Friday, May 31, 2013

The English Lesson

No English dictionary has been able to adequately explain the difference  between COMPLETE and FINISHED.  However, in a recent linguistic conference held in London, England, and attended by some of the best linguists in the world: 

Samsundar Balgobin, a Guyanese, was the clear winner.

His final challenge was this:  Some say there is no difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED. Please explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED in a way that is easy to understand.

Here is his astute answer:

"When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. But, when you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED.  And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED!" 

His answer was received with a standing ovation lasting over 5 minutes

The School System Is Insane

SEE HERE Cap guns ... CAP GUNS! The system has lost its marbles. Everyone my age grew up with cap guns. I had a particularly great pirate pistol that took individual large caps that made a terrific bang with the who cockable hammers and a two stage trigger. Just like the real thing although a good deal smaller. Then there were the old West style cap pistols. Today however the lunatics in our schools system are intent on demonizing firearms and persecuting children for such things as key chain ornaments or lego style automatic rifles the size of a quarter in plastic or pop-tarts eaten out in the shape of a gun. This should stop. It is incredibly stupid and creates stupidity in its targets. How can you take an education like this seriously? These people are sick! MORE

Little Ice Age Likely Coming Again

SEE HERE Check out this excellent article in Forbes which summarizes the reality of the Little Ice Age and gives a summary of what we're currently facing which may be two centuries of cooling. We are on the cusp of the beginning of another ice age based on the ice core data, but a full-up ice age takes a long time to develop. We're probably at the beginning.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Benghazi Reality Zone ... Who Is Kidding Who?

Impeach Obama. He is a disgrace. Listen for some key questions. Russia? Bible Apocolypse? A lot of good questions and some relatively extreme speculations.

It's Probably Impossible To Do Liberal Stupidity Justice

SEE HERE  Beyond neuron depletion to total insanity.  Liberals make the grade.  There is a special circle in hell reserved for them where they can all pretend to be in heaven and agree with each other about everything although the room is unbearably warm and the food unimaginably bad.

You have to wonder at these knuckleheads.  Do they think that once "targeting" is approved that they will escape should the powers that be decide they are a threat?  Freedom isn't free.  Tyranny Rising! It is a shame that we're creating so many ignorant people in our government indoctrination centers (schools).

It's Victim Smearing Time

SEE HERE  It's what they do!  The IRS scandal likely runs very deep as does all the corruption in this administration.  So it is time for obfuscation and circus as the media is spun up to smear the victims.  Somehow it's the Tea Party's fault that they were targeted by the IRS.  "Nothing to see here ... move along!"  The media as usual is complicit in this corruption.  It's all about manufacturing a narrative after all.  Truth doesn't come into it. 

One Doctor Strikes Back At The Bureaucracy

SEE HERE  That's what it is ... sheer overwhelming bureaucracy imposed by government.  This is the way medicine used to be practiced and it worked just fine.  A huge proportion of the nonsense that goes on in the name of medicine is just the overhead imposed by the insurance companies and the government and the lawyers who together have mounted tiers of complexity and unnecessary control over what doctors do.  The only contribution made by these people is additional cost and that in the form of onerous paperwork.  It's time to push back and push back hard if you expect to have doctors that are worth anything.  Otherwise all the doctors will be drones after a while, just another tier of government slaves.

The On-Going Benghazi Show Or How To Pretend You're Cooperating

SEE HERE  Are they cooperating?  Sounds like they want us to think so.  Interesting how they have to carefully screen all the material they are passing over to Congress.  I guess those Congressmen can't be trusted?  But then any State Department run by either a Clinton or a Kerry can hardly come up to the Congressional standard.

Even The Press's Gullibility Has Limits

SEE HERE How long can you systematically lie before no-one believes you anymore. The story of the little boy who cried wolf comes to mind as does the story of Pinocchio's nose. But facts will out in the end and the fundamental fact is that this administration is the most dishonest in the history of a dishonest business.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Face Facts About Islam Not Myths

The reality is that Islam is a geopolitical system with the intention of conquering the world and enslaving all non-Muslims. This video should be studied by those who really don't understand Islam. It is not a religion so much as the religious justification for a political conquest.

Jimmy Carter Was Awful, But This Is Ridiculous

Goodlatte Suggests Holder Should Resign

SEE HERE  Good luck on that.  The criminals currently running the government are not going to step down willingly.  It's just not their style.  That is what civilized people do, but these folks have no intention of relinquishing power.  Watch carefully as the end of his term approaches.  Be ready for anything.

The Reality Of Benghazi — A President Who Only Cares About Himself

We have scum running the country.  Sorry but it's true!

I Think This "Analysis" Is The Problem

SEE HERE Read this and weep.  This is what passes for thought among the political elite and it's not thought at all.  What it is is manipulation and lack of principle.  "Adult in the room" how about principled human being?  The problem with politics today is that it is all about redistribution of wealth and not at all about good governance, virtue, principles, honor, duty, or country.  In short we are controlled by opportunists who play by the demographics.  Perhaps that way lies victory but it also is the way to dissolution.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Of Course There Is No Voter Fraud ... Give Me A Break!

SEE HERE  No voter fraud?  More like 20% of registered voters may be fictitious.  I guess that sounds like quite a lot of voter fraud.  If something isn't done we're clearly doomed as a free nation.

Security Or Disinformation

SEE HERE  Well when I was working for the government the rule was that anything that was really secure could not be connected to a network that was externally connected.  Actually it was a whole lot more stringent even than that but I'm inclined not to talk about it.  This seems a mite strange to me.  If I were running the show I think I'd create a bunch of dramatic but phony military advances that the Chinese could hack into that would send them on a host of wild-goose chases.  Wouldn't that be fun.  But who knows.  Maybe security, especially at civilian contractors, just isn't that good.

The End Of Education Up Close And Personal

Dumbing down education and substituting indoctrination and tyranny by administrators.  Don't send your children to public schools unless you want to destroy them.  Education is no longer what is produced by the public schools.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Big Government Is Not Good For Your Health

SEE HERE  Apparently freedom of the press was limited by government secrecy ... What?  Well it was 1917 and the whole socialist communist agenda was about to be sprung loose upon the world and the U.S. had entered WWI and people were obsessed with security I guess.  Whatever!  It's a reach for the Obama administration to dig up old laws from far far away in time to go after the press.  Time to get focused on what is really going on.  It isn't pretty.  It's Tyranny Rising!

