Thursday, January 31, 2013

Someone Who Knows What He's Talking About

Paul Krugman Is An Idiot

Any country can print as much money as it wants but that's really not the issue. When you print too much money you devalue the currency and steal the value from the existing store of wealth by make that wealth insofar as it is denominated in currency less valuable. If you want to see what that's like you should look at the German hyper inflation in the early 1920s which is widely thought to have brought on the Nazi regime and ask yourself if that could happen here. Krugman is just another unreliable mouthpiece for the current administration.

From 2010 And Nothing Has Changed

You should be mad as hell. If you are mad as hell, then do something.

You don't think government knows what it's doing do you?

SEE HERE There are fourteen programs with vignettes on each and all had serious unintended consequences many timea lethal ones. This frankly, is a telling criticism of the government seen as the solution to problems. Not only is the government poor at diagnosing the problems but they are even worse at solving them, even where solutions are truly government responsibilities under the Constitution. We could save a lot of money and empower a lot of people by simply ramping down or cancelling these programs. As Ronald Reagan said,"Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem."

Allen West on Greta

SEE HERE Greta and Allen have a discussion on the latest economic news.  The economy actually shrank!  The response of the Democrats is to blame the Republicans while the Democrats have not passed a budget in four years and show now signs of trying to pass one.  This is not politics so much as criminal malfeasance in office.  The Democrats control the Senate and the White House but it's the Republican's fault?  This blame game that the Democrats play is the result of their failed principles, none of which work and all of which lead directly to the kinds of results we've been getting.  Moreover they were to blame for the bad results in the Bush years as well.  It was then the Democrat controlled Congress that followed irresponsible economic policies and brought on the housing bubble.  The problem is that when you act on economic principles that are not true you get bad results.  The video points out that Arthur Laffer, the economist the Democrats love to hate, along with Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams helped Reagan achieve over 7% real GDP growth ... let's not play the blame game.  Instead let's recognize that when you have failed policies it's time to change course and do something different.  Cut the overregulation, reduce spending, cut taxes and recharge the economy instead of being the biggest parasite on the block.

Ted Cruz On The Gun Control Discourse

The bottom line is that the gun control discourse is based entirely on lying and spin.  It's just that simple.  When you have to lie to general support then the agenda needs to be examined just that much more carefully.  What's the real motive?  Pandering to their constituents?  A progressive step towards undermining and totally overthrowing the second amendment?  One more step towards disempowering the citizens?  When you resort to lying then you've already revealed that you're a scoundrel and the motives of scoundrels are rarely if ever worthy.

Senator Rubio Provides A Thoughtful Response On Immigration Reform

SEE HERE One point I want to make is that this is a good example of thoughtful discourse, something you rarely see coming from the Democrat side which specialize instead in dismissal and name calling.  I posted Patriot Post's quote from Benjamin Franklin on my Facebook wall and I'll put it up here as well:

"Strangers are welcome because there is room enough for them all, and therefore the old inhabitants are not jealous of them; the laws protect them sufficiently so that they have no need of the patronage of great men; and every one will enjoy securely the profits of his industry. But if he does not bring a fortune with him, he must work and be industrious to live." --Benjamin Franklin, Those Who Would Remove to America, 1784

We have by many estimates over eleven million illegal immigrants in the United States and that is simply unacceptable.  We need to correct that and rounding them up and shipping them out is not a workable solution.  Even if it cold be done it is rather more like a totalitarian solution than a measured and reasoned solution.  Rubio offers a proposal which strives to provide a solution that is just and fair to both the legal and illegal immigrants and that should certainly be a baseline principle: Illegals should not be rewarded for their illegal entry.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

More Live Fire Sounding Drills In Populated Areas

So what is this about?  And here's the same kind of thing in L.A.

Liberals Lie And Then Fake Evidence ... Not Surprising But Certainly Funny Sometimes

SEE HERE The sad thing is that this is not an unusual situation.  Liberals are almost always lying.  They are the most agenda driven folks on the planet.  They lie and then they invent "evidence" to try to make the lie stick.  That's pretty despicable actually, but it is quite common.

Death By Bureaucracy

SEE HERE This is how freedom dies.  Truth in advertising would be one thing, but the government constantly regulating every aspect of our lives as if they know anything is worse than a tragedy.  It is simply tyranny.  The nanny state doesn't make you safer, it just ensures that the government has control over your life.  And you think they care about you?  Wow are you deluded! MORE  In case you think these kinds of things are reasonable.

Monday, January 28, 2013

A Metaphor For Going Straight Into The Crapper

The U.S. in decline, humorous decline.

Disarming The Population Increases The Crime Rate

SEE HERE U.S. not even in the top 10. Surprise surprise!

Exploring the Hypocrisy of this Administration

"... the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens on U.S. soil ..." don't think that it can't happen.  One might even argue that it is being planned.

The Inaugural Prayer Breakfast: "Without Truth There Is No Love"

He who has ears let him hear!  The city on a hill has darkened ... When God is defied He raises up prophets and saints.  We are all called to repent and return to the Lord. ( Isaiah 9:10 an interpretation of a nation in rebellion against God )

All you who dwell in darkness ... you are called ... the Watchmen on the towers are calling "Awaken!"

It's A Cultural Problem And We Refuse To Face The Truth

The non-Rotarians ... perhaps we should profile them.  "This is madness" ... yes it is.  It is total madness brought to you by the liberal progressives whose mindset is frankly a mental state of total delusion, in essence a mental disease.  We need to restore the spirit that motivated the Continental Army under George Washington: "Victory or Death."

Duh! — Of Course They Were Gun Running

SEE HERE The idea that the whole Benghazi operation was about gun-running has been speculated about now for several months.  It finally filters into the United States Senate via Rand Paul.  If in fact this was what they were doing it makes the lack of adequate security even more culpable since it is fairly obvious that such activity would draw negative attention.  We have a bunch of total incompetents in charge and they are intentionally destabilizing the Middle East.  How this can possibly be in the best interests of the United States is hard to imagine.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Betrayal of Educators

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell gives an account of the societal betrayal of educators who have misused the schools to undermine their own society. It's time to restore perspective while the republic still stands.

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Does no-one care about what is clearly evidence of fraud. Why did the president's people commit felonious false representation? Colin Powell called on his birther remarks. The problem here is ignoring the data. The evidence is overwhelming so why is no-one willing to look at the evidence? It isn't the birthers that are crazy, it's the people who have their heads stuck in the sand.
Orley Taitz who keeps pressing the case with heroic diligence. It's not like there is any shortage of evidence that something is seriously wrong.

