Monday, May 14, 2012

The Logical Failings of the Climate Alarmists

SEE HERE It is particularly strange that the world has become so catastrophe-oriented.  Everything has to have some sort of looming disaster associated with it.  Perhaps it is the crisis mentality that justifies government stepping in that has so increased the number of disasters and the doomsday rhetoric that surrounds them. 

There was a famous hamburger television commercial which asked "Where's the beef?" a question asked by a stern looking little old lady who seemed skeptical that it even was beef.  In my lifetime I've been exposed to many a specious catastrophe looming and none of them have amounted to a hill of beans whether it was mercury in fish, alar on apples, running out of oil in the 1970s, the ice age that was quickly coming about the same time, acid rain, and a myriad of others all aimed at generating panic so that the government would pass regulations and laws. 

I've concluded that almost none of these were well founded in fact.  Indeed I have several books that review the facts and show that more often than not the result has been bad laws that cost us a lot in treasure and in the case of the DDT stupidity many lives worldwide.  Before you let some publicity campaign panic you into demanding legislation insist on getting real facts.  We're currently being panicked into making laws against fracking based on propaganda and not on good research.  There are more authentic things to worry about.  Follow the data and follow the money.  Jointly you'll likely get close to the truth.

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