on the implementation of a pervasive socialist state.  Liberals have been advancing this agenda for generations. 

2) the Hard Scenario would be that he's working to precipitate a large scale emergency designed to bring on a crisis so large as to warrant the declaration of martial law and then impose a dictatorship directly.  His economic moves and his heavy push for gun control are examples which could have this effect cumulatively.  This would explain most of the actions the administration is taking ranging from detention camps, large acquisitions of ammunition (billions of rounds ... Hello!) and the practice in urban areas of urban terrorist suppression, as well as the acquisition of armored personnel carriers and gun platforms being deployed in American streets.

3) the Null Scenario would be that it's all spin up from ordinary things being misconstrued on the internet.  I find this very implausible since we have his own words, his own background, and the backgrounds of those he has appointed which all point to scenarios (1) or (2).  We shall see!