650,000 Marched For Life in 2013 While The Media Ignored It

Abortion is murder! If you are deluded to think otherwise then you are part of the problem and not part of the solution. The solution is a return to virtue, something too long suspended. Before it is too late decide for life and not for death. Satan was a murderer from the beginning.

The Issue of Our Time Is Between Light And Darkness

SEE HERE I was drawn into this essay by the fact that it started with one of my favorite Chesterton quotes, although I commonly misquote it as "Anything worth doing is worth doing badly" while I'm sure Joseph Pearce gets it right as "If a thing is worth doing at all, it's worth doing badly." Beyond that of course this is a movie review. The movie is about the French Revolution and it is done with child actors. The French Revolution was murderous and frankly calls into question the capacity of human beings to be good without Divine intervention. NAVIS PICTURES — Introducing kids to film-making.

The President Can't Make Law — That's Congress's Business

So What Is This About?

The government and the police need to conduct coordinated exercises in Miami with machine gun equipped military helicopters? Whatever for? This doesn't seem right to me. The United States military is never supposed to be turned on the citizenry.

Are You In? or Are You Going to Submit to the Chains?

SEE HERE The Constitution doesn't mean anything to the left.  It's just an old piece of paper that they never tire of ignoring.  That's why our government has swelled with unconstitutional agencies and powers over the course of the 20th century and on into the 21st.  When they have your guns your ability to resist will be over.

Core Beliefs That Count

SEE HERE Are you in charge of your life and determining what you need and how you will go about satisfying your need or is some faceless bureaucrat in Washington with a dossier on you the one who is in charge?  COMMENTARY

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Will You Order Troops To Fire On American Citizens?

Litmus test for our military running up to the administration's war on the American people.

This Is Beyond Funny ... And These Characters Vote

I stumbled into this and it's too funny.

Getting It Straight


Never Retreat — The Best Defense Is A Good Offense

SEE HERE Sarah Palin isn't going away soon and I'm glad for that. She's a lady with guts and vision unlike the slime on the left.  "We have not yet begun to fight!" — John Paul Jones

Bill Whittle On The Reelection of Barack Obama

The beginning of the second term, half-way to the end of a nightmare.

Protect the Children Against Liberals

The biggest bane on the nation today is the legacy brought to us by the liberal progressives.  Their entire agenda is totalitarian in intent and import.  They have a lot of fellow travelers who believe their lies, but at root, down where the slime spirals into the sewer what they are about is power, control, and tyranny.  Tyranny Rising!

Is the Government Just Spying On Everybody? Probably!

SEE HERE The law of the universe is that if something can be done then someone will do it.  Today even a private individual with a modest budget can create a dossier on everyone in the world with enough savvy.  So what do you think the government can do?  Do you think they would exercise restraint?  Don't be silly.  Google changed everything because it created a technology that make the searching of vast amounts of data a realistic possibility.  So of course they are doing it.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Brendan Nails It! We Have Fundamentally Dishonest People Running The Government

SEE HERE "You in public office are fundamentally dishonest people. You lead lives of deception at every turn, structuring your lives as comfortably as you can while governing with an indifference and arrogance that is absolutely maddening. When the country is reeling from financial disaster, you waste a trillion dollars on a health care bill we can’t afford and you’ve never read. You claim it’s critical because health care costs are killing this country… no they’re not, you are! You are killing this country. You endorse the ongoing slaughter of millions of unborn children and whine when terrorists are water boarded. You can’t lecture us right in Newtown High School about not doing enough to keep our children safe, while simultaneously slaughtering the unborn. You fabricate the intense, media laden drama of the fiscal cliff and lack the courage to do anything about truly reforming the obscene gluttony of government. You know you’ll be out of office before the bill comes due… you don’t care and have no integrity nor honor."

Sometimes in moments of frustration is when the words come that capture the truth as it is!   Integrity?  Honor?  In Washington D.C.?  Today?  Tyranny Rising!

NLRB Gives the Finger to the Court

SEE HERE Well that's about what it amounts to.  Explain how a decision that some of your members were unconstitutionally elected gives you the right to go forward as if nothing has happened?  BOB GOODLATTE ON THE MATTER

Mark Levin on Benghazi Picking Apart The President's Testimony

Liars, liars, liars, .... nothing but lies.  When do we get the real story as they squirm and wriggle, put up smoke screens and lies.  Beyond belief!  "This is a big time cover up" — I agree with Mark Levin.  This was and is inexcusable.

Don't Expect Common Courtesy From This President

SEE HERE You have to wonder whether president Obama has any class at all beyond crass?  It's pretty bad when a four star has to find out he's been relieved because it has been announced by the Pentagon without even a "heads-up." 

Stop Being The Stupid Party! Well Duh!

SEE HERE Bobby Jindal on what it takes to turn things around for the Republicans. FULL TEXT

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Benghazi Betrayal

SEE HERE Check out Ambassador Stevens In His Own Words.  This was a betrayal of trust and a set of despicable people failing those they put in harms way.  These people can't be trusted.

Compulsion Excludes Virtue Destroying Moral Credit

Interesting byplay illustrating some of the reasons that government isn't always a good solution.

Think About It — Who Do You Trust?

This is worth thinking about.  The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen here.  Defend the 2nd Amendment.

How Much Worse Can It Get?

SEE HERE Worst ever ... we're there!  Now the next step is to totally destabilize the currency and seize the guns and impose martial law (not necessarily in that order) declare victory and cancel all election forward because we are now in the hands of the Messiah who will take care of us. (I'm not sure whether this is humor or prophecy — Contact me in four years on that!)

"We Are Dealing With The Devil In D.C."

I've been convinced of the "dealing with the devil" remark for some time. A little research on evil would likely bring you to the same conclusion. The devil is the lord of this world, a world enslaved by sin and he's celebrating his victories in the United States since at least the 1960s if not before. Whether you believe in a literal devil or merely as a metaphor for evil makes no very big difference. The problem is here. The time to combat it is now. Tyranny Rising!

March 2012 — Don't Know If We Can Kill U.S. Citizens At Will

Did you know about this? This is not the government I grew up with. It sounds more like something I'd expect from the National Socialists in 1936 in Germany. We have such monsters in government today and no-one seems to care. Tyranny Rising!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

McCain on Clinton's Benghazi Testimony

MORE TESTIMONY BEFORE THE HOUSE Frankly I was not at all impressed by Clinton's testimony. It was all cover. Rand Paul raked her over the coals. WATCH "A failure of leadership" at least. RED STATE WEIGHS IN

We Need To Crack Down On Voter Fraud

SEE HERE ... or there will not be a republic much longer.  This is disgraceful.  There is simply mountains of evidence that this election was stolen and no-one is doing anything very much.  We have to reform the system because otherwise there will be no system much longer.

