Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Look First To Your Own House
SEE HERE Somehow the ever echoed charge of racism begins to sound shallow and hollow in the face of the real data which shows that the black community has a serious problem with racism. Not white on black racism but quite the opposite. The white community is commonly terrorized almost without fail when young blacks get together in flash mobs. The reasons are fairly clear. Many, perhaps the majority, of young black men grow up without fathers. They are raised in an atmosphere of racist propaganda that blames all the failures on White people holding them down although there are plenty of successful black people to point to, these people seem to be marginalized as Uncle Toms so that only failure is seen as legitimate. This is pathological and it is encouraged by the left liberal agenda that needs the 90 something percent vote that the black population continues to give their keepers. Dependence hasn't ended. It's been promoted by cynical left politicians. We need to see black leaders that promote achievement and stop pretending that all their problems are caused by that evil and increasingly mythological white man.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Pete Snyder On Reforming Education
These are the kinds of solutions we need, not more of the same tired liberal indoctrination centers we call the public schools. We need real education and a return to the canon of Western civilization before we sink finally into a cesspool of degradation which is the path we are on.
Planned Parenthood Education Materials Used To Indoctrinate Kids Too Graphic For Adults According To The Media
SEE HERE I suppose they don't want people actually finding out what Planned Parenthood is up to. After all the cover story is that they do such good things for women, breast scans and what not ... abortions are just a tiny part of their overall good work. Except it's a lie. These people are the true racists in our society. They hate human beings and relish killing as many as they can, especially those that Margaret Sanger, their founder, thought of as less human than the rest. The bane of our society is the liberal agenda and it's hateful support for killing the very very young.
Why Do Liberals Cut Islam A Break?
SEE HERE This is especially a good question in the light of the fact that liberals seem to always be extremely critical of Christianity without which they'd have essentially none of the freedoms they now have. Perhaps this sheds light on the mystery.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Are The People Running The Schools Simply Insane?
SEE HERE I literally could not believe this story. What kind of people are we putting in charge of schools these days that think ordinary gardening tools are weapons? Do they live in a vacuum? Perhaps they've never gardened or mowed their own lawns or hoed or raked or planted. But this is mindless madness and if this is the kind of judgment that operates our schools it little wonder that they are so seriously messed up.
Typical Government Overreach
SEE HERE Child Protective Services (CPS) undoubtedly do some good occasionally. They would probably do more were they staffed with sane people. Instead they are commonly staffed by bleeding heart liberals who think they are smarter, nicer, more caring than anyone else especially the parents of children whom they "protect" by seizing under questionable circumstances and then hold for ransom while the parents are made to grovel to the bureaucrats. Typical government tyranny. How did we ever get along without it in the bad old days?
Liberals Lack Maturity
SEE HERE Liberalism is a case of arrested social development. They just fail to mature past the whiny-butt stage of "It's not fair, he has more than I have." They ignore the quid pro quo that things are earned by hard work and merit and not just bequeathed by the luck of the draw. So living in this arrested world they expect to take what belongs to others to reward the indolent.
The Obnoxious Message Of The Media
Whenever a catastrophe happens the left wing media seeks to blame the patriots. What this shows is the fundamental bias of the media towards totalitarian measures to compromise the freedom of the citizens. An understanding of history shows where this leads and it is to no good place. The media and the administration both need to change. The defense of liberty is eternal vigilance.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Muslims Are Savages
SEE HERE There's no question about it. The way that they behave is clear enough. All the excuses in the world won't account for their actions in any other way. They are savages. They have no place in a free society. They should all be packed up and sent home where they can kill each other instead of innocent Christians and others who don't like their "religion of peace."
Election Fraud? Standard Democrat Procedure
SEE HERE I just ordered two books on election fraud because I'm quite convinced that it not only occurs but that it is a major strategy on the left. I grew up hearing about all the election fraud perpetrated by the Democrat political machines in the big cities. I remember the thin as a whisker election of John Kennedy which was stolen from Richard Nixon by election fraud with the help of Lyndon Johnson's Texas machine. Sure there's no vote fraud. Go tell that to the victims of it. We have massive vote fraud but it's highly targeted. I'm planning to learn more about it and get focused on exposing it more. Thankfully we now have voter ID in Virginia. It's not the complete solution but it certainly helps.
Tyranny Begins In The Schools
SEE HERE I guess the idea that you have rights protected by the Constitution is an idea that isn't receiving much support in the schools these days. Welcome to tyranny in the academy. Anyone that dares criticize the liberal sacrament of abortion is going to be censored. We can't protect the baby humans even with free speech. We live in a society on its rather quick road to oblivion.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Liberal Hatred For America Knows No Bounds
SEE HERE There is something deeply pathological about the biases of the mainstream media. They never fail to seek a way to blame America for the attacks of jihadists when they are not looking to blame patriots. One has to wonder how they got that way? What is it in the formation of journalists that make them so unrelievedly leftists? It is a mystery. You would think that you'd find journalists occupying the entire spectrum, but you'd be wrong. They are predominantly leftists. This might make sense if leftists were intellectually superior, but in fact they tend to be a sorry lot, given to repeating assertions that they can't defend adequately against intellectual attack. One would think that an ideology that so consistently makes fun of America's founders would not be so uniformly supported. But it is and that shows the mindset of the media. They are anti-American and seek to recast America in their own depraved image. It is appropriate that they be exposed and seen for the vapid propagandists that they are. We need a broader range of opinion, one based on principles and the concept of a virtuous nation so that our children will inherit what the Founders intended, liberty for all.
