Monday, September 30, 2013
Kill This Crazy Power Grab Pretending To Be A Health Care Plan
SEE HERE I am so sick of these politicians on the left and their crony RINOs on the pretend right trying to seize more and more power by pretending they give a damn about us. This plan is designed to cripple the young supposedly to benefit the old but the reality will be to crush everyone. Stop these fools before you're run over.
Well Well Well ... Not What You'll Be In The UK So The Free Market Steps In
SEE HERE Here's why whatever socialized option you pick is you should leave the free market alone because after the government thoroughly screws up as they always, always do, you'll at least have an alternative and you might discover (almost certainly will) that free markets deliver quality service faster, more effectively and cheaper than the government socialized alternatives. Just the facts ma'am, just the facts.
The Future Of Our Children: Brainwashing To Become Little Robots Of The State
SEE HERE Education is supposed to be about maturing a man or woman to become masters of their own minds, critical thinkers, capable of independent and original action. That's not what will happen if the state gets a hold of you. Their objective is to make you a compliant and submissive drone-line citizen, far from the ancient standard of civitas. Instead we seem to be modeling our state to be composed of servi i.e. slaves. The anointed who imagine they are our betters have been working the problem in the schools for several generations and it shows in the results. It's time to take back education.
Civility? Credibility? Liberals? ROTFLMAO
SEE HERE The Civility Card ... just another example of Liberal Hypocrisy. To be a liberal you have to Lie Like A Liberal ... which involves no reference to any actual truth just tossing things up to see if they gain traction. Mud-slinging is the older name for it but I kind of like "Lie Like A Liberal." It has a certain ring to it.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Neil Cavuto Speaking Truth To Stupidity
Fox News By The Numbers. Maybe the whole Obama Administration and the DemoncRATS need to look in a mirror and see what slimeballs they really are.
I'm Going To Stop Using My Visa Card. Maybe You Should Too!
SEE HERE So now the credit folks have decided to become the judgmental arm of the anti-gun movement? That seems like an actionable offense since we're picking on people of faith who decide they can't offer their services to gay couples at weddings and such now a major credit card company decides it can't offer its service to people who sell guns. Now frankly since I don't approve of the first I can hardly disapprove of the second. But I don't have to give them my business. So for me ... no more Visa card charges.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Coming November 22nd Wholesome Entertainment For A Change
Susan Boyle makes here screen debut and this looks like a Christmas music with a wholesome and lifegiving message. I'm in!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Who Are The Extremists?
SEE HERE Well apparently the DemonRATS think their monopolistic healthcare scheme to take over almost 20% of the economy and deliver poorer healthcare to all Americans at inflated prices is more important than operating the government since they want to hold the budget hostage to funding ObamaCare. Well I for one would love to see the government shut down and a large fraction of it permanently. Does that make me an extremist? Well only if you think continuing to run an illegal government is some sort of middle of the road idea.
A large percentage of the government is just intrusive and unconstitutional. We'd be better off without it and we've only had it for a while so it's not as if we don't have the experience of what it is like not to have it. Many many havens for government bureaucrats sitting around writing what are essentially new laws without congressional oversight could be dispensed with so they would have to get real jobs. I define a real job and one which actually moves the economy forward by doing something productive. The real extremists are the DemonRATS (yeah I know it's Democrats, but DemonRATS seems so much more descriptive.) Tyranny Rising!
A large percentage of the government is just intrusive and unconstitutional. We'd be better off without it and we've only had it for a while so it's not as if we don't have the experience of what it is like not to have it. Many many havens for government bureaucrats sitting around writing what are essentially new laws without congressional oversight could be dispensed with so they would have to get real jobs. I define a real job and one which actually moves the economy forward by doing something productive. The real extremists are the DemonRATS (yeah I know it's Democrats, but DemonRATS seems so much more descriptive.) Tyranny Rising!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
The Unsavory Associations of "Common Core"
SEE HERE When government gets into education in a big way how can it be anything but indoctrination? It's what government does best and as our own government grows ever more socialistic is it any surprise that it also begins more and more to resemble some of the most unsavory socialist systems of the past that killed millions of their own people. You have to indoctrinate the young for otherwise freedom will resist. That's what they've been doing and sadly it's been working.
Ann Lays It Out There For You: Liberal Hypocrisy 101
SEE HERE Hypocrisy is a standard Liberal meme ... that's why Sarah Palin said "If it weren't for double standards liberals would have no standards at all." Here Ann Coulter takes them to task for it and shows as she does that Ted Cruz is the real deal. We need more like Ted and fewer like most of the rest whether Mitch or John (McCain or Kerry) or ... well you get the idea. I'd really like to see some people with standards, integrity, and guts. There are not too many there right now with all three.
