Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Media: It Isn't Bias, It's Outright Lying. You Can't Believe Anything The Major Media Say. They are Liars.

In case you wondered why I don't trust the media, here's a very good example. In this case, as in so many others, the media is pushing their agenda rather than report the truth. In the past I've marched in many a Pro-Life March and this has ever been the case. Hundreds of thousands turn out to protest the holocaust of the small and defenseless human beings and ten or twenty hard-core Pro-Choice activists come out and the media bends over backwards to suggest that they deserve equal coverage. They haven't deserved it in the past and don't deserve it now. But each year the media bends over backwards to distort the truth. It's called lying, but we mustn't be adversarial. After all, we're only on the side of the defenseless, the weak, the small, and heaven cries out for justice. Pray for their conversion to the truth. If they are as informed as they ought to be given the clarity of the issue then things will go poorly for them when they stand before God, and Screwtape will rejoice even if these modern souls are rather insipid.

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