Monday, January 2, 2012

If You're A Conservative It's Time To Stand Up And Be Counted

SEE HERE The young people have been brainwashed by the public indoctrination system that instead of educating teaches young people to mouth the mantras of the left.  Instead of teaching critical thinking, logic and principle, they teach political correctness and refusal to think.  You have to challenge this mindlessness or you will lose your freedom and become just another slave of the collective.  Stand up and be counted.  The left practices the politics of slime and envy.  We need to speak truth to stupidity.

Four things you need to do:

1. Educate young voters.
2. Join local conservative organizations.
3. Participate in Get Out The Vote efforts.
4. Become aware of election fraud in your area and what is being done to attack its dangerous mission.

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