Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Shroud Challenge — Who Do Men Say That I Am?

SEE HERE The Shroud of Turin is one of my personal research interests.  One of the most difficult questions about the Shroud of Turin is "What exactly is it?"  It contains a simply amazing image which turns out to behave like a photographic negative.  That strange enough?  But in addition the coloring that makes of the image appears to only exist in the first 200 to 300 nanometers of the tiny fibers that make up the threads.  It's been carbon dated to the 14th century but that doesn't really mean it is from the 14th century only that the carbon date came out that way.  At the time of the dating artists couldn't even make perspective images.  Cloth wrapping experiments have shown that it's almost certainly the result of a cloth wrapped body but that doesn't indicate how the image transferred to the cloth.  The image is an action at a distance image and encodes three dimensional information.

It seems appropriate to reflect on this image of a scourged, blood crowned, nailed through the wrists and feet, lifted up and pierced crucified man as we begin Easter week.  We live these nearly two thousand years later in a world no less conflicted and fraught with deception and human passions than that which existed in Roman dominated Jerusalem of the first century.  Indeed, we live in a world that despite its technological marvels has actually forgotten much of the wisdom it once had and life is given over to materialist and sensualist pleasures.  The Man from Galilee proclaimed himself Son of Man (a prophetic title), Messiah, Priest, and King.  He was executed in the most barbarous way asking for forgiveness for those whose passion for power had done this to him and with a psalm on his lips.  Pax vobiscum!

You Can't Make Up This Stuff ... Can We Have Another President?

Obama's week in review........

#1 Got caught selling us out to the Russians

#2 Solicitor General embarrassed in front of Supreme court..

#3 Budget defeated 414 - 0

#4 Tax Hike on OIL producers defeated in Senate..

#5 America now has the highest corporate tax rate in the world...

#6 And last but not least, Biden now calls for a minimum "global" tax......

With a president like Obama........we simply don't need any other enemies.....

The Manchurian Candidate "Operation Hot Mic"

The man without a birth certificate, with a father whose dreams were of communism and power, whose own dream is to "fundamentally transform" America into what? We don't know but it involves nationalizing the banks, the automobile companies, taking over the health care of all Americans, increasing the deficit by 50% in three short years and with debt that is unsustainable which will either collapse the economy, create runaway inflation or both. Sure he's on our side! What are you smoking?

Friday, March 30, 2012

Dumbfounded that Romney Appears to Be On Track to be the Republican Nominee

It's just crazy. Want to make sure Obama gets a second term? Well that's the track we're on.

The Clown's Accuracy Seems to Exceed Time Magazine's

Is there nothing to fear? Or in fact are we on the fast track to tyranny? What was insane a year ago is commonplace today. What will it be like a year from now? I think Glenn Beck has been vindicated.

Down Hill From Here ... What A Boob!

SEE HERE When are people going to get it. It is clear, absolutely crystal clear, that this guy is a traitor and trying to take down the United States. He should be impeached, imprisoned, and deported when they establish that he is not and never has been a citizen of the United States. He seems to be colluding with our enemies to dismantle our missile defense, dismantle our nuclear deterrent, and shrink our military, and betray our allies. He has enlisted the media and apparently the majority of the Democratic party in this perfidy. It is just outrageous that there is so little outcry and protest.

When Is Treason Just Stupidity? — Whatever You Say Mr. President


Obama Appears to Be Intent On Destroying Israel

SEE HERE When are we going to face up to the fact that we have a traitor in the White House, a man who seems totally dedicated to the destruction of the American republic with an intention of replacing it with at least a European style socialism, but frankly it looks like he is more intent on collapsing the country. He's also promoted Islamic jihad and the reemergence of the Caliphate.

Feel Good Lunacy From the Globalist Biden

SEE HERE So exactly how is this supposed to work? Lowering American relative corporate taxes by taxing everyone in the world 20%. Are there any neurons in his head? How is that supposed to happen? And by the way, just how does raising everyone in the world's tax rate 20% help us ... aren't we included? Do we get the money? Of course not ... and he got applause. Wow! The whole United States is full of people who have no comprehension of economics whatsoever. We are doomed by the stupidity of our voters. They can be spun up by pipedreams.

The Hands Off My Health Care Rally

I went up to the "Hands Off My Health Care" rally in Washington D.C. near the capitol, a couple of blocks from Union Station. It was a great turn out of patriots and had a nice selection of speakers who addressed the crowd. There were a few pro-Obamacare folks floating around. This video captures it well enough. I have a ton of pictures I took as well. Hopefully the Supreme Court will recognize how seriously over the top this bill is and declare the whole thing unconstitutional. If this thing stands than there is nothing the government can't make you do.

The Government Is A Monster — Game Over!

The Overbearing Reach of Government! — Tyranny 101

SEE HERE This is an example of how government tyranny works, especially on those who stand up to them. The wicked prosper and imagine that they are the anointed.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Media Racist Spin ... Tells You About Liberal Racism Not Reality

Let's look at the statistics of the murder of young people and recognize that there are problems with our youth, especially the violence of our black youth. The racism is mostly coming from the left. They foster it and promote it to spin up support for their political agenda.

Allen West In His Own Speak at the Hands Off My Healthcare Rally

I went up to Washington D.C. on one of the AFP buses for this rally and it was inspiring to be with so many patriots protesting against the loss of liberty represented by the Obama healthcare legislation. Hopefully the Supreme Court gets it!

Let's Hear More About Our Heroes

SEE HERE Bad things happen in wars. One thing that annoys me is how the news media so seldom has anything good to say about the American military. The bottom line is that we have one of the most honorable military in the world, period. They are sacrificing their safety to defend ours and they deserve respect and honor in return. Most of the media are meatheads that have never done anything but move pencils.

Owning Health Care? — How About Just Getting Government Entirely Out of It

Everything government touches they mess up. It pretty much doesn't matter what it is. I've watched them doing this my whole life and can count the really good things on the fingers of one hand and most of them were pretty messed up too. The government knows how to do only one thing and that is spend your money wastefully. When they get involved with anything the price of it goes up and up and up. Then they blame others to introduce more regulation and it goes up further.

