Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The Racism of the Left — Control By Creating Dependence and Killing the Future
"... and you're evil!" You got that right!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Ron Paul Is A Lunatic
SEE HERE Read carefully because a lunatic is someone who is disconnected from reality. Ron Paul definitely qualifies. He's not the kind of lunatic that is seen raving in the streets, but he is raving none the less when he uses "facts" that are not facts to make erroneous conclusions. The world does not resemble Ron Paul's vision of it, period. Too many people are confused by his relatively sane economic points. The fact of the matter however is that he's not a reliable source for world affairs in general and especially the wise use of the American military. I'm unhappy enough with Obama as Commander in Chief, but I think I'd be almost as unhappy with Ron Paul in that role. He's just not Commander in Chief material. He's too crazy.
If You Wallow In Mud You're Going to Get Dirty — Surprised?
SEE HERE Thomas Sowell asks what the Republicans were possibly thinking when they agreed to the current round of endless debates moderated by the liberal media? Good question and more ammunition for Joseph Sobran's label of the Republican party as the "stupid party." The only problem is that the Democrats are the "evil party." So we desperately need to generate some political reform when in a choice between evil and stupid the evil choice is disastrous and the stupid choice merely is a finger in the dyke. God help us because our politicians aren't going to.
The United States Is A Christian Nation!
Let's stick to reality. It's actually obvious but the atheists have worked to obfuscate the reality. We are and have always been a Christian nation. It's time to start acting that way again.
Afghanistan — Our Men And Women In Jeopardy
Afghanistan's Taliban is our enemy and it's time to treat the whole society that produces them as our enemy. Obama needs to be held accountable. He is a disgraceful commander in chief. Mark Levin calls it like it is.
Welcome to Government By Intimidation — Tyranny Rising!
SEE HERE and HERE The IRS in the hands of thugs becomes a thuggish thing. Since the thugs are now running the government we can expect more and more attacks on freedom loving Americans. Don't let this go by. Protest and vote these thugs out while you still can. The Saul Alinsky plan carried to fruition will make it impossible for you to be free again without another revolution. It's called tyranny and it's Tyranny Rising!
This Nonsense Has to End
This is a book advertisement basically, but it ends with the absolutely correct sentiment about the global warming alarmism. "This nonsense has to end." This whole charade is a black mark on the integrity of science and all scientists. It phony baloney and those who support it should be required to show that they have actually validated their work not just spun up some more spin. Where is the data? Show me the data? Show the correct predictions. Show the forward and backward validation. What they do instead is cherry pick their data. They fight not to release their data. They call names and disparage those who don't agree with them. Those are the marks of con-men not scientists.
If You're Eaten Last You're Still Eaten
Is Michigan the Last Chance to Stop Plastic-Man?
SEE HERE I must have a Holden Caulfield fixation, but here's a quote from "Catcher In the Rye" which about sums up plastic man: "Pencey
was full of crooks. Quite a few guys came from these wealthy
families, but it was full of crooks anyway. The more expensive
a school is, the more crooks it has - I'm not kidding." The Catcher in the Rye Holden Caulfield in Chapter 1
Now the best I can tell Romney is the archetype of "phony" which is why the Holden Caulfield reference. You can tell a phony by several characteristics. The first is that they always waffle around and only say things after they determine what you think and then agree with you. DING DING! Another characteristic is that they emphasize flash over substance. DING DING! Finally, they can't really express principles convincingly because they really don't have any. DING DING! All this reeks of phony and Mitt Romney. I sure hope he gets his head handed to him in Michigan.
Now the best I can tell Romney is the archetype of "phony" which is why the Holden Caulfield reference. You can tell a phony by several characteristics. The first is that they always waffle around and only say things after they determine what you think and then agree with you. DING DING! Another characteristic is that they emphasize flash over substance. DING DING! Finally, they can't really express principles convincingly because they really don't have any. DING DING! All this reeks of phony and Mitt Romney. I sure hope he gets his head handed to him in Michigan.
Monday, February 27, 2012
This President Is A Disgrace!
SEE HERE The behavior of our president towards the men and women who serve us in uniform and who are paid little enough for the privilege of risking their lives for us is a disgrace. This man needs to be removed and his corruption explored, revealed, and punished. That the government can go along with this kind of thing is proof positive that we need a deep and thorough change.
The Galloping Advance of Evil
SEE HERE As evil spreads it accelerates and likely will reach a tipping point where only violent resistance will have any chance of turning the tide. We have been experiencing national moral decline for half a century now since at least the early sixties if not before. It seems to be accelerating because the children have not been given a moral foundation. The children have been abandoned by their parents to the schools and the schools have failed in their mandate to educate for virtue as well as knowledge, indeed is seems as if they've pretty much abandoned the knowledge dimension too for the expedient of indoctrinating slaves of the state. The tipping point approaches as the last of those educated to virtue are replaced by those educated to hedonism.
It Never Hurts to Be Prepared
SEE HERE Wyoming passes a bill to prepare for the complete economic collapse of the United States. They say it's only a remote possibility but what would you expect them to say?
Is This What's Going On? ...
SEE HERE It's been obvious for a while that something is going on between Romney and Paul, just the apparent coordination of attacks becomes hard to ignore. So what is it? The American Thinker offers some speculation.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
The Biggest Bill In History For a Threat that Doesn't Exist
SEE HERE That about sums up the whole global warming CO2 cap and trade scam. Buy pseudoscientists with grants to create fictitious science to promote a global catastrophe and then use the leverage to generate huge taxes and expenditures to enrich all involved but beggar the developed nations of the world. These folks really should go to jail.
Projecting and Fomenting American Weakness
SEE HERE Bolton lays it out. The actions of the president actually encourage the perception that America is weak. The question of concern to me is whether that is a signal that the president intends to weaken America further. His actions do not instill confidence. I suppose if we have Obama long enough we can become a third world country.
Paul and Romney Gaming the System According to Mark Levin
The GOP is being gamed by the Libertarian and the Plastic-man. Mark Levin nails it.
