Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Inauthenticity of Mitt Romney

SEE HERE I'm sorry ... Mitt Romney is not a real person.  He's created by a matter replicator each morning with the views resulting from polls taken the night before.  He doesn't sleep.  Instead he is disassembled by a transporter and stored overnight in the transporter's pattern buffer which slight modifications are made to allow for any changes in the electorate that occur overnight.  He isn't really a liar, because to be a liar you have to a) know the truth, and b) be seeking to mislead.  The Romney-bot doesn't really know anything and hence is incapable of misleading.  Like the Clinton-bot before him, he only seeks to be liked so that you will pull the lever or check the box come November and his masters can continue to control the system and they march it towards the precipice.  Mitt Romney has an authentic inauthenticity problem, at least with me.

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