Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Rush Limbaugh Tells It Like It Really Is
Obama's policies are destroying the economy. The president has no clothes. He just lies and lies and blames others, but his policies are always designed to destroy the economy.
Democrat Racism Never Ended
SEE HERE Read this and ask yourself who's to blame? Walter Williams nails it.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
I Love Allen West
SEE HERE It's all about character and not at all about color. West lays it out there. Character is a word that Democrats have no construction for and that's obvious by just starting to lay down instances like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, just to begin with. If you can find a shred of character among that batch then I'll give you more. Now Allen West has character and is a straight shooter telling it like it is and sticking with it. We need a lot more like Allen.
The Hidden Enemy ...
SEE HERE If hundreds of Islamic folks have been caught and held, then how many have actually penetrated the country and why? I think we can be rather confident that they are up to no good. After all we are "The Great Satan" and of course we might disagree about that. They certainly aren't a happy cup of tea. They entertain themselves by cutting off people's heads, murdering young girls because they have been raped and so dishonored the family, and a host of other totally barbarous practices. We should get it through our heads that it is impossible for someone committed to Islam to be a sincere citizen of the United States. They are just biding their time until they have enough presence to force their will on the rest of us. The crusades were fought for a reason and the reason hasn't changed.
Reality 101: Truth Trumps Stupidity
SEE HERE "... racial and ethnic leaders around the world who promote a separate
cultural "identity" are inflicting a handicap on their own people.
Isolation has held back many peoples in many lands, for centuries. But
such social and cultural isolation serves the interests of today's
ethnic leaders."
Thomas Sowell does a nice job of exposing the sloppy thinking of many of the usual suspects, the self proclaimed intellectual elite. They're not consistent except in believing that what they believe should be the standard for us all. I suppose that could be summarized as intellectual arrogance.
Thomas Sowell does a nice job of exposing the sloppy thinking of many of the usual suspects, the self proclaimed intellectual elite. They're not consistent except in believing that what they believe should be the standard for us all. I suppose that could be summarized as intellectual arrogance.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Automation 101
SEE HERE Well the Farm-Bots are coming to do harvesting tasks that now migrant workers do. In the long run this is a win win since farm work is laborious and low paid. It is the character of automation to replace relatively repetitive and low cognition requirement work with machines starting with the cotton gin which likely as much as anything else contributed to the freeing of the slaves. It transfers many low paid menial jobs out of existence while bringing into existence technical design, construction, and operational jobs that are typically more highly paid. Ultimately the pay anyone can command for their work is based on the productivity of the work and its value. You can't pay people more than that without losing money and even if you live in a slave economy you can't take care of the laborers better than the resources that they produce command in the market. The Liberals have a way of ignoring the economic realities of things living as they do in a delusional world where reality is a dirty word. Reality = Truth is the first principle the Liberals can't seem to grasp which is why they run down truth so often. "What difference does it make?"
Lessons On Living During The Growth Of Tyranny
SEE HERE Well worth a look. "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds."
Nullification 101
SEE HERE "Nullification is probably the most important check and balance of them
all. Dual and co-equal sovereigns, each jealously guarding their
respective sphere of power, will maintain that delicate balance of power
that our Founding Fathers designed and which the States themselves
agreed to."
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Phony Scandals? How About Phony President?
The reality is that Barack Obama is not plagued by phony scandals but by activity after activity revealed to be incompetent, corrupt, traitorous, and ultimately focused on taking down the republic. The only phony is Obama himself.
Stopping For A Moment To Reflect
C.S. Lewis is one of my collection of clear minds. I love him and have read everything he ever wrote (well maybe not all of O.H.E.L.) but most everything.
The Militarization Of Our Society
SEE HERE The run up to general chaos seems to be proceeding apace. Local police are increasingly being militarized, especially in the large cities. The Narcissist In Charge (NIC) continues to use his bully boys to try to spin up racial tensions and precipitate race based violence. Regulatory agencies are being used to impose unnecessary and economically crippling regulations while money is being thrown around indiscriminately to fund terrorists, promote Islamic insurgencies, impede economic development like the Keystone pipeline, and suppress political opposition while invading the privacy of the ordinary citizen. If this isn't a conscious program to spin up unrest you have to wonder what one would look like. When economic collapse happens we can all expect big trouble and it sure looks like part of a plan. Stupidity would be one explanation were it not for the systematic character and alignment of the forces. As my father used to say, it's as hard to be always wrong as to be always right. So when you see someone who seems to be always wrong, then you have to suspect it's intentional.
Federally Imposed Insanity Continues Unabated
SEE HERE What we really ought to do is shut down the EPA. It's unclear to me that the EPA has ever done anything worth what they cost in regulatory rocks thrown into the gears of progress and serious industry. They are an unneeded and out of control Federal bureaucracy that continues to push mindless and fallacious agendas at immeasurable cost to all of us while operating under the lie that they are protecting us. I think I can take care of myself without all the help and collectively we can take care of ourselves. If someone does injury then they should be punished but all this "help" we get from the Feds is overreach. It's also hard to discovery any need for it or permission for it in the Constitution. It's time we started paying attention to what the Federal government is supposed to do and not all the things that it simply wants to do so that it can grow into the kind of tyranny it so obviously desires to become.
A Lesson In Stupid? Or Who's The Most Stupid?
SEE HERE Stupid or malicious is what it always tends to come down to. Which is it? Is Obama really as stupid as he appears or is it all part of a brilliant and malicious plot to destroy the economy that uses "stupid" as a cover? How can we tell if the Republicans trump stupid with stupider? We live in Bizarro-World and it grows increasingly difficult to believe that somehow we've not entered the Twilight Zone.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Does The Media Ever Stop Lying?
SEE HERE This is outrageous, but it seems as if the media specializes in outrageous these days. This Zimmerman trial juror was edited into saying things she didn't really say because they were taken out of context just as things Zimmerman said on the 911 call were taken out of context. When news media edits material to change the sense of the speaker they are lying, intentionally deceiving. Inexcusable! The people that do this kind of thing should be fired from positions of trust that depend on telling the truth.
