Friday, October 31, 2014
"The End of Obama" — Something Devoutly To Be Wished
SEE HERE The travesty that has been the administration of this president who seems devoted only to destroying the nation is epic. We shall soon see if enough of our fellow citizens see it the same way to make necessary changes to end this reign of chaos and corruption. The mid-term elections approach. We shall see if we will remain free or become the third world nation he seems bent on producing.
The Manufacture Of Big Lies
SEE HERE The history of Islam is being rewritten to achieve political realities in the here and now. Preserving the West means we must first preserve the truth.
Why Do Atheists Seem To Have More Rights Than Christians?
SEE HERE "I'm offended!" whine whine whine all the time. Apparently only atheists that are offended are listened to because I'm seriously offended by this kind of muzzling of people of faith by people who not only have no faith but whole worldview tends to be destructive since without vision the people die. It's time to start ignoring these people's demands and instead demand that they show some sensitivity for others.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
The GOP Brand "Sucks"
SEE HERE Ask Rand Paul, he says so and I frankly agree. Why does it suck? Well it mostly sucks because there are too many RINOs around making it suck. What's a RINO? (Republican In Name Only) — A RINO is a Republican, usually an office holder since the rank-and-file grassroots are better, who thinks being a Republican is like being a Democrat only just a little slower.
The real Republican brand is still in the box, bright and shiny and usually ignored. It's a set of principles SEE HISTORY which are freedom oriented and wish to restrict government to purely government matters. But the party has done a lousy job of communicating those principles and ideals to the folks that most need to hear them, the minority and ethnic voters that are striving to achieve the American Dream. That dream doesn't happen easily but it doesn't happen at all in a collectivist and totally regulated massive statist system that the left imposes. It's high time to take that shiny brand out of its box and start celebrating it. That means it is also time to get rid of the RINOs that don't really believe in it because they are in it for themselves and just going along to get along.
The real Republican brand is still in the box, bright and shiny and usually ignored. It's a set of principles SEE HISTORY which are freedom oriented and wish to restrict government to purely government matters. But the party has done a lousy job of communicating those principles and ideals to the folks that most need to hear them, the minority and ethnic voters that are striving to achieve the American Dream. That dream doesn't happen easily but it doesn't happen at all in a collectivist and totally regulated massive statist system that the left imposes. It's high time to take that shiny brand out of its box and start celebrating it. That means it is also time to get rid of the RINOs that don't really believe in it because they are in it for themselves and just going along to get along.
The People That Islam Is Targeting ...
SEE HERE Well well well ... the religion of peace is at it again, making enemies lists. I wonder what they plan to do with those? Could it be that they're going to engage in honest debate and discuss the tenants of Islam and how Islam wants everyone to have freedom of religion and the ability to think for themselves? ... Wait — Islam doesn't want that. You didn't think that Islam can coexist with a modern Western state in peace and tranquility did you? Sorry, but that won't be possible. Read the Koran to understand why. Seriously!
Radical Islam Causes Trouble Everywhere
SEE HERE Actually you don't need the adjective "radical" because Islam is fundamentally radical in the Western sense. It's basically a "religion" that counsels subjugating your opposition and if they don't subjugate well then killing them. Not really the "religion of peace" we've all been lied to about. Sure there are some nice people who self-identify as Muslims, but then they're trying to go along to get along so long as they are not in the majority. Check the statistics in states where they are in the majority and see how that works for you.
Obama: Up Close And Personal — Not A Deep Thinker
SEE HERE ... rather dismissive in fact. It is little wonder that he has been diagnosed as a Narcissist. It is a disposition quite common among liberals and the more liberal they become the more they imagine they are a privileged and special form of life.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Something To Think About: Where Individual And Collective Rights Meet
Ebola I'm told can be spread like the flu by particulates. Seems like washing ones hands more frequently is in order and being at least reasonably concerned about whether people have been exposed. If this thing takes off we could be looking at something like those plagues we read about in history books. So far it isn't as infectious as those, apparently. But give it time. Meanwhile avoid crowds of strangers.
Vote Fraud? This Doesn't Happen By Accident
SEE HERE As a programmer myself and a college professor who taught computer science and programming for many years I can say that this isn't an accident. It's intentional and it's programmed into the machines. This is one of the reasons that I'm totally against machine voting. Once the machine is in the loop there is no way to validate the honesty of the election. We have to maintain an audit trail and given the sophisticated ways of cheating, multiple voting, etc. we need to reform the system to make it honest and secure.
Truth! It's What Makes The World Work
Wild Bill offers some comments about truth in this short video. I just finished reading a short spiritual book titled, "The Love of Eternal Wisdom" by St. Louis De Montfort. Montfort identifies Eternal Wisdom with God and Jesus Christ. Christ Himself said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." I thought of that when listening to Wild Bill's message.
