Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Liberals Live In The Vacuum Between Their Two Neurons

SEE HERE Ann Coulter points out the obvious, that it doesn't really matter what reality is, the liberals will run their narrative whatever way things go. That's what is so funny really. They only spew two kinds of things: demonization and rants. Since two neurons should support at least four states assuming a neuron is a two state device, then the other two are likely sleep and eat.

OK, it's not that funny. It needs more work. But the reality disconnect should be obvious. If you are operating on a narrative that is independent of reality then it also doesn't inform you about anything. It is a narcissistic narrative that looks only at your interior ideological biases uninformed by reality. That's how liberals work. They have a whole cluster of demons which bear little relationship to the real world and they project everything onto those biases.

No doubt they would accuse conservatives of the same thing. But the difference is that if you look at the statistics, the conservatives actually are the ones that do the majority of the real work, the productive work of the society. The liberals are usually too busy whining and writing social fictions about all the greed, pollution and waste while sipping their latte. It would be amusing except they dominate the media and do the kind of things Coulter is complaining about here. Who needs reality when a good rant is so much easier to generate?


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