Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"I actually believe in redistribution ... "

The whole notion that "redistribution" is something that is a valid government concern implies that wealth is unearned and that government has a right to allocate it. If wealth is earned, then redistribution is simply stealing by the government to ensure a preferred outcome by giving someone else's earned wealth to someone who didn't earn it. This is nothing more than thievery by government. Packaging it in pretty words doesn't change the reality. It disincentivizes people at both ends of the spectrum: 1) why work if the government is going to give you money, and 2) why work if the government is going to steal your money. The result is less wealth earned and a poorer economy. Done more massively it leads to universal poverty not wealth at all. If you want a more prosperous country then create incentives to learn trades and skills and work. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch! TANSTAAFL!

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