Bill Clinton ... The Road To Obama ... A Pattern Of Disgrace
This is the kind of public servants we are getting from the left. Their lack of morality is a measure of how far we have fallen as a nation. Bill and Hillary Clinton are low-life. This is what we're getting from the Democrats nowadays. Obama is even worse. SNOPES COUNTER I thought it only fair to put up the snopes response. It's not entirely convincing but it does establish the counter story. FAHMY MALAK
Obama The Thin Skinned
Interview With Navy SEAL's Father
Investigate this bizarre disaster which seems to be due to Obama administration betrayal. The SEALs knew something was up. We need to get to the bottom of this. Is Obama playing for the other team? asks Michael Savage. It's a lot worse says the father of one of the Navy SEALs that was killed in this strange accident. More Navy SEALs killed in this one mission than in any other event. It needs to be investigated because it smells to high heavens of conspiracy. Who leaked the mission? THE EVENT
And You Think You Live In A Free Country?
SEE HERE You don't even live in a rational country. My disaster plan for the rabbit would be skin it, cook it, and eat it. The government is totally crazy. This is just one crazy example there are many many more. When the government gets so big that it engages in this kind of stupidity then we're on our way out by the fast track.
What Do You Think Of The Snowden Affair?
SEE HERE This is a thoughtful piece from Personal Liberty Digest on the Edward Snowden affair. I'm inclined to think Snowden did us all a big favor by exposing the extent of the surveillance state. Since his revelation we've found a lot of other things to be concerned about. Why the government needs to spy on its own citizens to the degree it has been revealed that they do is problematical. I'd far prefer they spend their time looking at enemies instead of making the entire population candidates for enemy status. Do you trust the government? I'll be quite frank and up front — I don't trust the government. They have over and over again shown themselves to be unworthy of trust. The government is too big, too bureaucratic, too devoted to unconstitutional activities, and increasingly totalitarian. It may have already gone too far to be restored to constitutional liberties and if so it is a very sad thing. We may well be on the trajectory of every other free government which became finally a tyranny and then collapsed.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Detroit? An Exception? Really?
SEE HERE Cherry picking your data is a cardinal sin among scientists and economics counts rather more than most social sciences as a science. Paul Krugman however Nobel Prize not withstanding plays fast and loose with data that doesn't fit his narrative. Richard Feynman used to point out that it only takes one finding that doesn't fit the theory to overthrow a theory. He obviously didn't have Paul Krugman on the job. Krugman never found a fact that disproved his theories to be of any consequence. That's the sign not of science but of dishonesty.
Racism 101: Editing Truth To Fit The Narrative
SEE HERE The fact of the matter is that racism in the United States is largely a figment of liberal imagination. I don't mean that there is no racism only that it is mostly the racism of the black community and the press. Thomas Sowell who ought to be fairly expert on the subject as he's written books about it talks about it today. Ann Coulter HERE also talks about the racism that makes it dangerous for black people to stand up and just tell the truth because of the pressure to never say anything bad about the black community. Now that's racism's effect on the black community, not white racism but the maintenance of the racism narrative. The media, brainwashed and delivered by years of schooling in the indoctrination centers we call the university system just salute the prevailing Zeitgeist and howl "racism" at every opportunity even to the point of distorting the narrative. It's disgusting, dishonest, and does a disservice to all. But that's the narrative and we're sticking to it because we're mindless robots, speaking from the point of view of the liberal left.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Liberals Always Try To Pass The Buck
SEE HERE I wish liberals would surprise me sometime and actually take responsibility for some of the things they screw up. It would shock me of course, but it would also give me hope for the future. I'm not holding my breath. John Stossel gives us his take on the latest liberal effort to try to blame the Republicans for something that the Democrats clearly caused.
Stupidity 101: Government ... Surprised?
SEE HERE Walter Williams weighs in on "profiling." I get a kick out of the politically incorrect term "profiling." As someone who taught elementary statistics for quite a number of years I find what goes under the name of profiling to be something more commonly acknowledged as common sense. The fact that government doesn't use it and even rails against it is a measure of how far from common sense the government has strayed. Can we have a little sanity please? I know that liberals are certifiably crazy but that doesn't mean the rest of us should listen to them. They should be talked to in a soft reassuring tone of voice and quietly returned to their padded cells.
Lab Rats Of The State
SEE HERE Welcome to tyranny health care style. ObamaCare will force you, that's right force you under extreme penalties, to submit to nanny-state intrusion. Where do they get off? Perhaps it's only if you work for the government in some capacity, but don't count on it. The government has you targeted as one of their minions. Freedom isn't apparently about freedom anymore.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Special Operations Speaks
SEE HERE Special operations veterans over a thousand strong sign a petition to end the Benghazi cover-up. This administration is disgusting and needs to be held to account. Of course this is only one of a myriad of outrages. When is the congress going to man-up and start behaving like they have spines?
Speaking Of Idiots — We Appear To Have No Shortage
A message sent to me by a friend under a byline of Junius P. Long.
If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally ... you might live in a country run by idiots.
If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion ... You might live in a country run by idiots.
If you have to show identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor or check out a library book, but not to vote who runs the government ... You might live in a country run by idiots.
If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion ... You might live in a country run by idiots.
If you have to show identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor or check out a library book, but not to vote who runs the government ... You might live in a country run by idiots.
If the government wants to ban stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines with more than ten rounds, but gives 20 F-16 fighter jets to the crazy
new leaders in Egypt ... You might live in a country run by idiots.
If, in the largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not a 24-ounce soda because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat ... You might live in a country run by idiots.
If an 80-year-old woman can be stripped searched by the TSA but a woman in a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched ... You might live in a country run by idiots.
If your government believes the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more... You might live in a country run by idiots.
If a seven year old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher’s "cute," but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable ...
If a seven year old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher’s "cute," but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable ...
You might live in a country run by idiots.
If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government intrusion, while not working is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid, subsidized housing and free cell phones ... You might live in a country run by idiots.
If the government's plan for getting people back to work is to incentivize NOT working with 99 weeks of unemployment checks and no requirement to prove they applied but can’t find work ... You might live in a country run by idiots.
If being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you more "safe" according to the government ... You might live in a country run by idiots.
If you are offended by this article, I'll bet you voted for the idiots Who are running, and ruining our great country.
Reality 101: What Is Truth?
I'm a little fed up with modern society and the notion that whatever anyone asserts as true is just to be swallowed as if it's all right. This way insanity lies. I'm forever having liberals assert something off the wall and then when you challenge them they assert it again as if an assertion is an argument or a basis for belief. Then if you continue to give examples that contradict them they go into the whiny name calling mode and classify you using slang, curse words, and derogatory labels some of which cannot be shared in polite company. (Is there anything anymore as polite company?)