Hilarious If It Weren't So Serious

SEE HERE  Jimmy Carter eventually freed the hostages in Iran? ... What?  That's pretty recent history to have just an egregious lie in a history textbook for children.  What other recasting of history is going on beneath our noses.  Jimmy Carter was the worst president ever until Barack Obama came along and frankly you can blame the hostage situation in Iran on him and not give him any points at all for their release.  They were released because Ronald Reagan gave them an alternative they couldn't refuse on the "back channels" I suspect and they were released on the day he was inaugurated.

Bob Dole — Loser Then And Loser Now

Dole is such a loser.  "Ideas"?  What ideas did Bob Dole every have.  Bob Dole calling himself a conservative is an act of historical rewriting.  I didn't support him then and the idea that he should be speaking out as a epic loser is simply ludicrous.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

What Are You Doing On June 14th?

SEE HERE  Impeach the President Day!  Well really it is Flag Day but in view of the fact that the president and his wife don't think too much of the flag or of the republic some people think we should all gather in Washington and have an Impeach the President Day.  Sounds like he deserves it so come on down!

Letting Liars Control The Agenda And We Wonder Why We're In Such Trouble?

SEE HERE  Walter Williams points out the price of listening to liars.  It's millions of human lives sacrificed for nothing substantive.  It goes on with all the continued manipulation based on nothing but agenda driven manipulation and scheming for profits that make people like Al Gore wealthy and the rest of us afraid of our shadows in fear of imaginary threats that are not going to happen.

It all reminds me of the man sitting on a park bench making odd noises.  People asked him what he was doing and he said "I'm scaring the elephants away."  But said the people, "There are no elephants here."  The man replied, "See how effective it is."  That's the way the environment crisis game works.

Islam Is A Savage Cult Of Violence

SEE HERE  But of course the whole Western World is in denial.  The Spanish knew but it took them seven hundred years to throw them out of Spain.  Perhaps we should learn the lessons of history before being forced to relive them.

Damn Right They Could Have Made A Difference

SEE HERE  The scum in this administration have been spinning a tale of helplessness in the face of the Benghazi attack.  But it is all cover for the reality which is betrayal of trust.  They had assets and resources that could have been put on the situation in time to make a difference.  They didn't ... they didn't even try.  This administration is a disgrace to the United States and everyone in the world knows it.

The Moral Collapse Of America

SEE HERE  On schedule, on target!  This is just what the left desires for to collapse the republic requires an undermining of the morals of the country.  This shows that it is not going unnoticed but it does seem to be going unchecked.  This has been warned about for at least the last thirty years and no one has paid very much attention.  Now things are at a critical juncture.  If it continues the republic will be lost and the people in charge will be those who orchestrated the moral collapse.  Tell me that that bodes well for the country ...   Tyranny Rising!

Principle And Virtue Are The Keys To Freedom And Liberty

SEE HERE  Time to lose the establishment Republicans and get some people of principle and virtue in charge.  We are well on the way to losing the republic because of this accommodation nonsense where we just compromise our way to suicide.  Principles cannot be compromised and a free people of necessity must be a virtuous people or freedom dies.  This virtue principle is why the left has been promoting promiscuity, degradation, pedophilia and every sort of low behavior for so long.  It is part of the softening up.  Now this particular post is about running a black man on the Republican ticket on its face.  But that's not the issue.  The issue that it is a black man who speaks out strongly for virtue and for the principles the Founders stood for.  The left and the establishment Republicans can't have that.  It might actually work!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Marine Sues For Attack On His Free Speech Rights

SEE HERE  I hope this suit goes all the way and that a substantial award is made.  This is an outrage that the government is trying to suppress first amendment rights.  This is just more of the Obama administration tyranny.  They will try anything to see what they can get away with.  Stand up and fight back.  If you don't you'll acquire a nice set of chains.  Tyranny Rising!

RNC Answered ... Pretend Republicans

2012 was a huge backhand smack from the grassroots.  No more Democrat-lite and no more money to the Republican National Committee.  "Say no" and tell them to get with the program which is the Constitutional Republic not the liberal charge towards socialism and tyranny.  Say it.  Say it straight.  "Freedom and liberty are beneficial to all human beings!"  Get the message straight!  No more dollars until you support freedom and liberty and start winning!

What A Great Idea ... We Could Keep Him Busy At Least Even If His Traiterous Senate Would Never Convict

SEE HERE Could we make the trial last at least until 2014 when we could elect a real senate?  So far it seems all we have in the senate is a long line of "go-along to get-along" wimps along with some outrageously collectivist statist folks who think the Constitution doesn't apply to them.  The June 14th march, if you can get to Washington, might be a good day to say "Impeach Obama!"  Because otherwise we will continue to have Tyranny Rising!

Remember Our Heroes Who Did A 30 To One Number At Benghazi

SEE HERE What difference does it make?  Well the difference it should make is to get the dishonorable scum that doesn't do its duty out of the government for starters.  Heroes that strive to defend Americans and do their duty are not "bumps in the road" and they're not just a bad hair day for the president and there is no excuse for the lies and coverup that is still going on.

So What Is This All About?

SEE HERE  Since when has the United States become a training ground for foreign troops?  It's one thing to have training on military sites but training in communities without apparently alerting the community seems to me to be another matter. 

Socks ... Everyone Needs A Vice

Some presidents are human and have a sense of humor. 

Why Should Anyone Ever Trust Government?

SEE HERE I suppose the bottom line is that entities seek instinctively to survive, and this is no less true for government than for anything else. The differentiator is that government is simply raw power charged with limited duties but largely unchecked except by virtue and principle. So when virtue wanes so does the power to control government.

When those given governmental power begin to think it is because of their superior qualities then to the rest of society is diminished because thought less and taken to the extreme to which it tends one is finally left with the masters and the slaves. This isn't so bad if you're a master. And no-one cares what the slaves think unless it looks like they'll become unruly and revolt and then you can crucify them on the roads leading out of and into Rome to show the rest what becomes of slaves that revolt (at least if they don't win).

 It is a result devoutly to be wished that the electorate will wake up by 2014 and throw a monkey wrench into the machine. You can help it happen by making sure everyone understands what is going on. Large government ultimately generates poverty and slavery. We're getting closer all the time. Tyranny Rising!

