Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Darwinism Is Getting Long In the Tooth

SEE HERE Ann Coulter seems hung up on Darwinism. I don't mind. Darwinism is quite interesting and very likely quite wrong. Ann trots out the usual devastating arguments against Darwinism which the Darwinists never answer. I've never understood why they don't answer them unless they don't really have answers. Natural selection clearly works as a selection mechanism that can produce significant changes. Morever, it is clear from the DNA that life is very much related. But that doesn't mean it evolved by natural selection, only that the plan form of life is build on a relatively robust underlying structure. For example if you look at automobiles you find they pretty much all share a common architecture. Cars are different than trucks but they share a common architecture that have a family resemblance. So the common basis of life might easily enough come from a designer. What about replication of mistakes? One of the first questions is whether we really know enough to tell when something is a mistake? But mistakes could certainly arise from a natural selection process. Indeed mistakes are what you'd expect from the vast vast majority of mutations. If I inject a random letter into this post it will be very unlikely to increase the sense of the language stream and might harm it. Honest scientists take criticism seriously. I'd very much like to see a robust discussion and resolution of the common criticisms of Darwinism instead of just dismissal.

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