Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Crisis of Liberalism — I hope Buchanan has it right!

SEE HERE The problem is that we're reaching the end of our rope. You can't go beyond where we are without courting complete collapse, especially as you print more and more dollars called QE1, QE2, and not a rumored QE3 so that inflation and hence higher interest rates become inevitable. When the interest rates start soaring and the currency becomes increasingly worthless and the U.S. credit status is downgraded and suddenly we find it all that much more difficult to service the debt then the liberals will still be standing around saying "Bush did it." But Bush didn't do it. He may have contributed. He may even have started it. But they campaigned against him and when they got is proceeded to do more of the same, much more. This is their deficit and their economic catastrophe shaping up. I hope we all survive it.

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