Friday, May 24, 2013

This Is Not Education — It Is Indoctrination

  Can we just go back to something substantive that actually is education and not some kind of brainwashing?  This doesn't recommend Common Core to me.  If you want a good curriculum maybe we should go back to what actually worked.  The education of the 19th century was so much better than what we have today that there is no comparison at all.  ANALYSIS and CHECK THIS OUT

The End Of The Boy Scouts

SEE HERE  This isn't a compromise it is a suicide pact.  The Boy Scouts are one of the few institutions left in America that represent honor and virtue.  Accepting into its ranks those that openly profess a disordered and unnatural life style is not just a compromise.  It is a surrender to the Zeitgeist and a capitulation of principle.  So long Boy Scouts!   MORE FROM REDSTATE

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Remarkable Liberator

E.W. Jackson In His Own Speak

This whole Virginia ticket is brought to you by the grassroots Republicans of Virginia despite the hard work of establishment Republicans to torpedo it.  The liberals are calling us nutjobs but the people of Virginia should know that we are patriots who respect the vision of the Founding Fathers so many of whom came from Virginia.  Stand up and be counted.  Vote for Cuccinelli, Jackson, and Obenshain in November for a restoration of values and to save the republic.

Reality Disconnect Brought To You By Homeland Security — Do You Feel Safer?

SEE HERE Really outrageous how this administration turns reality on its head. Do they have any sense at all or is it all really true that they are part of the conspiracy? I really don't know but it gets harder and harder to give them a pass as they create more and more mindlessness. Either they are totally mindless or they are a decided menace. Just look to Denmark for the menace theory in action or to the UK where a poor soldier has just lost his head. My solution would be similar to that of Isabella and Ferdinand ... round them all up and ship them all out. It might be a good idea to include all the illegal immigrants who are camping out here waiting to foment a revolution too while we're at it. Multiculturalism is a decided failure.

They Are Watching You And They Don't Really Care About Your Rights

SEE HERE In case you wondered if the Constitutional rights that the Founders fought for and many Americans have died for are still in effect you might want to consult the case of this marine. They are watching your facebook posts and in case you're playing violent video games and use imagery or languages from those or just venting they may come to your door and take you into custody. It may just be the softening up operation to see if Americans really care about their rights or can be cowed into inaction and servility. When the time comes you have to stand up and be counted. I remember Thomas Paine and Nathan Hale ... but wait ... you might never have heard of them if you're educated in today's liberal progressive indoctrination environment. Look'em up ... you can still google.

Upfront And In Your Face

Jesus and Muhammad — Contrast and Compare! Bingo!

The Continued Coincidences That Seem To Hound Successful Anti-Terrorism

WHAT?  This is just weird.  Right up there with Seal Team Six losses.  Seems like fate has it in for those who meddle with Muslim jihadists.

Accessible Firearms? Print Your Own

SEE HERE  This is an upgrade on the printed weapon talked about a while ago on the internet done on an industrial 3D printer.  This one's larger caliber, more shots, and printed on a cheaper printer.  I guess this should be of concern to all those tyrants that think they can disarm the citizen by regulating firearms.  Of course the next step is making ammunition easy to acquire.  When my dad was a kid he used to make his own gunpowder and fire nails into telephone poles with an improvised gun made out of a steel pipe.  Later and older he lettered in pistol and rifle at the Naval Academy class of 1940!

June 14th Impeach Obama Day! March On Washington!

SEE HERE  Now this is an idea I can get behind.  Combining Flag Day and Impeach Obama Day ... seem like compatible ideas to me.  When the future arrives will you be able to tell your kids that you protected and defended American freedom and liberty or did you lie down in the sands of the arena, bare your chest, and die on the sand without complaint as you assailant dealt the deadly blow that took down the republic.  The Roman republic died that way at the hands of thugs.  They killed Cicero for nothing less than his defense of the republic.  Make them at least earn it.  They're cowards so we can still save the republic.  KEEP REALITY IN MIND

Something To Remember — As It Actually Happened And Not As The Propagada Asserts

SEE HERE  History repeats itself.  Islam is implacably the enemy of the West, so has it always been since the horde of the prophet first swept out of the Arabian desert to pillage the civilized Christian world.  Only the crusade stopped them from taking over Europe.  With the West in moral disarray and doubtful of its heritage they are back just as barbarous and violent as ever.  We must gather our resolve or prepare to die in servitude.

There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (TANSTAAFL)

SEE HERE  We have created a monster by denying a fundamental reality.  Money is a manifestation of work and the goods that money represents when conveyed without work steals from the productive to give to those who refuse to be productive.  The number of people on welfare that are able bodied and should be working are the majority.  Once you give stuff away as if it is a right an entitlement mentality takes over and those receiving the largesse produced by others begin demanding more and more for nothing in return except the promise not to misbehave.  Well isn't that just honkydorey!   So we will hold society ransom by promising to perform violent acts if we don't get our way.  Sounds rather like a child having a tantrum.  Perhaps we'd be better served by unpleasant work camps that you could voluntarily participate in if you expected to get something for nothing.  Whatever the solution it is not what we're currently doing.  MORE

Ignore The Man Behind The Curtain ... Tyranny Rising!

SEE HERE  One has to wonder why anyone would think this is not tyranny.  Do we all have to be in chains before what is obviously going on can be believed?  By then it will be too late and the Pied Piper will have piped his tune of "Hope and Change" until all is lost.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The World Lacks Sanity: Pay The Murderer But Not The Victims

SEE HERE This is enough to make your blood boil.  This scum who cold bloodedly murdered 13  and wounded 32 is getting paid while his victims are struggling to get paid the benefits of those wounded in combat.  This was a jihadist and we are at war with terror.  This guy should be stood up and shot since there is no doubt whatsoever of his guilt.

Gay Assault Becoming A Problem In The Military

SEE HERE  No not straights assaulting gays ... sexual assault on the part of gays.  Isn't that just so sweet ... (sarcastic) ...This is a serious problem and it's likely exacerbated by the idea that gays are just like everyone else only a little different.  Sorry but homosexuality is an obsessive pathology.

Never Forget!

WATCH  Special forces, Seal Teams, those who go in harms way to defend us deserve your support and gratitude.  They also deserve a Commander In Chief that respects and honors them.  It's too bad they don't have one.