Military Leadership Litmus Test: Will You Fire On U.S. Citizens?

SEE HERE  I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not.” Those who will not are being removed.

This was posted by Jim Garrow on his Facebook page two days ago.  I researched Mr. Garrow who is a credible source.  Moreover, sad though it is, the claim is plausible.  This president seems to be working towards a catastrophic event that would motivate the declaration of martial law and the imposition of controls which if resisted would require firing on U.S. citizens.  They want more than your guns.  They want your freedom.

There Are No Bounds To The Hypocrisy Of The Left

SEE HERE "Do as I say, not as I do" could be a mantra of the left.  As Sarah Palin says, "If it weren't for double standards liberals would have no standards at all."  Of course the point is that liberals don't really have standards or principles only positions of convenience for the moment.  Should the position no longer be convenient it is dispensed with and the new position which might totally contradict that last position is put in place without so much as a ruffled feather because liberals have only a single principle and that is having their own way.

Cooperation With Evil Is Evil

SEE HERE I applaud those exhibitors boycotting the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show being held at the State Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg Feb. 2 through 10.  It is cooperation with those who seek to remove our God given fundamental right of self-defense, protected in the 2nd amendment to the United States Constitution to pretend that because a gun is black and forbidding that that makes it different from one which has a wooden stock.  The fundamentals are the same.  No gun is evil.  Evil is a moral description of the person who uses a gun to commit evil acts.  To disarm the citizen is an evil act.  There should be no cooperation with evil.  Make no mistake about the intent of those who seek to curtail arms.  They are out to disarm you, make you defenseless, so that they can no longer be effectively resisted.

Pride Goeth Before A Fall — A Result Devoutly To Be Wished

SEE HERE The arrogance of the president is quite beyond ordinary imagining.  He actually thinks that he is smarter than all his advisers and can do everything better than anyone else.  That is pretty laughable actually given his performance so far.  One has to wonder what dimension of his own work he thinks so wonderful?  Unless the performance we see in the economy and in other areas is actually what he intends... which is the troubling possibility.  Red State summarizes today.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The American Holocaust — Worse Than Germany or Russia or China

The mindless killing of the unborn diminishes us all.  We pretend it is of no account because the victims are small and largely unseen.  But that is no excuse.

The Benghazi Cover-Up

SEE HERE We need full disclosure on the Benghazi situation.  What was going on?  Why were the former Seals told to stand-down in the face of hostile action?  What was the president's involvement?  This sounds like Fast and Furious only worse. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

This Cop Needs to Lose His Job and The State Sued

Apparently all too many cops confuse themselves with Nazi storm troopers.

Ethics? On the left? What Never Was and Never Will Be!

SEE HERE It's bizarre really how the whole climate thing is misrepresented and spun in the leftard media.  When the left engages in egregious dishonesty they're given a pass.  When the right just tries to set the record straight they are pilloried.  This reason for this is that the left is fundamentally dishonest.  They are dishonest in their methods and their goals.  They act like they are working for the public good when the reality is that they are working for money, control, and power and they don't care what they have to do to get it.  They lie, cheat, commit fraud, make empty accusations and act offended when they are caught.  The mysterious thing is why anyone should let them get away with it.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Does It Get Any Funnier Than This?

SEE HERE Eric Holder getting tough on gun running?  I mean What!!?? Let's just jump to the obvious conclusion that he should put himself in jail.  I can't believe these bozos are so blatantly in your face insulting as to pretend that the folks that ran the biggest gun running operation around to Mexican drug lords (Fast and Furious) and then were funneling arms to Islamic jihadists that got our ambassador in Libya killed (Benghazi) have the gall to stand up and say they're going to be tough on gun running.  This isn't just hypocrisy, it's total delusion.  They must think the American people have the attention span of a gnat ... oh wait is Downton Abbey coming on ... hold that thought.

Gun Confiscation Is What They Are Really About

SEE HERE  This is New York but it's a liberal thing.  Don't be gamed or gulled, this is their objective period.  These folks are seeking to turn you all into sheeple so that they can then do whatever they damn well please with you.  Tyranny Rising!

A Long Time Ago In This Increasingly Decadent World

SEE HERE In a decadent world, growing more decadent each day, many years ago now, my sister through her heroic action saved a child's life. We are still in the grip of Satan as our citizens are propagandized that somehow a little person is of less worth before they are born and can be summarily executed. The sickness of promiscuity and the lack of virtue is sickening in our world today. But there are still those who will stand up for the unborn, for the weak, for the old, for those who the modern world deems less valuable. What makes a person valuable? It isn't the Nobel Prize or a great job or a political position. What makes a person valuable is the image of God stamped on their souls. What makes them saints is obedience to God. We live in a society that is a wreck because it serves only Satan.

I always liked Mark Twain's defense of Satan though.  He said,"We may not pay him reverance, for that would be indiscreet, but we can at least respect his talents. A person who has for untold centuries maintained the imposing position of spiritual head of four-fifths of the human race, and political head of the whole of it, must be granted the possession of executive abilites of the loftiest order."  As more and more of our fellow citizens serve that dark spirit that C.S. Lewis styled the "bent Oyarsa" we see our society sinking into a quadmire of degradation.  

It is important to be mindful of heroism and to try with all our might to motivate it in ourselves and others.  Satan was a murderer from the beginning. Shun evil and strive always to do good.

The Lunatics Are Running The Asylum — Liberalism Is A Mental Disease

SEE HERE Is it possible to return to sanity? This whole gun demonization thing is quite insane. There was never anything wrong with westerns or cap pistols, or squirt guns or bubble guns for that matter. How about nerf guns?

The lunatics that have captured the schools and discipline children for imaginary crimes are actually destroying children for no reason at all but their failure to have any common sense. I've been watching this get worse and worse for a number of years. They suspend people on the flimsiest of motives for imaginary nonsense that is just playing as if they are doing something wrong and then they wonder why kids don't know the difference between what is really wrong and the nonsense they've been told is wrong.

When you teach children nonsense you get children that also don't have any common sense. The advice I'd give any parent is get your kids out of the system and into something that is solidly grounded in virtue and reason. Homeschool if you can but don't sacrifice your kids at the public school. Find a church related school or some kind of school cooperative. The public schools are cesspools of violence, immorality and something resembling insanity.

Liberals With Guns — Liberalism Is A Mental Disease

Common Sense — Something The Media Doesn't Have Much Of

Why don't we lionize the good guys? Good question. Makes you wonder whose side the media is on? It sure doesn't feel like it is ours.