The problem is that we have a whole class of people for whom the concept of "truth" fails to resonate. "That's your truth" they say when pressed because of some nonsense you are disagreeing with. But the problem is that there is no such thing as your truth and my truth, only truth. Why do I say that? My basic reason is that truth is another name for reality, what actually "is." Now we can talk about Bill Clinton who didn't know what "is" is. Bill was also characterized as one of the most accomplished liars to ever sit in the White House. Liberals tend to be that way. They view language, like the early sophists did, as a vehicle of persuasion and not a vehicle to convey truth.
So what is truth? Aristotle defined it this way: “To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true”
My short form is that Truth = Reality That seems short and succinct. I'll come back to this later.
Later has come and I want to add some further words about truth. When someone tells you something how do you know if it is true or not? That's a reasonable question right?
If they are a trusted friend you might just accept it because you've known them a long time and you've come to trust them. So the first answer is that you accept something as true by accepting the word of someone else because you trust them. Of course you might ask how do they know what they told you is true? The universal question is: How do you know that?
There are only two answers to the universal question. The first is that I know it from direct experience. The second answer is that someone I trust told me. So all truth depends upon direct experience either immediately or through a series of trust dependencies. This form of truth is about matters that can be directly experienced. There are other matters of more complexity that have to be analyzed and judged by an accumulation of experience and principles known to be true through confirmation by experience. All complex matters that can't be directly experienced have to be known in this more complex way.
This doesn't change the modes of knowing but the very complexity makes the knowledge more difficult to discern and be confident about. Just as an example we could ask: What is the best economic system? Now we are in rather a quandary. To start with we have to examine and define our terms to have any chance of a clear answer. It is a problem in modern discourse that people so seldom define their terms adequately. In this case we need to decide what we mean by an economic system and what we mean by best. Best could be the system that produces the most goods and services, or perhaps the cheapest goods and services, or the most accessible goods and services. The repetition of "goods and services" suggests, although we've not said so, that an economic system is a system that produces goods and services. I think you can see already that we have problems. Now we can make observations and unless these conform to an agreement about what we mean by our terms they may not even be the right observations.
We need principles to condition our discourse. The first principle is (1) define all your terms clearly. Clarity usually means not only clarity of definition but clarity of application. Use examples. A second principle seems important to me and that is (2) establish the relationship among all your terms. A third is (3) ensure that your view is complete by seeking and illuminating any hidden variables.
I think I'm going to stop here with a summary.
How do you know? Direct Experience or A Chain of Trust to Someone With Direct Experience
But this only in simple straight forward matters. In more complex matters it is essential to:
(1) Define all your terms
(2) Establish the Relationships Among Your Terms
(3) Ensure There Are No Hidden Variables
When you have done this you can begin your analysis. As you perform your analysis you need to constantly refer back to the three rules to make sure you've not added additional complexity to the matter as you explore it seeking the truth of the matter.
The problem is that we have a whole class of people for whom the concept of "truth" fails to resonate. "That's your truth" they say when pressed because of some nonsense you are disagreeing with. But the problem is that there is no such thing as your truth and my truth, only truth. Why do I say that? My basic reason is that truth is another name for reality, what actually "is." Now we can talk about Bill Clinton who didn't know what "is" is. Bill was also characterized as one of the most accomplished liars to ever sit in the White House. Liberals tend to be that way. They view language, like the early sophists did, as a vehicle of persuasion and not a vehicle to convey truth.
So what is truth? Aristotle defined it this way: “To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true”
My short form is that Truth = Reality That seems short and succinct. I'll come back to this later.
Later has come and I want to add some further words about truth. When someone tells you something how do you know if it is true or not? That's a reasonable question right?
If they are a trusted friend you might just accept it because you've known them a long time and you've come to trust them. So the first answer is that you accept something as true by accepting the word of someone else because you trust them. Of course you might ask how do they know what they told you is true? The universal question is: How do you know that?
There are only two answers to the universal question. The first is that I know it from direct experience. The second answer is that someone I trust told me. So all truth depends upon direct experience either immediately or through a series of trust dependencies. This form of truth is about matters that can be directly experienced. There are other matters of more complexity that have to be analyzed and judged by an accumulation of experience and principles known to be true through confirmation by experience. All complex matters that can't be directly experienced have to be known in this more complex way.
This doesn't change the modes of knowing but the very complexity makes the knowledge more difficult to discern and be confident about. Just as an example we could ask: What is the best economic system? Now we are in rather a quandary. To start with we have to examine and define our terms to have any chance of a clear answer. It is a problem in modern discourse that people so seldom define their terms adequately. In this case we need to decide what we mean by an economic system and what we mean by best. Best could be the system that produces the most goods and services, or perhaps the cheapest goods and services, or the most accessible goods and services. The repetition of "goods and services" suggests, although we've not said so, that an economic system is a system that produces goods and services. I think you can see already that we have problems. Now we can make observations and unless these conform to an agreement about what we mean by our terms they may not even be the right observations.
We need principles to condition our discourse. The first principle is (1) define all your terms clearly. Clarity usually means not only clarity of definition but clarity of application. Use examples. A second principle seems important to me and that is (2) establish the relationship among all your terms. A third is (3) ensure that your view is complete by seeking and illuminating any hidden variables.
I think I'm going to stop here with a summary.
How do you know? Direct Experience or A Chain of Trust to Someone With Direct Experience
But this only in simple straight forward matters. In more complex matters it is essential to:
(1) Define all your terms
(2) Establish the Relationships Among Your Terms
(3) Ensure There Are No Hidden Variables
When you have done this you can begin your analysis. As you perform your analysis you need to constantly refer back to the three rules to make sure you've not added additional complexity to the matter as you explore it seeking the truth of the matter.
Voting The Bums Out Seems Only To Get You New Bums
SEE HERE What we really need is a restoration of Constitutional government with limited and enumerated powers that is enforced and not merely given lip service. The time to resist is now and to resist convincingly and with enthusiasm.
Random Thoughts From Thomas Sowell
SEE HERE This piece is a collection of quotations. Once could benefit from considering them both in isolation and collectively and weaving together the web of ideas that provide continuity. Forming a clear and incisive mind is the duty of all reasoning men and women and as reason is the distinctive difference that separates us from the animals we become most human when we think most correctly. Truth trumps stupidity and truth is a synonym for reality. For what is true is real and what is untrue is delusional. We live in a society in which delusion is currently in the driver's seat. Should that continue we will all get a very severe dose of reality very soon.
