Sunday, June 30, 2013
We Obviously Have Traitors Writing The Bills
SEE HERE Just how do you explain a provision in the Amnesty bill that provides penalties for hiring citizens in preference to legalized aliens? So the idea is that once we legalize these illegals they will receive preferred hiring? Can anyone pronounce ridiculous? Who is writing these bill and it's great that at least Ted Cruz is reading them. This is outrageous.
It's Time To Defund Syrian Rebels And Launch A Crusade
SEE HERE Who is kidding who? Get a life and start checking the world for what is really going on. The bottom line is that we're being gamed into World War III with the intention of making us a loser. We're funding radical Islam to restore the Caliphate. We are led by traitors and moles who intend to end the great American experiment in freedom and liberty and we have a whole lot of so-called leaders with their head up their behinds. This is not the America I grew up in. It's time to fix it or we'll all find ourselves up the proverbial creek or perhaps that should be flushed down the sewer of history.
World War III is looming like the train whistle in the distance
SEE HERE"A global war of unimaginable atrocities is being planned as I write this. It has been in the works for some time, yet few will want to read what I have written." This is one of the few theories that actually ties all the dots together. We're being gamed and taken down and no-one is providing anything like adequate defense. If this goes on then we will be taken down rather sooner than later. The end of the American experiment with freedom will be followed by global depression and widespread tyranny and disaster. Wake up! Look around! Figure it out! Do something.
Constitution Followed Only When It's Convenient?
Judge Jeanine nails it as usual. The hypocrisy is first deny, then lie, then commit perjury and plead the fifth amendment. It's a disgrace.
The Capacity Of Government To Be Irrelevant Is Boundless
SEE HERE I almost swallowed my tongue when I read this ... What!! Doesn't the USDA have something better to do than harass stage magicians. I think the disaster plan for a rabbit should involve sauteing it in butter and wine sauce. That would stave off hunger and keep you fit a little longer as you struggled through. I'm told rabbit tastes like chicken and I have quite a few that keep running around my yard.
Typical Government Move — Pay Twice What It's Worth And Get A Negative Return
SEE HERE The next time the government offers to bail out something we ought to remind them of how well it's worked in the past using the real figures and not the cooked books. As usual it is the taxpayers that get shafted.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Obama Needs To Be Brought Up On Charges Of Treason
SEE HERE My dad was a two star admiral and here we have a retired four star admiral coming out with significant accusations of the phony kidnapping plan. President Obama should be arrested together with any of the others that are implicated, tried, and put away forever. This is simply beyond outrageous, total treason for personal gain. ADMIRAL LYONS outs the strategic navy situation back in 2012. SEE HERE WT MARCH
We Have Lunatics For Police These Days
SEE HERE This is beyond outrageous. The young lady is probably lucky she wasn't shot by these idiots. Can we go back to the time when police were expected to show a little respect for citizens or has the gestapo mentality gone too far? ALSO THIS You have to wonder how justice is served by charging the young ladies for the incompetence of their apprehenders.
Why I Am A Patriot — Regardless Of Color
SEE HERE An inspiring testimonial by a black patriot who speaks not just for himself but for patriots everywhere.
Friday, June 28, 2013
The Long Betrayal In Direct Links
SEE HERE Always delightful to discover how damning Obama's connections and history are. It is a measure of the lack of due diligence of the news media and the sheer betrayal of the liberals and Democrats and the blindness of Republicans that we have this traitor trying to take down the nation in charge. When are people finally going to wake up. Does the Gestapo have to be at the door?
The Plot Thickens — Benghazi A Foiled Kidnapping? Treason?
SEE HERE This idea has been making the rounds ever since shortly after the Benghazi incident. The problem with it is that it implies collusion between the kidnappers and the U.S. government because you can't have a kidnapping like this unless you know the ambassador is going to be there and you've planned the thing ahead of time. It smells to high heavens of this administrations machinations. Treason is written all over it.
Tired Of Being Taken For Granted And Lied To
SEE HERE It's odd really how similar the thinking of establishment Republicans and Democrats is ... you'd almost think they were the same animal with only slightly different skin tints ... a light black rat and a dark white rat ... maybe the same species of rat. And the problem with rat races and whoever wins is still a rat. It's time to make political parties make a difference again and not just be every so slightly different flavors of the same thing.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Why We Need Less Government — It's Killing Us!
SEE HERE In case you don't believe me you might look at this report. It shows the overall disastrous effect of ever increasing government regulation on the society. In short it is crippling and progressive so at some point it will trigger economic collapse, chaos, and likely violence. Is it intentional? Sure, to one degree or another although the stated intentions are always good, the uniformity of bad effects suggests more than just stupidity.
Levin Offers A Rant About The Immigration Bill
We should just fire them all and start over. Probably should include the Executive branch as well and the Supreme Court. We could do better with randomly selected Americans.
Neither Great Nor Good — The Decay Of American Society
SEE HERE Worth a read because it is where we are at. The train wreck is coming soon and no-one is really doing nearly enough to stop it. The problem is that everyone is imagining that it is someone else's job to put the brakes on. Meanwhile the problems grow and become more and more unmanageable. The end of the republic looms and we are pretending that the problems do no exist. "Party on dude!" seems to be the philosophy. Too bad ... we will be telling our children, as Ronald Reagan suggested, how great it was to live in America where men were free. With any luck they may have something to eat.
All Hell Breaks Loose Literally In The Vatican
Maybe now we'll have enough motivation to clean house in the church and clear this mess up once and for all.
Rubio Responds To His Critics
This would be more convincing if it had any hope of actually fixing the problems. This all smacks of the same old bait and switch game that has been played over and over again. Rubio addresses the concerns in a rather candid way. If it passes then we'll have to hold his feet to the fire. I'm skeptical because this just sounds like the same old same old claims. It ends up being an amnesty bill with supposed hooks to make it better than the last amnesty bill. Will these hooks be effective? The last ones weren't. He talks well! OTHER VIEWS
The Galloping Encroachment Of Insanity Spreads To The Supreme Court
SEE HERE Scalia points out that the court is supposed to interpret law not make it. Apparently the new role the court envisioned for itself is at the apex of the system. I guess that fits right in with Harry Reid and Barack Obama each at the pinnacle of power dictating to their subjects. The government of laws and not of men has just taken a major hit. But it's just 'another' major hit ... so now lady liberty is on her knees bleeding from the many wounds like gaping mouths and she says "Et tu SCOTUS."
Hero, Villain, or Victim? Perhaps All Three?
SEE HERE The case of Mr. Snowden ... NSA whistleblower and definitely conflicted as far as the judgment of his actions goes. He revealed what many citizens may well have suspected all along. So far at least I've seen no particular national security information outed except the rather obvious and not all that surprising fact that NSA is snooping on everyone's communications in a way more pervasive than suggested by their mission. Big surprise that? I'm not surprised, but then I have quite a bit of experience in these matters since I worked for the government and later for government contractors for about thirty years. Or perhaps he's an enemy agent ... if so why would he have acted as he did. He could have just stayed undercover leaking away. The victim line is actually fairly plausible since that is certainly what the government will now strive to make him. All in all I think he is a tragic figure since I think however noble his act of outing the NSA is, it will likely come to very little because we are already in the hands of people dedicated to taking down the republic and his act will do very little to change that. MEANWHILE FAIRY TALES
The Law Of Unforeseen Consequences ...