We Need Stronger Medicine

SEE HERE Just kicking the ball down the years not only doesn't solve the problem, but it ensures that we experience an ultimate collapse. I suppose you can say that of any civilization. Given time and the erosion of history and morals the civilization, once so vigorous that it could bail Europe out of a great war, simply exhausts itself from interior decay. We are at a great turning point which will determine whether we will endure as a republic or decay and collapse either quickly as we are currently doing or more slowly as failure to apply strong medicine will ensure. The cure is freedom and the sickness is enslavement first to our passions and then to our disordered desires and finally to our masters, those who imagine they will benefit from a tyrannical state.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lord Monckton Stops to Visit Sheriff Joe's Cold Case Posse

The president's birth certificate is a fraud and no one is bothering to care. That bothers me more than anything else. No one cares that the president of the United States put up a counterfeit birth certificate on the White House web site. Why did they need to do that? What's wrong with a real birth certificate if they have one? This is not rocket science. We've all had to produce a birth certificate at one time or another. Why can't the president produce one if it exists? SEE HERE

Allen West Tells It Like It Is! — Get Real People ...

Obama's Ready to Sell Us Out — An Ego In A Suit!

Liberal Hypocrisy — When Are We Going to Wake Up and Can These Bums

We need to end the Democratic party and recognize it for what it is, a plot to destroy the nation.

Why You Shouldn't Like the Obamas Either

SEE HERE Those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.  That's the road we're on folks.  Our schools have totally failed us because they are turning out good little robots that obey orders and are "rah rah" fanatics for more government and they all think they are entitled because they've been told they are the best for so long with no particular evidence that they believe it.  Sorry, too bad, but it's just not true.  Instead they are the most brainwashed children in history and they have no conception whatsoever of where wealth really comes from.  It's our fault they are this way and we should fix it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Disastrous Loss of Liberty On the Horizon

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell points out that we've been on this slippery slope for a long time. The commerce clause has to be narrowed.

Meanwhile at the Supreme Court — Liberty At Risk

Krauthammer Points Out the Implications of Obama's Microphone Gaffe

Watch out for a second term Obama. If you think he's been selling out the United States so far, you have seen nothing yet. A second term will be far far worse.  MORE

Men Without Principles Make Natural Bedfellows

SEE HERE Red State draws some interesting analogies between Romney and Obama. We don't need to run Obama-lite against Obama. That is a losing strategy. We need to make a contrast between the etch-a-sketch, principleless candidates and people the founding fathers would have recognized as men not men without chests. (If you don't get the reference then read C.S. Lewis's "Abolition of Man."

Can't Think of a Better Way to Kill a Movie

SEE HERE Hanoi Jane playing Nancy Reagan ... not if you want anyone to come to the movie.

Obama Critiquing ObamaCare ...

This is hilarious given the events that have actually happened. This guy is such a liar. The idea that something can be made affordable by government mandate is itself hilarious. That solution simply creates shortages. It always has. Nixon tried those kinds of things on gas and food back when and all it did was cause long gas lines and shortages of various food items in the supermarkets. In any case it is unconstitutional. Where does the government get off with this stuff?

Constitutional? — Of Course Not, but that Doesn't Stop Them

SEE HERE This is the kind of stuff that has to be stopped cold. Just because some social workers get a bogus call doesn't give them the right to search your house without a search warrant. Send them back to the courts for the warrant. If they can't get a warrant then they have no business claiming they need to search your house. This is the usual liberal progressive in your face creeping tyranny. It needs to be stopped in its tracks with penalties.

The Essence of America is Liberty and the Essence of Obamacare is Servility

Monday, March 26, 2012

Of Course Barack Obama Is Not A Muslim ... I Mean Really!

It would be nice if he put a fraction of the effort he gives to promoting Islam to supporting the Christian religion that he claims to profess. It seems understandable that many doubt his sincerity when it comes to claiming he's a Christian.

Newt Gingrich On the Record — Obama's Mistake Is Bigger than Santorum's

After the Election I'll Have More Flexibility ... For What?

SEE HERE The president is planning to give away the store. His approach is to negotiate the United State into relative weakness. Our missile defense technology is what brought the Soviet Union to an end. Now we are going to give it away? When are we going to impeach this lying deceiving traitorous phony? MORE and STILL MORE

American Exceptionalism — Yes We're Exceptional! Freedom Does That To You!

Trial By Media

The bottom line is that we don't know enough about the incident to justify all the speculation by uninformed nincompoops. That's what law enforcement and grand juries and courts are for. The media is just the usual lynch mob.

Obama Zombies Only Need Apply!


Set Up? — Read Some History... Of Course!

SEE HERE What's going on smells to high heavens. These executive orders are totally inappropriate for a free people. We are being gamed and set up. I'm going to be really disappointed to have to say I told you so as we all go to the firing squads. SEE HERE AND SOBER UP

Francis Fox Piven and others with Milton Friedman

Of Course They Are Communists ... Words Mean Things!

The Hypocrisy of the Left

SEE HERE Dissent is fine if you're dissent is focused on left wing causes, but it's not all right if you're a stinking right wing homophobic, greedy, capitalist, warmonger, Tea-bagger, patriot ... scumbag. Sure the left is pure and unsullied by anything vaguely resembling rational thought. It's all about them and their entitlements. Their hypocrisy illustrates why they are all liars. Why should you tell the truth when everyone knows you're right? Does that make sense?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Check Out Obama Files

SEE HERE Worth a look and a long sequence of careful reflections. In case you wondered this pretty much summarizes just some of the questions about this worst of all presidents.

Be Very Very Concerned ... Tyranny Rising!

More And More Interesting ...

SEE HERE One finds the strangest things if one works hard enough ... I guess it is really hard to cover all the bases when you're hiding the truth.

Newt In Pennsylvania to the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference

Newt Gingrich is the only true conservative in this race. He's proved his credentials in the past and he the smartest guy among the candidates. He's a man who has balanced the budget repeatedly. The Republicans are the party of freedom. We need a principled and articulate candidate. Pick fights with the right principle and the right solution. The Democrats are the party of arrogance and profoundly wrong ideas. If we continue on the track we are on then the nation will go down to ruin. It is as simple as that. We must beat Obama for to fail is to lose the country entirely. The Supreme Court will be packed. The country will be bankrupt. Religious people will be persecuted. Only the elite will have options.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Tea Party Is Back — And It Needs To Prevail

Jim Hoft addresses the Rally to Repeal Obamacare.  It's time to take back our nation.  Occupy the Voting Booth!  The politicians and the media are still lying about the Tea Party.  What we've established is that the Liberals are Liars.  Is anyone surprised?

Sonny Johnson Tells It Like It Is!

Can you really believe that it has come to this?  It's time to turn it around.  We must not disappear.  We must prevail or the freedoms we have long enjoyed will no longer exist.  It's time for more Tea Parties until we've tossed all the politicians into Boston harbor.