Insanity! — Tyranny Rising!
SEE HERE This is simply insane. This particular stupidity happened in Canada, but our own homebrewed nut cases do the same kinds of things. The world has gone mad and it is difficult to discover why, but it seems to have something to do with liberal memes that cast inanimate objects as villains and deny natural rights to human beings that disagree with them. Tyranny Rising!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Resorting to Fraud Means You Don't Have Legitimate Evidence
SEE HERE That's what it comes down to. The FakeGate controversy is essentially proof positive that global warming alarmism is intellectually bankrupt and dishonest to boot. If you have evidence that something is true what you do is show the evidence. Only when you really don't have a convincing case do you result to attacking your opponents with lies and misrepresentations. This is not the way science works and it shows that the global warming crowd, whatever their pretensions, are not honest scientists.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Explain to Me ...
SEE HERE Just where in the constitution does it suggest that the Federal Government should be gambling the people's money on speculative technology to produce electric automobiles? The Obama administration seems addicted to throwing hundreds of millions of dollars at bad ideas that don't work out, some that even were known not to be working out when the money was given. This smells to high heavens of money laundering. I'd like to see some investigation of these highly questionable, likely unconstitutional profligate "investments." Where did the money end up and what were the political connections of the people involved? All too many of the Obama administration's monkeyshines seem to involve losing hundreds of millions of dollars for no very good reason. Phony baloney that smells an awful lot like corruption.
In Case You Were Interested ...
SEE HERE Here's a pretty good summary of the global warming argument. The link was sent to me by a friend who knows I'm interested in such things and I think it does a good job of summarizing why what we're seeing isn't science. The science, insofar as there is any, is in the direct effect and even that is a bit over simplified in the diagram since in fact the direct effect is a limiting effect which gets smaller with each doubling of CO2. Only by adding positive forcing functions labeled "feedback" do the climate modelers get a significant warming. The problem is that there isn't much it any warrant for the forcing functions going that way. Indeed there's better arguments for them going the other way and judging from the historical record, the dampening feedback is the more likely. It's pretty much Game Over for this who charade.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Obama Shows How Disconnected from Reality He Is
This nonsense coming from the NIC shows how out of touch he is. What has he done to develop anything? He turns down energy opportunities like the Canadian pipeline and funds other people's drilling and shuts down our drilling. He's a snide liar and a smooth con-man. That's where it's at! Until the American people recognize they are being gamed and played and hoaxed we'll just get more and more of this rhetoric about how everything that goes wrong isn't his fault, it's someone elses fault. Those politicians that want to drill, are they wrong? If you refuse to develop resources and we get higher prices, then you're the problem not someone else. This guy has wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on so-called "green energy" that was known to be a loser from the beginning. Why does he have any credibility at all?
Williams and Sowell — Two Reliable Oracles
SEE HERE Math matters ... a lot! And sadly, Americans are not doing as well in it as they should. Then Thomas Sowell points out the hypocrisy in academia SEE HERE Both Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell are must reads for me. These are men who struggled to earn their place in society and have learned a lot and level with you. All too many tell you what amount to figments of their imagination. The United States needs to get back in the game and it starts with the schools.
Don't Worry About Ever Retiring ... The NIC Will Be Taking All The Money
SEE HERE This whole thing is so outrageous. You save and scrimp and work to have enough so that you can retire and the worthless power structure connives to find new ways to rob you. We need a lot less government. It's not as if the government spends money wisely. They waste and squander it and then spin about how wonderful they are. I think I can manage without them interfering all the time.
No Money for Space But Billions For Corruption
SEE HERE I think it is not just a shame but a failure of both vision and sense that the United States is no longer capable of sending astronauts up to near earth orbit on our own hardware. The Earth Moon system is of immense importance both commercially and potentially militarily. We'd get off our duff fast enough I'd hope if Russia or China set up housekeeping on the moon and started building a large mass accelerator. If you don't know what I'm talking about then check out Robert Heinlein's science fiction and Gerald O'Neill's colonies in space. SEE MORE If we no longer have the vision to explore and develop the technology to command the high frontier then we are done as a nation. Space is certainly not the most important thing, but it is a sign of our commitment to the future and failing that we are done.
A Sliver of Hope for the West? — Doubtful ... but Perhaps
Michael Voris points out how prescient Pope Paul VI's encyclical "Humani Vitae" has proven to be. In 50 short years the moral collapse of the West has taken place largely through the dehumanization of sex to become a mere pleasure and women degraded to mere objects. If you have not thought about it, perhaps you should. The statistics are compelling as they are depressing. The West stands at the tipping point and there are few forces seriously engaged to keep us from toppling.
The Heart of the Problem! — Tyranny Rising!
SEE HERE Tyranny is when in a democratic republic the block of those who only receive benefits from the state and pay little or no income taxes become a large enough voting block to impose their will on the rest. That is tyranny. The point is not whether there are rich and poor. Nor is the point that it is unfortunate that some are poor. The point is that being poor is not a justification for robbing the rich. It is not an answer that it is the government's prerogative to rob the rich for it is no less immoral when an institution engages in immorality as when it is the action of an individual. Indeed when it is institutionalized we have warrant to suggest that the state itself has become immoral.
I am sympathetic to the 47% because they mostly don't pay income taxes because they don't make much money relative to those who do pay income taxes. Moreover the fact that they don't pay income taxes is not the same as not paying taxes. What I am complaining about is the government leveraging these people to vote themselves more power. We need programs that raise people out of poverty by encouraging more training, development, initiative, entrepreneurship and things that actually produce wealth instead of what we do do which is encourage dependency and a sense of entitlement where no real entitlement exists.