Truth Trumps Brainwashing — Everyone Needs To Try It

SEE HERE  Thomas Sowell, ever a light of common sense, points out what parents can do and you personally can do to counter the overwhelming tide of brainwashing that is going on in the country today.  His solution?  Get the real facts not the propaganda cherry picked distortions and discover how you've been lied to.  If nothing else it will give you a healthy skepticism about the politically correct views you're always being fed by the media and the progressive collectivist tyranny inspired left.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's All About Principles, Real Principles Not Politically Correct Nonsense

Think about it!  "Conservatism baby!  It's the Real Thing!"

Despicable People: Those Who Kill Their Children

  The reality of abortion can't be wished away by the lies of the left.  Understand that what you are doing is enlisting in the army of evil.  Satan was a murderer from the beginning.  We live in a society that is morally bankrupt and which has lost its way.

A List Of Scandals ... Just In Case You Wondered

SEE HERE  Well I ran into this on an Atheist site.  I don't have anything against atheists, although I think they are irrational.  This site has a long long list of the scandals of the Obama administration.  This is a lot for them to account for and certain gives the impression of total corruption.  The obvious question is how many scandals does it take before rational people say that enough is enough?  For me that point is long past.  It's time to impeach and clean house.

Latest Benghazi Cover — We Were Idiots

SEE HERE  I had to laugh at this.  This is pretty desperate cover when bureaucrats claim that were idiots to provide cover for a disaster that had set-up written all over it from start to finish.  We should not let them get away with that story.   We need to know who gave the multiple "stand down" orders and why.

Well That Didn't Take Long — Racism Trumps Virtue

SEE HERE I was actually wondering how long it would take.  Not long at all before the rodents came out of their holes in the wall to make political hay out of the nomination of a black man who boldly proclaims virtue that flies in the face of the politically correct but morally corrupt scum that increasingly populate our political class.  It will make an entertaining spectacle as all the talking heads pretend to be personally not racist but outraged at a preacher-man who actually has the audacity to proclaim virtue.  Speak truth to stupidity pastor Jackson.  I voted for him on all four ballots.  My second candidate would have been Susan Stimpson if Jackson had faltered.

This article takes the usual view about broadening appeal.  The idea is that to broaden your appeal you have to compromise your values.  This means of course that people with values tend to be shut out of the process.  Since Democrats have no values that are not negotiable they are always talking about compromise.  They only care about power so compromise that leaves them in power is always on the table.  This election will be interesting because everyone on the ticket is a person of principle.

I've been eagerly waiting for a ticket I could support 100% and this is one that has that characteristic.  I wish we had more men and women of principle in politics.  The idea that you have to compromise your values is likely one of the biggest reasons we have so few people with values actually involved.

If You're A Gun Owner You Need To Know This

SEE HERE  Justice is not only blind in New Jersey but distinctly unjust.  This guy's only crime was that he left some gun cases in places in his car where the police could see them and they used it as probably cause for a warrant-less search.  Welcome to criminalization by state laws that actually don't make much sense in the first place.  I guess they don't know what "... shall not be infringed" means in New Jersey.

Illegal And Dangerous

SEE HERE  The idea that the military can grant itself illegal powers is maximally troubling.  One has to wonder what is going on.  But then I've been wondering what the hell is going on for about six years and it keeps getting more and more troubling.

Stand By For More Benghazi Revelations

SEE HERE  Some of the background on the Benghazi affair has been rumored for months but we're likely to see some of the whistleblowers come out of the darkness in the near future and confirm them.  What's likely to be confirmed is just how traitorous the State Department actually is, although there is always the point that you should not necessarily ascribe to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity.  Still, over and over and over?  It strains plausibility after a while.

Why Help The Left Build Their Enemies List?

SEE HERE  Isn't the IRS scandal enough to show that government can't be trusted with sensitive information.  They can't even protect their own sensitive information, why should anyone give them theirs.  Donor lists?  I suppose if you want to stop people from donating to causes you don't like you should out the donors and ridicule them and try to start boycotts and that sort of thing.  The left and the right do this.  It is reason enough not to make donor lists public.  It's nobody's business who donates.  It's just a recipe for big government to investigate, audit, interfere with you if they don't like what you stand for.  Totally dumb idea.

Cover-Up: Plausible Deniability

SEE HERE  Shades of Iran-Contra ... "plausible deniability" written all over it.  But in the case of Obama, why tell him anything.  It's not as if he's really in charge.  Perhaps if we examine enough of these kinds of affairs we'll discover who the puppetmaster is pulling the strings.

Planned Economies Are Failed Economies

SEE HERE Moreover they are inefficient and ineffective, tyrannical and ultimately failures.  This is a finding of history.  Planned economies satiate the hubris of the planners who all imagine themselves able to improve on the results of the market.  The reality is that they produce dislocations, waste, extraordinary delays, poverty, and finally decay.  We've seen this in small ways in the United States when the government has gone into the price control business with rationing and other government tactics.  They don't work.  They promote crime because of blackmarkets and they undermine government.  The left loves them which is just another reason to ignore and marginalize the left.

The Ominous Expansion Of Military Authorization Without Constitutional Warrant

SEE HERE  This is not something that should go unchallenged.  The United States military has been turned into a world police force without Constitutional warrant.  We've engaged in so many police actions, undeclared wars, and so forth that it's starting to be the norm and no-one is protesting.  But it's all a violation of the Constitution.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Apparently Profiling Is Just Fine When It's The Liberals Doing It To Conservatives

SEE HERE Let me guess ... the IRS profiling (after all that's what it is ... Tea Party affiliation gets you audited ... hmmm.... or harassed ... ) Government intimidation is just fine so long as it is those opposed to liberalism being harassed.  I guess it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that that's tyranny in the making.  The liberals don't get it though.  That's because they are tyrants.

Tea Party Surge ... I Guess People Are Waking Up?

SEE HERE Sure hope they are waking up.  Failing that we may never wake up free again.  It is incredible all the crap this administration keeps coming up with.

Tell Me Why Again? ... Homogenized People Are Not Interesting

SEE HERE Common Core?  Why do we need Common Core?  Whose bright idea is this?  No doubt it guarantees that everyone has the same indoctrination ... hmm... that really doesn't sound like a good idea.