Too Many Of Our Politicians Think We Are All Just Gullible Rubes
SEE HERE .... at least that's what Ted Cruz says of many of his fellow politicians who refuse to fight the fight and instead just pretend and posture. It's time to put up politicians that will stand their ground and fight for freedom. The Democrats are working hard to destroy it as they make the state ever larger. Every time the state grows bigger and seizes another element of power you become that much less free. Their goal is to take it all and they are well on their way.
More Out Of Control Cops
SEE HERE I don't get this. The cops seem more and more out of control. Is there no-one training them these days or are they being trained to be Gestapo? A man carrying an unloaded shotgun on his own property does not seem to me to be committing any offense at all. Is there something I'm missing? I doubt it. I think the cops are so full of themselves that they are trampling on the rights of citizens.
The Stolen Election
The IRS and Obama administration conspires to steal the 2012 election. Wide-spectrum corruption in both voter fraud and suppression of Tea Party and Conservative groups.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Liberal Lunacy ... Amazing What Liberals Will Believe
SEE HERE Some things that liberals do and believe just to get you focused.
Sarah Works Over The GOP Establishment
The Republican wusses need to get a spine and we need to get rid of the RINOs.
If ObamaCare Is Funded The Republicans Will Have A Lot To Answer For
SEE HERE Defund ObamaCare and make no mistake, this so-called healthcare plan with damage healthcare in the United States, not improve it.
How You Can Tell Heritage Foundation Is Right ...
SEE HERE When the Atlantic Monthly run a hit job on them with an Obama voter as the centerpiece. Go Heritage! Someone has to step up and take the honest truthful in your face positions against the liberal liars on the left.
Are Honesty and Trust Still Safe Policies In This Society?
SEE HERE You better hope so but with all the lying going on at the national level you have to be at least a little worried. Walter Williams discusses the ramifications.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
The Ultimate Insensitivity — Barack Obama Narcissist In Charge
SEE HERE Barack Obama is incapable of thinking of anything but his own agenda. He's a miserable president. He's about as self-serving as any person to ever serve in the White House, although "serve" is hardly what he's doing. He's exploiting the office for his own aggrandizement and spending money as if there is no tomorrow, although if his apparent plans succeed it may well compromise all our tomorrows. But this piece is about political exploitation of a tragedy. The victims deserved better than this. They deserved someone who really cared about them. Barack Obama is not that person.
Apparently Someone Didn't Get The Word ...
SEE HERE The welfare state is dead and just as those late to arrive Americans were about to get on the bandwagon. I guess they'll find out and by that time Europe may be in recovery.
Playing Footsie With DemocRATS Never Works
SEE HERE ... so why is Karl Rove dissing Ted Cruz and Mike Lee? I would not trust Karl Rove for anything. He's a traitor and a sell-out if I've ever seen one and his advice has been an epic fail to every politician he's advised. Why is he still around? Has anyone checked to see that he's not getting funding from some big liberal think tank in the name of collaboration. In wartime they shoot collaborators.
Monday, September 23, 2013
More On Climate Change ...
The IPCC claims are simply wrong. Nothing unprecedented, nothing unusual is happening. Temperatures have been higher in the past with much lower CO2. There is no evidence that CO2 is a major green house driver. Get and read their report. You can see the elements HERE.
Bewildered About Climate Change?
Well if you are you'll find that there is a lot of pro-global warming propaganda out there asking you to believe in some fictitious scientific consensus. It's rare that anyone points out how few scientists make up this so-called consensus. So here's some coverage of the results of those who don't agree with the consensus. If you want to download and read the report CHECK THIS OUT. OTHER VIDEO AND PODCASTS
The Democrats Routinely Abuse The Law To Punish Their Enemies
SEE HERE Tom Delay is the poster boy for Democrat legal abuse. He's paid an awful price for crossing the DemocRATS and shown in the process how far they will go to suborn the law and abuse it to their own ends. This isn't something unusual for Democrats, it's the way they operate. The nation will not be safe until the Democrat party has been replaced with one that honors Americans and isn't trying to enslave us.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Lloyd Marcus Black Conservative
Focus on integrity ... history of growing up ... character and virtue and dads in the life of children. This is a moving tribute to his family growing up and exposing the phony politicians and how they enable the poverty plantation.
Defund ObamaCare Or Shutdown The Government
I'm a big fan of government shutdowns because our bloated, corrupt, over-regulatory, and tyrannical government is mostly unconstitutional. I'd love to see it shut down for a long time. I like the Ted Cruz end game which is fund the budget in pieces and I'd recommend only forwarding constitutional aspects of government.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
The ObamaCare Initiative Is Just Another Government Power Grab
You don't really think that government cares about you do you? I suppose you really think that adding a large number of government bureaucrats and no new doctors and lots of new patients will provide better health care? Really. Have you thought about that? How can it possibly work? The answer is simple. It can't and it won't. You've been played and gulled again.
Learning To Lie Like A Liberal In One Click ...