To me the key to reality is truth. The reason I say that is that truth is just a word that means that what you are saying corresponds to reality. So reality as it is and truth are the same thing. The idea on the left is that you can create truth. "That's your truth" is a saying you hear nowadays. But that's not really how the world works. You can't have two contradictory truths both of which are true because whichever is true cancels out the other. You can be in the position of having statements that contradict each other both of which are false. That's enough to confuse liberals since they believe so many things that are false.
For me the only real question when something comes up is: "What is the truth of the matter?" When someone takes a position, the universal question is: "How do you know that?" If they bristle and posture and protest you know they don't know that at all. They are just spewing propaganda.
To me the key to reality is truth. The reason I say that is that truth is just a word that means that what you are saying corresponds to reality. So reality as it is and truth are the same thing. The idea on the left is that you can create truth. "That's your truth" is a saying you hear nowadays. But that's not really how the world works. You can't have two contradictory truths both of which are true because whichever is true cancels out the other. You can be in the position of having statements that contradict each other both of which are false. That's enough to confuse liberals since they believe so many things that are false.
For me the only real question when something comes up is: "What is the truth of the matter?" When someone takes a position, the universal question is: "How do you know that?" If they bristle and posture and protest you know they don't know that at all. They are just spewing propaganda.
You Didn't Think The Media Told The Truth About This Did You?
It's sad how the media stirs up things by lying about them. It's even sadder that the black community refuses to work to reform itself. They would rather believe lies than rise to the challenge of restoring virtue and principle to their community. That's sad and it is emblematic of a wider societal problem so that the disease spreads and is taking the whole society down.
A Dose Of Reality: Who Is Gaming The Black Community?
An important message from people who see the world as it truly is. The political class are gaming us all. It's time for a return to principle and virtue.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Media Bias ... Of Course There Is. Isn't It Obvious?
Can't disturb them and take them away from their "happy place" — yeah that's about it.
You Didn't Think Democrats Could Win Honestly Did You?
SEE HERE 14% illegals registered to vote? No wonder Democrats win. This kind of thing has got to stop if you expect to restore the Republic. Failing that there will be a long slide with possibly a precipitous collapse to fiscal disaster and poverty. As Maggie said,"Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money." Well, truth be told, the money is gone and the credit line is so over extended that the collapse may well be imminent.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
"Shut Up!" — The First Dismissal Card
Andrew Klavan pointing out the core principles of the left which are destroying the nation. If you don't stand up and stop this you'll have plenty of time to regret it after the shackles snap shut and the gag is in place.
The Face of the Left Is the Face of Corruption
SEE HERE Money and power is what the left is about. They are without conscience or virtue or principle and they are perfectly willing to admit it. That's how far the society has fallen. An admission of immorality is no longer a disqualifier and that's a sign of the degradation of the society at large.
A Little Self-Reflection Starting With Screwtape
The nature of virtue is that it is unconscious once developed. Conscious virtue is less virtuous than unconscious virtue. The first is the mark of seeking goodness while the second is the mark of having arrived.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
How Helpful Are Flu Shots? — Not Very
SEE HERE I'm not surprised frankly. The hoopla about flu shots comes around every year and you'd think people were dropping like flies from the flu. It's not that there is no danger, there is some. The flu shots, if you're lucky and pick the right one, may provide some protection, not much and sometime none at all but then the danger is over-hyped so there's not as much to protect you from as you've been warned about. This is just more posturing with mediocre science pretending to so something worthwhile when in fact both the dangers and the effectiveness have been exaggerated.
Friday, October 24, 2014
It's Time To Restore The West: Multiculturalism Is Not Only A Failure It Is Abjectly Stupid
The surrender of the greatest culture on the planet is what multiculturalism entails. It's a ploy launched by the left to destroy the West and it's been working. It's time to stop and to restore the West while we still can.
Technology Does Always Translate Into An Improvement
SEE HERE I like e-books, but mostly because you can carry so many of them in a single device. I actually don't like reading them unless I have to. The main reason is that I like to write in books (yes I know some people think that's awful ... I disagree). Taking notes is the best way to read if you're trying for comprehension. This link also points out how failing to teach memorization has crippled the modern student. Memorization is a great discipline because it teaches you how to remember things. Our modern educators have largely destroyed education. To see how awful the results are you only have to go back to the typical abilities of the students of the late 19th century. It's there to see and it's quite awful.
In Case You Wonder What's Wrong With The World
This is chilling in describing what is going on in the UK in higher education. It is an outrage and it isn't too different from what is happening here. The left is populated by thugs and communist marxists. Education is often more indoctrination than developing mature critical thinking minds. It leads to no good place.
The News Media is about as corrupt as it could be ...
SEE HERE I'm so tired of talking heads telling me how to think and filtering the news to meet their agenda instead of reporting honestly and directly. When I was in high school I was the first page editor of my high school newspaper and wanted to get a career in journalism. My dad was totally against it. He said, "Anyone as good at math as you are should not do journalism. You can always write in your spare time." So I went on to study physics, engineering, information technology, and computer science. But I do remember that back in the late fifties we were taught that journalism was about objective reporting and commentary was about opinion. Well those days have passed us by. Now everything is about spin and the journalists are the doctors of spin.
