Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Let's Be Clear About Which Side Advocates Violence

SEE HERE The fact of the matter is that a leftist lunatic killed a pro-life Republican judge and a somewhat moderate liberal. The narrative immediately spun by the left was that somehow election political targeting of the Arizona race by Republicans (something that is normal — Republicans nearly always run against Democrats) was an incitement to shoot the congresswoman.


This is an insane narrative, but no-one ever claimed that liberals were sane. If they were sane they would actually recognize that the facts almost always contradict their agenda. But now they are in full and violent voice attacking the right as if the right had anything to do with this. Think about the past ten years. Where have all the shrill voices come from always attacking President Bush, always attacking Sarah Palin, always attacking any policy advanced to limit the overweening powers of the Federal Government? It hasn't been the right.

The lie and attack strategy has served tyrants well throughout all the years and is so far serving the Demon-crats quite well too. There are legions of mindless neuron-deprived folks who only get their news from media talking heads that believe this stuff. It is ultimately destabilizing since it advocates a rush to judgment without any recourse to facts.

I've been listening to a Teaching Company course on the history of Ancient Rome, and it is fascinating to me the parallels with the breakdown of the Roman Republic as the traditions of Rome were more and more attacked by mobs raised by the Tribunes against the settled procedures of the state which led to assassinations on both sides and ultimately armed conflict.

The Romans had a virtue they called "civitas" which meant citizenship and all the qualities that made someone a good citizen such as honoring the city and the customs of the Roman people. This broke down in the first century B.C. and increasingly the Roman state was immersed in civil conflicts which ended up destroying the Roman republic and ushered in the Empire. Some might think this a good thing, but I think it was a very bad thing. We need to restore the state to the contours of the Constitution before we become mere minions of a tyrannical state. The Tea Party, so much maligned, is just groups of citizens who believe that citizenship means defending the Constitution and demanding that our elected government leaders begin to live up to the oaths they have taken to support and defend that same Constitution.

Why is this controversial unless there is no intent on the part of the other side to do that? They have been called on their continual power seizure and so they scream and point fingers like a little kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Let's restore the republic while we still can.

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