Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saddam Was Working the Problem

SEE HERE The Left is always ranting about WMDs in Iraq but the fact of the matter is that Saddam had used WMDs on his own people in the past and on Iran in the past and there was every reason to believe that he had active programs to develop and deploy WMDs against Israel and his other enemies. Were the Left more honest and not so anti-American they would admit as much. But they won't because they are actually seeking to destroy the America our Founders created to replace it with the fundamental transformation into a Socialist state moving towards a tyrannical oligarchy. The Founders by contrast did everything they could to make it difficult for the Federal government to become tyrannical. It has taken us over two hundred years to take down much of that protection and now we are ominously close to losing our freedom as a federation of sovereign states. We need to stop that.

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