Liberty Being Stolen By Inaction And Refusal To Fulfill Their Obligations
The rights of the people are being increasingly destroyed and our own politicians and media are collaborating in the destruction. We have only a limited time to do something about this because the hour is late and the darkness is upon us. The tipping point is here. Push back or wait for the sound of the shackles snapping shut as your enslavement is completed.
2nd Amendment Right ... A Little Language Lesson
It's a nature right independent of government. It is a right of the people because they are people and it is relative to the right of the people to defend themselves using all reasonable means.
Failing To Value Truth Over Media Spin Strategy
SEE HERE In the interests of full disclosure I want to say that I can't stand Karl Rove. The man is simply a bounder, an opportunist, and a dolt. He's the architect of one Republican disaster after another and now we find that his counsel was involved in suppressing the fact that WMDs is great quantity were in fact found in Iraq. Well nice to know Karl. Could you just crawl back under your rock and renew your acquaintance with the other cockroaches? We are overwhelmed with people who are simply characterless schemers pretending to have great insight when in fact they are merely poor stewards and greedy climbers.
Reality 101: We Need To Take Back The Republic While We Still Have One
"A republic ma'am if you can keep it." — was what Ben Franklin said. Well the testing of our determination to remain free is well underway. This coming mid-term election will probably be our last chance. Get out and vote for freedom on November 4th.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
The Islamification Of The World Must Be Stopped Unless You Really Want To Descend Into Barbarism
Islam is not a religion. It is a totalitarian political movement with savage and barbarian beliefs and practices. Reality 101!
Vote Fraud? Probably
SEE HERE The Democrats are forever telling us that there's no vote fraud. It's insignificant they say. Funny then how some precincts end up with more votes than registered voters or all the votes are for only one candidate. Here's one example and there are many many more.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Voter Fraud ... Easy! Especially For Democrats Who All All In For It
Our elections are likely saturated with voter fraud. You can't explain some of the statistical anomalies otherwise.
Mark Levin Lays It Out For You — If You Want Fascism Just Vote For Democrats
It's time to standup and rub the Democrats' faces in their real racist history and their support for Fascism.
Monday, October 20, 2014
What's Going On ... The Emergence of the Marxist One Party State
One chance to save the nation. November 4th take back the Senate and kick out Harry Reid and then reorient the political realities with a real Conservative in 2016. Failure is not an option because we are on the verge of the collapse of the Republic.
We're Doing This Why?
SEE HERE The massive invasion of the country by people illegally entering or illegally overstaying their visas is something no country should tolerate. But we have an administration run by people who are actively trying to destroy the America that built this great nation and substitute a collectivist socialist, centrally planned and totalitarian state. That's what they're doing. They have the news media on-board and they are using corruption, redistribution of wealth to buy votes, vote fraud, and every other deceitful method to accomplish their ends. They've had a lot of patience since this silent revolution has been on-going since about 1917 and it finally coming to a head. It's going to get exciting so stay tuned but meanwhile if you liked your country you might be able to keep your country if you vote out these people. At worst it will precipitate their real agenda and make it obvious to even the most dull low-information voter that they don't have our best interests at heart.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
U.S. Stopped Military Shipments To Israel During Hamas Standoff
SEE HERE Israel is certainly aware that the Obama administration is no friend of Israel. Indeed the Obama administration is no friend of the American people since they seem hell bent to destroy the country, importing Ebola, releasing illegal aliens that are guilty of violent crimes. Where is the news media as we are betrayed by an overtly anti-American administration? Nowhere to be found which makes them complicit as well.
Can We Have Adults Back In Charge And Stop Playing Games With American Lives
The bottom line is that the skill set of community organizers is the null-set. They can't really do anything except BS. Unfortunately that doesn't work to solve any real problem and Ebola is a big big real problem. These people are inviting an American deadly epidemic and for no very good reason.
Twelve Signs Of Liberal Insanity
SEE HERE Looking at how liberals "think" is always interesting since it exposes their total lack of realism and their narcissistic delusions. Liberals are all about extreme tribalism and emotionalism. They don't think except in the sense that they assign anyone thinking to a dismissal category. It would be hilarious if it were not so tragic and did not have such serious consequences for the nation.
Hmm... Protect Our People By Importing Lots More Ebola Victims ... What Could Go Wrong?
This administration is not only incompetent but they are totally irresponsible in importing large numbers of Ebola victims from Africa that are not American citizens. Exactly why should we endanger Americans so the administration can posture as concerned and responsible? Judge Janine has it exactly right — These clowns have no idea what they're doing.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Expediting Visas from Ebola Infected Countries? Really?
