Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The President's Israeli Problem — He's Clearly Hung Israel Out To Dry

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell points out some of the Obama's clear biases against Israel based on his actions. Frankly things are not going so well over in the Middle East for Americans. Why is that? Isn't the Arab Spring or whatever supposed to be more pro-American? Or maybe all that bowing and scraping to miscellaneous Saudi princes and things is backfiring and getting us the reputation of being wimps. Whatever is going on, it isn't working to our advantage.

Today we get the news that the Ambassador to Libya has been killed by an Islamic mob. The mob violence was triggered by some insult against the prophet COVERAGE or something. Any excuse at all seems to send Muslims on a rampage of killing and mutilation. It's time to start getting independent of this mob-scene and while we're at it, we should consider kicking them out of the United States altogether. People who only pretend loyalty until they are in the majority so that they can impose Sharia are not our kind of citizens. Freedom of religion is supposed to mean freedom, not freedom only until we get in the majority.

UPDATE: the allegation that the Islamic violence was triggered by a response to insults to the prophet is a cover story.  The event was planned and executed to celebrate 9/11.  We should start preparing to stop all this with force if necessary, but first we need to remove Barack Obama from the White House.  He's given a billion dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood and they are our enemies.  It's obvious.  He was told so.  He did it anyway.  He's a traitor.  How much more of this must we endure?

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