Islam Is A Savage Cult — It's Time To Get Tough Not Sensitive

SEE HERE I could just puke when I hear the numbskulls go on about how the Muslims would be so peaceful if we didn't rile them up. No they wouldn't. The religion of peace only believes in peace when the whole world is under their power and Sharia. In the meantime it is the religion of total war. They need to be rounded up and put somewhere where they can have their Sharia and kill each other instead of killing everyone that is a "kuffar" (derogatory word for non-Muslims). How many acts of savagery do the followers of this Satanic cult have to perform before we figure it out and do something meaningful?

North Carolina Moves Gun Rally So It Won't Disturb The Poor Politicians Or Be Observed By The People

Wild Bill has it just right. When I heard yesterday that North Carolina had marginalized the Jan 19th gun rally it was with a pang of angst. Freedom to peacefully assembly is not a right that government has the right to marginalize. Note that the people who came cooperated but it was no less an outrage.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

UTS 15

Liberals Are All Hypocrits

"You screwed up period. — End of story!" Great In Your Face Put Down!

The 2nd Amendment Is To Defend Freedom — Those Against It Are Supporting Tyranny

"You screwed up, period -- End of Story!"  Great In Your Face Put Down!

Perpetrating Myths About The Right And Spinning Up The Left

SEE HERE The Combating Terrorism Center at the United States Military Academy, West Point, warns about far right groups in a report posted Tuesday (Jan 16, 2013).  Judging from the excerpts summarized in this account the report regurgitates left-wing prejudices rather than engage the serious issue of left wing extremism in the country. 

 “While far-right groups’ ideology is designed to exclude minorities and foreigners, the liberal-democratic system is designed to emphasize civil rights, minority rights and the balance of power.”

That quote says it all.  The reality is that the left in this country is the primary source of ideology marginalizing minorities and foreigners through programs which trap them in a cycle of dependency.  Moreover, looking through a liberal lens the report apparently can't see the dangers posed by the Communists, Marxists, and Socialists that inhabit the left and that have captured many otherwise benign and useful movements. 

I looked around for some information on the author of this report and discovered he was a coauthor of a book on Jewish Terrorism and that Oathkeepers doesn't much like him: HERE  That being said, the report sounds rather superficial and agenda driven.

This Is Funny But Pathetic

SEE HERE Hire a Chinaman!  This is beyond funny to totally pathetic.  With this kind of work ethic the United States could go downhill fast.  Luckily it is probably pretty rare (Knock on wood!).  Most amusing of all is "...his company considered him the best developer in the building."

Sure Liberals Are Smart And Responsible ... Tell Me Another One!

SEE HERE The only thing that liberals are good for is destroying perfectly good things by claiming they can do a better job and then demonstrating their unimaginable and incredible incompetence.  Is it intentional?  That's hard to say since they are always changing the story about their intentions.  Are they responsible?  Well not if you ask them.  It's always someone else's fault.  Bush did it.  Or they inherited an impossible situation and it just didn't work out.  The problem with all those stories is that they really don't fit the reality of the situation.  The real story is that they are so committed to things that are just not true that they adopt destructive policies that end up in disaster.  If you want the whole country to look like Detroit ... just wait.  We're on track.

Smart Money Dumping Stock? — Gee I Wonder Why?

SEE HERE It couldn't be because the administration has been so crippling the economy that a major correction is in the offing now could it?  Irresponsible government is the at the heart of almost all our problems.  If you got the government out of things you'd be surprised to discover that people can take care of themselves without all the help from the nanny-state.

“Companies will be spending more money on borrowing costs than business expansion costs. That means lower profit margins, lower dividends, and less hiring. Plus, more layoffs.”

A Lesson In Firearms For Those That Don't Know Much About Them

This segment does a nice job of showing the difference between a variety of weapons in a common setting.  The lady doing the shooting is Jessie Duff, a world champion marksman.  Check it out!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Liberals And Blacks — You're Being Gamed

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell points out how the liberal results fall far short of the liberal rhetoric.  As my mother used to say, "Words are cheap!"  If you look at the data you discover that that's all it is, words.

When Do You Fight? — We Have Traitors In Our Midst

SEE HERE Mark Levin sums up the fiscal disaster that is facing us.  Just because you can't win doesn't mean you don't fight.  At least a fight would inform the American people how irresponsible the government is being.  The Senate has not passed a budget since Obama has been president.  This is irresponsible, indeed basically criminal.  If you did this kind of job in your own employment you'd be fired and maybe charged with malfeasance.  Mark lays it out.  You should listen.

Wild Bill In Congress — That Would Be Interesting

I'm quite sure Wild Bill could not pull all this off but wouldn't it be nice to have some people in Congress that actually showed they had principles and guts?  It would be great fun watching the liars and hypocrites calling names and posturing if nothing else.

If You Can Make It To Richmond Tomorrow You Should Do It

SEE HERE The 2nd amendment is that important.  Let your state government know that you're not in favor of the president's gun control and gun grabbing agenda.  An armed man is a citizen.  An unarmed man is a subject and soon enough a slave.

I'm From The Government I'm Here To Screw You

SEE HERE Increasingly the intrusive character of the government is beyond understanding.  The government takes the view that people can't take care of themselves in any way with the the blundering and obscene arm of government screwing helping you??  I wonder how they think the Republic managed to survive all those years before the government started all this?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blithering Idiots In New York

SEE HERE ROTFLMAO! Typical stupidity we've come to expect from New York ... land of illegal cokes and blatant favoritism of criminals.

Todd Gilbert Defending the 2nd Amendment

Teaching Racism In The Schools — Despicable

SEE HERE There is no white privilege only the divisive politics of critical race theory.  To teach that there is an objective race oriented privilege bestowed on white people is just as racists as the claims that the Irish were a lessor race, or that Italians were irresponsible or that Black people were inferior.  Each individual deserved to be assessed on their own terms for their skills and abilities and because we are all made in the image and likeness of God.  This kind of training is simply designed to extend and promulgate the racism that has plagued our past.  It isn't a Black and White issue as anyone who knows the history of the Irish, the Polish, the Italians, the Indians, the Chinese, or the Japanese in America could explain.  It is prejudice based on failing to know the individual.  This kind of training is despicable.

Lincoln Was A Republican

So how come the Democrats are allowed to act like they freed the slaves.  Talk about rotten history.  CHECK OUT ALAN WEST and www.NextGeneration.TV  I'm really thrilled to see Alan West staying in the fight.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Reality 101: The NRA Helped Blacks Against the Democrat KKK

SEE HERE When are the idiots in the media and the liberals going to get history straight.  The Republicans freed the slaves and supported them as they strived to get full equal rights.  During the whole period the Democrats fought against it every step of the way.  It is incredible that such a simple, obvious, and fundamental fact can be spun the other way.  It shows how totally deluded the electorate is that this kind of stuff can go on.  Doesn't anyone teach history or is it all propaganda?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

SEE HERE Can we try something else please.  This is proof positive that liberals and government bureaucrats are simply insane.

