SEE HERE Just why did the president of the United States put up a forged birth certificate on the White House website? Pick One: 1) Because he doesn't have a real birth certificate, 2) He wants to give the finger to the "birthers" and thought this would be a cute way to do it, 3) He's really a phony and is trying to create an appearance of eligibility and the progressive forgeries have painted him into a corner, 4) All of the previous. Well I don't know what the answer is, but I'm quite convinced that the document is a forgery. I also think based on other information that a lot of people in power know it is a forgery and are doing nothing about it. So what is going on? Don't the people who are supposed to be the ones that actually pick the president have a right to know? You'd never guess it from the behavior of our politically elite professional politicians feeding up there in Washington D.C. on the money sucked out of the taxpayers.
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