Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Gestapo in California

Time to start investigating the illegal search and seizure procedures of the police.
Thoughts offered by a friend of mine:

The American people have failed to take responsibility for who they elect, and consequently, for who they promote within the public who are responsible for protecting the people who put them there...we are clearly heading for big problems....not unlike what was occuring prior to the American Revolution....

Baptists who refused to pay the tax that was supporting a state-run church were often beaten and jailed...That's the essence of why the Danbury Baptists Association wrote to Thomas Jefferson, asking if and how they would be protected from a state-run church, and why Jefferson wrote his letter, that of course has been taken out of context, but which discusses the "separation of church and state" issue.

How could we come to this? apathy. laziness. too much comfortable gold and ammo...I think its the only thing we got left that will survive this crisis, assuming we can survive this crisis. God will ultimately decide that question. God have mercy on this country.

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