Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Did I Miss Something? Tell Me Again About the Religion of Peace

SEE HERE ... and then after you've done that, please check the actually track record on the ground with the fluff you've been fed.  The only peace Islam recognizes is the peace of capitulation or death.  How many religions on the planet have a doctrine that if you decide you don't want to be one anymore you're under a sentence of death?  If there are any, they are far out wacky kooks that would be better called savages than men.  But this is the standard practice of Islam.  All the propaganda in the world doesn't change the character of the religion.  It is a militaristic cult spread by violence.  It even predates on its own as the Sunni/Shia  conflict testifies.  The idea that these folks want to become Americans when they harbor the intention of overturning American law and imposing sharia as soon as they have sufficient numbers is simply an outrage.  Toleration of their religion is one thing.  They can believe anything they want.  Tolerating their actions is an entirely different matter.

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