Truth Hurts! — Liberals Face To Face With Reality
SEE HERE Sparking outrage for telling the truth is one of the more satisfying things in this world. Truth is another name for reality and delusion is another name for that which is false. On that standard there is little doubt that liberalism is a mental disease. This Missouri state senator nails it and of course that sparks the usual outrage from the deluded. The liberal progressive collectivist left will simply never accept reality until they have once more destroyed the nation they generally profess to hate for its illiberalism. Albert Einstein said that insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Liberals really believe that another round of collectivism will be successful ignoring the destruction it has wrought in the past. They really believe that vicious murderers should be spared but infants in the womb can be killed with impunity. They are worse than insane, they are monsters pretending to be human.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Ayn Rand Demonstrably Prescient
SEE HERE I'm not all that much of an Ayn Rand fan. I've read her stuff when I was twenty something and I thought part of it was great and part of it was immoral but the reaction against collectivism was right-on! I don't know what the appeal of collectivism really is. It doesn't work. It hasn't work anywhere. It destroys and creates a situation that is hard to come back from. Yet still people cling to it and I suppose it must be because delusions are more appealing than reality sometimes. It's hard work to prosper even today. You're lucky you don't live long ago. It was even harder then. Today by the standards of yesteryear people hardly work at all. But they still complain and whine and want something, everything for nothing. Sorry but life doesn't work that way and the more delusional you are in trying to make it work that way the more horrified you will be when reality actually knocks on your door. Detroit is not the only city likely to go this way if things continue. People can stand around pointing fingers in every direction but at themselves and it won't help. The only thing that helps is productive work. If you don't know how then now is the time to learn.
Mindlessness ... Is It In The Iced Tea And The Skittles?
SEE HERE This sensitivity nonsense is just another way of restricting free speech. It is politically correct nonsense fostered by the deluded. I remember being forced to go to a assertiveness class years ago so that I could be lectured all day by some idiots that the management had hired who spent the whole time trying to make subtle distinctions about being aggressive versus being assertive. Frankly it was mostly mindless. What we need to do is be more thick skinned and not so "sensitive" that we bleed when we imagine something we don't like. It's a clear sign that all too many people don't have anything real to do. Don't worry though. When the economic collapse comes only the tough will survive. We should be working to head that off not being super crazy liberal idiots imagining delusional things behind everything and violating the rights of other.
In the United States you're supposed to have a right to be an idiot and not have the other idiots attack you for it. Apparently the neuron depletion has reached the point where no one remembers that anymore.
In the United States you're supposed to have a right to be an idiot and not have the other idiots attack you for it. Apparently the neuron depletion has reached the point where no one remembers that anymore.
This Is How Democrats Run Cities Into The Ground
SEE HERE The highest per-capita income in the world (at least the United States) is Detroit in 1960. But that was about to change. They've been run by Democrats ... "So don't laugh at Detroit. The economic pain that Detroit is
experiencing will be coming to your area of the country soon enough." — After all you've had Democrats in charge of the country most of the time and you might be interested to check the overall inflation, but right now it's Detroit. Detroit is about to become the poster child for municipal collapse and it likely won't be the last. For some reason Democrats seem to cluster in cities and then they elect Democrats and then the Democrats do what Democrats do and regulate and tax and over spend and while it's a high time for a while it's disaster in the end.
The Hatch Effect? — More Like The Politicians Are Liars Effect
SEE HERE This is a cautionary tale of betrayal. There are a lot of politicians who specialize in being convincing liars. In fact there seems to be a Washington D.C. effect that transforms otherwise honest men and women into accomplished liars in rather short order after they reach the capitol. Why is this? I'm tempted to just say with Lord Acton: "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." But I do think it is more than that.
Politics is the art of compromise or so I think Aristotle suggested. Part of the problem here is that compromise has received a new and liberal definition. Compromise used to mean finding a mutually satisfactory position. Under the usual liberal distortion field compromise has come to mean giving in to the liberals so that the liberals are satisfied and your constituents are not harmed as much as they might be otherwise. Unfortunately that is not compromise but rather surrender by degrees. It's been going on so long that the liberals have designated it bipartisanship. It's time to man-up and recognize that this form of "compromise" is really surrender and we need to focus on restoring a true sense of compromise and taking back the discourse.
Politics is the art of compromise or so I think Aristotle suggested. Part of the problem here is that compromise has received a new and liberal definition. Compromise used to mean finding a mutually satisfactory position. Under the usual liberal distortion field compromise has come to mean giving in to the liberals so that the liberals are satisfied and your constituents are not harmed as much as they might be otherwise. Unfortunately that is not compromise but rather surrender by degrees. It's been going on so long that the liberals have designated it bipartisanship. It's time to man-up and recognize that this form of "compromise" is really surrender and we need to focus on restoring a true sense of compromise and taking back the discourse.
The Tragedy Of The Schools — Rampant Ignorance Of Almost Everything Significant
SEE HERE The state of education in the United States has led us to this place and it is not because the children are not exposed to enough hours of eduction or that not enough money is spent on education but it is due to a failure to understand what education truly is. We live in a society that views education as an accumulation of facts and mostly facts of no particular interest, applicability, or future value. That is a double fail because it means that not only do the children tend to come out uneducated but they also come out largely immune from future education, smug little people who think they know it all (they've been told how special they are all their lives so that specialness is separated from any objective achievement) and they seem unable to handle the discovery that it isn't true.
The solution is to go back to what actually works. But that included tossing over all the modern gobbledegook that has created the problem in the first place and return to classical models of education that really did work and sustained Western civilization for millenia. Luckily we have the home schoolers in our midst who have given up on the system and are striking out on their own. We need more of them.
The solution is to go back to what actually works. But that included tossing over all the modern gobbledegook that has created the problem in the first place and return to classical models of education that really did work and sustained Western civilization for millenia. Luckily we have the home schoolers in our midst who have given up on the system and are striking out on their own. We need more of them.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Tyranny In A World Gone Mad
SEE HERE The criminalization of the trivial and the arrest of children? Could someone explain why any of this makes any sense at all? We should shut down the schools if this is what is being passed off as actionable events. Read these and weep for the insanity of our age. I guess we would have been locked up and sent away for the things we did as children. We played with knives, shot BB guns and sometime .22 rifles, we played mumbly-peg with our pocket knives (yeah we had pocket knives), and we shot paper wads with rubber bands ... And that was just fine with everyone. We are wimpifying the nation and criminalized the trivial. What can this be but progressive enslavement as the nation makes all sorts of reasonable things new offenses. This should be protested and turned around. It is ridiculous. What kind of people do we put in charge of schools these days? They are insane.