SEE HERE ... or if anything can go wrong it will. The government is always trying to help us although that's that one of the enumerated powers in the Constitution it is something that seems to make politicians feel good and gives them cover. The problem is that the world is more complicated that the vision the average politician has so that quite often what is entered into with the at least stated intention of helping us ends up doing quite the opposite. The lesson that should be learned and never is, is that citizens need to become responsible agents of their own welfare and not become dependent on a faceless, clueless, largely unfeeling bureaucracy which pretends to care about them. Sorry but truth hurts.
The Incoherence And Fundamental Tyranny Of Our Current Rulers
SEE HERE We fought a revolution to avoid the very kind of governance that is now thrust upon us by out of control institutions that no longer feel bound by the letter of the Constitution so find instead a plethora of penumbras and shadows and made up stuff to have their way. Marriage is an institution that extends in time back before there were states or governments into the prehistorical period before there was writing. Nevertheless our SCOTUS has the audacity of stupidity to redefine it for the twisted perverts of the world so that they can be more openly perverted than before. It's all in the name of freedom or something. I keep hearing the word "love" a lot and it seems that the people using the word don't have any concept of what it actually means. Instead they are talking about obsession and lust and disordered passions. Objectivity is lost and the reigning order of the day is one which the Father of lies would recognize for after all "What is truth?"
We May Be Doomed But We Can Probably Coast For A Long Time ...
SEE HERE or not. The problem with the Roman Empire scenario is that we don't live in a time where transport and communications are limited. We are well equipped to collapse a lot faster than Rome did. If we continue on the path we are on, collapse we will, whether quickly or slowly. To reverse the process means turning back to true values and that is incoherent to the empty heads and animalistic citizens which now thoughtlessly vote for the most free stuff. TANSTAAFL unfortunately so the free stuff will dry up fairly quickly and everyone will sit around wondering where the gravy train went. Since they will have killed their neurons they won't have a clue that they are looking at the cause as they look in each others eyes.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Never Forget The Sacrifices Of Those We Have Sent In Harms Way
SEE HERE This is a very moving account of a ramp ceremony and it put me in mind of the Vietnam war and the way the media and the communists (Oh they called themselves other things) poisoned the atmosphere in our country so that returning soldiers were met with cat calls and meanness. A soldier does what the country asks them to do. They don't originate the policies. They carry them out and are always told that they are defending the nation. If that isn't true then maybe we should replace a few vile politicians that caused them to be sent in harms way and then turned on them. In the meantime we should honor our heroes. I'm sick of the lying that goes on in Washington and the phony politicians who say one thing and do another. It needs to change. It badly needs to change.
We are led by people without honor, virtue, or principles and we wonder why things are going into the tank. Stop sending that kind of man to Washington. We need more people that actually are like George Washington leading our country and a lot fewer that are like the Marx brothers.
We are led by people without honor, virtue, or principles and we wonder why things are going into the tank. Stop sending that kind of man to Washington. We need more people that actually are like George Washington leading our country and a lot fewer that are like the Marx brothers.
The End Of Rational Discourse And Representative Government
SEE HERE So let me get this right ... if you don't like a law that the people pass you can just ignore it and nullify it because you want to? Is that the gist of it? Where does that end?
Christian Religious Are Simply Murdered By The Religion Of Peace In Syria
SEE HERE Why are we supporting these vicious savage animals pretending to be people? We simply have no business destabilizing the Middle East especially on the side of the jihadist religionists who seek to kill all non-Muslims when they are not occupied killing each other. We should get out, secure their borders (might teach us how to secure our own) and let them fight it out until the last man standing. That would reduce the threat and be fairer to all concerned. Meanwhile we should help those who actually are from a religion that means it when it advocates peace. MORE
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
A Lot Of Republicans Need A Wake-Up Call
SEE HERE I think that the Republicans must actually have as few neurons as Democrats. It just has to be something in the water in Washington. How else do you explain how going there can empty you of principles and integrity in such short order? We need to throw all of these bums out and start over.
The Illinois Blame Game — Hard To Blame The Republicans When They're So Hard To Find
A wonderful State with ZERO Republicans
There are more people on Welfare in Illinois than there are people working.
Chicago pays the highest wages to teachers than anywhere else in the U.S. averaging $110,000/year. Their pensions average 80-90% of their income. You can't blame that on republicans because there aren't any.
Wow, are Illinois and Chicago great or what?
Be sure to read to the end. I've never heard it explained better.
Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of Chicago?
Body count: In the last six months 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago. 221 killed in Iraq AND Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the entire US.
Here's the Chicago chain of command:
. President: Barack Hussein Obama
. Senator: Dick Durbin
. House Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr.
. Governor: Pat Quinn
. House leader: Mike Madigan
. Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike)
. Mayor: Rohm Emanuel
. The leadership in Illinois - all Democrats.
. Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago .
. Of course, they're all blaming each other.
. Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!
. Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the country. Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!
. State pension fund $78 Billion in debt, worst in country. Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!
. Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!
. This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois . And he is going to 'fix' Washington politics for us???
. George Ryan is no longer Governor, he is in the big house.
. Of course he was replaced by Rob Blajegovitch who is...that's right, also in the big house.
. And Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. resigned a couple of weeks ago, because he is fighting being sent to...that's right, the big house.
. The Land of Lincoln , where our governors make our license plates.
But you know what? As long as they keep providing entitlements to the population of Chicago, nothing is going to change, except the state will go broke before the country does.
"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian."
There are more people on Welfare in Illinois than there are people working.
Chicago pays the highest wages to teachers than anywhere else in the U.S. averaging $110,000/year. Their pensions average 80-90% of their income. You can't blame that on republicans because there aren't any.
Wow, are Illinois and Chicago great or what?
Be sure to read to the end. I've never heard it explained better.
Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of Chicago?
Body count: In the last six months 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago. 221 killed in Iraq AND Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the entire US.
Here's the Chicago chain of command:
. President: Barack Hussein Obama
. Senator: Dick Durbin
. House Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr.
. Governor: Pat Quinn
. House leader: Mike Madigan
. Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike)
. Mayor: Rohm Emanuel
. The leadership in Illinois - all Democrats.
. Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago .
. Of course, they're all blaming each other.
. Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!
. Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the country. Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!
. State pension fund $78 Billion in debt, worst in country. Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!
. Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!
. This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois . And he is going to 'fix' Washington politics for us???
. George Ryan is no longer Governor, he is in the big house.
. Of course he was replaced by Rob Blajegovitch who is...that's right, also in the big house.
. And Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. resigned a couple of weeks ago, because he is fighting being sent to...that's right, the big house.
. The Land of Lincoln , where our governors make our license plates.
But you know what? As long as they keep providing entitlements to the population of Chicago, nothing is going to change, except the state will go broke before the country does.
"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian."
Has The Black Population Figured Out They've Been Gamed Yet?
SEE HERE If you've had enough of the liberal plantation maybe you should try something else. At least that's the message that I think the black population that has voted over and over for Democrats only to be rewarded by demeaning programs that have as their basis the presumption that black people are inferior. So when intelligent and capable black people rise to positions of significance but don't stay on the Democrat plantation they are demeaned by charges of being Uncle Toms, or traitors, or "oreos" ... pretty outrageous stuff and phony as the day is long. Some of them are starting to take notice and that's encouraging.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Interesting And Troubling ... Did He Have A Record Of Reckless Driving?