Freedom Of Speech Includes Freedom to Say the Hard Things

SEE HERE "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."  That was a phrase my mother used to say.  Freedom of speech includes the freedom to say things that some people don't want to hear like the fact that the lesbian and gay lifestyle are immoral and sinful individual choices.  Sin doesn't stop being sin because it has become trendy.  Ask the people of Sodom and Gomorrah about the subject ... well you can't because they are not around any more.  The bottom line is that freedom of speech doesn't mean anything if the speech has to be put to some liberal test of whether it corresponds to what is currently politically correct.  That's not freedom of any kind.  Satan is the father of lies and it seems to me as Mark Twain said that 80% of the human race owes him their allegiance.  Satan is after all ... "A person who has for untold centuries maintained the imposing position of spiritual head of four-fifths of the human race, and political head of the whole of it, must be granted the possession of executive abilities of the loftiest order."

Thomas Sowell — A Journey from Error to Truth

The misplaced faith in the self-anointed — they think they know the right thing to do and everything they actually do tends to make things worse.  Just put them in charge!  The reality is that everywhere this has ever happened things have gotten worse.

Believing the Lies of the Left — Star Parker Nails It

The Silent Thief — How You've Been Robbed And Hardly Noticed

SEE HERE Gas still costs twenty cents a gallon and a loaf of bread still costs a dime.  It's true but you have to understand first how you've been cheated and stolen from over the years since I was a boy.

Entering the Twilight Zone ... For Real!

Welcome to Obamaville! 

Apparently Peaceful Assembly Isn't Good Enough for the Lefty News Media

SEE HERE The March for Life people know this of course.  They are ignored every year when they assemble hundreds of thousands strong to march to the Supreme Court.  The OWS movement of lazy shiftless violent types get more publicity with far less numbers. If you wondered if the system works this ought to be exhibit number one that it doesn't. 

The Face of Liberal Progressivism Looks A Lot Like ...

SEE HERE Castro!  I remember when they put out Cuban flags along Constitution avenue right after Castro had come to power in Cuba.  It was when they were still expecting Castro to be a leader who would free the people of Cuba from Batista.  I was a high school student at the time.  What a disappointment when Castro's pogroms started.  The Cuban refugees that escaped to the United States have memories and stories to tell and they see through Obama.  If you want to retain your freedom then you should listen and reflect.  We are on the wrong track and perilously close to the tipping point.  Tyranny Rising!

Friday, March 23, 2012

There is a Total Nut In the White House

SEE HERE This guy is certifiable. He seems to be trying to start WWIII. Giving military aid to the Muslim Brotherhood is insane. Totally crazy! The destabilization of the Middle East is well underway and we can expect this to end in a nuclear exchange which has every possibility of igniting World War III. When are we going to impeach this president? We are quickly approaching GAME OVER!

Balance the Budget — Fiscal Irresponsibility Is a Democrat Monopoly

SEE HERE If you want to bankrupt the United States just keep doing what the Democrats are doing and you'll accomplish it and with it destroy the future of your children and grandchildren.

How Do You Know When You're Being Gamed?

SEE HERE Fancy that ... another hole in the documentation trail ... the long trail of coincidences just is increasingly strange. What do you make of it? I'm inclined to think that it is evidence that something is being hidden, ... but what?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pretending to be Significant

SEE HERE Phony is as phony does and Barack Obama brings a whole new level to phony. Where is Holden Caulfield when you need him?

I Did Mention Democrats Are Liars Didn't I?

Just another case in point.  Lie, lie, lie and then lie some more.  The folks drinking the koolaid just swallow it all. 

A more balanced view of the oil situation, for example. If it's just a distortion that you know is untrue is it still a lie? Of course! It's all part of the scarcity script that the Democrats are spinning to increase their power and control. CO2 is not a danger so they lie about that. Then they lie about the amount of resources the U.S. says and about how long it would take to have it on line. There doesn't seem to be much that they are not willing to lie about. When are people going to face up to the fact that they are being gamed? Tyranny Rising!

Sure You're Free — Just Don't Act Like It!

SEE HERE The problem with the Internet and Social Media is that it's blurring the distinction between public and private speech and organized and informal speech. 

The Perfect Metaphor For A Man Without Principles

SEE HERE "Etch-A-Sketch" certainly captures the sense of Mitt Romney's commitment to principle. None, nada ... zero! Just "reset" and run the schtick most likely to appeal to the current constituency. It captures what is wrong with American politics. Honor, integrity, principles? What are those? It's all about getting elected and then using the power conveyed. Too bad! The Founders would be appalled and rightly so. We have degenerated and that which is degenerate can no longer be trusted.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Glenn Beck Throws the Gauntlet Down — I Will Not Comply!

It is time to take a stand against the destruction of America.

This Is What We Have To Be Concerned About — The Obamanation!

The voice of experience.

Accountability — Really?

You Will Choose In November — Heaven Help Us If We Choose Wrong!

Acts of Economic Warfare

Watch carefully going forward. There are many enemies who seek to take down the U.S. economy as the reserved currency of the world. This would effect the world economies and potentially take down the U.S. It's avoidable, but requires awareness and appropriate action.

Maybe There Is Hope For the World! — Daniel Gets It!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Reality 101 versus Liberal Rhetoric

SEE HERE Liberals are long on rhetoric and short on actual delivery. You don't have to look too far for the reasons. Thomas Sowell, always an insightful commentator on the passing scene, reveals the reality.

The Professional Troublemaker Doesn't Make a Great President

Wild Bill sums it up!

Propaganda In the School Books

SEE HERE Sometimes you have to wonder whether anyone is sane anymore? Why do we have to play patty-cake with terrorism to the extent of pretending that our enemies are good guys?

Monday, March 19, 2012

Some Things Are Too Funny Not to Share!

I never thought about it quite this way, but you know Cats are from Mars and Dogs are from Venus!

More Big Government or Less? — That Is the Question!

SEE HERE I don't care who the Republican candidate is as long as he doesn't bring me more big government. I've had it with big government that thinks it has all the answers and tramples on people's freedoms and imposes some bureaucrat's ideas of what the answer is when they have not even framed the question well. We're in the problems we are because of government not despite government. We will only get well when we get the government off our back. Santorum? Ron Paul? Newt Gingrich? ... any of those would be better than Barack Obama again or heavens, Mitt Romney (Obama transformed).

Obamacare — You're Going to Hate It When It Arrives and Puts You In a Straitjacket

Freedom is not about one size fits all healthcare. This is going to end healthcare innovation in the United States one of the last nations that have it. So expect heathcare to go into a tailspin the likes of which you've never seen.

Stranger and Stranger ... Do You Feel Gamed Yet?

SEE HERE Well the mystery continues to deepen. Who is Barack Obama? Is he a natural born citizen? Is he a citizen at all? Was his education and ambitions funded by the Ayers family? How is it that he was remembered as a foreign student? Where is the evidence that he is who he says he is and when are we going to see it?