SEE HERE You know if you made this stuff up no-one would believe you. It looks more and more like this administration is seeking to produce a plague in this country. A lot of the far left liberals actually think the world would be much better off with fewer humans and no America. This sure looks like an attempt to encourage that development. The amazing thing is that so many people are just sitting back and doing nothing. I guess they'll be surprised with the bottom falls out.
You Thought The Federal Government Obeyed The Law? Silly You
SEE HERE Deception is not the rule. Secret Service tries to get local police to violate the 4th amendment. We need more stand up push back towards the Federal power grabs.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Requiescat in pace! — the idea that Islam is a "religion of peace"
The only "peace" that Islam is a religion of is the peace of the grave to which they seek to assign those that resist them.
Politics Is A Lying Game Say Democrats
Well I knew that liberals were liars but I thought it was merely a character flaw. Now it appears to be simply part of a systematic strategy on the part of Democrats to get elected so I guess it is not merely a character flaw but a sinister and calculated character flaw. A Democrats doesn't care about anything but control and power. There is not a shred of integrity in their bones.
Insanity Is Becoming The Norm
We are led by a delusional leadership who are playing the "sky is falling" card over and over regardless of the fact that it has no substance. The fact of the matter is that this is all simply false. There is no climate crisis, only a crisis of leftists who need a crisis to impose their agenda of control and totalitarian parasites and looters.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Politicians Are Basically Stealing
Maybe we should stop it. The amount of our money that they waste is simply staggering.
Push Back And Don't Let The Lunatics Take Away Your Freedoms
I don't care if you're offended. It's called free speech because you can say things that you believe that happen to offend others. Tough! I don't like whiny liberals who cry all the time when people say things they disagree with. Well I hate to tell you this liberals, but I find almost all the things you pretend to believe in outrageously offensive. I notice you don't care. So exactly why am I supposed to care when you're offended? Oh yeah, I forgot — You think you're a special form of life and you are, especially stupid. Are you offended yet?
FBI Politicized ... The Federal Government Can't Be Trusted
SEE HERE It is disheartening to see agency after agency being weaponized against the American people. You can't trust anything you hear from the government anymore because it is being spun to meet political agendas. Whether it is unemployment figures, economic data, IRS emails magically disappearing, DHS spin and lies, border issues with disease and minors being transported all over the country (to what purpose you might ask?) and now the FBI. When do we get honest government back?
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Modern Liberals Aren't Really Liberal
... if they were really liberal they would not all be totalitarian wannabes. Back when the Constitution was young there were some real liberals. Today they're called conservatives.
In Case You Thought Muslims Aren't Savages ...
SEE HERE Sure this is only one but he's not particularly untypical. If you let these barbarians into your country and you let them multiply pretty soon your country will look more like a Middle Eastern wasteland than a modern industrial Western state. It's what they do.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Apparently People Can't Just Be What Nature Made Them
We live in a time of total madness and it's indicated by the unwillingness of people to accept the identity that nature gave them as indicated by their physical parts. Poor babies raised to be unhappy about whatever. Weird!
The Truth The Government Doesn't Want You To Know
SEE HERE Government kills the economy. It's like a giant parasite growing and slowly destroying the nation. If we turned it around we'd all be prosperous and even more amazing than we already are.
Interchangeable Zeros And Ones: You Don't Matter To The Left (Only Your Vote)
Freedom ... Freedom ... Freedom! That is what matters and what you'll never get from a Democrat.
Don't Ask Harry Reid How He Got His Millions
SEE HERE if you know what's good for you ... at least don't ask and not expect to be roughed up. After all corruption is standard Democrat practice as is lying about who the really rich pay off. Democrats are far more corrupt than Republicans because they have fewer people with any morals. It's a fact.
The Insanity Of Our Present Time
SEE HERE ISIS is Islam unveiled in its most raw form. This is the reality that Mohammad sought, everyone in the world subjected to Islam and no limit to the savagery tolerated to get to that goal. This is not a religion at all much less a religion of peace. It is political savagery using religion as an excuse.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Big Money And Bought And Paid For Politicians
Not the kind of politics we should have but there it is. The big money comes from the Democrats who are the very real big money of inherited wealth, crony capitalism, in league with the bought and paid for with tax payer money entitlement hand out crowd together in conspiracy against the middle class which are largely Republican. Their objective is power and control and ultimately enslavement. Check out Judge Nepolitano's questions a couple posts back and ask yourself who is doing this to the country?
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Leadership? Obama? Are You Kidding?
SEE HERE This is the bottom line. We have no leadership worthy of the name. It's an outrage to pretend that we are led at all if leadership means served the citizens of the United States. If you want a further summary check out Michael Savage's summary.
This administration is beyond irresponsible. They are disgusting. They are beyond irresponsible.
This administration is beyond irresponsible. They are disgusting. They are beyond irresponsible.