SEE HERE Reporter claiming to be on a big lead just suddenly dies in a fiery crash. Coincidence? Who knows? He's not the only one that has been dying that is linked to things in this administration.
Pretty Funny When Even The Daily Kos Gets It!
SEE HERE I don't read the Daily Kos and would never have seen this story if it had not been picked up by a group that I monitor. The group is conservative and I don't know how they picked it up. Perhaps they are gluttons for punishment and actually read the Kos. Still it is funny when even that bunch of ghouly liberals figure out that Obama is playing them. It's time to recognize how deep the illness goes and start cleaning house if there is still time.
So Is NSA The Problem?
SEE HERE Who can you believe? I think I put that question up a few posts back. Who do you trust? My answer right now is "no-one." It appears that there no longer are men and women of virtue and honor among us. The news media is a pack of paid propagandists. The politicians are lying and pandering seeking only their own advantage. The bureaucrats are out of control, especially those in the intelligence community where there never was much control to begin with. We are all left dangling in the wind wondering who to believe. They're all liars until proved differently seems like the principle to follow.
The Liberals Alinsky Language Laundering — How To Lie Lavishly
SEE HERE Well I did get carried away with the alliteration languidly lashing labels lovingly, but language does matter and liberals are masters of lying linguistically by creating sloganized ideas that are fallacious but linger in the lower layers of our minds. This little piece lays it out for you so that even low-information voters could get if it they tried.
Deconstructing The Liberal Labeling Strategy
All those racists ... on the left have a lot of difficulty with facts. SEE HERE for source. Somehow the discourse when you deal with the left comes down to namecalling. If you turn it back on them they say you're insulting but if you say "I'm just doing what you're doing" they say that they just telling the truth "... you racist, Islamophobe ..." etc. Facts never seem to rise to the status of data for a liberal which is how you tell someone is trapped in an illusion. The problem however is that there are so many of them, the deceived and the deceivers, that the whole republic is in danger.
The Parable Of The Monkeys — Beyond Term Limits
If you start with a cage containing five monkeys and inside the cage, hang a banana on a string from the top and then you place a set of stairs under the banana, before long a monkey will go to the stairs and climb toward the banana.
As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray all the other monkeys with cold water. After a while another monkey makes an attempt with same result... all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.
Now, put the cold water away. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs. To his shock, all of the other monkeys beat the crap out of him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original five monkeys, replacing it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment...... with enthusiasm, because he is now part of the "team". Then, replace a third original monkey with a new one, followed by the fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked.
Now, the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs. Neither do they know why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.
Finally, having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, not one of the monkeys will try to climb the stairway for the banana.
Why, you ask? Because in their minds...that is the way it has always been! This, my friends, is how Congress operates... and this is why, from time to time: ALL of the monkeys need to be REPLACED AT THE SAME TIME.
As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray all the other monkeys with cold water. After a while another monkey makes an attempt with same result... all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.
Now, put the cold water away. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs. To his shock, all of the other monkeys beat the crap out of him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original five monkeys, replacing it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment...... with enthusiasm, because he is now part of the "team". Then, replace a third original monkey with a new one, followed by the fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked.
Now, the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs. Neither do they know why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.
Finally, having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, not one of the monkeys will try to climb the stairway for the banana.
Why, you ask? Because in their minds...that is the way it has always been! This, my friends, is how Congress operates... and this is why, from time to time: ALL of the monkeys need to be REPLACED AT THE SAME TIME.
Keep Benghazi Alive And Find The Truth
SEE HERE Truth is what has to be revealed in the Benghazi situation. The history of the security arrangements suggests that it was intentionally made weaker than was warranted. Who made those decisions? What is the real story behind the tragic event? It stinks to high heavens of a set up.
Can We Get A Real Person For President While We Still Have A Shred Of Dignity Left?
SEE HERE The buffoon we call the president of the United States is an embarrassment at home and abroad. Somehow good reading out loud skills doesn't measure up to leadership. Moreover, a man whose only commitment is to himself and an anti-colonial false mythology conditioned on a foundation of Marxism is hardly the man to lead a nation founded on principles of freedom and individual liberty. 2014 is coming and we have to hand him his head at the polls.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Evidence That Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya
SEE HERE This issue of where the president was born never seems to go away and that's because the evidence that he was born in Kenya is not all that poor while the evidence that he was born in Hawaii is actually somewhat thinner. It would be a lot easier if the president would allow any of his records own from under wraps. After all it was Obama who said that he was going to be the most transparent president ever and that the only people who hide things are people who have something to hide. Gee ... I wonder what he's hiding?
Beyond Incompetence ... No Excuse For Incredible Negligence
SEE HERE What the hell were these people doing? If this is true it is way beyond incompetence. It is probably way beyond negligence. It's hard to imagine that it isn't some kind of money kickback scam. How do you send thousands of refund check amounting to millions of dollars to the same address without that flagging a big big problem? Does anyone anywhere ever check the work of these buffoons?
What A Concept! — Win-Win!!
SEE HERE Shut down the IRS and use their personnel to close the Southern border ... sounds like the beginnings of a great plan! Thank you Ted Cruz. Creativity is still alive!
Reality 101 — How The War On Poverty Really Destroyed the Black Community
SEE HERE Frankly liberals make me sick. They are lying slimy creatures who pretend to all kinds of virtues which they don't possess. Their idea of social progress consists of programs that destroy people whether it is food stamps, the War on Poverty, or abortion or any of a myriad of other ideas that undermine human nature and turn people into wards of the state. Get a life! Stand up and be counted! The life you save may well be your own.
The End Of The Republic Approaches — Just Pad The Voter Rolls With Low Information Voters
SEE HERE July 15th You Might Want To Come To Washington. It may be your last chance. Is this what is really happening? Is illegal immigration about opportunity or about importing more low information voters so that the left can permanently run the plantation? It will certainly be interesting to discover how many rights we have left after the left is securely in power and can no long be displaced. Government is too big and too dishonest to be trusted anymore and this nonsense about perpetual amnesty and illegal immigration is ridiculous. Secure the borders. Round up the illegals and either give them green cards or a quick exit, but stop playing games.
E.W. Jackson At The Republican Nominating Convention
I stand behind and support E.W. Jackson for Lt. Governor along with the rest of this great ticket. Meanwhile, the not to be trusted left wingnut media is trying to twist Jackson's words and lie about him. The idea of a principled, conservative black man just sends the liberals totally ballistic. What? You think for yourself? You don't swallow the media propaganda? You must be a racist! Oh yeah, you're black, so you must be .... fill in the blank with the usual hate speech generated by the left. The reality is that the left is where all the liars live. Why would you trust anything that the left says? SEE HERE
I liked this quote from the brief article: If the media hates you this much, it should be a clue this is a person we ought to be supporting.
I liked this quote from the brief article: If the media hates you this much, it should be a clue this is a person we ought to be supporting.
Who Do You Trust?
A world of disinformation lies just beyond your computer keyboard. We've never had access to so much information nor ever had to pick and choose what is reliable and what is not to such a degree. In some ways it is a great adventure. Every conspiracy theory under the sun can be found at InfoWars or other sites that tell you that the government was involved in bringing down the twin towers, or that chemtrails are an insidious plot, or the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the government (I rather think that one is true) and on and on ... and in the meantime you have all manner of trolls on all sides of all issues out doing their best to discredit and distort.
