Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Romney Wins Florida by Going 15 Million Dollars Negative

SEE HERE Red State points out that Romney doesn't have the base and that if the base could unify on an alternative candidate Romney would have lost. The problem is that he didn't lose even though he's a loser.

He's a loser because he's not really a conservative. He's a loser because he campaigned by systematically lying. He's a loser because he's not a real alternative to Obama, just Obama-lite. If the nation is truly at risk, as I and many others believe, then Obama-lite is not going to turn it around.

One problem is that we are a nation where almost 50% have been brainwashed that their plight is the fault of the very rich when in fact their plight is the fault of rapacious government. But almost 50% pay no income tax and many of the other taxes that they do pay are cleverly disguised as valid costs. They do receive "benefits" which in many cases make them net on the dole. These voters see no problem with continuing the game and don't understand that when the game is over the benefits will be gone and so will their freedoms. One can imagine however just how implausible that must have sounded not only in 21st century America but equally so in fifth century Rome or in Russia or France just before their revolutions. A study of history shows that collapse often comes just as things were starting to look a little better. Be alert! As the song goes: "The times, they are a'changing!"

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