You Have A Duty To Resist The Savages
SEE HERE The savages are coming and you have a duty to resist for yourselves, your parents, and your neighbors. Self-defense is a natural human right. The Islamic jihadists are Satanic savages and capitulation is not a realistic option. Here a Catholic bishop counsels resistance.
Remember Lepanto — October 7, 1571
SEE HERE The year is 1571 and a valiant band of seafarers defeated the naval forces of the Ottoman Empire. Make no mistake about it, Islam is a "religion" of geopolitical tyranny determined to conquer the world. It must be contained. The cost of defeat is your freedom to believe what you like and serve God as you understand Him and not as someone else misconstrues Him. Islam is tyranny of the mind and spirit.
NASA Puzzled?
SEE HERE Sorry but it's not science when you prefer your model to your measurements. There is no global warming in the past roughly twenty years despite CO2 increases and there is no ocean warming either. What that means in plain English is that your science isn't right. It's called disconfirmation. And it shows that your hypothesis is wrong. Back to the drawing boards. Gee, and you've only spent a few billion dollars on this phony science.
Thomas Sowell On Obama And Ebola
SEE HERE The clear conclusion from watching Barack Obama's actions is that he is either un-American or anti-American for no set of priorities that are loyal to America can explain his actions. He is an arrogant person who ignores the advice of his advisers and does thing in a capricious and irresponsible manner. We will all suffer for this fool's actions for years to come.
Government Regulation As Tyranny
SEE HERE Government regulation should regularize, ensure honesty perhaps, and facilitate business not destroy. The use of government regulators and political agents is just one more form of totalitarianism that this administration favors. Freedom does not appear to be a value that Democrats possess, instead they seek only more power and control for selfish reasons. They need to disappear from the political scene to be replaced by a more honorable party.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Establishment Republicans Seem To Have A Death Wish
SEE HERE The Republican party is composed of a rather weak coalition of different groups that are generally much more conservative than their leadership. The deep pockets in the part are just moneyed manipulators for the most part who don't really have any principles so look a lot like their Democrat opposition. A few like the Koch brothers seem more principled frankly which is why I think the DemonRATS are always trying to attack them.
The establishment types seem to think that by attacking their base that they'll somehow create success when in fact the opposite is true. There are far more conservatives in the Republican party than establishment types and they are the rank and file grassroots who do a whole lot of the work. They may not generate the revenue, but they are the vast majority of the loyal voters in the party and when you anger them enough they don't work and they don't vote. That is stupid of course since it's the reason we have Obama for a second term at least in part instead of a sort of lukewarm Romney who nevertheless would have been a vast improvement over Obama.
Now they seem to be trying to minimize their chances of throwing out Harry Reid. It's little wonder that Joseph Sobran called the Republicans the stupid party. The only real advantage they have is that the Democrats are the evil party, fundamentally evil and a lot of people get that.
The establishment types seem to think that by attacking their base that they'll somehow create success when in fact the opposite is true. There are far more conservatives in the Republican party than establishment types and they are the rank and file grassroots who do a whole lot of the work. They may not generate the revenue, but they are the vast majority of the loyal voters in the party and when you anger them enough they don't work and they don't vote. That is stupid of course since it's the reason we have Obama for a second term at least in part instead of a sort of lukewarm Romney who nevertheless would have been a vast improvement over Obama.
Now they seem to be trying to minimize their chances of throwing out Harry Reid. It's little wonder that Joseph Sobran called the Republicans the stupid party. The only real advantage they have is that the Democrats are the evil party, fundamentally evil and a lot of people get that.
You Have To Hope These Guys Are As Smart As They Think They Are
SEE HERE They probably aren't and since the dangers of this sort of monkeying around with the building blocks of nature could conceal some rude surprises we'll have to hope there are not "chain reaction" type things lying in wait to surprise us.
Trouble In Paradise or How Running The Hollow President Doesn't Always Go Well
SEE HERE I don't remember anything like this in my whole life at the POTUS level. I think it shows what a hollow shell this president really is. His handlers are getting testy and the whole pretend leadership may blow up if these tensions continue to increase.
The Liberal Cancer Currently Metastasizing
Metastasizing? Spreading and on the way to being fatal. We seriously need some chemotherapy that eliminated the liberal cancer cells. The mid-term election may be one of our last chances.
Liars, Liars Everywhere ... Democrats Are All Liars And They Admit It
It's all about winning. Integrity? What! Are you nuts?
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Corsi Lays It Out There: This Administration Is Criminal
I've just never seen such a reckless and corrupt administration, not in my lifetime, not ever. Just these few items that Corsi lists should be enough to reveal how irresponsible this administration actually is.
A Trip To Oz ... But Remember Reality And Come Back
There's no place like home except that we live in times where our own government is trying to destroy us. Pretty soon home will be unrecognizable.
Some Political Commentary From Matt Kibbe Of Freedom Works
This seems like a pretty balanced view of things from Newsmax TV and the CEO of Freedom Works. I liked the part about punching back when the Democrats do their dirty tricks.