The Government Lies To Us Routinely — Why Should We Trust Them About Anything?

SEE HERE A free society cannot long endure with a government that routinely lies to them for political purposes.  I remember how much heat President Eisenhower took for lying about the U2 overflight back in the late 1950s and today we've gone so far down hill that the government lies about nearly everything.  If you can't trust government statistics because they're lying why should you trust anything they say or do?  Do you feel better because the government tells you that the unemployment rate is 7.8% when it's more nearly 23%?  I sure as hell don't. 

Wild Bill On: Who Needs An Assault Rifle?

Anyone who wants one and can afford it.  It's called freedom.

How Long Do We Have?

It's anybody's guess how long we can keep just blowing up the debt larger and larger while at the same time crippling the economy so that it isn't growing very much.  That's a clear recipe for disaster.  The president knows it and keeps doing it, so the question becomes whether he actually intends the foreseeable result?

The Purpose of the Bill of Rights — Non-Negotiable Freedoms

SEE HERE It's clear enough that liberals are statists and tyrant wannabes at the very least.  They don't give a fig for the Constitution and would not understand true freedom if they could get their neuron supply up to critical mass to think about it.  Their only interest is in control and they don't care anything about principles, law, or anything else that would limit them.  Red State nails it when they point out once again that the 2nd amendment is not about hunting or any of the other red herrings that the Democrats like to throw out.  It is about the freedoms we all value and making sure they can not be easily taken away.  An armed society is a solid and credible defense against tyranny.  An unarmed society is a group of victims waiting to be enslaved.

Don't Expect The President To Cooperate Period

SEE HERE Listen to Gingrich.  He's been where you are and knows the territory.  He's also smarter than most of you and a patriot which is more than can be said for anyone on the left.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

We Have Failed The Chidren

SEE HERE Being educated for the modern world is to fail to be educated.

Why Do They Want To Move The Gold?

SEE HERE Do they know something we don't?  If so, what is it?  Is all hell going to break loose soon?  We live in interesting times ...

The Hypocrite Density In The Media Approaches 100%

SEE HERE Apparently publicizing gun owners addresses is just fine but don't publicize my address, especially don't let people know that there are no guns here.

Manipulate and Tug on Heartstrings — Thinking Is Too Hard

SEE HERE Here it is.  More manipulation to come.  Find a crisis and milk it for all the increase in power and reduction of freedom you can.  Do it often enough and you'll achieve your purposes. 

This Is What Moral Depravity Looks Like

SEE HERE It's been all downhill since I was a kid.  Things were pretty straightlaced when I was a paperboy in Cleveland Heights Ohio back in the early 1950s.  I had 44 people on my paper route, each a family.  Of those 44 households only one was maintained by a divorced woman.  I knew that because her presence in the neighborhood was the talk of the three street area I served.  She was a nice lady and a good tipper.  The paper cost seven cents a copy.  It was the Cleveland Press, defunct now but popular then.  It was an evening paper delivered six days a week with no Sunday edition.  So I got pretty used to saying "forty-two cents for the Press" as I did my weekly collection on Saturdays.

I was still a little young to be interested in girls but I was getting there.  By the time I was in high school kissing girls was a cool idea.  It wasn't until the mid-sixties that sexual "liberation" got underway.  It's funny to call something "liberation" that was really turning sexual relations into a past time while avoiding any responsibility.  I'm not sure who was liberated.  It certainly wasn't the girls.

Things have gone down hill from there.  Judging from this piece the women are the ones most insured at least in any immediate sense, although the men are insured too because they never learn to be men, instead they are just locked into a animal like desire for gratification.  Perhaps most hurt of all is the society populated by this predator prey scenario.  After a while it stops being a culture or a civilization and starts instead to be a rapacious jungle filled with barbarians and savages.  If we're not entirely there yet, just give it a few more years.

How do we get out of this mess?  I'm not sure you can.  When you're on a slide into a garbage dump you are going to get slimed and it may be pretty difficult to climb out.  But one thought worth thinking is that "the longest journey starts with but a single step" and Marva Collin's question to the children: "How do you eat an elephant?" and the answer: "One bite at a time Mz. Collins."

Oathkeepers: When Do We Stand Up?

You are required as a matter of conscience to refuse to obey an unlawful order.  The Uniform Code of Military Justice requires you to disobey unlawful orders.  "I was just following orders" is not a defense when the order is obviously unlawful.

Is This A Good Thing Or A Bad Thing?

SEE HERE IoT for Internet of Things seems to be an odd idea.  Why do I want all the devices to link to each other all the time automatically.  Information sharing is a good thing, but it is also highly intrusive, especially when done automatically without your knowledge.  So how is individual autonomy and freedom to be preserved in a world where everything is talking to everything else behind your back?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Understand What Is Going On — If You Fail Your Children And Your Children's Children Will Pay The Price

SEE HERE There is something in the air, a kind of stench darkening the sky.  Near my house is  a large tree without leaves this time of year and in the tree quite frequently in the morning the buzzards land and have a convocation.  If it's been misty they even spread their wings.  It is an amazing sight these large and rather ominous looking birds.

We have our own buzzards in America.  They're called liberal progressives, Marxists and Communists, Socialists and reformers and they share a common ideology.  They don't really like freedom.  They think things would be much better if everything was centrally controlled.  They know what is best for you and you better darn well appreciate it.  They want to tell you what to eat, what car to drive, what size house to live in, whether you can mow your lawn or have a garden.  They create indoctrination programs for your children in the schools and they discourage the teaching of the great works of the past in favor of the latest propaganda.

They don't like to be disagreed with so they have created political correctness and accuse you of insensitivity if you don't spout the party line.  Freedom of speech that disagrees with them is hate speech.  They want to curtail your freedom.  They say you have the right to worship where you please but not to speak about God or morals and certainly not to be judgmental of those that violate your narrow view of morals informed by principle and scripture when it disagrees with their gospel of pleasure seeking and killing of the unborn.

They want to take your freedom and impose their own vision, a vision that has failed over and over wherever it has been tried.  But they think they are smarter when they do it again it will work and they'll have to kill fewer rather than the tens of millions each of their earlier heroes had to kill.