SEE HERE Lying, like so many things, is an art that can be taught. Some people are better at it than others and liberals are consummate liars. Just think of Lyndon Johnson or FDR but if that's too ancient history for you then you can think of Bill Clinton, or John Kerry, or Hillary, or Barack. With these masters to imitate Terry McAuliffe is a rising star. Check him out. Lying Like A Liberal! Amazing!
This Is Pretty Funny ... Obama Is Disconnected From Reality
SEE HERE Defunding ObamaCare will send us into a recession? Really? I think that's already what ObamaCare has caused so Obama making out that it's the Republican's fault is just an excuse to play the blame game. Obama is already overseeing the worst "recovery" in U.S. economic history largely because he's playing the same game that FDR played which also was a horrible "recovery." Somehow I can't get over the idea that we'd be better off if we did shut down the government for the most part, maybe two thirds of it that isn't constitutional in the first place. I think the only thing people would notice is how everything was suddenly getting better.
Friday, September 20, 2013
The Face Of Tyranny Up Close And Personal
SEE HERE (note: story goes back to November 2011 but illustrates the point) So the health department decides to shut down a sustainable farmer's party ... how special! The government overreach is beyond tyranny to downright thuggery. This is on a par with a lot of other things they are doing to keep control of food. Apparently the people that produce it have no right to prepare and serve it without some bureaucrats showing up with the intention to spoil the party with arbitrary interventions. Years ago, don't know if it still pertains, I was in Arizona and noticed that the little restaurant I was eating in had a license on the wall that warned me that they had the lowest kind of license which didn't guarantee me anything about the quality of the food or the cleanliness of the place. Apparently it was the cheapest license. It was a great little restaurant.
Then I went to a different restaurant in the same town and they had a more expensive license posted but that restaurant was a pit. The bathrooms were scummy and the place was a bit slovenly and frankly the food was at best so-so even though they had the more expensive license.
The motto of this story is that government can't inspect quality or health or anything else in, but they can make life miserable for people. I think they should butt out and let people use their own judgment. This was definitely Tyranny Rising!
Then I went to a different restaurant in the same town and they had a more expensive license posted but that restaurant was a pit. The bathrooms were scummy and the place was a bit slovenly and frankly the food was at best so-so even though they had the more expensive license.
The motto of this story is that government can't inspect quality or health or anything else in, but they can make life miserable for people. I think they should butt out and let people use their own judgment. This was definitely Tyranny Rising!
Excellence Not To Be Rewarded?
SEE HERE Frankly the reason we are where we are is that we've been rewarding kids for nothing to make sure they feel good about themselves. Sounds good until you realize how ridiculous it is. Rewarding people just for existing sends them a totally unrealistic message because it isn't the way the world works. So when a library aide simply recognizes excellence because the same kid has won the reading contest by performing several years in a row. The kid was accused by one of the certifiable idiots of "hogging" the contest. Apparently excellence is not to be rewarded and those who insist on rewarding it get fired. If you want to ensure mediocrity spreads just keep doing this kind of thing. ARTICLE FROM PAPER
Ken Cuccinelli Levels With Virginians
Ken Cuccinell is the governor that Virginia needs. He's got the experience. He's got the insight. He has the principles and skills. Ken Cuccinelli is what Virginia needs to go forward and continue to grow because he understands where growth comes from, the private sector and not the government.
Let's Worry About Real Stuff Instead of Fake Stuff
SEE HERE "What me worry?" is the quote from MAD magazine that I've always liked. I especially don't like being asked to worry about the trumped up nonsense that the Chicken Little's of the word drum up to scare us whether it is DDT (that one cost over a million lives and set the fight against malaria back fifty years for no tangible reward), Alar on apples, mercury in fish (same levels for the past zillion years as far as the eye can see), oh and of course CO2 ... and all this while the real problems are ignored or even made worse because these phony things are great for posturing and generating new controls, regulations and taxes. I hope you enjoy being played because that is what is really happening.
Stupidity Once More Brought To You By Government
SEE HERE "Coal ... you can't burn no damn coal!" despite the fact that it is the least expensive way to generate electrical power. That evil CO2 genie that doubles as an essential plant nutrient might get away and cause increased food production. What the hell is wrong with the idiots that lead us? They are bought into a phony science that they bought and paid for to motivate tax and control schemes but which is invalidated by the actual data. I am so sick of government lying and maneuvering that I could just move except I can't think of anywhere to move to.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Cruise With Cruz
SEE HERE We have to send a strong and clear message to the RINOs in the House and Senate. "We're not going to take it any more!" Frankly I would like to see ever RINO voted out of office at the next opportunity and see people who really believe the Constitution should be honored put in their places. Every bill going through Congress should have a Constitutional review and an explanation of where it is warranted by the Constitution. That would be honoring their oath of office. Right now they are all just a bunch of petty tyrants and wannabe control and power freaks.