The Koch Brothers In Perspective
SEE HERE You gotta wonder how the liberals can call anyone "haters" when the vast majority of the hate come steaming out of their lies that go ricocheting around taking out random targets and based on nothing but animosity, you know, HATE. Liberals are the worst haters of all. The Koch brother thing would be hilarious if they were not so serious. It's a put up job to distract us from the real scandals which tend to cluster on the left with corruption, pay offs, voter fraud, and all kinds of abuses of power. But they just love to hate, especially those evil Tea Party people and the Koch brothers. Well my answer is "Get a life you delusional idiots." The immorality and evil on the left is huge and unrelenting. Oddly enough they are so delusional with their fabricated hates that they don't notice that they are projecting. The real haters are them.
Will The Collapse Come Before Obama's Term Expires?
SEE HERE There are a lot of people who think this POTIS POS has the destruction of the United States in mind or at least his handlers do. Well they are hopefully running out of time, but the game appears to be on target. As a minimum that means be watchful and prepared. There is little enough that an individual can do in anticipation of a major collapse in government. The disruption could be extreme. I don't know exactly how seriously to take it frankly. The nutniks that create "sky is falling" spin with all sorts of back stories whether from the left or right are not all that credible. That being said I've never seen so many signs that could plausibly be interpreted as "They're right!" That gets my back up and has me wondering what the best strategy for handling things if they go sour.
“Don’t Follow Your Passion, But Always Bring it With You.”
SEE HERE I think it was Joseph Campbell who counseled "Follow your bliss" which is a bit different from "Follow your passion." You do need a passion but it needn't be your life work.
I know in my life I developed a passion for chess and got quite good at it by means of study and hard work. I'm still a pretty good chess player but my take-away wasn't so much the chess as the pattern of determination, focus, study, and hard work that allowed me to get good at it. That led to whatever success I've had in everything else I've tried and my own confidence that with focus and effort I can do whatever I really want to do if it is within my capabilities at all.
My favorite saying by G.K. Chesterton (another passion of mine) is "Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." You have to realize that nothing of any value is easy and the first few time you attempt it you'll likely not do all that well. Nowadays there are lots of folks who suggest to young people that they must not be good at it and so their talents lie elsewhere. They counsel them to quit before they've really tried. That's wrong. It's also pretty stupid. Nothing worth having comes easily. If it's easy then anyone can do it. Find the hard things that you like and invest the time and effort to become expert at them. You'll not regret it.
I know in my life I developed a passion for chess and got quite good at it by means of study and hard work. I'm still a pretty good chess player but my take-away wasn't so much the chess as the pattern of determination, focus, study, and hard work that allowed me to get good at it. That led to whatever success I've had in everything else I've tried and my own confidence that with focus and effort I can do whatever I really want to do if it is within my capabilities at all.
My favorite saying by G.K. Chesterton (another passion of mine) is "Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." You have to realize that nothing of any value is easy and the first few time you attempt it you'll likely not do all that well. Nowadays there are lots of folks who suggest to young people that they must not be good at it and so their talents lie elsewhere. They counsel them to quit before they've really tried. That's wrong. It's also pretty stupid. Nothing worth having comes easily. If it's easy then anyone can do it. Find the hard things that you like and invest the time and effort to become expert at them. You'll not regret it.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
The Real Divisions In America Caused By Greed And Envy
2014, Bob Lonsberry, a Rochester talk radio
personality on WHAM 1180 AM, said this in response to Obama's "income inequality speech":
personality on WHAM 1180 AM, said this in response to Obama's "income inequality speech":
Two Americas
The Democrats are right, there are two Americas.
The America that works, and the America that doesn't.
The America that contributes, and the America that doesn't.
It's not the haves and the have nots, it's the dos and the don'ts.
Some people do their duty as Americans, obey the law, support themselves, contribute to society, and others don't. That's the divide in America.
It's not about income inequality, it's about civic irresponsibility.
It's about a political party that preaches hatred, greed and victimization in order to win elective office. It's about a political party that loves power more than it loves its country. That's not invective, that's truth, and it's about time someone said it. The politics of envy was on proud display a couple weeks ago when President Obama pledged the rest of his term to fighting "income inequality." He noted that some people make more than other people, that some people have higher incomes than others, and he says that's not just.
That is the rationale of thievery. The other guy has it, you want it, Obama will take it for you. Vote Democrat. That is the philosophy that produced Detroit. It is the electoral philosophy that is destroying America. It conceals a fundamental deviation from American values and common sense because it ends up not benefiting the people who support it, but a betrayal.
The Democrats have not empowered their followers; they have enslaved them in a culture of dependence and entitlement, of victim-hood and anger instead of ability and hope.
The Democrats are right, there are two Americas.
The America that works, and the America that doesn't.
The America that contributes, and the America that doesn't.
It's not the haves and the have nots, it's the dos and the don'ts.