Footprints of Treason
SEE HERE "Why does it matter?" asked Hilary Clinton over and over ... It matters because Americans were intentionally left in the lurch to die despite the availability of assets to go to their rescue which were specifically ordered to "stand down." Not only is that unAmerican it is a footprint of treason because it is the kind of order that would not have been given were there not some other agenda, an agenda that was likely at least embarrassing to the administration to the point that they preferred abandoning Americans to death to exposure. This needs to be followed up vigorously. MORE
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Jackson on A Celebration of God and Country
VFIA 197: Celebration of God & Country - Wilberforce Award Part II from Dean Welty on Vimeo.
Jackson begins speaking at about minute 14 if you want to skip forward.The Government That Lies All The Time Wants To Send You To Jail For Minor Errors
SEE HERE Well this certainly doesn't make me eager to report anything to the government. I worked for the government for fifteen years and saw my share of botched things by government bureaucrats. They weren't intentionally botched, but just things that didn't quite come off or were poorly conceived and not well executed. Some of them were my botches. People make mistakes but if the government standard is perfection than we're all in trouble.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
The News Media Is Complicit In Administration Misconduct
SEE HERE Benghazi isn't going to go away and it should not go away. Abandoning Americans in the field when you could have done something is malfeasance and neglect of the duties of office. Heads should roll and the heads that seem most appropriate are Clinton and Obama both of whom are and were complicit. Event after event goes down this way in this administration. The news media simply covers for them. In the case of Bush, by contrast, he got blamed by the media for everything and much of the things he was blamed for were really due to the Democrat Congress. So the news media has simply become the spin team for the left. You didn't think that they had either principles or honor did you? Silly you!
"Nothing to see here ... Move along."
SEE HERE Well well well ... Saudi student appears to have received special treatment because he was known to the Obamas and was even visited by Michelle. I guess if your family is important enough it may not matter that you seem to be linked to terrorists or perhaps are a terrorist yourself.
Insanity Muslim Style
SEE HERE There is something seriously disordered about a mother who doesn't care if her sons are killed. "Allahu Akbar" means Allah is the greatest. One wonders why Muslims often associate the greatness of Allah with the killing of innocent human beings.
Stupidity Is Alive And Well And Living At The New York Times
SEE HERE Where else would you expect to find so much stupidity if not in New York which election fools like Bloomberg to regulate how big their soda container can be and what oil their french fries are cooked in for no really very good reason except that they are stupid and think that other people will take care of them. Why? Why would anyone believe that others have the motivation to take care of you. "Am I my brother's keeper?" asked the first murderer of God. Most of these people are Godless and like Cain would answer the question "No" if directed at them, but somehow there are others that would wisely care for them. So we're either dealing with total hypocrisy, or total stupidity, can't rule out mixtures of both, and the only people answering that they have a responsibility towards others are those that they are trying to suppress. Really folks! Liberal suffer from advanced dementia brought on by listening to lies for so long that they believe them.
Tyranny Rising!
SEE HERE It's pretty clear that Obama thinks himself above the Constitution and not its servant. This is an outrage and the Congress should rein him in.
Repeal Obamacare ... It Can't Be Fixed
SEE HERE The whole idea that the state should control health care is frankly very scary and despite all the kudos offered for European health care the fact of the matter is that were it not for the large and freer health care in the U.S. much of European health care would be operating in early 20th century conditions. Free markets in medicine benefit everyone because they encourage innovation. Once the bureaucrats have their talons into healthcare it will become more inefficient (already has with the insurance bureaucrats), less effective, slower to be delivered and immensely more bureaucratic. You thought filling out insurance forms was annoying ... you haven't seen anything yet.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Not Enough ... Not Nearly Enough!
SEE HERE The fact of a settlement on this case is good. The amount of the settlement is not nearly enough. The city should have been seriously punished for the despicable behavior of their representatives. The action of the police in this case was irresponsible and reckless beyond belief. The car they fired on was the wrong make, the wrong color, and occupied by persons of the wrong sex. The wonder is that the passengers were not both killed by over a hundred bullets fired into their vehicle.
The New Paradigm For Sick Souls
SEE HERE The notion that the terrorist bombers of the Boston Marathon somehow failed is about as stupid an idea as I've ever heard. As Pat Buchanan points out:
On April 15, the day the Tsarnaevs set off the pressure-cooker bombs on Boylston Street, there were 40 bombings and shootings across Iraq that took the lives of 75 and wounded 350. No one in the outside world knows the names of those who set off these bombs, and no one cares. And Baghdad was not locked down.
What we managed to do was reward the terrorists with a rich propaganda extravaganza. Perhaps it is time to get more serious about terrorism and stop the politically correct harassment of old ladies and children at airports and go after the real problem which is jihadist Muslim extremists.
On April 15, the day the Tsarnaevs set off the pressure-cooker bombs on Boylston Street, there were 40 bombings and shootings across Iraq that took the lives of 75 and wounded 350. No one in the outside world knows the names of those who set off these bombs, and no one cares. And Baghdad was not locked down.
What we managed to do was reward the terrorists with a rich propaganda extravaganza. Perhaps it is time to get more serious about terrorism and stop the politically correct harassment of old ladies and children at airports and go after the real problem which is jihadist Muslim extremists.
