Friday, October 9, 2009

What! Nobel Prize for What? ...

Well I have to say that the Nobel Prize isn't what it used to be. It's become a trophy for liberal nonsense and wishful thinking. SEE HERE I don't have anything against President Obama getting the prize. He can use the money for the future when he has to actually work for a living and can't jet around the world on Air Force 1 or fly in pizza chef's or go to New York for a date or any of the other relatively innocent but expensive past times he and his wife have indulged in the past few months.

It's nice to be the leader of the free world, although "leader" might not be the word that I think fits best. I think "poseur" or "posturer" would be closer to the reality. He's apologized for the U.S., dissed our allies and friends, elevated and given comfort to our most implacable enemies who in response have picked up the persecution of their own people.

In the some ten months he's been president he's mainly succeeded in spending money at an inordinate rate to pay off his friends, political contributors, union bosses, labor figures, ACORN com-padres and various political organizations that have written all the bills that congress doesn't have time to read. It takes even the APOLLO group a while to turn out these thousand page plus bills that conceal all kinds of pork for all the far lefties to feast on.

The Nobel committee is becoming a laughing stock I think though. Carter got a Nobel prize for something similar when he got Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to the peace table. Of course that got Sadat assassinated and shortly thereafter the Shah of Iran was deposed with help from Carter (yeah that helped bring on international jihadist terrorism, thanks Jimmy) and we had the Iran hostage crisis which went on until Ronald Reagan was elected. Did I mention the inflation rate ... pushing 20%. Earlier we had the Kissinger Nobel Prize (what a joke) SEE HERE
Mr Obama’s prize is more likely, however, to be compared with the most contentious prize of all: the 1973 prize to Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho for their negotiations to end the Vietnam war. Dr Kissinger was branded a warmonger for his support for the bombing campaign in Cambodia; and the Vietnamese negotiator was subsequently seen as a liar whose government never intended to honour a peace deal but was waiting for the moment to attack South Vietnam.

The long and short of it is that the Nobel committee has a long history of awarding the Nobel Prize, especially the Peace Prize, to folks who had little to do with peace and often enough were directly implicated in destabilizing and conflict producing situations. Hopefully Obama's ridiculous prize won't be a replay of some of these past debacles.

Oh did I mention Al Gore? Why add insult to injury. This month the fiasco of global warming was finally shown to be a fraud. I don't think Al will give back his Nobel Prize for propaganda though. Interesting world we live in.

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