Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ringer Rings In On the Delusional Left

SEE HERE The liberal progressives got all they really wanted from the debt/deficit negotiations. They kicked the can down the road beyond the 2012 elections and didn't have to really make good on spending cuts. So exactly who was delusional? Failing to cut spending will tank the dollar and despite the machinations of the Fed that is likely going to be the outcome. Unemployment is terrible and the government is just multiplying regulations and uncertainty which is keeping any recovery from seriously shaping up and they want to blame the Tea Party? Wow! That is delusional. The Tea Party couldn't even get their guys to deliver on their promises but they're going to be the villains of the piece? When are people going to wake up to this long repeated liberal progressive lunatic strategy of shouting wolf and they themselves cause the problems and make them worse?

I'm fed up and I'd hope that more of my neighbors would get fed up and make sure we change all this in upcoming elections. But I'm afraid they've all drunk the koolaid and believe the propaganda so we'll continue down the path until the darkness falls. Too bad we don't have some people with the intellectual integrity of the founders in positions of power. Instead we have a phony pseudo-American. No I'm not talking about the birth certificate — I'm talking about someone who listens to Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright and never protests, and who hangs with Bill Ayers and has no sympathy for the American Dream or the American way of life or the goals and aspirations of the founders. It's time to end the monopoly of the left on our thought in this country and to get a free media and an educational system that isn't liberal-progressive indoctrination 101. Don't hold your breath, but do work for those objectives.

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