Food Labeling Is Misleading
SEE HERE I don't know how many of you understand this. My wife and my sister seem not to. Just because a food product is past its sell-by or use-by dates doesn't mean it has turned into the black death. Get a grip. Of course I'm one of those folks who scrape mold off cheese and eat it anyway (after all lots of cheese have mold built in). My salad dressing collection is really old and I've yet to drop over or even have indigestion. I think we need a clearer labeling standard. When I was in the Army (1960-1962) we were eating C-rations canned during World War II with label dates of 1942 through 1945. They even had cigarettes (boy were they dried out). So check it out.
Apparently You Can't Question The Gun Grabbers
SEE HERE This is what tyranny looks like. Be aware that this is what is coming if you keep supporting the gun grabbers. They'll take more than your guns. It will be one freedom after another until the only thing you can do is say "Yes suh!" and bend over to pick the cotton. This direction slavery lies.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Walter Williams Outs The Goal Of The Leftist Teachning Agenda
SEE HERE Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell are two of my favorite people. They are full of common sense and write clearly and well. They also know real economics and not the Marxist brainwashing you get from the leftists. The problem in academia is academic dishonesty among the leftists that predominate. They are dedicated to instilling a victim mentality into the minds of the young and demonizing those they see as their political opposition, not by disagreeing with their ideas and showing their shortcomings but by slandering them and accusing them of racism and other failings. That's dishonest but par for the course and you're paying a lot of money to have your students indoctrinated.
Ken Cuccinelli On Constitution Day in Sterling, VA
There is a small break in this video which you might not notice or maybe you will. I had a glitch. He gave an awesome talk. Ken Cuccinelli is the real deal.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Mark Levin On Constitution Day Supporting Ken Cuccinelli
I shot this video and was fascinated that YouTube had a tool for helping improve the stability of the image. I'm also working on video of Ken Cuccinelli's remarks. It was a great event with lots of folks!
How Dare You Disagree With The Suppression Of Your Rights
SEE HERE Well isn't this interesting. Isn't there some whistle blower legislation that should protect this person? The CIA obviously is quite uncomfortable with the idea of anyone finding out what they were up to in Benghazi. I wonder if that's because it was illegal and treasonous or perhaps just another example of why this agency is often out of its mind.
Thomas Sowell Exposing Stupidity Again
SEE HERE The sheer stupidity of minimum wage laws must come from some diseased portion of the liberal mind where economics is envisioned as just a matter of government fiat. They don't bother to understand markets or the most basic ideas of supply and demand so they imagine that just government saying so will make it so. Thomas Sowell speaks truth to stupidity but no doubt it won't take since stupidity is so hard to remedy. SEE HERE FOR PART II
Monday, September 16, 2013
The Stupid Party Continues A Proud Tradition Of Being Stupid
SEE HERE It is always baffling to me why the Republican party continues to be so stupid. Joseph Sobran always called the Republicans "the stupid party" because they tended to fail to take advantage of any opportunity to become more than just an echo of the Democrat party. Well here we go again. The Republican grassroots are Conservative limited and Constitutional government people while something in the water in Washington seems to ensure that when a politician gets there they lose their principles and begin sounding like the Democrat-lite representatives. It isn't that hard to articulate a Conservative vision for America. Maybe our "fearless but stupid" Republican politicians need a good kick in the posterior region?
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Where Does All The Money Go?
SEE HERE Out of control spending is what government does. They have no particular responsibility since, after all, they are spending other people's money. When has that ever engendered careful stewardship? I'm always hearing liberal complain about military spending but as a percentage of GDP military spending is less than half what it was in 1963 and 30% less that it was during the Reagan years so these claims about too much have no historical merit.
Friday, September 13, 2013
The Factors That Suggest War In Syria May Be Inevitable: Sheer Madness
SEE HERE Hmmm... inevitable is one of those words tossed around too lightly. Why should war in Syria be inevitable? Indeed, why should we care? This is a Muslim squabble that we really don't have a stake in unless of course our NIC (Narcissist In Charge) really is being "handled" by the Muslim Brotherhood in the first place. I don't care about Turkey, Qatar, or Saudi Arabia, at least not very much and certainly not enough to start a war over. Make no mistake that attacking Syria is an act of war. Syria is a sovereign nation whether we like the government or not. One question is why should we like the rebels more than Assad. It is the rebels killing Christians, cutting off heads, abusing children and overall acting like the savages that they are. By comparison Assad is downright civilized. This whole thing is an outrage. We should impeach Obama not fall in with his plans to destabilize the Middle East and help create a new Caliphate. We are on the wrong side frankly. The side we should be on is one of civilization and the savagery being perpetrated by the side we apparently think we're on is enough to show that it's the wrong side. Stop the madness and let the Muslims kill each other without our help.
The Liberal Agenda: Attack Walmart At Any Cost
SEE HERE When minimum wage laws up the wages there are fewer jobs and the costs are mitigated by cutting other benefits. The whole game is a no-win for workers.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Benghazi Reality — This Administration Is A Disgrace
Goes back to November 2012 but worth a look if you're not up on Benghazi. What really happened? An expert opinion...