You have those who insist the Tea Party is akin to some KKK White Supremacist group using as evidence pictures of a troll sent to a Tea Party protest. Then again you have people claiming that all those communist booths at various leftist demonstrations are somehow not evidence that the left is largely composed of communist sympathizers. It's really an amazing new world.
I just finished watching "Hating Breitbart" yesterday evening and as I write this with Diet Coke in hand, I can still see Breitbart having a good time speaking truth to stupidity. We have this group that has been labeled "low-information voters" which might be better named, "easily propagandized voters" who stand around chanting lies they've been fed. Watching Breitbart confront them with the reasonable challenge: "Give me one example!" is a mind expanding feast.
It's truly sad that the News Media no longer does its job. It doesn't push for truth, instead it's become part of the propaganda apparatus of the left. "Talking points" has become a phrase that dulls my eyes and closes my ears. "Talking points" to me means only the list of lies I'm about to be told.
What is the solution? I remember when I was a young student trainee walking across one of the aircraft hangers of the Naval Air Development Center with another student. We were both studying science, he electrical engineering and me physics with an electronics minor. We were talking about the complexity of modern airborne avionics and wondering if anyone really understood the whole system. I remember what he said, "My father says it is all a game of 'Who Do You Trust?'" and I played that on my father who was a Navy Admiral and he agreed. It is all a game of who do you trust.
So who do you trust? How do you tell who to trust? I'm a scientist and for me the first thing I trust is data, hard data. The second thing I trust is principles, principles that have been confirmed to be true. When it comes to people I trust people who are virtuous and principled and who put duty and honor above greed and selfishness. I've always liked Ronald Reagan's principle: "Trust but verify!" So what standard do you apply when you're being told what's what by talking heads that make millions each year to talk on camera? My bottom line ... I don't trust any of those people. They are paid propagandists. They read a script and turn it on a dime. I trust common people much more. G.K. Chesterton made that point in his great book "Orthodoxy." So let me ask you again: Who Do You Trust?
You have those who insist the Tea Party is akin to some KKK White Supremacist group using as evidence pictures of a troll sent to a Tea Party protest. Then again you have people claiming that all those communist booths at various leftist demonstrations are somehow not evidence that the left is largely composed of communist sympathizers. It's really an amazing new world.
I just finished watching "Hating Breitbart" yesterday evening and as I write this with Diet Coke in hand, I can still see Breitbart having a good time speaking truth to stupidity. We have this group that has been labeled "low-information voters" which might be better named, "easily propagandized voters" who stand around chanting lies they've been fed. Watching Breitbart confront them with the reasonable challenge: "Give me one example!" is a mind expanding feast.
It's truly sad that the News Media no longer does its job. It doesn't push for truth, instead it's become part of the propaganda apparatus of the left. "Talking points" has become a phrase that dulls my eyes and closes my ears. "Talking points" to me means only the list of lies I'm about to be told.
What is the solution? I remember when I was a young student trainee walking across one of the aircraft hangers of the Naval Air Development Center with another student. We were both studying science, he electrical engineering and me physics with an electronics minor. We were talking about the complexity of modern airborne avionics and wondering if anyone really understood the whole system. I remember what he said, "My father says it is all a game of 'Who Do You Trust?'" and I played that on my father who was a Navy Admiral and he agreed. It is all a game of who do you trust.
So who do you trust? How do you tell who to trust? I'm a scientist and for me the first thing I trust is data, hard data. The second thing I trust is principles, principles that have been confirmed to be true. When it comes to people I trust people who are virtuous and principled and who put duty and honor above greed and selfishness. I've always liked Ronald Reagan's principle: "Trust but verify!" So what standard do you apply when you're being told what's what by talking heads that make millions each year to talk on camera? My bottom line ... I don't trust any of those people. They are paid propagandists. They read a script and turn it on a dime. I trust common people much more. G.K. Chesterton made that point in his great book "Orthodoxy." So let me ask you again: Who Do You Trust?
Since When Is Incumbency A Divine Right Not To Be Opposed
SEE HERE Frankly this whole immigration thing is beyond stupid. On what possible grounds ought people whose first action is to violate our laws be treated with privileges? Also, why is our Southern border allowed to be so porous? It would be nice if the government, the federal and the several states, actually did something to enforce our laws.
Corruption 101 — How Nice To Have People With Mobster Mentalities In Charge
SEE HERE We obviously need a complete airing of the corruption that is destroying the republic. The current administration is corrupt to the core, liars, cheats, manipulators, and certainly not respecters of the Constitution. How did we get into this mess? I personally think it has been coming on for a long time and it is because people were not paying enough attention as they were slowly and steadily betrayed.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Crony Capitalism 101 — Hudge and Gudge Are Out To Get You
The government and the big corporations are colluding to manipulate and fleece the public. Whenever the government is regulating something you should probably start to get suspicious. Whenever they are subsidizing something you can figure you're being gulled and fleeced. Get the government out of the game of picking winners and losers.
Understanding Islam 101 — Try To Imagine A God That Would Say These Things In This Way
SEE HERE I've been learning more and more about Islam and the more I learn the more demonic and crazy Islam seems to me. I used to think it was merely a Christian heresy triggered in part by the Arian heresy (if you don't know what I'm talking about you're probably in good company, most people are clueless about the history of religion except for comic caricatures that some leftist has implanted in them with a bit of ridicule.) The more I learn about Islam the more it looks like a distorted reflection of a demonic mirror, a religion that makes God a monster who commands hateful things for no very good reason. But I digress. This piece came floating into my mailbox this morning and I thought it worth a read.
... In A Sane World We'd Repeal The Nonsense ...
SEE HERE And it is almost all nonsense. The antiquated and deleterious laws that manipulate farm prices through all kinds of subsidies and set asides and what not, only served to keep the proper market from sending the proper signals and instead we get game playing which ends up increasing prices and hurting productivity by steering it on bureaucratic pathways and not market pathways. It didn't work for the Soviet Union and it won't work for use either. But our slobbering leftists keep pushing it. I guess the end result will be the kind of collapse that the Soviet Union experienced only worse.
Politics? What Else? The IRS Became An Arm Of The Democratic Party
SEE HERE You want to be free do you? You think the government has your best interests at heart? (Now that's a silly idea for you) Perhaps you should stop drinking the koolade and move up to something stiffer with more reality behind it. A good stiff shot of Jack Daniels perhaps might clear the mind a mite. The government is about the 'sword' raw force and it ought not to be multiplied too much or it becomes not a servant but a master. We're well past the point where the danger lies and now we have to watch our backs. Those in charge have been layering the statists into the mix for over a generation and now it's pay off time. Using the apparatus of government to swing elections is malfeasance at least and treason at worst. Who is kidding who? (is that bad English ... an image of Mary Poppins just sprang to mind) in any case bad English or not, you've been lied to, manipulated, terrorized by regulations and rhetoric and you still think the government has your best interests at heart? Well I hope you're waking up because there may not be too much time left.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
The Plot Thickens ... Does The End Approach?
SEE HERE This is about dismantling the United States and nothing less. So in this Alice In Wonderland world, who is telling the truth and who is not? Can this be what is really coming our way? The market dropped 353 points or there abouts on the DOW today ... not exactly a vote of confidence. When the bottom drops out and the ongoing agenda of destroying the U.S. economy comes to fruition then where will we turn and who benefits? This continues to get weirder and weirder. We live in a world gone mad with everyone whistling Dixie past the graveyard. If all hell breaks lose what will you do?