I am sympathetic to the 47% because they mostly don't pay income taxes because they don't make much money relative to those who do pay income taxes. Moreover the fact that they don't pay income taxes is not the same as not paying taxes. What I am complaining about is the government leveraging these people to vote themselves more power. We need programs that raise people out of poverty by encouraging more training, development, initiative, entrepreneurship and things that actually produce wealth instead of what we do do which is encourage dependency and a sense of entitlement where no real entitlement exists.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Muslim Brotherhood Has Penetrated the Conservative Movement
Jihad is alive and well even in the Conservative Movement. This is troubling. A concerted effort to penetrate and subvert the most likely movement to resist sharia is being targeted. Don't be deluded by the phony message that Islam means peace. Islam is the least peaceful force on the planet. It is now and always has been spread by force and intimidation and that's what it is about now. If you are gulled by the cover story then you become just another dupe that has been taken in by the idea that all these terrorists don't really represent Islam. Really!? Well I suppose there is no end to gullibility when the gulled want to believe.
SEE HERE Apparently all too many people think "fairness" is equality of result without equality of effort, skill, motivation, or commitment. That's just nonsense. It may be unfortunate that people are not created equal in ability or any of the other factors that may contribute to success, but denying the reality is just stupid. Trying to use government force to level what nature has given us to work with just disincentivizes the very people we depend on for the creation of goods and services. Do that and you end up with less goods and services to go around and instead of fairness you get increased suffering and inequity. Reality is tough sometimes, but it is real and you can't fool Mother Nature as the old TV ad went.
Decline of America — Retreat from Greatness
SEE HERE The biggest problem with liberals is that they really are not Americans. Sure they live here, but they think we're the cause of all the world's problems and their solution instead of supporting American is to take it down. That's what the Obama Administration is all about. Check out the Cloward-Piven Strategy and see if it doesn't make sense of what the administration is doing. Overload the system and it will precipitate its collapse.
The Left Is Despicable — Not a Moral In the Bunch, Totally Despicable
SEE HERE It's hard not to see this as a clear condemnation of the left. I've long thought that perhaps it was not that they are immoral but that they are committed to a slightly different set of moral principles. Well, I think the moral principle they are committed to is that morals don't count for anything. They just get in the way of winning. If winning trumps morals then you are signed on for a ride that goes straight to hell, both metaphorically and really. It brings to mind my favorite bible quote: Ecclesiastes 1:16 in the Latin Vulgate. "The perverse are hard to be corrected, and the number of fools is infinite."
The Constitution — a Reflection on Government
SEE HERE Before throwing out the most successful nation on the planet by suborning its constitution we should reflect on the process by which it was created.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Pretend Scientists Attacking the Heartland Institute With Phony Documents
SEE HERE Pretend scientists are agenda driven and not data driven and they do anything necessary to pretend that what they are doing is science including skewing the reality about where the big money is on the climate debate. The literally billions spent by government to push the climate agenda is measured by numbers in the hundreds of thousands on the other side and yet the claim is that there are powerful economic forces afoot to mislead you. The irony is that there are, but they are government funded pseudo-scientists creating unvalidated climate models with unphysical forcing functions. It's baloney and rather rotten baloney at that. I've been to Heartland Institute functions and I've also watched them on the internet. They are the real deal. It's too bad that the media is in the pocket of big government or we might hear some reality for a change. STUPIDITY HAS CONSEQUENCES
The Tenth Amendment — Let's Put Teeth In It!
SEE HERE The whole Federal Government as currently overextended and intruding into every realm of daily life is a massive violation of the tenth amendment. Either we follow the constitution or we go down to ruin as a failed human experiment in self-government. You decide!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Where Does He Get the Right to Do This?
Make No Mistake About It — Tyranny Is Here!
SEE HERE This continued progress towards tyranny one step at a time. Debasing the currency. Expanded joblessness with continued expansion of unemployment (99 weeks and counting). The health care plan that will destroy the nation's health care industry and make everyone dependent on the government for health care. Attacks on conscience ... and there are people supporting this evil. I begin to understand what Germany was like in the 1930s but there is no America to run to.
The Reality Behind the Rhetoric
Not paying their share? The people that are paying all the taxes are those in the top half and the bottom half is paying no income tax. Indeed, another 10% get more in benefits than they pay in taxes so on net the top 40% are paying everything. Instead of beating them up those that pay no income taxes should thank them.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Property ... You Don't Have Any Rights ...
SEE HERE Well that's about what some of our illustrious representatives in Richmond think. Don't count on having any rights if government has anything to say about it. They know what's good for you after all. You poor benighted idiot, you can't take care of yourself ... why you actually believe that because you earned the money and actually bought property that you have any rights? How silly! We are your keepers. We will decide what you can do or not do. Well if you want to keep these kinds of people around in the state government you deserve everything you get. It's time, long past time, to clean house and put people in who see the duty of government as preserving your rights, not compromising them and taking them away.
Wild Bill on "Community Organizers" courtesy of Saul Alinsky
Yup ... Community Organizers are those who intentionally create division and class warfare. Sound familiar? Think Occupy Wallstreet and understand that what Obama is about is destruction of the United States.
The Insanity of Government Intrusion Exemplified
SEE HERE I suppose I've said elsewhere that I'm not a big fan of George Will. He is what passes for a conservative in the media these days, but I'm not altogether convinced. But in this piece Will points out the sheer insanity of New York rent control laws. Thomas Sowell has done much the same in the past but the laws continue and are a violation of the owners right to property and the free exercise of their property. So when has that ever bothered a liberal intent on giving other people's property away in the name of their currently hot-button feel good agenda? Large government lends itself to the abuse of power and the distribution of influence. That's one of the reasons I don't like cities. Cities are heaps of such influence peddling and I've had my fill of it all my life. Don't get me started because I'm a collector of stories and I'll tell you a few. If my wife was not addicted to shopping centers (well to be fair they are convenient and what would I do without Staples), I'd probably move out into the badlands and take up subsistence farming (except I'm too old for something that requires so much labor). So the opportunity has passed me by. But think about how much control you want government to exercise over your life. Do you want to be free or do you want to be a ward of the state?
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Lying Pays Off for the Left — At Least Leftist Filmmakers!
SEE HERE Worth a read if you are bought into the mantra of the left that everything is Bush's fault or that Bush lied about this and that (everything if you believe the nut jobs) but the truth is very different and Bush will be treated much better by history then by the spoiled liars on the left who if they can't prove things just make them up.