Clearly Obama Nothing About Economics

SEE HERE  Apparently Obama thinks that only government spending improves the economy.  If the money is not stolen in the first place it is actually put to better use and tends to expand the economy even more.

Intimidation Works — At Least Sometimes

SEE HERE I'm more inclined to think that the election was stolen by carefully targeted voter fraud but there is no doubt that intimidation of the Tea Party likely had some effect as well.  The thugs who are now in charge are all about intimidation and corruption.  Someone needs to do a study of all these "green" companies that were given hundreds of millions of federal dollars and then just dried up and blew away.  That whole process simply reeks of corruption.  We have a government today which is engaged in entirely too much political intimidation and power brokering.  We either push back and push back hard, or get ready for the chains and balls and the slamming iron gates of the Gulag to clack into place and slam shut.  When tyranny triumphs it is a lot harder to recover freedom than pushing back while Tyranny Rising!

Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?

TAKE THE TEST I'm fairly sure that all the 5th graders would fail this test and judging from the source "Supposedly 96 % of all High School Seniors FAILED this test, AND if that's not bad enough, 50% of all individuals over 50 did too!" So this is your big chance to shine and earn a few seconds of your fifteen minutes of fame.

BTW I got 83% myself.  Some of the questions are a bit obscure.  At least I passed.

Biden Fingered As Partially To Blame For Seal Team Six Deaths

SEE HERE My heart goes out to the families of these heroes who were betrayed by the stupidity if not the malice of our leaders and who were cursed by the "religion of peace" in their deaths. It's a good think that God doesn't listen to these servants of the Great Liar. Allah is not God but the Father of Lies and a murderer from the beginning who desires to be worshiped like God. To understand this as true one merely has to look at what his servants do. C.S. Lewis in the Screwtape Letters styled him as "Our Father Below." Mark Twain said Satan was "A person who has for untold centuries maintained the imposing position of spiritual head of four-fifths of the human race, and political head of the whole of it, must be granted the possession of executive abilites of the loftiest order." Got that right!

Another "Take" On The Republican Convention

SEE HERE Despite the DailyKos's labeling (does anyone actually believe anything posted there) of the Virginia Republican Convention as 8000 "freaks" the reality was that it was an orderly convention which was the very model of a fair process. No smoke filled rooms with power brokers at this one although as SEEN BELOW I was very unhappy about some aspects.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Alan Keyes Nails It

Is this what is going on? I think Alan is exactly right.

Denial ... Universal Denial ... Total Liars!

SEE HERE  They are all a bunch of liars.  Phony despicable liars.  This is the worst administration in American history.  Judge Jeanine outs them all.

Might Want To Think Again About That Flu Shot

SEE HERE  The bottom line is that flu shots are a bit questionable.  Here a Johns Hopkins scientist points that out.  There are so many strains of flu that being "protected" against the one that was hot when the vaccine was made may do little for you in the real world when you get vaccinated and the shot itself carries risks.

Whew! Another Convention Over

I spent all day yesterday at the Republican Convention in Virgina where we nominated Ken Cuccinelli, E.W. Jackson, and Mark Obenshain as our candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General.  The convention was a grueling affair just because there were seven candidates for Lt. Governor and they were all good people.  E.W. Jackson emerged from a four ballot voting process as the clear winner.  He had been on the top in every ballot.

What bugged me about the convention was a bunch of things that seemed to make it unnecessarily aggravating.  For some reason, not at all obvious, there were "Nazis" (people who restricted the movements of individual delegates) who prevented people on the side from going onto the floor of the convention.  I'm recovering from a knee surgery and it was particularly annoying to me since I was only three steps up from the floor and could go to the bathroom by going across the floor to one on the floor level.  Instead I was expected to negotiate three flights or more of stairs mostly without railings and crowded with people to accomplish the same thing and then return down the stairs the same way.  I can assure the party that I would have sued them had I fallen and been injured.

So restriction of movement is my first complaint.  It's totally unreasonable and it restricts communication with other delegates from other delegations.  Where do they get off?

Food was not provided although I'd been told there would be a box lunch and paid $35 to attend in the expectation that I'd at least get a box lunch.  Sorry, not only no box lunch but you were restricted from bringing your own food into the venue.  I understand.  It's all about harvesting money from the delegates for the benefit of the food vendors.  Why is that any sort of priority?

Extraordinary delays in vote counts.  It was typically several hours to get the votes counted.  There were four votes and they started somewhere around 1 p.m. and we didn't get out until 10 p.m. so that's over two hours per vote on average.  The results of the first vote were not posted until after the second vote was taken.  That means that the delegations didn't have full information and that was objectionable.

Overall this was one of the worst convention experiences I've ever had and I've had a lot in Minnesota and Virginia.  I think all delegates are created equal and should be allowed to move around the convention at will.  The people running around with wires in their ears coordinating things are not in charge.  They should be facilitating not acting like they own the place.  The whole thing is just one more example of creeping authoritarianism that needs to stop.  The convention isn't supposed to be an economic opportunity for the food vendors to restrict the rights of the delegates to bring their own food if they wish.  The voting should be expedited.  It's about the people and not about the politicians.  If we can't get that through to people than the republic is doomed and it certainly is a message that the Republican party should hear.  The Democrat party is already a basket case.  Nevertheless, on a positive note, the people elected are true conservatives and will stick up for the rights of the people.  I think the outcome was good even if the process was flawed.

Phony Baloney Peddled To Obfuscate The Situation

"It's a horrible tragedy, we have to see it doesn't happen again." Totally phony spin to evade responsibility.  This administration is despicable.  "It's offensive" ??  Yes it is offensive.  It is offensive that the administration insists on lying to us.  They not only did nothing but they actively obstructed those seeking to go to the assistance of the people at Benghazi.  Now it's all about lying their way out of what they did.

Obama's Firsts — And You Think Impeachment Is Silly

SEE HERE This is a list worth consulting just to get the overall impression of how impressive this president has been. It's remarkable what you can do when you don't care about obeying the law or abiding by the Constitution.

Rewarding Your Friends

SEE HERE If this is the way we reward our friends it should not be surprising that we have so few. This administration seems actually antagonistic towards anything that advances the American dream in the world or even in our own country. The whole administration is imbued with a hatred for America. Is it any wonder that they are trying to being us down?

