Monday, September 5, 2011

Government Doesn't Create Jobs — They Destroy Jobs

SEE HERE Robert Ringer rings the alarm. Jobs isn't a problem that government fixes by creating jobs. Government isn't a job creator. Government is a jobs destroyer. The private sector creates everything, government just gets in the way generally and often through the imposition of regulations that may be well meaning but are often simply interfering. No one wants unsafe products, but government in the name of safety often imposes wrong headed solutions. Multiply this by all the areas government interferes and you start to get the picture. Generally the helpful government solution is to make it possible to punish those who are negligent. In practice what often happens is the blanket imposition of one size fits all regulation that can miss the target entirely. I'd really like the air bags taken out of my car. I really think I can decide what kind of fat I use in cooking. Truth in labeling may be helpful but if you want Big Brother in all you knickers then move to China thank you. Centralized planned societies have failed every place they've been tried. Maybe we should learn that lesson without repeating it.

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