Pretty Soon We're Going To Run Out Of Time To Read All The Regulations
SEE HERE When you look at all this regulation you might think that the government has the expertise to run everything. How did that happen? Oh yeah ... it didn't. Central planning and central control has failed miserably every time it has been tried. It slows and finally destroys the economy. Leave people alone and they will prosper. Trying to control every facet of their existence not only doesn't work, it is tyranny.
Are You Tired Of Being Lied To Yet?
SEE HERE True unemployment rate more like 14.3% and all the pros know it. So why doesn't the mainstream media seem to know it? Covering for the Narcissist In Charge (the NIC) a title I gave Obama before I realized it is also British slang for stealing. What Obama is doing is nicking the country. We're on track for economic collapse especially when this game of low interest rates finally implodes.
Manning Nails What "Everybody Knows"
SEE HERE This is troubling. It ornaments the rant by the Rev. James David Manning which I'm linking to. Manning is an interesting character who speaks his mind as you'll hear if you listen to this piece. You don't have any doubt what he thinks after that. He's clearly one of those that think Obama is striving to take down the nation. Why? I'm not sure we know. But the actions that keep being promoted speak for themselves.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Too True Not To Post
This is
Canada's Top
Ten List of
Of course we
look like
idiots because
we are.
10) Only in America ... could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event.
9) Only in America ... could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black. 40+% of all federal entitlements goes to black Americans 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics!
8) Only in America ... could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (the head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.
7) Only in America ... can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.
6) Only in America ... would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens.
5) Only in America ... could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists."
4) Only in America ... could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.
3) Only in America ... could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).
2) Only in America ... could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it has per year - for total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.
1) Only in America ... could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.
10) Only in America ... could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event.
9) Only in America ... could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black. 40+% of all federal entitlements goes to black Americans 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics!
8) Only in America ... could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (the head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.
7) Only in America ... can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.
6) Only in America ... would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens.
5) Only in America ... could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists."
4) Only in America ... could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.
3) Only in America ... could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).
2) Only in America ... could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it has per year - for total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.
1) Only in America ... could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.
More Thugs Pretending To Be Police ... Wait They Are Police
SEE HERE Can we put a stop to warrantless thuggery on the part of the police? This is another outrageous violation of innocent people. If you don't have a warrant you shouldn't be able to do more than knock politely on the door and speak to people like civil human beings.
Bill Whittle Exposes The Outrageous Lying Of The Media
It's not journalism when you manufacture the narrative without reference to facts. Bill Whittle sums up the George Zimmerman / Trayvon Martin affair by revealing the facts. "Just the facts Ma'am" was the line that Sgt. Joe Friday always used on the Dragnet television show. Unfortunately it is no longer the motto of the journalism that is brought to us by the major media. They are liars. What else are they lying about and why? MORE ON ZIMMERMAN
It Couldn't Possibly Be Our Fault So It Must Be Someone Else
SEE HERE OK ... I'm one of those that has no love of the police as they've increasingly been militarized and engaged in over the top behaviors, but this is an unmotivated rather arbitrary attack which only serves to raise the antagonistic barrier between the black community and the police. Maybe the black community should look to putting its own house in order before making the attacks they do on the white community, the Hispanic community, and here the police. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
What? Is This Supposed To Be A Legal Argument?
SEE HERE Let's see now ... if you're irresponsible with your use of money so that your city implodes then it isn't appropriate to declare bankruptcy until you've tried to pass your irresponsibility on to the state or federal level? Oh I see ... more of the same disease will cure it? These folks have to be Democrats because only Democrats are this stupid.
Seems Like A Reasonable Request
SEE HERE Student suspended because she wanted to learn nursing in a community college in the United States in English. This strikes me as a perfectly reasonable idea since English is he the de facto national language. It's time to make it official. If you can't speak and read English then the likelihood of you truly acquiring the culture. The culture of liberty and freedom is built into the history and philosophy that motivated the founders. If we don't defend it than we will lose it.
Friday, July 19, 2013
So Stop Committing The Crimes
SEE HERE If the black community wants to stop being stereotyped then they have to stop their own folks from committing a disproportionate amount of crime. The stereotype is not racial it's a reaction to the very real statistics that show that blacks are violent and commit a huge majority of the crime, ex. "Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year
involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit
15 percent." HERE Remember that blacks are only 13.6 percent of the population. So when whites seem to be racists because they act suspiciously of blacks it is a well based concern and not racism. If blacks want to stop being "discriminated" against then maybe they should stop performing so many murders and robberies. The solution is for the black community to start demanding better behavior on the part of their members instead of posturing that they are being discriminated against.
Tyranny Rising!
SEE HERE It's been a long but steady process and now we have a self-appointing, self-anointed ruling class who think the Constitution doesn't apply to them and look down their noses at the people who are in fact the source of whatever legitimate power they command. It's time to rein in the federal government and restore the Constitution to the law of the land and not some document to make fun of.
Breakthrough Discovery: How To Be Stupid!
SEE HERE This article had me at: "The key ingredient in applied stupidity is lack of effort." I can second that thought. We have a whole education system that seems to be rewarding lack of effort so is it any surprise that we're getting dumb and dumber out of the system. It's time to return to those old fashioned values of hard work and targeted repetition because all this latest and greatest nonsense we've been doing has only been providing us with functional illiterates whose idea of an education is being able to text message.
Green Energy? Joke Of The Century And We've Just Started
SEE HERE Green energy is just a ploy to divert government funds to unprofitable and never profitable so-called energy initiatives. They end up looking more like a way to fund hangers on and cheat the taxpayer. There needs to be some deep investigation of this whole fraudulent area. The environmental wackos who all together can't assemble a brain have been pushing these things on the basis of pipedreams. Wind power and solar are not reliable power sources. They have too much variability so they just end up being ancillary power but for the real thing you still need that nuclear or oil or coal fired plant or in some areas hydro-electric. And the cost premium for this unreliable ancillary power source is appreciable. We need to demand hard numbers and stop funding delusions.