We Choose to Do the Hard Things! — We Are Americans!
When did Americans stop being pioneers? When did we decide it was too hard to seek energy independence or even put our astronauts in orbit? Now we have to get to our space station on Russian boosters. This is what the Liberal Progressive small world mindset has brought us to. It is time to change course. It is time to return America to the greatness that was bequeathed to us by our fathers and mothers. It is time for it to once more be morning in America where no dream is too small and no challenge too difficult.
Ford Expertise In WWII at Willow Run
Sometimes you have to remember what Americans are capable of when you find yourself listening to the clowns that pass for leaders today.
Income Inequality — A Measure of Productivity
It's how it works. If you want to share poverty with everyone, then embrace extreme egalitarianism and you can be poor like everyone else and live in squalor. Individual industry is what drives income. Is there some inequity? Undoubtedly. Can it be corrected by government? Doubtful. When government gets into controls of whatever kind they merely displace the market. They can't replace the market. What they price too low disappears and there are shortages. What they price too high is produced in vast abundance and you have a glut and no one is there to absorb the oversupply. The market works. Free enterprise works. Freedom is the engine of growth and abundance. Government is the engine of control and scarcity. Less government leads to more prosperity. As Ronald Reagan said: "Government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem."
What the Liberal Progressives Have Wrought!
SEE HERE It's not a pretty sight. The socially destructive policies of the liberal progressives largely unchecked since the 1950's and sheltered by claims of sensitivity and compassion have instead wrought socially destructive and morally debasing behavior, not only in the black communities which have been hardest hit, but in the white and hispanic communities as well. We have created a society in which bad behavior is rewarded and good behavior, moral behavior, is ridiculed and belittled. This is how you destroy a once great nation. The process is well underway and Walter Williams in his editorial today makes the contrast in the most personal way possible, in his own life. I'm younger than Williams, but not much and I grew up going to school in Washington D.C. to a private Catholic Jesuit run high school. The contrast Williams makes was as real to me as it is to him, just from a different ethnic perspective. To understand what has happened we need to reexamine the path the nation has taken over the last 100 years and keep the good and roll back what has been destructive. If we don't do that then we are likely on the skids to a collapse with a hard landing.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Rick Santorum — Better Than Romney? You Bet!
... and hugely better than Obama. My favorites are Gingrich and Santorum for taking Romney out of this race. Romney is nothing but a whiny RINO and not a very creative one at that.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
The Republican Record On Human Rights
Allen West reviews the history of the Republican party's commitment to freedom.
Vote No Obama in November — Get Rid of the Thugs!
I'm sick of the whole big government thing. It's time to reverse course because the alternative is the end of the republic. Vote Obama out!
Is It A Surprise that the President is Not Only a Liar but a Lunatic?
SEE HERE This is another one of those presidents to whom the question "How do you tell when he's lying?" has the familiar answer: "His Lips are Moving!" President Obama flips off promises and commitments at the spur of the moment and then as quickly forgets them when it is convenient except for the largess he heaps on those who have contributed to his rise, unwarranted, to the seat of power. Now he's hazarding the defense of the United States when he has already diminished our stature in the world by grovelling and apologizing for things we need not grovel about nor apologize about. The world is a dangerous place full of people who seek to diminish us. The president more often than not seems to be on their side.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
This President Is No Friend of the United States
SEE HERE The world is a dangerous place filled with certifiable nut jobs who do things like blow themselves up in crowds of innocent people, who get on airplanes and act as though they are hijackers and terrorists to see what will happen, and we have one of those nut jobs in the White House. He's been blowing up the economy as fast as possible. He's been paying off his supporters with your tax dollars. He's planning big military cut backs to fund more corruption and now he's planning to drop the U.S. nuclear arsenal, already dangerously out of date because of cutbacks in research to 20% of its current levels. In the mean time China, Russia, and lots of other nations are in the nuclear club and manning up. Even Iran, a whole nation of nutjobs, is shortly going to join the club and put nuclear warheads on the top of Chinese manufactured missiles that can reach Israel and the United States. There seems no question that the president is a nut job.
Romney Has A Truth Problem — I Think That Means He's A Liar!
SEE HERE If he's not a liar then he has a lot to explain because his record says he's either a liar or a dolt. I'm inclined to think liar is the better explanation although dolt has a certain appeal. It may simply mean he has no principles at all and just does things for effect like Bill Clinton and a lot of other politicians I could name, but that's pretty close to dolt.
Coulter on the NIC's Communist Agenda
SEE HERE I'm so fed up with the fact that there is not more outrage about this administration that I am almost speechless. Luckily speechlessness doesn't get in the way of my typing fingers although when blazing away they tend to make more typos than usual and usual is quite a few. I'm afraid, very afraid, that the public school agenda that has put all kinds of propaganda into the schools has succeeded in making everyone just ready to reach their arms out so that the chains can be attached easily. Coulter has it right when she says it is about freedom. This administration and many of its predecessors have taken us to this point. Now they are ready and we're just standing around like sheeple waiting to be sheered, butchered, and roasted. This stuff has to stop or it is all over and Ronald Reagan's saying about explaining to our children and grandchildren what it was once like to live in America where men were free will have become a fulfilled prophecy.
We Will Decide What Your Children Eat and Think — We Are The Masters
SEE HERE Where do they get off? This kind of stuff is not just outrageous, it is fascist. "Ja mein Fuhrer. Sieg Heil!"
The Sobering Reality of Georgia and What Sounds Like Legal Findings For Sale
Do you need to have your nuclear reactor applications approved? Questioning Obama eligibility to be on the ballot seems to do wonders!
Voter Fraud? — Of Course! Why Are You Surprised?
SEE HERE When millions of voters who are dead are still
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Politochicks Take On Islam and Liberals vis a vis Christianity
Become informed because you're mostly being lied to by the liberal media and religious distortion of the reality of Islam.