Monday, April 22, 2013
The Death of the Boy Scouts Appears Near
SEE HERE Once the Boy Scouts choose to ignore active immorality the death of the institution is imminent. It may go on with the same name, but it will never be the same institution and those who wish to raise virtuous men will not allow their boys to be a part of it anymore. You cannot compromise with immorality and emerge unscathed. This is part of the dissolution of our society, slow perhaps but persistent.
It's Time To Investigate And Impeach
Now that we have an administration that is totally disgraceful and intentionally puts our brave men and women in harms way and abandons them. It's time to get to the bottom of this and make the people that are responsible accountable. SPECIAL OPERATIONS SPEAKS
Glenn Beck Asks Important Questions: Who Is Really Telling The Truth?
The confusion in the press, the deceit of the government, and the general atmosphere of suspicion is just not the America I grew up in. We need to start insisting on honesty in media and in government.
Stop Believing The Chicken Littles Of The World
A CASE IN POINT The Chicken Littles are always wrong. They are alarmists. They are thorough going Malthusians ... we're running out of everything important soonest. The sky is falling. CO2 will cause global warming ... all this nonsense. Check out the claims from the past for a hearty laugh. One of my favorites is:
“At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it’s only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable.”
• Kenneth Watt, Ecologist
The reality is that these folks are lunatics and always have been. They don't understand science or technology or much of anything else and they specialize in claiming the world is about to end. Well by this time it was supposed to be all over and the same voices are repeating the same sad mantras.
“At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it’s only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable.”
• Kenneth Watt, Ecologist
The reality is that these folks are lunatics and always have been. They don't understand science or technology or much of anything else and they specialize in claiming the world is about to end. Well by this time it was supposed to be all over and the same voices are repeating the same sad mantras.
Lessons Being Drawn ...
PATRIOT POST "Each new crisis, it seems, leads to a growth of government's power." points out James Schall in the National Review and goes on later to make the observation ... "If two homemade bombs can disrupt a country and practically paralyze a large metropolitan area for days, who do we think is watching this drama? What lessons are being drawn?" I think the lessons being drawn are obvious ... and they are that the Great Satan, as we are styled by the jihadists, is vulnerable and weak and sloppy. Expect more such violence that so delights the extreme servants of the prophet whose religion rose over the shambles of Arianism.
Shameful Things ... Failure of Principle
SEE HERE The rhetoric that gets ratcheted up to advance policy advocacy is disgraceful and that disgraceful behavior is not limited to the left which is over the top but equally disgraceful when practiced on the right. What we truly need is thoughtful, principled, and carefully analyzed policy options that address the difficulties, not these "solutions" that everyone insists on advancing and calling anyone that opposes them racists or worse. Red State calls it and it's a solid critique. We need to call out all the people who practice despicable rhetoric that reduces to namecalling instead of thoughtful analysis. Until we have real principled and virtuous people in government we will continue to see this slide in values and rise in tyrannical rhetoric which soon enough issues in direct tyranny.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Something Wicked This Way Comes!
SEE HERE The Boston atrocity was not merely the work of two brothers. We have traitors in our midst. JIHAD Surprise! Surprise! Only the insane media could go directly to the Tea Party that has not been involved in a single act of terrorism when this event went down. We have a nation that has been taken over by the radical left and they are taking it down brick by brick as fast as they can while running evasive operations to distract people. Everyday the media concentrate on things that are insignificant or trendy while ignoring what is really going on. I don't even pay attention to the talking heads anymore. They are superfluous. They don't speak truth and their primary function is to tell me what they're trying to distract people to and hence what is unimportant.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Liberals Don't Believe In Freedom Of Speech ...
SEE HERE Actually I think it goes further than that. Liberals don't believe in freedom of thought. That's what political correctness is all about.
Healthcare Too Expensive? ... Gee Fancy That! The Government Made It So.
SEE HERE It would be nice if people had memories that extended beyond last week and kept track of the costs of things. Healthcare has skyrocketed in cost as the government has intruded into that market marginalizing doctors and healthcare professionals and empowering insurance companies and government bureaucrats. The result is not better or cheaper or more effective healthcare. The result is a decline in quality, an increase in cost, huge delays, more paperwork and an army of bureaucrats (which are expensive) to manage and manipulate and enforce the whole thing. It's just one more excuse for more government and it isn't good for anyone, especially not you.
Poor Little Leftists ... Didn't Get Their Way
SEE HERE Vigilance requires that we continue to support the 2nd amendment. These liberal fanatics are incrementally trying to eliminate gun ownership and it's not because they care about your safety. The real issue underlying all this is the desire to expand government power beyond the level that a free people would find tolerable. So the first thing you need to do is reduce the power of the people to resist.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Andrew Breitbart ... Know Integrity When You See It
"They screwed with the wrong guy!" We need to keep the spirit of Andrew Breitbart alive. I am Andrew Breitbart!
Oldie But Goodie: The Candy Man
Government as the source of all benefits stolen from those who earned them.
In Case You Wondered ... Liberals Really Aren't Smarter Than Fifth Graders
SEE HERE Liberals are economically illiterate. They are so much more economically illiterate than conservatives and libertarians that it is no wonder that the country is sinking into economic collapse. It is being run by morons.