Friday, May 17, 2013

Shroud Of Turin Video: Testing The Concepts

I'm a Shroud of Turin expert, sort of second tier I suppose since I restrict my work to processing the images and giving talks on the shroud.  This is worth a look for those who wonder how the image got on the cloth. 

This video explores some claims about the shroud and some work to try to understand it.  On the whole it shows how difficult it is to get any result that is convincing.  People think they see words.  The three image production efforts are: 1) bas-relief transfer with pigment, 2) hypothetical ancient photography, 3) maillard reaction between ancient cloth with starch fractions and preliminary bodily decomposition gases. 

The test was to look at the microscopic state of the fibers and at this level the maillard reaction was most convincing.  Neither of the images was anywhere near as subtle or convincing as the actual shroud but the photographic attempt came closest.  The idea of words on the shroud forming a first century death certificate, well ... I think that's extraordinarily unlikely.

The Peek-a-Boo President

SEE HERE Well I made that up!  "Peek-a-boo" ... you know when you cover your eyes and are addressing a baby or a very young child and you uncover your eyes and say "peek-a-boo"?  The kid laughs and wants you to do it again.  The president is sort of that way.  He doesn't really seem to do anything or know anything.  He just runs around playing golf, giving speeches at fund-raisers, taking vacations and being generally detached and uninvolved.  It's not leadership and it's not responsible behavior in anyone much less a president.

IRS Harasses Individuals For Questioning Obama's Birth Myth

SEE HERE  I kind of liked that way of phrasing it.  The "birth myth" is appropriate since the actual story of Obama's mother reads so strangely.  Do we really know who his father is?  Do we really know where he was born? or how he was raised? or how his education was funded? or who the important influences were in his life?  He is the most mysterious president in the history of the republic and also the most vain, narcissistic, unengaged and incompetent.  But that is all probably because he is a puppet on someone's string.

Jack Booted Tyranny In California

SEE HERE  It seems that police officers don't know the rights of the citizens and don't honor them.  This is what you can expect in a police confrontation when you point out that you don't live in a police state and are guaranteed against unreasonable search and seizure.  The police forced the door without a warrant and without probable cause and tazzed the occupants.  This is just outrageous.  If you want to harass your neighbors just put in calls to the police claiming domestic violence.  Apparently domestic violence now includes loud arguments. 

Nothing New Here — Democrats Have Been Preaching Tyranny For A Long Time

SEE HERE It always amazes me when people are surprised at some Democrat led piece of creeping tyranny.  It's almost as if they never pay attention.  This has been going on more than my lifetime and I'm seventy.  They've always been this way.  They weren't quite a blatant back in the early years of the 20th century but they've been collectivists and advocated the use of government for tyrannical goals since forever.  Example abound if you just go back and look.  Now in this latest round of IRS tyranny, where the IRS is used to intimidate your political enemies I am reminded of Clinton using the FBI and Johnson's lying about the Tonkin Gulf and the infamous Church amendment later which caused us to abandon an ally in the field.  No Democrats and specifically liberal progressive socialist Marxist statists have been doing this for many decades.  It's about time people woke up because big government is a sickness that has a particularly unfortunate prognosis.

Mainstream? — Does That Mean Cover For RINOs?

Below is a piece Bill Bolling put out. I think this looks like code for dividing the Republican party as it has been traditionally divided into grassroots conservatives and "moderates" (read liberal-lite). What we want isn't political spectrums nicely parsed into voting blocs and demographics. That's not sincere principled leadership. That's just more of the power brokering, power hungry, control politics that has got us where we are. We need virtuous and principled leadership seeking the vision of America articulated by the Founders and implemented however imperfectly in the beginning, in the Constitution. Bill Bolling does not seem to represent that vision.

-Virginia Mainstream Project will focus on electing mainstream, conservative Republicans to public office and promote responsible policy solutions to the most important challenges facing the Commonwealth-
RICHMOND – Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling today announced the formation of the Virginia Mainstream Project.  The Virginia Mainstream Project is a state-based political action committee that will focus on electing mainstream Republicans to public office and promote responsible policy solutions to the most important challenges facing the Commonwealth.
Lieutenant Governor Bolling stated, “I’m proud to announce the creation of the Virginia Mainstream Project.  As I’ve said many times over the past several months, there is a growing need in the Republican Party in Virginia to recruit and elect mainstream, conservative candidates to state and local office and promote responsible policy solutions to the most important challenges facing Virginia. The Virginia Mainstream Project will work to address these issues while encouraging bipartisan cooperation and compromise on the major issues facing the Commonwealth.  I am excited about this opportunity to continue to serve Virginia and remain actively involved in the public debate.”
The primary missions of the Virginia Mainstream Project include:
  1. Recruit, advise and support mainstream Republican candidates for state and local office, with particular emphasis on the House of Delegates in 2013 and the State Senate in 2015.
  2. Provide a platform to continue discussing the need for mainstream approaches to governing in Virginia that put policy ahead of politics and seek to promote compromise and bipartisan cooperation to solve the most important challenges facing the Commonwealth.
  3. Develop and promote responsible conservative policy solutions to the most important issues facing Virginia, with an emphasis on fiscal policy, economic development, tax reform, education reform, transportation and health care.
Paperwork to create the Virginia Mainstream Project was filed with the State Board of Elections yesterday. 
Additionally, Bolling has transferred the remaining assets from his campaign committee to the Virginia Mainstream Project and will be raising additional funds to help support the important work of this new initiative.

The Danger Of Big Government — It's Not Just About Obama

SEE HERE Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely is a quote attributed to Lord Acton. But not only does power corrupt, but it leads to large bureaucratic institutions that lack accountability and as it grows they exercise more and more arbitrary power and are finally out of control and virtually impossible to rein in. The recent IRS scandals are showing an example of this but so are the EPA excesses, police excesses, and other power abuses. Big government is essentially totalitarian in impulse.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Destroying The Minds Of The Young

SEE HERE  "These people running our education system are destroying the minds and values of our young people, and we allow them to do it."  Walter Williams makes the case that anti-American propaganda is widespread in the schools. 

Systematic And Wide Violations Of The Hatch Act

SEE HERE Sarah Palin calls it for what it is.  "Eric Holder needs to appoint an unbiased Special Counsel to investigate the illegal political action of this administration. And then Eric Holder needs to resign."  ... of course then we might find out all the other criminal activity that has been going on.