Ringer Nails the Lying Left

SEE HERE Robert Ringer characterizes the Left as the "Lying Left" something I've been doing for some time as well. The reason is that they are not interested in the truth about anything, only in their ability to take control and impose their will on the rest of us. It is Alinskyism embraced as a world view and a fundamental philosophy and it is about as fundamentally evil as it gets. We are in the embrace of a group of people who don't care what we think at all. We are just to be manipulated and made to go along and if we won't, well then we'll be taken care of, marginalized and eliminated. Don't be mistaken by ideas like "It can't happen here." That was what almost everyone believed about Germany. It is happening here and if we don't wake up it may well be too late.

So What Is This All About?

SEE HERE  An email floated into my mail box which started:
"Here's the newest Obamanation.  And I believe that this makes it official.  The government of the United States is now officially a Fascistic government ... and not all that unlike the National Socialist government of Germany in the late 1930's."
As you can imagine, that caught my attention. The email believes this is a preparation for the imposition of martial law and conversion of the United States to a different "fundamentally transformed" identity. If so, then it is time to prepare to resist. Tyranny Rising!

Eligibility? — It's Important!

SEE HERE Just why did the president of the United States put up a forged birth certificate on the White House website? Pick One: 1) Because he doesn't have a real birth certificate, 2) He wants to give the finger to the "birthers" and thought this would be a cute way to do it, 3) He's really a phony and is trying to create an appearance of eligibility and the progressive forgeries have painted him into a corner, 4) All of the previous. Well I don't know what the answer is, but I'm quite convinced that the document is a forgery. I also think based on other information that a lot of people in power know it is a forgery and are doing nothing about it. So what is going on? Don't the people who are supposed to be the ones that actually pick the president have a right to know? You'd never guess it from the behavior of our politically elite professional politicians feeding up there in Washington D.C. on the money sucked out of the taxpayers.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saddam Was Working the Problem

SEE HERE The Left is always ranting about WMDs in Iraq but the fact of the matter is that Saddam had used WMDs on his own people in the past and on Iran in the past and there was every reason to believe that he had active programs to develop and deploy WMDs against Israel and his other enemies. Were the Left more honest and not so anti-American they would admit as much. But they won't because they are actually seeking to destroy the America our Founders created to replace it with the fundamental transformation into a Socialist state moving towards a tyrannical oligarchy. The Founders by contrast did everything they could to make it difficult for the Federal government to become tyrannical. It has taken us over two hundred years to take down much of that protection and now we are ominously close to losing our freedom as a federation of sovereign states. We need to stop that.

Weapon of A.S.S. Destruction

U.S. Scores Another First — And You Wondered Why Corporations Were Fleeing America?

SEE HERE Yup, highest Corporate tax rate in the World!! Higher than all those socialist countries. Basic economics 101 says that you can't compete if your expenses are higher than your competitors. So when you wonder where all the jobs have gone you can thank the political establishment, especially the Democrats but the Republicans can't get off the hook that easily. If you want a prosperous America you need to be business friendly. Government produces nothing. The private sector produces all the wealth. If you don't know that then your education has been sadly neglected.

Friday, March 16, 2012

This Is Performance — Real Gun Control!

Nice Work If You Can Get It

You have to admit that the NIC (Narcissist In Charge) has made about as much as you can of the opportunity. Golf, vacations, great dinners, quick fly out mini-vacations on Air Force 1, world tours bowing to potentates around the world — Does it get any better than this when all you've ever really done in your life is rabble-rouse as an Alinsky community organizer?

Obama Is An Idiot And So Programmed Even the Foreign Media Get It

This is hysterical!

Enslaving A Country

The irresponsible congresses of the past and the even more reckless Obama administration are bend on destroying the country. John Adams would have long since called him out on it. We have such a mass of sunshine statesmen in our political establishment that as the sun sets they will sit by and destroy the republic. Tyranny Rising!

Breitbart on the Tea Party

Face up to the fact that the real enemies of civility are the left.  "Go to hell!"  It is the left that engages in class warfare.  Go Sarah Palin ... Carry on the vision of Andrew Breitbart!

Thomas Sowell On Economic Myths

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Oh Sure Obama's a Christian — Hahahahahahaha ...

SEE HERE Let's face it.  The Lord said "By their fruits you shall know them."  Now it is understandable that the media thinks Obama is a Christian.  I mean how would they know?  "By their fruits shall you know them" and there are quite a lot of nuts and fruits in the media.  Don't listen to what people say.  Watch what they do!  Obama a Christian?  ... the man who thinks children are a punishment and would tolerate killing them after they are born alive?  I don't think so ... He's probably not a Muslim either.  The only God he recognizes is himself.  He's the NIC ... the Narcissist In Charge!

Explaining The Democrat Strategy — The Party That Lies

The Reality Is That The News Media Is Stupid

The news media has come to believe that they should decide the agenda and the conclusions in the American narrative.  Is Obama a Muslim?  Why would people think that?  How about honoring Muslim holy days and not honoring Christian ones?  How about his ignorance of Christianity but his expertise in the Koran?  As for oil prices ... while he may not be able to affect them at the pump in quick time, he's intentionally interfered with people who are trying to address the problem longer term so he's exacerbating the problem.  It is the news media that sticks to their narrative independent of the facts. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Obama Administration Liars Continue Lying — It's Astonishing the Sheer Chutzpah!

SEE HERE The Obama administration has done everything in its power to limit and reduce oil production and now they want to take credit for the fact that private parties have been growing oil production?  These folks are liars of whole new magnitude.  The sad thing is that the Obama-Zombies will believe them and repeat the lies.  Some people who don't have time to be informed will swallow the koolaid.  We're all likely see economic collapse in our future if this slimy excuse for an administration is reelected.

The Welfare State — Enabling Selfishness So That You Never Grow Up!

The end of virtue and gratitude — "What more can I get for nothing?"

Surprise, Surprise ... CBS Affiliate Covers Cold Case Posse Investigation. Will Miracles Never Cease?

The Obama birth certificate is clearly forged.  You don't need to forge a document if you have a real one.  Sorry folks ... I crime has definitely been committed!  A lot bigger problems than this?  ... like an ineligible president isn't big enough?

Ann Coulter "On Target!"