Stumbling Around The Internet
Well fact be told I have no very good reason to post this except I was using Hermione Granger's purse as a metaphor on a Facebook post and had googled her name to make sure I spelled it right and stumbled on this YouTube which I thought was charming ... so here it is, testimony to the random occasions on which we are illuminated by the marvelous technology of the Internet, Google, YouTube, and Facebook ... one of which existed except the skeleton of the internet twenty years ago. Will wonders never cease?
The Tolerance Of Islam To Those Who Defended Them
I personally have no use for the kind of barbarous savagery that Islam encourages. This is typical as they destroy the grave stones of British that died in war. They scream at the least intolerance towards Islam and the Koran but think nothing of desecrating graves and sacred symbols of Christianity. Wake up and realize that they are on a crusade of conquest of their own and if you don't defend yourselves you will soon enough be enslaved and be second class citizens and paying an Islamic tax for being who and what you are if not worse.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Tea Teams ... Time To Get Focused
Back in March Wild Bill for America launched an initiative he called Tea Teams. You can find out more about this and sign up to be part of the initiative at his site Tea Teams USA Each state needs to get involved so I've launched a couple of blogs in support of Tea Teams USA on blogger and on wordpress. The blogger site is HERE and the wordpress site is HERE If you want to be involved the easiest way is to go to the Tea Teams USA site and sign up. If you sign up for Virginia you'll be contacted to participate. You can work with other Virginians to restore the republic.
We Struggle Against The Dark Rulers Of This World
Margaret Thatcher's granddaughter Amanda reads at her funeral that Obama couldn't find the class to go to nor send anyone from the administration. It is a measure of which side of this great conflict he is on. The Dark Lord approves of him but those of us who are charged with a higher aim must put on the armor of truth.
Surprise, Surprise! The Left Is Lying As Usual
FANCY THAT So the purpose of the Gay Marriage agenda is not to give gays the sanctity of marriage but to destroy the institution of marriage. Why wasn't that obvious to everyone? Why is it that we have to wait for one of the apparatchiks to rat them out when that's been pretty obvious from the beginning? If you don't think it's obvious you need to review a video of a gay pride parade. These people have no chance of forming permanent stable unions of any kind.
TED Goes To The Vatican
SEE HERE I've enjoyed a lot of the TED presentations. They are almost all worth a look. This popped into my in-box because of the link to the Shroud of Turin which I like to think I'm a minor expert on. The dialogue between all faiths is an important thread in the modern world. I'll probably put these up when they come about. MORE
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
Maggie Saved Them But They Are Determined To Plunge Into The Sewer Of History
SEE HERE When someone with core principles, someone strong and determined stands against the tide then there can be a respite and even a recovery but fools are determined to believe things that are not true and defeat is more easily snatched from the jaws of victory when there is a want of virtue and principle. ... Note that our totally non-class-act president is not going to the funeral nor is anyone else from the administration. The lack of class is disgusting and damnable. You don't have to like her policies to recognize she was a great lady and saved Britain in more ways that one.
Bombings Are Just A Gift From Your Friends In The Religion Of Peace
While the original Saudi Arabian who was collered at the marathon and held in protective custody in the hospital is apparently getting a pass to go home, the authorities are looking for people that are "persons of interest" associated with the bombing apparently based on surveillance videos and what they appeared to be carrying or not carrying in various images.
VIDEO OF SUSPECT Authorities have discovered surveillance camera footage of possible suspects in Boston Marathon bombing.
SPECULATION This could be the opening shot in a new phase of the terrorist war with the Muslim jihadists. Time will tell.
SEE HERE Muslims celebrate Boston Marathon terrorism. Why do we keep playing pattiecake with these savages?
SEE HERE According to Ted Poe (R- Texas), the explosives used were “similar” to IEDs used in Afghanistan. He even said that early reports he had heard said there may have been “ball bearings” inside.
SEE HERE Not much progress ... doubt cast on whether Saudi Arabian was involved. Story in Boston Globe says "... he was simply a frightened spectator who had tried to flee but was tackled and restrained by bystanders." We'll see as the story develops.
JIHADIST REACTIONS Yup ... they think it's great. There are actually people who think Islam is a religion and not a mental disease. I think that people who tie bombs on their own children or who think it is great to kill innocent people to make a statement about their religious views are not only sick but totally evil savages.
SEE HERE So far on the Boston Marathon bombing I've seen reports of twelve dead and 50 or so wounded and the claim that a Saudi Arabian national is in police custody in the hospital suspected of being involved. A third bomb has been detonated at the JFK library and the situation is now seen as possibly more extended and continuing. Odds are good that this is another gift from our Muslim friends who only want to show how peaceful they are ... Rest In Peace that is. LIBRARY Meanwhile the usual suspects speculate without any evidence that conservative groups set the bombs. HERE Is there any integrity at all among the left wing media slime? How do you get to that position without just being insane? Claiming now that the library bombing is unrelated ... how would they know? HERE
While the original Saudi Arabian who was collered at the marathon and held in protective custody in the hospital is apparently getting a pass to go home, the authorities are looking for people that are "persons of interest" associated with the bombing apparently based on surveillance videos and what they appeared to be carrying or not carrying in various images.
VIDEO OF SUSPECT Authorities have discovered surveillance camera footage of possible suspects in Boston Marathon bombing.
SPECULATION This could be the opening shot in a new phase of the terrorist war with the Muslim jihadists. Time will tell.