How Many Coincidences Does It Take To Sound The Alarm?
SEE HERE Strange how many people known for their resistance to the tyrannical agenda of the left seem to just accidentally end up dead. Of course perhaps it's just a "selection phenomenon" or on the other hand perhaps we underestimate the malevolence of the opposition. Regardless of the reasons, quite a number of people who are activists, whistle blowers, or just involved in sensitive operations like SEAL TEAM 6 just seem to end up dead around this administration.
Something To Think Long And Hard About
SEE HERE Virtue is the word often used to translate Aristotle's word arete, which means excellence. John Adams said: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
We need to promote principles, a desire for truth, a respect for duty and honor in our people instead of a venal grubbing for favors dropping from the tables of corporate and government masters. Failing that we won't only lose the republic, but in addition we will lose all else. We will lose virtue and freedom and honor and be relegated to the status of slaves. At first we may be well cared for slave, but in the end we will simply be groveling victims. It has all happened before. There is nothing new under the sun:
Ecclesiastes 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
We need to promote principles, a desire for truth, a respect for duty and honor in our people instead of a venal grubbing for favors dropping from the tables of corporate and government masters. Failing that we won't only lose the republic, but in addition we will lose all else. We will lose virtue and freedom and honor and be relegated to the status of slaves. At first we may be well cared for slave, but in the end we will simply be groveling victims. It has all happened before. There is nothing new under the sun:
Ecclesiastes 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
Step Up And Make A Difference
SEE HERE The Tea Party can be a positive force for preserving our liberties. This is a helpful piece on training the younger people in firearms and firearm safety. It is not so very many years ago when the average high-school had a rifle team. That was before the leftists took over the educational system. If you stand against the brainwashing and dumbing down of our youth then maybe you can step up and make a difference.
Trusting Government Has Mostly Left People In Chains
SEE HERE Somehow the idea of trusting government brings to mind the image of Nikita Khrushchev pounding his shoe on the lectern at the United Nations. Why should you trust government? Small government that you know personally, perhaps, but large faceless remote government managed at a great distance and populated by mandarins is not to be trusted except to do one thing and that is feather their own nests. If they say they care about you they are simply posturing. Don't turn your back on them or you'll see this pointed thing coming out of your chest just before you bleed to death. RUBIO can't be trusted and he was not so long ago being lionized by the grassroots. It looks like just sending a man to Washington tends to turn him into a turncoat in just a few years at most. Perhaps it's something in the water.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Kind Of Fascinating But Probably Doesn't Mean Anything ... Does It?
I'm not enough of a photoshop mavin to know if this means anything or not. But if you want to see some cool things that can be done with photoshop this video will show you that you can't trust any picture you see. Does that mean that Barack Obama's pictures were really all photoshopped? I doubt it, but it's an interesting conjecture.
Who Is The Enemy? Pretty Obvious Really
The enemy is Islam and the games being played to pretend it isn't are simply propaganda. We are "partnering" with our assassins. Make no mistake about it, Islam has as its goal the overthrow of the West and the imposition of Sharia law on all. This is a political religion with the goal to impose a savage nomadic cult on the entire world.
Police Trying To Impose Single Issue Status On Demonstrators
SEE HERE Since when can't you come to Washington to attend more than one event scheduled for the same day? Immigration and IRS may be two particular issues but the grassroots voters have positions on both and it is entirely inappropriate of the police to try to keep voters out of one or the other. Talk about gestapo tactics. Apparently they backed off later, but this is totally nonsense. Welcome to the phony baloney of Washington. TEA PARTY TAKE ON EVENTS
Lied To Again ... Is There Anything The Government Won't Lie About?
SEE HERE Actually the idea that this was done by a missile has been making the rounds for a long time. Virtually all the early eye witness reports suggested a rocket or missile hit the aircraft and then it just seemed to go off the radar. Maybe they should stop lying to us. It was probably one of those shoulder fired missiles that we gave to a bunch of Muslims turned terrorists.
Sorry Major Bloomberg But We Don't Have A Cure For Your Special Kind of Stupid
SEE HERE I think there must be something in the water up there in New York. What a bunch of absolute bozos. Why should a lighter that is made to look like a gun be penalized? These people are nuts.
Abuse Is What Government Does! — And You're Surprised?
SEE HERE The best laid plans of mice and men oft go alay ... or something like that said Bobbie Burns ... Ah here it is:
“The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
Gang aft agley.
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!
And of course the promised joy is our security which the FBI and NSA assure us they will protect all we have to do is give up a little privacy and all will be well. This is always the siren song of government. It's a "quid pro quo" where the quid is real and the quo is a promise which somehow frequently doesn't materialize. But that's what you get for trusting government. Another fellow, Lord Acton, said "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." That is why government is an unreliable partner under the best of circumstances and always a potential tyrant.
“The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
Gang aft agley.
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!
And of course the promised joy is our security which the FBI and NSA assure us they will protect all we have to do is give up a little privacy and all will be well. This is always the siren song of government. It's a "quid pro quo" where the quid is real and the quo is a promise which somehow frequently doesn't materialize. But that's what you get for trusting government. Another fellow, Lord Acton, said "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." That is why government is an unreliable partner under the best of circumstances and always a potential tyrant.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Islamophobia ... An Idea Whose Time Has Come!
SEE HERE Liberals really don't have much imagination. They came up with homophobia to belittle people who don't approve of the disordered obsessive and morally bankrupt lifestyle of homosexuals as if anyone is actually afraid of these sad and troubled souls. Now we have Islamophobia for those who are supposedly afraid of Islam, you know those folks who like to cut your head off for looking at them cross eyes or cut your heart out and eat it for disagreeing with them about which line of authority followed Mohammad.
You're not paranoid if they're really after you and anyone that thinks Islam is a benign and peaceful religion has not read the Koran and if they have read it they don't understand how it is interpreted by Muslims. The peaceful passages in the Koran are window dressing. They were all written while Mohammad was in a distinct minority in Mecca and couldn't afford to be belligerent. As soon as things started clicking for him in Medina he got much more interested in killing his opposition. The key to interpretation is to understand that later suras overrule earlier ones so the Mecca suras are all superseded by the ones written in Medina. They really are out to get you. Don't believe me? Research it for yourself why don't you!
You're not paranoid if they're really after you and anyone that thinks Islam is a benign and peaceful religion has not read the Koran and if they have read it they don't understand how it is interpreted by Muslims. The peaceful passages in the Koran are window dressing. They were all written while Mohammad was in a distinct minority in Mecca and couldn't afford to be belligerent. As soon as things started clicking for him in Medina he got much more interested in killing his opposition. The key to interpretation is to understand that later suras overrule earlier ones so the Mecca suras are all superseded by the ones written in Medina. They really are out to get you. Don't believe me? Research it for yourself why don't you!
We Do Not Have A Dog In This Fight
REALITY We need to quarantine these people not enable them. The Republicans and the Democrats need to have their heads handed to them on this one. We'll dispense with cutting their hearts out and eating them ... just put their heads on pikes and displaying them ought to be enough.