SEE HERE Who is Sandra Fluke and why do we care? Good question Ann! I'm surprised more people have not been asking it. Ann in an earlier book pointed out the propensity of liberals to create a victim class and then parade them around. In this case the "victimhood" is a bit contrived. Tell me again where it is in the Constitution that I have to pay to protect an unmarried woman from her own promiscuity? And then the drama of it all ... a phony set up as if it is a congressional hearing when the whole thing was a set up staged to make a scene. Why are we taken in at all by this kind of liberal contrivance. It's just another form of lying.

The Tyrants and Thugs of the World Are Going to Vet Us?

SEE HERE Frankly this is outrageous. The U.N. is full of states that deprive their citizens of many of the rights that are prevalent in the United States and this bunch of socialist, tyrannical, and oligarchic states are going to investigate us? I think we should kick their sorry butts out of the United States and stop funding that bunch of proto-One-World-Government phonies.

Are the Democrats Looking Out for You? — Not So As to Notice

SEE HERE Watch the Senate very carefully to discover how little the Democrat Establishment thinks of you.

Stand Up for Election Integrity and Stop the Corruption of the Left

March 24th It's Time for Tea!


This Tics Me Off and All Other Veterans Too

SEE HERE The lack of sense of the Democrats was on display against recently when the Florida Lake-county Democrat headquarters featured an American flag with Obama's face on it.  That's an outrage and a fairly stupid one too.  These folks are not patriots or they would know better.

Gingrich On the Way Forward

SEE HERE  The national debt is a national disgrace, compounded by a president who seems bent on increasing it at a record rate so that the country will never recover.  We're past the point of no return if we don't do something drastic and Newt Gingrich offers the innovative solution that the Obama administration continues to not only ignore but actively demean and discourage and that it to exploit our national resources to earn our way out of our immense debt.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Democrats Worried About Their Base

SEE HERE In view of the fact that a large proportion of the Democrat voters consist of the walking dead (are those zombies?) as the cemeteries vote it is incredibly inconvenient to actually have to produce ID.  So naturally they protest that it is discrimination.  After all, shouldn't the dead be allowed to vote.  We're just protecting their rights.  So naturally the Eric Holder DOJ is right out there defending those dead people's right to vote.

Welcome to the Brainwashing of the Young

SEE HERE Communism?  Does that conjure for you pictures of hippies sitting around smoking pot and saying things like "Communes are great man!  Free love!" or do you just think it is ancient history and you never did like history?  The reality of communism is that it has been the largest single killer of people in the history of the world, more people in a shorter time although abortion is running it a close second.  The fact that we don't tell our children this and show them how dangerous this ideology is will not help if we go down to militant socialism, which is just the precursor to a loss of freedom and a total economic collapse.

Have I Mentioned That Liberals Only Know How To Lie?

SEE HERE In case you missed Sarah Palin's Facebook Note she references this article in it which shows the depth of lying that the liberals engage in.  I'd be ashamed of myself if I were a liberal and did this kind of thing, but it is just because I won't do this kind of thing that I can't be a liberal.  There unhesitancy to simply lie us a measure of their lack of character.  I run into this all the time and they always respond with this innocent kind of "who me lie?" and then they lie again to your face.

Count Noses and Hold Yours When the Liberals Preach

The Left's Mysterious Hatred for Sarah Palin

SEE HERE There is something quite mystifying about the left's hatred for Sarah Palin.  I think finally that it is far more revealing of the left than anything about Sarah Palin other than that she is authentic, articulate, and patriotic and they are false, simpering liars.  I Tivo'd "Undefeated" when it was broadcast on Sunday and screened it yesterday fast forwarding through the endless commercial messages.  What it showed way the malicious distortions of the left lying and caricaturing Sarah Palin in ways that I thought were amazingly malicious.  How can serious people, people with any sense of decency and honesty, do that?  The documentary traced Palin's rise to the governorship of Alaska and showed how much of a reformer she was, cleaning up massive amounts of corruption.  The people of Alaska are better off because of Sarah Palin's integrity and hard work.  Then the left went into destroy mode and filed endless ethics complaints with no merit but which had to be defended by Palin in court at great expense.  She had no personal fortune.  Her family is middle-class and the campaign worked, and that's itself an indictment of the left and of the whole system that lets a good governor be driven from office.  I am disgusted with the left.  There is one thing that I will never do because of this kind of thing and that is vote for a Democrat.  Andrew Breitbart appeared in "Undefeated" and one of the things he said will stick with me a long time.  He said that the failure of the Republican Establishment to defend Palin against these unfounded attacks showed them up as a bunch of eunuchs.   That's exactly right.  We have lost the virtues of courtesy, civility, honor, and respect and in our modern world it is starting to show in the total lack of trust you can have in your political servants would-be masters.  It's disgusting!

The Big Hoax — Unequal Outcomes Are Somebody Elses' Fault

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell takes a shot at one of the greatest Liberal myths of all time, that outcomes should be equal and if they are not it must be somebody else's fault. This is a wonderful myth from a Liberal's point of view since it can motivate endless legislation and intrusion of government power into people's lives and bring the utopian Socialist state they desire closer to enslaving us all. The problem is that as with most of the things Liberals' believe, "It just ain't so!"

Gotta An Hour? — Mark Levin Is Always A Treat

Why Obama's Link to Derrick Bell Matters

SEE HERE This is an interesting page with two videos on it. If you wonder about what motivates Barack Obama this gives you a bit more insight. Derrick Bell's own connections are quite interesting. There is a web of connections many in common with Obama and always to people on the far left who are seeking to "fundamentally transform" America into something you would not recognize and would not like.

The Political Spectrum Properly Understood

The United States is a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy.

Newt Gingrich On Energy — Leadership We Can Count On!

This is the kind of president we need, someone who has historical perspective and understands what works.

The One Thing Democrats Do Consistently Is Lie!

SEE HERE Here's another instance that proves the rule. Democrats are quite good at manufacturing false narratives and then claiming that they are the reason they have to do what they do. It is terribly sad really. The sad part is that so many are taken in by this simple strategy that the Democrats will keep doing it over and over and over again. We need to have more honesty and clarity in government, but as long as lying work so well we'll just have more liars. Americans need to pay more attention.

The Government and GM Are Clueless

Socialism Works Until You Run Out of Other People's Money

Remembering Andrew Breitbart

Monday, March 12, 2012

Why Are Democrats Such Statists? Is It A Mental Disease?

SEE HERE A failure to value truth and to distinguish between facts, principles, and mere opinion seems at the heart of the Liberal mindset. We have a group of people who think they have a superior sensitivity and intellect who seek to impose their views on others. By any objective assessment this is tyranny, but to a Liberal the fact that their policies will help some that may need help and hurt only people they judge to have too much is justification in their minds for what is objectively theft. We now have an immoral government which practices a vast number of things that have no Constitutional mandate and which are objectively immoral and because the moral sensibilities of the Democrat side of the aisle has been so eroded they even imagine that the evil they practice is good. As my mother used to say "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Michael Voris in his Vortex today was asking if Liberals believe in hell. Maybe not, and perhaps that has something to do with their immorality.