The only thing standing in their way is an armed citizenry.  So you can understand why they are eager to take your guns.  It's for your own good they say.  They'll take care you, just like they took care of the Armenians, the Jews, the Kulaks, the Cambodians, the Chinese Cultural Revolution just for starters.  With so much evidence one has to realize that this kind of thing is a form of mental illness, a mindless hubris that left to fester will rise again and do what it has always done.

The lesson of history, taught over and over again, is that free men are better off than centrally planned and controlled conformist ideological states in the hands of an elite who fancy themselves superior to the common man.  An armed man is a free man and a citizen.  An unarmed man is a subject and soon enough a slave.

Tyranny Rising!

SEE HERE It's what it is all about.  Don't kid yourself.  The background of these people says it all.  Their goals are obvious.  They think they can strike now and win.  The average American is too absorbed with reality shows and Downton Abbey to really notice that everything this administration does is orchestrated to bring on every larger crises.  The objective is to create a catastrophic emergency justifying the imposition of centralized force.  The only things standing in their way are the states and the armed citizenry.  The survival of the Republic will be on the table for some time to come but Obama has only four more years to achieve his purposes, his greater flexibility, his domestic Gestapo as large as and as well trained as and as well armed as the U.S. military.  What were we thinking to elect a man that talks the way he does and does the things he does?  What were we thinking?  Oh wait, thinking is hard work, the Biggest Loser is on.  It reminds me a little of Mack Reynolds' science fiction where the population was controlled with "trank and telly" -- i.e. drugs and entertainment.  We're there!

Of Course They're For Sale ... Are They Politicians? Are They Democrats?

SEE HERE If I were making a model of behavior one of the parameters would be susceptibility to bribery.  It would be in the honesty constellation.  It's like the old joke about saying would you go to bed with me for a million dollars ... "Sure" well how about for $20?  "What do you take me for?"  "We've established that now we're just haggling over the price."

Sadly the whole government seems thoroughly saturated with corruption.  It isn't a left/right things or a Democrat / Republican thing ... although truth be told I'm inclined to bet that the parameters when determined would show Democrats as much more guilty of it than Republicans.  But that's to be expected since Democrats really don't have any standards.  It's as Sarah Palin said, "If it weren't for double standards 'Democrats' would have no standards at all."  Well she actually said 'liberals' but since Democrats is a sub-set of liberals the quote still applies.

The real question is whether we're ever going to hold our elected officials to any ethical standards at all?  MORE

Run A Red Light And Get Killed

SEE HERE Is there any perspective?  Ok, this guy ran a red light and had a lot of offenses.  There was another person in the car.  The police clearly could "make" the car and determine if it was stolen.  I fail to see any reason that justifies shooting when the high speed chase was compounded and to some extent stimulated by the police.  This is another example of how the police tend to react in irrational ways, at least that's how it looks.  My brother was a Baltimore Country police officer for many years until he retired.  The police should know better and have better judgment than the people that they apprehend.

The Saga of the Blind Sheik

SEE HERE This is how we are served by an administration built on lies.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Serious Push Back Time

SEE HERE It's time to let the Federal Government know that you've had enough of un-Constitutional things and if they want to do something they should ensure it is Constitutional first.  Most of what they do already frankly is not strictly Constitutional.  They've just parlayed one intrusion into our freedom onto another until we have a mountain of tyranny.

Interesting Concept — Fortress America

SEE HERE I'd sign up in a minute if I could afford it. I think neighborhood militias might be a good idea. Meet, drill, practice, and patrol the neighborhood armed after significant training. I'm a whole lot more comfortable with my neighbors having guns than even the police having guns. I don't know the police. In fact I don't know my neighbors well enough, but at least we live close together.

Idiot Decoder! — They're Everywhere, They're Everywhere

You know you live in a Country run by idiots can get arrested for expired tags on your car but not for being in the country illegally.

You know you live in a Country run by idiots if Your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more of our money.

You know you live in a Country run by idiots if a seven year old boy can be thrown out of school for calling his teacher "cute" but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable.
You know you live in a Country run by idiots if The Supreme Court of the United States can rule that lower courts cannot display the 10 Commandments in their courtroom, while sitting in front of a display of the 10 Commandments.
You know you live in a Country run by idiots if children are forcibly removed from parents who appropriately discipline them while children of "underprivileged" drug addicts are left to rot in filth infested cesspools of a “home”.
You know you live in a Country run by idiots if hard work and success are rewarded with higher taxes and government intrusion, while some slothful, lazy behavior is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid, subsidized housing, and free cell phones.
You know you live in a Country run by idiots if the government's plan for getting people back to work is to provide 99 weeks of unemployment checks (to not work).
You know you live in a Country run by idiots if being self-sufficient is considered a threat to the government.
You know you live in a Country run by idiots if politicians think that stripping away the amendments to the constitution is really protecting the rights of the people.
You know you live in a Country run by idiots if...the rights of the Government come
You know you live in a Country run by idiots if... You pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big screen TV while your neighbor defaults on his mortgage (while buying iPhones, TV's and new cars) and the government forgives his debt and reduces his mortgage (with your tax dollars).
You know you live in a Country run by idiots if being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you "safe".
You know you live in a Country run by idiots if you have to have your parents signature to go on a school field trip but not to get an abortion.

"I Am A Soldier" — I Swore To Uphold The Constitution

SEE HERE ... I find myself surrounded by people who are behaving as if the Constitution isn't the highest law of the land, seeking to destroy what my father and my father's father worked so hard to protect. I will not see it die without a fight. I will not willingly become a slave even if the cell is opulent. "I am Spartacus." "I am Alfred." "I am Arthur." "I am Stonewall." We will never surrender our freedom.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Constitution Is The Supreme Law Of The Land

SEE HERE What part of "shall not be infringed" is it that the Obama administration doesn't get? We have to stop these hell-bent-on-tyranny liberal progressive Marxists while we can. They've already spent half a century destroying the Constitution. If we don't say "Stop" soon then we'll spend the next century or more in chains.

Benghazi Was A Set-Up: Admiral Still Unanswered

SEE HERE  When a four-star admiral says something was a set-up we should take that very very seriously. 
This whole incident continues to be totally incoherent. It reeks of a set up. Telling military men to "stand down" when they can defend other Americans is not just disgraceful, it simply isn't done. This is typical Obama lying.

Judge Napolitano Lays It Out: The Progressive Collaboration to Undermine the Constitution

The destruction of the Constitution begins with a radical reinterpretation of what the president can do independent of the other branches of government and independent of the limitation of powers represented by the tenth amendment.

