Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2000 Years of Christian Devotional History

SEE HERE Sometimes a book just jumps out at you as if the Holy Spirit was nudging you on the shoulder. I felt that way a little when I was walking over to Books A Million and saw this book's title in the window off to one side of the store, an obscure side that just happened to be in front of the window. It wasn't a display, but the title was in large enough letters that as I approached the store where I was expecting to wait a while for wife and mother-in-law, I noted the title "Devotional Classics" and I thought, "That sounds interesting."
My wife and I are in a spiritual book club that meets monthly to discuss our progress through various spiritual classics. Sometimes we spend several months on the same book. Most of what we read is devotional in some sense. So I prowled through the store to the back aisle that was in front of the window to see the book. I was delighted with it. I have not had a chance to read it mind you. Flipping through it and seeing the sources I was convinced.
"Devotional Classics" is an ecumenical work that offers the work of 52 devotional writings and authors from every strain of Christianity and every period. I was excited by the book and happened to pick it up the day of the spiritual book club when we were finishing one book and would need to pick a new one. This book just screamed "Pick Me, Pick Me!" so I bought it and took it with me to the book club. It was love at first sight and we start reading it this month with it's first theme: Preparing for the Spiritual Life featuring eight authors: 1) C.S. Lewis, 2) Dallas Willard, 3) Jonathan Edwards, 4) Francis de Sales, 5) John of the Cross, 6) Bernard of Clairvaux, 7) Francis Fenelon, and 8) St. Augustine. Just that selection should give you a flavor of the book. I'll try to remember to follow up when we've had a meeting or two.

A Chesterton quote: "A room without books is like a body without a soul."

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