Where Do the Feds Get Off?

SEE HERE By what possible Constitutional mandate does the Federal Government think it can interfere with reasonable voter ID laws in Texas? It is increasingly disturbing how many states have a lackadaisical attitude about access to the voting booth. It is almost as if the Democrat party is courting voter fraud. Of course from my experience they seem to be the ones that benefit from it all the time ranging from the election of John Kennedy to the near election of Al Gore ... it's always in Democrat districts that the suspicious vote counts occur.

Obama Is An Ongoing Embarrassment

Some Move In the Right Direction — Semper Fi!

Narcissistic Moments from the NIC — Zero Couth!

Where we will end up if the NIC is reelected SEE HERE The short answer is destroyed. This man is intentionally attempting to take down the United States and he has the overt support of the Democrats and the media. How did we get so many fellow travelers into positions of influence and power? If this goes on it will be "Game Over!" in the next term. The Republicans are co-conspirators as far as I can tell given their support for Mitt Romney. When George Soros can tell the Europeans not to worry about Romney because he'll be just like Obama, what does that say about the system? How about corrupt? How about elitist? How about on a track to destroy the United States?

God Help Us If We Don't Get Rid of the Jerk This November

SEE HERE  Barack Obama is the worst president in American history.  If he is reelected the nation is doomed.  Yet the left keeps trumpeting him as the salvation of us all which probably tells you more about their motives than we ever understood before. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Walter Williams on the Legitimate Role of Government

Spending time with intelligent men is rewarding.

Alex Jones Interviews Jerome Corsi

I'm not a big fan of Alex Jones.  He supports all too many wild conspiracy theories.  I am a fan of  Jerome Corsi who as far as I can tell is pretty data driven and tells it like it is.  The birth certificate controversy continues to be fascinating just because it is so crazy.  So far the White House has presented a variety of forged documents.  Reports out of Hawaii have been conflicting ranging from folks that claim there is a birth certificate there to those who say they have searched and there is no birth certificate.  The sudden death of Andrew Breitbart is at least suspicious.  The question is whether there is more than the fairly vanilla tape presented on Hannity as something meaningful.  It was slightly meaningful since it added another anti-American to the large and growing set of Obama associates.  But it didn't look like what Breitbart could have been talking about so there ought to be a lot more.  We may see it in the days to come.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Freedom of Speech? Apparently Not In El Paso

SEE HERE This kind of thing is troubling in the extreme.  Freedom of speech is a right protected by the Constitution, but only if the Constitution is honored.  I am reminded of Orwell's "Animal Farm" where all animals are equal but some are more equal than others.  We have a growing sense on the part of the political establishment that they are our masters and not our servants.  Tyranny Rising!

Entitlement Thinking In A World Gone Mad

Where does all this entitlement thinking come from?  No one owes you a living or one red cent.  You have to earn it like everyone else.  We live in a nation of spoiled brats with expectations that they will be taken care of on someone else's nickel.  Sorry, but it doesn't really work that way.  You have to earn your own nickels.

Change Obama Style ... Can We Change Again?

North Dakota Governer Points Out the Nonsense the Administration Is Pushing

When will Americans require the Federal Government to behave rationally like North Dakota?

Thomas Sowell on Derrick Bell: How Obama Thinks Or Doesn't!

Something Is Very Very Wrong!

This Is Funny! — Pravda Calls U.S. Media On Their Failure to Vet the President

SEE HERE Now this is downright ROTFLMAO and crying funny!  Pravda STORY calling the U.S. media "tame" and “deliberately hiding the evidence published on the internet about [President Obama's] defrauding of the American public and the deliberate evisceration of the Constitution of the United States.”  It just doesn't get any more ironic than this.  The Obama presidency seems likely to go down in history as the worst presidency ever, certainly the one that respected the American political institutions the least and the one hell-bent on destroying the economy and bringing on the "fundamental transformation" of America which is code for turning the country into a third-world tyranny for which such Obama favorites as Fidel Castro and Hugo Chevez serve as role models.

The Religion of Peace and Love? — How Many Lies Can You Swallow?

SEE HERE Here's what happens in Islamic countries.  When they're not cutting people's heads off on TV they're crushing the heads of teenagers with cinder blocks.  Now I think piercing and skulls are stupid and tattoos are pretty stupid too.  But teenagers are always into trendy stupid things.  In Iraq and other fun places you're not allowed to be into trendy stupid things.  They kill you for that, on net increasing the relative density of religious fanatic murders in Islamic countries in case you wondered where jihadists come from.  Do the next time someone tells you Islam is a religion of peace you can tell them how impressed you are with a religion that kills its teenagers.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Undefeated to Air on Reelz Cable Sunday Night at 8 p.m.

Greek Credit Event Triggers 3.2 Billion In Payouts

SEE VIDEO HERE CDSs (Credit Default Swaps) triggered in Greece. The question is whether these will trigger other events.  Watch Europe since this event could stimulate other shaky states to demand similar debt relief and trigger multiple rounds of debt default which of course will accentuate the weakness of bonds and could trigger further restructuring.  How long it takes and what the form a financial crisis will finally take when a tipping point is reached is hard even for experts to predict.  You can't keep a knife balanced on its tip forever.

And You Think We Don't Need Voter ID? — Looks Like Minnesota Needs It!

SEE HERE (VIDEO) I thought this hidden camera footage was extraordinary.  Manufacturing voters is easy and might explain how Al Franken managed to be elected senator from Minnesota.

Newt Gingrich — A Leading Conservative

  Don't kid yourself.  Newt Gingrich is the conservative in this race.  He's a proven leader and someone with initiative and ideas and he's a fighter.  By contrast the other candidates are just warmed over mush.

Do You Want to Beat Obama or Lose with Romney the Plastic Man?

SEE HERE Real ideas and real courage take the fight to the president and that's what Newt Gingrich has done. Don't lose focus. It is getting rid of Barack Obama and the extreme socialist thuggish agenda that he supports that has to rule the day. We also want to have a strict constructionist Supreme Court and a majority in both houses of Congress. We have to turn around this Juggernaut which is focused on taking down America as we know it to replace it with a "fundamental transformation" which is never really articulated well, for if it was the American people would reject it.