Where There Is Smoke There's Fire
SEE HERE This is how the government manages your money. Just how difficult would it be to head off this kind of thing? Millions to just this one individual and no doubt there are many others not too different from her. And that's not counting all the fraudulent food stamps and other benefit programs that are manipulated for profit. The government no doubt loses billions because they can't be bothered to police the system. After all it isn't their money. It's free! Whee!!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
What Does It Mean To Be A Liberal — How They Think Or Fail To
SEE HERE This is worth a close read as a journey of awakening as a liberal comes to see what liberalism really is. It's not a pretty sight.
The Result Of Sixty Years Of Democrat Mismanagement
SEE HERE Detroit files for bankruptcy. This is the result that can be expected whenever you let Democrats run things for very long. Tragic!
IRS Abuse Implicated In Tea Party Candidate Lose
SEE HERE Someone ought to go to jail for this. The whole basis of the system has to hinge on honesty and we have a system that is increasingly be gamed and abused, information illegally accessed and in some cases simply manufactured to destroy candidates and this administration is particularly and egregiously guilty of this kind of thing from the very beginning of Obama's political career. Disgusting and treacherous.
Congressman Wolf Helping To See Benghazi Gets Investigated
The cover up on Benghazi is in full swing with the administration swearing NDA's and lying, as usual, about the participants. It is incredible how much lying this administration does. It's actually fairly hard to remember anything they've said that turned out to be true. SEE HERE
Police Kill Sleeping Man
SEE HERE Now I think the police are demonstrably out of control, at least the ones that end up getting a feature mention on this blog. I don't know what impels police to employ lethal force when they are in no danger. I think police that do this should be up on charges and jailed. Who put them above the law? There are some occasions when the use of force is entirely warranted. But they are relatively rare and the police ought usually not be attacking first unless the other guy has poses a demonstrable risk. Just getting out your batons and going to town is outrageous. Use pillows if you want to practice your baton skills. Even then I think the police should practice more situation awareness than they seem to be doing generally. The problem I'm having is all these situations when the police are in no danger whatsoever killing people who in many cases are no threat and didn't pose a potential threat warranting the use of batons, clubs, tazers or firearms.
Welcome To AmeriKa Comrade Join The Line There To Be Searched
SEE HERE Welcome to the increasingly intrusive brown shirts of the TSA. Unreasonable search is supposed to be protected against by the Constitution but that implies that you have a government that actually obeys the law of the land. We have a government that thinks the Constitution is just an old out of date document and not the highest law of the land. For them the highest law of the land is whatever they dream up today. That's called tyranny and it has come to America as we are being "fundamentally transformed."
Where Is The Outrage In The Black Community For Antonio West?
The message below is about violence perpetrated by blacks on whites, by no means an unusual occurrence. The fact of the matter is that blacks commit a disproportionate percentage of all the crime in the country given that they are only 13.6% of the population yet commit over two thirds of the crimes. SEE HERE
You won't recognize me. My name was Antonio West and I ...mother, who was also shot. A Grand Jury of my mommy's peers from Brunswick GA determined the teens who murdered me will not face the death penalty...too bad I was given a death sentence for being innocent and defenseless.
My family made the mistake of being white in a 73% non-white neighborhood, but my murder was not ruled a Hate Crime. Nor did President Obama take so much as a single moment to acknowledge my murder.
I am one of the youngest murder victims in our great Nation's history, but the media doesn't care to cover the story of my tragic demise, President Obama has no children who could possibly look like me - so he doesn't care and the media doesn't care because my story is not interesting enough to bring them ratings so they can sell commercial time slots.
There is not a white equivalent of Al Sharpton because if there was he would be declared racist, so there is no one rushing to Brunswick GA to demand justice for me. There is no White Panther party to put a bounty on the lives of those who murdered me. I have no voice, I have no representation and unlike those who shot me in the face while I sat innocently in my stroller - I no longer have my life.
So while you are seeking justice for Treyvon, please remember to seek justice for me too. Tell your friends about me, tell you families, get tee shirts with my face on them and make the world pay attention, just like you did for Treyvon.
was the 13-month old child who was shot at point blank range by two teens who were attempting to rob my mother.
You won't recognize me. My name was Antonio West and I ...mother, who was also shot. A Grand Jury of my mommy's peers from Brunswick GA determined the teens who murdered me will not face the death penalty...too bad I was given a death sentence for being innocent and defenseless.
My family made the mistake of being white in a 73% non-white neighborhood, but my murder was not ruled a Hate Crime. Nor did President Obama take so much as a single moment to acknowledge my murder.
I am one of the youngest murder victims in our great Nation's history, but the media doesn't care to cover the story of my tragic demise, President Obama has no children who could possibly look like me - so he doesn't care and the media doesn't care because my story is not interesting enough to bring them ratings so they can sell commercial time slots.
There is not a white equivalent of Al Sharpton because if there was he would be declared racist, so there is no one rushing to Brunswick GA to demand justice for me. There is no White Panther party to put a bounty on the lives of those who murdered me. I have no voice, I have no representation and unlike those who shot me in the face while I sat innocently in my stroller - I no longer have my life.
So while you are seeking justice for Treyvon, please remember to seek justice for me too. Tell your friends about me, tell you families, get tee shirts with my face on them and make the world pay attention, just like you did for Treyvon.
was the 13-month old child who was shot at point blank range by two teens who were attempting to rob my mother.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Yet Another Example Of Out Of Control Police
SEE HERE Gee ... shoot first and ask questions later. Isn't that what criminals do. The police are not supposed to be criminals but nowadays it is getting harder and harder to tell the difference. This guy should end up in jail. Apparently now having a fist fight is an executable offense. Can we have some sanity from the police? They all seem to think they are Rambo.
Economic Freedom Is The Secret
SEE HERE Walter Williams asks why immigrants from impoverished nations do so much better when they come to the United States. The answer he gives is interesting. It isn't so much the kind of government as the kind of economic freedom that they enjoy. We are striving to destroy our economic freedom by imposing more and more senseless and overreaching government regulation. The results are going to be the United States starting to look a lot more like those nations that these immigrants fled. That's not the American way and we ought to get that through our heads and turn this oppression around.
A Growing Concern — What Are They Practicing For?
