Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Magic of Words

SEE HERE Language separates man from the animals. Words are indeed magic. They allow us to communicate powerfully with one another. We live in an age where words have been devalued and euphemisms used to replace hard words, so that as they acquire meaning the euphemisms themselves have to be replaced. Read C.S. Lewis's "Studies In Words" to get a sense of this. Tolkien was a friend of Lewis's and the two spent many hours together in discourse and without Lewis's encouragement there never would have been a "Lord of the Rings" published. Truly words are magical.

1 comment:

  1. Good article. I like Peter Kreeft.

    I'm a bit of a word snob (although not near as smart as I'd like to be) and the biggest arguments my hubby and I have always stem from the incorrect use of words. It's like trying to discuss apples when the other person is visualizing oranges. It just doesn't work.