The Deepening Mystery

SEE HERE Where are all Barack Obama's records if he's legitimate? Why isn't that a reasonable question? Bring it up and the standard response is to treat you like a wacko. But you have transcripts. You have a birth certificate. If you travel abroad you have a passport and you likely have a social security card and selective service registration. These are all either missing or suspect in the case of Barack Obama. The obvious question is why? One or two, might be an accident, but there is a systematic character to the missing records on Obama that ought to make one a bit uneasy about facile explanations.

The Monsters Around Us!

A nephew of mine posted this picture on Facebook and it made me want to morph the monster into Barack Obama or type "Runaway Deficits" on the monster and label the teddy bear "Tea Party" or something like that. We need more than teddy bears to defend us against the runaway ideological stupidity that currently has the nation in its grip, but it's nice to remember the days when a teddy bear was comforting. Those were days when duty, honor, country still meant something to most people. I wish for those days to return and I lift my wooden sword in salute to all the teddy bears of the world.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

2016 — Dream or Nightmare

Romney Versus Anti-Romney — Focus on Values

Top Priority? — Vote Obama Out In 2012

Obama's Top Priority from RightChange on Vimeo.

Tripling Dividend Tax Rates — Crazy and Stupid

SEE HERE It isn't enough that American Corporations pay higher taxes on their profits than almost anywhere else in the world, but then the dividends paid out of those profits are taxed a second time and not that tax is expected to triple. This is not only crazy but stupid. It drives companies out of the United States and it drives investment capital out of the United States. If the purpose of the administration is to crush the American economy this is one more way of accomplishing that end.

Thomas Sowell on Derrick Bell and the Pressure for Ideological Conformity

SEE HERE This puts the Harvard professor who Barack Obama makes so much of in the footage that Andrew Breitbart got released and which was seen on Hannity last night in perspective. It's not about "Diversity", instead it is about ideological conformity to a extremist agenda. This is the agenda that our current president embraces and it involves destruction of the United States. That's what it is about. Wake up! Stop drinking the koolaid and look instead at the clear vector of destruction in the wake of the president's policies. Tyranny Rising! Below is a younger Obama embracing Derrick Bell. WHO IS DERRICK BELL?

Bell In His Own Speak

"A sense of entitlement because they are white" ... Bell believes racism is permanent and a fundamental part of American society. Other things being equal, this strikes me as a mental disease. People's expectations affect their psyche and the racism that people like Bell believe in is 10% reality and 90% projection. Then we have a confrontation between CNN host Soeldad O’Brien and's Pollak. Watch the whole thing and watch the media airheads bloviate about Critical Race Theory which they've not really researched just dropping dismissive spin phrases. I love it! From Wikipedia quoting: Judge Alex Kozinski, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, [who] writes that Critical Race Theorists have constructed a philosophy which makes a valid exchange of ideas between the various disciplines unattainable.

"The radical multiculturalists' views raise insuperable barriers to mutual understanding. Consider the Space Traders story. How does one have a meaningful dialogue with Derrick Bell? Because his thesis is utterly untestable, one quickly reaches a dead end after either accepting or rejecting his assertion that white Americans would cheerfully sell all blacks to the aliens. The story is also a poke in the eye of American Jews, particularly those who risked life and limb by actively participating in the civil rights protests of the 1960s. Bell clearly implies that this was done out of tawdry self-interest. Perhaps most galling is Bell's insensitivity in making the symbol of Jewish hypocrisy the little girl who perished in the Holocaust — as close to a saint as Jews have. A Jewish professor who invoked the name of Rosa Parks so derisively would be bitterly condemned — and rightly so."

Steve Bridges Dead at 48

SEE HERE Life is too short and for some it is shorter still.  I've seen  videos of Steve Bridges impersonating Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and George Bush and it's really uncanny how impressive his performances were.  You need some humor to balance out all the serious stuff in your life and he did it very well.  He will be missed.

Crunching the Numbers

SEE HERE The Conservative majority has split its vote and this may end up causing Romney to be nominated and then lose the election to Obama since as George Soros suggested a while back to those in Europe, there's no difference.  Why vote for a RINO when you can have the real socialist?  The problem is that the ticket contains more than one candidate and there's this thing called the Supreme Court which is already too Liberal which the next president may well get to add further Liberal members too.  I personally like Gingrich the best of the remaining candidates standing, but the media continues its role of slamming Republicans that could actually beat Obama while smoozing up to those like Romney who will likely lose.  The system is badly flawed.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Gingrich The Man Who Pioneered the Conservative Congress

Newt Gingrich has lived it. I remember his courage night after night in special orders fighting to reform the liberal Democrat congress. Then his Contract with America initiative brought us a conservative congress. We hear about Clinton balancing the budget ... nonsense, Newt Gingrich and the conservative congress balanced the budget. We need Newt back and if you want to defeat Barack Obama you need someone who actually thinks differently from him.

Tickler for Breitbart's Video to Be Seen on Hannity Tonight Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak and Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro will appear on The Sean Hannity Show to discuss the tape. The full tape will be released tonight on Fox News’ Hannity.

Want to Throw Money Away? — I Have Just the Thing!

SEE HERE Short summary: Wind power is incredibly stupid.  Doesn't anyone every work things through before they throw their money away?

What Have We Wrought? — I'm Entitled!

Wow!  She's struggling but she just got handed a check that was more than my net worth and my taxes are paying for her assistance.  How does that make sense?  She probably votes Democrat too!

Regulation as Ideologically Driven Punishment

SEE HERE The ideology of the left is emitting regulations that are designed to punish behavior of which they do not approve.  Of course they first package it in rhetoric designed to make it a high sounding effort to save the planet or spread the wealth concentrated in those evil people who actually work for a living.  The result is less work for everyone and a future in which the disaster of economic collapse can be easily envisioned.  We are in the embrace of people who desire to take down our system of government and replace it with their own failed vision of socialism.  We will all suffer, rich and poor, if they succeed.

The Fun and Games Continue — And You Thought Democrats Were Honest? Really?

SEE HERE This is fun.  The usual folks are capturing revealing email and leaking it out.  What to believe and what not to believe is always the question in things like this.  But Democrats committing election fraud?  Is there something surprising about that?  It's been going on since before I was born.  John Kennedy was elected through election fraud and Nixon did the same thing McCain did and looked the other way.  Maybe we should really have more of an investigation and put some people in jail.  That would be refreshing.  Then you might think there'd be a possibility of honest elections.  Meanwhile a judge in Wisconsin has decided to set aside, only temporarily you understand, the ID requirements for the Walker recall election.  Gee, how does that work?  SEE HERE

Are You Tired of Being Gamed Yet?