SEE HERE Another surprise exercise wakes up an American city scaring the inhabitants. The question is what are all these exercises all about and why are we suddenly seeing the U.S. military practicing as if they are going to seize American cities? Our military is for defense and not civilian control. Americans are supposed to be a free people not one under the subjugation of a central oligarchy of the anointed far left which is the way things seem to be going. At least there should be some advance notice if they're going to practice tyranny over our cities.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Getting The Facts On George Zimmerman
... and Trayvon Martin. If you're going to draw conclusions at least base your conclusions on facts and not media fabrications and lies. This is an awesome summary of the reality of the Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman case. The reality goes stunningly against Trayvon Martin and there's not much to argue about. It's tragic but it was brought on by Trayvon Martin initiating an assault. MORE
Stop Supporting Terrorists Mr. Obama
The English starts at 40 seconds in ... Obama is supporting terrorists in the Middle East not the people. Stop!
Eating Your Seed Corn
SEE HERE Thomas Sowell points out that we have to have faith in our institutions for them to work and the left has been undermining this faith by corrupting them for most of a century. Now we're coming up on the tipping point and it's time to draw back before disaster strikes. The rule of law requires that the legal system have the highest integrity. Bring individuals to trail without adequate evidence on the basis of political considerations is fundamentally corrupting. The George Zimmerman trial is just the latest example. Our politicians have a lot to answer for and we better start demanding those answers soon because failing that we will soon not be able to demand answers.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Muslim Brotherhood In The Schools
Listen and learn what happens as Islam grows in a country. Make a commitment that it not happen here.
Thinking ... A Revolution In Process
In the current time we have a great crisis in thinking. People are not doing enough of it and they are not doing it at all rigorously. If there is anything that annoys more than most things it is the idea that seems to have taken hold that just holding an opinion about something makes you a player. I mean by that term "player" someone with a serious contribution to the discourse. An opinion is worthless unless it is supported or based on something. There is a great example of this in C.S. Lewis's autobiography Surprise by Joy when he encountered The Great Knock for the first time.
For improvements to happen it is essential that we restore:
- Philosophy of Reason
- Individual Responsibility
- Productive Work
- Life-Oriented Values
I stole this list from HERE and while it is focused on the reform of the black community it no less describes what is needed in the community at large. You can't get there without work and work specifically on thinking so when I was at the Christendom College Summer Institute this past Saturday I ran into the Institute of Catholic Culture which has a wonderful collection of on-line teaching materials. SEE HERE Regardless of whether you're a Catholic or not this is a tremendous resource. They have a long list of audio and video resources: LIST HERE
I'm currently listening to a series on Chesterton's The Everlasting Man. But although you could get wonderful insights from the audios and videos here they are incidental to the wider reality which is that we have entered a new age when people can continue their education under their own control with wonderful on-line resources, most of them free. As I run into particularly interesting examples I'll try to remember to share them with you.
For improvements to happen it is essential that we restore:
- Philosophy of Reason
- Individual Responsibility
- Productive Work
- Life-Oriented Values
I stole this list from HERE and while it is focused on the reform of the black community it no less describes what is needed in the community at large. You can't get there without work and work specifically on thinking so when I was at the Christendom College Summer Institute this past Saturday I ran into the Institute of Catholic Culture which has a wonderful collection of on-line teaching materials. SEE HERE Regardless of whether you're a Catholic or not this is a tremendous resource. They have a long list of audio and video resources: LIST HERE
I'm currently listening to a series on Chesterton's The Everlasting Man. But although you could get wonderful insights from the audios and videos here they are incidental to the wider reality which is that we have entered a new age when people can continue their education under their own control with wonderful on-line resources, most of them free. As I run into particularly interesting examples I'll try to remember to share them with you.
Insanity of Sharia
If you want to have this savagery thrust down your throat at some future time just keep pretending that Islam is a religion that can accommodate to secular society. It can't and it won't so it has no business even being in the societies of the West.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
This View Of Islam Sounds Like It Captures The Reality
"Islam is the most bipolar religion on earth." Amazing summary.
Blacks Are About Seven Times More Likely To Murder Someone Than Whites
SEE HERE One of the symptoms of the decline of the black community is their black on black murder rate. Violence is usually wrong at least on the part of one of the parties. Murder is about as violent as it gets. So how come that the black community commits murders out of all proportion to their representation in the population?
African-Americans are six times as likely as white Americans to die at the hands of a murderer, and roughly seven times as likely to murder someone.
African-Americans are six times as likely as white Americans to die at the hands of a murderer, and roughly seven times as likely to murder someone.
The Reality Of The Predominantly Black School Experience
SEE HERE Up close and personal. This is what is holding back the black population to a large degree. It is something that can only be corrected by the black community. It's a cultural thing apparently which is clearly holding back the progress of the working black population in the larger community. I don't know what the answer is but it isn't something caused by other population groups. It's not racism but rather something like not caring about fitting in except in the sub-population. It's not caring enough. So long as it continues the black population will be at the bottom of many demographics.
Friday, July 12, 2013
The Jobs Numbers Game — Government Lying With Statistics
SEE HERE This kind of thing just torques me beyond belief. We just want honest government not this disgusting politicized one-ups-manship game that our elected "leaders" are playing. The Democrat economic policy isn't even rationale and it has the effect of destroying real jobs and actually seriously hurting the economy. But instead of correcting their procedures taking into account the truth of things they decide to fudge the statistics. That is the action of an intentional liar that is committed to an agenda regardless of the truth. Nothing could be more dishonest but that's what we get nowadays from government: dishonesty, policies that seem more motivated to destroy the economy than to recover it, systematic disinformation to conceal reality from the citizens, and on-going politicalization of every dimension of reality with virtually every government agency being recruited to impose more and more regulations with less and less real motivation. If you don't think we live in a tyranny, don't worry, just wait because it just keeps getting worse. We'll be there soon. Tyranny Rising!
More Black On White Violence This In Cincinnatti
SEE HERE I guess no-one is bringing up kids to be civilized these days. What does it matter if you go out and attack random white people and hunt them down and beat and rob them? It strikes me that this isn't likely to be the behavior that leads to responsible citizenship. We don't seem to teach good manners and behavior in the schools. If you're going to indoctrinate people you might start with civility.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
More Police Brutality — The California Cops At Least Are Totally Out Of Control
SEE HERE Another story of mindless violence on the part of the California police. Whey does it ever require nine cops to beat a defenseless guy with batons until he's dead? These cops need to be put in jail and the key thrown away. A cop is supposed to be a higher form of life not a lower form of life. We seem to be putting murders in uniform and expecting them to uphold the law. Good luck on that.
