Monday, August 1, 2011

Civility? How About Just An Emphasis On The Truth!?

SEE HERE It is amusing to watch what passes for political debate these days and contrast it with the discourse of the founding fathers. Even when they called each other names it was eloquent.

On the other hand here's a quote that came around today on Patriot Post from John Adams: "Public affairs go on pretty much as usual: perpetual chicanery and rather more personal abuse than there used to be."

Now we have further degenerated into a pack of rabid wolves eating each other. What was once a search for the best approach to achieve common ends has become instead a ravenous pack of wolves seeking to destroy the republic and replace it with a dictatorial central imperial government modeled on the socialist states of Europe at least in the beginning. It reminds me of the Star Trek original series episode "The Return of the Archons" where all the citizens serve Landru, for the good of the "body."

The reality was altogether different. I think the themes here are being played out in our own culture as the collectivists try to control everyone to "spread the wealth around" as if wealth is simply a found resource. The reality, if achieved, will be to destroy the wealth since wealth arises from focused work and initiative motivated by a vision usually of a better life or a better way to achieve ones hopes and dreams. Under the thumb of the state there ultimately is no hope just a sameness and uniformity of lowered expectations. The result is that the wealth dissipates and everyone sinks into stasis and "Landru", a machine metaphor for mindless mediocrity, rules all.

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