ROTFLMAO! Shooting a Laptop Gets All the Liberals Upset
SEE HERE This is funny. At least it's funny if you know when end of the barrel the round comes out of and about firearm safety and concealed carry and something vaguely like personal discipline and wayward daughters. So the guy making the point about the fact that his daughter is a disrespectful twit who expects everything to be done for her but doesn't want to even do her slight choirs around the house gets a visit from the police due to the many whiney butt liberals who probably don't have any kids or aborted them, or had them raised by nannies.
Who knows, but I think it's pretty funny! The whole world stopped using common sense a long time ago. Every child is the most wonderful child ever, but they don't actually have to have accomplished anything ever either. They are entitled because the whiney butts say so, but they're also a drag on society and cost lots of money which is distributed to all the folks that are supposed to be indoctrinating them (educating? hmmm....) but they can't really do anything so they're unemployed for the most part and then take on awesome education loans to learn how to do something unnecessary because all the necessary things are hard and they're taught that if you don't succeed it must be because you're not good at it so you should quit and try something else.
Of course that tends to drive you down the path to "navel appreciation" which requires no skill at all but you can do it well even if you're not conscious. I think something is wrong with this picture and it starts with government.
Who knows, but I think it's pretty funny! The whole world stopped using common sense a long time ago. Every child is the most wonderful child ever, but they don't actually have to have accomplished anything ever either. They are entitled because the whiney butts say so, but they're also a drag on society and cost lots of money which is distributed to all the folks that are supposed to be indoctrinating them (educating? hmmm....) but they can't really do anything so they're unemployed for the most part and then take on awesome education loans to learn how to do something unnecessary because all the necessary things are hard and they're taught that if you don't succeed it must be because you're not good at it so you should quit and try something else.
Of course that tends to drive you down the path to "navel appreciation" which requires no skill at all but you can do it well even if you're not conscious. I think something is wrong with this picture and it starts with government.
The Best Straw Poll Money Can Buy!
SEE HERE You have to wonder just how skewed our perceptions are by the vast sums of money being squandered on the primary season. When millions and millions of dollars are spent on negative advertising, busing and getting voter blocs to straw polls that are commonly small turn out things, and skewing the demographics after a while you begin to wonder how much it takes to break the system entirely? I'd say it is broken already, but I don't like most of the "solutions" that limit people's freedom. My general sense is that what one needs is total transparency and truth in advertising and then stand back and let people that are fully informed decide for themselves. I don't think we're very near to getting that and that's a big big problem.
Don't You Understand What Birth Control Is About?
SEE HERE It's not about what you think it is. It's about control and it's about eugenics and it's about tyranny. One of the most disappointing things about birth control to the people that actually support it is that the result has been that the jaded leisure class, the wealthy are often those that use it most and those that are really targeted, the poor, the racial minorities, and those that the elites deem unfit like conservatives and people of faith, use it less. But abortion ... that's targeted at minorities especially. Read up on Margaret Sanger. She was a piece of work. We need to restore virtue in this nation, but it's not going to be easy with the opposition that seeks instead to control us all and shrink the numbers of those of whom they disapprove.
The Vision At The Heart of The Progressive Movement — Tyranny Rising
SEE HERE Listen to someone who is a recovered Marxist if you want to get the straight dope on the progressive movement. Thomas Sowell seeks the truth always. Straight talk from someone thinking straight is always worth the trouble.
The Poor Misunderstood Muslims ... Peddling the BS So We'll Just Bend-Over
Wild Bill nails the contradictions of "the religion of peace" that somehow manages to kill an awful lot of people without much protest from their co-religionists. 9/11 brought Muslims out dancing in the streets ... sure it's a religion of peace. Once you've killed all your opposition there is always peace.
Genetically Modified Food — Danger Will Robinson!
I'm not sure I know how big a danger the genetically modified foods pose to the general population. However, I'm quite disappointed by the fact that the large corporations seem to be bent on concealing the scope and dangers from the general public and also that the primary motivation for the genetic modification doesn't seem to be real nutritional improvements but rather a scheme to try to control the food supply for corporate gain. That's frankly despicable. TEN DANGERS is a link I found, but I'm not qualified to judge the adequacy of the information or its truthfulness. The intentional modification of foods in unnatural manners seems likely on the principle of the thing, to pose risks, but the degree and severity of such risks is a lot harder to assess, especially with people trying to minimize the publicity about them.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Daniel Hannan at CPAC 2012
Member of the European Parliament Daniel Hannan warns the Americans that they are heading down the same road as Europe. If you have never heard him speak, this is an opportunity you should take.
The Usual Government Nonsense — How Is It Constitutional?
Get off your duff and make a point of protesting these ever more intrusive stupidities. You can decide how much water you're willing to pay for, how much electricity you're willing to pay for and how much government you're willing to pay for.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
The Media — The Ultimate Bigots
The bottom line is that the media are part of the vast left wing conspiracy to destroy the nation the founders built. Learn the truth because the truth is what you are not being told.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Looking Back
SEE HERE Looking back to 1963 at the time of the assassination of John Kennedy you find a very different America than the America of today. It was an America that was more prosperous and more united in its convictions and values. It was before Roe and largely before the influx of foreign automobiles. Japanese products were starting to ramp up in quality but had not yet gained the enormous foothold they have here now and a car mostly meant an American manufactured automobile. The Great Society had not yet started to rob Peter to pay Paul in a flawed view of how to solve the problems of financial inequality through a massive, inefficient welfare state without demanding anything significant of the recipients of the largesse, thus creating a permanent dependent class with a sense of entitlement. Education still educated and students left school with an appreciation of their historical heritage. But all that was about to change.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
C.S Lewis in His Own Speak
This is one of those historical fragments that make us wish sometimes that technology had been slightly more advanced in the past. This is the only fragment of the radio talks that C.S. Lewis gave during WWII to the besieged people of Britain. Lewis has a wonderful gift of clarity and his voice was one of the factors that helped to rally the people at such a difficult time. Most of the talks were not recorded at all because they were delivered live in London. But as the blitz because more severe and it because harder to ensure he could come to London to do the broadcasts, several were recorded on the early technology that was available. This is the only one that survived.
