Sunday, July 31, 2011

Doesn't This Just Make You Want To Run Out And Join A Union?

SEE HERE The great conflict between management and the worker led to unions, or so I was taught. Unions were supposed to be a good thing and management was supposed to be evil (never quite figured out why that was supposed to be so, except there was some notion that management didn't do any real work so they must be exploiting the worker). When you hear one side of a story it always makes that side look good. On the other hand when you've been on the receiving side of the union thuggery and bullying then maybe it starts looking like a distorted tale. I've not been impressed by the union record. It's one long tale of destroyed industries. Right now they are destroying the schools, before that they did a pretty good job on the railroads, the automobile industry, and the New York newspapers. I remember the Teamsters striking against the general public with interstate slow downs. Unions may sound like a good idea, but the reality has been less than ideal. Maybe the whole idea needs to be rethought.

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