Thursday, September 13, 2012

Kate Obenshain On "Muslims Can Do No Wrong Meme Obama Spins"

SEE HERE Here's the reality of it all ... the Muslims want to rule the world.  They always have right from the beginning and ran into a little reality check called the crusades.  That put them on notice but the West has been running out of steam and the Muslims are getting feisty again, especially in the face of Western wimpish reactions to really extreme Muslim actions like ... well name 20 or 30 atrocities, they're not only easy to find but the represent almost all the atrocities that do take place.  We'll just use 9/11 as the poster child, but there were many many more and earlier.  The Western secular states just don't get it.  They are so used to extending religious tolerance to a variety of religions that when a religion comes along that is intolerant they just roll over and play dead.

The reality is that Islam when it gets into a majority or just enough of a plurality to gain political influence begins to make demands for Sharia law, for having their own Muslim dominated regions and their goal ultimately is to make everyone a Muslim.  It's all in the Koran.  It is no surprise.  One need only go to history books to see the pattern.  But the West seems unwilling to acknowledge the reality.  We better start recognizing that playing nicey-nice with people that tie bombs on their children and fly planes into buildings to make a point is just not going to work.  These people only understand overwhelming force applied systematically and predictably.  It's what they do when they can and it is likely what they will respond to.  Failing that you better get a prayer rug and learn what direction Mecca lies in.

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