SEE HERE Muslims celebrate Boston Marathon terrorism. Why do we keep playing pattiecake with these savages?
SEE HERE According to Ted Poe (R- Texas), the explosives used were “similar” to IEDs used in Afghanistan. He even said that early reports he had heard said there may have been “ball bearings” inside.
SEE HERE Not much progress ... doubt cast on whether Saudi Arabian was involved. Story in Boston Globe says "... he was simply a frightened spectator who had tried to flee but was tackled and restrained by bystanders." We'll see as the story develops.
JIHADIST REACTIONS Yup ... they think it's great. There are actually people who think Islam is a religion and not a mental disease. I think that people who tie bombs on their own children or who think it is great to kill innocent people to make a statement about their religious views are not only sick but totally evil savages.
SEE HERE So far on the Boston Marathon bombing I've seen reports of twelve dead and 50 or so wounded and the claim that a Saudi Arabian national is in police custody in the hospital suspected of being involved. A third bomb has been detonated at the JFK library and the situation is now seen as possibly more extended and continuing. Odds are good that this is another gift from our Muslim friends who only want to show how peaceful they are ... Rest In Peace that is. LIBRARY Meanwhile the usual suspects speculate without any evidence that conservative groups set the bombs. HERE Is there any integrity at all among the left wing media slime? How do you get to that position without just being insane? Claiming now that the library bombing is unrelated ... how would they know? HERE
Are You Ready For Tyranny Rising!
SEE HERE Training? Dry Run? Tell me again why we even need DHS? This is disturbing and suggests that the time schedule for something troubling is going to be quicker than people think.
Did You Know This Was Going Down?
SEE HERE Just what are the limits of tyrannical activity that would stir the news media into some kind of action? Are they simply accomplices of the far left progressive Marxists trying to take down our government through fiscal collapse to precipitate a crisis so they can impose martial law and activate the brown shirts they seem to be enabling? Are all the people that are concerned merely deluded and imagining things? In my whole life I've never seen anything like what has been going on in the Obama administration. It is troubling, but even more troubling is that no-one seems to be proportionately concerned. Do the brown shirts have to knock down your door before you realize that you're faced with Tyranny Rising!
Iron Dome For The U.S. Or Just Wait For The Nuclear Plume To Rise?
WATCH HERE Ben Stein points out how insane our current policy is. Of course the reason for insane policies is insane leaders. We are in the grip of America hating far left ideologues. From their point of view getting nuked would just be what we deserve. Why do we elect lunatics like this?
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Denial Of Due Process! Tyranny Rising
SEE HERE I guess I wasn't around when doctors were elevated to the realm of unquestioned authority and hidden judge and jury. Do our elected representatives have any idea about human rights and due process? Apparently not!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The Science Delusion — A Revelation About The Aspects Of Reality That Science Refuses To Examine
The machine metaphor and the myth of scientism. "Intellectual phase locking" an amusing explanation for shifts in things that are supposed to be constant. Funny!
End The Benghazi Coverup And Then Impeach The President
"Stand down" .... What? Four dead Americans and no serious attempt to come to their aid despite administration awareness of the attack. It's an outrage! Dereliction of duty. Failure to come to the aid of our warriors in their resistence. Failure to respond in any significant way. This administration is an Epic Fail. Support Congressman Wolf's House Resolution 36. SEE HERE
Tyranny In New York Is Underway ... "I Told You So" Say Lots Of Patriots
SEE HERE Of course gun registration won't lead to gun confiscation ... no, no, no, that's nutty. Really? When are people going to get it that they are being lied to and gulled and soon enough when everyone is disarmed they can "cull the herd" as I've heard a number of liberals suggest needed to be done. No doubt that's what Hitler was doing to the Jews and Stalin to the Ukrainians and Moi to the intellectuals. Stand by for tyranny because of Tyranny Rising!
Sign The Petition On Universal Background Checks
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The Evil Hypocrisy Of The Leftist Media
SEE HERE It's hard to stomach what is going on in this country. Perhaps the biggest betrayal is the media which has been enlisted as an enabler of the evil that is upon us. The function of the media in a free society is to keep everyone honest not take sides. This all changed in the 1960s when the media were enlisted as the propaganda arm of the left. I remember when it happened and all the talk about how they were opinion shapers and not mere reporters. What they are is propagandists and propagandists for the worst kind of creeping totalitarianism you could imagine. People need to wake up because at the rate they are going we're going to see a major collapse and an imposition of tyranny and perhaps not that far off. It would be nice if some of the checks and balances designed into our republic showed some signs of working. But they don't! It's exasperating, but there it is. Tyranny Rising!
Remembering Maggie!
SEE HERE Redstate pays tribute to Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady who led Great Britain at a perilous time. She was a strong leader and while the left hated her the nation benefited immensely from her administration.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Teach Gun Safety To Our Children In The Schools
This used to be quite common to have gun clubs in the schools. I'm not sure when the crazy liberals decided that guns were oh so evil and children should be protected from actually becoming knowledgeable about them. What could be more wrong headed? Guns are a clear and present part of reality and very effective for self-defense. It is criminal if only criminals are knowledgeable about guns. Wild Bill has a great idea. Let's turn back the clock and keep our kids from becoming total wimps.
I Am Andrew Breitbart
We lost Andrew way too early ... but we need to carry on the crusade against liberal evil that he launched. Truth trumps the liars and Andrew was all about the truth.