Want a Good Laugh?
SEE HERE Real science is data driven. Pseudo-science is agenda driven. You can hardly read two or three of these emails and not be hit in the face by the obvious fact that these are not scientists, they're people pretending to be scientific as they spin the data to their agenda. Sorry ... the human component of weather is too small to be significant. We'll wish that were not so when the next serious global cooling period is upon us and that may be all too soon.
The World Is About to Change ... Again!
SEE HERE I have to wonder how much of this wondrous technology I really need and how much is just eye-candy. Well eye-candy is likely exactly the right way to characterize what seems to be coming down the pike. Individual wirelessly connected telepresence seems on the way. With a little microphone and earset and you'll be set to go into virtual reality at any moment for any reason. Science-fiction has never come so fast and furious.
Structural Paralysis
SEE HERE It's tough to have a battle with those that are unprincipled. The reason is simple — they don't play by any rules except winning and they know your rule book so they play you by it. Think about it! Christians are always being told to be charitable and loving by the uncharitable and unloving. Republicans are always being asked to compromise, but when the Democrats are in power they never compromise. You're being gamed! The key to not being gamed is to insist on principles and don't budge. If your principles are true and right then you can stand by them and fight.
You May Have Missed This — Globalism Send Up with Lord Monckton and Marc Morano
I'm not a big Alex Jones fan, but I do like Lord Monckton and Marc Morano, both of whom are standing up to the propaganda. Alex I'm less sure about. He runs with a lot of stories that just seem way over the top. Listen to Monckton however ... a voice of sanity!
Monckton points out that the targets the U.N. presents, if achieved, would actually cause the death of millions, kill trees and plants for lack of CO2 and initiate a new ice age. These people in the green movement are certifiably insane. The political motivation is to extend collectivist power. We should kick the U.N. out of the U.S.
Monckton points out that the targets the U.N. presents, if achieved, would actually cause the death of millions, kill trees and plants for lack of CO2 and initiate a new ice age. These people in the green movement are certifiably insane. The political motivation is to extend collectivist power. We should kick the U.N. out of the U.S.
More Evidence of Government Neuron Deficiency
SEE HERE Neuron Deficiency: defined as a marked lack of critical thinking ability as evidenced by doing stupid things often that cost a lot of money and have no very discernibly positive outcome, and often have negative impact. Government specializes in this particular form of insanity, generally it is believed because they have no serious contact with reality. They spend other people's money, imagine they are a privileged and special form of life superior to the ordinary citizen, and have never actually had to have the outcomes they achieve (when they achieve any) measured to determine if there was a positive return on investment (ROI). Indeed, the term ROI has virtually no operational meaning to the average government employee. Read here about the Iraq embassy complex as ask yourself if this could have ever made sense? That's right: Neuron Deficiency! Classic case. Epic Fail!
The Face of Islam — The Violent Peace of the Grave
Michael Voris is in Nigeria and today's Vortex highlights the Islamic massacre of the innocent that occurred on Christmas Day. Far more would have been killed had the terrorists completed their task as they had originally intended.
How Times Have Changed!
SEE HERE This delightful Delancey Place excerpt discusses the evolution of English houses and in passing the origin of such interesting customs as naming houses halls, or the origin of the term "high table." Perhaps the word "family" derives from the term "familiar" something that could not be avoided in these earlier times and customs.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Coulter Gets It Part Right
SEE HERE Whether Romney earned his money or not we can pass over. I assume that he did although it seems to me he came from a wealthy and influential family in the first place so it might be a stretch that he earned it all. But I don't know. I'm disenchanted with Ann Coulter who seems to have become a Romney zombie and simply an apparatchik for the Romney campaign. However when she zeros in on Democratic wealth and notes that it is virtually all unearned, inherited, married into, etc. I think she puts her finger on a fundamental aspect of American politics. The Republican party is the party of earned wealth and the rising middle class and the Democrat party is the party of inherited wealth, guilt ridden and buying votes from the poor to suppress the threat poised by those who actually work for a living. It's fairly obvious when you look for it. The Republican party, when it has wealth it is almost always new or nearly new wealth, first or second generation. It's the Democrats for the most part that have the old inherited gentrified wealth with the air of entitlement and genetic superiority. Of course there's always room for those like John Edwards who simply gulled juries for a living and bilked doctor's insurance companies out of millions. So I'll give Ann her due. She pretty much nailed this one.
A Moment of Reflection
I've been reading "The Tolkien Reader" for a book club meeting lately. I want to turn to this because I hate being so unrelievedly negative, but sometimes you seem paranoid because they are really after you and I think that observation applies to what is going on in the country today. One of Tolkien's contributions, a lasting, moving and inspiring one, is his essay "On Fairy Stories" which appears in "Tree and Leaf" and in "The Tolkien Reader." I've been reading it again after some years and Tolkien, like his friend C.S. Lewis was prescient about the direction of modern society. He makes a comment that I think captures our world with devestating accuracy: "It is indeed an age of 'improved means to deteriorated ends.'"
I think we have to see our world as something of a Fairy Story. Tolkien saw it that way as did one of his influences G.K. Chesterton. An important aspect of the Fairy Story is "the Consolation of the Happy Ending" what Tolkien called the Eucatastrophe. We are in a drama which has its tragic dimensions and we must not lose sight of the goal which is not so much some utopian dream of materialistic excess in this world as the ultimate Joy awaiting us. We experience it here as "a fleeting glimpse of Joy, Joy beyond the walls of the world, poignant as grief." It is a vision we are called to communicate to others because they are trapped instead in the confusion of a nightmare.
I'm not sure that sounded much more cheerful. Kicking back with a glass of plum wine or Horton's raspberry wine and contemplating the beauty of a moment makes one glad not to have surfeit because it would only blunt the appreciation of a world full of wonder and what Chesterton styled as the gratitude we owe to our Creator.
