Saturday, October 16, 2010

We Need to Restore Virtue

SEE HERE I'm working on a presentation on C.S. Lewis and googled "Men Without Chests" a phrase Lewis uses in "The Abolition of Man" and stumbled upon the blog here. I think we should reflect on the dissolution of virtue in our day. The very idea has largely left the public square. It no longer is a viable topic unless a Democrat is criticizing a Republican, a particularly strange kind of inversion. Democrats can run all sorts of immoral creatures for office but if a Republican does something like scores of Democrats are doing every day, a baying pack of hound dogs from the Democrat side leaps upon them tearing out their throats. It's quite a bizarre sight for the immoral side to get a privileged pass while being punctilious about criticizing the other side. How does that make sense at all?

I'm not say, mind you, that Republicans are straight arrows — that would be obviously untrue. But Democrats are no better, indeed quite generally much worse. The problem we have in the country is that virtue simply doesn't have any traction. I suppose that means either that no-one any longer knows what it is, or no-one any longer expects anyone to practice it. Either finding is bad news for the nation. For a nation that has forgotten virtue is a nation that will not long stand. It's a fast track to the bottom of the sewer and we seem to be sliding down it at an increasingly fast pace.

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