You Don't Know What Freedom Is Because You Haven't Lost It ... Yet!
Tyranny Begins With Plausible Sounding Tyrannical Ideas That When Implemented Turn Into Slavery And Loss Of Personal Identity And Freedom
SEE HERE The kids belong to the community .... sorry but that's crazy talk. Children are the responsibility of their parents and families and not the community. The community isn't even a clearly defined entity. The kind of ideas that turn the kids over to the state are the kinds of ideas that regiment and enslave societies. It's just more collectivist propaganda.
Truth In Advertising Is One Thing: Food Tyranny By The Government Is Another
People have a right to know the risks but adults should be able to take the risk if they desire. The government will be feeding you guaranteed to be healthy slime and make everything else illegal on the track they are on.
A Great Lady Passes On To Her Maker: Rest In Peace Maggie
We shall not soon see her like again! SEE TIMES OBIT
There Is A Time For Everything Under Heaven ...
SEE HERE What do you stand for? Sometimes the only thing to do is to stand up against tyranny. If that time has not yet come then perhaps I am deceived, but make no mistake, the time is hard upon us when men will have to choose between freedom or slavery. I for one was granted my rights by God and not by some legislature and I will not have them taken from me.
You're Being Lied To Again And Again And Again ... Why Believe Anything The Adminsitration Or The Media Cheerleaders Say?
SEE HERE The economy continues to be on the skids and it is hurt the young worse than the old. One wonders why? I wonder if the young are not as a group as employable as the old because of their unrealistic expectations and inadequate preparation for the job market?
Sunday, April 7, 2013
A Real Woman Stands Up For Life!
SEE HERE The thing that scares liberals to death about Sarah Palin is that she is a real woman with real values and the moxie to go out and carry the fight to them. She's straight from the shoulder honest and calls'em like she sees'em while the typical liberal witch spins and spins and roils the cauldron until the noxious potion of modern scum rises to the surface to dull the senses and spread death and devastation.
The Cynical Game Playing By The Liar In Chief
SEE HERE This is clearly game playing. First of all pretending that cheating seniors out of the retirement income that they worked a lifetime to produce, an income that had it been invested instead of wasted by the Federal government would have produced more revenue than the Feds are paying, the pretense of a spending cut is just political Kabuki played for effect. And what is the point of stealing from the seniors and then increasing taxes to boot. It's phony. Obama knows it is phony. When are the people who voted for this fraud going to get the message? I personally think he won on the basis of targeted voter fraud but no one seems to have the guts to really investigate. Let's get serious and cut government waste. There are simply tons of things the government is doing that it should not be doing. Let's cut them and we won't need to raise taxes.
We Should Not Be Spreading Islamic Hate
SEE HERE The intolerable intolerance of Islam is just one of the many reasons that they make lousy neighbors and can't really be expected to be honorable citizens. They will just wait until their numbers grow to impose Sharia and their brand of savage intolerance on the rest of us. The odd thing is that we have lots of people just ready and willing to be enablers.
Frederick Douglass Would Point Out What Big Liars The Democrats Are
For 200 years the Republicans have been the leaders in civil rights, not the Democrats who in fact were the founders of the KKK and Jim Crow and segregation. Instead the Democrats have lied and lied coopting the Republican record and taking credit for things that they actually bitterly resisted. Democrats are winning the propaganda battle because they are such good liars.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Actual Passport Application Letter
I don't know if the following letter is the sentiments expressed. If I didn't know better I'd think that the government was run by total incompetents. But I think what is really going on is that no part of the government ever talks to another part if they can keep from doing it. The letter below describes the results.
Dear Mrs. Ms. Or Sir: I'm in the process of renewing my passport and still cannot believe this. How is it that Radio Shack has my address and telephone number and knows that I bought a cable TV from them in 1987 (23 years ago), and yet, the Federal Government is still asking me where I was born and on what date. For Christ sakes, do you guys do this by hand? Ever heard of computers?
My birth date you have in my social security file. It 's on EVERY income tax form I've filed for the past 30 years. It's on my Medicare health insurance card and my driver's license, it's on the last eight damn passports I 've had, it's on every stupid customs declaration form I 've had to fill out before being allowed off the plane for the last 30 years. And it's on all those census forms that we have to do at election times. Would somebody please take note, once and for all, that my mother's name is Maryanne, my father's name is Robert and I'm reasonably confident that neither name is likely to change between now and when I die.
Between you an' me, I've had enough of this bureaucratic bullshit! You send the application to my house, then you ask me for my #*&#%*& address. What is going on? You must have a gang of bureaucratic Neanderthal morons working there! Look at my damn picture. Do I look like Bin Laden? And "No," I don't want to dig up Yasser Arafat, for shit sakes. I just want to go and park my ass on a sandy beach. And would someone please tell me, why would you give a damn whether I plan on visiting a farm in the next 15 days? If I ever got the urge to do something weird to a chicken or a goat, believe you me, I'd sure as hell not want to tell anyone!
Well, I have to go now because I have to go to the other end of the city and get another #*@&#^@*@& copy of my birth certificate to the tune of $100. Would it be so difficult to have all the services in the same area so I could get a new passport the same day? Nooooo, that would require planning and organization. And it would be too logical for the @&^*^%@% government. You'd rather have us running all over the place like chickens with our heads cut off. Then, we have to find some asshole to confirm that it's really me in the damn picture - you know, the one where we're not allowed to smile...Hey, you know why we can't smile? We're totally pissed off!