SEE HERE Surprise, surprise! Our Fluke girl seems to have been part of an orchestrated plan. If that's a surprise you have some serious study for homework. The whole political game, because of the moral turpitude of the left, has become nothing but a giant charade, a spin-doctored manipulation fest run by public opinion wonks. You have to cut through the Kabuki Theater
to get to the real story. Andrew Breitbart was good at that. Maybe that's why he's gone.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fox Airs Claim that Top GOP Officials In Virginia Manipuated the Process to Keep Gingrich and Santorum Off the Primary Ticket

I think there are a lot of people in Virginia that agree with this assessment.

Breitbart on the Occupy Movement

These people are not just radicals, they are thugs and tyrants seeking to overthrow the system that has made America prosperous. These people need to be outed and defeated.

Felon and Voter Fraud Advantage? — Time to Clean Up Elections!

Romney? — Plastic Man, Stretch Him Any Way You Want!

Romney can only be trusted to be untrustworthy. SEE HERE That's the one thing you can count on him for. He's just another weather-vane. Politics in the United States is seriously broken. The only way you can tell that a politician is lying is that his lips are moving.

Speaking of Hypocrisy

Maybe the Catholics should issue a fatwa on Obama .... Oh yeah, Catholics don't do that ...

Falling Into the Liberal Narrative Makes You Really Stupid

SEE HERE This piece points out how phony the whole Fluke matter is. It's Kabuki Theater orchestrated from the left as always. When are we going to "get it" and start playing them as effectively as they play us. Speak truth to their stupidity is the recipe, but unfortunately we don't have enough folks who understand both truth and have the moxie to proclaim it. Andrew Breitbart did and do you hear any of the media complaining about the way he is being treated on twitter and on liberal blogs. Phony baloney is the name of the game if you're a liberal. Just posture and pose and pretend your offended as you exercise a whole philosophy of hypocrisy. Good luck Republicans and Conservatives. Until you start confronting these lies with truth and courage you'll continue to be played.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Mash-Up of Democrat Hypocrisy — Who Are They to Criticize? Oh I Forgot They Are the Anointed ...

Just in case you wonder what all the hoopla about Rush Limbaugh is about, it's about imitating a Democrat without permission.

The Love Song of Saul Alinsky ...

SEE HERE Before President Obama gets on the ballot again he needs to be seriously vetted. He's a leftist radical Saul Alinskyite and he may well not be a citizen. How can you know? There is no birth certificate. He's used a fraudulent social security number as far as anyone can tell. He purportedly was a foreign student in college getting aid as a foreign student and living in the foreign student dorms. And he's so secretive about his records that one can hardly conclude anything else but that he has something serious to hide. Where is the news media? Having electric shocks of excitement going up their legs as they bend over backwards to heap praise upon him. There hasn't been this much fawning over a president since John Kennedy.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Vacuity of the Media — Any Issues but the Real Ones

Spin spin spin ... The media is despicable and the spin doctors that are evading the real issues are despicable as well. This whole issue is manufactured to shift the debate from fundamentals to pointless vacuous stuff that seems to spin up the left. Apparently the real revolution the left cares about is the sexual revolution and the spread of promiscuity. As for little things like freedom, constitutional government, fraud and corruption on the part of the administration, the rapid increase in the deficit ... that's small potatoes compared with suppressing people of conscience's right to not have to pay for other people's immorality. I am so sick of the media, the left, the government corruption and the professional political class who seem to ignore it all that I could just scream. I think Newt is exactly right. Rush should probably not have used the inflammatory language that he did, but I think it was arguably accurate.

Getting to the Butt of the Problem

A manager I had a long time ago had only one joke which he used for all occasions. He said that management was like monkeys in a tree. The boss monkeys were higher up the tree and when they looked down all they saw was smiling faces. The monkeys lower down looking up saw nothing but a**holes. This observation actually fits well with the Peter Principle.

The Forged Birth Certificate — In Case You Doubted That It Was Forged

Here's the conclusion video offered at the investigation web site HERE  Scroll down to see a series of videos on the evidence of forgery. If you go through the videos one at a time you'll see the convincing evidence that Barack Obama's supposed long form birth certificate posted at the White House website is a forgery.  The obvious question is why would the president need a forged birth certificate if he has a real one?  The other question is about the forged selective service registration.  This is evidence that at least two crimes have been perpetrated.  Who the perpetrators are and what the motive is are perhaps open to question.  But it is a valid and important question.

Selective Service Forgery

Why was this necessary? Obama would appear to be a fraud, a manufactured person. An investigation seems to be called for.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Breitbart at CPAC — Perhaps It Cost Him His Life?

Andrew Breitbart cites the reality of President Obama's radical roots. 

Convincing Evidence that President Obama's Document was "Built"

The president's released birth certificate is "built" and failed every test that was applied by the Cold Case Posse.  Then the media went into "attack dog" mode.  When are we going to get some honesty on this matter?

Mark Levin Weighs In On The Fluke Flake!

SEE HERE This 30 year old is part of the usual left-wing spin gaming of the system. It's Political Kabuki Theater. How often does a Georgetown law student whining about getting free contraception get to testify before congress and get a personal call from the president? Mark Levin contrasts this radical feminist with Brian Terry, the victim of "Fast and Furious." Did anyone call the Terry family? There are two Americas, the one fostered by the left which will issue in evil and those who are trying to defend the Constitution and the freedom of America for their children and their children's children. Mark Levin nails it!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Andrew Breitbart In His Own Speak on February 9th

Organized Left is street theater designed to capture the narrative and marginalize conservatives. It is all about collectivism and taking over the country. The electorate is clueless and the thuggery of the left may well win and we will, as Ronald Reagan said, spend our declining years telling our children and grandchildren what it was once like to live in America where men were free. I wonder if this is what it was like for the German people watching Hitler rise to power? THE BREITBART EXPERIENCE

The Increasingly Despicable State of the World

SEE HERE We live in a world decidedly on the skids at least morally speaking.  What passes for discourse about morality these days involves treating human beings as objects to be used when convenient and destroyed when convenient, the human being as a disposable thing.  Oddly the people think this way seem to place a higher value on animals than on people.  Perhaps that is a measure of the degree to which they despise themselves.  I don't pretend to get it.  Moreover it seems like a kind of mental disease.  What is deeply disturbing is that we are surrounded increasingly by people who think this way but think they are superior as well and have every intention of practicing what they so despicably preach.

Obama's College Years? Revealing? Perhaps ...

SEE HERE There is a good deal of speculation about what Andrew Breitbart was going to reveal about president Obama and whether these revelations had something to do with his death. Probably not, frankly. The most common sign of heart disease is sudden death. I heard a group of heart specialists make that statement on a medical television show one time. The risk region is the mid forties.