Tyranny Rising!
Mark Levin unpacks the tyranny that is coming. This is very serious stuff and entirely outrageous.
Language Alert: If You Can Understand It
This is what our schools are producing apparently at least in some parts of the black community. This is sheer barbarian savagery fueled by ignorance and vicious bigotry against ill defined others. Were that energy used to develop yourself then a real citizen might emerge. As it is this is sheer madness.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
One Man's View Of Liberal's In Your Face
Freedom and liberals are incompatible concepts. All liberals want to do is control those who disagree with them. They are corrupt and extreme bigots pretending to be for equal rights. Tell it to the 56 million dead little people that they have supported killing. Liars!
"Absolutely Lawless" says Charles Krauthammer
SEE HERE Of course he's absolutely lawless. He's Barack Obama ultimate Narcissist and Solipsist. Only the things he believes are real are really so, everything else is racist. We live in something resembling the Twilight Zone. I expect any moment to see Rod Serling step out of the shadows and say, "You have just entered the Twilight Zone."
Impeachment! Great Concept!
SEE HERE I sure hope this is true. We need to impeach this guy and put him in prison where he belongs.
Wake Up And Get An Education
SEE HERE This is tragic really. A lot of folks were laughing at this lady because she is functionally illiterate to a large degree. How did she get that way if she was in school for twelve years unless the schools were perfectly fine with not doing their job? The problems we have are made more serious by the failure of people to step up to the plate and swing for the bleachers. Yeah I liked baseball when I was younger. Here we have an example not of someone who is dumb but someone who has experienced a twin failure. The failures are the failure of the home to motivate and the twin failure of the school to settle and not rock the boat. We are producing millions of functional illiterates who actually went through school. I'm sorry but there is plenty of blame to go around.
Oh and by the way, generally speaking the student is responsible for the education they receive. If you're personally motivated you can overcome almost any obstacles. Question that do you? Read the life of Frederick Douglass and then come tell me about it. Oh and that's a picture of Douglass who tricked little white boys into teaching him how to read and he never looked back.
Oh and by the way, generally speaking the student is responsible for the education they receive. If you're personally motivated you can overcome almost any obstacles. Question that do you? Read the life of Frederick Douglass and then come tell me about it. Oh and that's a picture of Douglass who tricked little white boys into teaching him how to read and he never looked back.
The Gestapo At Large
SEE HERE Facing five years for loading a shotgun in front of a video camera? Wow! Some freedom to keep and bear arms. Then followed by intrusive police invasiveness with belligerence. I guess they were hoping they'd get the chance to shoot somebody. I am fed up with this kind of sheer hypocritical nonsense. Keeping and bearing arms means just what it says and is not subject to all the rules and regulations that the government wants to create to take your rights away. I've seen newspeople do the same kind of thing on camera and they weren't arrested, nor should they be.
The One Sided Character Of "Racism"
SEE HERE Sarah Palin has been quoted as saying, "If it weren't for double standards liberals would have no standards at all." Why is it OK to have a Black History Month and not a White History Month? The problem in my opinion is focusing on race as a discriminator at all. Neither idea is fundamentally racist as long as you have a valid category. Are White and Black legitimate categories? Well, the answer is that they are accidens, that is superficial characteristics like height or other attributes that change among men and women. So they are categories but they are not fundamental in the same sense that species designators would be. But who cares unless they are already reacting as racists, because racism is attaching derogative significance to what is a superficial characteristic. In short prejudice. So if the one is racist than so is the other.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Cops Need To Be Seriously Scaled Back
SEE HERE The multiplication of serious and over the top police violence is outrageous. We need fewer cops and more virtue in our society. This is what you get in a society that has ignored the development of virtue in its citizens for the past fifty years. Now even the guardians are thugs.
What Is Really Going On! Focus On Collapsing The Economy
SEE HERE This is where we're headed if the nation doesn't wake up and push back.
Racism As It Actually Exists
SEE HERE Black on White racism is the real problem in America. The black leadership has spent so much time indoctrinating the black population with victimhood that they've deeply implanted what is plain and simple black on white racism. Any interaction between a white person and a person of color (don't you just love all the euphemisms that have been generated?) ends up being called racism if the encounter doesn't go the way the person of color wants. This is a total victim mentality and goes a long way to explain why the black population continue to be more dependent than the rest of the population. Every other racially profiled and discriminated against population has over time blended into the American culture and achieved and many black people have as well. But a large number have bought into the dependency narrative and instead of standing up and getting on they play the race card over and over like a broken record. This fuels belligerence and anger that while actually unmotivated comes out in irrational actions like this one where black mobs attack innocent people.
THOMAS SOWELL weighs in on exactly this issue. This came floating into my email after I'd posted the above, but he includes some interesting statistics. We need to stop playing the race card on all sides of the issue and start emphasizing personal growth, initiative, virtue, honor, and principles. If you want a just and equitable society you have to work for it with goodness and not constantly denigrate others and pretend that you're virtuous and they are evil. (Yeah I know that my position is that Democrats are evil ... but I base that on what they support and not blind prejudice. Obviously all of any category are unlikely to match any particular predicate but insofar as Democrats support abortion (murder), the gay agenda (immoral behavior), income redistribution (stealing), and government excessive regulation (compulsion/strong arming) I think the predicate evil applies.) If your mileage differs you should at least examined the underlying rationale of your beliefs. I'd be happy to take you on.
PSEUDORACISM as Media Pornography: The Zimmerman Trial.
THOMAS SOWELL weighs in on exactly this issue. This came floating into my email after I'd posted the above, but he includes some interesting statistics. We need to stop playing the race card on all sides of the issue and start emphasizing personal growth, initiative, virtue, honor, and principles. If you want a just and equitable society you have to work for it with goodness and not constantly denigrate others and pretend that you're virtuous and they are evil. (Yeah I know that my position is that Democrats are evil ... but I base that on what they support and not blind prejudice. Obviously all of any category are unlikely to match any particular predicate but insofar as Democrats support abortion (murder), the gay agenda (immoral behavior), income redistribution (stealing), and government excessive regulation (compulsion/strong arming) I think the predicate evil applies.) If your mileage differs you should at least examined the underlying rationale of your beliefs. I'd be happy to take you on.
PSEUDORACISM as Media Pornography: The Zimmerman Trial.
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