Cheaper To Deport Illegal Aliens Than To Keep Them Here

SEE HERE  The payoff is less than two years.  Now that's quite interesting. 

IRS Out Of Control

SEE HERE Exactly when did the IRS become the enforcer arm of the Democrat party?  This kind of specific targeting of groups is unforgivable.  It's corruption of the deepest order and there needs to be some major head rolling and investigation of where the direction came from.  This is too targeted to be random harassment.  It was coordinated and focused and likely directed right out of the White House.  This makes Watergate look like a cake walk.

Do You Trust Obama With National Security?

SEE HERE Nuclear war would be a devastating disaster in human and economic terms.  But what deters it continues to be the capacity of those attacked to retaliate.  Insofar as that is reduced the probability of actually having a nuclear war increases.  The usual liberal platitudes that somehow we are hated because we are strong fail in the face of reality that the weak are victims and need the strong to protect them.  What we need to be doing is emphasizing virtue and principle not exposing ourselves to destruction by the forces bent on global domination.

To Boldly Go ... Into Darkness

SEE HERE A review of the new Star Trek movie.

The Reality: Government Destroys

SEE HERE Whenever government grows large it grows intrusive.  When it grows large and intrusive it destroys because it creates an overloaded bureaucratic structure which is punishing and ultimately deincentivizing, an overburden that contributes nothing but overwhelming stagnation.  The regulations are put in place with allegedly good intentions but the reality is almost always that they hurt more than they help, they insist on some bureaucrats idea of what is right and proper rather than letting individuals have the freedom to decide for themselves.  Welcome to the control of soda size and what kind of lightbulbs you use and all the rest.

Silence The Christians — Reminders of Rome

SEE HERE It begins in these small ways. I mean the persecution of the truth. There are always those who seek to silence those that they hate. The Father of lies hates the truth and seeks always to silence it and he was a murderer from the beginning. The fact that there was a beginning is a troubling observation to those who hate the truth. They would not exist at all were it not for the infinite mercy of God who hopes for the conversion of all.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Politics of Personal IRS Attack

SEE HERE If this is true then it needs to be thoroughly investigated and heads should roll.

Convention Protest Against Largest Tax Raise In Virginia History

SEE HERE A reference to this pdf file came floating into my email this morning. I'm putting this up because I'm actually rather tickled about the audacity of it. When Bob McDonnell gives his speech at the Republican Convention in Richmond on Saturday there is a movement to have every one get up and leave while he's talking in protest of the largest tax raise in Virginia history. I find that both sensible and immensely amusing. These people who pretend to be conservatives until they get into power and then screw the people don't really deserve much respect. There are other solutions besides more government. It would be nice if our elected representatives would start seeking them out instead of just growing the leisure class that does nothing very productive and just sucks up the resources of the working people who actually make something or do something useful. We need a whole lot less government.

Allen West Calls Out The Media

SEE HERE Man up! Tell the story of what is really happening. The president is doing everything but govern and his minions are destroying the economy. Of course my understanding of this is that he's a figurehead. No one managing him expects him to actually do any work. That's going on behind the scenes by the people who got him elected and handle him. He reaps the perks and they reap the power to "fundamentally transform America." Good luck ... we're being played for suckers and it's working! MORE

The Most Transparent Thug In American Presidential History

SEE HERE The claim that he would be transparent made by president Obama is largely true. He has declared his intentions over and over again and people insist on either assuming he's joking, or has misspoken or some other excuse to give him a pass. Well it's time to acknowledge the truth. He really does want to "fundamentally transform America" and not in any way you'd be happy about.

Obama-bots In Action

SEE HERE I've been having an extended discussion with this fellow smrstrauss on the post about the forged birth certificate. I've decided not to post any more of his comments since they are becoming rather repetitious. However, to be fair I was trying to give him a personal reaction to his last post and didn't see any return address so I googled him and this came up. Is he an Obama-bot? Well his activity seems to point to that. Nevertheless, at least on my thread, he has been very polite and civil and reasonable. I disagree with him but at least he's not one of those ranting name callers that seem to proliferate. If you want to see his posts they are HERE.

Over 100 Targeted ...

SEE HERE Government by intimidation, corrupt to the core.

The Government Propaganda Apparatus Penetrating The IRS

SEE HERE Why should an explicitly pro-life organization have to promote abortion to be a valid 501c? I suppose that is really a rhetorical question. Freedom of speech means nothing to this administration. The IRS is just a bunch of bully boys to the corrupt administration seeking to "fundamentally transform America." It's odd that no one seems to have asked our illustrious leader, fundamentally transform it to what, a communist state?, an extreme nanny-state socialism?, an extreme oligarchy?, perhaps just a gigantic slum? We seem to have people in charge who simply think they are a better form of life and should have the right to tell us all what to do and take our money to fund their pet projects however stupid. It has to stop while we are still vaguely solvent. Of course it's a coin toss whether we've already passed that point.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Using Government Agencies To Attack Freedom

FULL TEXT Just in case you wanted to see the full report on the IRS tax scandal.

The Pinocchio President

SEE HERE Is he lying? Did the sun come up this morning? This president reminds me of the joke about Clocks in Heaven:

A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.

He asked, "What are all those clocks?" St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move."

"Oh," said the man, "whose clock is that?"

"That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie."

"Incredible," said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"

St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life."

"Where's President Obama's clock?" asked the man.

"Obama's clock is in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."

"They Totally Ignored Their Responsibility"

SEE HERE Cheney nails Benghazi as totally irresponsible. They were denied security and stripped of much of the security they had and terrorists were hired to provide security. What could go wrong? There is much more to this story. It sounds so much like a set up that one has to investigate what the underlying reasons were for the apparent total neglect of ordinary caution.

The Obama Connection: The Abuse Of Power As A Standard Mode Of Operation

Just one more example of how the Obama administration operates. It's actually standard Democrat procedure going back a long way, at least to FDR. Obama is the first president to make it the primary mode of operation. Apparently telling the truth about anything is above his pay grade. SEE HERE LOCAL GROUP TARGETED

Republicans Apparently Not Listening To The Right Folks?