Truth? You Can't Handle The Truth! Obama Is A Liar Virtually Always
SEE HERE "No boots on the ground" — you remember, it was just the other day. But troops at Ft. Hood already had orders to deploy to Syria. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. Obama wouldn't lie ... Would he? Besides, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" God how I hate all the lying this administration does.
Supporting Islam With U.S. Tax Dollars? How Is This Constitutional?
770 Million to refurbish mosques and not even in our country. Can we have a little sanity please? I think the whole State Department needs a face lift. Give them all a free one-way ticket to Syria. SEE HERE
Perhaps The Lies Will Out ...
SEE HERE Of course the government didn't exert any undue influence in the GM bailout .... the next sound you hear is demonic laughter from a chorus of demons. Political? This administration? "Never" is what they would say. "Always" is the truth.
The Persistent Liberal Delusion That Capitalism Is Evil
SEE HERE Liberalism seems to have a lot invested in the narrative that capitalism is evil despite the unambiguous evidence that it has been the cause of the most widespread growth in wealth in the history of the world. Staring something straight in the face and denying that you see it is a clear sign of delusion. On that standard the liberals are quite insane. I'm reading a couple of books about it right now which I might share in future posts. The problem is that this delusional disease seems to be catching.
War Liberal Style Is Disaster
SEE HERE Ann Coulter outs the dismal and rather despicable record of the liberals at war who never have met a war that damages the national security of the United States that they were not willing to start and blame on someone else.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
You Might Be A Pro-Freedom Policy Wonk If You Can Connect The Dots
SEE HERE Of course connecting the dots is a metaphor for critical thinking which appears to be in exceptionally short supply in Washington D.C. No doubt it is something in the water or maybe in the martinis. "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" so that once you're established in Washington you tend to disconnect not only from the dots but from everything else except the euphoric ecstasy of power which conveys a sense of infallibility and immortality at least in the narrow sense of being reelected. It's time to burst the bubble and bring a bunch of these bloviating bovines down to earth. Popping bovine bubbles can be great fun as well.
Walter Williams On Poverty
SEE HERE It's not your fault if you start out poor. But if you stay poor you have a few questions to answer. Walter Williams reviews the things that bring people out of poverty.
"... wealth is the result of a conscious choice, action, faith, innovation, effort, preparation and discipline. Or, in the words of billionaire W. Clement Stone, founder of Combined Insurance, whom Kimbro met with and mentions early in the book, "Try, try, try, and keep on trying is the rule that must be followed to become an expert in anything." He also said, "If you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you." Saving is necessary for investment and wealth accumulation. Therein lies much of the problem for many black Americans."
It's also the same secret for white Americans because wealth and poverty are not a color line but a line established by whether or not you are willing to exert the effort to achieve something, almost anything.
"... wealth is the result of a conscious choice, action, faith, innovation, effort, preparation and discipline. Or, in the words of billionaire W. Clement Stone, founder of Combined Insurance, whom Kimbro met with and mentions early in the book, "Try, try, try, and keep on trying is the rule that must be followed to become an expert in anything." He also said, "If you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you." Saving is necessary for investment and wealth accumulation. Therein lies much of the problem for many black Americans."
It's also the same secret for white Americans because wealth and poverty are not a color line but a line established by whether or not you are willing to exert the effort to achieve something, almost anything.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Do We Really Want To Precipitate World War III?
SEE HERE We have a bunch of leaders who are insane. There doesn't really seem to be any other explanation. We live in a nuclear world where more and more small countries are acquiring or have acquired nuclear weapons or if not that far up the war mongering food chain have chemical or biological weapons and the world is smaller than at any other time. Terrorists armed with exotic weapons can cross our porous border with abandon and we are not doing one damn thing that you could notice. Are we in trouble? I think it's hard to deny that we're vulnerable, hated, and intent on making thing worse. What could go wrong? Everything ... Everything!
Now You See It Now You Don't
SEE HERE The Republican "moderates" (read traitors) in Congress are accomplished flim-flam artists and they are getting ready to try to pull a fast one on all their constituents who want to see ObamaCare defunded. This is typical of the low esteem they have for their constituents. These folks need to be called on it and they should also have their heads handed to them come reelection time. If you want to give them a little hell I'd recommend sending them an email: CLICK HERE
Monday, September 9, 2013
I Hate To Say I Told You So ... HaHa ... No I Don't
SEE HERE Global warming alarmism seems to have lost an authoritative supporter with the latest U.N. report coming out. I guess sixteen years with no warming will convince even many of the skeptics that their theories are incorrect.
Freedom of Speech? Freedom of Religion? Not In The U.S. Military Anymore
SEE HERE I guess if you have a conscience problem with homosexuality as in, it's wrong and all the major Judeo-Christian religions say so even Islam but the U.S. military is now accepting it apparently that's equivalent to canceling your first amendment rights. How does that fit with the oath of enlistment that says you will support the Constitution? Things are getting very weird and very unConstitutional and you thought you were free and that the Constitution was the highest law of the land? I guess you didn't take into account Tyranny Rising!