Signed - An Irate Citizen.
P.S. Remember what I wrote about getting someone to confirm that the picture is me? Well, my family has been in the United States of America since 1776. I have served in the military for something over 35 years and have had security clearances up the ying yang. However, I have to get someone important to verify who I am - you know, someone like my doctor....WHO WAS BORN AND RAISED IN INDIA ! And you assholes want to run our health care system?????
Dear Mrs. Ms. Or Sir: I'm in the process of renewing my passport and still cannot believe this. How is it that Radio Shack has my address and telephone number and knows that I bought a cable TV from them in 1987 (23 years ago), and yet, the Federal Government is still asking me where I was born and on what date. For Christ sakes, do you guys do this by hand? Ever heard of computers?
My birth date you have in my social security file. It 's on EVERY income tax form I've filed for the past 30 years. It's on my Medicare health insurance card and my driver's license, it's on the last eight damn passports I 've had, it's on every stupid customs declaration form I 've had to fill out before being allowed off the plane for the last 30 years. And it's on all those census forms that we have to do at election times. Would somebody please take note, once and for all, that my mother's name is Maryanne, my father's name is Robert and I'm reasonably confident that neither name is likely to change between now and when I die.
Between you an' me, I've had enough of this bureaucratic bullshit! You send the application to my house, then you ask me for my #*&#%*& address. What is going on? You must have a gang of bureaucratic Neanderthal morons working there! Look at my damn picture. Do I look like Bin Laden? And "No," I don't want to dig up Yasser Arafat, for shit sakes. I just want to go and park my ass on a sandy beach. And would someone please tell me, why would you give a damn whether I plan on visiting a farm in the next 15 days? If I ever got the urge to do something weird to a chicken or a goat, believe you me, I'd sure as hell not want to tell anyone!
Well, I have to go now because I have to go to the other end of the city and get another #*@&#^@*@& copy of my birth certificate to the tune of $100. Would it be so difficult to have all the services in the same area so I could get a new passport the same day? Nooooo, that would require planning and organization. And it would be too logical for the @&^*^%@% government. You'd rather have us running all over the place like chickens with our heads cut off. Then, we have to find some asshole to confirm that it's really me in the damn picture - you know, the one where we're not allowed to smile...Hey, you know why we can't smile? We're totally pissed off!
Signed - An Irate Citizen.
P.S. Remember what I wrote about getting someone to confirm that the picture is me? Well, my family has been in the United States of America since 1776. I have served in the military for something over 35 years and have had security clearances up the ying yang. However, I have to get someone important to verify who I am - you know, someone like my doctor....WHO WAS BORN AND RAISED IN INDIA ! And you assholes want to run our health care system?????
Friday, April 5, 2013
What The Hell Is Going On? — DoD Domestic Internment Camps?
SEE HERE Well this is damned disturbing. What would cause DoD to write such a document and do they really think that the American military is going to stand still for unwarranted detainment of American citizens? It is very disturbing that this kind of document was even written. What for? I guess this might explain the camps that people are claiming are being set up around the county. I want to believe this is bogus, but there are too many disturbing signs that suggest it may be real.
The Fate Of The U.S. Economy: "We're Just Going To Kill The Dollar."
Of course Obama doesn't understand economics well enough to be the source of this conspiracy but his handlers do. The objective may seem farfetched but it fits what the actors have been doing. Power and control is a heady concoction tempting to all the manipulators and game players. Be aware and see what model of reality best fits the facts. The troubling thing is that the actions being taken by the manipulators are clearly aimed at destroying the dollar. Why? To crunch the world economy and bring on the biggest crisis in history.
The Communists Are Here ... They Just Changed Their Name The Agenda Is The Same
Wild Bill reads the communist agenda that was read into the congressional record and notes how much it sounds like what is going on today. The Democrats have surrendered to communism and the Republicans don't have the juice to stand up and be counted. Time to play Cowboys and Communists! says Wild Bill. I can salute that!
North Korea Continues To Ratchet Up The Tension
SEE HERE Warning the British and Russian embassies to get out of the country and South Korean factory workers to get out as well by April 10th suggests an early agenda. It should be interesting to see what they have in mind. If they launch any of their missiles against the West we should probably make a decisive return strike. The problem is that the West has been signally weakness for over a decade and the lunatics in the world are starting to mistake that for reality.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Ben Carson In His Own Speak
VIEW BEN CARSON TALK An hour and thirteen minutes from Ben Carson who the Democrats have now decided to demonize because, shockingly, he is a black conservative. The problem with this is that anyone with any sense is conservative. It's the Democrats and liberal progressives who are suffering from a form of dementia.
Come and Take Them We Stand With The Spartans
SEE HERE Let's get something straight Mr. President. The Constitution is not something we bargain away with the U.N. That bunch of mostly small potatoes tyrant states does not entitle you to give away our rights. It isn't no, it's hell no.
Gun Control? A Tool The Left Uses To Impose Tyranny
This fifteen year old girl reveals the hypocrisy and downright delusional motivations of new gun control legislation. The reality is that the left wants to disarm the people to extend their march towards tyranny.
Apocalypse Now? Watch and Wait You Never Know ...