I think we have to see our world as something of a Fairy Story. Tolkien saw it that way as did one of his influences G.K. Chesterton. An important aspect of the Fairy Story is "the Consolation of the Happy Ending" what Tolkien called the Eucatastrophe. We are in a drama which has its tragic dimensions and we must not lose sight of the goal which is not so much some utopian dream of materialistic excess in this world as the ultimate Joy awaiting us. We experience it here as "a fleeting glimpse of Joy, Joy beyond the walls of the world, poignant as grief." It is a vision we are called to communicate to others because they are trapped instead in the confusion of a nightmare.
I'm not sure that sounded much more cheerful. Kicking back with a glass of plum wine or Horton's raspberry wine and contemplating the beauty of a moment makes one glad not to have surfeit because it would only blunt the appreciation of a world full of wonder and what Chesterton styled as the gratitude we owe to our Creator.
Santorum Looking Like the New "Not Romney" Candidate
SEE HERE Rick Santorum certainly scored an upset this past weekend and that can't but boost his campaign. Mitt Romney is showing more and more every day that he's simply not going to energize the base and without an energized base he has little chance of winning the election. It's just Ford, Dole, McCain, Romney ... the scourge of the RINO nebishes. The Republican establishment needs to be recycled including most of the pseudo-conservative pundits who keep pretending that Romney is a conservative. Give me a break. Read his record.
Game Over — It's Called Weather
SEE HERE 20th century climate variability within norms set by the past 12 centuries peer reviewed study concludes. Are we done with global warming alarmism yet or doesn't truth trump nonsense anymore? The paper shows that the data produced by proxies is within the range of previous weather but it also says: "... the rate of warming from the 19th to the 20th century is unprecedented ..." so it plays it both ways. On the other hand we've been experiencing cooling for the past 12 years and no warming and there's no evidence that the climate models actually work to predict anything, so go figure.
Compromise Progressive Style
SEE HERE One blog pointing to another. Devereaux asks some of the right questions. Why can't conservatives take the fight to the progressives and the answer seems to be that the progressives aggressively manage the language and have conned the universe into interpreting things their way. Well it's time to take back the language and call them what they are defining our terms precisely and demanding that they define theirs precisely too. I'm really tired of letting the progressive get away with this verbicide.
Department of Homeland Security — Excuse Me While I Laugh
SEE HERE Read about the real state of the Southern border and ask yourself if this is the way a sovereign nation should handle their borders? The answer is that the Obama administration and their media collaborators are keeping what is really happening at a low profile. Moreover the Department of Homeland Security is using regulations to actually impede enforcement of U.S. immigration law. This whole thing is an outrage. Obama should be impeached and the DHS shut down.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
The Next Round In the Obama Eligibility Question
SEE HERE March 1st we'll hear what Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse's findings are. That should be entertaining. I'm in the camp that believes that to be eligible to be president of the United States you have to have been born of two American citizens at the time of your birth. It's clear Obama does not meet that standard. It is less clear whether he meets the lower standard (which has apparently received no court test) of just being an American citizen by birth.
The birth certificate issues bear on that determination since Obama has presented both a certificate of live birth which was forged (or so it has been alleged) and later a birth certificate which was not the original document or a facsimile thereof but instead a multi-layered Adobe illustrator document which a number of document experts claims is forged in rather evident way with documentation of the parts of the document which were modified. As further evidence the sequence number of the birth certificate is incorrect for Obama's birth date which is hard to account for given ordinary procedures. No one has offered an explanation for that discrepancy.
Meanwhile the Georgia judge unaccountably found for Obama. (I still don't understand how someone who presented no evidence and refused a subpena can be awarded the case unless skullduggery was involved. But what do I know. I'm not a lawyer.) We'll see how long this hilarious road show can go on without resolution. I just can't get over the fact that it's even happening. I had to produce my birth certificate to talk to my Social Security Office but the president gets away with stonewalling the world. I guess that's what happens when you're good a reading teleprompters?
The birth certificate issues bear on that determination since Obama has presented both a certificate of live birth which was forged (or so it has been alleged) and later a birth certificate which was not the original document or a facsimile thereof but instead a multi-layered Adobe illustrator document which a number of document experts claims is forged in rather evident way with documentation of the parts of the document which were modified. As further evidence the sequence number of the birth certificate is incorrect for Obama's birth date which is hard to account for given ordinary procedures. No one has offered an explanation for that discrepancy.
Meanwhile the Georgia judge unaccountably found for Obama. (I still don't understand how someone who presented no evidence and refused a subpena can be awarded the case unless skullduggery was involved. But what do I know. I'm not a lawyer.) We'll see how long this hilarious road show can go on without resolution. I just can't get over the fact that it's even happening. I had to produce my birth certificate to talk to my Social Security Office but the president gets away with stonewalling the world. I guess that's what happens when you're good a reading teleprompters?
TEA Party Dead? — Only If You Let It Die!
Clear and incisive. If "We the people" roll over and play dead then we will have lost our liberty. That's what it comes down to. Get active. Become a minuteman, not necessarily with firearms although that's what the 2nd amendment was about, but with political action. Vote based on preserving the Constitution and our fundamental liberties and don't be gulled by seductive promises of handouts from big government. That's where most of the problem originates. TANSTAAFL — There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. The cost of all the free lunches will end up being your freedom.
Ersatz Science
SEE HERE I guess that about sums it up all right. Climate Science is a phony discipline that has been created to advance a political agenda. The earth's climate system is too complex to model with the available models and while it is a valid scientific effort to attempt to advance our understanding of the system through a process of sophisticated modeling what has actually happened is a small group of climate modelers have gamed the system to pretend they are a cut above their fellows and can make dramatic pronouncements that cannot be questioned. This is nonsense. Science does not work on the basis of "authority." Science is about data and the validation of any principles advanced to explain data. The crop of "climate scientists" instead attempt to suppress data that conflicts with their agenda. Yup! Ersatz science about sums it up all right.