Benghazi One Year Later
SEE HERE It's really hard to control my sense of outrage over this whole situation. Obama is such a slimeball. He abandons people in the heat of battle when he could have done something. He wants to attack a sovereign nation on the side of the people who brought down the twin towers putting U.S. military personnel in harms way and he cuts their benefits and lowers their statutory raise. We are led by a moral midget who has no sense whatsoever and who wants to lead the country whose economy he is destroying into a military morass that could lead to WWIII. Can we just get rid of this idiot?
What Part Of Unreasonable Search & Seizure Don't They Get?
SEE HERE You're walking down the street and some cop stops you and puts you up against a wall and searches you. They think of it as "fishing" for criminals. Maybe they've never been informed that citizens have rights and among these are to be free of unreasonable search and seizure. Gestapo tactics are here. If you have not noticed yet perhaps you need to check it out.
You Think You're Free? Maybe You Have Not Been Paying Attention
SEE HERE Turn off the damn reality show. Stop texting and pay attention. The government is systematically taking away your freedoms and binding you in an ever increasing system of chains regulating every aspect of your life. You may not notice but it means that the cell is being erected around you. You will be a slave shortly and will wonder how it happened. By then it won't matter. Once the chains are all in place you don't have very many options anymore.
Mark Levin In Depth on the Liberty Amendments
An hour and four minutes of Mark Levin on the Liberty Amendments delivered at the Reagan library. Mark Levin rocks! Straight talk from a master.
Judge Jeanine Lays It On The Line
Obama's credibility is not on the line because he has no credibility.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
This Is Too Good Not To Watch
This video offers a magnificent animation visualizing the economic growth of the world in the past two hundred years or so. It's a must see and it also should send the message that freedom is a lot more productive than managed collective economies.
Speaking Truth To Stupity
SEE HERE A brief quote:
True individualism, then, is the opposite of paternalism in that it respects each and every person’s ability to make and evaluate her own decisions. That includes decisions on whether and under what circumstances to ask for or to give help, and what kind of help to ask for or to give, as well as whether that help was effective or not.
As a result in the history of mankind there has been no greater engine than liberty and individualism (rightly understood) for lifting the material lives of even the very poorest, as this popular video by Hans Rosling, professor of international health, brilliantly illustrates.
True individualism, then, is the opposite of paternalism in that it respects each and every person’s ability to make and evaluate her own decisions. That includes decisions on whether and under what circumstances to ask for or to give help, and what kind of help to ask for or to give, as well as whether that help was effective or not.
As a result in the history of mankind there has been no greater engine than liberty and individualism (rightly understood) for lifting the material lives of even the very poorest, as this popular video by Hans Rosling, professor of international health, brilliantly illustrates.
If Liberals Attack You It Means You're Effective
The Tea Party this and the Tea Party that ... the liberals froth and foam and fume about the Tea Party. It's supposed to be going away but in fact the very volume coming from the liberal airheads tells the real story. The Tea Party is growing stronger and getting more effective. We need it. "Victory or Death" a pass word of the Continental Army should make us think about the value of freedom.
Everything Government Touches Gets Worse
The main point of government regulation is not improvement but control. It doesn't improve things but reduces quality and increases inefficiency and imposes requirement generically that are generated by bureaucrats. The result is that doctors spend more time on unproductive effort and less on patients. Thanks government. You've made medicine more expensive and less efficient with all your "help."
Selective Enforcement Seems To Suggest Collusion
SEE HERE It certainly suggests collusion to me. Something is very fishy about the whole Benghazi thing between the "stand down" orders and the squirreling away of all the folks that were there almost as if they are in a witness hiding program and now the failure to apprehend folks that are involved. It smells to high heavens.
The Thinnest Of Thin Skins ... Republicans Need To Get A Backbone
SEE HERE Well a Tea Party leader sent the following email to Oklahoma State Senator Cliff Branan:
“I will make you the laughing stock of the Senate if I don’t hear that this bill will be heard and passed,” the email continued. “We will dig into your past, your family, your associates, and once we start on you there will be no end to it.”
This got the author charged with felony blackmail and computer crimes because poor old Cliff Branan felt threatened. Ooooo.... Interesting thing to me is that this is a standard Democrat liberal tactic which most of my Conservative friends call demonization. Apparently it works wonders on Republicans like Branan who feel threatened by the idea that someone would check up on them and publish what they find. Sounds like standard political speech. I think Branan needs to develop a thicker skin. That's probably the problem we have with Republicans ... they often have the right ideas but they tend to be gutless wonders.
“I will make you the laughing stock of the Senate if I don’t hear that this bill will be heard and passed,” the email continued. “We will dig into your past, your family, your associates, and once we start on you there will be no end to it.”