SEE HERE Gateway to Hades found! This is a little amusing unless to put a lot of store in apocalyptic prophecy. I worked with a fellow one time who was very much into studying the "end times" and was always talking about Gog and Magog and the final battles and what not. It is a fascinating study and this piece summarizes a little the perceived identity of Gog and Magog. Given the state of Middle East tensions at the current time, one has to wonder if there is anything to these interpretations. Jesus said that no-one knew the time or the hour and that the proper thing to do was wait and be watchful. Seems like a good time to be watchful.
Covering For The Murderers
SEE HERE The media is despicable and unfortunately that pretty much goes for all the talking heads on television. They view their role to be shapers of public opinion and not objective news gatherers. They support the killing of the unborn and in covering for Planned Parenthood the killing of the born as well if they were not wanted and resulted from a botched abortion. Why has abortion become the sacrament of the left? I think the answer is that Satan was a murderer from the beginning and these hapless fools are in league with him whether they know it or not. Saul Alinsky dedicated his book "Rules for Radicals" to Lucifer.
The Atomic Individual And The Death Of Civilization
SEE HERE This is a pointer to a Delancey Place piece sent out this morning on the Death of the Nuclear Family. The family is the core reality of civilization. It is not the individual. This is a recipe indeed for the death of civilization and the rise of a kind of "Brave New World" of the atomic individual, but that will be a world without compassion, a world of one individual manipulating another, a world of cold calculation. It will not be civilization and it will likely not be all that civil. We are seeing it rise up among us now and it will only get worse.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Obama's Real Enablers ...
SEE HERE We have met the enemy and he is us ... was something Pogo said in a comic strip that only people my age actually remember. Failure to confront evil is equivalent to being responsible at least in part for the result. It's time to stand up and start shouting.
Tolerance of the Intolerable Should End
Every problem the nation is facing can be traced to the success of the liberal progressives. It's time to step up and shut them down.
Pathetic Doesn't Begin To Describe It
SEE HERE The lack of moral clarity among the political class is not just pathetic, it is ignorant and stupid to an amazing degree. There are the people we have leading the country and they seem to have no grounding in philosophy or morality or religion or much of anything else except feathering their own nests and trying to get reelected. It is no surprise that the country is descending into moral turpitude given the kind of leadership we have in the public arena and the media. The result if we continue the slide will be disaster for the country just as it was disaster for other countries that have in history followed the same path.
Death Of Freedom By The Numbers
SEE HERE What a brilliant idea ... another way to control firearms brought to you by the Democrats. "No man is safe while Congress is in session" never sounded so true. If the U.N. doesn't enslave you the Democrats will. Vote these people out of congress while you still can.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Just A Little Balanced Dose Of Truth
SEE HERE Homosexuality is sinful. Yes that is judgmental. It's called objective morality. A lot of other things that people are winking their eyes at these days are also sinful. Just because everyone is doing it doesn't mean it isn't sinful. Sorry if morality gets in the way of you having a good time. We're a lot more interested in you being a good person.
The Biggest Threat ... Follow The Data Of History
"Gun control works!" — if what you want to accomplish is to enslave the citizenry.
The Traitors In Our Midst And Their Agenda
SEE HERE Gun control is a euphemism for tyranny. The disarming of the people is a strategy to create weakness and dependency. If you want to be ensured of being a slave, then let the government disarm you.
Transgenic Food? Technology Beyond The Near Horizon
SEE HERE So exactly when did the geneticists get their "god" credentials? I must have missed it. I don't have too much problem with plant breeders developing improved strains by a process of selection. That looks purely natural, just speeded up a lot. But when they imagine that they know what they're doing when they take genes from one source and inject them into something else I think it's more of a crap shoot than knowledge based manipulation. That fact that the resulting plants sometimes prove harmful is evidence enough that they don't really know the downside of these experiments. Welcome to guinea pig status! You get to be the alpha test population of the genetically modified foods and Monsanto and the rest don't want to be held liable when everything goes South.
Sanctimonious Deceivers
SEE HERE That seems to be as reasonable way of describing the situation as any. The liberal progressives have sold the message that they are the compassionate ones, the ones that care about you when all the data shows that they are less generous than the people who they criticize. The reality is that conservatives are far more generous people but not given to programs which trap people into dependency. Just one more way that the left lies systematically and continuously to people in an effort to continue and extend their passion for power and control. It is instructive to consider which part of the political spectrum has been responsible for almost all the murderous killing and starving of people in the 20th century. It is the left.
Monday, April 1, 2013
The Galloping Collapse of Cyprus
80% ... gone! And why? Because politicians can't control their spending. If you don't think it can happen here maybe you're not paying attention.
The Destruction Of Society Is The Goal
SEE HERE Make no mistake about the purposes of "gay marriage" ... it is not to provide homosexuals with the blessings of married bliss but to devalue and ultimately destroy marriage altogether as a meaningful social construct. But the family, a married couple and their children, is the core element of stable societies. This destruction will have the effect that it has always had of undermining the social fabric and bringing ruin on society. One need not read all that much history to find instances of it in the past. Moral collapse is followed by social disintegration.
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
SEE HERE I guess I'm a "birther" ... if that means that I think there is a lot of evidence that the currently elected Narcissist is not eligible to hold the office of president. One of the most disturbing things is that no one seems to care and none of the serious questions has been answered except by being ignored. That response more than any other convinces me that there is a problem and because of the non-response that the problem likely extends far beyond the single office of the president. When something stinks to high heaven you can be assured that something is rotten.
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