Democrats Made Detroit What It Is And You Want The Whole Country To Look This Way
SEE HERE Just something to reflect on if you actually have two neurons to rub together. If you want to know how effective Democrat policies and leadership are you only have to go to places where they have been in charge for a long long time and look. Detroit ought to scare you to death.
Tired Of Being Gamed Yet?
SEE HERE Frankly I've had it up to here ... (gesture exercising some Italian hutzpah) with pretending that these RINO establishment whiny butt knownothings are worth voting for just because they pretend to be Republican. If the Republicans can't get their brand straight then it's time to get some other party and push these knuckleheads under the bus. Democrat-lite is a totally losing proposition and when you lose you just push the republic that much closer to the edge of tyranny and frankly we're there. The republic is bankrupt and full of lazy good for nothings with their hands out and there's nothing anymore to put in their hands but a bill. So either become part of the solution or prepare for the end.
Tyranny Creeps Up On You
SEE HERE Tyranny is here, only it is soft tyranny to begin with. They have to tread softly because the citizenry is still armed and the propaganda and brainwashing has not yet taken full effect. Those capable of resistance are still too numerous but with the influx of "immigrants" and the effect of bountiful benefits that no-one earns and ultimately no-one pays for, the republic will quickly decline and an emergency can be declared and the armored vehicles will roll and those who dare protest will be suppressed.
It isn't a new ploy or a particularly creative ploy it is just a ploy that has worked often enough in history to be played again on a gullible and passive population. "Sic semper tyrannis" means this too ... "Thus always with tyrants" needs a gloss of the image of the spear with the tyrant on the ground. Far more often the same thing can be said of the tyrant on a throne dealing out punishment to those who do not bow and scrape.
It isn't a new ploy or a particularly creative ploy it is just a ploy that has worked often enough in history to be played again on a gullible and passive population. "Sic semper tyrannis" means this too ... "Thus always with tyrants" needs a gloss of the image of the spear with the tyrant on the ground. Far more often the same thing can be said of the tyrant on a throne dealing out punishment to those who do not bow and scrape.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Allen West Speaks About The American Experiment
Thomas Jefferson and the Continental Congress started things and the Civil War advanced the equality of all, but today we are seeing government being increasingly despotic. It is time to review the behavior of our elected leaders. "The time for choosing is upon us all."
Does This Mean That If We Wait Long Enough They'll Just Buy The United States?
SEE HERE Don't quite know what to think about it. It's likely the kind of thing you get when you borrow zillions of dollars you can't pay back from China so that they use the dollars you gave them, you know, the ones that they just printed, to buy the country piece by piece and build economic zones. Does this mean they'll import large numbers of Chinese workers as well. It would give a whole new meaning to visiting workers. Somehow I'm not sure that any good will come of it, but it will certainly be interesting. Isn't "May you live in interesting times!" supposed to be a Chinese curse?
Some Ancient History
Remember the claim that Iraq was trying to purchase yellow cake way back in 2002 which created such a flap? Well I got this report which dates back to 2008 about a large amount of yellow cake being shipped out of Iraq to Canada by the U.S. Fancy that! Of course there's nothing to it because snopes says so. How convenient. 550 metric tons ... a lot of yellow cake, all supposed to be prior to 1991 but of course Saddam didn't have any intention to make WMDs. The Democrats say so and they never lie. Hahahahahahahahaha ... maniacal laughter fills the scene as a mushroom cloud destroys a little girl, oh yeah that was Johnson's political ad against Barry Goldwater, a weapon of mass political destruction. The Democrats, lying in their own interest since at least FDR if not before.
A Little Straight Talk: Why Is Hollywood So Hypocritical About Guns?
Hat tip to Les Femmes for the link.
SEAL Speaking Truth — Live Your Life The Way You Want To Be Remembered
"War is hell so I must train in the most difficult of schools" Ben Smith, Navy SEAL, talks about what it is to be "... inside the lie."
When Is It OK To Lie?
SEE HERE It's a reasonable question. The Muslim doctrine of Taqiyyah encourages lying whenever you think you're in danger. People seem to disagree on how much danger is required to invoke the teaching. Of course applying this point of view to Obama implies you think he's a secret Muslim. After all he says he's a Christian despite not acting at all like one. He also says that the sweetest sound in the Muslim call to prayer and he "misspoke?" saying "My Muslim religion ..."
Putting The 'BS' In CBS ... Not Too Difficult For Today's Media
Sarah Palin points out how out of touch the news media is, a bit like shooting liberals in a barrel.
Stupidity Does Not Appear To Be Limited To Politicians
You would think that when a reporter repeats over and over that the words "probable cause" appear in the Constitution's fourth amendment one might pause and check. It isn't rocket science. It goes even further since not only probable cause is required but a description of what you're looking for. It isn't an adventure game. We have morons and tyrants in charge. It's time to change the game.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
The True Face Of Islam — Satan Was A Murderer From The Beginning
SEE HERE WARNING VERY EXPLICIT IMAGES This is what Muslims do to the people that they don't like. It isn't an aberration. It is the true face of Islam which has always been spread by violence and is very intolerant of any belief system except theirs. The evidence is all around you in the statistics of violence in Muslim countries as they impose their will on minorities and people that don't share their diseased views. MORE EVIDENCE
Ooooo... An NRA Tee-Shirt ... How Awful! They Used To Have Rifle Teams In The Schools
SEE HERE We live in a world being driven insane by the left. This is so outrageous on almost every dimension as to make you wonder if you live in the United States anymore. My sister was on a rifle team in high school. My girl friend was on a rifle team in high school. The idea that a tee-shirt supporting the National Rifle Association would be controversial is beyond over the top. The 2nd Amendment means what it says and the schools should respect constitutional freedoms. This is beyond outrageous. We increasingly live in the growing fascist nanny state of far left socialist statists determined to turn all of us into slavish victims of their brainwashing. This kid should sue and sue and sue some more and he should get support from the NRA, the ACLU, and any organizations that believe in the constitution.
E.W. Jackson ... A Man Who Speaks His Mind And Actually Has One
We need principled patriots in office and not these phony politicians that are only in it for their own aggrandizement. Jackson is a principled man with faith and understanding. We need more of his kind and far fewer of the unprincipled scoundrels we've been getting lately, especially from the left but also from the establishment.
SWAT Team A New Collection Agency? What Justifies This?
It's time to shut down the Department of Education. This kind of thing is over the top. Collecting student loans with SWAT teams? When did this become acceptable in America?
The Heroes Who Are Not! — Liars Who Are Supposed To Be Working For Us
Judge Jeanine straight from the shoulder. Outing the liars doesn't seem to do much these days. Can you imagine this going down in a Republican administration? Of course not, the media would crucify them. But now the media are in bed with the media, liars all!
Germans Doing What Germans Have Done Before
SEE HERE I think this is deeply troubling. First of all it buys unreflectively into the Palestinian propaganda. It panders to the anti-Semitism that appears to be deep in the German character. It is racism pure and simple and racism based on falsehood and stereotype although what racism isn't?
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Was Justice Roberts Blackmailed By Obama?
SEE HERE If this case can be made and if it influenced Judge Robert's decision than not only is it an impeachable offense but the chief justice would be impeached as well. Given the oddness of the decision the scenario seems plausible. Is this the big disclosure that Glenn Beck was promising? It actually doesn't sound like it although it is pretty compelling in its own right if it can be corroborated
Solutions? Let's Shrink The Federal Government By 80% If You Want Solutions
SEE HERE Mark Levin takes the RINOs to task for their general stupidity. We have a branding problem. These folks that are being put up for election are not truly Republicans but rather statists in disguise and they can't win elections since the Democrats have that brand totally sewed up. Let's get rid of these phonies once and for all and we'll see if the American people really want statism or truly want freedom.