This got the author charged with felony blackmail and computer crimes because poor old Cliff Branan felt threatened. Ooooo.... Interesting thing to me is that this is a standard Democrat liberal tactic which most of my Conservative friends call demonization. Apparently it works wonders on Republicans like Branan who feel threatened by the idea that someone would check up on them and publish what they find. Sounds like standard political speech. I think Branan needs to develop a thicker skin. That's probably the problem we have with Republicans ... they often have the right ideas but they tend to be gutless wonders.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Green Energy? You're Kidding Right? ...
SEE HERE Sorry but green energy is a myth not a fact. It's a feel good promise that can't be delivered on because, sorry, it doesn't work and costs something like six times what conventional energy sources cost. Now that we know that CO2 is not a boogieman the campaign for green energy looks even more stupid. Money down a rat hole delivered by rats to enrich their own kind. Green energy is crony capitalism at its worst.
And We Want To Support Savages Why?
SEE HERE The ship order of battle is shaping up near Syria. I wonder how close to the wind the U.S. and Russian want to sail?
Friday, September 6, 2013
Make Sure It's A One Way Ticket
SEE HERE Send Congress to Syria ... What a concept! I know it's a parody but it's such a good idea. With a little luck they won't come back and we can start over with a fresh team.
Designing In Defects? Not The Way To Achieve Real Security
SEE HERE The troubling reality is that organizations like the NSA don't want anyone to be able to have privacy. They view it as their prerogative to read all you mail ... after all you might be a security threat although what is painfully clear is that they are a major security threat to everyone's security.
Lies, Lies, and More Lies
SEE HERE This government doesn't know how to tell the truth about anything. The immigration policy will produce no good result. We need to come up with an immigration policy that is rational and doesn't just kick the ball down field as we create one amnesty after another and simply encourage even less respect for our borders.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
How Stupid Is This?
SEE HERE It's hard to imagine anything more stupid than Congress encouraging this stupid Obama adventure. It's totally not thought out. It has no particular hope of doing anything but aggravating the situation and both sides are not people we should be supporting. It's like picking which savage to support ... just mindbogglingly stupid.
This Is Education?
I guess if you want to listen to liberal rants pretending to have something to do with education you can, but it seems like an odd kind of masochism. This is supposed to be a creative writing class ... I suppose all the lying and posturing he's doing might be termed "creative" in a stretch of the imagination but it's pretty puerile and shows the lack of depth of the instructor. Name calling and misrepresentation are about all that liberals can come up with as arguments. A brain transplant might help.
Government Thuggery In Far Places
SEE HERE Does it really take a squad of armed me to check the water quality at a mine? Since when does the EPA show up armed with a chip on their shoulders? Isn't it time that the government went back to respecting citizens instead of abusing them?
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Wag The Dog And Hang The Consequences?
Ann Coulter points out how insane and incoherent this whole thing is. This whole region needs to be quarantined and we can look inside in twenty years and see if any sanity has emerged.
Coercion Is Not Freedom
SEE HERE Walter Williams writes a striking article to get the neurons firing. By what logic do we impose associations over and against freedom of association? Williams offers some interesting contrasts and asks some challenging questions. Just because we don't like something doesn't mean we have the right to forbid it.
Coercion is not freedom. When is it really right to use coercion? Something to think about.
Coercion is not freedom. When is it really right to use coercion? Something to think about.
The Grim Reality — A Track Record Of Failure
SEE HERE "The grim reality is that key people in positions to shape our foreign policy during the Obama administration — the President, the Vice President, two Secretaries of State, and the current Secretary of Defense — all have a track record of grossly misconceiving the issues, our enemies and our national interest."
That's a succinct summary from Thomas Sowell of the track record of our current leadership. They are people who at every turn have made the wrong decisions. Why should we trust them now?
That's a succinct summary from Thomas Sowell of the track record of our current leadership. They are people who at every turn have made the wrong decisions. Why should we trust them now?
Let Allah Sort It Out
SEE HERE “We have no clear mission in Syria. There's no explanation of what
vital American interests are at stake there today amidst yet another
centuries-old internal struggle between violent radical Islamists and a
murderous dictatorial regime, and we have no business getting involved
anywhere without one." — Sarah Palin
Why should we participate in the Civil War in Syria? Both sides are our enemies so if we have any interest at all it might be to try to make the war as long and debilitating for both sides. Unfortunately there are also innocent people trapped in the middle of this and so we might seek to end it in some equitable manner that is not focused on taking sides. We have no dog in this fight and intervention is not in our national interest at least in my view.
Why should we participate in the Civil War in Syria? Both sides are our enemies so if we have any interest at all it might be to try to make the war as long and debilitating for both sides. Unfortunately there are also innocent people trapped in the middle of this and so we might seek to end it in some equitable manner that is not focused on taking sides. We have no dog in this fight and intervention is not in our national interest at least in my view.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Bill Whittle Delivers Common Sense
The liberals have convinced the American people that they care about them. It's not true but if you lie about something long enough people will believe you.