A Touch of Humor — Except it's Not Really That Funny

VIEW Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder?  Well I don't know if it needs a name but I find myself doing this too.  I'll go to the computer with the intention of doing only one small thing, maybe doing a mapquest search to get directions to someplace, but then I notice I have email and I look at some of that and a pop-up informs me that someone has commented on a Facebook post I did so I go look at that.  And so forth ... by the time I'm done I've wasted an hour, have not read my email, forgot that I was originally looking for a set of directions and can't remember to what.  I suppose it starts in these small ways. ...

Then of course when I watched it a matrix came up at the end that had a Bill Cosby routine about UFOs, so I watched that and is was cute so I clicked another that I have to SHARE  and that's how it works, sort of one semi-connected thing to another and you look up and wonder where the day has gone.

Dictatorship? Judge a Man By His Friends and Heroes

Checks and balances have been failing.  Wild Bill lists the "red flags" that signal the approaching imposition of tyranny.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Round and Round and Round It Goes ...

SEE HERE Will someone really look into this and provide a definitive answer.  It gets really old when it just comes round and round and round and no-one really answers the allegations effectively.  Will the Supreme Court actually examine the evidence and make some decisions.  Of course after the Obamacare decision it just looks like Roberts has been compromised.

Civility? Liberal Speak For Shut Up, I'm The Only One Allowed To Have An Opinion Here

SEE HERE  The notion that "civility" should characterize debate is a good one.  But it is interesting that it rarely does.  The reality is that increasingly any debate is seen as the received wisdom purveyed by one side against irrationality on the other.  Generally the received wisdom is not wise and the irrationality may well be perfectly rational, only conflicting with the unwise received wisdom.  This is something that plays out on all sides of the political spectrum and speaks not as much to the incivility of our society, although it is, as to the ignorance of our society which it most surely is.  We live today in a society of the brainwashed who have been indoctrinated and not education.  The result is that they find it impossible to engage in critical thinking and rather easily devolve into namecalling and "incivility" and it cuts both ways.  The important thing is to have data, reasons and principles from which you draw conclusions rather than conclusions with high sounding goals but no underpinning of thought.  As a man of the right, it is my perception that the left is most guilty of this, but in fairness it is not an inherently right or left thing, but rather a sloppy thinking thing.

Keeping the Children Safe: Over 55 Million Murdered

Facts and Perspective? Really?

The emotional run up to the imposition of tyranny seems to be the common spin applied to every tragedy that involves guns. The problem I have with this is that the common thread in these matters should not be the inanimate object, the instrument used in the violence, which is itself innocent, but rather the perpetrator. Those who seek to create mayhem will find a way. These kinds of crimes suggest significant preparation. When a criminal comes decked out in body armor with multiple magazines and multiple firearms there has been a significant amount of planning and forethought.

It seems noteworthy to me that these criminals have all had records of mental instability and in most cases there were signals of violent intent running up to the event. So who's really to blame here? Is it the inanimate firearm or the violence saturated society that ignores mentally unstable people, warehousing them with passivating drugs while they fester? Pretending that passing yet another law will do anything is simply to multiply disrespect for the law and the lawmakers. The problem is a wont of virtue and a society that is sliding down a long slimy sluice way to the sludge pot of failed experiments in freedom.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Why Our Society Is Going To Hell

Discipline involves correcting bad behavior and that sometimes involved physical discipline and the teaching of virtue. You want your kids to be out of control, just keep failing your children by pretending that you don't have a real responsibility to correct children in a meaningful way. We have a whole society destroying itself.

Job Evaluation? Obama? Does He Have A Job?

Who is he working for? Now that's an interesting question. It sure isn't us.

Reality 101: Those Who Fail To Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It

SEE HERE Freedom isn't free. It has to be defended. It can only be defended by people with the means of defense. What has happened in the past almost always is that the government that controls your guns also ends up enslaving you and shooting anyone who resists. Get over it. The 2nd amendment is about freedom.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Rush Limbaugh Citing Ted Cruz and Other Stuff

Clarity is what this is about. Listen up. His comment on Downton Abbey is worth the price of admission.

Sometimes the Good Guys Win — Thanks to the People

Check out the video with the link. The Bank of America that was holding up the receipts of American Spirit Arms has backed down claiming they were just protecting the business. Sure!? If you believe that I have the nicest bridge in Brooklyn that I can let you have cheap.

Voter Fraud? How Could You Doubt It?

Frankly I think the evidence is overwhelming that there was a huge amount of voter fraud in the election.  I don't know if it was the factor that took Obama over the top but I'm very concerned that despite the evidence no one is doing anything at all apparently.  Is it just taken for granted now when one side using all sorts of fraudulent measures.  The statistical likelihood of 100% vote in precincts is negligible.  There is simply no doubt that there was vote fraud, substantial vote fraud.  Did it swing the election?  That would require a more careful analysis.  Don't hold your breath on that one.  We no longer live in a representative republic.  Instead we live in a corruption dominated thugacracy.

Angel Flight Bringing Heroes Home

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Nature Of The American Government

SEE HERE The American citizen is bound by no loyalty to a government, but to the document which created the government. Where the government has strayed from its purpose and obedience to the document, to which the American citizen is loyal, it has become disloyal to the citizen. In other words, it has chosen to become the enemy of the people by violating its oath and using the political power granted by the people against the people.

In the United States the people are sovereign and the Constitution is the highest law.

Oathkeepers: Orders We Will Not Obey!

1. We will NOT obey any order to disarm the American people.

2. We will NOT obey any order to conduct warrantless searches of the American people, their homes, vehicles, papers, or effects -- such as warrantless house-to house searches for weapons or persons.

3. We will NOT obey any order to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to trial by military tribunal.

4. We will NOT obey orders to impose martial law or a “state of emergency” on a state, or to enter with force into a state, without the express consent and invitation of that state’s legislature and governor.

5. We will NOT obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty and declares the national government to be in violation of the compact by which that state entered the Union.

6. We will NOT obey any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps.

7. We will NOT obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps under any pretext.

8. We will NOT obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil against the American people to “keep the peace” or to “maintain control” during any emergency, or under any other pretext. We will consider such use of foreign troops against our people to be an invasion and an act of war.

9. We will NOT obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies, under any emergency pretext whatsoever.

10. We will NOT obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.

Apparently There Is A Double Standard When It Comes To Islam

  The problem is that Muslims will be violent when anyone disagrees with them.  The fact that there's serious question whether Mohammad even existed and that the Koran is actually any kind of revelation doesn't excuse disrespect for other people's religion.  But maybe it would be reasonable to be evenhanded and treat the majority religion in the United States with respect.

National Data — Data Talks, Politicians Lie

... and this proves it.

Monday, January 7, 2013

International Law and Israel

It's Not Capitalism That Is The Problem, It's Government!