Some people do their duty as Americans, obey the law, support themselves, contribute to society, and others don't. That's the divide in America.
It's not about income inequality, it's about civic irresponsibility.
It's about a political party that preaches hatred, greed and victimization in order to win elective office. It's about a political party that loves power more than it loves its country. That's not invective, that's truth, and it's about time someone said it. The politics of envy was on proud display a couple weeks ago when President Obama pledged the rest of his term to fighting "income inequality." He noted that some people make more than other people, that some people have higher incomes than others, and he says that's not just.
That is the rationale of thievery. The other guy has it, you want it, Obama will take it for you. Vote Democrat. That is the philosophy that produced Detroit. It is the electoral philosophy that is destroying America. It conceals a fundamental deviation from American values and common sense because it ends up not benefiting the people who support it, but a betrayal.
The Democrats have not empowered their followers; they have enslaved them in a culture of dependence and entitlement, of victim-hood and anger instead of ability and hope.
president's premise - that you reduce income inequality by debasing the
successful - seeks to deny the successful the consequences of their choices and
spare the unsuccessful the consequences of their choices. Because, by and
large, income variations in society is a result of different choices
leading to different consequences. Those who choose wisely and
responsibility have a far greater likelihood of success, while those who choose
foolishly and irresponsibly have a far greater likelihood of failure. Success
and failure usually manifest themselves in personal and family income.
choose to drop out of high school or to skip college - and you are apt to have
a different outcome than someone who gets a diploma and pushes on with
purposeful education and/or employment.
You have
your children out of wedlock and life is apt to take one course; you have
them within a marriage and life is apt to take another course. Most often in
life our destination is determined by the course we take.
doctor, for example, makes far more than I do. There is significant
income inequality between us. Our lives have had an inequality of
outcome, but, our lives also have had an inequality of effort. While my
doctor went to college and then devoted his young adulthood to medical school
and residency, I got a job in a restaurant.
He made a choice, I made a choice, and our choices led us to different outcomes. His outcome pays a lot better than mine. Does that mean he cheated and Barack Obama needs to take away his wealth? No, it means we are both free men in a free society where free choices lead to different outcomes.
He made a choice, I made a choice, and our choices led us to different outcomes. His outcome pays a lot better than mine. Does that mean he cheated and Barack Obama needs to take away his wealth? No, it means we are both free men in a free society where free choices lead to different outcomes.
It is not
inequality Barack Obama intends to take away, it is freedom. The freedom
to succeed and the freedom to fail. There is no true option for success
if there is no true option for failure. The pursuit of happiness means a
whole lot less when you face the punitive hand of government if your pursuit
brings you more happiness than the other guy. Even if the other guy sat on his
arse and did nothing. Even if the other guy made a lifetime's worth of
asinine and shortsighted decisions.
Barack Obama and the Democrats preach equality of outcome as a right, while completely ignoring inequality of effort. The simple Law of the Harvest - as ye sow, so shall ye reap - is sometimes applied as, "The harder you work, the more you get." Obama would turn that upside down. Those who achieve are to be punished as enemies of society and those who fail are to be rewarded as wards of society.
Barack Obama and the Democrats preach equality of outcome as a right, while completely ignoring inequality of effort. The simple Law of the Harvest - as ye sow, so shall ye reap - is sometimes applied as, "The harder you work, the more you get." Obama would turn that upside down. Those who achieve are to be punished as enemies of society and those who fail are to be rewarded as wards of society.
Wild Bill Answers Some Of His Mail
"Stupid" is written on the foreheads of liberals but in invisible ink. As soon as they open their mouths though you can tell that the neurons don't connect to anything substantive. They are great at rants and mantras but woefully short on anything resembling principles, morals, or common sense. I'm not sure how they get that way. Maybe they were dropped on their heads as children. There has to be some reason for their delusions.
Friday, October 3, 2014
A Political Ad That Gets Reality In Your Face
This is a summary of how the black community is gamed by the left. Lock step voting for liberals in the black community isn't working because the promises are lies. It's what liberals do. Lie Like A Liberal
Conservatives: Get Out And Vote And Stop Whining
Perfection is not to be found in this world and I keep hearing Conservative whining that the candidates they are offered are not perfect and that they won't vote if they don't agree with the candidate down the line. Well that's pretty stupid if the opposition is even worse and gets a lot of support through voter fraud. I frankly think I'd be a lot happier right now if Mitt Romney had won and I went out and voted for him despite the fact that I disagree with him on many issues. But truth be told he was ten times the man that Barack Obama was. He's earned his own living actually dealing with the real world and he's a fundamentally moral man. Neither of those attributes describe Obama and in addition Obama had one of the worst records ever going into the 2012 election. If you don't vote you don't count and have no right to complain when things go poorly. This coming election is very important so get out and vote to retire Harry Reid.
A President Who Shirks His Reponsibilities But Really Likes Fund Raising
Worst president in American history.