We Need To Replace This Bozo ...
The first question is why? What compelling interest does the United States have? And while we're at it, can we be sure it was Assad's forces that used the chemical weapons? Also exactly where did they come from. Some people are claiming they came from Saudi Arabia and they're supporting the rebels which suggests the rebels did it. And frankly, why do we care? We didn't do anything when Saddam Hussein gassed the Kurds. We didn't do anything time after time when ethnic cleansing was going on in various places. Suddenly we deeply care about the Syrian civil war that is being propped up by people from outside? Why?
How Come Putin Makes More Sense Than Obama And Without A Teleprompter
It seems remarkable that a Russian leader can speak to the American people using common sense and reasons when the U.S. leadership uses nothing but propaganda and doublespeak.
Monday, September 2, 2013
A Whole New Dimension To Search And Seizure
SEE HERE What gives the state the right to draw blood from the citizens? For that matter what qualifies a police officer to draw blood? Seems like hardly a day goes by and I see some new thing that gives credence to the idea that the free republic is a thing of the past and that the police are being transformed as we watch into the Gestapo.
The Enterprise Goes Back In Time To Witness The Decay Of American Morals
It must be a time warp or something. There is no way that technology as advanced as needed for the starship Enterprise or a society capable of the prime directive could have produced Miley Cyrus!
Government Intrusion Is Often Deadly
SEE HERE This is an interesting take on the many ways that over government tends to produce lack of freedom and even death. I'm personally in the camp that says that government is for two things: 1) defense against external enemies, and 2) defense against internal enemies and pretty much nothing else.
The first calls for a strong national defense. The second calls for clarity in law and a good system of courts and legal counsel. Together that's what government is for. Part of the second calls for "truth in advertising" so that you know when people are lying by showing that what they say and what they do are two different things. It also calls for standards in weights and measures and purity of things.
Beyond that I think you have to make your case. Central government in our time has grown to be a tyrant even if it is a tyrant claiming to have your best interests at heart. Frankly bureaucrats usually have no interests but their own.
The first calls for a strong national defense. The second calls for clarity in law and a good system of courts and legal counsel. Together that's what government is for. Part of the second calls for "truth in advertising" so that you know when people are lying by showing that what they say and what they do are two different things. It also calls for standards in weights and measures and purity of things.
Beyond that I think you have to make your case. Central government in our time has grown to be a tyrant even if it is a tyrant claiming to have your best interests at heart. Frankly bureaucrats usually have no interests but their own.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
A Few Gun Control Advocates Learn An Ohio Lesson
Always best to count noses before you go to protest. Sometimes you're in the minority.
The Global Warming Scammers Are Still Pushing The Nonsense
SEE HERE My problem with the global warming alarmism is that I've yet to see any evidence for any of it. When I say that I mean the idea that human beings have anything to do with the global warming that has been observed. The data sets show sustained warming coming out of the Little Ice Age but all the hoopla about human generated CO2 produces exactly no-change in the slope of the warming despite being a large change in human terms. Then there is the issue of all the emails that showed unprofessional behavior on the part of the global warming alarmists ranging from cooking the numbers to blocking publications by those who disagreed with them. Now that's a red flag and it was covered up. Finally where does all the "science" come from? The answer, surprisingly, is from computer models of climate change that contain all sorts of fudging, especially non-physical and never validated physical effects such as "positive forcing functions" which contribute the alarmist findings but which are not observed in the actual climate data. Sorry folks but these are all the markers of government bought and paid for crisis mongering. You're being scammed!
Ted Cruz Speaking Out
Defund ObamaCare ... it is a disaster and destroying jobs because of its anti-business provisions that make it better to employ part time workers than full time workers and drives businesses from funding spousal coverage. It's nothing short of a seizure of 17% of the economy by a bureaucratic and uncaring government fixated on control and not service, not the market, not anything that truly serves the people.
The Reality Of The Liberal Brand
SEE HERE Long ago "liberal" was an honorable word which captured open minded discourse and an attempt to minimize intolerance and maximize both civility and reason. No more! The word was stolen, misapplied to people whose views are the opposite of what could be termed the "classical liberal." Don't be among those fooled by these scheming people seeking to "fundamentally transform America" from a free republic to a socialist slave state. They are liars. BIPOLAR DEMOCRATS
Allen West Speaking Truth To Stupidity
SEE HERE I don't know about you but I'm totally fed up with Barack Obama pretending that he occupies the moral high ground. The man is a disaster as a man. He supports killing babies even after they are born alive to a botched abortion. He lies over and over again with a straight face. He doesn't even have his own ideas, but seems to simply read teleprompter text prepared for him by others. What a disgrace. Then he has the gal to lecture us about responsibilities ... He abandoned four brave men at Benghazi and tried to cover it up with a premeditated lie. Disgusting doesn't begin to capture this scoundrel.
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