Just another example of the government two step.  Create a crisis.  Do something stupid to "fix" it that benefits some favored class.  When this fails, accuse someone else like George Bush, for the problem and solve it again with more bad policy.  Then start the system over again.  The Democrats are masters of this deceit.

This May Be The Last Generation Of Free Americans

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free".
Ronald Reagan (1911 - 2004)

Make no mistake.  The government is engaged in unconstitutional activity of wide scope and has been for some time.  It is only getting more egregious and more dangerous, more prevalent and more direct.  What are you going to do when they come for you?

Overkill Paramilitary Raid On A Trivial Issue — Tyranny Rising!

Remember Waco! Is this the kind of government you thought you had or is this government tyranny? This is how people get killed for no damn reason at all except the government out of control unconstitutional tyranny. Get real! These clowns are getting worse all the time.

"This used to be America, now it's not!" said one of the employees.  Is there any sense of perspective in the government any more.

Read and Ponder

REFLECTION How is it possible that this is the United States of America? I suppose our citizens may have finally lost their minds or given up or just become addicted to taking rather than making. Whatever it is, this reflection is worth pondering. Where do you stand on these issues? How do you think a great nation can survive when everyone has their hand out? It doesn't work that way. The universe is not constructed to make you happy, it is constructed so you can make yourself happy.

Who Put Bank Of America In Charge of Anything

SEE HERE Here we go: Hudge and Gudge are at it again. Hudge (Big Government) wants to ban firearms and Gudge (Big Corporations: in this case a Bank) wants browny points and perks so they start playing traffic cop. I would slice up ever Bank of America connection I have, but since I don't have any, I'll just have to commit to not getting any.

Pakistan Cultural Norms — This Is More From The Religion Of Peace No Doubt

SEE HERE And of course they have dishonored all of these girls who in their culture are now marked essentially as prostitutes. They should lock these barbarians away and never let them out.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Punishing The Innocent Is Always The Way With Government

SEE HERE So how does this work? There is a percentage of criminals and the criminally insane that use guns in the perpetration of crimes and the government doesn't like that so they are going to punish the vast majority of the citizen who are not criminals and not criminally insane by insuring that they have less ability to defend themselves against the criminals and the criminally insane. Check Chicago and Washington D.C. to see how that works. We have a bunch of abject idiots and totalitarians leading the nation.

May Have To Rethink The .38 — Five Hits And The Guy Could Still Drive A Car?

SEE HERE Well he didn't drive it too far apparently. The guy's lucky to be alive. Hope that little encounter taught him a valuable lesson. He'll use the list of gun owners published in the paper to pick a more vulnerable house next time if he hasn't wised up in the meantime.

It's Your Choice — You Can Be A Survivor Or A Victim: Your Choice!

Why Don't We All Just Roll Over And Play Dead? — Would That Make The Chains More Comfortable?

SEE HERE I've been sitting around reading old Mack Reynolds stories. Reynolds was a science fiction writer, relatively minor, but I always enjoyed his science fiction a lot. It always seemed to me that he had a significant insight into the Cold War and the premises on which modern societies are erected. I didn't always agree with him but I was always informed by him.

He was on my mind when I read this piece about a sheriff who responded to Dana Safety Supply's decision not to sell semi-automatic rifles to anyone but law enforcement. I'm not sure if that violates any laws, but it certainly violates the spirit of the 2nd amendment and suggests that Dana Safety Supply is run by people all to eager to scuttle before the liberal mantra of the evil of semi-automatic guns. One would hope that others will follow this courageous sheriff's policy. People that don't respect the second amendment should not get any gun business. They have already shown that they don't hold the people's rights to have any value.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

This Isn't Serious Of Course ... I Mean It's All A Game Until The Bottom Falls Out

SEE HERE Having watched this kind of thing over and over the idea that it makes any sense whatsoever is wearing rather thin, vanishingly thin. We are being ruled by buffoons who have no intention whatsoever of fixing anything. It's all phony baloney lying and posturing. It's Kabuki theater and bad theater at that. How can it be good when the script never changes and we have all seen this rather boring show before over and over. It's downright criminal and you know what? They know it and they don't care. Some government.

Is It A Surprise When Thugs Act Thuggishly?

SEE HERE And of course I don't mean just the criminal who are using the published information about gun registration to threaten guards but the act of the publication itself which could have no other motive but to intimidate. This is the kind of activity you can expect from criminals and increasingly it looks like what you can expect from the left. So does that suggest that the left has a criminal mindset? or it is just a coincidence?

When They Come For Your Guns Do You Have A Duty To Resist

SEE HERE Self-defense is a Natural Law right and so is the appropriate ownership and use of weapons suitable to the time and technology to enforce that right. Our Constitutional Republic is erected on the premise that the authority of the state comes from the people and that the people can change the state at their will. When the state violates the rights of the people it is the duty of the people to resist for an unjust law is no law at all. Most of the time the people don't have the convictions or the will to do what they ought. We may be approaching a turning point, some call it a tipping point. Certainly there are many things going on that are manifestly troubling.

First They Buy Way Too Much Ammunition And Then They Lie About It

SEE HERE Move along, nothing to see here. You can't help but wonder if this and THIS are related. The sheer dishonesty and connivance of this president and his administration is mind boggling.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Getting Ammo Is Getting Harder — Gee I Wonder Why?

SEE HERE Between the huge demand for guns and ammo fueled in part by the concern citizens have that their right to own guns is under attack and the huge and inexplicable ammunition and gun purchases of homeland security you just have to be concerned that something big is spinning up and we're not being told the whole story. It might be a number of things. One of them is that the government is gearing up for a civil war to suppress freedom. What are some others?

2nd Amendment — For the Security of a Free State

Tucson News Now

I Find This Very Disturbing

SEE HERE Just how many rounds of ammunition does a internal security agency of the United States require? This is simply beyond understanding. They are not the military, yet they are buying enough rounds of ammunition to fight a war, maybe several wars. Who is the enemy they are preparing for? The military is supposed to be the organization that defends us against hostile enemies not some johnny-come-lately homeland security bunch. 1.6 billion rounds seems kind of over the top to me. The scenario is also troubling although conjectural and definitely over the top under normal situations. However it has a certain plausibility if only because it fits a lot of the facts we know together. So what is the truth? I don't want to find out by actually having to take arms. I'm too old for that. Let's get rid of these rascals and elect some patriots.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Faustian Bargain — Trade Your Soul for Power

Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration? — Well They'll Have Fun With The Communists and Other Leftists

SEE HERE The amazing thing would be if there were any non-leftist socialists in the administration.  We have a government that is not filled with people in power who detest the United States.  Why would anyone expect this to go to a good place?