Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Obama Deficit

We keep hearing from the Democrats that Bush caused the deficit. But the reality is quite different from what the Democrats commonly say. That is because Democrats are congenital liars. My whole life I've listened to them lying about his and that. Roosevelt's New Deal which deepened lengthened the Great Depression was always lied about. Johnson lied to get us more committed to the Vietnam war and created the Great Society which proceeded to destroy the families of the poor and disadvantaged. Now we constantly hear how it's all Bush's fault, but the emergency caused by the housing bubble was one brought on by Democrat policies and the facts are clear that were it not for that emergency Bush on well on his way to reducing the deficit. Only under pressure and getting advice that they desperately needed to bail out the banks did the deficit balloon. Then Obama accelerated the spending. Look at the numbers and look at the history and stop believing the Democrat swill.

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