Friday, August 26, 2011

Burning the Koran Causes These Barbarians to Kill People But They Can Burn Bibles

SEE HERE If it weren't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all. Well that's something I heard governor Palin say on a YouTube and I like it a lot just because it is illustrated over and over by their actions. I'm waiting for them to condemn Iran for burning bibles since they were so quick to condemn the minister who burned a single Koran some time ago. That led to the death of a few Christians at the hands of these barbarians. I'm betting the Christians aren't going to cut the heads off any Muslems for this outrage. It's a fundamental difference between a religion of hate and violence and a religion of love and charity. I hope Christians are starting to study the history of the spread of Islam a little more closely. It is a saga of systematic violence and the spread of religion by military force starting with the very lands first converted to Christianity by the early Christians.

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