The Stench Of Betrayal — The Telltales Of Treason
SEE HERE This is the story that needs to be investigated. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot ... Our leadership looks increasingly like a special operations force working to take down the nation. Get focused because you may only get one shot at saving the republic.
A Newly Discovered Malady! Is It Covered By Obamacare?
I wonder what the treatment might be. Maybe working on habitually smiling.
The Attack Of The Trolls
SEE HERE Here's just one example of the work that left wing trolls are engaged in. I've been hounding a troll on Facebook for the past several days. It's a study in contrivance how this troll who identifies as a woman (no certainty there ... she/it doesn't act like one) and I've been countering her talking points which pop up in my FB every time she posts on walls we're both members of. Interesting exercise in learning how the trolling game works. So far she just seems to be trying to claim that Republicans are worse than Democrats by claiming that all the things Democrats do are really things that Republicans do more. This is manifestly ridiculous since it's not true, but it's interesting to follow the methodology which is to find any time that Republicans have agreed with Democrats on anything and then claiming that the Republicans were leading the charge, always on left wing things. I've really not figured out how this helps anyone unless they're trying to get people angry enough to be over the top rude.
Sarah Palin In Her Own Speak
SEE HERE Sarah Palin makes more sense than almost anyone on the political scene and I think that is because she's a real person and not some, finger in the air, poll driven, sniveling slimeball. Sarah Palin is authentic and she's also pretty direct and straight which is so refreshing I love listening to her as opposed to the teleprompter reader who is at a loss when he's off script.
Blackmail of Roberts Explains Obamacare Decision?
NSA captured timelines of nominally 3 billion phone calls per day. Then they started capturing emails and other information.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Hilary Clinton ... A Revelation
SEE HERE Hilary Clinton didn't become a liar overnight. She has a long long record of unethical behavior going back to the Nixon administration. "What difference does it make?" you might ask. Well immoral behavior is fundamentally revelatory and the revelation is that Hilary Rodham Clinton has no integrity. She's a liar first, last, and always. And it makes a tremendous difference.
Amnesty For Illegal Aliens Is Wrong! Period!
SEE HERE What part of illegal is it that our elected officials refuse to understand. No country in the world just lets anyone that wants to waltz on in and become a citizen. It is an insult to all those who obey the law to let those who disobey the law be rewarded. They should all be rounded up and shipped back to where they come from and we should secure the borders. There is no point in having an immigration process if it is going to be ignored.
The Lying Continues ... Obama Never Lacks For Vacations
His imperial majesty Barack Obama travels in style to Africa ... spends tens of millions of dollars to do exactly what?
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Rather Amusing: Can't Let Facts Trump The Narrative
SEE HERE Global Warming rechristened Climate Change continues to get environmentalist play despite the CO2 nonsense being rather dramatically shown to be wrong by the fact that despite rising CO2 levels the temperatures have not risen, in fact they've declined, in the past fifteen years. Real scientists would admit they were wrong, but not the phonies that are paid to inflate the narrative. They just invent more nonsense. The reality is that man doesn't have a very big impact on the weather and CO2 is a trace gas that responds to temperature but doesn't drive it. Large amounts of CO2 are dissolved in the oceans so if the temperature goes up the ocean outgasses CO2. You can see this happen in your carbonated soft drink. No real surprises here except for the decidedly unscientific denial among the folks that want to leverage this fiction into personal power and wealth. Too bad Al, you might have to learn to work for a living.
You Can't Tell The Players Without A Program
SEE HERE; Still confused about Islam and the difference between Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims. This link will help you figure it out. It's symptomatic of the nature of Islam that it's all about leadership and almost nothing about religion. These folks are a savage political cult not a religion. No doubt a shadowy figure took Mohammad to the top of a high mountain and said "I will give you all of this if you bow down and worship me." I wonder how that's working out for him?
Benghazi Grows Ever More Suspicious
SEE HERE Obama seems to be a traitor to the United States. I know that's a reach. But the conclusion follows from a hundred points of light that all shine in the same direction. What is going on? Who knows and who will tell? Until we get more information the spiders who are preparing the sting will continue weaving their web of deceit, deception, and betrayal. One thing does seem clear and that is that the president's main function is to cover what is really going on with a tissue of lies and often lies that contradict one another. It's not about consistency but about shifting the focus.
The Religion Of Peace: Killing Those Who Don't Share Their Demonic Religion For Over 1300 Years
SEE HERE WARNING: Graphic images! This is what happens when Islam starts to move. All they need is a toe hold in a region and they start getting violent. This is not a true religion but a political and savage cult dedicated to world wide hegemony. They will come for you. It is just a matter of time.
Damage Control In Full Swing
SEE HERE Of course the appropriate Congressional Committees were fully briefed on the program and approved it satisfied that there were safeguards in place. What else would they say? Actually I have no doubt that it is true. The real question is whether it was adequately motivated in the first place. Snooping is a tradition in the intelligence community so is not particular surprise. Modern technology makes snooping far more powerful than in the past. With sufficiently large computer resources you can monitor all the details about all the citizens to the point where they can be brought up on a computer in seconds ... all their Facebook posts, all their telephone calls, all their credit card expenditures, all their gasoline stops on their cars, everything. It's just a matter of enough feeds of the right kinds to a very large network of computers. If you think you have privacy you are kidding yourself. Everyone with enough resources is reading your mail.
Who's Really Destroying The Country?
SEE HERE John Boehner is an idiot. The idea that knowing about this surveillance is a big security breach is to have no sense at all. Everyone knows that NSA listens to telephone conversations. Does anyone think it is a big surprise to learn that they are doing what they do? Americans deserve to know that their government is targeting them at least as vigorously as they are targeting anyone else. I used to be told that NSA only listened to foreign phone calls. I didn't believe it then and I don't believe it now. Our security apparatus seems to deliver almost everything but security. Where were these clowns when the Massachusetts bombers were doing their deed? Even with Russian "heads up" we managed to botch it. The security apparatus of all the other nations must think we are a laughing stock.
We're Doing This Surveillance To Stop Terrorism But Mosques Are Exempt? — Really!
SEE HERE When it comes to lying this administration establishes a new standard. How can mosques be exempt from NSA surveillance but all Americans not exempt? Profiling terrorism shows that almost all of it is Muslim related, almost all of it. So I have a great idea, let's work on terrorism by watching everyone but the people most likely to be involved. Yeah, that's the ticket! Are there any adults in the administration? Or perhaps more to the point, are there any Americans? Western civilization was more than once almost taken down by Muslim armies and only saved at that last minute often by cobbled together forces. Nowadays we listen to propaganda about how it is a religion of peace and don't bother to check out the history books. Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.
The Ghost At Columbia University
SEE HERE How do you do this? How do you go to a university and attend classes for two years with almost no-one, nadda, remembering you? Barack Obama's stay at Columbia is so thin that there is only one other student (really his "roommate") and one professor who professes to remember him. All his fellow students don't remember even having a glimpse of him. Now that's really strange. Obama continues to be the most mysterious figure in presidential history. We'll probably find out more sometime, but by then it may be too late.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
What Is Really Going On?