SEE HERE You know ... people that actually have read the Constitution and want to see it enforced, people who are aware of the Founding principles, patriots who are tired of the same old same old big government bromides to fix problems that the government created in the first place.  Maybe they should be paying more attention to people like the Tea Party and stop being such mindless idiots.

The Poor Helpless Hapless President

SEE HERE What does he know and when did he know it?  Barack Obama is quick to take shelter in ignorance which is a sign of how out of touch and incompetent he truly is.  "Leadership?" not a word that has a construction in the context of Barack Obama.  He's truly a figurehead surrounded by handlers.  Who is running the shop?  That's the $64,000 question, or has inflation taken it up to the five trillion dollar question?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Common Core Propaganda: For The Truth Read The Comments

SEE HERE  Putting children into the government indoctrination centers is a form of child abuse.  It fills the child with stupid ideas that are not true and to do that uses the time that used to be used to actually learn useful stuff like how to read and write and do arithmetic, all of which seem to be becoming lost skills.

Stand By For Terror Attacks

SEE HERE So what is this all about?  There are going to be a lot of casualties if this comes to fruition.  But how reliable is this information?  I don't know.  Disinformation is usually as plausible sounding as real information.  The way you'll find out might be the sound of the sirens or the explosion.

Tyranny 101: Suppression Of The Free Press

SEE HERE If this isn't threatening I don't know what is.  Now frankly the media have been securely in the Obama administration's pocket almost as if they are owned and operated by the left, but I guess just to make sure they don't stray from the reservation they need some ominous hints.  Freedom seems everywhere on retreat.  Tyranny Rising! MORE It's going to be hard for the media to ignore this. It's a direct threat. Maybe they should start reflecting on the nature of freedom and the dangers of government out of control. HERE

Armed March To Washington Led By Nut Case With Links To Muslim Brotherhood?

SEE HERE What could go wrong?  This sounds more like a set up to instigate violence and organized government suppression of gun owners.  Don't get involved!

Let's Get Focused On The Busting The Corruption And Fraud

  When are we going to impeach this loser and his corrupt cronies.  Check out Special Operations Speaks and reach out.  We need as much help as we can get.

Anatomy Of Betrayal

The end of the American experiment may be in sight if we don't turn things around.  We have traitors in our midst.  We need to stand  up to them.

IRS: The Hammer Of Tyrannical Government

SEE HERE  Of course it is not a coincidence that the IRS targeted Tea Party Patriots.  It's government tyranny pure and simple.  It is also Kabuki theater to shield and divert attention from the Benghazi scandal.  Don't be fooled.

The War Against Christianity

SEE HERE There is something very disturbing about the sudden antipathy of the Pentagon towards Christianity which is the majority religion in the United States.  If you wondered if something was going wrong perhaps this is the smoking gun.  They are coming for your guns, but they are also coming for your God.  Don't be deluded that it will stop when they have suppressed you from sharing your faith.  That is just a step on the path.  Then they will begin to further marginalize you and then it will become criminal to have faith at all.  This is evidence of how wrong things have gotten.  Freedom of speech includes freedom to express your faith and share it with others.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Benghazi Disgrace

SEE HERE The current administration is betraying the United States.

My My My ... Nepotism In High Places ... How Surprising!

SEE HERE It is obvious that if you need cover it's nice to have relatives high up in the news media.  Very convenient when you're trying to control the narrative.  A bit of a conflict of interest however, but that's never disturbed a corrupt Chicago politician.  Honesty?  You can hear the laughing!

Distraction Tactics Work For Only So Long

SEE HERE The gaming of the citizens via strategic release of information is a game that the Obama administration has been playing for a long time.  The news media is pathetic the way they play the game, commonly focusing on entertainment oriented scandals and such and evading real reporting on national and strategic matters.  But this kind of disinformation and distraction tactic can only work so long as the targets of it are not aware of what is going on.  It's getting more transparent as it gets more common.  The Obama administration is the most despicable in the history of the nation and people are starting to figure it out. 

Government? Lying As Usual

SEE HERE I remember rather clearly the heat that president Eisenhower took for lying about the Gary Powers U2 flyover of Russia.  The media gave him hell for lying to the American people about the flyover despite the fact that he was following the advice of the CIA people who had told him that the pilot was dead and it was better to deny any intentional overflight and make much of the alleged shoot down.  Today these many years later it seems to have become government policy to lie about almost everything, to evade responsibility and to blame others.  When exactly did we lose our bearings and become congenital liars?

Hate Words In Tweets

SEE HERE  This is interesting although one wonders what the point is?  The use of intemperate speech is quite common especially among the young who seem to have learned no manners in their journey through life to date.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Nullification Supported By Voters

SEE HERE It's time to rein in the federal government which has been out of control for decades.  Now it is careening on a train wreck course to multiply regulations and imposed requirements on citizens that are no part of the limited powers granted by the Constitution to the feds.  It's time for the states to step up and impose these limits on the feds.  We are a federation of states not a centralized dictatorship.

Unanswered Questions Linger

SEE HERE This accident seemed awfully convenient at the time and still smells to high heavens.  This administration is careless of operational security and may even be complicit in events that lead to bad outcomes for Americans.  Benghazi is another example but there are many more besides this one.  Everything they touch tends to turn to s**t.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Police Overreaction Seems Like A Violation Of Rights

SEE HERE Apparently you can't defend your property against trespass from people who appear to be armed without the gestapo overreacting and treating you like a criminal without adequate cause.  Welcome to tyranny and a failure of common sense which is becoming prevalent for law enforcement these days.  Read this story.  It's appalling.

Coverup Mode From Day One, Hell From Minute One

SEE HERE There isn't an honest bone in the president or any of his advisers' bodies.  Their first instinct in any situation is what lie to tell and how to cover up the truth.  There has never been a president so worthy of impeachment and frankly, incarceration.  He is a man whose main instinct is to lie to achieve his ends.  He is a man whose ends are anti-American to the core.  He is a man whose real identity, whatever it is, has been covered up with layers of lawyers and mountains of deceit.   When will it end? 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Straight Talk From A Straight Talker

SEE HERE The USA is toast!  I've been saying that but who listens to me.  Maybe someone will listen to Lord Monckton.  He's a pretty candid and up front kind of guy.  The train wreck may be unavoidable but maybe we can arrange to minimize the destructive effect of the aftermath.  But whenever you have a serious problem, the solution requires that you first acknowledge the problem.