Religious Liberty Just Like Civil Liberty Endangered
SEE HERE Hitler? Far-fetched? I suppose you might think so. I'm sure the German people didn't think Hitler was a great threat when he came to power. He was going to save the Fatherland and they thought they needed a strong leader. Hitler was a powerful speaker and didn't need a teleprompter. C.S. Lewis once commented that even if you didn't know the language you were moved by Hitler's speeches. I went to a movie once that featured footage from Hitler's Germany with many of his speeches and I can vouch for what Lewis said. Luckily our own fearless leader isn't nearly as persuasive, but he is clearly as dangerous. Freedom is lost on chip at a time. Chip a little here, compromise a little there, chip a little more and pretty soon you are shackled and a slave of the state. We've had a lot of years of chipping all through my lifetime. I can feel the shackles snapping shut, CLACK.
Was the Vote Count in Nevada Fraudulent?
SEE HERE I don't know the answer to that question. I also don't think that the evidence given in this article is particularly convincing, but the lack of transparency in the vote counting process is troubling. If there is fraud in the counting then that's pretty serious. After all 'It's Not the People Who Vote that Count; It's the People Who Count the Votes' according to Papa Joe Stalin. No doubt he taught the liberals a thing or two, but if it's leaking into the Republican party we need a whole new system that is more secure against fraud.
We Need Changes In Education
SEE HERE The whole idea of public education by systems controlled by the state is essentially a totalitarian idea. Why anyone thinks this is a good idea is a bit mystifying. It requires one to trust the state far more than history suggests that states can be trusted. The world has gotten along quite well without public education in the past, indeed better than we are currently experiencing. It's time we retire the vision of John Dewey in favor of an educational system that favors independent study and values that are objective.
Patriot Humor Today
SEE HERE I like the Patriot Humor posts. They almost always have some really fun stuff. The first piece came floating around the internet yesterday and I read it to my wife and she almost duplicated the experience since she was drinking coffee at the time. Sign up if you want to receive more.
So How Well Is It Going In Afghanistan?
SEE HERE It's always a tough call when you have to contradict your boss. It sure doesn't do anything for your career, ask Terry Lakin. So how are things really going on the ground in Afghanistan? Do we really care? Could someone tell me again what the mission is? How do you know when it's over? When you fight a war against barbarians on the premise that you can civilize them, you might be doomed to fail. We need an assessment of the mission that is clear to the American people who are asked to send their children to fight and die in distant lands for obscure ends.
The Fundamental Stupidity Continues
SEE HERE Spend money like it's water and there's no limit. Spend beyond your revenue sources. Don't worry because somehow it will all work out. Leave it to the next legislature to deal with the problems you've created. This is the philosophy that is destroying us. We need not only a balanced budget amendment, but a requirement that all bills be fully funded from available assigned revenue and it that revenue dries up so does the spending. We're going down the tubes financially and since we go out of our way not to teach people economics, most people just assume things are all right. We're all going to be in for a shock when the tsunami hits. You can see it building but it is harder to see exactly where the tipping point is, but it seems a lot closer than it has seemed in the past.
Liars, Damn Liars, and Statisticians
SEE HERE Well that's how Mark Twain characterized statistics. It's certainly possible to mislead with statistics especially when you don't maintain total transparency to the underlying data. The idea that the job market is getting better is probably an illusion produced by the way employment and unemployment are defined. If you stop looking for a job because you are discouraged and tired of being turned down then you are no longer considered unemployed. Wow! What a concept. So if no-one is employed and none of them are looking for employment we have 100% employment but no-one is employed. Is that how it works? MORE
Why You Don't Want Socialism — Unless You're In Love With Poverty For All
SEE HERE Today's Delancey Place quotes from The Dominion of War: Empire and Liberty in North America, 1500-2000 by Fred Anderson by Penguin (Non-Classics) — "U.S. GDP, already three times larger than Russia's at the time of the Revolution, is now
seven times larger at $15 trillion." The reality of socialism is that it discourages initiative and industry and rewards indolence and constrains freedom and fundamental rights, especially those related to property and owning what you have created and earned. Russian communism is a case in point. However, it would not be difficult to multiply examples among the many varied socialist regimes in the world.
You Can Call Yourself Anything You Want To
SEE HERE But that doesn't make it so! Romney is not only not a conservative, but he's relatively clueless. He's plastic man, what do you want him to be today? He can do it because his only core value is winning like all the other RINOs.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Smart Bullets
SEE HERE This is just amazing. They apparently designate the target with a laser so that the guidance system responds by homing on the designated target. The very fact that it can be done at all is absolutely amazing.
Let's Get Out of the United Nations and Kick Them Out of the Country
It would be interesting to see how long that bunch of windbag globalists would last without the implied certification of U.S. support. My guess is not long!
Monckton Nails Cook — Facts Trump Stupidity
SEE HERE I've seen Christopher Monckton debate on several occasions benefit of YouTube and he's always devastating because he's done his homework and knows what he is talking about. On the other hand, like most liberals, the global warming alarmists just generate mantras about consensus and supposedly settled science. But the fact of the matter is that the settled science is so cherry picked and phony that no real scientist could salute it. They cherry pick their proxies. They gin up phony statistics to suppress established warm periods of the past. They build into their models non-physical processes for the sole purpose of getting the results they want and then their models don't match the historical record so instead of changing their models they change the historical record. This is sham science and Monckton knows it and cuts them off at the knees.
The Real Story On Jobs Is Not At All Rosy
SEE HERE The job picture is collapsing and not getting better. More and more people have just stopped trying to find a job. The Obama administration acts like the news is good when it is really very bad.
Caveat Emptor
SEE HERE Ringer points out that while you as a businessman may think you should provide a quality product the fact is that quality is a rather soft concept. He critiques a number of other reader's ideas as well. This is food for thought whether you agree or disagree. The danger with imposing "soft" concepts is that government gets free rein to define them any way that they want and then you're in a straitjacket of regulation and tyranny.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
You're Being Gamed By Obama And The Moslem Brotherhood
Just go out and read their literature and stop listening to the propaganda. The goal is quite clear and it is the destruction of the West. They are making good progress too.
The Entitlement Mentality
Destroying America ... one unbacked debt at a time leading to financial slavery. Reality hurts. Get real!
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