SEE HERE One reading is here ... ask yourself how much activity designed to overturn the bill of rights has to be in place before the president is arrested for high crimes and misdemeanors or perhaps more properly for treason. In my whole life I have never seen such a concerted effort to undermine the nation. The most disturbing thing is that so many of our leaders see what is going on and do nothing. We are governed by those who would enable the destruction of the republic.
Trust? Who Said Anything About Trust? You Don't Trust Government Unless You're A Special Kind Of Stupid
SEE HERE Of course they're doing this. It's part of infowar and is totally pervasive. I don't doubt it for a minute. Of course a backdoor isn't a problem unless you're connected to a network like the internet ... If you don't want the government reading your mail then encrypt it with strong encryption and don't connect to the internet. Of course that's probably unrealistic but you're likely owned already. If you're like me you're just out there. What you see is what you get!
So What Does Glenn Know? ...
"This one document will pretty much take down the whole power structure ..." What? This is quite a claim Glenn ... put up or shut up ... we're all waiting! "You haven't even begun to be outraged!" And the whistleblower is afraid for his life ... Big talk ... let's see the reality!
Reality 101: Critiquing Obama
SEE HERE Entering the reality zone. Mychal Massie gives us a straight dose of reality as he describes the real Barack Obama. It is not a pretty sight. It also ought not be a surprise to anyone except those who studiously ignore reality. Another name for reality is truth. Something is true when it corresponds to reality. Massie heaps it up and the result reminds me of the joke about the kid who finds a pile of manure in the back yard when he hoped for a pony and starts digging in. He says when asked, "With this much horses**t there has to be a pony in here somewhere."
Well I don't think we'll find a pony but we do find the type of man that Barack Obama truly is and that isn't a pretty sight at all because he's a man of no character and the failure of the society to reject him outright is a measure of how far we have fallen.
Well I don't think we'll find a pony but we do find the type of man that Barack Obama truly is and that isn't a pretty sight at all because he's a man of no character and the failure of the society to reject him outright is a measure of how far we have fallen.
Allen West Critiques Cosby Praise Of Islam
"... false information ..." that's what Cosby purveyed. Muslims are not to be imitated regardless of whether they do some good things. We all do good things sometimes, but one should understand what Islam really stands for. Allen West understands the reality of Islam. It's not a pretty sight. "Nothing more than a very vicious warlord" is how West describes the reality of Mohammad.
A Cautionary Tale ... The Experts Are Often Full Of It
SEE HERE When it comes to education you should check the success of the educational establishment before taking them too seriously. They are mostly wrong about mostly everything which might explain why the education system is so completely broken. The idea of government run education has never had a really good track record, but in our time it has a really really bad track record. Sure there are good teachers. But on the whole the system does not work well and it operates on a "one size fits all" model which frankly doesn't work at all well. If you want to encourage your children and develop the best in them then you should invest your time in developing them. If it means you have to stay home then do it.
How Big Government Happens and How It Ends
SEE HERE " ... we as a people have lost that vital link with the customs, manners, conventions and virtues that serve as a foundation for our Constitution. We have severed ourselves from our Christian roots, the natural institutions of family and community and the common law tradition that normally and naturally serve to temper and limit government."
This is the beginning of the decline, the loss of responsibility and principles and respect for virtue, honor, and integrity. All the rest follows. John Horvat II points out that it doesn't just happen. But without a restoration of values the problem will just grow worse until the nation collapses. This isn't new and it isn't unexpected. It happened to Greece and Rome and every other great empire of the past. It is happening to us today and we are, like them, ignoring it. The decline is always perceived as being a bump in the road in a golden age. Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. MORE
This is the beginning of the decline, the loss of responsibility and principles and respect for virtue, honor, and integrity. All the rest follows. John Horvat II points out that it doesn't just happen. But without a restoration of values the problem will just grow worse until the nation collapses. This isn't new and it isn't unexpected. It happened to Greece and Rome and every other great empire of the past. It is happening to us today and we are, like them, ignoring it. The decline is always perceived as being a bump in the road in a golden age. Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. MORE
Don't Bother Complaining To The IRS ... It Won't Work!
Mark Levin concludes that there is no recourse by going to the IRS because they stonewall.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Put Me In Charge ...
This is a message that has been looping around the internet since around 2010 but it came floating into my email box tonight and I thought it worth posting because it makes a lot of sense. Aspects of it remind me of a proposal that William F. Buckley once made for welfare. But on the whole what recommends it is common sense.
Put me in charge of Food Stamps.
I'd get rid of Lone Star cards; no cash for Ding Dongs or Ho Ho's, just money
for 50-pound bags of rice and beans, blocks of cheese and all the powdered milk
you can haul away. If you want steak and frozen pizza, then get a job.
Put me in charge of Medicaid. The first thing I'd do is to get women Norplant birth control implants or tubal ligations. Then, we'll test recipients for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine. If you want to reproduce or use drugs, alcohol, or smoke, then get a job.
Put me in charge of Government Housing. Ever live in a military barracks? You will maintain our property in a clean and good state of repair. Your home" will be subject to inspections anytime and possessions will be inventoried. If you want a plasma TV or Xbox 360, then get a job and your own place.
In addition, you will either present a check stub from a job each week or you will report to a "government" job. It may be cleaning the roadways of trash, painting and repairing public housing, whatever we find for you. We will sell your 22 inch rims and low profile tires and your blasting stereo and speakers and put that money toward the "common good"
Before you write that I've violated someone's rights, realize that all of the above is voluntary. If you want our money, accept our rules. Before you say that this would be "demeaning" and ruin their "self-esteem," consider that it wasn't that long ago that taking someone else's money for doing absolutely nothing was demeaning and lowered self-esteem.
If we are expected to pay for other people's mistakes we should at least attempt to make them learn from their bad choices. The current system rewards them for continuing to make bad choices.
AND While you are on Gov't subsistence, you no longer can VOTE! Yes, that is correct. For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You will voluntarily remove yourself from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check. If you want to vote, then get a job.
Put me in charge of Medicaid. The first thing I'd do is to get women Norplant birth control implants or tubal ligations. Then, we'll test recipients for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine. If you want to reproduce or use drugs, alcohol, or smoke, then get a job.
Put me in charge of Government Housing. Ever live in a military barracks? You will maintain our property in a clean and good state of repair. Your home" will be subject to inspections anytime and possessions will be inventoried. If you want a plasma TV or Xbox 360, then get a job and your own place.
In addition, you will either present a check stub from a job each week or you will report to a "government" job. It may be cleaning the roadways of trash, painting and repairing public housing, whatever we find for you. We will sell your 22 inch rims and low profile tires and your blasting stereo and speakers and put that money toward the "common good"
Before you write that I've violated someone's rights, realize that all of the above is voluntary. If you want our money, accept our rules. Before you say that this would be "demeaning" and ruin their "self-esteem," consider that it wasn't that long ago that taking someone else's money for doing absolutely nothing was demeaning and lowered self-esteem.
If we are expected to pay for other people's mistakes we should at least attempt to make them learn from their bad choices. The current system rewards them for continuing to make bad choices.
AND While you are on Gov't subsistence, you no longer can VOTE! Yes, that is correct. For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You will voluntarily remove yourself from voting while you are receiving a Gov't welfare check. If you want to vote, then get a job.
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