The President Is A Liar. Certainly Everyone Knows This By Now
The list of this president's lies just goes on forever. He obviously doesn't care about telling the truth, just about making an impression at the moment. Oddly enough he is rarely called on it and when he is it seems to everyone like a big "Ho-Hum!" I remember when the American people cared about their president telling the truth. Eisenhower was simply crucified over the Gary Powers lie back around 1960 and they were always claiming that Richard Nixon lied (although frankly he's a piker by comparison with Obama). The fact that the left doesn't care about truth is shown by the fact that they never recant. Joe McCarthy has been shown to have been correct in the lion's share of his charges and the media continues to demonize him as if that little piece of information had never turned up. We have a whole political wing that is dedicated to lying and almost never tells the truth.
Why Are Liberals Unhappy All The Time? Missing Neurons Probably
SEE HERE This is certainly an interesting way to think about liberals. I actually prefer not to think about liberals since they don't demonstrate a capacity to think at all. They only emote and spread propaganda and false reasons for unhappiness with everything. They are all Chicken Littles and have been for as long as I can remember. "The Sky Is Falling!" is their everlasting mantra and the solution is always bigger and bigger, more and more costly, and less and less effective government. I think they really want to be diapered and put to bed with a nice bottle and after that a nice pacifier. Poor babies! On the other hand it's a little like the boy who cried "Wolf!" — After you do it often enough no one believes you anymore. I reached that point a long time ago.
They're Here And Have Been For Quite A While
Islam is not a religion of peace, but you probably know that by now if you have neurons. Those who don't don't — have neurons that is. This video was made in 2012, but the situation is only getting worse progressively. ISIS and the recent Oklahoma beheading are just indicators. This is not Islamic extremism. It is the real face of Islam.
Reality 101: They Are Coming For You
Islam is a vicious, barbarous, pretend religion that is really a cult to dominate people under the guise of religion. The make some of the vicious tyrants of the past look downright benign. Get informed and stop swallowing the propaganda.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Wild Bill Offers The President Some Friendly Advice
Well maybe friendly is an overstatement. The problem really is that I think Wild Bill was rather understating the case. Obama has simply been a travesty of a president. He's totally disengaged. He has led an administration that has been hugely corrupt and he's seriously damaging our military, our medical profession, our law enforcement, and our workforce. Gee what could go wrong?
You're Being Lied To Again And Again And Again
SEE HERE The lying never stops with liberals. If the world isn't the way they think it should be they just make up an appropriate lie. Terrorism becomes workplace violence, lying become spin, everything is racism if the perpetrator is white and nothing is racism if the perpetrators are black.
The Ghost In The White House
SEE HERE And this ghost plays golf and fund raises ... he just doesn't practice leadership and is distinctly not presidential. The NIC (Narcissist In Charge) is frankly the worst president the United States has ever elected. He is a man entirely absorbed in himself and a man of relatively few talents or at least if he has any they are rarely on display. He frankly appears to be the front man for a group of tyrannical activists of collectivist persuasion determined to undermine the United States. Of course I'm only speaking from the outcome of their actions. My father used to say that it was just as hard to be wrong all the time as to be right all the time. This administration seems to have mastered the technique.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Moderate Islam ... The Myth Created By The Usual Brainless Liberals
SEE HERE There is no moderate Islam because Islam is fundamentally hostile in a violent way towards all that is not Islam and frankly to a fair amount that is Islam. The "moderate Islam" meme is a myth created by liberals to support their multi-cultural nonsense that is killing the West. They won't wake up until their heads are rolling and they are suppressed by those Muslims that are not moderate because moderate Islam does not exist.
The Threat Of Muslim Infiltration And Jihad In America Is Here Now And Has Been Developing For Decades
SEE HERE Who's kidding who? There is this bizarre notion that Islam is peaceful and they're only violent because we make them so. I'm not sure what people who think that way are smoking but they are nuts and likely part of the problem. The fact of the matter is that Islamic operatives have been infiltrating our organizations, government, educational institutions and building U.S. terrorist training camps and other sites for decades. They are laying low for the most part but they're there and they will come out in the open when they are ready to attack. The only moderate Muslim is either one who is faking it or someone who's not really a good Muslim. All committed Muslims are like ISIS but may not be out in the open.
There are two main factions in Islam which is a weakness, the Sunni and the Shia. The Sunni make up almost 90% of Islam (87%-89%) and the Shia make up most of the rest. The original division was on the basis of the succession of authority but over the years there has been further division on what is believed and on what authority. They tend to kill each other given half a chance. We should quarantine them and let them sort it out without external help.
There are two main factions in Islam which is a weakness, the Sunni and the Shia. The Sunni make up almost 90% of Islam (87%-89%) and the Shia make up most of the rest. The original division was on the basis of the succession of authority but over the years there has been further division on what is believed and on what authority. They tend to kill each other given half a chance. We should quarantine them and let them sort it out without external help.
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